This dialog is activated through the menu command File=>New and when inserting a new page.. Here you can choose a template. A template helps to begin your work with a pre defined document design. There a three Professional and three Screen presentation templates. Hold the mouse pointer over each template to get a short description.
This dialog is activated through the menu command Insert=>Page... There are different methods to insert a new page. Select before or after and choose the appropriate page number. If you don't have to worry about already inserted objects and their references you can leave all objects untouched, otherwise you have to move the objects. After pressing the OK button you have to Choose a Template.
Pen and Brush
This dialog is opened when accessing the menu command Extra=>Pen and Brush... It helps you to configure the line mode from the tools menu. The pen tab window lets you choose the color, line style, width, line beginning and line end of your line. The brush tab window lets you decide if you like to use a unique filling pattern with a specific color and style or a gradient filling method with a specific gradient style.
Select Color
You can select colors for example for letters and lines. You can choose an existing system color or define your own color and add it to your custom colors. To choose a system color you have to click on the appropriate system color. To define a custom color, you can click on the color table and adjust the brightness by moving the triangle up. To add a custom color, you have to choose a free place where to place your new color, then define it like described above and finally click on the Add to Custom Colors button.