/* * (C) Copyright 2000-2002 * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering, wd@denx.de. * (C) Copyright 2002 * Daniel Engström, Omicron Ceti AB * * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this * project. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ******************************************************************** * * Lots of code copied from: * * m8xx_pcmcia.c - Linux PCMCIA socket driver for the mpc8xx series. * (C) 1999-2000 Magnus Damm <damm@bitsmart.com> * * "The ExCA standard specifies that socket controllers should provide * two IO and five memory windows per socket, which can be independently * configured and positioned in the host address space and mapped to * arbitrary segments of card address space. " - David A Hinds. 1999 * * This controller does _not_ meet the ExCA standard. * * m8xx pcmcia controller brief info: * + 8 windows (attrib, mem, i/o) * + up to two slots (SLOT_A and SLOT_B) * + inputpins, outputpins, event and mask registers. * - no offset register. sigh. * * Because of the lacking offset register we must map the whole card. * We assign each memory window PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_SIZE address space. * Make sure there is (PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_SIZE * PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_NO * * PCMCIA_SOCKETS_NO) bytes at PCMCIA_MEM_WIN_BASE. * The i/o windows are dynamically allocated at PCMCIA_IO_WIN_BASE. * They are maximum 64KByte each... */ #undef DEBUG /**/ /* * PCMCIA support */ #include <common.h> #include <command.h> #include <config.h> #include <pci.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <pcmcia.h> #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_PCMCIA) int pcmcia_on(int ide_base_bus); static int hardware_disable(int slot); static int hardware_enable(int slot); static int voltage_set(int slot, int vcc, int vpp); static void print_funcid(int func); static void print_fixed(volatile char *p); static int identify(volatile char *p); static int check_ide_device(int slot, int ide_base_bus); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const char *indent = "\t "; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct pci_device_id supported[] = { { PCI_VENDOR_ID_TI, 0xac50 }, /* Ti PCI1410A */ { PCI_VENDOR_ID_TI, 0xac56 }, /* Ti PCI1510 */ { } }; static pci_dev_t devbusfn; static u32 socket_base; static u32 pcmcia_cis_ptr; int pcmcia_on(int ide_base_bus) { u16 dev_id; u32 socket_status; int slot = 0; int cis_len; u16 io_base; u16 io_len; /* * Find the CardBus PCI device(s). */ if ((devbusfn = pci_find_devices(supported, 0)) < 0) { printf("Ti CardBus: not found\n"); return 1; } pci_read_config_word(devbusfn, PCI_DEVICE_ID, &dev_id); if (dev_id == 0xac56) { debug("Enable PCMCIA Ti PCI1510\n"); } else { debug("Enable PCMCIA Ti PCI1410A\n"); } pcmcia_cis_ptr = CONFIG_SYS_PCMCIA_CIS_WIN; cis_len = CONFIG_SYS_PCMCIA_CIS_WIN_SIZE; io_base = CONFIG_SYS_PCMCIA_IO_WIN; io_len = CONFIG_SYS_PCMCIA_IO_WIN_SIZE; /* * Setup the PCI device. */ pci_read_config_dword(devbusfn, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_0, &socket_base); socket_base &= ~0xf; socket_status = readl(socket_base+8); if ((socket_status & 6) == 0) { printf("Card Present: "); switch (socket_status & 0x3c00) { case 0x400: printf("5V "); break; case 0x800: printf("3.3V "); break; case 0xc00: printf("3.3/5V "); break; default: printf("unsupported Vcc "); break; } switch (socket_status & 0x30) { case 0x10: printf("16bit PC-Card\n"); break; case 0x20: printf("32bit CardBus Card\n"); break; default: printf("8bit PC-Card\n"); break; } } writeb(0x41, socket_base + 0x806); /* Enable I/O window 0 and memory window 0 */ writeb(0x0e, socket_base + 0x807); /* Reset I/O window options */ /* Careful: the linux yenta driver do not seem to reset the offset * in the i/o windows, so leaving them non-zero is a problem */ writeb(io_base & 0xff, socket_base + 0x808); /* I/O window 0 base address */ writeb(io_base>>8, socket_base + 0x809); writeb((io_base + io_len - 1) & 0xff, socket_base + 0x80a); /* I/O window 0 end address */ writeb((io_base + io_len - 1)>>8, socket_base + 0x80b); writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x836); /* I/O window 0 offset address 0x000 */ writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x837); writeb((pcmcia_cis_ptr&0x000ff000) >> 12, socket_base + 0x810); /* Memory window 0 start address bits 19-12 */ writeb((pcmcia_cis_ptr&0x00f00000) >> 20, socket_base + 0x811); /* Memory window 0 start address bits 23-20 */ writeb(((pcmcia_cis_ptr+cis_len-1) & 0x000ff000) >> 12, socket_base + 0x812); /* Memory window 0 end address bits 19-12*/ writeb(((pcmcia_cis_ptr+cis_len-1) & 0x00f00000) >> 20, socket_base + 0x813); /* Memory window 0 end address bits 23-20*/ writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x814); /* Memory window 0 offset bits 19-12 */ writeb(0x40, socket_base + 0x815); /* Memory window 0 offset bits 23-20 and * options (read/write, attribute access) */ writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x816); /* ExCA card-detect and general control */ writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x81e); /* ExCA global control (interrupt modes) */ writeb((pcmcia_cis_ptr & 0xff000000) >> 24, socket_base + 0x840); /* Memory window address bits 31-24 */ /* turn off voltage */ if (voltage_set(slot, 0, 0)) { return 1; } /* Enable external hardware */ if (hardware_enable(slot)) { return 1; } if (check_ide_device(slot, ide_base_bus)) { return 1; } return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_PCMCIA) int pcmcia_off (void) { int slot = 0; writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x806); /* disable all I/O and memory windows */ writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x808); /* I/O window 0 base address */ writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x809); writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x80a); /* I/O window 0 end address */ writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x80b); writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x836); /* I/O window 0 offset address */ writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x837); writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x80c); /* I/O window 1 base address */ writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x80d); writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x80e); /* I/O window 1 end address */ writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x80f); writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x838); /* I/O window 1 offset address */ writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x839); writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x810); /* Memory window 0 start address */ writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x811); writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x812); /* Memory window 0 end address */ writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x813); writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x814); /* Memory window 0 offset */ writeb(0x00, socket_base + 0x815); writeb(0xc0, socket_base + 0x840); /* Memory window 0 page address */ /* turn off voltage */ voltage_set(slot, 0, 0); /* disable external hardware */ printf ("Shutdown and Poweroff Ti PCI1410A\n"); hardware_disable(slot); return 0; } #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define MAX_TUPEL_SZ 512 #define MAX_FEATURES 4 int ide_devices_found; static int check_ide_device(int slot, int ide_base_bus) { volatile char *ident = NULL; volatile char *feature_p[MAX_FEATURES]; volatile char *p, *start; int n_features = 0; uchar func_id = ~0; uchar code, len; ushort config_base = 0; int found = 0; int i; u32 socket_status; debug ("PCMCIA MEM: %08X\n", pcmcia_cis_ptr); socket_status = readl(socket_base+8); if ((socket_status & 6) != 0 || (socket_status & 0x20) != 0) { printf("no card or CardBus card\n"); return 1; } start = p = (volatile char *) pcmcia_cis_ptr; while ((p - start) < MAX_TUPEL_SZ) { code = *p; p += 2; if (code == 0xFF) { /* End of chain */ break; } len = *p; p += 2; #if defined(DEBUG) && (DEBUG > 1) { volatile uchar *q = p; printf ("\nTuple code %02x length %d\n\tData:", code, len); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { printf (" %02x", *q); q+= 2; } } #endif /* DEBUG */ switch (code) { case CISTPL_VERS_1: ident = p + 4; break; case CISTPL_FUNCID: /* Fix for broken SanDisk which may have 0x80 bit set */ func_id = *p & 0x7F; break; case CISTPL_FUNCE: if (n_features < MAX_FEATURES) feature_p[n_features++] = p; break; case CISTPL_CONFIG: config_base = (*(p+6) << 8) + (*(p+4)); debug ("\n## Config_base = %04x ###\n", config_base); default: break; } p += 2 * len; } found = identify(ident); if (func_id != ((uchar)~0)) { print_funcid (func_id); if (func_id == CISTPL_FUNCID_FIXED) found = 1; else return 1; /* no disk drive */ } for (i=0; i<n_features; ++i) { print_fixed(feature_p[i]); } if (!found) { printf("unknown card type\n"); return 1; } /* select config index 1 */ writeb(1, pcmcia_cis_ptr + config_base); #if 0 printf("Confiuration Option Register: %02x\n", readb(pcmcia_cis_ptr + config_base)); printf("Card Confiuration and Status Register: %02x\n", readb(pcmcia_cis_ptr + config_base + 2)); printf("Pin Replacement Register Register: %02x\n", readb(pcmcia_cis_ptr + config_base + 4)); printf("Socket and Copy Register: %02x\n", readb(pcmcia_cis_ptr + config_base + 6)); #endif ide_devices_found |= (1 << (slot+ide_base_bus)); return 0; } static int voltage_set(int slot, int vcc, int vpp) { u32 socket_control; int reg=0; switch (slot) { case 0: reg = socket_base + 0x10; break; default: return 1; } socket_control = 0; switch (vcc) { case 50: socket_control |= 0x20; break; case 33: socket_control |= 0x30; break; case 0: default: ; } switch (vpp) { case 120: socket_control |= 0x1; break; case 50: socket_control |= 0x2; break; case 33: socket_control |= 0x3; break; case 0: default: ; } writel(socket_control, reg); debug ("voltage_set: Ti PCI1410A Slot %d, Vcc=%d.%d, Vpp=%d.%d\n", slot, vcc/10, vcc%10, vpp/10, vpp%10); udelay(500); return 0; } static int hardware_enable(int slot) { u32 socket_status; u16 brg_ctrl; int is_82365sl; socket_status = readl(socket_base+8); if ((socket_status & 6) == 0) { switch (socket_status & 0x3c00) { case 0x400: printf("5V "); voltage_set(slot, 50, 0); break; case 0x800: voltage_set(slot, 33, 0); break; case 0xc00: voltage_set(slot, 33, 0); break; default: voltage_set(slot, 0, 0); break; } } else { voltage_set(slot, 0, 0); } pci_read_config_word(devbusfn, PCI_BRIDGE_CONTROL, &brg_ctrl); brg_ctrl &= ~PCI_BRIDGE_CTL_BUS_RESET; pci_write_config_word(devbusfn, PCI_BRIDGE_CONTROL, brg_ctrl); is_82365sl = ((readb(socket_base+0x800) & 0x0f) == 2); writeb(is_82365sl?0x90:0x98, socket_base+0x802); writeb(0x67, socket_base+0x803); udelay(100000); #if 0 printf("ExCA Id %02x, Card Status %02x, Power config %02x, Interrupt Config %02x, bridge control %04x %d\n", readb(socket_base+0x800), readb(socket_base+0x801), readb(socket_base+0x802), readb(socket_base+0x803), brg_ctrl, is_82365sl); #endif return ((readb(socket_base+0x801)&0x6c)==0x6c)?0:1; } static int hardware_disable(int slot) { voltage_set(slot, 0, 0); return 0; } static void print_funcid(int func) { puts(indent); switch (func) { case CISTPL_FUNCID_MULTI: puts(" Multi-Function"); break; case CISTPL_FUNCID_MEMORY: puts(" Memory"); break; case CISTPL_FUNCID_SERIAL: puts(" Serial Port"); break; case CISTPL_FUNCID_PARALLEL: puts(" Parallel Port"); break; case CISTPL_FUNCID_FIXED: puts(" Fixed Disk"); break; case CISTPL_FUNCID_VIDEO: puts(" Video Adapter"); break; case CISTPL_FUNCID_NETWORK: puts(" Network Adapter"); break; case CISTPL_FUNCID_AIMS: puts(" AIMS Card"); break; case CISTPL_FUNCID_SCSI: puts(" SCSI Adapter"); break; default: puts(" Unknown"); break; } puts(" Card\n"); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void print_fixed(volatile char *p) { if (p == NULL) return; puts(indent); switch (*p) { case CISTPL_FUNCE_IDE_IFACE: { uchar iface = *(p+2); puts ((iface == CISTPL_IDE_INTERFACE) ? " IDE" : " unknown"); puts (" interface "); break; } case CISTPL_FUNCE_IDE_MASTER: case CISTPL_FUNCE_IDE_SLAVE: { uchar f1 = *(p+2); uchar f2 = *(p+4); puts((f1 & CISTPL_IDE_SILICON) ? " [silicon]" : " [rotating]"); if (f1 & CISTPL_IDE_UNIQUE) { puts(" [unique]"); } puts((f1 & CISTPL_IDE_DUAL) ? " [dual]" : " [single]"); if (f2 & CISTPL_IDE_HAS_SLEEP) { puts(" [sleep]"); } if (f2 & CISTPL_IDE_HAS_STANDBY) { puts(" [standby]"); } if (f2 & CISTPL_IDE_HAS_IDLE) { puts(" [idle]"); } if (f2 & CISTPL_IDE_LOW_POWER) { puts(" [low power]"); } if (f2 & CISTPL_IDE_REG_INHIBIT) { puts(" [reg inhibit]"); } if (f2 & CISTPL_IDE_HAS_INDEX) { puts(" [index]"); } if (f2 & CISTPL_IDE_IOIS16) { puts(" [IOis16]"); } break; } } putc('\n'); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define MAX_IDENT_CHARS 64 #define MAX_IDENT_FIELDS 4 static char *known_cards[] = { "ARGOSY PnPIDE D5", NULL }; static int identify(volatile char *p) { char id_str[MAX_IDENT_CHARS]; char data; char *t; char **card; int i, done; if (p == NULL) return (0); /* Don't know */ t = id_str; done =0; for (i=0; i<=4 && !done; ++i, p+=2) { while ((data = *p) != '\0') { if (data == 0xFF) { done = 1; break; } *t++ = data; if (t == &id_str[MAX_IDENT_CHARS-1]) { done = 1; break; } p += 2; } if (!done) *t++ = ' '; } *t = '\0'; while (--t > id_str) { if (*t == ' ') { *t = '\0'; } else { break; } } puts(id_str); putc('\n'); for (card=known_cards; *card; ++card) { debug ("## Compare against \"%s\"\n", *card); if (strcmp(*card, id_str) == 0) { /* found! */ debug ("## CARD FOUND ##\n"); return 1; } } return 0; /* don't know */ } #endif /* CONFIG_CMD_PCMCIA */