Following patch V8 adds support for Cavium Liquidio pci express based 10Gig ethernet adapters. 1) Consolidated all debug macros to either call dev_* or netdev_* macros directly, feedback from previous patch. 2) Changed soft commands to avoid crash when running in interrupt context. 3) Fixed link status not reflecting correct status when NetworkManager is running. Added MODULE_FIRMWARE declarations. Following were the previous patches. Patch V7: 1) Minor comments from v6 release regarding debug statements. 2) Fix for large multicast lists. 3) Fixed lockup issue if port initialization fails. 4) Enabled MSI by default. Patch V6: 1) Addressed the uint64 vs u64 issue, feedback from previous patch. 2) Consolidated some receive processing routines. 3) Removed link status polling method. Patch V5: Based on the feedback from earlier patches with regards to consolidation of common functions like device init, register programming for cn66xx and cn68xx devices. Patch V4: Following were the changes based on the feedback from earlier patch: 1) Added mmiowb while synchronizing queue updates and other hw interactions. 2) Statistics will now be incremented non-atomically per each ring. liquidio_get_stats will add stats of each ring while reporting the total statistics counts. 3) Modified liquidio_ioctl to return proper return codes. 4) Modified device naming to use standard Ethernet naming. 5) Global function names in the driver will have lio_/liquidio_/octeon_ prefix. 6) Ethtool related changes for: Removed redundant stats and jiffies. Use default ethtool handler of link status. Speed setting will make use of ethtool_cmd_speed_set. 7) Added checks for pci_map_* return codes. 8) Check for signals while waiting in interruptible mode Patch v3: Implemented feedback from previous patch like: Removed NAPI Config and DEBUG config options, added BQL and xmit_more support. Patch V2: Implemented feedback from previous patch. First Patch: Signed-off-by: Derek Chickles <> Signed-off-by: Satanand Burla <> Signed-off-by: Felix Manlunas <> Signed-off-by: Robert Richter <> Signed-off-by: Aleksey Makarov <> Signed-off-by: Raghu Vatsavayi <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
650 lines
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* Author: Cavium, Inc.
* Contact:
* Please include "LiquidIO" in the subject.
* Copyright (c) 2003-2015 Cavium, Inc.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* AS-IS and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* NONINFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* This file may also be available under a different license from Cavium.
* Contact Cavium, Inc. for more information
/*! \file octeon_device.h
* \brief Host Driver: This file defines the octeon device structure.
/** PCI VendorId Device Id */
#define OCTEON_CN68XX_PCIID 0x91177d
#define OCTEON_CN66XX_PCIID 0x92177d
/** Driver identifies chips by these Ids, created by clubbing together
* DeviceId+RevisionId; Where Revision Id is not used to distinguish
* between chips, a value of 0 is used for revision id.
#define OCTEON_CN68XX 0x0091
#define OCTEON_CN66XX 0x0092
/** Endian-swap modes supported by Octeon. */
enum octeon_pci_swap_mode {
/*--------------- PCI BAR1 index registers -------------*/
/* BAR1 Mask */
#define PCI_BAR1_ENABLE_CA 1
#define PCI_BAR1_MASK ((PCI_BAR1_ENABLE_CA << 3) \
/** Octeon Device state.
* Each octeon device goes through each of these states
* as it is initialized.
#define OCT_DEV_PCI_MAP_DONE 0x1
#define OCT_DEV_HOST_OK 0x9
#define OCT_DEV_CORE_OK 0xa
#define OCT_DEV_RUNNING 0xb
#define OCT_DEV_IN_RESET 0xc
/** Octeon Device interrupts
* These interrupt bits are set in int_status filed of
* octeon_device structure
#define OCT_DEV_INTR_DMA0_FORCE 0x01
#define OCT_DEV_INTR_DMA1_FORCE 0x02
#define OCT_DEV_INTR_PKT_DATA 0x04
#define LIO_RESET_SECS (3)
/*---------------------------DISPATCH LIST-------------------------------*/
/** The dispatch list entry.
* The driver keeps a record of functions registered for each
* response header opcode in this structure. Since the opcode is
* hashed to index into the driver's list, more than one opcode
* can hash to the same entry, in which case the list field points
* to a linked list with the other entries.
struct octeon_dispatch {
/** List head for this entry */
struct list_head list;
/** The opcode for which the dispatch function & arg should be used */
u16 opcode;
/** The function to be called for a packet received by the driver */
octeon_dispatch_fn_t dispatch_fn;
/* The application specified argument to be passed to the above
* function along with the received packet
void *arg;
/** The dispatch list structure. */
struct octeon_dispatch_list {
/** access to dispatch list must be atomic */
spinlock_t lock;
/** Count of dispatch functions currently registered */
u32 count;
/** The list of dispatch functions */
struct octeon_dispatch *dlist;
/*----------------------- THE OCTEON DEVICE ---------------------------*/
/** PCI address space mapping information.
* Each of the 3 address spaces given by BAR0, BAR2 and BAR4 of
* Octeon gets mapped to different physical address spaces in
* the kernel.
struct octeon_mmio {
/** PCI address to which the BAR is mapped. */
u64 start;
/** Length of this PCI address space. */
u32 len;
/** Length that has been mapped to phys. address space. */
u32 mapped_len;
/** The physical address to which the PCI address space is mapped. */
u8 __iomem *hw_addr;
/** Flag indicating the mapping was successful. */
u32 done;
#define MAX_OCTEON_MAPS 32
struct octeon_io_enable {
u32 iq;
u32 oq;
u32 iq64B;
struct octeon_reg_list {
u32 __iomem *pci_win_wr_addr_hi;
u32 __iomem *pci_win_wr_addr_lo;
u64 __iomem *pci_win_wr_addr;
u32 __iomem *pci_win_rd_addr_hi;
u32 __iomem *pci_win_rd_addr_lo;
u64 __iomem *pci_win_rd_addr;
u32 __iomem *pci_win_wr_data_hi;
u32 __iomem *pci_win_wr_data_lo;
u64 __iomem *pci_win_wr_data;
u32 __iomem *pci_win_rd_data_hi;
u32 __iomem *pci_win_rd_data_lo;
u64 __iomem *pci_win_rd_data;
struct octeon_console {
u32 active;
u32 waiting;
u64 addr;
u32 buffer_size;
u64 input_base_addr;
u64 output_base_addr;
struct octeon_board_info {
char name[OCT_BOARD_NAME];
char serial_number[OCT_SERIAL_LEN];
u64 major;
u64 minor;
struct octeon_fn_list {
void (*setup_iq_regs)(struct octeon_device *, u32);
void (*setup_oq_regs)(struct octeon_device *, u32);
irqreturn_t (*process_interrupt_regs)(void *);
int (*soft_reset)(struct octeon_device *);
int (*setup_device_regs)(struct octeon_device *);
void (*reinit_regs)(struct octeon_device *);
void (*bar1_idx_setup)(struct octeon_device *, u64, u32, int);
void (*bar1_idx_write)(struct octeon_device *, u32, u32);
u32 (*bar1_idx_read)(struct octeon_device *, u32);
u32 (*update_iq_read_idx)(struct octeon_device *,
struct octeon_instr_queue *);
void (*enable_oq_pkt_time_intr)(struct octeon_device *, u32);
void (*disable_oq_pkt_time_intr)(struct octeon_device *, u32);
void (*enable_interrupt)(void *);
void (*disable_interrupt)(void *);
void (*enable_io_queues)(struct octeon_device *);
void (*disable_io_queues)(struct octeon_device *);
/* Must be multiple of 8, changing breaks ABI */
/* Structure for named memory blocks
* Number of descriptors
* available can be changed without affecting compatiblity,
* but name length changes require a bump in the bootmem
* descriptor version
* Note: This structure must be naturally 64 bit aligned, as a single
* memory image will be used by both 32 and 64 bit programs.
struct cvmx_bootmem_named_block_desc {
/** Base address of named block */
u64 base_addr;
/** Size actually allocated for named block */
u64 size;
/** name of named block */
struct oct_fw_info {
u32 max_nic_ports; /** max nic ports for the device */
u32 num_gmx_ports; /** num gmx ports */
u64 app_cap_flags; /** firmware cap flags */
/** The core application is running in this mode.
* See octeon-drv-opcodes.h for values.
u32 app_mode;
char liquidio_firmware_version[32];
/* wrappers around work structs */
struct cavium_wk {
struct delayed_work work;
void *ctxptr;
size_t ctxul;
struct cavium_wq {
struct workqueue_struct *wq;
struct cavium_wk wk;
struct octdev_props {
/* Each interface in the Octeon device has a network
* device pointer (used for OS specific calls).
struct net_device *netdev;
/** The Octeon device.
* Each Octeon device has this structure to represent all its
* components.
struct octeon_device {
/** Lock for PCI window configuration accesses */
spinlock_t pci_win_lock;
/** Lock for memory accesses */
spinlock_t mem_access_lock;
/** PCI device pointer */
struct pci_dev *pci_dev;
/** Chip specific information. */
void *chip;
/** Number of interfaces detected in this octeon device. */
u32 ifcount;
struct octdev_props props[MAX_OCTEON_LINKS];
/** Octeon Chip type. */
u16 chip_id;
u16 rev_id;
/** This device's id - set by the driver. */
u32 octeon_id;
/** This device's PCIe port used for traffic. */
u16 pcie_port;
u16 flags;
#define LIO_FLAG_MSI_ENABLED (u32)(1 << 1)
#define LIO_FLAG_MSIX_ENABLED (u32)(1 << 2)
/** The state of this device */
atomic_t status;
/** memory mapped io range */
struct octeon_mmio mmio[OCT_MEM_REGIONS];
struct octeon_reg_list reg_list;
struct octeon_fn_list fn_list;
struct octeon_board_info boardinfo;
u32 num_iqs;
/* The pool containing pre allocated buffers used for soft commands */
struct octeon_sc_buffer_pool sc_buf_pool;
/** The input instruction queues */
struct octeon_instr_queue *instr_queue[MAX_OCTEON_INSTR_QUEUES];
/** The doubly-linked list of instruction response */
struct octeon_response_list response_list[MAX_RESPONSE_LISTS];
u32 num_oqs;
/** The DROQ output queues */
struct octeon_droq *droq[MAX_OCTEON_OUTPUT_QUEUES];
struct octeon_io_enable io_qmask;
/** List of dispatch functions */
struct octeon_dispatch_list dispatch;
/* Interrupt Moderation */
struct oct_intrmod_cfg intrmod;
u32 int_status;
u64 droq_intr;
/** Physical location of the cvmx_bootmem_desc_t in octeon memory */
u64 bootmem_desc_addr;
/** Placeholder memory for named blocks.
* Assumes single-threaded access
struct cvmx_bootmem_named_block_desc bootmem_named_block_desc;
/** Address of consoles descriptor */
u64 console_desc_addr;
/** Number of consoles available. 0 means they are inaccessible */
u32 num_consoles;
/* Console caches */
struct octeon_console console[MAX_OCTEON_MAPS];
/* Coprocessor clock rate. */
u64 coproc_clock_rate;
/** The core application is running in this mode. See liquidio_common.h
* for values.
u32 app_mode;
struct oct_fw_info fw_info;
/** The name given to this device. */
char device_name[32];
/** Application Context */
void *app_ctx;
struct cavium_wq dma_comp_wq;
struct cavium_wq check_db_wq[MAX_OCTEON_INSTR_QUEUES];
struct cavium_wk nic_poll_work;
struct cavium_wk console_poll_work[MAX_OCTEON_MAPS];
void *priv;
#define OCTEON_CN6XXX(oct) ((oct->chip_id == OCTEON_CN66XX) || \
(oct->chip_id == OCTEON_CN68XX))
#define CHIP_FIELD(oct, TYPE, field) \
(((struct octeon_ ## TYPE *)(oct->chip))->field)
struct oct_intrmod_cmd {
struct octeon_device *oct_dev;
struct octeon_soft_command *sc;
struct oct_intrmod_cfg *cfg;
/*------------------ Function Prototypes ----------------------*/
/** Initialize device list memory */
void octeon_init_device_list(int conf_type);
/** Free memory for Input and Output queue structures for a octeon device */
void octeon_free_device_mem(struct octeon_device *);
/* Look up a free entry in the octeon_device table and allocate resources
* for the octeon_device structure for an octeon device. Called at init
* time.
struct octeon_device *octeon_allocate_device(u32 pci_id,
u32 priv_size);
/** Initialize the driver's dispatch list which is a mix of a hash table
* and a linked list. This is done at driver load time.
* @param octeon_dev - pointer to the octeon device structure.
* @return 0 on success, else -ve error value
int octeon_init_dispatch_list(struct octeon_device *octeon_dev);
/** Delete the driver's dispatch list and all registered entries.
* This is done at driver unload time.
* @param octeon_dev - pointer to the octeon device structure.
void octeon_delete_dispatch_list(struct octeon_device *octeon_dev);
/** Initialize the core device fields with the info returned by the FW.
* @param recv_info - Receive info structure
* @param buf - Receive buffer
int octeon_core_drv_init(struct octeon_recv_info *recv_info, void *buf);
/** Gets the dispatch function registered to receive packets with a
* given opcode/subcode.
* @param octeon_dev - the octeon device pointer.
* @param opcode - the opcode for which the dispatch function
* is to checked.
* @param subcode - the subcode for which the dispatch function
* is to checked.
* @return Success: octeon_dispatch_fn_t (dispatch function pointer)
* @return Failure: NULL
* Looks up the dispatch list to get the dispatch function for a
* given opcode.
octeon_get_dispatch(struct octeon_device *octeon_dev, u16 opcode,
u16 subcode);
/** Get the octeon device pointer.
* @param octeon_id - The id for which the octeon device pointer is required.
* @return Success: Octeon device pointer.
* @return Failure: NULL.
struct octeon_device *lio_get_device(u32 octeon_id);
/** Get the octeon id assigned to the octeon device passed as argument.
* This function is exported to other modules.
* @param dev - octeon device pointer passed as a void *.
* @return octeon device id
int lio_get_device_id(void *dev);
static inline u16 OCTEON_MAJOR_REV(struct octeon_device *oct)
u16 rev = (oct->rev_id & 0xC) >> 2;
return (rev == 0) ? 1 : rev;
static inline u16 OCTEON_MINOR_REV(struct octeon_device *oct)
return oct->rev_id & 0x3;
/** Read windowed register.
* @param oct - pointer to the Octeon device.
* @param addr - Address of the register to read.
* This routine is called to read from the indirectly accessed
* Octeon registers that are visible through a PCI BAR0 mapped window
* register.
* @return - 64 bit value read from the register.
u64 lio_pci_readq(struct octeon_device *oct, u64 addr);
/** Write windowed register.
* @param oct - pointer to the Octeon device.
* @param val - Value to write
* @param addr - Address of the register to write
* This routine is called to write to the indirectly accessed
* Octeon registers that are visible through a PCI BAR0 mapped window
* register.
* @return Nothing.
void lio_pci_writeq(struct octeon_device *oct, u64 val, u64 addr);
/* Routines for reading and writing CSRs */
#define octeon_write_csr(oct_dev, reg_off, value) \
writel(value, oct_dev->mmio[0].hw_addr + reg_off)
#define octeon_write_csr64(oct_dev, reg_off, val64) \
writeq(val64, oct_dev->mmio[0].hw_addr + reg_off)
#define octeon_read_csr(oct_dev, reg_off) \
readl(oct_dev->mmio[0].hw_addr + reg_off)
#define octeon_read_csr64(oct_dev, reg_off) \
readq(oct_dev->mmio[0].hw_addr + reg_off)
* Checks if memory access is okay
* @param oct which octeon to send to
* @return Zero on success, negative on failure.
int octeon_mem_access_ok(struct octeon_device *oct);
* Waits for DDR initialization.
* @param oct which octeon to send to
* @param timeout_in_ms pointer to how long to wait until DDR is initialized
* in ms.
* If contents are 0, it waits until contents are non-zero
* before starting to check.
* @return Zero on success, negative on failure.
int octeon_wait_for_ddr_init(struct octeon_device *oct,
u32 *timeout_in_ms);
* Wait for u-boot to boot and be waiting for a command.
* @param wait_time_hundredths
* Maximum time to wait
* @return Zero on success, negative on failure.
int octeon_wait_for_bootloader(struct octeon_device *oct,
u32 wait_time_hundredths);
* Initialize console access
* @param oct which octeon initialize
* @return Zero on success, negative on failure.
int octeon_init_consoles(struct octeon_device *oct);
* Adds access to a console to the device.
* @param oct which octeon to add to
* @param console_num which console
* @return Zero on success, negative on failure.
int octeon_add_console(struct octeon_device *oct, u32 console_num);
/** write or read from a console */
int octeon_console_write(struct octeon_device *oct, u32 console_num,
char *buffer, u32 write_request_size, u32 flags);
int octeon_console_write_avail(struct octeon_device *oct, u32 console_num);
int octeon_console_read(struct octeon_device *oct, u32 console_num,
char *buffer, u32 buf_size, u32 flags);
int octeon_console_read_avail(struct octeon_device *oct, u32 console_num);
/** Removes all attached consoles. */
void octeon_remove_consoles(struct octeon_device *oct);
* Send a string to u-boot on console 0 as a command.
* @param oct which octeon to send to
* @param cmd_str String to send
* @param wait_hundredths Time to wait for u-boot to accept the command.
* @return Zero on success, negative on failure.
int octeon_console_send_cmd(struct octeon_device *oct, char *cmd_str,
u32 wait_hundredths);
/** Parses, validates, and downloads firmware, then boots associated cores.
* @param oct which octeon to download firmware to
* @param data - The complete firmware file image
* @param size - The size of the data
* @return 0 if success.
* -EINVAL if file is incompatible or badly formatted.
* -ENODEV if no handler was found for the application type or an
* invalid octeon id was passed.
int octeon_download_firmware(struct octeon_device *oct, const u8 *data,
size_t size);
char *lio_get_state_string(atomic_t *state_ptr);
/** Sets up instruction queues for the device
* @param oct which octeon to setup
* @return 0 if success. 1 if fails
int octeon_setup_instr_queues(struct octeon_device *oct);
/** Sets up output queues for the device
* @param oct which octeon to setup
* @return 0 if success. 1 if fails
int octeon_setup_output_queues(struct octeon_device *oct);
int octeon_get_tx_qsize(struct octeon_device *oct, u32 q_no);
int octeon_get_rx_qsize(struct octeon_device *oct, u32 q_no);
/** Turns off the input and output queues for the device
* @param oct which octeon to disable
void octeon_set_io_queues_off(struct octeon_device *oct);
/** Turns on or off the given output queue for the device
* @param oct which octeon to change
* @param q_no which queue
* @param enable 1 to enable, 0 to disable
void octeon_set_droq_pkt_op(struct octeon_device *oct, u32 q_no, u32 enable);
/** Retrieve the config for the device
* @param oct which octeon
* @param card_type type of card
* @returns pointer to configuration
void *oct_get_config_info(struct octeon_device *oct, u16 card_type);
/** Gets the octeon device configuration
* @return - pointer to the octeon configuration struture
struct octeon_config *octeon_get_conf(struct octeon_device *oct);