Patch from Timothy Baldwin All data aborts are treated as read accesses. The existing code updates the wrong bit of r1, also the comments are wrong in that the sense of the L bit is inverted. Signed-off-by: Timothy E. Baldwin <> Signed-off-by: Russell King <>
405 lines
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405 lines
10 KiB
* linux/arch/arm/mm/proc-arm6,7.S
* Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Russell King
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* These are the low level assembler for performing cache and TLB
* functions on the ARM610 & ARM710.
#include <linux/linkage.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <asm/assembler.h>
#include <asm/constants.h>
#include <asm/pgtable.h>
#include <asm/procinfo.h>
#include <asm/ptrace.h>
mov pc, lr
* Function: arm6_7_data_abort ()
* Params : r2 = address of aborted instruction
* : sp = pointer to registers
* Purpose : obtain information about current aborted instruction
* Returns : r0 = address of abort
* : r1 = FSR
mrc p15, 0, r1, c5, c0, 0 @ get FSR
mrc p15, 0, r0, c6, c0, 0 @ get FAR
ldr r8, [r0] @ read arm instruction
tst r8, #1 << 20 @ L = 0 -> write?
orreq r1, r1, #1 << 11 @ yes.
and r7, r8, #15 << 24
add pc, pc, r7, lsr #22 @ Now branch to the relevant processing routine
/* 0 */ b .data_unknown
/* 1 */ mov pc, lr @ swp
/* 2 */ b .data_unknown
/* 3 */ b .data_unknown
/* 4 */ b .data_arm_lateldrpostconst @ ldr rd, [rn], #m
/* 5 */ b .data_arm_lateldrpreconst @ ldr rd, [rn, #m]
/* 6 */ b .data_arm_lateldrpostreg @ ldr rd, [rn], rm
/* 7 */ b .data_arm_lateldrprereg @ ldr rd, [rn, rm]
/* 8 */ b .data_arm_ldmstm @ ldm*a rn, <rlist>
/* 9 */ b .data_arm_ldmstm @ ldm*b rn, <rlist>
/* a */ b .data_unknown
/* b */ b .data_unknown
/* c */ mov pc, lr @ ldc rd, [rn], #m @ Same as ldr rd, [rn], #m
/* d */ mov pc, lr @ ldc rd, [rn, #m]
/* e */ b .data_unknown
/* f */
.data_unknown: @ Part of jumptable
mov r0, r2
mov r1, r8
mov r2, sp
bl baddataabort
b ret_from_exception
mrc p15, 0, r1, c5, c0, 0 @ get FSR
mrc p15, 0, r0, c6, c0, 0 @ get FAR
ldr r8, [r2] @ read arm instruction
tst r8, #1 << 20 @ L = 0 -> write?
orreq r1, r1, #1 << 11 @ yes.
and r7, r8, #14 << 24
teq r7, #8 << 24 @ was it ldm/stm
movne pc, lr
tst r8, #1 << 21 @ check writeback bit
moveq pc, lr @ no writeback -> no fixup
mov r7, #0x11
orr r7, r7, #0x1100
and r6, r8, r7
and r2, r8, r7, lsl #1
add r6, r6, r2, lsr #1
and r2, r8, r7, lsl #2
add r6, r6, r2, lsr #2
and r2, r8, r7, lsl #3
add r6, r6, r2, lsr #3
add r6, r6, r6, lsr #8
add r6, r6, r6, lsr #4
and r6, r6, #15 @ r6 = no. of registers to transfer.
and r5, r8, #15 << 16 @ Extract 'n' from instruction
ldr r7, [sp, r5, lsr #14] @ Get register 'Rn'
tst r8, #1 << 23 @ Check U bit
subne r7, r7, r6, lsl #2 @ Undo increment
addeq r7, r7, r6, lsl #2 @ Undo decrement
str r7, [sp, r5, lsr #14] @ Put register 'Rn'
mov pc, lr
and r5, r8, #15 << 16 @ Extract 'n' from instruction
ldr r7, [sp, r5, lsr #14] @ Get register 'Rn'
tst r8, #1 << 23 @ Check U bit
subne r7, r7, r6 @ Undo incrmenet
addeq r7, r7, r6 @ Undo decrement
str r7, [sp, r5, lsr #14] @ Put register 'Rn'
mov pc, lr
tst r8, #1 << 21 @ check writeback bit
moveq pc, lr @ no writeback -> no fixup
movs r2, r8, lsl #20 @ Get offset
moveq pc, lr @ zero -> no fixup
and r5, r8, #15 << 16 @ Extract 'n' from instruction
ldr r7, [sp, r5, lsr #14] @ Get register 'Rn'
tst r8, #1 << 23 @ Check U bit
subne r7, r7, r2, lsr #20 @ Undo increment
addeq r7, r7, r2, lsr #20 @ Undo decrement
str r7, [sp, r5, lsr #14] @ Put register 'Rn'
mov pc, lr
tst r8, #1 << 21 @ check writeback bit
moveq pc, lr @ no writeback -> no fixup
and r7, r8, #15 @ Extract 'm' from instruction
ldr r6, [sp, r7, lsl #2] @ Get register 'Rm'
mov r5, r8, lsr #7 @ get shift count
ands r5, r5, #31
and r7, r8, #0x70 @ get shift type
orreq r7, r7, #8 @ shift count = 0
add pc, pc, r7
mov r6, r6, lsl r5 @ 0: LSL #!0
b .data_arm_apply_r6_and_rn
b .data_arm_apply_r6_and_rn @ 1: LSL #0
b .data_unknown @ 2: MUL?
b .data_unknown @ 3: MUL?
mov r6, r6, lsr r5 @ 4: LSR #!0
b .data_arm_apply_r6_and_rn
mov r6, r6, lsr #32 @ 5: LSR #32
b .data_arm_apply_r6_and_rn
b .data_unknown @ 6: MUL?
b .data_unknown @ 7: MUL?
mov r6, r6, asr r5 @ 8: ASR #!0
b .data_arm_apply_r6_and_rn
mov r6, r6, asr #32 @ 9: ASR #32
b .data_arm_apply_r6_and_rn
b .data_unknown @ A: MUL?
b .data_unknown @ B: MUL?
mov r6, r6, ror r5 @ C: ROR #!0
b .data_arm_apply_r6_and_rn
mov r6, r6, rrx @ D: RRX
b .data_arm_apply_r6_and_rn
b .data_unknown @ E: MUL?
b .data_unknown @ F: MUL?
* Function: arm6_7_proc_init (void)
* : arm6_7_proc_fin (void)
* Notes : This processor does not require these
mov pc, lr
msr cpsr_c, r0
mov r0, #0x31 @ ....S..DP...M
mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 @ disable caches
mov pc, lr
mov pc, lr
* Function: arm6_7_switch_mm(unsigned long pgd_phys)
* Params : pgd_phys Physical address of page table
* Purpose : Perform a task switch, saving the old processes state, and restoring
* the new.
mov r1, #0
mcr p15, 0, r1, c7, c0, 0 @ flush cache
mcr p15, 0, r0, c2, c0, 0 @ update page table ptr
mcr p15, 0, r1, c5, c0, 0 @ flush TLBs
mov pc, lr
* Function: arm6_7_set_pte(pte_t *ptep, pte_t pte)
* Params : r0 = Address to set
* : r1 = value to set
* Purpose : Set a PTE and flush it out of any WB cache
.align 5
str r1, [r0], #-2048 @ linux version
bic r2, r1, #PTE_SMALL_AP_MASK
bic r2, r2, #PTE_TYPE_MASK
orr r2, r2, #PTE_TYPE_SMALL
tst r1, #L_PTE_USER @ User?
orrne r2, r2, #PTE_SMALL_AP_URO_SRW
tst r1, #L_PTE_WRITE | L_PTE_DIRTY @ Write and Dirty?
orreq r2, r2, #PTE_SMALL_AP_UNO_SRW
tst r1, #L_PTE_PRESENT | L_PTE_YOUNG @ Present and Young
movne r2, #0
str r2, [r0] @ hardware version
mov pc, lr
* Function: _arm6_7_reset
* Params : r0 = address to jump to
* Notes : This sets up everything for a reset
mov r1, #0
mcr p15, 0, r1, c7, c0, 0 @ flush cache
mcr p15, 0, r1, c5, c0, 0 @ flush TLB
mov r1, #0x30
mcr p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0 @ turn off MMU etc
mov pc, r0
.type __arm6_setup, #function
__arm6_setup: mov r0, #0
mcr p15, 0, r0, c7, c0 @ flush caches on v3
mcr p15, 0, r0, c5, c0 @ flush TLBs on v3
mov r0, #0x3d @ . ..RS BLDP WCAM
orr r0, r0, #0x100 @ . ..01 0011 1101
mov pc, lr
.size __arm6_setup, . - __arm6_setup
.type __arm7_setup, #function
__arm7_setup: mov r0, #0
mcr p15, 0, r0, c7, c0 @ flush caches on v3
mcr p15, 0, r0, c5, c0 @ flush TLBs on v3
mcr p15, 0, r0, c3, c0 @ load domain access register
mov r0, #0x7d @ . ..RS BLDP WCAM
orr r0, r0, #0x100 @ . ..01 0111 1101
mov pc, lr
.size __arm7_setup, . - __arm7_setup
* Purpose : Function pointers used to access above functions - all calls
* come through these
.type arm6_processor_functions, #object
.word cpu_arm6_data_abort
.word cpu_arm6_proc_init
.word cpu_arm6_proc_fin
.word cpu_arm6_reset
.word cpu_arm6_do_idle
.word cpu_arm6_dcache_clean_area
.word cpu_arm6_switch_mm
.word cpu_arm6_set_pte
.size arm6_processor_functions, . - arm6_processor_functions
* Purpose : Function pointers used to access above functions - all calls
* come through these
.type arm7_processor_functions, #object
.word cpu_arm7_data_abort
.word cpu_arm7_proc_init
.word cpu_arm7_proc_fin
.word cpu_arm7_reset
.word cpu_arm7_do_idle
.word cpu_arm7_dcache_clean_area
.word cpu_arm7_switch_mm
.word cpu_arm7_set_pte
.size arm7_processor_functions, . - arm7_processor_functions
.section ".rodata"
.type cpu_arch_name, #object
cpu_arch_name: .asciz "armv3"
.size cpu_arch_name, . - cpu_arch_name
.type cpu_elf_name, #object
cpu_elf_name: .asciz "v3"
.size cpu_elf_name, . - cpu_elf_name
.type cpu_arm6_name, #object
cpu_arm6_name: .asciz "ARM6"
.size cpu_arm6_name, . - cpu_arm6_name
.type cpu_arm610_name, #object
.asciz "ARM610"
.size cpu_arm610_name, . - cpu_arm610_name
.type cpu_arm7_name, #object
cpu_arm7_name: .asciz "ARM7"
.size cpu_arm7_name, . - cpu_arm7_name
.type cpu_arm710_name, #object
.asciz "ARM710"
.size cpu_arm710_name, . - cpu_arm710_name
.section "", #alloc, #execinstr
.type __arm6_proc_info, #object
.long 0x41560600
.long 0xfffffff0
.long 0x00000c1e
b __arm6_setup
.long cpu_arch_name
.long cpu_elf_name
.long cpu_arm6_name
.long arm6_processor_functions
.long v3_tlb_fns
.long v3_user_fns
.long v3_cache_fns
.size __arm6_proc_info, . - __arm6_proc_info
.type __arm610_proc_info, #object
.long 0x41560610
.long 0xfffffff0
.long 0x00000c1e
b __arm6_setup
.long cpu_arch_name
.long cpu_elf_name
.long cpu_arm610_name
.long arm6_processor_functions
.long v3_tlb_fns
.long v3_user_fns
.long v3_cache_fns
.size __arm610_proc_info, . - __arm610_proc_info
.type __arm7_proc_info, #object
.long 0x41007000
.long 0xffffff00
.long 0x00000c1e
b __arm7_setup
.long cpu_arch_name
.long cpu_elf_name
.long cpu_arm7_name
.long arm7_processor_functions
.long v3_tlb_fns
.long v3_user_fns
.long v3_cache_fns
.size __arm7_proc_info, . - __arm7_proc_info
.type __arm710_proc_info, #object
.long 0x41007100
.long 0xfff8ff00
.long PMD_TYPE_SECT | \
PMD_BIT4 | \
b __arm7_setup
.long cpu_arch_name
.long cpu_elf_name
.long cpu_arm710_name
.long arm7_processor_functions
.long v3_tlb_fns
.long v3_user_fns
.long v3_cache_fns
.size __arm710_proc_info, . - __arm710_proc_info