diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/rcutorture/bin/kvm-test-1-run.sh b/tools/testing/selftests/rcutorture/bin/kvm-test-1-run.sh
index ab14b97c942c..0406c67378cb 100755
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/rcutorture/bin/kvm-test-1-run.sh
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/rcutorture/bin/kvm-test-1-run.sh
@@ -154,9 +154,7 @@ cpu_count=`configfrag_boot_cpus "$boot_args" "$config_template" "$cpu_count"`
 if test $cpu_count -gt $vcpus
-	echo CPU count limited from $cpu_count to $vcpus
-	touch $resdir/Warnings
-	echo CPU count limited from $cpu_count to $vcpus >> $resdir/Warnings
+	echo CPU count limited from $cpu_count to $vcpus | tee -a $resdir/Warnings
 qemu_args="`specify_qemu_cpus "$QEMU" "$qemu_args" "$cpu_count"`"
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/rcutorture/bin/kvm.sh b/tools/testing/selftests/rcutorture/bin/kvm.sh
index d2a4fd94de6a..7d1f607f0f76 100755
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/rcutorture/bin/kvm.sh
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/rcutorture/bin/kvm.sh
@@ -331,8 +331,7 @@ awk < $T/cfgcpu.pack \
 # Dump out the scripting required to run one test batch.
 function dump(first, pastlast, batchnum)
-	print "echo ----Start batch " batchnum ": `date`";
-	print "echo ----Start batch " batchnum ": `date` >> " rd "/log";
+	print "echo ----Start batch " batchnum ": `date` | tee -a " rd "log";
 	print "needqemurun="
 	for (j = first; j < pastlast; j++) {
@@ -349,21 +348,18 @@ function dump(first, pastlast, batchnum)
 			ovf = "-ovf";
 			ovf = "";
-		print "echo ", cfr[jn], cpusr[jn] ovf ": Starting build. `date`";
-		print "echo ", cfr[jn], cpusr[jn] ovf ": Starting build. `date` >> " rd "/log";
+		print "echo ", cfr[jn], cpusr[jn] ovf ": Starting build. `date` | tee -a " rd "log";
 		print "rm -f " builddir ".*";
 		print "touch " builddir ".wait";
 		print "mkdir " builddir " > /dev/null 2>&1 || :";
 		print "mkdir " rd cfr[jn] " || :";
 		print "kvm-test-1-run.sh " CONFIGDIR cf[j], builddir, rd cfr[jn], dur " \"" TORTURE_QEMU_ARG "\" \"" TORTURE_BOOTARGS "\" > " rd cfr[jn]  "/kvm-test-1-run.sh.out 2>&1 &"
-		print "echo ", cfr[jn], cpusr[jn] ovf ": Waiting for build to complete. `date`";
-		print "echo ", cfr[jn], cpusr[jn] ovf ": Waiting for build to complete. `date` >> " rd "/log";
+		print "echo ", cfr[jn], cpusr[jn] ovf ": Waiting for build to complete. `date` | tee -a " rd "log";
 		print "while test -f " builddir ".wait"
 		print "do"
 		print "\tsleep 1"
 		print "done"
-		print "echo ", cfr[jn], cpusr[jn] ovf ": Build complete. `date`";
-		print "echo ", cfr[jn], cpusr[jn] ovf ": Build complete. `date` >> " rd "/log";
+		print "echo ", cfr[jn], cpusr[jn] ovf ": Build complete. `date` | tee -a " rd "log";
 	for (j = 1; j < jn; j++) {
@@ -371,8 +367,7 @@ function dump(first, pastlast, batchnum)
 		print "rm -f " builddir ".ready"
 		print "if test -f \"" rd cfr[j] "/builtkernel\""
 		print "then"
-		print "\techo ----", cfr[j], cpusr[j] ovf ": Kernel present. `date`";
-		print "\techo ----", cfr[j], cpusr[j] ovf ": Kernel present. `date` >> " rd "/log";
+		print "\techo ----", cfr[j], cpusr[j] ovf ": Kernel present. `date` | tee -a " rd "log";
 		print "\tneedqemurun=1"
 		print "fi"
@@ -386,31 +381,26 @@ function dump(first, pastlast, batchnum)
 		njitter = ja[1];
 	if (TORTURE_BUILDONLY && njitter != 0) {
 		njitter = 0;
-		print "echo Build-only run, so suppressing jitter >> " rd "/log"
+		print "echo Build-only run, so suppressing jitter | tee -a " rd "log"
 		print "needqemurun="
 	print "if test -n \"$needqemurun\""
 	print "then"
-	print "\techo ---- Starting kernels. `date`";
-	print "\techo ---- Starting kernels. `date` >> " rd "/log";
+	print "\techo ---- Starting kernels. `date` | tee -a " rd "log";
 	for (j = 0; j < njitter; j++)
 		print "\tjitter.sh " j " " dur " " ja[2] " " ja[3] "&"
 	print "\twait"
-	print "\techo ---- All kernel runs complete. `date`";
-	print "\techo ---- All kernel runs complete. `date` >> " rd "/log";
+	print "\techo ---- All kernel runs complete. `date` | tee -a " rd "log";
 	print "else"
 	print "\twait"
-	print "\techo ---- No kernel runs. `date`";
-	print "\techo ---- No kernel runs. `date` >> " rd "/log";
+	print "\techo ---- No kernel runs. `date` | tee -a " rd "log";
 	print "fi"
 	for (j = 1; j < jn; j++) {
 		builddir=KVM "/b" j
-		print "echo ----", cfr[j], cpusr[j] ovf ": Build/run results:";
-		print "echo ----", cfr[j], cpusr[j] ovf ": Build/run results: >> " rd "/log";
-		print "cat " rd cfr[j]  "/kvm-test-1-run.sh.out";
-		print "cat " rd cfr[j]  "/kvm-test-1-run.sh.out >> " rd "/log";
+		print "echo ----", cfr[j], cpusr[j] ovf ": Build/run results: | tee -a " rd "log";
+		print "cat " rd cfr[j]  "/kvm-test-1-run.sh.out | tee -a " rd "log";