diff --git a/Documentation/trace/histogram-design.rst b/Documentation/trace/histogram-design.rst
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index 000000000000..eef840043da9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/trace/histogram-design.rst
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+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+Histogram Design Notes
+:Author: Tom Zanussi <zanussi@kernel.org>
+This document attempts to provide a description of how the ftrace
+histograms work and how the individual pieces map to the data
+structures used to implement them in trace_events_hist.c and
+Note: All the ftrace histogram command examples assume the working
+      directory is the ftrace /tracing directory. For example::
+	# cd /sys/kernel/debug/tracing
+Also, the histogram output displayed for those commands will be
+generally be truncated - only enough to make the point is displayed.
+'hist_debug' trace event files
+If the kernel is compiled with CONFIG_HIST_TRIGGERS_DEBUG set, an
+event file named 'hist_debug' will appear in each event's
+subdirectory.  This file can be read at any time and will display some
+of the hist trigger internals described in this document. Specific
+examples and output will be described in test cases below.
+Basic histograms
+First, basic histograms.  Below is pretty much the simplest thing you
+can do with histograms - create one with a single key on a single
+event and cat the output::
+  # echo 'hist:keys=pid' >> events/sched/sched_waking/trigger
+  # cat events/sched/sched_waking/hist
+  { pid:      18249 } hitcount:          1
+  { pid:      13399 } hitcount:          1
+  { pid:      17973 } hitcount:          1
+  { pid:      12572 } hitcount:          1
+  ...
+  { pid:         10 } hitcount:        921
+  { pid:      18255 } hitcount:       1444
+  { pid:      25526 } hitcount:       2055
+  { pid:       5257 } hitcount:       2055
+  { pid:      27367 } hitcount:       2055
+  { pid:       1728 } hitcount:       2161
+  Totals:
+    Hits: 21305
+    Entries: 183
+    Dropped: 0
+What this does is create a histogram on the sched_waking event using
+pid as a key and with a single value, hitcount, which even if not
+explicitly specified, exists for every histogram regardless.
+The hitcount value is a per-bucket value that's automatically
+incremented on every hit for the given key, which in this case is the
+So in this histogram, there's a separate bucket for each pid, and each
+bucket contains a value for that bucket, counting the number of times
+sched_waking was called for that pid.
+Each histogram is represented by a hist_data struct.
+To keep track of each key and value field in the histogram, hist_data
+keeps an array of these fields named fields[].  The fields[] array is
+an array containing struct hist_field representations of each
+histogram val and key in the histogram (variables are also included
+here, but are discussed later). So for the above histogram we have one
+key and one value; in this case the one value is the hitcount value,
+which all histograms have, regardless of whether they define that
+value or not, which the above histogram does not.
+Each struct hist_field contains a pointer to the ftrace_event_field
+from the event's trace_event_file along with various bits related to
+that such as the size, offset, type, and a hist_field_fn_t function,
+which is used to grab the field's data from the ftrace event buffer
+(in most cases - some hist_fields such as hitcount don't directly map
+to an event field in the trace buffer - in these cases the function
+implementation gets its value from somewhere else).  The flags field
+indicates which type of field it is - key, value, variable, variable
+reference, etc., with value being the default.
+The other important hist_data data structure in addition to the
+fields[] array is the tracing_map instance created for the histogram,
+which is held in the .map member.  The tracing_map implements the
+lock-free hash table used to implement histograms (see
+kernel/trace/tracing_map.h for much more discussion about the
+low-level data structures implementing the tracing_map).  For the
+purposes of this discussion, the tracing_map contains a number of
+buckets, each bucket corresponding to a particular tracing_map_elt
+object hashed by a given histogram key.
+Below is a diagram the first part of which describes the hist_data and
+associated key and value fields for the histogram described above.  As
+you can see, there are two fields in the fields array, one val field
+for the hitcount and one key field for the pid key.
+Below that is a diagram of a run-time snapshot of what the tracing_map
+might look like for a given run.  It attempts to show the
+relationships between the hist_data fields and the tracing_map
+elements for a couple hypothetical keys and values.::
+  +------------------+
+  | hist_data        |
+  +------------------+     +----------------+
+    | .fields[]      |---->| val = hitcount |----------------------------+
+    +----------------+     +----------------+                            |
+    | .map           |       | .size        |                            |
+    +----------------+       +--------------+                            |
+                             | .offset      |                            |
+                             +--------------+                            |
+                             | .fn()        |                            |
+                             +--------------+                            |
+                                   .                                     |
+                                   .                                     |
+                                   .                                     |
+                           +----------------+ <--- n_vals                |
+                           | key = pid      |----------------------------|--+
+                           +----------------+                            |  |
+                             | .size        |                            |  |
+                             +--------------+                            |  |
+                             | .offset      |                            |  |
+                             +--------------+                            |  |
+                             | .fn()        |                            |  |
+                           +----------------+ <--- n_fields              |  |
+                           | unused         |                            |  |
+                           +----------------+                            |  |
+                             |              |                            |  |
+                             +--------------+                            |  |
+                             |              |                            |  |
+                             +--------------+                            |  |
+                             |              |                            |  |
+                             +--------------+                            |  |
+                                            n_keys = n_fields - n_vals   |  |
+The hist_data n_vals and n_fields delineate the extent of the fields[]   |  |
+array and separate keys from values for the rest of the code.            |  |
+Below is a run-time representation of the tracing_map part of the        |  |
+histogram, with pointers from various parts of the fields[] array        |  |
+to corresponding parts of the tracing_map.                               |  |
+The tracing_map consists of an array of tracing_map_entrys and a set     |  |
+of preallocated tracing_map_elts (abbreviated below as map_entry and     |  |
+map_elt).  The total number of map_entrys in the hist_data.map array =   |  |
+map->max_elts (actually map->map_size but only max_elts of those are     |  |
+used.  This is a property required by the map_insert() algorithm).       |  |
+If a map_entry is unused, meaning no key has yet hashed into it, its     |  |
+.key value is 0 and its .val pointer is NULL.  Once a map_entry has      |  |
+been claimed, the .key value contains the key's hash value and the       |  |
+.val member points to a map_elt containing the full key and an entry     |  |
+for each key or value in the map_elt.fields[] array.  There is an        |  |
+entry in the map_elt.fields[] array corresponding to each hist_field     |  |
+in the histogram, and this is where the continually aggregated sums      |  |
+corresponding to each histogram value are kept.                          |  |
+The diagram attempts to show the relationship between the                |  |
+hist_data.fields[] and the map_elt.fields[] with the links drawn         |  |
+between diagrams::
+  +-----------+		                                                 |  |
+  | hist_data |		                                                 |  |
+  +-----------+		                                                 |  |
+    | .fields |		                                                 |  |
+    +---------+     +-----------+		                         |  |
+    | .map    |---->| map_entry |		                         |  |
+    +---------+     +-----------+		                         |  |
+                      | .key    |---> 0		                         |  |
+                      +---------+		                         |  |
+                      | .val    |---> NULL		                 |  |
+                    +-----------+                                        |  |
+                    | map_entry |                                        |  |
+                    +-----------+                                        |  |
+                      | .key    |---> pid = 999                          |  |
+                      +---------+    +-----------+                       |  |
+                      | .val    |--->| map_elt   |                       |  |
+                      +---------+    +-----------+                       |  |
+                           .           | .key    |---> full key *        |  |
+                           .           +---------+    +---------------+  |  |
+			   .           | .fields |--->| .sum (val)    |<-+  |
+                    +-----------+      +---------+    | 2345          |  |  |
+                    | map_entry |                     +---------------+  |  |
+                    +-----------+                     | .offset (key) |<----+
+                      | .key    |---> 0               | 0             |  |  |
+                      +---------+                     +---------------+  |  |
+                      | .val    |---> NULL                    .          |  |
+                    +-----------+                             .          |  |
+                    | map_entry |                             .          |  |
+                    +-----------+                     +---------------+  |  |
+                      | .key    |                     | .sum (val) or |  |  |
+                      +---------+    +---------+      | .offset (key) |  |  |
+                      | .val    |--->| map_elt |      +---------------+  |  |
+                    +-----------+    +---------+      | .sum (val) or |  |  |
+                    | map_entry |                     | .offset (key) |  |  |
+                    +-----------+                     +---------------+  |  |
+                      | .key    |---> pid = 4444                         |  |
+                      +---------+    +-----------+                       |  |
+                      | .val    |    | map_elt   |                       |  |
+                      +---------+    +-----------+                       |  |
+                                       | .key    |---> full key *        |  |
+                                       +---------+    +---------------+  |  |
+			               | .fields |--->| .sum (val)    |<-+  |
+                                       +---------+    | 65523         |     |
+                                                      +---------------+     |
+                                                      | .offset (key) |<----+
+                                                      | 0             |
+                                                      +---------------+
+                                                              .
+                                                              .
+                                                              .
+                                                      +---------------+
+                                                      | .sum (val) or |
+                                                      | .offset (key) |
+                                                      +---------------+
+                                                      | .sum (val) or |
+                                                      | .offset (key) |
+                                                      +---------------+
+Abbreviations used in the diagrams::
+  hist_data = struct hist_trigger_data
+  hist_data.fields = struct hist_field
+  fn = hist_field_fn_t
+  map_entry = struct tracing_map_entry
+  map_elt = struct tracing_map_elt
+  map_elt.fields = struct tracing_map_field
+Whenever a new event occurs and it has a hist trigger associated with
+it, event_hist_trigger() is called.  event_hist_trigger() first deals
+with the key: for each subkey in the key (in the above example, there
+is just one subkey corresponding to pid), the hist_field that
+represents that subkey is retrieved from hist_data.fields[] and the
+hist_field_fn_t fn() associated with that field, along with the
+field's size and offset, is used to grab that subkey's data from the
+current trace record.
+Once the complete key has been retrieved, it's used to look that key
+up in the tracing_map.  If there's no tracing_map_elt associated with
+that key, an empty one is claimed and inserted in the map for the new
+key.  In either case, the tracing_map_elt associated with that key is
+Once a tracing_map_elt available, hist_trigger_elt_update() is called.
+As the name implies, this updates the element, which basically means
+updating the element's fields.  There's a tracing_map_field associated
+with each key and value in the histogram, and each of these correspond
+to the key and value hist_fields created when the histogram was
+created.  hist_trigger_elt_update() goes through each value hist_field
+and, as for the keys, uses the hist_field's fn() and size and offset
+to grab the field's value from the current trace record.  Once it has
+that value, it simply adds that value to that field's
+continually-updated tracing_map_field.sum member.  Some hist_field
+fn()s, such as for the hitcount, don't actually grab anything from the
+trace record (the hitcount fn() just increments the counter sum by 1),
+but the idea is the same.
+Once all the values have been updated, hist_trigger_elt_update() is
+done and returns.  Note that there are also tracing_map_fields for
+each subkey in the key, but hist_trigger_elt_update() doesn't look at
+them or update anything - those exist only for sorting, which can
+happen later.
+Basic histogram test
+This is a good example to try.  It produces 3 value fields and 2 key
+fields in the output::
+  # echo 'hist:keys=common_pid,call_site.sym:values=bytes_req,bytes_alloc,hitcount' >> events/kmem/kmalloc/trigger
+To see the debug data, cat the kmem/kmalloc's 'hist_debug' file. It
+will show the trigger info of the histogram it corresponds to, along
+with the address of the hist_data associated with the histogram, which
+will become useful in later examples.  It then displays the number of
+total hist_fields associated with the histogram along with a count of
+how many of those correspond to keys and how many correspond to values.
+It then goes on to display details for each field, including the
+field's flags and the position of each field in the hist_data's
+fields[] array, which is useful information for verifying that things
+internally appear correct or not, and which again will become even
+more useful in further examples::
+  # cat events/kmem/kmalloc/hist_debug
+  # event histogram
+  #
+  # trigger info: hist:keys=common_pid,call_site.sym:vals=hitcount,bytes_req,bytes_alloc:sort=hitcount:size=2048 [active]
+  #
+  hist_data: 000000005e48c9a5
+  n_vals: 3
+  n_keys: 2
+  n_fields: 5
+  val fields:
+    hist_data->fields[0]:
+      flags:
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->fields[1]:
+      flags:
+        VAL: normal u64 value
+      ftrace_event_field name: bytes_req
+      type: size_t
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->fields[2]:
+      flags:
+        VAL: normal u64 value
+      ftrace_event_field name: bytes_alloc
+      type: size_t
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+  key fields:
+    hist_data->fields[3]:
+      flags:
+      ftrace_event_field name: common_pid
+      type: int
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 1
+    hist_data->fields[4]:
+      flags:
+      ftrace_event_field name: call_site
+      type: unsigned long
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+The commands below can be used to clean things up for the next test::
+  # echo '!hist:keys=common_pid,call_site.sym:values=bytes_req,bytes_alloc,hitcount' >> events/kmem/kmalloc/trigger
+Variables allow data from one hist trigger to be saved by one hist
+trigger and retrieved by another hist trigger.  For example, a trigger
+on the sched_waking event can capture a timestamp for a particular
+pid, and later a sched_switch event that switches to that pid event
+can grab the timestamp and use it to calculate a time delta between
+the two events::
+  # echo 'hist:keys=pid:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs' >>
+          events/sched/sched_waking/trigger
+  # echo 'hist:keys=next_pid:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0' >>
+          events/sched/sched_switch/trigger
+In terms of the histogram data structures, variables are implemented
+as another type of hist_field and for a given hist trigger are added
+to the hist_data.fields[] array just after all the val fields.  To
+distinguish them from the existing key and val fields, they're given a
+new flag type, HIST_FIELD_FL_VAR (abbreviated FL_VAR) and they also
+make use of a new .var.idx field member in struct hist_field, which
+maps them to an index in a new map_elt.vars[] array added to the
+map_elt specifically designed to store and retrieve variable values.
+The diagram below shows those new elements and adds a new variable
+entry, ts0, corresponding to the ts0 variable in the sched_waking
+trigger above.
+sched_waking histogram
+  +------------------+
+  | hist_data        |<-------------------------------------------------------+
+  +------------------+   +-------------------+                                |
+    | .fields[]      |-->| val = hitcount    |                                |
+    +----------------+   +-------------------+                                |
+    | .map           |     | .size           |                                |
+    +----------------+     +-----------------+                                |
+                           | .offset         |                                |
+                           +-----------------+                                |
+                           | .fn()           |                                |
+                           +-----------------+                                |
+                           | .flags          |                                |
+                           +-----------------+                                |
+                           | .var.idx        |                                |
+                         +-------------------+                                |
+                         | var = ts0         |                                |
+                         +-------------------+                                |
+                           | .size           |                                |
+                           +-----------------+                                |
+                           | .offset         |                                |
+                           +-----------------+                                |
+                           | .fn()           |                                |
+                           +-----------------+                                |
+                           | .flags & FL_VAR |                                |
+                           +-----------------+                                |
+                           | .var.idx        |----------------------------+-+ |
+                           +-----------------+                            | | |
+			            .                                     | | |
+				    .                                     | | |
+                                    .                                     | | |
+                         +-------------------+ <--- n_vals                | | |
+                         | key = pid         |                            | | |
+                         +-------------------+                            | | |
+                           | .size           |                            | | |
+                           +-----------------+                            | | |
+                           | .offset         |                            | | |
+                           +-----------------+                            | | |
+                           | .fn()           |                            | | |
+                           +-----------------+                            | | |
+                           | .flags & FL_KEY |                            | | |
+                           +-----------------+                            | | |
+                           | .var.idx        |                            | | |
+                         +-------------------+ <--- n_fields              | | |
+                         | unused            |                            | | |
+                         +-------------------+                            | | |
+                           |                 |                            | | |
+                           +-----------------+                            | | |
+                           |                 |                            | | |
+                           +-----------------+                            | | |
+                           |                 |                            | | |
+                           +-----------------+                            | | |
+                           |                 |                            | | |
+                           +-----------------+                            | | |
+                           |                 |                            | | |
+                           +-----------------+                            | | |
+                                             n_keys = n_fields - n_vals   | | |
+                                                                          | | |
+This is very similar to the basic case.  In the above diagram, we can     | | |
+see a new .flags member has been added to the struct hist_field           | | |
+struct, and a new entry added to hist_data.fields representing the ts0    | | |
+variable.  For a normal val hist_field, .flags is just 0 (modulo          | | |
+modifier flags), but if the value is defined as a variable, the .flags    | | |
+contains a set FL_VAR bit.                                                | | |
+As you can see, the ts0 entry's .var.idx member contains the index        | | |
+into the tracing_map_elts' .vars[] array containing variable values.      | | |
+This idx is used whenever the value of the variable is set or read.       | | |
+The map_elt.vars idx assigned to the given variable is assigned and       | | |
+saved in .var.idx by create_tracing_map_fields() after it calls           | | |
+tracing_map_add_var().                                                    | | |
+Below is a representation of the histogram at run-time, which             | | |
+populates the map, along with correspondence to the above hist_data and   | | |
+hist_field data structures.                                               | | |
+The diagram attempts to show the relationship between the                 | | |
+hist_data.fields[] and the map_elt.fields[] and map_elt.vars[] with       | | |
+the links drawn between diagrams.  For each of the map_elts, you can      | | |
+see that the .fields[] members point to the .sum or .offset of a key      | | |
+or val and the .vars[] members point to the value of a variable.  The     | | |
+arrows between the two diagrams show the linkages between those           | | |
+tracing_map members and the field definitions in the corresponding        | | |
+hist_data fields[] members.::
+  +-----------+		                                                  | | |
+  | hist_data |		                                                  | | |
+  +-----------+		                                                  | | |
+    | .fields |		                                                  | | |
+    +---------+     +-----------+		                          | | |
+    | .map    |---->| map_entry |		                          | | |
+    +---------+     +-----------+		                          | | |
+                      | .key    |---> 0		                          | | |
+                      +---------+		                          | | |
+                      | .val    |---> NULL		                  | | |
+                    +-----------+                                         | | |
+                    | map_entry |                                         | | |
+                    +-----------+                                         | | |
+                      | .key    |---> pid = 999                           | | |
+                      +---------+    +-----------+                        | | |
+                      | .val    |--->| map_elt   |                        | | |
+                      +---------+    +-----------+                        | | |
+                           .           | .key    |---> full key *         | | |
+                           .           +---------+    +---------------+   | | |
+			   .           | .fields |--->| .sum (val)    |   | | |
+                           .           +---------+    | 2345          |   | | |
+                           .        +--| .vars   |    +---------------+   | | |
+                           .        |  +---------+    | .offset (key) |   | | |
+                           .        |                 | 0             |   | | |
+                           .        |                 +---------------+   | | |
+                           .        |                         .           | | |
+                           .        |                         .           | | |
+                           .        |                         .           | | |
+                           .        |                 +---------------+   | | |
+                           .        |                 | .sum (val) or |   | | |
+                           .        |                 | .offset (key) |   | | |
+                           .        |                 +---------------+   | | |
+                           .        |                 | .sum (val) or |   | | |
+                           .        |                 | .offset (key) |   | | |
+                           .        |                 +---------------+   | | |
+                           .        |                                     | | |
+                           .        +---------------->+---------------+   | | |
+			   .                          | ts0           |<--+ | |
+                           .                          | 113345679876  |   | | |
+                           .                          +---------------+   | | |
+                           .                          | unused        |   | | |
+                           .                          |               |   | | |
+                           .                          +---------------+   | | |
+                           .                                  .           | | |
+                           .                                  .           | | |
+                           .                                  .           | | |
+                           .                          +---------------+   | | |
+                           .                          | unused        |   | | |
+                           .                          |               |   | | |
+                           .                          +---------------+   | | |
+                           .                          | unused        |   | | |
+                           .                          |               |   | | |
+                           .                          +---------------+   | | |
+                           .                                              | | |
+                    +-----------+                                         | | |
+                    | map_entry |                                         | | |
+                    +-----------+                                         | | |
+                      | .key    |---> pid = 4444                          | | |
+                      +---------+    +-----------+                        | | |
+                      | .val    |--->| map_elt   |                        | | |
+                      +---------+    +-----------+                        | | |
+                           .           | .key    |---> full key *         | | |
+                           .           +---------+    +---------------+   | | |
+			   .           | .fields |--->| .sum (val)    |   | | |
+                                       +---------+    | 2345          |   | | |
+                                    +--| .vars   |    +---------------+   | | |
+                                    |  +---------+    | .offset (key) |   | | |
+                                    |                 | 0             |   | | |
+                                    |                 +---------------+   | | |
+                                    |                         .           | | |
+                                    |                         .           | | |
+                                    |                         .           | | |
+                                    |                 +---------------+   | | |
+                                    |                 | .sum (val) or |   | | |
+                                    |                 | .offset (key) |   | | |
+                                    |                 +---------------+   | | |
+                                    |                 | .sum (val) or |   | | |
+                                    |                 | .offset (key) |   | | |
+                                    |                 +---------------+   | | |
+                                    |                                     | | |
+                                    |                 +---------------+   | | |
+			            +---------------->| ts0           |<--+ | |
+                                                      | 213499240729  |     | |
+                                                      +---------------+     | |
+                                                      | unused        |     | |
+                                                      |               |     | |
+                                                      +---------------+     | |
+                                                              .             | |
+                                                              .             | |
+                                                              .             | |
+                                                      +---------------+     | |
+                                                      | unused        |     | |
+                                                      |               |     | |
+                                                      +---------------+     | |
+                                                      | unused        |     | |
+                                                      |               |     | |
+                                                      +---------------+     | |
+For each used map entry, there's a map_elt pointing to an array of          | |
+.vars containing the current value of the variables associated with         | |
+that histogram entry.  So in the above, the timestamp associated with       | |
+pid 999 is 113345679876, and the timestamp variable in the same             | |
+.var.idx for pid 4444 is 213499240729.                                      | |
+sched_switch histogram                                                      | |
+----------------------                                                      | |
+The sched_switch histogram paired with the above sched_waking               | |
+histogram is shown below.  The most important aspect of the                 | |
+sched_switch histogram is that it references a variable on the              | |
+sched_waking histogram above.                                               | |
+The histogram diagram is very similar to the others so far displayed,       | |
+but it adds variable references.  You can see the normal hitcount and       | |
+key fields along with a new wakeup_lat variable implemented in the          | |
+same way as the sched_waking ts0 variable, but in addition there's an       | |
+entry with the new FL_VAR_REF (short for HIST_FIELD_FL_VAR_REF) flag.       | |
+Associated with the new var ref field are a couple of new hist_field        | |
+members, var.hist_data and var_ref_idx.  For a variable reference, the      | |
+var.hist_data goes with the var.idx, which together uniquely identify       | |
+a particular variable on a particular histogram.  The var_ref_idx is        | |
+just the index into the var_ref_vals[] array that caches the values of      | |
+each variable whenever a hist trigger is updated.  Those resulting          | |
+values are then finally accessed by other code such as trace action         | |
+code that uses the var_ref_idx values to assign param values.               | |
+The diagram below describes the situation for the sched_switch              | |
+histogram referred to before::
+  # echo 'hist:keys=next_pid:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0' >>     | |
+          events/sched/sched_switch/trigger                                 | |
+                                                                            | |
+  +------------------+                                                      | |
+  | hist_data        |                                                      | |
+  +------------------+   +-----------------------+                          | |
+    | .fields[]      |-->| val = hitcount        |                          | |
+    +----------------+   +-----------------------+                          | |
+    | .map           |     | .size               |                          | |
+    +----------------+     +---------------------+                          | |
+ +--| .var_refs[]    |     | .offset             |                          | |
+ |  +----------------+     +---------------------+                          | |
+ |                         | .fn()               |                          | |
+ |   var_ref_vals[]        +---------------------+                          | |
+ |  +-------------+        | .flags              |                          | |
+ |  | $ts0        |<---+   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |  +-------------+    |   | .var.idx            |                          | |
+ |  |             |    |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |  +-------------+    |   | .var.hist_data      |                          | |
+ |  |             |    |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |  +-------------+    |   | .var_ref_idx        |                          | |
+ |  |             |    | +-----------------------+                          | |
+ |  +-------------+    | | var = wakeup_lat      |                          | |
+ |         .           | +-----------------------+                          | |
+ |         .           |   | .size               |                          | |
+ |         .           |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |  +-------------+    |   | .offset             |                          | |
+ |  |             |    |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |  +-------------+    |   | .fn()               |                          | |
+ |  |             |    |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |  +-------------+    |   | .flags & FL_VAR     |                          | |
+ |                     |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |                     |   | .var.idx            |                          | |
+ |                     |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |                     |   | .var.hist_data      |                          | |
+ |                     |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |                     |   | .var_ref_idx        |                          | |
+ |                     |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |                     |             .                                      | |
+ |                     |             .                                      | |
+ |                     |             .                                      | |
+ |                     | +-----------------------+ <--- n_vals              | |
+ |                     | | key = pid             |                          | |
+ |                     | +-----------------------+                          | |
+ |                     |   | .size               |                          | |
+ |                     |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |                     |   | .offset             |                          | |
+ |                     |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |                     |   | .fn()               |                          | |
+ |                     |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |                     |   | .flags              |                          | |
+ |                     |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |                     |   | .var.idx            |                          | |
+ |                     | +-----------------------+ <--- n_fields            | |
+ |                     | | unused                |                          | |
+ |                     | +-----------------------+                          | |
+ |                     |   |                     |                          | |
+ |                     |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |                     |   |                     |                          | |
+ |                     |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |                     |   |                     |                          | |
+ |                     |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |                     |   |                     |                          | |
+ |                     |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |                     |   |                     |                          | |
+ |                     |   +---------------------+                          | |
+ |                     |                         n_keys = n_fields - n_vals | |
+ |                     |                                                    | |
+ |                     |						    | |
+ |                     | +-----------------------+                          | |
+ +---------------------->| var_ref = $ts0        |                          | |
+                       | +-----------------------+                          | |
+                       |   | .size               |                          | |
+                       |   +---------------------+                          | |
+                       |   | .offset             |                          | |
+                       |   +---------------------+                          | |
+                       |   | .fn()               |                          | |
+                       |   +---------------------+                          | |
+                       |   | .flags & FL_VAR_REF |                          | |
+                       |   +---------------------+                          | |
+                       |   | .var.idx            |--------------------------+ |
+                       |   +---------------------+                            |
+                       |   | .var.hist_data      |----------------------------+
+                       |   +---------------------+
+                       +---| .var_ref_idx        |
+                           +---------------------+
+Abbreviations used in the diagrams::
+  hist_data = struct hist_trigger_data
+  hist_data.fields = struct hist_field
+  fn = hist_field_fn_t
+When a hist trigger makes use of a variable, a new hist_field is
+created with flag HIST_FIELD_FL_VAR_REF.  For a VAR_REF field, the
+var.idx and var.hist_data take the same values as the referenced
+variable, as well as the referenced variable's size, type, and
+is_signed values.  The VAR_REF field's .name is set to the name of the
+variable it references.  If a variable reference was created using the
+explicit system.event.$var_ref notation, the hist_field's system and
+event_name variables are also set.
+So, in order to handle an event for the sched_switch histogram,
+because we have a reference to a variable on another histogram, we
+need to resolve all variable references first.  This is done via the
+resolve_var_refs() calls made from event_hist_trigger().  What this
+does is grabs the var_refs[] array from the hist_data representing the
+sched_switch histogram.  For each one of those, the referenced
+variable's var.hist_data along with the current key is used to look up
+the corresponding tracing_map_elt in that histogram.  Once found, the
+referenced variable's var.idx is used to look up the variable's value
+using tracing_map_read_var(elt, var.idx), which yields the value of
+the variable for that element, ts0 in the case above.  Note that both
+the hist_fields representing both the variable and the variable
+reference have the same var.idx, so this is straightforward.
+Variable and variable reference test
+This example creates a variable on the sched_waking event, ts0, and
+uses it in the sched_switch trigger.  The sched_switch trigger also
+creates its own variable, wakeup_lat, but nothing yet uses it::
+  # echo 'hist:keys=pid:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs' >> events/sched/sched_waking/trigger
+  # echo 'hist:keys=next_pid:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0' >> events/sched/sched_switch/trigger
+Looking at the sched_waking 'hist_debug' output, in addition to the
+normal key and value hist_fields, in the val fields section we see a
+field with the HIST_FIELD_FL_VAR flag, which indicates that that field
+represents a variable.  Note that in addition to the variable name,
+contained in the var.name field, it includes the var.idx, which is the
+index into the tracing_map_elt.vars[] array of the actual variable
+location.  Note also that the output shows that variables live in the
+same part of the hist_data->fields[] array as normal values::
+  # cat events/sched/sched_waking/hist_debug
+  # event histogram
+  #
+  # trigger info: hist:keys=pid:vals=hitcount:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs:sort=hitcount:size=2048:clock=global [active]
+  #
+  hist_data: 000000009536f554
+  n_vals: 2
+  n_keys: 1
+  n_fields: 3
+  val fields:
+    hist_data->fields[0]:
+      flags:
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->fields[1]:
+      flags:
+      var.name: ts0
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+  key fields:
+    hist_data->fields[2]:
+      flags:
+      ftrace_event_field name: pid
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 1
+Moving on to the sched_switch trigger hist_debug output, in addition
+to the unused wakeup_lat variable, we see a new section displaying
+variable references.  Variable references are displayed in a separate
+section because in addition to to being logically separate from
+variables and values, they actually live in a separate hist_data
+array, var_refs[].
+In this example, the sched_switch trigger has a reference to a
+variable on the sched_waking trigger, $ts0.  Looking at the details,
+we can see that the var.hist_data value of the referenced variable
+matches the previously displayed sched_waking trigger, and the var.idx
+value matches the previously displayed var.idx value for that
+variable.  Also displayed is the var_ref_idx value for that variable
+reference, which is where the value for that variable is cached for
+use when the trigger is invoked::
+  # cat events/sched/sched_switch/hist_debug
+  # event histogram
+  #
+  # trigger info: hist:keys=next_pid:vals=hitcount:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0:sort=hitcount:size=2048:clock=global [active]
+  #
+  hist_data: 00000000f4ee8006
+  n_vals: 2
+  n_keys: 1
+  n_fields: 3
+  val fields:
+    hist_data->fields[0]:
+      flags:
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->fields[1]:
+      flags:
+      var.name: wakeup_lat
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      type: u64
+      size: 0
+      is_signed: 0
+  key fields:
+    hist_data->fields[2]:
+      flags:
+      ftrace_event_field name: next_pid
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 1
+  variable reference fields:
+    hist_data->var_refs[0]:
+      flags:
+      name: ts0
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      var.hist_data: 000000009536f554
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 0
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+The commands below can be used to clean things up for the next test::
+  # echo '!hist:keys=next_pid:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0' >> events/sched/sched_switch/trigger
+  # echo '!hist:keys=pid:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs' >> events/sched/sched_waking/trigger
+Actions and Handlers
+Adding onto the previous example, we will now do something with that
+wakeup_lat variable, namely send it and another field as a synthetic
+The onmatch() action below basically says that whenever we have a
+sched_switch event, if we have a matching sched_waking event, in this
+case if we have a pid in the sched_waking histogram that matches the
+the next_pid field on this sched_switch event, we retrieve the
+variables specified in the wakeup_latency() trace action, and use
+them to generate a new wakeup_latency event into the trace stream.
+Note that the way the trace handlers such as wakeup_latency() (which
+could equivalently be written trace(wakeup_latency,$wakeup_lat,next_pid)
+are implemented, the parameters specified to the trace handler must be
+variables.  In this case, $wakeup_lat is obviously a variable, but
+next_pid isn't, since it's just naming a field in the sched_switch
+trace event.  Since this is something that almost every trace() and
+save() action does, a special shortcut is implemented to allow field
+names to be used directly in those cases.  How it works is that under
+the covers, a temporary variable is created for the named field, and
+this variable is what is actually passed to the trace handler.  In the
+code and documentation, this type of variable is called a 'field
+Fields on other trace event's histograms can be used as well.  In that
+case we have to generate a new histogram and an unfortunately named
+'synthetic_field' (the use of synthetic here has nothing to do with
+synthetic events) and use that special histogram field as a variable.
+The diagram below illustrates the new elements described above in the
+context of the sched_switch histogram using the onmatch() handler and
+the trace() action.
+First, we define the wakeup_latency synthetic event::
+  # echo 'wakeup_latency u64 lat; pid_t pid' >> synthetic_events
+Next, the sched_waking hist trigger as before::
+  # echo 'hist:keys=pid:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs' >>
+          events/sched/sched_waking/trigger
+Finally, we create a hist trigger on the sched_switch event that
+generates a wakeup_latency() trace event.  In this case we pass
+next_pid into the wakeup_latency synthetic event invocation, which
+means it will be automatically converted into a field variable::
+  # echo 'hist:keys=next_pid:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0: \
+          onmatch(sched.sched_waking).wakeup_latency($wakeup_lat,next_pid)' >>
+	  /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sched/sched_switch/trigger
+The diagram for the sched_switch event is similar to previous examples
+but shows the additional field_vars[] array for hist_data and shows
+the linkages between the field_vars and the variables and references
+created to implement the field variables.  The details are discussed
+    +------------------+
+    | hist_data        |
+    +------------------+   +-----------------------+
+      | .fields[]      |-->| val = hitcount        |
+      +----------------+   +-----------------------+
+      | .map           |     | .size               |
+      +----------------+     +---------------------+
+  +---| .field_vars[]  |     | .offset             |
+  |   +----------------+     +---------------------+
+  |+--| .var_refs[]    |     | .offset             |
+  ||  +----------------+     +---------------------+
+  ||                         | .fn()               |
+  ||   var_ref_vals[]        +---------------------+
+  ||  +-------------+        | .flags              |
+  ||  | $ts0        |<---+   +---------------------+
+  ||  +-------------+    |   | .var.idx            |
+  ||  | $next_pid   |<-+ |   +---------------------+
+  ||  +-------------+  | |   | .var.hist_data      |
+  ||+>| $wakeup_lat |  | |   +---------------------+
+  ||| +-------------+  | |   | .var_ref_idx        |
+  ||| |             |  | | +-----------------------+
+  ||| +-------------+  | | | var = wakeup_lat      |
+  |||        .         | | +-----------------------+
+  |||        .         | |   | .size               |
+  |||        .         | |   +---------------------+
+  ||| +-------------+  | |   | .offset             |
+  ||| |             |  | |   +---------------------+
+  ||| +-------------+  | |   | .fn()               |
+  ||| |             |  | |   +---------------------+
+  ||| +-------------+  | |   | .flags & FL_VAR     |
+  |||                  | |   +---------------------+
+  |||                  | |   | .var.idx            |
+  |||                  | |   +---------------------+
+  |||                  | |   | .var.hist_data      |
+  |||                  | |   +---------------------+
+  |||                  | |   | .var_ref_idx        |
+  |||                  | |   +---------------------+
+  |||                  | |              .
+  |||                  | |              .
+  |||                  | |              .
+  |||                  | |              .
+  ||| +--------------+ | |              .
+  +-->| field_var    | | |              .
+   || +--------------+ | |              .
+   ||   | var        | | |              .
+   ||   +------------+ | |              .
+   ||   | val        | | |              .
+   || +--------------+ | |              .
+   || | field_var    | | |              .
+   || +--------------+ | |              .
+   ||   | var        | | |              .
+   ||   +------------+ | |              .
+   ||   | val        | | |              .
+   ||   +------------+ | |              .
+   ||         .        | |              .
+   ||         .        | |              .
+   ||         .        | | +-----------------------+ <--- n_vals
+   || +--------------+ | | | key = pid             |
+   || | field_var    | | | +-----------------------+
+   || +--------------+ | |   | .size               |
+   ||   | var        |--+|   +---------------------+
+   ||   +------------+ |||   | .offset             |
+   ||   | val        |-+||   +---------------------+
+   ||   +------------+ |||   | .fn()               |
+   ||                  |||   +---------------------+
+   ||                  |||   | .flags              |
+   ||                  |||   +---------------------+
+   ||                  |||   | .var.idx            |
+   ||                  |||   +---------------------+ <--- n_fields
+   ||                  |||
+   ||                  |||                           n_keys = n_fields - n_vals
+   ||                  ||| +-----------------------+
+   ||                  |+->| var = next_pid        |
+   ||                  | | +-----------------------+
+   ||                  | |   | .size               |
+   ||                  | |   +---------------------+
+   ||                  | |   | .offset             |
+   ||                  | |   +---------------------+
+   ||                  | |   | .flags & FL_VAR     |
+   ||                  | |   +---------------------+
+   ||                  | |   | .var.idx            |
+   ||                  | |   +---------------------+
+   ||                  | |   | .var.hist_data      |
+   ||                  | | +-----------------------+
+   ||                  +-->| val for next_pid      |
+   ||                  | | +-----------------------+
+   ||                  | |   | .size               |
+   ||                  | |   +---------------------+
+   ||                  | |   | .offset             |
+   ||                  | |   +---------------------+
+   ||                  | |   | .fn()               |
+   ||                  | |   +---------------------+
+   ||                  | |   | .flags              |
+   ||                  | |   +---------------------+
+   ||                  | |   |                     |
+   ||                  | |   +---------------------+
+   ||                  | |
+   ||                  | |
+   ||                  | | +-----------------------+
+   +|------------------|-|>| var_ref = $ts0        |
+    |                  | | +-----------------------+
+    |                  | |   | .size               |
+    |                  | |   +---------------------+
+    |                  | |   | .offset             |
+    |                  | |   +---------------------+
+    |                  | |   | .fn()               |
+    |                  | |   +---------------------+
+    |                  | |   | .flags & FL_VAR_REF |
+    |                  | |   +---------------------+
+    |                  | +---| .var_ref_idx        |
+    |                  |   +-----------------------+
+    |                  |   | var_ref = $next_pid   |
+    |                  |   +-----------------------+
+    |                  |     | .size               |
+    |                  |     +---------------------+
+    |                  |     | .offset             |
+    |                  |     +---------------------+
+    |                  |     | .fn()               |
+    |                  |     +---------------------+
+    |                  |     | .flags & FL_VAR_REF |
+    |                  |     +---------------------+
+    |                  +-----| .var_ref_idx        |
+    |                      +-----------------------+
+    |                      | var_ref = $wakeup_lat |
+    |                      +-----------------------+
+    |                        | .size               |
+    |                        +---------------------+
+    |                        | .offset             |
+    |                        +---------------------+
+    |                        | .fn()               |
+    |                        +---------------------+
+    |                        | .flags & FL_VAR_REF |
+    |                        +---------------------+
+    +------------------------| .var_ref_idx        |
+                             +---------------------+
+As you can see, for a field variable, two hist_fields are created: one
+representing the variable, in this case next_pid, and one to actually
+get the value of the field from the trace stream, like a normal val
+field does.  These are created separately from normal variable
+creation and are saved in the hist_data->field_vars[] array.  See
+below for how these are used.  In addition, a reference hist_field is
+also created, which is needed to reference the field variables such as
+$next_pid variable in the trace() action.
+Note that $wakeup_lat is also a variable reference, referencing the
+value of the expression common_timestamp-$ts0, and so also needs to
+have a hist field entry representing that reference created.
+When hist_trigger_elt_update() is called to get the normal key and
+value fields, it also calls update_field_vars(), which goes through
+each field_var created for the histogram, and available from
+hist_data->field_vars and calls val->fn() to get the data from the
+current trace record, and then uses the var's var.idx to set the
+variable at the var.idx offset in the appropriate tracing_map_elt's
+variable at elt->vars[var.idx].
+Once all the variables have been updated, resolve_var_refs() can be
+called from event_hist_trigger(), and not only can our $ts0 and
+$next_pid references be resolved but the $wakeup_lat reference as
+well.  At this point, the trace() action can simply access the values
+assembled in the var_ref_vals[] array and generate the trace event.
+The same process occurs for the field variables associated with the
+save() action.
+Abbreviations used in the diagram::
+  hist_data = struct hist_trigger_data
+  hist_data.fields = struct hist_field
+  field_var = struct field_var
+  fn = hist_field_fn_t
+trace() action field variable test
+This example adds to the previous test example by finally making use
+of the wakeup_lat variable, but in addition also creates a couple of
+field variables that then are all passed to the wakeup_latency() trace
+action via the onmatch() handler.
+First, we create the wakeup_latency synthetic event::
+  # echo 'wakeup_latency u64 lat; pid_t pid; char comm[16]' >> synthetic_events
+Next, the sched_waking trigger from previous examples::
+  # echo 'hist:keys=pid:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs' >> events/sched/sched_waking/trigger
+Finally, as in the previous test example, we calculate and assign the
+wakeup latency using the $ts0 reference from the sched_waking trigger
+to the wakeup_lat variable, and finally use it along with a couple
+sched_switch event fields, next_pid and next_comm, to generate a
+wakeup_latency trace event.  The next_pid and next_comm event fields
+are automatically converted into field variables for this purpose::
+  # echo 'hist:keys=next_pid:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0:onmatch(sched.sched_waking).wakeup_latency($wakeup_lat,next_pid,next_comm)' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sched/sched_switch/trigger
+The sched_waking hist_debug output shows the same data as in the
+previous test example::
+  # cat events/sched/sched_waking/hist_debug
+  # event histogram
+  #
+  # trigger info: hist:keys=pid:vals=hitcount:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs:sort=hitcount:size=2048:clock=global [active]
+  #
+  hist_data: 00000000d60ff61f
+  n_vals: 2
+  n_keys: 1
+  n_fields: 3
+  val fields:
+    hist_data->fields[0]:
+      flags:
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->fields[1]:
+      flags:
+      var.name: ts0
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+  key fields:
+    hist_data->fields[2]:
+      flags:
+      ftrace_event_field name: pid
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 1
+The sched_switch hist_debug output shows the same key and value fields
+as in the previous test example - note that wakeup_lat is still in the
+val fields section, but that the new field variables are not there -
+although the field variables are variables, they're held separately in
+the hist_data's field_vars[] array.  Although the field variables and
+the normal variables are located in separate places, you can see that
+the actual variable locations for those variables in the
+tracing_map_elt.vars[] do have increasing indices as expected:
+wakeup_lat takes the var.idx = 0 slot, while the field variables for
+next_pid and next_comm have values var.idx = 1, and var.idx = 2.  Note
+also that those are the same values displayed for the variable
+references corresponding to those variables in the variable reference
+fields section.  Since there are two triggers and thus two hist_data
+addresses, those addresses also need to be accounted for when doing
+the matching - you can see that the first variable refers to the 0
+var.idx on the previous hist trigger (see the hist_data address
+associated with that trigger), while the second variable refers to the
+0 var.idx on the sched_switch hist trigger, as do all the remaining
+variable references.
+Finally, the action tracking variables section just shows the system
+and event name for the onmatch() handler::
+  # cat events/sched/sched_switch/hist_debug
+  # event histogram
+  #
+  # trigger info: hist:keys=next_pid:vals=hitcount:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0:sort=hitcount:size=2048:clock=global:onmatch(sched.sched_waking).wakeup_latency($wakeup_lat,next_pid,next_comm) [active]
+  #
+  hist_data: 0000000008f551b7
+  n_vals: 2
+  n_keys: 1
+  n_fields: 3
+  val fields:
+    hist_data->fields[0]:
+      flags:
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->fields[1]:
+      flags:
+      var.name: wakeup_lat
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      type: u64
+      size: 0
+      is_signed: 0
+  key fields:
+    hist_data->fields[2]:
+      flags:
+      ftrace_event_field name: next_pid
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 1
+  variable reference fields:
+    hist_data->var_refs[0]:
+      flags:
+      name: ts0
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      var.hist_data: 00000000d60ff61f
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 0
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->var_refs[1]:
+      flags:
+      name: wakeup_lat
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      var.hist_data: 0000000008f551b7
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 1
+      type: u64
+      size: 0
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->var_refs[2]:
+      flags:
+      name: next_pid
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 1
+      var.hist_data: 0000000008f551b7
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 2
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 4
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->var_refs[3]:
+      flags:
+      name: next_comm
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 2
+      var.hist_data: 0000000008f551b7
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 3
+      type: char[16]
+      size: 256
+      is_signed: 0
+  field variables:
+    hist_data->field_vars[0]:
+      field_vars[0].var:
+      flags:
+      var.name: next_pid
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 1
+      field_vars[0].val:
+      ftrace_event_field name: next_pid
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 4
+      is_signed: 1
+    hist_data->field_vars[1]:
+      field_vars[1].var:
+      flags:
+      var.name: next_comm
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 2
+      field_vars[1].val:
+      ftrace_event_field name: next_comm
+      type: char[16]
+      size: 256
+      is_signed: 0
+  action tracking variables (for onmax()/onchange()/onmatch()):
+    hist_data->actions[0].match_data.event_system: sched
+    hist_data->actions[0].match_data.event: sched_waking
+The commands below can be used to clean things up for the next test::
+  # echo '!hist:keys=next_pid:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0:onmatch(sched.sched_waking).wakeup_latency($wakeup_lat,next_pid,next_comm)' >> /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sched/sched_switch/trigger
+  # echo '!hist:keys=pid:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs' >> events/sched/sched_waking/trigger
+  # echo '!wakeup_latency u64 lat; pid_t pid; char comm[16]' >> synthetic_events
+action_data and the trace() action
+As mentioned above, when the trace() action generates a synthetic
+event, all the parameters to the synthetic event either already are
+variables or are converted into variables (via field variables), and
+finally all those variable values are collected via references to them
+into a var_ref_vals[] array.
+The values in the var_ref_vals[] array, however, don't necessarily
+follow the same ordering as the synthetic event params.  To address
+that, struct action_data contains another array, var_ref_idx[] that
+maps the trace action params to the var_ref_vals[] values.  Below is a
+diagram illustrating that for the wakeup_latency() synthetic event::
+  +------------------+     wakeup_latency()
+  | action_data      |       event params               var_ref_vals[]
+  +------------------+    +-----------------+        +-----------------+
+    | .var_ref_idx[] |--->| $wakeup_lat idx |---+    |                 |
+    +----------------+    +-----------------+   |    +-----------------+
+    | .synth_event   |    | $next_pid idx   |---|-+  | $wakeup_lat val |
+    +----------------+    +-----------------+   | |  +-----------------+
+                                   .            | +->| $next_pid val   |
+                                   .            |    +-----------------+
+                                   .            |           .
+                          +-----------------+   |           .
+			  |                 |   |           .
+			  +-----------------+   |    +-----------------+
+                                                +--->| $wakeup_lat val |
+                                                     +-----------------+
+Basically, how this ends up getting used in the synthetic event probe
+function, trace_event_raw_event_synth(), is as follows::
+  for each field i in .synth_event
+    val_idx = .var_ref_idx[i]
+    val = var_ref_vals[val_idx]
+action_data and the onXXX() handlers
+The hist trigger onXXX() actions other than onmatch(), such as onmax()
+and onchange(), also make use of and internally create hidden
+variables.  This information is contained in the
+action_data.track_data struct, and is also visible in the hist_debug
+output as will be described in the example below.
+Typically, the onmax() or onchange() handlers are used in conjunction
+with the save() and snapshot() actions.  For example::
+  # echo 'hist:keys=next_pid:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0: \
+          onmax($wakeup_lat).save(next_comm,prev_pid,prev_prio,prev_comm)' >>
+          /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sched/sched_switch/trigger
+  # echo 'hist:keys=next_pid:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0: \
+          onmax($wakeup_lat).snapshot()' >>
+          /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sched/sched_switch/trigger
+save() action field variable test
+For this example, instead of generating a synthetic event, the save()
+action is used to save field values whenever an onmax() handler
+detects that a new max latency has been hit.  As in the previous
+example, the values being saved are also field values, but in this
+case, are kept in a separate hist_data array named save_vars[].
+As in previous test examples, we set up the sched_waking trigger::
+  # echo 'hist:keys=pid:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs' >> events/sched/sched_waking/trigger
+In this case, however, we set up the sched_switch trigger to save some
+sched_switch field values whenever we hit a new maximum latency.  For
+both the onmax() handler and save() action, variables will be created,
+which we can use the hist_debug files to examine::
+  # echo 'hist:keys=next_pid:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0:onmax($wakeup_lat).save(next_comm,prev_pid,prev_prio,prev_comm)' >> events/sched/sched_switch/trigger
+The sched_waking hist_debug output shows the same data as in the
+previous test examples::
+  # cat events/sched/sched_waking/hist_debug
+  #
+  # trigger info: hist:keys=pid:vals=hitcount:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs:sort=hitcount:size=2048:clock=global [active]
+  #
+  hist_data: 00000000e6290f48
+  n_vals: 2
+  n_keys: 1
+  n_fields: 3
+  val fields:
+    hist_data->fields[0]:
+      flags:
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->fields[1]:
+      flags:
+      var.name: ts0
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+  key fields:
+    hist_data->fields[2]:
+      flags:
+      ftrace_event_field name: pid
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 1
+The output of the sched_switch trigger shows the same val and key
+values as before, but also shows a couple new sections.
+First, the action tracking variables section now shows the
+actions[].track_data information describing the special tracking
+variables and references used to track, in this case, the running
+maximum value.  The actions[].track_data.var_ref member contains the
+reference to the variable being tracked, in this case the $wakeup_lat
+variable.  In order to perform the onmax() handler function, there
+also needs to be a variable that tracks the current maximum by getting
+updated whenever a new maximum is hit.  In this case, we can see that
+an auto-generated variable named ' __max' has been created and is
+visible in the actions[].track_data.track_var variable.
+Finally, in the new 'save action variables' section, we can see that
+the 4 params to the save() function have resulted in 4 field variables
+being created for the purposes of saving the values of the named
+fields when the max is hit.  These variables are kept in a separate
+save_vars[] array off of hist_data, so are displayed in a separate
+  # cat events/sched/sched_switch/hist_debug
+  # event histogram
+  #
+  # trigger info: hist:keys=next_pid:vals=hitcount:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0:sort=hitcount:size=2048:clock=global:onmax($wakeup_lat).save(next_comm,prev_pid,prev_prio,prev_comm) [active]
+  #
+  hist_data: 0000000057bcd28d
+  n_vals: 2
+  n_keys: 1
+  n_fields: 3
+  val fields:
+    hist_data->fields[0]:
+      flags:
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->fields[1]:
+      flags:
+      var.name: wakeup_lat
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      type: u64
+      size: 0
+      is_signed: 0
+  key fields:
+    hist_data->fields[2]:
+      flags:
+      ftrace_event_field name: next_pid
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 1
+  variable reference fields:
+    hist_data->var_refs[0]:
+      flags:
+      name: ts0
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      var.hist_data: 00000000e6290f48
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 0
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->var_refs[1]:
+      flags:
+      name: wakeup_lat
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      var.hist_data: 0000000057bcd28d
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 1
+      type: u64
+      size: 0
+      is_signed: 0
+  action tracking variables (for onmax()/onchange()/onmatch()):
+    hist_data->actions[0].track_data.var_ref:
+      flags:
+      name: wakeup_lat
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      var.hist_data: 0000000057bcd28d
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 1
+      type: u64
+      size: 0
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->actions[0].track_data.track_var:
+      flags:
+      var.name: __max
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 1
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+  save action variables (save() params):
+    hist_data->save_vars[0]:
+      save_vars[0].var:
+      flags:
+      var.name: next_comm
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 2
+      save_vars[0].val:
+      ftrace_event_field name: next_comm
+      type: char[16]
+      size: 256
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->save_vars[1]:
+      save_vars[1].var:
+      flags:
+      var.name: prev_pid
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 3
+      save_vars[1].val:
+      ftrace_event_field name: prev_pid
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 4
+      is_signed: 1
+    hist_data->save_vars[2]:
+      save_vars[2].var:
+      flags:
+      var.name: prev_prio
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 4
+      save_vars[2].val:
+      ftrace_event_field name: prev_prio
+      type: int
+      size: 4
+      is_signed: 1
+    hist_data->save_vars[3]:
+      save_vars[3].var:
+      flags:
+      var.name: prev_comm
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 5
+      save_vars[3].val:
+      ftrace_event_field name: prev_comm
+      type: char[16]
+      size: 256
+      is_signed: 0
+The commands below can be used to clean things up for the next test::
+  # echo '!hist:keys=next_pid:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0:onmax($wakeup_lat).save(next_comm,prev_pid,prev_prio,prev_comm)' >> events/sched/sched_switch/trigger
+  # echo '!hist:keys=pid:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs' >> events/sched/sched_waking/trigger
+A couple special cases
+While the above covers the basics of the histogram internals, there
+are a couple of special cases that should be discussed, since they
+tend to create even more confusion.  Those are field variables on other
+histograms, and aliases, both described below through example tests
+using the hist_debug files.
+Test of field variables on other histograms
+This example is similar to the previous examples, but in this case,
+the sched_switch trigger references a hist trigger field on another
+event, namely the sched_waking event.  In order to accomplish this, a
+field variable is created for the other event, but since an existing
+histogram can't be used, as existing histograms are immutable, a new
+histogram with a matching variable is created and used, and we'll see
+that reflected in the hist_debug output shown below.
+First, we create the wakeup_latency synthetic event.  Note the
+addition of the prio field::
+  # echo 'wakeup_latency u64 lat; pid_t pid; int prio' >> synthetic_events
+As in previous test examples, we set up the sched_waking trigger::
+  # echo 'hist:keys=pid:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs' >> events/sched/sched_waking/trigger
+Here we set up a hist trigger on sched_switch to send a wakeup_latency
+event using an onmatch handler naming the sched_waking event.  Note
+that the third param being passed to the wakeup_latency() is prio,
+which is a field name that needs to have a field variable created for
+it.  There isn't however any prio field on the sched_switch event so
+it would seem that it wouldn't be possible to create a field variable
+for it.  The matching sched_waking event does have a prio field, so it
+should be possible to make use of it for this purpose.  The problem
+with that is that it's not currently possible to define a new variable
+on an existing histogram, so it's not possible to add a new prio field
+variable to the existing sched_waking histogram.  It is however
+possible to create an additional new 'matching' sched_waking histogram
+for the same event, meaning that it uses the same key and filters, and
+define the new prio field variable on that.
+Here's the sched_switch trigger::
+  # echo 'hist:keys=next_pid:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0:onmatch(sched.sched_waking).wakeup_latency($wakeup_lat,next_pid,prio)' >> events/sched/sched_switch/trigger
+And here's the output of the hist_debug information for the
+sched_waking hist trigger.  Note that there are two histograms
+displayed in the output: the first is the normal sched_waking
+histogram we've seen in the previous examples, and the second is the
+special histogram we created to provide the prio field variable.
+Looking at the second histogram below, we see a variable with the name
+synthetic_prio.  This is the field variable created for the prio field
+on that sched_waking histogram::
+  # cat events/sched/sched_waking/hist_debug
+  # event histogram
+  #
+  # trigger info: hist:keys=pid:vals=hitcount:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs:sort=hitcount:size=2048:clock=global [active]
+  #
+  hist_data: 00000000349570e4
+  n_vals: 2
+  n_keys: 1
+  n_fields: 3
+  val fields:
+    hist_data->fields[0]:
+      flags:
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->fields[1]:
+      flags:
+      var.name: ts0
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+  key fields:
+    hist_data->fields[2]:
+      flags:
+      ftrace_event_field name: pid
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 1
+  # event histogram
+  #
+  # trigger info: hist:keys=pid:vals=hitcount:synthetic_prio=prio:sort=hitcount:size=2048 [active]
+  #
+  hist_data: 000000006920cf38
+  n_vals: 2
+  n_keys: 1
+  n_fields: 3
+  val fields:
+    hist_data->fields[0]:
+      flags:
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->fields[1]:
+      flags:
+      ftrace_event_field name: prio
+      var.name: synthetic_prio
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      type: int
+      size: 4
+      is_signed: 1
+  key fields:
+    hist_data->fields[2]:
+      flags:
+      ftrace_event_field name: pid
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 1
+Looking at the sched_switch histogram below, we can see a reference to
+the synthetic_prio variable on sched_waking, and looking at the
+associated hist_data address we see that it is indeed associated with
+the new histogram.  Note also that the other references are to a
+normal variable, wakeup_lat, and to a normal field variable, next_pid,
+the details of which are in the field variables section::
+  # cat events/sched/sched_switch/hist_debug
+  # event histogram
+  #
+  # trigger info: hist:keys=next_pid:vals=hitcount:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0:sort=hitcount:size=2048:clock=global:onmatch(sched.sched_waking).wakeup_latency($wakeup_lat,next_pid,prio) [active]
+  #
+  hist_data: 00000000a73b67df
+  n_vals: 2
+  n_keys: 1
+  n_fields: 3
+  val fields:
+    hist_data->fields[0]:
+      flags:
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->fields[1]:
+      flags:
+      var.name: wakeup_lat
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      type: u64
+      size: 0
+      is_signed: 0
+  key fields:
+    hist_data->fields[2]:
+      flags:
+      ftrace_event_field name: next_pid
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 1
+  variable reference fields:
+    hist_data->var_refs[0]:
+      flags:
+      name: ts0
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      var.hist_data: 00000000349570e4
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 0
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->var_refs[1]:
+      flags:
+      name: wakeup_lat
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      var.hist_data: 00000000a73b67df
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 1
+      type: u64
+      size: 0
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->var_refs[2]:
+      flags:
+      name: next_pid
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 1
+      var.hist_data: 00000000a73b67df
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 2
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 4
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->var_refs[3]:
+      flags:
+      name: synthetic_prio
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      var.hist_data: 000000006920cf38
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 3
+      type: int
+      size: 4
+      is_signed: 1
+  field variables:
+    hist_data->field_vars[0]:
+      field_vars[0].var:
+      flags:
+      var.name: next_pid
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 1
+      field_vars[0].val:
+      ftrace_event_field name: next_pid
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 4
+      is_signed: 1
+  action tracking variables (for onmax()/onchange()/onmatch()):
+    hist_data->actions[0].match_data.event_system: sched
+    hist_data->actions[0].match_data.event: sched_waking
+The commands below can be used to clean things up for the next test::
+  # echo '!hist:keys=next_pid:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0:onmatch(sched.sched_waking).wakeup_latency($wakeup_lat,next_pid,prio)' >> events/sched/sched_switch/trigger
+  # echo '!hist:keys=pid:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs' >> events/sched/sched_waking/trigger
+  # echo '!wakeup_latency u64 lat; pid_t pid; int prio' >> synthetic_events
+Alias test
+This example is very similar to previous examples, but demonstrates
+the alias flag.
+First, we create the wakeup_latency synthetic event::
+  # echo 'wakeup_latency u64 lat; pid_t pid; char comm[16]' >> synthetic_events
+Next, we create a sched_waking trigger similar to previous examples,
+but in this case we save the pid in the waking_pid variable::
+  # echo 'hist:keys=pid:waking_pid=pid:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs' >> events/sched/sched_waking/trigger
+For the sched_switch trigger, instead of using $waking_pid directly in
+the wakeup_latency synthetic event invocation, we create an alias of
+$waking_pid named $woken_pid, and use that in the synthetic event
+invocation instead::
+  # echo 'hist:keys=next_pid:woken_pid=$waking_pid:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0:onmatch(sched.sched_waking).wakeup_latency($wakeup_lat,$woken_pid,next_comm)' >> events/sched/sched_switch/trigger
+Looking at the sched_waking hist_debug output, in addition to the
+normal fields, we can see the waking_pid variable::
+  # cat events/sched/sched_waking/hist_debug
+  # event histogram
+  #
+  # trigger info: hist:keys=pid:vals=hitcount:waking_pid=pid,ts0=common_timestamp.usecs:sort=hitcount:size=2048:clock=global [active]
+  #
+  hist_data: 00000000a250528c
+  n_vals: 3
+  n_keys: 1
+  n_fields: 4
+  val fields:
+    hist_data->fields[0]:
+      flags:
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->fields[1]:
+      flags:
+      ftrace_event_field name: pid
+      var.name: waking_pid
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 4
+      is_signed: 1
+    hist_data->fields[2]:
+      flags:
+      var.name: ts0
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 1
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+  key fields:
+    hist_data->fields[3]:
+      flags:
+      ftrace_event_field name: pid
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 1
+The sched_switch hist_debug output shows that a variable named
+woken_pid has been created but that it also has the
+HIST_FIELD_FL_ALIAS flag set.  It also has the HIST_FIELD_FL_VAR flag
+set, which is why it appears in the val field section.
+Despite that implementation detail, an alias variable is actually more
+like a variable reference; in fact it can be thought of as a reference
+to a reference.  The implementation copies the var_ref->fn() from the
+variable reference being referenced, in this case, the waking_pid
+fn(), which is hist_field_var_ref() and makes that the fn() of the
+alias.  The hist_field_var_ref() fn() requires the var_ref_idx of the
+variable reference it's using, so waking_pid's var_ref_idx is also
+copied to the alias.  The end result is that when the value of alias
+is retrieved, in the end it just does the same thing the original
+reference would have done and retrieves the same value from the
+var_ref_vals[] array.  You can verify this in the output by noting
+that the var_ref_idx of the alias, in this case woken_pid, is the same
+as the var_ref_idx of the reference, waking_pid, in the variable
+reference fields section.
+Additionally, once it gets that value, since it is also a variable, it
+then saves that value into its var.idx.  So the var.idx of the
+woken_pid alias is 0, which it fills with the value from var_ref_idx 0
+when its fn() is called to update itself.  You'll also notice that
+there's a woken_pid var_ref in the variable refs section.  That is the
+reference to the woken_pid alias variable, and you can see that it
+retrieves the value from the same var.idx as the woken_pid alias, 0,
+and then in turn saves that value in its own var_ref_idx slot, 3, and
+the value at this position is finally what gets assigned to the
+$woken_pid slot in the trace event invocation::
+  # cat events/sched/sched_switch/hist_debug
+  # event histogram
+  #
+  # trigger info: hist:keys=next_pid:vals=hitcount:woken_pid=$waking_pid,wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0:sort=hitcount:size=2048:clock=global:onmatch(sched.sched_waking).wakeup_latency($wakeup_lat,$woken_pid,next_comm) [active]
+  #
+  hist_data: 0000000055d65ed0
+  n_vals: 3
+  n_keys: 1
+  n_fields: 4
+  val fields:
+    hist_data->fields[0]:
+      flags:
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->fields[1]:
+      flags:
+      var.name: woken_pid
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 0
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 4
+      is_signed: 1
+    hist_data->fields[2]:
+      flags:
+      var.name: wakeup_lat
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 1
+      type: u64
+      size: 0
+      is_signed: 0
+  key fields:
+    hist_data->fields[3]:
+      flags:
+      ftrace_event_field name: next_pid
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 1
+  variable reference fields:
+    hist_data->var_refs[0]:
+      flags:
+      name: waking_pid
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      var.hist_data: 00000000a250528c
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 0
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 4
+      is_signed: 1
+    hist_data->var_refs[1]:
+      flags:
+      name: ts0
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 1
+      var.hist_data: 00000000a250528c
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 1
+      type: u64
+      size: 8
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->var_refs[2]:
+      flags:
+      name: wakeup_lat
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 1
+      var.hist_data: 0000000055d65ed0
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 2
+      type: u64
+      size: 0
+      is_signed: 0
+    hist_data->var_refs[3]:
+      flags:
+      name: woken_pid
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 0
+      var.hist_data: 0000000055d65ed0
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 3
+      type: pid_t
+      size: 4
+      is_signed: 1
+    hist_data->var_refs[4]:
+      flags:
+      name: next_comm
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 2
+      var.hist_data: 0000000055d65ed0
+      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): 4
+      type: char[16]
+      size: 256
+      is_signed: 0
+  field variables:
+    hist_data->field_vars[0]:
+      field_vars[0].var:
+      flags:
+      var.name: next_comm
+      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): 2
+      field_vars[0].val:
+      ftrace_event_field name: next_comm
+      type: char[16]
+      size: 256
+      is_signed: 0
+  action tracking variables (for onmax()/onchange()/onmatch()):
+    hist_data->actions[0].match_data.event_system: sched
+    hist_data->actions[0].match_data.event: sched_waking
+The commands below can be used to clean things up for the next test::
+  # echo '!hist:keys=next_pid:woken_pid=$waking_pid:wakeup_lat=common_timestamp.usecs-$ts0:onmatch(sched.sched_waking).wakeup_latency($wakeup_lat,$woken_pid,next_comm)' >> events/sched/sched_switch/trigger
+  # echo '!hist:keys=pid:ts0=common_timestamp.usecs' >> events/sched/sched_waking/trigger
+  # echo '!wakeup_latency u64 lat; pid_t pid; char comm[16]' >> synthetic_events
diff --git a/kernel/trace/Kconfig b/kernel/trace/Kconfig
index 24876faac753..a4020c0b4508 100644
--- a/kernel/trace/Kconfig
+++ b/kernel/trace/Kconfig
@@ -249,15 +249,6 @@ config TRACE_PREEMPT_TOGGLE
 	  Enables hooks which will be called when preemption is first disabled,
 	  and last enabled.
-	bool "Enable trace events for preempt and irq disable/enable"
-	default n
-	help
-	  Enable tracing of disable and enable events for preemption and irqs.
 	bool "Interrupts-off Latency Tracer"
 	default n
@@ -614,12 +605,30 @@ config TRACING_MAP
 	  generally used outside of that context, and is normally
 	  selected by tracers that use it.
+	bool "Synthetic trace events"
+	select TRACING
+	default n
+	help
+	  Synthetic events are user-defined trace events that can be
+	  used to combine data from other trace events or in fact any
+	  data source.  Synthetic events can be generated indirectly
+	  via the trace() action of histogram triggers or directly
+	  by way of an in-kernel API.
+	  See Documentation/trace/events.rst or
+	  Documentation/trace/histogram.rst for details and examples.
+	  If in doubt, say N.
 	bool "Histogram triggers"
 	select TRACING_MAP
 	select TRACING
 	default n
 	  Hist triggers allow one or more arbitrary trace event fields
@@ -815,7 +824,7 @@ config PREEMPTIRQ_DELAY_TEST
 	tristate "Test module for in-kernel synthetic event generation"
-	depends on HIST_TRIGGERS
+	depends on SYNTH_EVENTS
           This option creates a test module to check the base
           functionality of in-kernel synthetic event definition and
@@ -838,6 +847,29 @@ config KPROBE_EVENT_GEN_TEST
 	  If unsure, say N.
+	bool "Hist trigger debug support"
+	depends on HIST_TRIGGERS
+	help
+          Add "hist_debug" file for each event, which when read will
+          dump out a bunch of internal details about the hist triggers
+          defined on that event.
+          The hist_debug file serves a couple of purposes:
+            - Helps developers verify that nothing is broken.
+            - Provides educational information to support the details
+              of the hist trigger internals as described by
+              Documentation/trace/histogram-design.rst.
+          The hist_debug output only covers the data structures
+          related to the histogram definitions themselves and doesn't
+          display the internals of map buckets or variable values of
+          running histograms.
+          If unsure, say N.
 endif # FTRACE
diff --git a/kernel/trace/Makefile b/kernel/trace/Makefile
index f9dcd19165fa..1d8aaa546412 100644
--- a/kernel/trace/Makefile
+++ b/kernel/trace/Makefile
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ endif
 obj-$(CONFIG_EVENT_TRACING) += trace_events_filter.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_EVENT_TRACING) += trace_events_trigger.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_TRACE_EVENT_INJECT) += trace_events_inject.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_SYNTH_EVENTS) += trace_events_synth.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_HIST_TRIGGERS) += trace_events_hist.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_BPF_EVENTS) += bpf_trace.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_KPROBE_EVENTS) += trace_kprobe.o
diff --git a/kernel/trace/ftrace.c b/kernel/trace/ftrace.c
index 7d0ebd104706..c163c3531faf 100644
--- a/kernel/trace/ftrace.c
+++ b/kernel/trace/ftrace.c
@@ -2016,14 +2016,14 @@ void ftrace_bug(int failed, struct dyn_ftrace *rec)
 	unsigned long ip = rec ? rec->ip : 0;
+	pr_info("------------[ ftrace bug ]------------\n");
 	switch (failed) {
 	case -EFAULT:
 		pr_info("ftrace faulted on modifying ");
 		print_ip_sym(KERN_INFO, ip);
 	case -EINVAL:
 		pr_info("ftrace failed to modify ");
 		print_ip_sym(KERN_INFO, ip);
 		print_ip_ins(" actual:   ", (unsigned char *)ip);
@@ -2034,12 +2034,10 @@ void ftrace_bug(int failed, struct dyn_ftrace *rec)
 	case -EPERM:
 		pr_info("ftrace faulted on writing ");
 		print_ip_sym(KERN_INFO, ip);
 		pr_info("ftrace faulted on unknown error ");
 		print_ip_sym(KERN_INFO, ip);
@@ -2066,6 +2064,8 @@ void ftrace_bug(int failed, struct dyn_ftrace *rec)
 		ip = ftrace_get_addr_curr(rec);
 		pr_cont("\n expected tramp: %lx\n", ip);
 static int ftrace_check_record(struct dyn_ftrace *rec, bool enable, bool update)
diff --git a/kernel/trace/trace.c b/kernel/trace/trace.c
index 3ab27022c20f..ec44b0e2a19c 100644
--- a/kernel/trace/trace.c
+++ b/kernel/trace/trace.c
@@ -1299,8 +1299,11 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(tracing_off);
 void disable_trace_on_warning(void)
-	if (__disable_trace_on_warning)
+	if (__disable_trace_on_warning) {
+		trace_array_printk_buf(global_trace.array_buffer.buffer, _THIS_IP_,
+			"Disabling tracing due to warning\n");
+	}
diff --git a/kernel/trace/trace.h b/kernel/trace/trace.h
index 4eb1d004d5f2..def769df5bf1 100644
--- a/kernel/trace/trace.h
+++ b/kernel/trace/trace.h
@@ -1661,6 +1661,7 @@ extern struct list_head ftrace_events;
 extern const struct file_operations event_trigger_fops;
 extern const struct file_operations event_hist_fops;
+extern const struct file_operations event_hist_debug_fops;
 extern const struct file_operations event_inject_fops;
diff --git a/kernel/trace/trace_events.c b/kernel/trace/trace_events.c
index 242f59e7f17d..f6f55682d3e2 100644
--- a/kernel/trace/trace_events.c
+++ b/kernel/trace/trace_events.c
@@ -2208,6 +2208,10 @@ event_create_dir(struct dentry *parent, struct trace_event_file *file)
 	trace_create_file("hist", 0444, file->dir, file,
+	trace_create_file("hist_debug", 0444, file->dir, file,
+			  &event_hist_debug_fops);
 	trace_create_file("format", 0444, file->dir, call,
diff --git a/kernel/trace/trace_events_hist.c b/kernel/trace/trace_events_hist.c
index fcab11cc6833..0b933546142e 100644
--- a/kernel/trace/trace_events_hist.c
+++ b/kernel/trace/trace_events_hist.c
@@ -19,13 +19,7 @@
 #include <trace/events/mmflags.h>
 #include "tracing_map.h"
-#include "trace.h"
-#include "trace_dynevent.h"
-#define SYNTH_SYSTEM		"synthetic"
-#define SYNTH_FIELDS_MAX	32
-#define STR_VAR_LEN_MAX		32 /* must be multiple of sizeof(u64) */
+#include "trace_synth.h"
 #define ERRORS								\
 	C(NONE,			"No error"),				\
@@ -380,69 +374,6 @@ struct hist_trigger_data {
 	unsigned int			n_save_var_str;
-static int create_synth_event(int argc, const char **argv);
-static int synth_event_show(struct seq_file *m, struct dyn_event *ev);
-static int synth_event_release(struct dyn_event *ev);
-static bool synth_event_is_busy(struct dyn_event *ev);
-static bool synth_event_match(const char *system, const char *event,
-			int argc, const char **argv, struct dyn_event *ev);
-static struct dyn_event_operations synth_event_ops = {
-	.create = create_synth_event,
-	.show = synth_event_show,
-	.is_busy = synth_event_is_busy,
-	.free = synth_event_release,
-	.match = synth_event_match,
-struct synth_field {
-	char *type;
-	char *name;
-	size_t size;
-	unsigned int offset;
-	bool is_signed;
-	bool is_string;
-struct synth_event {
-	struct dyn_event			devent;
-	int					ref;
-	char					*name;
-	struct synth_field			**fields;
-	unsigned int				n_fields;
-	unsigned int				n_u64;
-	struct trace_event_class		class;
-	struct trace_event_call			call;
-	struct tracepoint			*tp;
-	struct module				*mod;
-static bool is_synth_event(struct dyn_event *ev)
-	return ev->ops == &synth_event_ops;
-static struct synth_event *to_synth_event(struct dyn_event *ev)
-	return container_of(ev, struct synth_event, devent);
-static bool synth_event_is_busy(struct dyn_event *ev)
-	struct synth_event *event = to_synth_event(ev);
-	return event->ref != 0;
-static bool synth_event_match(const char *system, const char *event,
-			int argc, const char **argv, struct dyn_event *ev)
-	struct synth_event *sev = to_synth_event(ev);
-	return strcmp(sev->name, event) == 0 &&
-		(!system || strcmp(system, SYNTH_SYSTEM) == 0);
 struct action_data;
 typedef void (*action_fn_t) (struct hist_trigger_data *hist_data,
@@ -589,6 +520,7 @@ static struct track_data *track_data_alloc(unsigned int key_len,
 		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
 	data->elt.private_data = elt_data;
 	elt_data->comm = kzalloc(TASK_COMM_LEN, GFP_KERNEL);
@@ -621,7 +553,6 @@ static void last_cmd_set(struct trace_event_file *file, char *str)
 	if (file) {
 		call = file->event_call;
 		system = call->class->system;
 		if (system) {
 			name = trace_event_name(call);
@@ -646,510 +577,6 @@ static void hist_err_clear(void)
 	last_cmd_loc[0] = '\0';
-struct synth_trace_event {
-	struct trace_entry	ent;
-	u64			fields[];
-static int synth_event_define_fields(struct trace_event_call *call)
-	struct synth_trace_event trace;
-	int offset = offsetof(typeof(trace), fields);
-	struct synth_event *event = call->data;
-	unsigned int i, size, n_u64;
-	char *name, *type;
-	bool is_signed;
-	int ret = 0;
-	for (i = 0, n_u64 = 0; i < event->n_fields; i++) {
-		size = event->fields[i]->size;
-		is_signed = event->fields[i]->is_signed;
-		type = event->fields[i]->type;
-		name = event->fields[i]->name;
-		ret = trace_define_field(call, type, name, offset, size,
-					 is_signed, FILTER_OTHER);
-		if (ret)
-			break;
-		event->fields[i]->offset = n_u64;
-		if (event->fields[i]->is_string) {
-			offset += STR_VAR_LEN_MAX;
-			n_u64 += STR_VAR_LEN_MAX / sizeof(u64);
-		} else {
-			offset += sizeof(u64);
-			n_u64++;
-		}
-	}
-	event->n_u64 = n_u64;
-	return ret;
-static bool synth_field_signed(char *type)
-	if (str_has_prefix(type, "u"))
-		return false;
-	if (strcmp(type, "gfp_t") == 0)
-		return false;
-	return true;
-static int synth_field_is_string(char *type)
-	if (strstr(type, "char[") != NULL)
-		return true;
-	return false;
-static int synth_field_string_size(char *type)
-	char buf[4], *end, *start;
-	unsigned int len;
-	int size, err;
-	start = strstr(type, "char[");
-	if (start == NULL)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	start += sizeof("char[") - 1;
-	end = strchr(type, ']');
-	if (!end || end < start)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	len = end - start;
-	if (len > 3)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	strncpy(buf, start, len);
-	buf[len] = '\0';
-	err = kstrtouint(buf, 0, &size);
-	if (err)
-		return err;
-	if (size > STR_VAR_LEN_MAX)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	return size;
-static int synth_field_size(char *type)
-	int size = 0;
-	if (strcmp(type, "s64") == 0)
-		size = sizeof(s64);
-	else if (strcmp(type, "u64") == 0)
-		size = sizeof(u64);
-	else if (strcmp(type, "s32") == 0)
-		size = sizeof(s32);
-	else if (strcmp(type, "u32") == 0)
-		size = sizeof(u32);
-	else if (strcmp(type, "s16") == 0)
-		size = sizeof(s16);
-	else if (strcmp(type, "u16") == 0)
-		size = sizeof(u16);
-	else if (strcmp(type, "s8") == 0)
-		size = sizeof(s8);
-	else if (strcmp(type, "u8") == 0)
-		size = sizeof(u8);
-	else if (strcmp(type, "char") == 0)
-		size = sizeof(char);
-	else if (strcmp(type, "unsigned char") == 0)
-		size = sizeof(unsigned char);
-	else if (strcmp(type, "int") == 0)
-		size = sizeof(int);
-	else if (strcmp(type, "unsigned int") == 0)
-		size = sizeof(unsigned int);
-	else if (strcmp(type, "long") == 0)
-		size = sizeof(long);
-	else if (strcmp(type, "unsigned long") == 0)
-		size = sizeof(unsigned long);
-	else if (strcmp(type, "pid_t") == 0)
-		size = sizeof(pid_t);
-	else if (strcmp(type, "gfp_t") == 0)
-		size = sizeof(gfp_t);
-	else if (synth_field_is_string(type))
-		size = synth_field_string_size(type);
-	return size;
-static const char *synth_field_fmt(char *type)
-	const char *fmt = "%llu";
-	if (strcmp(type, "s64") == 0)
-		fmt = "%lld";
-	else if (strcmp(type, "u64") == 0)
-		fmt = "%llu";
-	else if (strcmp(type, "s32") == 0)
-		fmt = "%d";
-	else if (strcmp(type, "u32") == 0)
-		fmt = "%u";
-	else if (strcmp(type, "s16") == 0)
-		fmt = "%d";
-	else if (strcmp(type, "u16") == 0)
-		fmt = "%u";
-	else if (strcmp(type, "s8") == 0)
-		fmt = "%d";
-	else if (strcmp(type, "u8") == 0)
-		fmt = "%u";
-	else if (strcmp(type, "char") == 0)
-		fmt = "%d";
-	else if (strcmp(type, "unsigned char") == 0)
-		fmt = "%u";
-	else if (strcmp(type, "int") == 0)
-		fmt = "%d";
-	else if (strcmp(type, "unsigned int") == 0)
-		fmt = "%u";
-	else if (strcmp(type, "long") == 0)
-		fmt = "%ld";
-	else if (strcmp(type, "unsigned long") == 0)
-		fmt = "%lu";
-	else if (strcmp(type, "pid_t") == 0)
-		fmt = "%d";
-	else if (strcmp(type, "gfp_t") == 0)
-		fmt = "%x";
-	else if (synth_field_is_string(type))
-		fmt = "%s";
-	return fmt;
-static void print_synth_event_num_val(struct trace_seq *s,
-				      char *print_fmt, char *name,
-				      int size, u64 val, char *space)
-	switch (size) {
-	case 1:
-		trace_seq_printf(s, print_fmt, name, (u8)val, space);
-		break;
-	case 2:
-		trace_seq_printf(s, print_fmt, name, (u16)val, space);
-		break;
-	case 4:
-		trace_seq_printf(s, print_fmt, name, (u32)val, space);
-		break;
-	default:
-		trace_seq_printf(s, print_fmt, name, val, space);
-		break;
-	}
-static enum print_line_t print_synth_event(struct trace_iterator *iter,
-					   int flags,
-					   struct trace_event *event)
-	struct trace_array *tr = iter->tr;
-	struct trace_seq *s = &iter->seq;
-	struct synth_trace_event *entry;
-	struct synth_event *se;
-	unsigned int i, n_u64;
-	char print_fmt[32];
-	const char *fmt;
-	entry = (struct synth_trace_event *)iter->ent;
-	se = container_of(event, struct synth_event, call.event);
-	trace_seq_printf(s, "%s: ", se->name);
-	for (i = 0, n_u64 = 0; i < se->n_fields; i++) {
-		if (trace_seq_has_overflowed(s))
-			goto end;
-		fmt = synth_field_fmt(se->fields[i]->type);
-		/* parameter types */
-		if (tr && tr->trace_flags & TRACE_ITER_VERBOSE)
-			trace_seq_printf(s, "%s ", fmt);
-		snprintf(print_fmt, sizeof(print_fmt), "%%s=%s%%s", fmt);
-		/* parameter values */
-		if (se->fields[i]->is_string) {
-			trace_seq_printf(s, print_fmt, se->fields[i]->name,
-					 (char *)&entry->fields[n_u64],
-					 i == se->n_fields - 1 ? "" : " ");
-			n_u64 += STR_VAR_LEN_MAX / sizeof(u64);
-		} else {
-			struct trace_print_flags __flags[] = {
-			    __def_gfpflag_names, {-1, NULL} };
-			char *space = (i == se->n_fields - 1 ? "" : " ");
-			print_synth_event_num_val(s, print_fmt,
-						  se->fields[i]->name,
-						  se->fields[i]->size,
-						  entry->fields[n_u64],
-						  space);
-			if (strcmp(se->fields[i]->type, "gfp_t") == 0) {
-				trace_seq_puts(s, " (");
-				trace_print_flags_seq(s, "|",
-						      entry->fields[n_u64],
-						      __flags);
-				trace_seq_putc(s, ')');
-			}
-			n_u64++;
-		}
-	}
-	trace_seq_putc(s, '\n');
-	return trace_handle_return(s);
-static struct trace_event_functions synth_event_funcs = {
-	.trace		= print_synth_event
-static notrace void trace_event_raw_event_synth(void *__data,
-						u64 *var_ref_vals,
-						unsigned int *var_ref_idx)
-	struct trace_event_file *trace_file = __data;
-	struct synth_trace_event *entry;
-	struct trace_event_buffer fbuffer;
-	struct trace_buffer *buffer;
-	struct synth_event *event;
-	unsigned int i, n_u64, val_idx;
-	int fields_size = 0;
-	event = trace_file->event_call->data;
-	if (trace_trigger_soft_disabled(trace_file))
-		return;
-	fields_size = event->n_u64 * sizeof(u64);
-	/*
-	 * Avoid ring buffer recursion detection, as this event
-	 * is being performed within another event.
-	 */
-	buffer = trace_file->tr->array_buffer.buffer;
-	ring_buffer_nest_start(buffer);
-	entry = trace_event_buffer_reserve(&fbuffer, trace_file,
-					   sizeof(*entry) + fields_size);
-	if (!entry)
-		goto out;
-	for (i = 0, n_u64 = 0; i < event->n_fields; i++) {
-		val_idx = var_ref_idx[i];
-		if (event->fields[i]->is_string) {
-			char *str_val = (char *)(long)var_ref_vals[val_idx];
-			char *str_field = (char *)&entry->fields[n_u64];
-			strscpy(str_field, str_val, STR_VAR_LEN_MAX);
-			n_u64 += STR_VAR_LEN_MAX / sizeof(u64);
-		} else {
-			struct synth_field *field = event->fields[i];
-			u64 val = var_ref_vals[val_idx];
-			switch (field->size) {
-			case 1:
-				*(u8 *)&entry->fields[n_u64] = (u8)val;
-				break;
-			case 2:
-				*(u16 *)&entry->fields[n_u64] = (u16)val;
-				break;
-			case 4:
-				*(u32 *)&entry->fields[n_u64] = (u32)val;
-				break;
-			default:
-				entry->fields[n_u64] = val;
-				break;
-			}
-			n_u64++;
-		}
-	}
-	trace_event_buffer_commit(&fbuffer);
-	ring_buffer_nest_end(buffer);
-static void free_synth_event_print_fmt(struct trace_event_call *call)
-	if (call) {
-		kfree(call->print_fmt);
-		call->print_fmt = NULL;
-	}
-static int __set_synth_event_print_fmt(struct synth_event *event,
-				       char *buf, int len)
-	const char *fmt;
-	int pos = 0;
-	int i;
-	/* When len=0, we just calculate the needed length */
-#define LEN_OR_ZERO (len ? len - pos : 0)
-	pos += snprintf(buf + pos, LEN_OR_ZERO, "\"");
-	for (i = 0; i < event->n_fields; i++) {
-		fmt = synth_field_fmt(event->fields[i]->type);
-		pos += snprintf(buf + pos, LEN_OR_ZERO, "%s=%s%s",
-				event->fields[i]->name, fmt,
-				i == event->n_fields - 1 ? "" : ", ");
-	}
-	pos += snprintf(buf + pos, LEN_OR_ZERO, "\"");
-	for (i = 0; i < event->n_fields; i++) {
-		pos += snprintf(buf + pos, LEN_OR_ZERO,
-				", REC->%s", event->fields[i]->name);
-	}
-#undef LEN_OR_ZERO
-	/* return the length of print_fmt */
-	return pos;
-static int set_synth_event_print_fmt(struct trace_event_call *call)
-	struct synth_event *event = call->data;
-	char *print_fmt;
-	int len;
-	/* First: called with 0 length to calculate the needed length */
-	len = __set_synth_event_print_fmt(event, NULL, 0);
-	print_fmt = kmalloc(len + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!print_fmt)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	/* Second: actually write the @print_fmt */
-	__set_synth_event_print_fmt(event, print_fmt, len + 1);
-	call->print_fmt = print_fmt;
-	return 0;
-static void free_synth_field(struct synth_field *field)
-	kfree(field->type);
-	kfree(field->name);
-	kfree(field);
-static struct synth_field *parse_synth_field(int argc, const char **argv,
-					     int *consumed)
-	struct synth_field *field;
-	const char *prefix = NULL, *field_type = argv[0], *field_name, *array;
-	int len, ret = 0;
-	if (field_type[0] == ';')
-		field_type++;
-	if (!strcmp(field_type, "unsigned")) {
-		if (argc < 3)
-			return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
-		prefix = "unsigned ";
-		field_type = argv[1];
-		field_name = argv[2];
-		*consumed = 3;
-	} else {
-		field_name = argv[1];
-		*consumed = 2;
-	}
-	field = kzalloc(sizeof(*field), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!field)
-		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-	len = strlen(field_name);
-	array = strchr(field_name, '[');
-	if (array)
-		len -= strlen(array);
-	else if (field_name[len - 1] == ';')
-		len--;
-	field->name = kmemdup_nul(field_name, len, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!field->name) {
-		ret = -ENOMEM;
-		goto free;
-	}
-	if (field_type[0] == ';')
-		field_type++;
-	len = strlen(field_type) + 1;
-	if (array)
-		len += strlen(array);
-	if (prefix)
-		len += strlen(prefix);
-	field->type = kzalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!field->type) {
-		ret = -ENOMEM;
-		goto free;
-	}
-	if (prefix)
-		strcat(field->type, prefix);
-	strcat(field->type, field_type);
-	if (array) {
-		strcat(field->type, array);
-		if (field->type[len - 1] == ';')
-			field->type[len - 1] = '\0';
-	}
-	field->size = synth_field_size(field->type);
-	if (!field->size) {
-		ret = -EINVAL;
-		goto free;
-	}
-	if (synth_field_is_string(field->type))
-		field->is_string = true;
-	field->is_signed = synth_field_signed(field->type);
- out:
-	return field;
- free:
-	free_synth_field(field);
-	field = ERR_PTR(ret);
-	goto out;
-static void free_synth_tracepoint(struct tracepoint *tp)
-	if (!tp)
-		return;
-	kfree(tp->name);
-	kfree(tp);
-static struct tracepoint *alloc_synth_tracepoint(char *name)
-	struct tracepoint *tp;
-	tp = kzalloc(sizeof(*tp), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!tp)
-		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-	tp->name = kstrdup(name, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!tp->name) {
-		kfree(tp);
-		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-	}
-	return tp;
 typedef void (*synth_probe_func_t) (void *__data, u64 *var_ref_vals,
 				    unsigned int *var_ref_idx);
@@ -1177,145 +604,6 @@ static inline void trace_synth(struct synth_event *event, u64 *var_ref_vals,
-static struct synth_event *find_synth_event(const char *name)
-	struct dyn_event *pos;
-	struct synth_event *event;
-	for_each_dyn_event(pos) {
-		if (!is_synth_event(pos))
-			continue;
-		event = to_synth_event(pos);
-		if (strcmp(event->name, name) == 0)
-			return event;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-static struct trace_event_fields synth_event_fields_array[] = {
-	  .define_fields = synth_event_define_fields },
-	{}
-static int register_synth_event(struct synth_event *event)
-	struct trace_event_call *call = &event->call;
-	int ret = 0;
-	event->call.class = &event->class;
-	event->class.system = kstrdup(SYNTH_SYSTEM, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!event->class.system) {
-		ret = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	event->tp = alloc_synth_tracepoint(event->name);
-	if (IS_ERR(event->tp)) {
-		ret = PTR_ERR(event->tp);
-		event->tp = NULL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&call->class->fields);
-	call->event.funcs = &synth_event_funcs;
-	call->class->fields_array = synth_event_fields_array;
-	ret = register_trace_event(&call->event);
-	if (!ret) {
-		ret = -ENODEV;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	call->class->reg = trace_event_reg;
-	call->class->probe = trace_event_raw_event_synth;
-	call->data = event;
-	call->tp = event->tp;
-	ret = trace_add_event_call(call);
-	if (ret) {
-		pr_warn("Failed to register synthetic event: %s\n",
-			trace_event_name(call));
-		goto err;
-	}
-	ret = set_synth_event_print_fmt(call);
-	if (ret < 0) {
-		trace_remove_event_call(call);
-		goto err;
-	}
- out:
-	return ret;
- err:
-	unregister_trace_event(&call->event);
-	goto out;
-static int unregister_synth_event(struct synth_event *event)
-	struct trace_event_call *call = &event->call;
-	int ret;
-	ret = trace_remove_event_call(call);
-	return ret;
-static void free_synth_event(struct synth_event *event)
-	unsigned int i;
-	if (!event)
-		return;
-	for (i = 0; i < event->n_fields; i++)
-		free_synth_field(event->fields[i]);
-	kfree(event->fields);
-	kfree(event->name);
-	kfree(event->class.system);
-	free_synth_tracepoint(event->tp);
-	free_synth_event_print_fmt(&event->call);
-	kfree(event);
-static struct synth_event *alloc_synth_event(const char *name, int n_fields,
-					     struct synth_field **fields)
-	struct synth_event *event;
-	unsigned int i;
-	event = kzalloc(sizeof(*event), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!event) {
-		event = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	event->name = kstrdup(name, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!event->name) {
-		kfree(event);
-		event = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	event->fields = kcalloc(n_fields, sizeof(*event->fields), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!event->fields) {
-		free_synth_event(event);
-		event = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	dyn_event_init(&event->devent, &synth_event_ops);
-	for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++)
-		event->fields[i] = fields[i];
-	event->n_fields = n_fields;
- out:
-	return event;
 static void action_trace(struct hist_trigger_data *hist_data,
 			 struct tracing_map_elt *elt, void *rec,
 			 struct ring_buffer_event *rbe, void *key,
@@ -1331,1056 +619,6 @@ struct hist_var_data {
 	struct hist_trigger_data *hist_data;
-static int synth_event_check_arg_fn(void *data)
-	struct dynevent_arg_pair *arg_pair = data;
-	int size;
-	size = synth_field_size((char *)arg_pair->lhs);
-	return size ? 0 : -EINVAL;
- * synth_event_add_field - Add a new field to a synthetic event cmd
- * @cmd: A pointer to the dynevent_cmd struct representing the new event
- * @type: The type of the new field to add
- * @name: The name of the new field to add
- *
- * Add a new field to a synthetic event cmd object.  Field ordering is in
- * the same order the fields are added.
- *
- * See synth_field_size() for available types. If field_name contains
- * [n] the field is considered to be an array.
- *
- * Return: 0 if successful, error otherwise.
- */
-int synth_event_add_field(struct dynevent_cmd *cmd, const char *type,
-			  const char *name)
-	struct dynevent_arg_pair arg_pair;
-	int ret;
-	if (cmd->type != DYNEVENT_TYPE_SYNTH)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	if (!type || !name)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	dynevent_arg_pair_init(&arg_pair, 0, ';');
-	arg_pair.lhs = type;
-	arg_pair.rhs = name;
-	ret = dynevent_arg_pair_add(cmd, &arg_pair, synth_event_check_arg_fn);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	if (++cmd->n_fields > SYNTH_FIELDS_MAX)
-		ret = -EINVAL;
-	return ret;
- * synth_event_add_field_str - Add a new field to a synthetic event cmd
- * @cmd: A pointer to the dynevent_cmd struct representing the new event
- * @type_name: The type and name of the new field to add, as a single string
- *
- * Add a new field to a synthetic event cmd object, as a single
- * string.  The @type_name string is expected to be of the form 'type
- * name', which will be appended by ';'.  No sanity checking is done -
- * what's passed in is assumed to already be well-formed.  Field
- * ordering is in the same order the fields are added.
- *
- * See synth_field_size() for available types. If field_name contains
- * [n] the field is considered to be an array.
- *
- * Return: 0 if successful, error otherwise.
- */
-int synth_event_add_field_str(struct dynevent_cmd *cmd, const char *type_name)
-	struct dynevent_arg arg;
-	int ret;
-	if (cmd->type != DYNEVENT_TYPE_SYNTH)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	if (!type_name)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	dynevent_arg_init(&arg, ';');
-	arg.str = type_name;
-	ret = dynevent_arg_add(cmd, &arg, NULL);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	if (++cmd->n_fields > SYNTH_FIELDS_MAX)
-		ret = -EINVAL;
-	return ret;
- * synth_event_add_fields - Add multiple fields to a synthetic event cmd
- * @cmd: A pointer to the dynevent_cmd struct representing the new event
- * @fields: An array of type/name field descriptions
- * @n_fields: The number of field descriptions contained in the fields array
- *
- * Add a new set of fields to a synthetic event cmd object.  The event
- * fields that will be defined for the event should be passed in as an
- * array of struct synth_field_desc, and the number of elements in the
- * array passed in as n_fields.  Field ordering will retain the
- * ordering given in the fields array.
- *
- * See synth_field_size() for available types. If field_name contains
- * [n] the field is considered to be an array.
- *
- * Return: 0 if successful, error otherwise.
- */
-int synth_event_add_fields(struct dynevent_cmd *cmd,
-			   struct synth_field_desc *fields,
-			   unsigned int n_fields)
-	unsigned int i;
-	int ret = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) {
-		if (fields[i].type == NULL || fields[i].name == NULL) {
-			ret = -EINVAL;
-			break;
-		}
-		ret = synth_event_add_field(cmd, fields[i].type, fields[i].name);
-		if (ret)
-			break;
-	}
-	return ret;
- * __synth_event_gen_cmd_start - Start a synthetic event command from arg list
- * @cmd: A pointer to the dynevent_cmd struct representing the new event
- * @name: The name of the synthetic event
- * @mod: The module creating the event, NULL if not created from a module
- * @args: Variable number of arg (pairs), one pair for each field
- *
- * NOTE: Users normally won't want to call this function directly, but
- * rather use the synth_event_gen_cmd_start() wrapper, which
- * automatically adds a NULL to the end of the arg list.  If this
- * function is used directly, make sure the last arg in the variable
- * arg list is NULL.
- *
- * Generate a synthetic event command to be executed by
- * synth_event_gen_cmd_end().  This function can be used to generate
- * the complete command or only the first part of it; in the latter
- * case, synth_event_add_field(), synth_event_add_field_str(), or
- * synth_event_add_fields() can be used to add more fields following
- * this.
- *
- * There should be an even number variable args, each pair consisting
- * of a type followed by a field name.
- *
- * See synth_field_size() for available types. If field_name contains
- * [n] the field is considered to be an array.
- *
- * Return: 0 if successful, error otherwise.
- */
-int __synth_event_gen_cmd_start(struct dynevent_cmd *cmd, const char *name,
-				struct module *mod, ...)
-	struct dynevent_arg arg;
-	va_list args;
-	int ret;
-	cmd->event_name = name;
-	cmd->private_data = mod;
-	if (cmd->type != DYNEVENT_TYPE_SYNTH)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	dynevent_arg_init(&arg, 0);
-	arg.str = name;
-	ret = dynevent_arg_add(cmd, &arg, NULL);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	va_start(args, mod);
-	for (;;) {
-		const char *type, *name;
-		type = va_arg(args, const char *);
-		if (!type)
-			break;
-		name = va_arg(args, const char *);
-		if (!name)
-			break;
-		if (++cmd->n_fields > SYNTH_FIELDS_MAX) {
-			ret = -EINVAL;
-			break;
-		}
-		ret = synth_event_add_field(cmd, type, name);
-		if (ret)
-			break;
-	}
-	va_end(args);
-	return ret;
- * synth_event_gen_cmd_array_start - Start synthetic event command from an array
- * @cmd: A pointer to the dynevent_cmd struct representing the new event
- * @name: The name of the synthetic event
- * @fields: An array of type/name field descriptions
- * @n_fields: The number of field descriptions contained in the fields array
- *
- * Generate a synthetic event command to be executed by
- * synth_event_gen_cmd_end().  This function can be used to generate
- * the complete command or only the first part of it; in the latter
- * case, synth_event_add_field(), synth_event_add_field_str(), or
- * synth_event_add_fields() can be used to add more fields following
- * this.
- *
- * The event fields that will be defined for the event should be
- * passed in as an array of struct synth_field_desc, and the number of
- * elements in the array passed in as n_fields.  Field ordering will
- * retain the ordering given in the fields array.
- *
- * See synth_field_size() for available types. If field_name contains
- * [n] the field is considered to be an array.
- *
- * Return: 0 if successful, error otherwise.
- */
-int synth_event_gen_cmd_array_start(struct dynevent_cmd *cmd, const char *name,
-				    struct module *mod,
-				    struct synth_field_desc *fields,
-				    unsigned int n_fields)
-	struct dynevent_arg arg;
-	unsigned int i;
-	int ret = 0;
-	cmd->event_name = name;
-	cmd->private_data = mod;
-	if (cmd->type != DYNEVENT_TYPE_SYNTH)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	if (n_fields > SYNTH_FIELDS_MAX)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	dynevent_arg_init(&arg, 0);
-	arg.str = name;
-	ret = dynevent_arg_add(cmd, &arg, NULL);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) {
-		if (fields[i].type == NULL || fields[i].name == NULL)
-			return -EINVAL;
-		ret = synth_event_add_field(cmd, fields[i].type, fields[i].name);
-		if (ret)
-			break;
-	}
-	return ret;
-static int __create_synth_event(int argc, const char *name, const char **argv)
-	struct synth_field *field, *fields[SYNTH_FIELDS_MAX];
-	struct synth_event *event = NULL;
-	int i, consumed = 0, n_fields = 0, ret = 0;
-	/*
-	 * Argument syntax:
-	 *  - Add synthetic event: <event_name> field[;field] ...
-	 *  - Remove synthetic event: !<event_name> field[;field] ...
-	 *      where 'field' = type field_name
-	 */
-	if (name[0] == '\0' || argc < 1)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	mutex_lock(&event_mutex);
-	event = find_synth_event(name);
-	if (event) {
-		ret = -EEXIST;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < argc - 1; i++) {
-		if (strcmp(argv[i], ";") == 0)
-			continue;
-		if (n_fields == SYNTH_FIELDS_MAX) {
-			ret = -EINVAL;
-			goto err;
-		}
-		field = parse_synth_field(argc - i, &argv[i], &consumed);
-		if (IS_ERR(field)) {
-			ret = PTR_ERR(field);
-			goto err;
-		}
-		fields[n_fields++] = field;
-		i += consumed - 1;
-	}
-	if (i < argc && strcmp(argv[i], ";") != 0) {
-		ret = -EINVAL;
-		goto err;
-	}
-	event = alloc_synth_event(name, n_fields, fields);
-	if (IS_ERR(event)) {
-		ret = PTR_ERR(event);
-		event = NULL;
-		goto err;
-	}
-	ret = register_synth_event(event);
-	if (!ret)
-		dyn_event_add(&event->devent);
-	else
-		free_synth_event(event);
- out:
-	mutex_unlock(&event_mutex);
-	return ret;
- err:
-	for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++)
-		free_synth_field(fields[i]);
-	goto out;
- * synth_event_create - Create a new synthetic event
- * @name: The name of the new sythetic event
- * @fields: An array of type/name field descriptions
- * @n_fields: The number of field descriptions contained in the fields array
- * @mod: The module creating the event, NULL if not created from a module
- *
- * Create a new synthetic event with the given name under the
- * trace/events/synthetic/ directory.  The event fields that will be
- * defined for the event should be passed in as an array of struct
- * synth_field_desc, and the number elements in the array passed in as
- * n_fields. Field ordering will retain the ordering given in the
- * fields array.
- *
- * If the new synthetic event is being created from a module, the mod
- * param must be non-NULL.  This will ensure that the trace buffer
- * won't contain unreadable events.
- *
- * The new synth event should be deleted using synth_event_delete()
- * function.  The new synthetic event can be generated from modules or
- * other kernel code using trace_synth_event() and related functions.
- *
- * Return: 0 if successful, error otherwise.
- */
-int synth_event_create(const char *name, struct synth_field_desc *fields,
-		       unsigned int n_fields, struct module *mod)
-	struct dynevent_cmd cmd;
-	char *buf;
-	int ret;
-	if (!buf)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	synth_event_cmd_init(&cmd, buf, MAX_DYNEVENT_CMD_LEN);
-	ret = synth_event_gen_cmd_array_start(&cmd, name, mod,
-					      fields, n_fields);
-	if (ret)
-		goto out;
-	ret = synth_event_gen_cmd_end(&cmd);
- out:
-	kfree(buf);
-	return ret;
-static int destroy_synth_event(struct synth_event *se)
-	int ret;
-	if (se->ref)
-		ret = -EBUSY;
-	else {
-		ret = unregister_synth_event(se);
-		if (!ret) {
-			dyn_event_remove(&se->devent);
-			free_synth_event(se);
-		}
-	}
-	return ret;
- * synth_event_delete - Delete a synthetic event
- * @event_name: The name of the new sythetic event
- *
- * Delete a synthetic event that was created with synth_event_create().
- *
- * Return: 0 if successful, error otherwise.
- */
-int synth_event_delete(const char *event_name)
-	struct synth_event *se = NULL;
-	struct module *mod = NULL;
-	int ret = -ENOENT;
-	mutex_lock(&event_mutex);
-	se = find_synth_event(event_name);
-	if (se) {
-		mod = se->mod;
-		ret = destroy_synth_event(se);
-	}
-	mutex_unlock(&event_mutex);
-	if (mod) {
-		mutex_lock(&trace_types_lock);
-		/*
-		 * It is safest to reset the ring buffer if the module
-		 * being unloaded registered any events that were
-		 * used. The only worry is if a new module gets
-		 * loaded, and takes on the same id as the events of
-		 * this module. When printing out the buffer, traced
-		 * events left over from this module may be passed to
-		 * the new module events and unexpected results may
-		 * occur.
-		 */
-		tracing_reset_all_online_cpus();
-		mutex_unlock(&trace_types_lock);
-	}
-	return ret;
-static int create_or_delete_synth_event(int argc, char **argv)
-	const char *name = argv[0];
-	int ret;
-	/* trace_run_command() ensures argc != 0 */
-	if (name[0] == '!') {
-		ret = synth_event_delete(name + 1);
-		return ret;
-	}
-	ret = __create_synth_event(argc - 1, name, (const char **)argv + 1);
-	return ret == -ECANCELED ? -EINVAL : ret;
-static int synth_event_run_command(struct dynevent_cmd *cmd)
-	struct synth_event *se;
-	int ret;
-	ret = trace_run_command(cmd->seq.buffer, create_or_delete_synth_event);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	se = find_synth_event(cmd->event_name);
-	if (WARN_ON(!se))
-		return -ENOENT;
-	se->mod = cmd->private_data;
-	return ret;
- * synth_event_cmd_init - Initialize a synthetic event command object
- * @cmd: A pointer to the dynevent_cmd struct representing the new event
- * @buf: A pointer to the buffer used to build the command
- * @maxlen: The length of the buffer passed in @buf
- *
- * Initialize a synthetic event command object.  Use this before
- * calling any of the other dyenvent_cmd functions.
- */
-void synth_event_cmd_init(struct dynevent_cmd *cmd, char *buf, int maxlen)
-	dynevent_cmd_init(cmd, buf, maxlen, DYNEVENT_TYPE_SYNTH,
-			  synth_event_run_command);
-static inline int
-__synth_event_trace_start(struct trace_event_file *file,
-			  struct synth_event_trace_state *trace_state)
-	int entry_size, fields_size = 0;
-	int ret = 0;
-	memset(trace_state, '\0', sizeof(*trace_state));
-	/*
-	 * Normal event tracing doesn't get called at all unless the
-	 * ENABLED bit is set (which attaches the probe thus allowing
-	 * this code to be called, etc).  Because this is called
-	 * directly by the user, we don't have that but we still need
-	 * to honor not logging when disabled.  For the the iterated
-	 * trace case, we save the enabed state upon start and just
-	 * ignore the following data calls.
-	 */
-	if (!(file->flags & EVENT_FILE_FL_ENABLED) ||
-	    trace_trigger_soft_disabled(file)) {
-		trace_state->disabled = true;
-		ret = -ENOENT;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	trace_state->event = file->event_call->data;
-	fields_size = trace_state->event->n_u64 * sizeof(u64);
-	/*
-	 * Avoid ring buffer recursion detection, as this event
-	 * is being performed within another event.
-	 */
-	trace_state->buffer = file->tr->array_buffer.buffer;
-	ring_buffer_nest_start(trace_state->buffer);
-	entry_size = sizeof(*trace_state->entry) + fields_size;
-	trace_state->entry = trace_event_buffer_reserve(&trace_state->fbuffer,
-							file,
-							entry_size);
-	if (!trace_state->entry) {
-		ring_buffer_nest_end(trace_state->buffer);
-		ret = -EINVAL;
-	}
-	return ret;
-static inline void
-__synth_event_trace_end(struct synth_event_trace_state *trace_state)
-	trace_event_buffer_commit(&trace_state->fbuffer);
-	ring_buffer_nest_end(trace_state->buffer);
- * synth_event_trace - Trace a synthetic event
- * @file: The trace_event_file representing the synthetic event
- * @n_vals: The number of values in vals
- * @args: Variable number of args containing the event values
- *
- * Trace a synthetic event using the values passed in the variable
- * argument list.
- *
- * The argument list should be a list 'n_vals' u64 values.  The number
- * of vals must match the number of field in the synthetic event, and
- * must be in the same order as the synthetic event fields.
- *
- * All vals should be cast to u64, and string vals are just pointers
- * to strings, cast to u64.  Strings will be copied into space
- * reserved in the event for the string, using these pointers.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, err otherwise.
- */
-int synth_event_trace(struct trace_event_file *file, unsigned int n_vals, ...)
-	struct synth_event_trace_state state;
-	unsigned int i, n_u64;
-	va_list args;
-	int ret;
-	ret = __synth_event_trace_start(file, &state);
-	if (ret) {
-		if (ret == -ENOENT)
-			ret = 0; /* just disabled, not really an error */
-		return ret;
-	}
-	if (n_vals != state.event->n_fields) {
-		ret = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	va_start(args, n_vals);
-	for (i = 0, n_u64 = 0; i < state.event->n_fields; i++) {
-		u64 val;
-		val = va_arg(args, u64);
-		if (state.event->fields[i]->is_string) {
-			char *str_val = (char *)(long)val;
-			char *str_field = (char *)&state.entry->fields[n_u64];
-			strscpy(str_field, str_val, STR_VAR_LEN_MAX);
-			n_u64 += STR_VAR_LEN_MAX / sizeof(u64);
-		} else {
-			struct synth_field *field = state.event->fields[i];
-			switch (field->size) {
-			case 1:
-				*(u8 *)&state.entry->fields[n_u64] = (u8)val;
-				break;
-			case 2:
-				*(u16 *)&state.entry->fields[n_u64] = (u16)val;
-				break;
-			case 4:
-				*(u32 *)&state.entry->fields[n_u64] = (u32)val;
-				break;
-			default:
-				state.entry->fields[n_u64] = val;
-				break;
-			}
-			n_u64++;
-		}
-	}
-	va_end(args);
-	__synth_event_trace_end(&state);
-	return ret;
- * synth_event_trace_array - Trace a synthetic event from an array
- * @file: The trace_event_file representing the synthetic event
- * @vals: Array of values
- * @n_vals: The number of values in vals
- *
- * Trace a synthetic event using the values passed in as 'vals'.
- *
- * The 'vals' array is just an array of 'n_vals' u64.  The number of
- * vals must match the number of field in the synthetic event, and
- * must be in the same order as the synthetic event fields.
- *
- * All vals should be cast to u64, and string vals are just pointers
- * to strings, cast to u64.  Strings will be copied into space
- * reserved in the event for the string, using these pointers.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, err otherwise.
- */
-int synth_event_trace_array(struct trace_event_file *file, u64 *vals,
-			    unsigned int n_vals)
-	struct synth_event_trace_state state;
-	unsigned int i, n_u64;
-	int ret;
-	ret = __synth_event_trace_start(file, &state);
-	if (ret) {
-		if (ret == -ENOENT)
-			ret = 0; /* just disabled, not really an error */
-		return ret;
-	}
-	if (n_vals != state.event->n_fields) {
-		ret = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	for (i = 0, n_u64 = 0; i < state.event->n_fields; i++) {
-		if (state.event->fields[i]->is_string) {
-			char *str_val = (char *)(long)vals[i];
-			char *str_field = (char *)&state.entry->fields[n_u64];
-			strscpy(str_field, str_val, STR_VAR_LEN_MAX);
-			n_u64 += STR_VAR_LEN_MAX / sizeof(u64);
-		} else {
-			struct synth_field *field = state.event->fields[i];
-			u64 val = vals[i];
-			switch (field->size) {
-			case 1:
-				*(u8 *)&state.entry->fields[n_u64] = (u8)val;
-				break;
-			case 2:
-				*(u16 *)&state.entry->fields[n_u64] = (u16)val;
-				break;
-			case 4:
-				*(u32 *)&state.entry->fields[n_u64] = (u32)val;
-				break;
-			default:
-				state.entry->fields[n_u64] = val;
-				break;
-			}
-			n_u64++;
-		}
-	}
-	__synth_event_trace_end(&state);
-	return ret;
- * synth_event_trace_start - Start piecewise synthetic event trace
- * @file: The trace_event_file representing the synthetic event
- * @trace_state: A pointer to object tracking the piecewise trace state
- *
- * Start the trace of a synthetic event field-by-field rather than all
- * at once.
- *
- * This function 'opens' an event trace, which means space is reserved
- * for the event in the trace buffer, after which the event's
- * individual field values can be set through either
- * synth_event_add_next_val() or synth_event_add_val().
- *
- * A pointer to a trace_state object is passed in, which will keep
- * track of the current event trace state until the event trace is
- * closed (and the event finally traced) using
- * synth_event_trace_end().
- *
- * Note that synth_event_trace_end() must be called after all values
- * have been added for each event trace, regardless of whether adding
- * all field values succeeded or not.
- *
- * Note also that for a given event trace, all fields must be added
- * using either synth_event_add_next_val() or synth_event_add_val()
- * but not both together or interleaved.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, err otherwise.
- */
-int synth_event_trace_start(struct trace_event_file *file,
-			    struct synth_event_trace_state *trace_state)
-	int ret;
-	if (!trace_state)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	ret = __synth_event_trace_start(file, trace_state);
-	if (ret == -ENOENT)
-		ret = 0; /* just disabled, not really an error */
-	return ret;
-static int __synth_event_add_val(const char *field_name, u64 val,
-				 struct synth_event_trace_state *trace_state)
-	struct synth_field *field = NULL;
-	struct synth_trace_event *entry;
-	struct synth_event *event;
-	int i, ret = 0;
-	if (!trace_state) {
-		ret = -EINVAL;
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* can't mix add_next_synth_val() with add_synth_val() */
-	if (field_name) {
-		if (trace_state->add_next) {
-			ret = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		trace_state->add_name = true;
-	} else {
-		if (trace_state->add_name) {
-			ret = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		trace_state->add_next = true;
-	}
-	if (trace_state->disabled)
-		goto out;
-	event = trace_state->event;
-	if (trace_state->add_name) {
-		for (i = 0; i < event->n_fields; i++) {
-			field = event->fields[i];
-			if (strcmp(field->name, field_name) == 0)
-				break;
-		}
-		if (!field) {
-			ret = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-	} else {
-		if (trace_state->cur_field >= event->n_fields) {
-			ret = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		field = event->fields[trace_state->cur_field++];
-	}
-	entry = trace_state->entry;
-	if (field->is_string) {
-		char *str_val = (char *)(long)val;
-		char *str_field;
-		if (!str_val) {
-			ret = -EINVAL;
-			goto out;
-		}
-		str_field = (char *)&entry->fields[field->offset];
-		strscpy(str_field, str_val, STR_VAR_LEN_MAX);
-	} else {
-		switch (field->size) {
-		case 1:
-			*(u8 *)&trace_state->entry->fields[field->offset] = (u8)val;
-			break;
-		case 2:
-			*(u16 *)&trace_state->entry->fields[field->offset] = (u16)val;
-			break;
-		case 4:
-			*(u32 *)&trace_state->entry->fields[field->offset] = (u32)val;
-			break;
-		default:
-			trace_state->entry->fields[field->offset] = val;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
- out:
-	return ret;
- * synth_event_add_next_val - Add the next field's value to an open synth trace
- * @val: The value to set the next field to
- * @trace_state: A pointer to object tracking the piecewise trace state
- *
- * Set the value of the next field in an event that's been opened by
- * synth_event_trace_start().
- *
- * The val param should be the value cast to u64.  If the value points
- * to a string, the val param should be a char * cast to u64.
- *
- * This function assumes all the fields in an event are to be set one
- * after another - successive calls to this function are made, one for
- * each field, in the order of the fields in the event, until all
- * fields have been set.  If you'd rather set each field individually
- * without regard to ordering, synth_event_add_val() can be used
- * instead.
- *
- * Note however that synth_event_add_next_val() and
- * synth_event_add_val() can't be intermixed for a given event trace -
- * one or the other but not both can be used at the same time.
- *
- * Note also that synth_event_trace_end() must be called after all
- * values have been added for each event trace, regardless of whether
- * adding all field values succeeded or not.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, err otherwise.
- */
-int synth_event_add_next_val(u64 val,
-			     struct synth_event_trace_state *trace_state)
-	return __synth_event_add_val(NULL, val, trace_state);
- * synth_event_add_val - Add a named field's value to an open synth trace
- * @field_name: The name of the synthetic event field value to set
- * @val: The value to set the next field to
- * @trace_state: A pointer to object tracking the piecewise trace state
- *
- * Set the value of the named field in an event that's been opened by
- * synth_event_trace_start().
- *
- * The val param should be the value cast to u64.  If the value points
- * to a string, the val param should be a char * cast to u64.
- *
- * This function looks up the field name, and if found, sets the field
- * to the specified value.  This lookup makes this function more
- * expensive than synth_event_add_next_val(), so use that or the
- * none-piecewise synth_event_trace() instead if efficiency is more
- * important.
- *
- * Note however that synth_event_add_next_val() and
- * synth_event_add_val() can't be intermixed for a given event trace -
- * one or the other but not both can be used at the same time.
- *
- * Note also that synth_event_trace_end() must be called after all
- * values have been added for each event trace, regardless of whether
- * adding all field values succeeded or not.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, err otherwise.
- */
-int synth_event_add_val(const char *field_name, u64 val,
-			struct synth_event_trace_state *trace_state)
-	return __synth_event_add_val(field_name, val, trace_state);
- * synth_event_trace_end - End piecewise synthetic event trace
- * @trace_state: A pointer to object tracking the piecewise trace state
- *
- * End the trace of a synthetic event opened by
- * synth_event_trace__start().
- *
- * This function 'closes' an event trace, which basically means that
- * it commits the reserved event and cleans up other loose ends.
- *
- * A pointer to a trace_state object is passed in, which will keep
- * track of the current event trace state opened with
- * synth_event_trace_start().
- *
- * Note that this function must be called after all values have been
- * added for each event trace, regardless of whether adding all field
- * values succeeded or not.
- *
- * Return: 0 on success, err otherwise.
- */
-int synth_event_trace_end(struct synth_event_trace_state *trace_state)
-	if (!trace_state)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	__synth_event_trace_end(trace_state);
-	return 0;
-static int create_synth_event(int argc, const char **argv)
-	const char *name = argv[0];
-	int len;
-	if (name[0] != 's' || name[1] != ':')
-		return -ECANCELED;
-	name += 2;
-	/* This interface accepts group name prefix */
-	if (strchr(name, '/')) {
-		len = str_has_prefix(name, SYNTH_SYSTEM "/");
-		if (len == 0)
-			return -EINVAL;
-		name += len;
-	}
-	return __create_synth_event(argc - 1, name, argv + 1);
-static int synth_event_release(struct dyn_event *ev)
-	struct synth_event *event = to_synth_event(ev);
-	int ret;
-	if (event->ref)
-		return -EBUSY;
-	ret = unregister_synth_event(event);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	dyn_event_remove(ev);
-	free_synth_event(event);
-	return 0;
-static int __synth_event_show(struct seq_file *m, struct synth_event *event)
-	struct synth_field *field;
-	unsigned int i;
-	seq_printf(m, "%s\t", event->name);
-	for (i = 0; i < event->n_fields; i++) {
-		field = event->fields[i];
-		/* parameter values */
-		seq_printf(m, "%s %s%s", field->type, field->name,
-			   i == event->n_fields - 1 ? "" : "; ");
-	}
-	seq_putc(m, '\n');
-	return 0;
-static int synth_event_show(struct seq_file *m, struct dyn_event *ev)
-	struct synth_event *event = to_synth_event(ev);
-	seq_printf(m, "s:%s/", event->class.system);
-	return __synth_event_show(m, event);
-static int synth_events_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
-	struct dyn_event *ev = v;
-	if (!is_synth_event(ev))
-		return 0;
-	return __synth_event_show(m, to_synth_event(ev));
-static const struct seq_operations synth_events_seq_op = {
-	.start	= dyn_event_seq_start,
-	.next	= dyn_event_seq_next,
-	.stop	= dyn_event_seq_stop,
-	.show	= synth_events_seq_show,
-static int synth_events_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-	int ret;
-	ret = security_locked_down(LOCKDOWN_TRACEFS);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	if ((file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE) && (file->f_flags & O_TRUNC)) {
-		ret = dyn_events_release_all(&synth_event_ops);
-		if (ret < 0)
-			return ret;
-	}
-	return seq_open(file, &synth_events_seq_op);
-static ssize_t synth_events_write(struct file *file,
-				  const char __user *buffer,
-				  size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
-	return trace_parse_run_command(file, buffer, count, ppos,
-				       create_or_delete_synth_event);
-static const struct file_operations synth_events_fops = {
-	.open           = synth_events_open,
-	.write		= synth_events_write,
-	.read           = seq_read,
-	.llseek         = seq_lseek,
-	.release        = seq_release,
 static u64 hist_field_timestamp(struct hist_field *hist_field,
 				struct tracing_map_elt *elt,
 				struct ring_buffer_event *rbe,
@@ -6491,6 +4729,279 @@ const struct file_operations event_hist_fops = {
 	.release = single_release,
+static void hist_field_debug_show_flags(struct seq_file *m,
+					unsigned long flags)
+	seq_puts(m, "      flags:\n");
+	if (flags & HIST_FIELD_FL_KEY)
+		seq_puts(m, "        HIST_FIELD_FL_KEY\n");
+	else if (flags & HIST_FIELD_FL_HITCOUNT)
+		seq_puts(m, "        VAL: HIST_FIELD_FL_HITCOUNT\n");
+	else if (flags & HIST_FIELD_FL_VAR)
+		seq_puts(m, "        HIST_FIELD_FL_VAR\n");
+	else if (flags & HIST_FIELD_FL_VAR_REF)
+		seq_puts(m, "        HIST_FIELD_FL_VAR_REF\n");
+	else
+		seq_puts(m, "        VAL: normal u64 value\n");
+	if (flags & HIST_FIELD_FL_ALIAS)
+		seq_puts(m, "        HIST_FIELD_FL_ALIAS\n");
+static int hist_field_debug_show(struct seq_file *m,
+				 struct hist_field *field, unsigned long flags)
+	if ((field->flags & flags) != flags) {
+		seq_printf(m, "ERROR: bad flags - %lx\n", flags);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	hist_field_debug_show_flags(m, field->flags);
+	if (field->field)
+		seq_printf(m, "      ftrace_event_field name: %s\n",
+			   field->field->name);
+	if (field->flags & HIST_FIELD_FL_VAR) {
+		seq_printf(m, "      var.name: %s\n", field->var.name);
+		seq_printf(m, "      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): %u\n",
+			   field->var.idx);
+	}
+	if (field->flags & HIST_FIELD_FL_ALIAS)
+		seq_printf(m, "      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): %u\n",
+			   field->var_ref_idx);
+	if (field->flags & HIST_FIELD_FL_VAR_REF) {
+		seq_printf(m, "      name: %s\n", field->name);
+		seq_printf(m, "      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): %u\n",
+			   field->var.idx);
+		seq_printf(m, "      var.hist_data: %p\n", field->var.hist_data);
+		seq_printf(m, "      var_ref_idx (into hist_data->var_refs[]): %u\n",
+			   field->var_ref_idx);
+		if (field->system)
+			seq_printf(m, "      system: %s\n", field->system);
+		if (field->event_name)
+			seq_printf(m, "      event_name: %s\n", field->event_name);
+	}
+	seq_printf(m, "      type: %s\n", field->type);
+	seq_printf(m, "      size: %u\n", field->size);
+	seq_printf(m, "      is_signed: %u\n", field->is_signed);
+	return 0;
+static int field_var_debug_show(struct seq_file *m,
+				struct field_var *field_var, unsigned int i,
+				bool save_vars)
+	const char *vars_name = save_vars ? "save_vars" : "field_vars";
+	struct hist_field *field;
+	int ret = 0;
+	seq_printf(m, "\n    hist_data->%s[%d]:\n", vars_name, i);
+	field = field_var->var;
+	seq_printf(m, "\n      %s[%d].var:\n", vars_name, i);
+	hist_field_debug_show_flags(m, field->flags);
+	seq_printf(m, "      var.name: %s\n", field->var.name);
+	seq_printf(m, "      var.idx (into tracing_map_elt.vars[]): %u\n",
+		   field->var.idx);
+	field = field_var->val;
+	seq_printf(m, "\n      %s[%d].val:\n", vars_name, i);
+	if (field->field)
+		seq_printf(m, "      ftrace_event_field name: %s\n",
+			   field->field->name);
+	else {
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	seq_printf(m, "      type: %s\n", field->type);
+	seq_printf(m, "      size: %u\n", field->size);
+	seq_printf(m, "      is_signed: %u\n", field->is_signed);
+	return ret;
+static int hist_action_debug_show(struct seq_file *m,
+				  struct action_data *data, int i)
+	int ret = 0;
+	if (data->handler == HANDLER_ONMAX ||
+	    data->handler == HANDLER_ONCHANGE) {
+		seq_printf(m, "\n    hist_data->actions[%d].track_data.var_ref:\n", i);
+		ret = hist_field_debug_show(m, data->track_data.var_ref,
+		if (ret)
+			goto out;
+		seq_printf(m, "\n    hist_data->actions[%d].track_data.track_var:\n", i);
+		ret = hist_field_debug_show(m, data->track_data.track_var,
+					    HIST_FIELD_FL_VAR);
+		if (ret)
+			goto out;
+	}
+	if (data->handler == HANDLER_ONMATCH) {
+		seq_printf(m, "\n    hist_data->actions[%d].match_data.event_system: %s\n",
+			   i, data->match_data.event_system);
+		seq_printf(m, "    hist_data->actions[%d].match_data.event: %s\n",
+			   i, data->match_data.event);
+	}
+	return ret;
+static int hist_actions_debug_show(struct seq_file *m,
+				   struct hist_trigger_data *hist_data)
+	int i, ret = 0;
+	if (hist_data->n_actions)
+		seq_puts(m, "\n  action tracking variables (for onmax()/onchange()/onmatch()):\n");
+	for (i = 0; i < hist_data->n_actions; i++) {
+		struct action_data *action = hist_data->actions[i];
+		ret = hist_action_debug_show(m, action, i);
+		if (ret)
+			goto out;
+	}
+	if (hist_data->n_save_vars)
+		seq_puts(m, "\n  save action variables (save() params):\n");
+	for (i = 0; i < hist_data->n_save_vars; i++) {
+		ret = field_var_debug_show(m, hist_data->save_vars[i], i, true);
+		if (ret)
+			goto out;
+	}
+	return ret;
+static void hist_trigger_debug_show(struct seq_file *m,
+				    struct event_trigger_data *data, int n)
+	struct hist_trigger_data *hist_data;
+	int i, ret;
+	if (n > 0)
+		seq_puts(m, "\n\n");
+	seq_puts(m, "# event histogram\n#\n# trigger info: ");
+	data->ops->print(m, data->ops, data);
+	seq_puts(m, "#\n\n");
+	hist_data = data->private_data;
+	seq_printf(m, "hist_data: %p\n\n", hist_data);
+	seq_printf(m, "  n_vals: %u\n", hist_data->n_vals);
+	seq_printf(m, "  n_keys: %u\n", hist_data->n_keys);
+	seq_printf(m, "  n_fields: %u\n", hist_data->n_fields);
+	seq_puts(m, "\n  val fields:\n\n");
+	seq_puts(m, "    hist_data->fields[0]:\n");
+	ret = hist_field_debug_show(m, hist_data->fields[0],
+	if (ret)
+		return;
+	for (i = 1; i < hist_data->n_vals; i++) {
+		seq_printf(m, "\n    hist_data->fields[%d]:\n", i);
+		ret = hist_field_debug_show(m, hist_data->fields[i], 0);
+		if (ret)
+			return;
+	}
+	seq_puts(m, "\n  key fields:\n");
+	for (i = hist_data->n_vals; i < hist_data->n_fields; i++) {
+		seq_printf(m, "\n    hist_data->fields[%d]:\n", i);
+		ret = hist_field_debug_show(m, hist_data->fields[i],
+					    HIST_FIELD_FL_KEY);
+		if (ret)
+			return;
+	}
+	if (hist_data->n_var_refs)
+		seq_puts(m, "\n  variable reference fields:\n");
+	for (i = 0; i < hist_data->n_var_refs; i++) {
+		seq_printf(m, "\n    hist_data->var_refs[%d]:\n", i);
+		ret = hist_field_debug_show(m, hist_data->var_refs[i],
+		if (ret)
+			return;
+	}
+	if (hist_data->n_field_vars)
+		seq_puts(m, "\n  field variables:\n");
+	for (i = 0; i < hist_data->n_field_vars; i++) {
+		ret = field_var_debug_show(m, hist_data->field_vars[i], i, false);
+		if (ret)
+			return;
+	}
+	ret = hist_actions_debug_show(m, hist_data);
+	if (ret)
+		return;
+static int hist_debug_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
+	struct event_trigger_data *data;
+	struct trace_event_file *event_file;
+	int n = 0, ret = 0;
+	mutex_lock(&event_mutex);
+	event_file = event_file_data(m->private);
+	if (unlikely(!event_file)) {
+		ret = -ENODEV;
+		goto out_unlock;
+	}
+	list_for_each_entry(data, &event_file->triggers, list) {
+		if (data->cmd_ops->trigger_type == ETT_EVENT_HIST)
+			hist_trigger_debug_show(m, data, n++);
+	}
+ out_unlock:
+	mutex_unlock(&event_mutex);
+	return ret;
+static int event_hist_debug_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+	int ret;
+	ret = security_locked_down(LOCKDOWN_TRACEFS);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	return single_open(file, hist_debug_show, file);
+const struct file_operations event_hist_debug_fops = {
+	.open = event_hist_debug_open,
+	.read = seq_read,
+	.llseek = seq_lseek,
+	.release = single_release,
 static void hist_field_print(struct seq_file *m, struct hist_field *hist_field)
 	const char *field_name = hist_field_name(hist_field, 0);
@@ -7393,37 +5904,3 @@ __init int register_trigger_hist_enable_disable_cmds(void)
 	return ret;
-static __init int trace_events_hist_init(void)
-	struct dentry *entry = NULL;
-	struct dentry *d_tracer;
-	int err = 0;
-	err = dyn_event_register(&synth_event_ops);
-	if (err) {
-		pr_warn("Could not register synth_event_ops\n");
-		return err;
-	}
-	d_tracer = tracing_init_dentry();
-	if (IS_ERR(d_tracer)) {
-		err = PTR_ERR(d_tracer);
-		goto err;
-	}
-	entry = tracefs_create_file("synthetic_events", 0644, d_tracer,
-				    NULL, &synth_events_fops);
-	if (!entry) {
-		err = -ENODEV;
-		goto err;
-	}
-	return err;
- err:
-	pr_warn("Could not create tracefs 'synthetic_events' entry\n");
-	return err;
diff --git a/kernel/trace/trace_events_synth.c b/kernel/trace/trace_events_synth.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c6cca0d1d584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/trace/trace_events_synth.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1789 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+ * trace_events_synth - synthetic trace events
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015, 2020 Tom Zanussi <tom.zanussi@linux.intel.com>
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/kallsyms.h>
+#include <linux/security.h>
+#include <linux/mutex.h>
+#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/stacktrace.h>
+#include <linux/rculist.h>
+#include <linux/tracefs.h>
+/* for gfp flag names */
+#include <linux/trace_events.h>
+#include <trace/events/mmflags.h>
+#include "trace_synth.h"
+static int create_synth_event(int argc, const char **argv);
+static int synth_event_show(struct seq_file *m, struct dyn_event *ev);
+static int synth_event_release(struct dyn_event *ev);
+static bool synth_event_is_busy(struct dyn_event *ev);
+static bool synth_event_match(const char *system, const char *event,
+			int argc, const char **argv, struct dyn_event *ev);
+static struct dyn_event_operations synth_event_ops = {
+	.create = create_synth_event,
+	.show = synth_event_show,
+	.is_busy = synth_event_is_busy,
+	.free = synth_event_release,
+	.match = synth_event_match,
+static bool is_synth_event(struct dyn_event *ev)
+	return ev->ops == &synth_event_ops;
+static struct synth_event *to_synth_event(struct dyn_event *ev)
+	return container_of(ev, struct synth_event, devent);
+static bool synth_event_is_busy(struct dyn_event *ev)
+	struct synth_event *event = to_synth_event(ev);
+	return event->ref != 0;
+static bool synth_event_match(const char *system, const char *event,
+			int argc, const char **argv, struct dyn_event *ev)
+	struct synth_event *sev = to_synth_event(ev);
+	return strcmp(sev->name, event) == 0 &&
+		(!system || strcmp(system, SYNTH_SYSTEM) == 0);
+struct synth_trace_event {
+	struct trace_entry	ent;
+	u64			fields[];
+static int synth_event_define_fields(struct trace_event_call *call)
+	struct synth_trace_event trace;
+	int offset = offsetof(typeof(trace), fields);
+	struct synth_event *event = call->data;
+	unsigned int i, size, n_u64;
+	char *name, *type;
+	bool is_signed;
+	int ret = 0;
+	for (i = 0, n_u64 = 0; i < event->n_fields; i++) {
+		size = event->fields[i]->size;
+		is_signed = event->fields[i]->is_signed;
+		type = event->fields[i]->type;
+		name = event->fields[i]->name;
+		ret = trace_define_field(call, type, name, offset, size,
+					 is_signed, FILTER_OTHER);
+		if (ret)
+			break;
+		event->fields[i]->offset = n_u64;
+		if (event->fields[i]->is_string) {
+			offset += STR_VAR_LEN_MAX;
+			n_u64 += STR_VAR_LEN_MAX / sizeof(u64);
+		} else {
+			offset += sizeof(u64);
+			n_u64++;
+		}
+	}
+	event->n_u64 = n_u64;
+	return ret;
+static bool synth_field_signed(char *type)
+	if (str_has_prefix(type, "u"))
+		return false;
+	if (strcmp(type, "gfp_t") == 0)
+		return false;
+	return true;
+static int synth_field_is_string(char *type)
+	if (strstr(type, "char[") != NULL)
+		return true;
+	return false;
+static int synth_field_string_size(char *type)
+	char buf[4], *end, *start;
+	unsigned int len;
+	int size, err;
+	start = strstr(type, "char[");
+	if (start == NULL)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	start += sizeof("char[") - 1;
+	end = strchr(type, ']');
+	if (!end || end < start)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	len = end - start;
+	if (len > 3)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	strncpy(buf, start, len);
+	buf[len] = '\0';
+	err = kstrtouint(buf, 0, &size);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	if (size > STR_VAR_LEN_MAX)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	return size;
+static int synth_field_size(char *type)
+	int size = 0;
+	if (strcmp(type, "s64") == 0)
+		size = sizeof(s64);
+	else if (strcmp(type, "u64") == 0)
+		size = sizeof(u64);
+	else if (strcmp(type, "s32") == 0)
+		size = sizeof(s32);
+	else if (strcmp(type, "u32") == 0)
+		size = sizeof(u32);
+	else if (strcmp(type, "s16") == 0)
+		size = sizeof(s16);
+	else if (strcmp(type, "u16") == 0)
+		size = sizeof(u16);
+	else if (strcmp(type, "s8") == 0)
+		size = sizeof(s8);
+	else if (strcmp(type, "u8") == 0)
+		size = sizeof(u8);
+	else if (strcmp(type, "char") == 0)
+		size = sizeof(char);
+	else if (strcmp(type, "unsigned char") == 0)
+		size = sizeof(unsigned char);
+	else if (strcmp(type, "int") == 0)
+		size = sizeof(int);
+	else if (strcmp(type, "unsigned int") == 0)
+		size = sizeof(unsigned int);
+	else if (strcmp(type, "long") == 0)
+		size = sizeof(long);
+	else if (strcmp(type, "unsigned long") == 0)
+		size = sizeof(unsigned long);
+	else if (strcmp(type, "pid_t") == 0)
+		size = sizeof(pid_t);
+	else if (strcmp(type, "gfp_t") == 0)
+		size = sizeof(gfp_t);
+	else if (synth_field_is_string(type))
+		size = synth_field_string_size(type);
+	return size;
+static const char *synth_field_fmt(char *type)
+	const char *fmt = "%llu";
+	if (strcmp(type, "s64") == 0)
+		fmt = "%lld";
+	else if (strcmp(type, "u64") == 0)
+		fmt = "%llu";
+	else if (strcmp(type, "s32") == 0)
+		fmt = "%d";
+	else if (strcmp(type, "u32") == 0)
+		fmt = "%u";
+	else if (strcmp(type, "s16") == 0)
+		fmt = "%d";
+	else if (strcmp(type, "u16") == 0)
+		fmt = "%u";
+	else if (strcmp(type, "s8") == 0)
+		fmt = "%d";
+	else if (strcmp(type, "u8") == 0)
+		fmt = "%u";
+	else if (strcmp(type, "char") == 0)
+		fmt = "%d";
+	else if (strcmp(type, "unsigned char") == 0)
+		fmt = "%u";
+	else if (strcmp(type, "int") == 0)
+		fmt = "%d";
+	else if (strcmp(type, "unsigned int") == 0)
+		fmt = "%u";
+	else if (strcmp(type, "long") == 0)
+		fmt = "%ld";
+	else if (strcmp(type, "unsigned long") == 0)
+		fmt = "%lu";
+	else if (strcmp(type, "pid_t") == 0)
+		fmt = "%d";
+	else if (strcmp(type, "gfp_t") == 0)
+		fmt = "%x";
+	else if (synth_field_is_string(type))
+		fmt = "%s";
+	return fmt;
+static void print_synth_event_num_val(struct trace_seq *s,
+				      char *print_fmt, char *name,
+				      int size, u64 val, char *space)
+	switch (size) {
+	case 1:
+		trace_seq_printf(s, print_fmt, name, (u8)val, space);
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		trace_seq_printf(s, print_fmt, name, (u16)val, space);
+		break;
+	case 4:
+		trace_seq_printf(s, print_fmt, name, (u32)val, space);
+		break;
+	default:
+		trace_seq_printf(s, print_fmt, name, val, space);
+		break;
+	}
+static enum print_line_t print_synth_event(struct trace_iterator *iter,
+					   int flags,
+					   struct trace_event *event)
+	struct trace_array *tr = iter->tr;
+	struct trace_seq *s = &iter->seq;
+	struct synth_trace_event *entry;
+	struct synth_event *se;
+	unsigned int i, n_u64;
+	char print_fmt[32];
+	const char *fmt;
+	entry = (struct synth_trace_event *)iter->ent;
+	se = container_of(event, struct synth_event, call.event);
+	trace_seq_printf(s, "%s: ", se->name);
+	for (i = 0, n_u64 = 0; i < se->n_fields; i++) {
+		if (trace_seq_has_overflowed(s))
+			goto end;
+		fmt = synth_field_fmt(se->fields[i]->type);
+		/* parameter types */
+		if (tr && tr->trace_flags & TRACE_ITER_VERBOSE)
+			trace_seq_printf(s, "%s ", fmt);
+		snprintf(print_fmt, sizeof(print_fmt), "%%s=%s%%s", fmt);
+		/* parameter values */
+		if (se->fields[i]->is_string) {
+			trace_seq_printf(s, print_fmt, se->fields[i]->name,
+					 (char *)&entry->fields[n_u64],
+					 i == se->n_fields - 1 ? "" : " ");
+			n_u64 += STR_VAR_LEN_MAX / sizeof(u64);
+		} else {
+			struct trace_print_flags __flags[] = {
+			    __def_gfpflag_names, {-1, NULL} };
+			char *space = (i == se->n_fields - 1 ? "" : " ");
+			print_synth_event_num_val(s, print_fmt,
+						  se->fields[i]->name,
+						  se->fields[i]->size,
+						  entry->fields[n_u64],
+						  space);
+			if (strcmp(se->fields[i]->type, "gfp_t") == 0) {
+				trace_seq_puts(s, " (");
+				trace_print_flags_seq(s, "|",
+						      entry->fields[n_u64],
+						      __flags);
+				trace_seq_putc(s, ')');
+			}
+			n_u64++;
+		}
+	}
+	trace_seq_putc(s, '\n');
+	return trace_handle_return(s);
+static struct trace_event_functions synth_event_funcs = {
+	.trace		= print_synth_event
+static notrace void trace_event_raw_event_synth(void *__data,
+						u64 *var_ref_vals,
+						unsigned int *var_ref_idx)
+	struct trace_event_file *trace_file = __data;
+	struct synth_trace_event *entry;
+	struct trace_event_buffer fbuffer;
+	struct trace_buffer *buffer;
+	struct synth_event *event;
+	unsigned int i, n_u64, val_idx;
+	int fields_size = 0;
+	event = trace_file->event_call->data;
+	if (trace_trigger_soft_disabled(trace_file))
+		return;
+	fields_size = event->n_u64 * sizeof(u64);
+	/*
+	 * Avoid ring buffer recursion detection, as this event
+	 * is being performed within another event.
+	 */
+	buffer = trace_file->tr->array_buffer.buffer;
+	ring_buffer_nest_start(buffer);
+	entry = trace_event_buffer_reserve(&fbuffer, trace_file,
+					   sizeof(*entry) + fields_size);
+	if (!entry)
+		goto out;
+	for (i = 0, n_u64 = 0; i < event->n_fields; i++) {
+		val_idx = var_ref_idx[i];
+		if (event->fields[i]->is_string) {
+			char *str_val = (char *)(long)var_ref_vals[val_idx];
+			char *str_field = (char *)&entry->fields[n_u64];
+			strscpy(str_field, str_val, STR_VAR_LEN_MAX);
+			n_u64 += STR_VAR_LEN_MAX / sizeof(u64);
+		} else {
+			struct synth_field *field = event->fields[i];
+			u64 val = var_ref_vals[val_idx];
+			switch (field->size) {
+			case 1:
+				*(u8 *)&entry->fields[n_u64] = (u8)val;
+				break;
+			case 2:
+				*(u16 *)&entry->fields[n_u64] = (u16)val;
+				break;
+			case 4:
+				*(u32 *)&entry->fields[n_u64] = (u32)val;
+				break;
+			default:
+				entry->fields[n_u64] = val;
+				break;
+			}
+			n_u64++;
+		}
+	}
+	trace_event_buffer_commit(&fbuffer);
+	ring_buffer_nest_end(buffer);
+static void free_synth_event_print_fmt(struct trace_event_call *call)
+	if (call) {
+		kfree(call->print_fmt);
+		call->print_fmt = NULL;
+	}
+static int __set_synth_event_print_fmt(struct synth_event *event,
+				       char *buf, int len)
+	const char *fmt;
+	int pos = 0;
+	int i;
+	/* When len=0, we just calculate the needed length */
+#define LEN_OR_ZERO (len ? len - pos : 0)
+	pos += snprintf(buf + pos, LEN_OR_ZERO, "\"");
+	for (i = 0; i < event->n_fields; i++) {
+		fmt = synth_field_fmt(event->fields[i]->type);
+		pos += snprintf(buf + pos, LEN_OR_ZERO, "%s=%s%s",
+				event->fields[i]->name, fmt,
+				i == event->n_fields - 1 ? "" : ", ");
+	}
+	pos += snprintf(buf + pos, LEN_OR_ZERO, "\"");
+	for (i = 0; i < event->n_fields; i++) {
+		pos += snprintf(buf + pos, LEN_OR_ZERO,
+				", REC->%s", event->fields[i]->name);
+	}
+#undef LEN_OR_ZERO
+	/* return the length of print_fmt */
+	return pos;
+static int set_synth_event_print_fmt(struct trace_event_call *call)
+	struct synth_event *event = call->data;
+	char *print_fmt;
+	int len;
+	/* First: called with 0 length to calculate the needed length */
+	len = __set_synth_event_print_fmt(event, NULL, 0);
+	print_fmt = kmalloc(len + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!print_fmt)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	/* Second: actually write the @print_fmt */
+	__set_synth_event_print_fmt(event, print_fmt, len + 1);
+	call->print_fmt = print_fmt;
+	return 0;
+static void free_synth_field(struct synth_field *field)
+	kfree(field->type);
+	kfree(field->name);
+	kfree(field);
+static struct synth_field *parse_synth_field(int argc, const char **argv,
+					     int *consumed)
+	struct synth_field *field;
+	const char *prefix = NULL, *field_type = argv[0], *field_name, *array;
+	int len, ret = 0;
+	if (field_type[0] == ';')
+		field_type++;
+	if (!strcmp(field_type, "unsigned")) {
+		if (argc < 3)
+			return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
+		prefix = "unsigned ";
+		field_type = argv[1];
+		field_name = argv[2];
+		*consumed = 3;
+	} else {
+		field_name = argv[1];
+		*consumed = 2;
+	}
+	field = kzalloc(sizeof(*field), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!field)
+		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+	len = strlen(field_name);
+	array = strchr(field_name, '[');
+	if (array)
+		len -= strlen(array);
+	else if (field_name[len - 1] == ';')
+		len--;
+	field->name = kmemdup_nul(field_name, len, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!field->name) {
+		ret = -ENOMEM;
+		goto free;
+	}
+	if (field_type[0] == ';')
+		field_type++;
+	len = strlen(field_type) + 1;
+	if (array)
+		len += strlen(array);
+	if (prefix)
+		len += strlen(prefix);
+	field->type = kzalloc(len, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!field->type) {
+		ret = -ENOMEM;
+		goto free;
+	}
+	if (prefix)
+		strcat(field->type, prefix);
+	strcat(field->type, field_type);
+	if (array) {
+		strcat(field->type, array);
+		if (field->type[len - 1] == ';')
+			field->type[len - 1] = '\0';
+	}
+	field->size = synth_field_size(field->type);
+	if (!field->size) {
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		goto free;
+	}
+	if (synth_field_is_string(field->type))
+		field->is_string = true;
+	field->is_signed = synth_field_signed(field->type);
+ out:
+	return field;
+ free:
+	free_synth_field(field);
+	field = ERR_PTR(ret);
+	goto out;
+static void free_synth_tracepoint(struct tracepoint *tp)
+	if (!tp)
+		return;
+	kfree(tp->name);
+	kfree(tp);
+static struct tracepoint *alloc_synth_tracepoint(char *name)
+	struct tracepoint *tp;
+	tp = kzalloc(sizeof(*tp), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!tp)
+		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+	tp->name = kstrdup(name, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!tp->name) {
+		kfree(tp);
+		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+	}
+	return tp;
+struct synth_event *find_synth_event(const char *name)
+	struct dyn_event *pos;
+	struct synth_event *event;
+	for_each_dyn_event(pos) {
+		if (!is_synth_event(pos))
+			continue;
+		event = to_synth_event(pos);
+		if (strcmp(event->name, name) == 0)
+			return event;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+static struct trace_event_fields synth_event_fields_array[] = {
+	  .define_fields = synth_event_define_fields },
+	{}
+static int register_synth_event(struct synth_event *event)
+	struct trace_event_call *call = &event->call;
+	int ret = 0;
+	event->call.class = &event->class;
+	event->class.system = kstrdup(SYNTH_SYSTEM, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!event->class.system) {
+		ret = -ENOMEM;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	event->tp = alloc_synth_tracepoint(event->name);
+	if (IS_ERR(event->tp)) {
+		ret = PTR_ERR(event->tp);
+		event->tp = NULL;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&call->class->fields);
+	call->event.funcs = &synth_event_funcs;
+	call->class->fields_array = synth_event_fields_array;
+	ret = register_trace_event(&call->event);
+	if (!ret) {
+		ret = -ENODEV;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	call->class->reg = trace_event_reg;
+	call->class->probe = trace_event_raw_event_synth;
+	call->data = event;
+	call->tp = event->tp;
+	ret = trace_add_event_call(call);
+	if (ret) {
+		pr_warn("Failed to register synthetic event: %s\n",
+			trace_event_name(call));
+		goto err;
+	}
+	ret = set_synth_event_print_fmt(call);
+	if (ret < 0) {
+		trace_remove_event_call(call);
+		goto err;
+	}
+ out:
+	return ret;
+ err:
+	unregister_trace_event(&call->event);
+	goto out;
+static int unregister_synth_event(struct synth_event *event)
+	struct trace_event_call *call = &event->call;
+	int ret;
+	ret = trace_remove_event_call(call);
+	return ret;
+static void free_synth_event(struct synth_event *event)
+	unsigned int i;
+	if (!event)
+		return;
+	for (i = 0; i < event->n_fields; i++)
+		free_synth_field(event->fields[i]);
+	kfree(event->fields);
+	kfree(event->name);
+	kfree(event->class.system);
+	free_synth_tracepoint(event->tp);
+	free_synth_event_print_fmt(&event->call);
+	kfree(event);
+static struct synth_event *alloc_synth_event(const char *name, int n_fields,
+					     struct synth_field **fields)
+	struct synth_event *event;
+	unsigned int i;
+	event = kzalloc(sizeof(*event), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!event) {
+		event = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	event->name = kstrdup(name, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!event->name) {
+		kfree(event);
+		event = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	event->fields = kcalloc(n_fields, sizeof(*event->fields), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!event->fields) {
+		free_synth_event(event);
+		event = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	dyn_event_init(&event->devent, &synth_event_ops);
+	for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++)
+		event->fields[i] = fields[i];
+	event->n_fields = n_fields;
+ out:
+	return event;
+static int synth_event_check_arg_fn(void *data)
+	struct dynevent_arg_pair *arg_pair = data;
+	int size;
+	size = synth_field_size((char *)arg_pair->lhs);
+	return size ? 0 : -EINVAL;
+ * synth_event_add_field - Add a new field to a synthetic event cmd
+ * @cmd: A pointer to the dynevent_cmd struct representing the new event
+ * @type: The type of the new field to add
+ * @name: The name of the new field to add
+ *
+ * Add a new field to a synthetic event cmd object.  Field ordering is in
+ * the same order the fields are added.
+ *
+ * See synth_field_size() for available types. If field_name contains
+ * [n] the field is considered to be an array.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 if successful, error otherwise.
+ */
+int synth_event_add_field(struct dynevent_cmd *cmd, const char *type,
+			  const char *name)
+	struct dynevent_arg_pair arg_pair;
+	int ret;
+	if (cmd->type != DYNEVENT_TYPE_SYNTH)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (!type || !name)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	dynevent_arg_pair_init(&arg_pair, 0, ';');
+	arg_pair.lhs = type;
+	arg_pair.rhs = name;
+	ret = dynevent_arg_pair_add(cmd, &arg_pair, synth_event_check_arg_fn);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	if (++cmd->n_fields > SYNTH_FIELDS_MAX)
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+	return ret;
+ * synth_event_add_field_str - Add a new field to a synthetic event cmd
+ * @cmd: A pointer to the dynevent_cmd struct representing the new event
+ * @type_name: The type and name of the new field to add, as a single string
+ *
+ * Add a new field to a synthetic event cmd object, as a single
+ * string.  The @type_name string is expected to be of the form 'type
+ * name', which will be appended by ';'.  No sanity checking is done -
+ * what's passed in is assumed to already be well-formed.  Field
+ * ordering is in the same order the fields are added.
+ *
+ * See synth_field_size() for available types. If field_name contains
+ * [n] the field is considered to be an array.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 if successful, error otherwise.
+ */
+int synth_event_add_field_str(struct dynevent_cmd *cmd, const char *type_name)
+	struct dynevent_arg arg;
+	int ret;
+	if (cmd->type != DYNEVENT_TYPE_SYNTH)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (!type_name)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	dynevent_arg_init(&arg, ';');
+	arg.str = type_name;
+	ret = dynevent_arg_add(cmd, &arg, NULL);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	if (++cmd->n_fields > SYNTH_FIELDS_MAX)
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+	return ret;
+ * synth_event_add_fields - Add multiple fields to a synthetic event cmd
+ * @cmd: A pointer to the dynevent_cmd struct representing the new event
+ * @fields: An array of type/name field descriptions
+ * @n_fields: The number of field descriptions contained in the fields array
+ *
+ * Add a new set of fields to a synthetic event cmd object.  The event
+ * fields that will be defined for the event should be passed in as an
+ * array of struct synth_field_desc, and the number of elements in the
+ * array passed in as n_fields.  Field ordering will retain the
+ * ordering given in the fields array.
+ *
+ * See synth_field_size() for available types. If field_name contains
+ * [n] the field is considered to be an array.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 if successful, error otherwise.
+ */
+int synth_event_add_fields(struct dynevent_cmd *cmd,
+			   struct synth_field_desc *fields,
+			   unsigned int n_fields)
+	unsigned int i;
+	int ret = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) {
+		if (fields[i].type == NULL || fields[i].name == NULL) {
+			ret = -EINVAL;
+			break;
+		}
+		ret = synth_event_add_field(cmd, fields[i].type, fields[i].name);
+		if (ret)
+			break;
+	}
+	return ret;
+ * __synth_event_gen_cmd_start - Start a synthetic event command from arg list
+ * @cmd: A pointer to the dynevent_cmd struct representing the new event
+ * @name: The name of the synthetic event
+ * @mod: The module creating the event, NULL if not created from a module
+ * @args: Variable number of arg (pairs), one pair for each field
+ *
+ * NOTE: Users normally won't want to call this function directly, but
+ * rather use the synth_event_gen_cmd_start() wrapper, which
+ * automatically adds a NULL to the end of the arg list.  If this
+ * function is used directly, make sure the last arg in the variable
+ * arg list is NULL.
+ *
+ * Generate a synthetic event command to be executed by
+ * synth_event_gen_cmd_end().  This function can be used to generate
+ * the complete command or only the first part of it; in the latter
+ * case, synth_event_add_field(), synth_event_add_field_str(), or
+ * synth_event_add_fields() can be used to add more fields following
+ * this.
+ *
+ * There should be an even number variable args, each pair consisting
+ * of a type followed by a field name.
+ *
+ * See synth_field_size() for available types. If field_name contains
+ * [n] the field is considered to be an array.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 if successful, error otherwise.
+ */
+int __synth_event_gen_cmd_start(struct dynevent_cmd *cmd, const char *name,
+				struct module *mod, ...)
+	struct dynevent_arg arg;
+	va_list args;
+	int ret;
+	cmd->event_name = name;
+	cmd->private_data = mod;
+	if (cmd->type != DYNEVENT_TYPE_SYNTH)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	dynevent_arg_init(&arg, 0);
+	arg.str = name;
+	ret = dynevent_arg_add(cmd, &arg, NULL);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	va_start(args, mod);
+	for (;;) {
+		const char *type, *name;
+		type = va_arg(args, const char *);
+		if (!type)
+			break;
+		name = va_arg(args, const char *);
+		if (!name)
+			break;
+		if (++cmd->n_fields > SYNTH_FIELDS_MAX) {
+			ret = -EINVAL;
+			break;
+		}
+		ret = synth_event_add_field(cmd, type, name);
+		if (ret)
+			break;
+	}
+	va_end(args);
+	return ret;
+ * synth_event_gen_cmd_array_start - Start synthetic event command from an array
+ * @cmd: A pointer to the dynevent_cmd struct representing the new event
+ * @name: The name of the synthetic event
+ * @fields: An array of type/name field descriptions
+ * @n_fields: The number of field descriptions contained in the fields array
+ *
+ * Generate a synthetic event command to be executed by
+ * synth_event_gen_cmd_end().  This function can be used to generate
+ * the complete command or only the first part of it; in the latter
+ * case, synth_event_add_field(), synth_event_add_field_str(), or
+ * synth_event_add_fields() can be used to add more fields following
+ * this.
+ *
+ * The event fields that will be defined for the event should be
+ * passed in as an array of struct synth_field_desc, and the number of
+ * elements in the array passed in as n_fields.  Field ordering will
+ * retain the ordering given in the fields array.
+ *
+ * See synth_field_size() for available types. If field_name contains
+ * [n] the field is considered to be an array.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 if successful, error otherwise.
+ */
+int synth_event_gen_cmd_array_start(struct dynevent_cmd *cmd, const char *name,
+				    struct module *mod,
+				    struct synth_field_desc *fields,
+				    unsigned int n_fields)
+	struct dynevent_arg arg;
+	unsigned int i;
+	int ret = 0;
+	cmd->event_name = name;
+	cmd->private_data = mod;
+	if (cmd->type != DYNEVENT_TYPE_SYNTH)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (n_fields > SYNTH_FIELDS_MAX)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	dynevent_arg_init(&arg, 0);
+	arg.str = name;
+	ret = dynevent_arg_add(cmd, &arg, NULL);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) {
+		if (fields[i].type == NULL || fields[i].name == NULL)
+			return -EINVAL;
+		ret = synth_event_add_field(cmd, fields[i].type, fields[i].name);
+		if (ret)
+			break;
+	}
+	return ret;
+static int __create_synth_event(int argc, const char *name, const char **argv)
+	struct synth_field *field, *fields[SYNTH_FIELDS_MAX];
+	struct synth_event *event = NULL;
+	int i, consumed = 0, n_fields = 0, ret = 0;
+	/*
+	 * Argument syntax:
+	 *  - Add synthetic event: <event_name> field[;field] ...
+	 *  - Remove synthetic event: !<event_name> field[;field] ...
+	 *      where 'field' = type field_name
+	 */
+	if (name[0] == '\0' || argc < 1)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	mutex_lock(&event_mutex);
+	event = find_synth_event(name);
+	if (event) {
+		ret = -EEXIST;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < argc - 1; i++) {
+		if (strcmp(argv[i], ";") == 0)
+			continue;
+		if (n_fields == SYNTH_FIELDS_MAX) {
+			ret = -EINVAL;
+			goto err;
+		}
+		field = parse_synth_field(argc - i, &argv[i], &consumed);
+		if (IS_ERR(field)) {
+			ret = PTR_ERR(field);
+			goto err;
+		}
+		fields[n_fields++] = field;
+		i += consumed - 1;
+	}
+	if (i < argc && strcmp(argv[i], ";") != 0) {
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		goto err;
+	}
+	event = alloc_synth_event(name, n_fields, fields);
+	if (IS_ERR(event)) {
+		ret = PTR_ERR(event);
+		event = NULL;
+		goto err;
+	}
+	ret = register_synth_event(event);
+	if (!ret)
+		dyn_event_add(&event->devent);
+	else
+		free_synth_event(event);
+ out:
+	mutex_unlock(&event_mutex);
+	return ret;
+ err:
+	for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++)
+		free_synth_field(fields[i]);
+	goto out;
+ * synth_event_create - Create a new synthetic event
+ * @name: The name of the new sythetic event
+ * @fields: An array of type/name field descriptions
+ * @n_fields: The number of field descriptions contained in the fields array
+ * @mod: The module creating the event, NULL if not created from a module
+ *
+ * Create a new synthetic event with the given name under the
+ * trace/events/synthetic/ directory.  The event fields that will be
+ * defined for the event should be passed in as an array of struct
+ * synth_field_desc, and the number elements in the array passed in as
+ * n_fields. Field ordering will retain the ordering given in the
+ * fields array.
+ *
+ * If the new synthetic event is being created from a module, the mod
+ * param must be non-NULL.  This will ensure that the trace buffer
+ * won't contain unreadable events.
+ *
+ * The new synth event should be deleted using synth_event_delete()
+ * function.  The new synthetic event can be generated from modules or
+ * other kernel code using trace_synth_event() and related functions.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 if successful, error otherwise.
+ */
+int synth_event_create(const char *name, struct synth_field_desc *fields,
+		       unsigned int n_fields, struct module *mod)
+	struct dynevent_cmd cmd;
+	char *buf;
+	int ret;
+	if (!buf)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	synth_event_cmd_init(&cmd, buf, MAX_DYNEVENT_CMD_LEN);
+	ret = synth_event_gen_cmd_array_start(&cmd, name, mod,
+					      fields, n_fields);
+	if (ret)
+		goto out;
+	ret = synth_event_gen_cmd_end(&cmd);
+ out:
+	kfree(buf);
+	return ret;
+static int destroy_synth_event(struct synth_event *se)
+	int ret;
+	if (se->ref)
+		ret = -EBUSY;
+	else {
+		ret = unregister_synth_event(se);
+		if (!ret) {
+			dyn_event_remove(&se->devent);
+			free_synth_event(se);
+		}
+	}
+	return ret;
+ * synth_event_delete - Delete a synthetic event
+ * @event_name: The name of the new sythetic event
+ *
+ * Delete a synthetic event that was created with synth_event_create().
+ *
+ * Return: 0 if successful, error otherwise.
+ */
+int synth_event_delete(const char *event_name)
+	struct synth_event *se = NULL;
+	struct module *mod = NULL;
+	int ret = -ENOENT;
+	mutex_lock(&event_mutex);
+	se = find_synth_event(event_name);
+	if (se) {
+		mod = se->mod;
+		ret = destroy_synth_event(se);
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&event_mutex);
+	if (mod) {
+		mutex_lock(&trace_types_lock);
+		/*
+		 * It is safest to reset the ring buffer if the module
+		 * being unloaded registered any events that were
+		 * used. The only worry is if a new module gets
+		 * loaded, and takes on the same id as the events of
+		 * this module. When printing out the buffer, traced
+		 * events left over from this module may be passed to
+		 * the new module events and unexpected results may
+		 * occur.
+		 */
+		tracing_reset_all_online_cpus();
+		mutex_unlock(&trace_types_lock);
+	}
+	return ret;
+static int create_or_delete_synth_event(int argc, char **argv)
+	const char *name = argv[0];
+	int ret;
+	/* trace_run_command() ensures argc != 0 */
+	if (name[0] == '!') {
+		ret = synth_event_delete(name + 1);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	ret = __create_synth_event(argc - 1, name, (const char **)argv + 1);
+	return ret == -ECANCELED ? -EINVAL : ret;
+static int synth_event_run_command(struct dynevent_cmd *cmd)
+	struct synth_event *se;
+	int ret;
+	ret = trace_run_command(cmd->seq.buffer, create_or_delete_synth_event);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	se = find_synth_event(cmd->event_name);
+	if (WARN_ON(!se))
+		return -ENOENT;
+	se->mod = cmd->private_data;
+	return ret;
+ * synth_event_cmd_init - Initialize a synthetic event command object
+ * @cmd: A pointer to the dynevent_cmd struct representing the new event
+ * @buf: A pointer to the buffer used to build the command
+ * @maxlen: The length of the buffer passed in @buf
+ *
+ * Initialize a synthetic event command object.  Use this before
+ * calling any of the other dyenvent_cmd functions.
+ */
+void synth_event_cmd_init(struct dynevent_cmd *cmd, char *buf, int maxlen)
+	dynevent_cmd_init(cmd, buf, maxlen, DYNEVENT_TYPE_SYNTH,
+			  synth_event_run_command);
+static inline int
+__synth_event_trace_start(struct trace_event_file *file,
+			  struct synth_event_trace_state *trace_state)
+	int entry_size, fields_size = 0;
+	int ret = 0;
+	memset(trace_state, '\0', sizeof(*trace_state));
+	/*
+	 * Normal event tracing doesn't get called at all unless the
+	 * ENABLED bit is set (which attaches the probe thus allowing
+	 * this code to be called, etc).  Because this is called
+	 * directly by the user, we don't have that but we still need
+	 * to honor not logging when disabled.  For the the iterated
+	 * trace case, we save the enabed state upon start and just
+	 * ignore the following data calls.
+	 */
+	if (!(file->flags & EVENT_FILE_FL_ENABLED) ||
+	    trace_trigger_soft_disabled(file)) {
+		trace_state->disabled = true;
+		ret = -ENOENT;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	trace_state->event = file->event_call->data;
+	fields_size = trace_state->event->n_u64 * sizeof(u64);
+	/*
+	 * Avoid ring buffer recursion detection, as this event
+	 * is being performed within another event.
+	 */
+	trace_state->buffer = file->tr->array_buffer.buffer;
+	ring_buffer_nest_start(trace_state->buffer);
+	entry_size = sizeof(*trace_state->entry) + fields_size;
+	trace_state->entry = trace_event_buffer_reserve(&trace_state->fbuffer,
+							file,
+							entry_size);
+	if (!trace_state->entry) {
+		ring_buffer_nest_end(trace_state->buffer);
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+	}
+	return ret;
+static inline void
+__synth_event_trace_end(struct synth_event_trace_state *trace_state)
+	trace_event_buffer_commit(&trace_state->fbuffer);
+	ring_buffer_nest_end(trace_state->buffer);
+ * synth_event_trace - Trace a synthetic event
+ * @file: The trace_event_file representing the synthetic event
+ * @n_vals: The number of values in vals
+ * @args: Variable number of args containing the event values
+ *
+ * Trace a synthetic event using the values passed in the variable
+ * argument list.
+ *
+ * The argument list should be a list 'n_vals' u64 values.  The number
+ * of vals must match the number of field in the synthetic event, and
+ * must be in the same order as the synthetic event fields.
+ *
+ * All vals should be cast to u64, and string vals are just pointers
+ * to strings, cast to u64.  Strings will be copied into space
+ * reserved in the event for the string, using these pointers.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 on success, err otherwise.
+ */
+int synth_event_trace(struct trace_event_file *file, unsigned int n_vals, ...)
+	struct synth_event_trace_state state;
+	unsigned int i, n_u64;
+	va_list args;
+	int ret;
+	ret = __synth_event_trace_start(file, &state);
+	if (ret) {
+		if (ret == -ENOENT)
+			ret = 0; /* just disabled, not really an error */
+		return ret;
+	}
+	if (n_vals != state.event->n_fields) {
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	va_start(args, n_vals);
+	for (i = 0, n_u64 = 0; i < state.event->n_fields; i++) {
+		u64 val;
+		val = va_arg(args, u64);
+		if (state.event->fields[i]->is_string) {
+			char *str_val = (char *)(long)val;
+			char *str_field = (char *)&state.entry->fields[n_u64];
+			strscpy(str_field, str_val, STR_VAR_LEN_MAX);
+			n_u64 += STR_VAR_LEN_MAX / sizeof(u64);
+		} else {
+			struct synth_field *field = state.event->fields[i];
+			switch (field->size) {
+			case 1:
+				*(u8 *)&state.entry->fields[n_u64] = (u8)val;
+				break;
+			case 2:
+				*(u16 *)&state.entry->fields[n_u64] = (u16)val;
+				break;
+			case 4:
+				*(u32 *)&state.entry->fields[n_u64] = (u32)val;
+				break;
+			default:
+				state.entry->fields[n_u64] = val;
+				break;
+			}
+			n_u64++;
+		}
+	}
+	va_end(args);
+	__synth_event_trace_end(&state);
+	return ret;
+ * synth_event_trace_array - Trace a synthetic event from an array
+ * @file: The trace_event_file representing the synthetic event
+ * @vals: Array of values
+ * @n_vals: The number of values in vals
+ *
+ * Trace a synthetic event using the values passed in as 'vals'.
+ *
+ * The 'vals' array is just an array of 'n_vals' u64.  The number of
+ * vals must match the number of field in the synthetic event, and
+ * must be in the same order as the synthetic event fields.
+ *
+ * All vals should be cast to u64, and string vals are just pointers
+ * to strings, cast to u64.  Strings will be copied into space
+ * reserved in the event for the string, using these pointers.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 on success, err otherwise.
+ */
+int synth_event_trace_array(struct trace_event_file *file, u64 *vals,
+			    unsigned int n_vals)
+	struct synth_event_trace_state state;
+	unsigned int i, n_u64;
+	int ret;
+	ret = __synth_event_trace_start(file, &state);
+	if (ret) {
+		if (ret == -ENOENT)
+			ret = 0; /* just disabled, not really an error */
+		return ret;
+	}
+	if (n_vals != state.event->n_fields) {
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	for (i = 0, n_u64 = 0; i < state.event->n_fields; i++) {
+		if (state.event->fields[i]->is_string) {
+			char *str_val = (char *)(long)vals[i];
+			char *str_field = (char *)&state.entry->fields[n_u64];
+			strscpy(str_field, str_val, STR_VAR_LEN_MAX);
+			n_u64 += STR_VAR_LEN_MAX / sizeof(u64);
+		} else {
+			struct synth_field *field = state.event->fields[i];
+			u64 val = vals[i];
+			switch (field->size) {
+			case 1:
+				*(u8 *)&state.entry->fields[n_u64] = (u8)val;
+				break;
+			case 2:
+				*(u16 *)&state.entry->fields[n_u64] = (u16)val;
+				break;
+			case 4:
+				*(u32 *)&state.entry->fields[n_u64] = (u32)val;
+				break;
+			default:
+				state.entry->fields[n_u64] = val;
+				break;
+			}
+			n_u64++;
+		}
+	}
+	__synth_event_trace_end(&state);
+	return ret;
+ * synth_event_trace_start - Start piecewise synthetic event trace
+ * @file: The trace_event_file representing the synthetic event
+ * @trace_state: A pointer to object tracking the piecewise trace state
+ *
+ * Start the trace of a synthetic event field-by-field rather than all
+ * at once.
+ *
+ * This function 'opens' an event trace, which means space is reserved
+ * for the event in the trace buffer, after which the event's
+ * individual field values can be set through either
+ * synth_event_add_next_val() or synth_event_add_val().
+ *
+ * A pointer to a trace_state object is passed in, which will keep
+ * track of the current event trace state until the event trace is
+ * closed (and the event finally traced) using
+ * synth_event_trace_end().
+ *
+ * Note that synth_event_trace_end() must be called after all values
+ * have been added for each event trace, regardless of whether adding
+ * all field values succeeded or not.
+ *
+ * Note also that for a given event trace, all fields must be added
+ * using either synth_event_add_next_val() or synth_event_add_val()
+ * but not both together or interleaved.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 on success, err otherwise.
+ */
+int synth_event_trace_start(struct trace_event_file *file,
+			    struct synth_event_trace_state *trace_state)
+	int ret;
+	if (!trace_state)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	ret = __synth_event_trace_start(file, trace_state);
+	if (ret == -ENOENT)
+		ret = 0; /* just disabled, not really an error */
+	return ret;
+static int __synth_event_add_val(const char *field_name, u64 val,
+				 struct synth_event_trace_state *trace_state)
+	struct synth_field *field = NULL;
+	struct synth_trace_event *entry;
+	struct synth_event *event;
+	int i, ret = 0;
+	if (!trace_state) {
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* can't mix add_next_synth_val() with add_synth_val() */
+	if (field_name) {
+		if (trace_state->add_next) {
+			ret = -EINVAL;
+			goto out;
+		}
+		trace_state->add_name = true;
+	} else {
+		if (trace_state->add_name) {
+			ret = -EINVAL;
+			goto out;
+		}
+		trace_state->add_next = true;
+	}
+	if (trace_state->disabled)
+		goto out;
+	event = trace_state->event;
+	if (trace_state->add_name) {
+		for (i = 0; i < event->n_fields; i++) {
+			field = event->fields[i];
+			if (strcmp(field->name, field_name) == 0)
+				break;
+		}
+		if (!field) {
+			ret = -EINVAL;
+			goto out;
+		}
+	} else {
+		if (trace_state->cur_field >= event->n_fields) {
+			ret = -EINVAL;
+			goto out;
+		}
+		field = event->fields[trace_state->cur_field++];
+	}
+	entry = trace_state->entry;
+	if (field->is_string) {
+		char *str_val = (char *)(long)val;
+		char *str_field;
+		if (!str_val) {
+			ret = -EINVAL;
+			goto out;
+		}
+		str_field = (char *)&entry->fields[field->offset];
+		strscpy(str_field, str_val, STR_VAR_LEN_MAX);
+	} else {
+		switch (field->size) {
+		case 1:
+			*(u8 *)&trace_state->entry->fields[field->offset] = (u8)val;
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			*(u16 *)&trace_state->entry->fields[field->offset] = (u16)val;
+			break;
+		case 4:
+			*(u32 *)&trace_state->entry->fields[field->offset] = (u32)val;
+			break;
+		default:
+			trace_state->entry->fields[field->offset] = val;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+ out:
+	return ret;
+ * synth_event_add_next_val - Add the next field's value to an open synth trace
+ * @val: The value to set the next field to
+ * @trace_state: A pointer to object tracking the piecewise trace state
+ *
+ * Set the value of the next field in an event that's been opened by
+ * synth_event_trace_start().
+ *
+ * The val param should be the value cast to u64.  If the value points
+ * to a string, the val param should be a char * cast to u64.
+ *
+ * This function assumes all the fields in an event are to be set one
+ * after another - successive calls to this function are made, one for
+ * each field, in the order of the fields in the event, until all
+ * fields have been set.  If you'd rather set each field individually
+ * without regard to ordering, synth_event_add_val() can be used
+ * instead.
+ *
+ * Note however that synth_event_add_next_val() and
+ * synth_event_add_val() can't be intermixed for a given event trace -
+ * one or the other but not both can be used at the same time.
+ *
+ * Note also that synth_event_trace_end() must be called after all
+ * values have been added for each event trace, regardless of whether
+ * adding all field values succeeded or not.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 on success, err otherwise.
+ */
+int synth_event_add_next_val(u64 val,
+			     struct synth_event_trace_state *trace_state)
+	return __synth_event_add_val(NULL, val, trace_state);
+ * synth_event_add_val - Add a named field's value to an open synth trace
+ * @field_name: The name of the synthetic event field value to set
+ * @val: The value to set the next field to
+ * @trace_state: A pointer to object tracking the piecewise trace state
+ *
+ * Set the value of the named field in an event that's been opened by
+ * synth_event_trace_start().
+ *
+ * The val param should be the value cast to u64.  If the value points
+ * to a string, the val param should be a char * cast to u64.
+ *
+ * This function looks up the field name, and if found, sets the field
+ * to the specified value.  This lookup makes this function more
+ * expensive than synth_event_add_next_val(), so use that or the
+ * none-piecewise synth_event_trace() instead if efficiency is more
+ * important.
+ *
+ * Note however that synth_event_add_next_val() and
+ * synth_event_add_val() can't be intermixed for a given event trace -
+ * one or the other but not both can be used at the same time.
+ *
+ * Note also that synth_event_trace_end() must be called after all
+ * values have been added for each event trace, regardless of whether
+ * adding all field values succeeded or not.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 on success, err otherwise.
+ */
+int synth_event_add_val(const char *field_name, u64 val,
+			struct synth_event_trace_state *trace_state)
+	return __synth_event_add_val(field_name, val, trace_state);
+ * synth_event_trace_end - End piecewise synthetic event trace
+ * @trace_state: A pointer to object tracking the piecewise trace state
+ *
+ * End the trace of a synthetic event opened by
+ * synth_event_trace__start().
+ *
+ * This function 'closes' an event trace, which basically means that
+ * it commits the reserved event and cleans up other loose ends.
+ *
+ * A pointer to a trace_state object is passed in, which will keep
+ * track of the current event trace state opened with
+ * synth_event_trace_start().
+ *
+ * Note that this function must be called after all values have been
+ * added for each event trace, regardless of whether adding all field
+ * values succeeded or not.
+ *
+ * Return: 0 on success, err otherwise.
+ */
+int synth_event_trace_end(struct synth_event_trace_state *trace_state)
+	if (!trace_state)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	__synth_event_trace_end(trace_state);
+	return 0;
+static int create_synth_event(int argc, const char **argv)
+	const char *name = argv[0];
+	int len;
+	if (name[0] != 's' || name[1] != ':')
+		return -ECANCELED;
+	name += 2;
+	/* This interface accepts group name prefix */
+	if (strchr(name, '/')) {
+		len = str_has_prefix(name, SYNTH_SYSTEM "/");
+		if (len == 0)
+			return -EINVAL;
+		name += len;
+	}
+	return __create_synth_event(argc - 1, name, argv + 1);
+static int synth_event_release(struct dyn_event *ev)
+	struct synth_event *event = to_synth_event(ev);
+	int ret;
+	if (event->ref)
+		return -EBUSY;
+	ret = unregister_synth_event(event);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	dyn_event_remove(ev);
+	free_synth_event(event);
+	return 0;
+static int __synth_event_show(struct seq_file *m, struct synth_event *event)
+	struct synth_field *field;
+	unsigned int i;
+	seq_printf(m, "%s\t", event->name);
+	for (i = 0; i < event->n_fields; i++) {
+		field = event->fields[i];
+		/* parameter values */
+		seq_printf(m, "%s %s%s", field->type, field->name,
+			   i == event->n_fields - 1 ? "" : "; ");
+	}
+	seq_putc(m, '\n');
+	return 0;
+static int synth_event_show(struct seq_file *m, struct dyn_event *ev)
+	struct synth_event *event = to_synth_event(ev);
+	seq_printf(m, "s:%s/", event->class.system);
+	return __synth_event_show(m, event);
+static int synth_events_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
+	struct dyn_event *ev = v;
+	if (!is_synth_event(ev))
+		return 0;
+	return __synth_event_show(m, to_synth_event(ev));
+static const struct seq_operations synth_events_seq_op = {
+	.start	= dyn_event_seq_start,
+	.next	= dyn_event_seq_next,
+	.stop	= dyn_event_seq_stop,
+	.show	= synth_events_seq_show,
+static int synth_events_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+	int ret;
+	ret = security_locked_down(LOCKDOWN_TRACEFS);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	if ((file->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE) && (file->f_flags & O_TRUNC)) {
+		ret = dyn_events_release_all(&synth_event_ops);
+		if (ret < 0)
+			return ret;
+	}
+	return seq_open(file, &synth_events_seq_op);
+static ssize_t synth_events_write(struct file *file,
+				  const char __user *buffer,
+				  size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+	return trace_parse_run_command(file, buffer, count, ppos,
+				       create_or_delete_synth_event);
+static const struct file_operations synth_events_fops = {
+	.open           = synth_events_open,
+	.write		= synth_events_write,
+	.read           = seq_read,
+	.llseek         = seq_lseek,
+	.release        = seq_release,
+static __init int trace_events_synth_init(void)
+	struct dentry *entry = NULL;
+	struct dentry *d_tracer;
+	int err = 0;
+	err = dyn_event_register(&synth_event_ops);
+	if (err) {
+		pr_warn("Could not register synth_event_ops\n");
+		return err;
+	}
+	d_tracer = tracing_init_dentry();
+	if (IS_ERR(d_tracer)) {
+		err = PTR_ERR(d_tracer);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	entry = tracefs_create_file("synthetic_events", 0644, d_tracer,
+				    NULL, &synth_events_fops);
+	if (!entry) {
+		err = -ENODEV;
+		goto err;
+	}
+	return err;
+ err:
+	pr_warn("Could not create tracefs 'synthetic_events' entry\n");
+	return err;
diff --git a/kernel/trace/trace_probe.c b/kernel/trace/trace_probe.c
index ab8b6436d53f..b8a928e925c7 100644
--- a/kernel/trace/trace_probe.c
+++ b/kernel/trace/trace_probe.c
@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ int trace_probe_init(struct trace_probe *tp, const char *event,
-	list_add(&tp->event->probes, &tp->list);
+	list_add(&tp->list, &tp->event->probes);
 	call = trace_probe_event_call(tp);
 	call->class = &tp->event->class;
diff --git a/kernel/trace/trace_synth.h b/kernel/trace/trace_synth.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ac35c45207c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/trace/trace_synth.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+#ifndef __TRACE_SYNTH_H
+#define __TRACE_SYNTH_H
+#include "trace_dynevent.h"
+#define SYNTH_SYSTEM		"synthetic"
+#define SYNTH_FIELDS_MAX	32
+#define STR_VAR_LEN_MAX		32 /* must be multiple of sizeof(u64) */
+struct synth_field {
+	char *type;
+	char *name;
+	size_t size;
+	unsigned int offset;
+	bool is_signed;
+	bool is_string;
+struct synth_event {
+	struct dyn_event			devent;
+	int					ref;
+	char					*name;
+	struct synth_field			**fields;
+	unsigned int				n_fields;
+	unsigned int				n_u64;
+	struct trace_event_class		class;
+	struct trace_event_call			call;
+	struct tracepoint			*tp;
+	struct module				*mod;
+extern struct synth_event *find_synth_event(const char *name);
+#endif /* __TRACE_SYNTH_H */
diff --git a/lib/bug.c b/lib/bug.c
index 8c98af0bf585..7103440c0ee1 100644
--- a/lib/bug.c
+++ b/lib/bug.c
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
 #include <linux/bug.h>
 #include <linux/sched.h>
 #include <linux/rculist.h>
+#include <linux/ftrace.h>
 extern struct bug_entry __start___bug_table[], __stop___bug_table[];
@@ -153,6 +154,8 @@ enum bug_trap_type report_bug(unsigned long bugaddr, struct pt_regs *regs)
 	if (!bug)
+	disable_trace_on_warning();
 	file = NULL;
 	line = 0;
 	warning = 0;
diff --git a/tools/bootconfig/test-bootconfig.sh b/tools/bootconfig/test-bootconfig.sh
index 81b350ffd03f..eff16b77d5eb 100755
--- a/tools/bootconfig/test-bootconfig.sh
+++ b/tools/bootconfig/test-bootconfig.sh
@@ -124,9 +124,16 @@ for i in samples/good-* ; do
   xpass $BOOTCONF -a $i $INITRD
+echo "=== Summary ==="
+echo "# of Passed: $(expr $NO - $NG - 1)"
+echo "# of Failed: $NG"
 if [ $NG -eq 0 ]; then
 	echo "All tests passed"
 	echo "$NG tests failed"
+	exit 1
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-field-variable-support.tc b/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-field-variable-support.tc
index 77be6e1f6e7b..e232059a8ab2 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-field-variable-support.tc
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-field-variable-support.tc
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ if [ ! -f synthetic_events ]; then
+if [ ! -f events/sched/sched_process_fork/hist ]; then
+    echo "hist trigger is not supported"
+    exit_unsupported
 echo "Test field variable support"
 echo 'wakeup_latency u64 lat; pid_t pid; int prio; char comm[16]' > synthetic_events
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-inter-event-combined-hist.tc b/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-inter-event-combined-hist.tc
index f3eb8aacec0e..07cfcb8157b6 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-inter-event-combined-hist.tc
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-inter-event-combined-hist.tc
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ if [ ! -f synthetic_events ]; then
+if [ ! -f events/sched/sched_process_fork/hist ]; then
+    echo "hist trigger is not supported"
+    exit_unsupported
 echo "Test create synthetic event"
 echo 'waking_latency  u64 lat pid_t pid' > synthetic_events
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-multi-actions-accept.tc b/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-multi-actions-accept.tc
index d281f056f980..73e413c2ca26 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-multi-actions-accept.tc
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-multi-actions-accept.tc
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ if [ ! -f synthetic_events ]; then
+if [ ! -f events/sched/sched_process_fork/hist ]; then
+    echo "hist trigger is not supported"
+    exit_unsupported
 echo "Test multiple actions on hist trigger"
 echo 'wakeup_latency u64 lat; pid_t pid' >> synthetic_events
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-onmatch-action-hist.tc b/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-onmatch-action-hist.tc
index a708f0e7858a..ebe0ad827f9f 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-onmatch-action-hist.tc
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-onmatch-action-hist.tc
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ if [ ! -f synthetic_events ]; then
+if [ ! -f events/sched/sched_process_fork/hist ]; then
+    echo "hist trigger is not supported"
+    exit_unsupported
 echo "Test create synthetic event"
 echo 'wakeup_latency  u64 lat pid_t pid char comm[16]' > synthetic_events
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-onmatch-onmax-action-hist.tc b/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-onmatch-onmax-action-hist.tc
index dfce6932d8be..2a2ef767249e 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-onmatch-onmax-action-hist.tc
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-onmatch-onmax-action-hist.tc
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ if [ ! -f synthetic_events ]; then
+if [ ! -f events/sched/sched_process_fork/hist ]; then
+    echo "hist trigger is not supported"
+    exit_unsupported
 echo "Test create synthetic event"
 echo 'wakeup_latency  u64 lat pid_t pid char comm[16]' > synthetic_events
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-onmax-action-hist.tc b/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-onmax-action-hist.tc
index 0035995c2194..98d73bfb0296 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-onmax-action-hist.tc
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-onmax-action-hist.tc
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ if [ ! -f synthetic_events ]; then
+if [ ! -f events/sched/sched_process_fork/hist ]; then
+    echo "hist trigger is not supported"
+    exit_unsupported
 echo "Test create synthetic event"
 echo 'wakeup_latency  u64 lat pid_t pid char comm[16]' > synthetic_events
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-snapshot-action-hist.tc b/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-snapshot-action-hist.tc
index f546c1b66a9b..01b01b9c4e07 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-snapshot-action-hist.tc
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-snapshot-action-hist.tc
@@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ if [ ! -f set_event ]; then
+if [ ! -f events/sched/sched_process_fork/hist ]; then
+    echo "hist trigger is not supported"
+    exit_unsupported
 if [ ! -f snapshot ]; then
     echo "snapshot is not supported"
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-trace-action-hist.tc b/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-trace-action-hist.tc
index 8021d60aafec..c3baa486aeb4 100644
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-trace-action-hist.tc
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/ftrace/test.d/trigger/inter-event/trigger-trace-action-hist.tc
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ if [ ! -f synthetic_events ]; then
+if [ ! -f events/sched/sched_process_fork/hist ]; then
+    echo "hist trigger is not supported"
+    exit_unsupported
 grep -q "trace(<synthetic_event>" README || exit_unsupported # version issue
 echo "Test create synthetic event"