diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/Makefile b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/Makefile
index 9f8b690bcf52..458cdf6d81e8 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/Makefile
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ vmwgfx-y := vmwgfx_execbuf.o vmwgfx_gmr.o vmwgfx_kms.o vmwgfx_drv.o \
 	    vmwgfx_fifo.o vmwgfx_irq.o vmwgfx_ldu.o vmwgfx_ttm_glue.o \
 	    vmwgfx_overlay.o vmwgfx_marker.o vmwgfx_gmrid_manager.o \
 	    vmwgfx_fence.o vmwgfx_dmabuf.o vmwgfx_scrn.o vmwgfx_context.o \
-	    vmwgfx_surface.o vmwgfx_prime.o
+	    vmwgfx_surface.o vmwgfx_prime.o vmwgfx_mob.o vmwgfx_shader.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_VMWGFX) := vmwgfx.o
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/svga3d_reg.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/svga3d_reg.h
index d0e085ee8249..d95335cb90bd 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/svga3d_reg.h
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/svga3d_reg.h
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
 #include "svga_reg.h"
+typedef uint32 PPN;
+typedef __le64 PPN64;
  * 3D Hardware Version
@@ -71,6 +73,9 @@ typedef uint32 SVGA3dBool; /* 32-bit Bool definition */
 #define SVGA3D_MAX_CONTEXT_IDS                  256
 #define SVGA3D_MAX_SURFACE_IDS                  (32 * 1024)
+#define SVGA3D_NUM_TEXTURE_UNITS                32
+#define SVGA3D_NUM_LIGHTS                       8
  * Surface formats.
@@ -81,6 +86,7 @@ typedef uint32 SVGA3dBool; /* 32-bit Bool definition */
 typedef enum SVGA3dSurfaceFormat {
+   SVGA3D_FORMAT_MIN                   = 0,
    SVGA3D_FORMAT_INVALID               = 0,
    SVGA3D_X8R8G8B8                     = 1,
@@ -134,12 +140,6 @@ typedef enum SVGA3dSurfaceFormat {
    SVGA3D_RG_S10E5                     = 35,
    SVGA3D_RG_S23E8                     = 36,
-   /*
-    * Any surface can be used as a buffer object, but SVGA3D_BUFFER is
-    * the most efficient format to use when creating new surfaces
-    * expressly for index or vertex data.
-    */
    SVGA3D_BUFFER                       = 37,
    SVGA3D_Z_D24X8                      = 38,
@@ -159,15 +159,114 @@ typedef enum SVGA3dSurfaceFormat {
    /* Video format with alpha */
    SVGA3D_AYUV                         = 45,
+   SVGA3D_R32G32B32A32_TYPELESS        = 46,
+   SVGA3D_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT           = 25,
+   SVGA3D_R32G32B32A32_UINT            = 47,
+   SVGA3D_R32G32B32A32_SINT            = 48,
+   SVGA3D_R32G32B32_TYPELESS           = 49,
+   SVGA3D_R32G32B32_FLOAT              = 50,
+   SVGA3D_R32G32B32_UINT               = 51,
+   SVGA3D_R32G32B32_SINT               = 52,
+   SVGA3D_R16G16B16A16_TYPELESS        = 53,
+   SVGA3D_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT           = 24,
+   SVGA3D_R16G16B16A16_UNORM           = 41,
+   SVGA3D_R16G16B16A16_UINT            = 54,
+   SVGA3D_R16G16B16A16_SNORM           = 55,
+   SVGA3D_R16G16B16A16_SINT            = 56,
+   SVGA3D_R32G32_TYPELESS              = 57,
+   SVGA3D_R32G32_FLOAT                 = 36,
+   SVGA3D_R32G32_UINT                  = 58,
+   SVGA3D_R32G32_SINT                  = 59,
+   SVGA3D_R32G8X24_TYPELESS            = 60,
+   SVGA3D_D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT         = 61,
+   SVGA3D_R32_FLOAT_X8X24_TYPELESS     = 62,
+   SVGA3D_X32_TYPELESS_G8X24_UINT      = 63,
+   SVGA3D_R10G10B10A2_TYPELESS         = 64,
+   SVGA3D_R10G10B10A2_UNORM            = 26,
+   SVGA3D_R10G10B10A2_UINT             = 65,
+   SVGA3D_R11G11B10_FLOAT              = 66,
+   SVGA3D_R8G8B8A8_TYPELESS            = 67,
+   SVGA3D_R8G8B8A8_UNORM               = 68,
+   SVGA3D_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB          = 69,
+   SVGA3D_R8G8B8A8_UINT                = 70,
+   SVGA3D_R8G8B8A8_SNORM               = 28,
+   SVGA3D_R8G8B8A8_SINT                = 71,
+   SVGA3D_R16G16_TYPELESS              = 72,
+   SVGA3D_R16G16_FLOAT                 = 35,
+   SVGA3D_R16G16_UNORM                 = 40,
+   SVGA3D_R16G16_UINT                  = 73,
+   SVGA3D_R16G16_SNORM                 = 39,
+   SVGA3D_R16G16_SINT                  = 74,
+   SVGA3D_R32_TYPELESS                 = 75,
+   SVGA3D_D32_FLOAT                    = 76,
+   SVGA3D_R32_FLOAT                    = 34,
+   SVGA3D_R32_UINT                     = 77,
+   SVGA3D_R32_SINT                     = 78,
+   SVGA3D_R24G8_TYPELESS               = 79,
+   SVGA3D_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT            = 80,
+   SVGA3D_R24_UNORM_X8_TYPELESS        = 81,
+   SVGA3D_X24_TYPELESS_G8_UINT         = 82,
+   SVGA3D_R8G8_TYPELESS                = 83,
+   SVGA3D_R8G8_UNORM                   = 84,
+   SVGA3D_R8G8_UINT                    = 85,
+   SVGA3D_R8G8_SNORM                   = 27,
+   SVGA3D_R8G8_SINT                    = 86,
+   SVGA3D_R16_TYPELESS                 = 87,
+   SVGA3D_R16_FLOAT                    = 33,
+   SVGA3D_D16_UNORM                    = 8,
+   SVGA3D_R16_UNORM                    = 88,
+   SVGA3D_R16_UINT                     = 89,
+   SVGA3D_R16_SNORM                    = 90,
+   SVGA3D_R16_SINT                     = 91,
+   SVGA3D_R8_TYPELESS                  = 92,
+   SVGA3D_R8_UNORM                     = 93,
+   SVGA3D_R8_UINT                      = 94,
+   SVGA3D_R8_SNORM                     = 95,
+   SVGA3D_R8_SINT                      = 96,
+   SVGA3D_A8_UNORM                     = 32,
+   SVGA3D_R1_UNORM                     = 97,
+   SVGA3D_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP           = 98,
+   SVGA3D_R8G8_B8G8_UNORM              = 99,
+   SVGA3D_G8R8_G8B8_UNORM              = 100,
+   SVGA3D_BC1_TYPELESS                 = 101,
+   SVGA3D_BC1_UNORM                    = 15,
+   SVGA3D_BC1_UNORM_SRGB               = 102,
+   SVGA3D_BC2_TYPELESS                 = 103,
+   SVGA3D_BC2_UNORM                    = 17,
+   SVGA3D_BC2_UNORM_SRGB               = 104,
+   SVGA3D_BC3_TYPELESS                 = 105,
+   SVGA3D_BC3_UNORM                    = 19,
+   SVGA3D_BC3_UNORM_SRGB               = 106,
+   SVGA3D_BC4_TYPELESS                 = 107,
    SVGA3D_BC4_UNORM                    = 108,
+   SVGA3D_BC4_SNORM                    = 109,
+   SVGA3D_BC5_TYPELESS                 = 110,
    SVGA3D_BC5_UNORM                    = 111,
+   SVGA3D_BC5_SNORM                    = 112,
+   SVGA3D_B5G6R5_UNORM                 = 3,
+   SVGA3D_B5G5R5A1_UNORM               = 5,
+   SVGA3D_B8G8R8A8_UNORM               = 2,
+   SVGA3D_B8G8R8X8_UNORM               = 1,
+   SVGA3D_R10G10B10_XR_BIAS_A2_UNORM   = 113,
+   SVGA3D_B8G8R8A8_TYPELESS            = 114,
+   SVGA3D_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB          = 115,
+   SVGA3D_B8G8R8X8_TYPELESS            = 116,
+   SVGA3D_B8G8R8X8_UNORM_SRGB          = 117,
    /* Advanced D3D9 depth formats. */
    SVGA3D_Z_DF16                       = 118,
    SVGA3D_Z_DF24                       = 119,
    SVGA3D_Z_D24S8_INT                  = 120,
+   /* Planar video formats. */
+   SVGA3D_YV12                         = 121,
+   /* Shader constant formats. */
+   SVGA3D_FORMAT_MAX                   = 125,
 } SVGA3dSurfaceFormat;
 typedef uint32 SVGA3dColor; /* a, r, g, b */
@@ -957,15 +1056,21 @@ typedef enum {
 } SVGA3dCubeFace;
 typedef enum {
+   SVGA3D_SHADERTYPE_INVALID                    = 0,
+   SVGA3D_SHADERTYPE_MIN                        = 1,
    SVGA3D_SHADERTYPE_VS                         = 1,
    SVGA3D_SHADERTYPE_PS                         = 2,
+   SVGA3D_SHADERTYPE_MAX                        = 3,
+   SVGA3D_SHADERTYPE_GS                         = 3,
 } SVGA3dShaderType;
 typedef enum {
    SVGA3D_CONST_TYPE_FLOAT                      = 0,
    SVGA3D_CONST_TYPE_INT                        = 1,
    SVGA3D_CONST_TYPE_BOOL                       = 2,
 } SVGA3dShaderConstType;
 #define SVGA3D_MAX_SURFACE_FACES                6
@@ -1056,9 +1161,74 @@ typedef enum {
-#define SVGA_3D_CMD_MAX                    SVGA_3D_CMD_BASE + 42
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_SCREEN_DMA               1082
-#define SVGA_3D_CMD_FUTURE_MAX             2000
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_LOGICOPS_BITBLT          1085
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_LOGICOPS_TRANSBLT        1086
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_LOGICOPS_COLORFILL       1088
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_SET_OTABLE_BASE          1091
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_READBACK_OTABLE          1092
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_DEFINE_GB_MOB            1093
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_DESTROY_GB_MOB           1094
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_REDEFINE_GB_MOB          1095
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_DEFINE_GB_SURFACE        1097
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_DESTROY_GB_SURFACE       1098
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_SURFACE          1099
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_COND_BIND_GB_SURFACE     1100
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_UPDATE_GB_IMAGE          1101
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_UPDATE_GB_SURFACE        1102
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_READBACK_GB_IMAGE        1103
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_READBACK_GB_SURFACE      1104
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_INVALIDATE_GB_IMAGE      1105
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_DEFINE_GB_CONTEXT        1107
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_DESTROY_GB_CONTEXT       1108
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_CONTEXT          1109
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_READBACK_GB_CONTEXT      1110
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_DEFINE_GB_SHADER         1112
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_DESTROY_GB_SHADER        1113
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_SHADER           1114
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_SET_OTABLE_BASE64        1115
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_BEGIN_GB_QUERY           1116
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_END_GB_QUERY             1117
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_WAIT_FOR_GB_QUERY        1118
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_NOP                      1119
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_ENABLE_GART              1120
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_DISABLE_GART             1121
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_MAP_MOB_INTO_GART        1122
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_UNMAP_GART_RANGE         1123
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_DEFINE_GB_MOB64          1135
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_REDEFINE_GB_MOB64        1136
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_MAX                      1142
+#define SVGA_3D_CMD_FUTURE_MAX               3000
  * Common substructures used in multiple FIFO commands:
@@ -1749,6 +1919,495 @@ struct {
 } SVGA3dCmdGenerateMipmaps;             /* SVGA_3D_CMD_GENERATE_MIPMAPS */
+ * Guest-backed surface definitions.
+ */
+typedef uint32 SVGAMobId;
+typedef enum SVGAMobFormat {
+   SVGA3D_MOBFMT_RANGE     = 3,
+} SVGAMobFormat;
+ * Sizes of opaque types.
+ */
+ * SVGA3dCmdSetOTableBase --
+ *
+ * This command allows the guest to specify the base PPN of the
+ * specified object table.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+   SVGA_OTABLE_MOB           = 0,
+   SVGA_OTABLE_MIN           = 0,
+   SVGA_OTABLE_SURFACE       = 1,
+   SVGA_OTABLE_CONTEXT       = 2,
+   SVGA_OTABLE_SHADER        = 3,
+   SVGA_OTABLE_DX9_MAX       = 5,
+   SVGA_OTABLE_MAX           = 8
+} SVGAOTableType;
+struct {
+   SVGAOTableType type;
+   PPN baseAddress;
+   uint32 sizeInBytes;
+   uint32 validSizeInBytes;
+   SVGAMobFormat ptDepth;
+struct {
+   SVGAOTableType type;
+   PPN64 baseAddress;
+   uint32 sizeInBytes;
+   uint32 validSizeInBytes;
+   SVGAMobFormat ptDepth;
+SVGA3dCmdSetOTableBase64;  /* SVGA_3D_CMD_SET_OTABLE_BASE64 */
+struct {
+   SVGAOTableType type;
+SVGA3dCmdReadbackOTable;  /* SVGA_3D_CMD_READBACK_OTABLE */
+ * Define a memory object (Mob) in the OTable.
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdDefineGBMob {
+   SVGAMobId mobid;
+   SVGAMobFormat ptDepth;
+   PPN base;
+   uint32 sizeInBytes;
+SVGA3dCmdDefineGBMob;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_DEFINE_GB_MOB */
+ * Destroys an object in the OTable.
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdDestroyGBMob {
+   SVGAMobId mobid;
+SVGA3dCmdDestroyGBMob;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_DESTROY_GB_MOB */
+ * Redefine an object in the OTable.
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdRedefineGBMob {
+   SVGAMobId mobid;
+   SVGAMobFormat ptDepth;
+   PPN base;
+   uint32 sizeInBytes;
+SVGA3dCmdRedefineGBMob;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_REDEFINE_GB_MOB */
+ * Define a memory object (Mob) in the OTable with a PPN64 base.
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdDefineGBMob64 {
+   SVGAMobId mobid;
+   SVGAMobFormat ptDepth;
+   PPN64 base;
+   uint32 sizeInBytes;
+SVGA3dCmdDefineGBMob64;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_DEFINE_GB_MOB64 */
+ * Redefine an object in the OTable with PPN64 base.
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdRedefineGBMob64 {
+   SVGAMobId mobid;
+   SVGAMobFormat ptDepth;
+   PPN64 base;
+   uint32 sizeInBytes;
+SVGA3dCmdRedefineGBMob64;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_REDEFINE_GB_MOB64 */
+ * Notification that the page tables have been modified.
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdUpdateGBMobMapping {
+   SVGAMobId mobid;
+ * Define a guest-backed surface.
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdDefineGBSurface {
+   uint32 sid;
+   SVGA3dSurfaceFlags surfaceFlags;
+   SVGA3dSurfaceFormat format;
+   uint32 numMipLevels;
+   uint32 multisampleCount;
+   SVGA3dTextureFilter autogenFilter;
+   SVGA3dSize size;
+} SVGA3dCmdDefineGBSurface;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_DEFINE_GB_SURFACE */
+ * Destroy a guest-backed surface.
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdDestroyGBSurface {
+   uint32 sid;
+} SVGA3dCmdDestroyGBSurface;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_DESTROY_GB_SURFACE */
+ * Bind a guest-backed surface to an object.
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdBindGBSurface {
+   uint32 sid;
+   SVGAMobId mobid;
+} SVGA3dCmdBindGBSurface;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_SURFACE */
+ * Conditionally bind a mob to a guest backed surface if testMobid
+ * matches the currently bound mob.  Optionally issue a readback on
+ * the surface while it is still bound to the old mobid if the mobid
+ * is changed by this command.
+ */
+   uint32 sid;
+   SVGAMobId testMobid;
+   SVGAMobId mobid;
+   uint32 flags;
+SVGA3dCmdCondBindGBSurface;          /* SVGA_3D_CMD_COND_BIND_GB_SURFACE */
+ * Update an image in a guest-backed surface.
+ * (Inform the device that the guest-contents have been updated.)
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdUpdateGBImage {
+   SVGA3dSurfaceImageId image;
+   SVGA3dBox box;
+} SVGA3dCmdUpdateGBImage;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_UPDATE_GB_IMAGE */
+ * Update an entire guest-backed surface.
+ * (Inform the device that the guest-contents have been updated.)
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdUpdateGBSurface {
+   uint32 sid;
+} SVGA3dCmdUpdateGBSurface;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_UPDATE_GB_SURFACE */
+ * Readback an image in a guest-backed surface.
+ * (Request the device to flush the dirty contents into the guest.)
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdReadbackGBImage {
+   SVGA3dSurfaceImageId image;
+} SVGA3dCmdReadbackGBImage;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_READBACK_GB_IMAGE*/
+ * Readback an entire guest-backed surface.
+ * (Request the device to flush the dirty contents into the guest.)
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdReadbackGBSurface {
+   uint32 sid;
+} SVGA3dCmdReadbackGBSurface;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_READBACK_GB_SURFACE */
+ * Readback a sub rect of an image in a guest-backed surface.  After
+ * issuing this command the driver is required to issue an update call
+ * of the same region before issuing any other commands that reference
+ * this surface or rendering is not guaranteed.
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdReadbackGBImagePartial {
+   SVGA3dSurfaceImageId image;
+   SVGA3dBox box;
+   uint32 invertBox;
+ * Invalidate an image in a guest-backed surface.
+ * (Notify the device that the contents can be lost.)
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdInvalidateGBImage {
+   SVGA3dSurfaceImageId image;
+} SVGA3dCmdInvalidateGBImage;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_INVALIDATE_GB_IMAGE */
+ * Invalidate an entire guest-backed surface.
+ * (Notify the device that the contents if all images can be lost.)
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdInvalidateGBSurface {
+   uint32 sid;
+} SVGA3dCmdInvalidateGBSurface; /* SVGA_3D_CMD_INVALIDATE_GB_SURFACE */
+ * Invalidate a sub rect of an image in a guest-backed surface.  After
+ * issuing this command the driver is required to issue an update call
+ * of the same region before issuing any other commands that reference
+ * this surface or rendering is not guaranteed.
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdInvalidateGBImagePartial {
+   SVGA3dSurfaceImageId image;
+   SVGA3dBox box;
+   uint32 invertBox;
+ * Define a guest-backed context.
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdDefineGBContext {
+   uint32 cid;
+} SVGA3dCmdDefineGBContext;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_DEFINE_GB_CONTEXT */
+ * Destroy a guest-backed context.
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdDestroyGBContext {
+   uint32 cid;
+} SVGA3dCmdDestroyGBContext;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_DESTROY_GB_CONTEXT */
+ * Bind a guest-backed context.
+ *
+ * validContents should be set to 0 for new contexts,
+ * and 1 if this is an old context which is getting paged
+ * back on to the device.
+ *
+ * For new contexts, it is recommended that the driver
+ * issue commands to initialize all interesting state
+ * prior to rendering.
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdBindGBContext {
+   uint32 cid;
+   SVGAMobId mobid;
+   uint32 validContents;
+} SVGA3dCmdBindGBContext;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_CONTEXT */
+ * Readback a guest-backed context.
+ * (Request that the device flush the contents back into guest memory.)
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdReadbackGBContext {
+   uint32 cid;
+} SVGA3dCmdReadbackGBContext;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_READBACK_GB_CONTEXT */
+ * Invalidate a guest-backed context.
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdInvalidateGBContext {
+   uint32 cid;
+} SVGA3dCmdInvalidateGBContext;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_INVALIDATE_GB_CONTEXT */
+ * Define a guest-backed shader.
+ */
+struct SVGA3dCmdDefineGBShader {
+   uint32 shid;
+   SVGA3dShaderType type;
+   uint32 sizeInBytes;
+} SVGA3dCmdDefineGBShader;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_DEFINE_GB_SHADER */
+ * Bind a guest-backed shader.
+ */
+typedef struct SVGA3dCmdBindGBShader {
+   uint32 shid;
+   SVGAMobId mobid;
+   uint32 offsetInBytes;
+} SVGA3dCmdBindGBShader;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_SHADER */
+ * Destroy a guest-backed shader.
+ */
+typedef struct SVGA3dCmdDestroyGBShader {
+   uint32 shid;
+} SVGA3dCmdDestroyGBShader;   /* SVGA_3D_CMD_DESTROY_GB_SHADER */
+struct {
+   uint32                  cid;
+   uint32                  regStart;
+   SVGA3dShaderType        shaderType;
+   SVGA3dShaderConstType   constType;
+   /*
+    * Followed by a variable number of shader constants.
+    *
+    * Note that FLOAT and INT constants are 4-dwords in length, while
+    * BOOL constants are 1-dword in length.
+    */
+} SVGA3dCmdSetGBShaderConstInline;
+struct {
+   uint32               cid;
+   SVGA3dQueryType      type;
+} SVGA3dCmdBeginGBQuery;           /* SVGA_3D_CMD_BEGIN_GB_QUERY */
+struct {
+   uint32               cid;
+   SVGA3dQueryType      type;
+   SVGAMobId mobid;
+   uint32 offset;
+} SVGA3dCmdEndGBQuery;                  /* SVGA_3D_CMD_END_GB_QUERY */
+ *
+ *    The semantics of this command are identical to the
+ *    SVGA_3D_CMD_WAIT_FOR_QUERY except that the results are written
+ *    to a Mob instead of a GMR.
+ */
+struct {
+   uint32               cid;
+   SVGA3dQueryType      type;
+   SVGAMobId mobid;
+   uint32 offset;
+} SVGA3dCmdWaitForGBQuery;          /* SVGA_3D_CMD_WAIT_FOR_GB_QUERY */
+struct {
+   SVGAMobId mobid;
+   uint32 fbOffset;
+   uint32 initalized;
+SVGA3dCmdEnableGart;              /* SVGA_3D_CMD_ENABLE_GART */
+struct {
+   SVGAMobId mobid;
+   uint32 gartOffset;
+SVGA3dCmdMapMobIntoGart;          /* SVGA_3D_CMD_MAP_MOB_INTO_GART */
+struct {
+   uint32 gartOffset;
+   uint32 numPages;
+SVGA3dCmdUnmapGartRange;          /* SVGA_3D_CMD_UNMAP_GART_RANGE */
+ * Screen Targets
+ */
+#define SVGA_STFLAG_PRIMARY (1 << 0)
+struct {
+   uint32 stid;
+   uint32 width;
+   uint32 height;
+   int32 xRoot;
+   int32 yRoot;
+   uint32 flags;
+struct {
+   uint32 stid;
+struct {
+   uint32 stid;
+   SVGA3dSurfaceImageId image;
+struct {
+   uint32 stid;
+   SVGA3dBox box;
  * Capability query index.
@@ -1879,10 +2538,41 @@ typedef enum {
    SVGA3D_DEVCAP_SURFACEFMT_BC5_UNORM              = 83,
-    * Don't add new caps into the previous section; the values in this
-    * enumeration must not change. You can put new values right before
+    * Deprecated.
+   SVGA3D_DEVCAP_VGPU10                            = 84,
+   /*
+    * This contains several SVGA_3D_CAPS_VIDEO_DECODE elements
+    * ored together, one for every type of video decoding supported.
+    */
+   SVGA3D_DEVCAP_VIDEO_DECODE                      = 85,
+   /*
+    * This contains several SVGA_3D_CAPS_VIDEO_PROCESS elements
+    * ored together, one for every type of video processing supported.
+    */
+   SVGA3D_DEVCAP_VIDEO_PROCESS                     = 86,
+   SVGA3D_DEVCAP_LINE_AA                           = 87,  /* boolean */
+   SVGA3D_DEVCAP_LINE_STIPPLE                      = 88,  /* boolean */
+   SVGA3D_DEVCAP_MAX_LINE_WIDTH                    = 89,  /* float */
+   SVGA3D_DEVCAP_MAX_AA_LINE_WIDTH                 = 90,  /* float */
+   SVGA3D_DEVCAP_SURFACEFMT_YV12                   = 91,
+   /*
+    * Does the host support the SVGA logic ops commands?
+    */
+   SVGA3D_DEVCAP_LOGICOPS                          = 92,
+   /*
+    * What support does the host have for screen targets?
+    *
+    * See the SVGA3D_SCREENTARGET_CAP bits below.
+    */
+   SVGA3D_DEVCAP_SCREENTARGETS                     = 93,
    SVGA3D_DEVCAP_MAX                                  /* This must be the last index. */
 } SVGA3dDevCapIndex;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/svga_reg.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/svga_reg.h
index 01f63cb49678..71defa4d2d75 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/svga_reg.h
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/svga_reg.h
@@ -169,7 +169,10 @@ enum {
    SVGA_REG_TRACES = 45,            /* Enable trace-based updates even when FIFO is on */
    SVGA_REG_GMRS_MAX_PAGES = 46,    /* Maximum number of 4KB pages for all GMRs */
    SVGA_REG_MEMORY_SIZE = 47,       /* Total dedicated device memory excluding FIFO */
-   SVGA_REG_TOP = 48,               /* Must be 1 more than the last register */
+   SVGA_REG_MAX_PRIMARY_BOUNDING_BOX_MEM = 50,   /* Max primary memory */
+   SVGA_REG_SUGGESTED_GBOBJECT_MEM_SIZE_KB = 51, /* Suggested limit on mob mem */
+   SVGA_REG_DEV_CAP = 52,           /* Write dev cap index, read value */
+   SVGA_REG_TOP = 53,               /* Must be 1 more than the last register */
    SVGA_PALETTE_BASE = 1024,        /* Base of SVGA color map */
    /* Next 768 (== 256*3) registers exist for colormap */
@@ -431,7 +434,10 @@ struct SVGASignedPoint {
 #define SVGA_CAP_TRACES             0x00200000
 #define SVGA_CAP_GMR2               0x00400000
 #define SVGA_CAP_SCREEN_OBJECT_2    0x00800000
+#define SVGA_CAP_COMMAND_BUFFERS    0x01000000
+#define SVGA_CAP_DEAD1              0x02000000
+#define SVGA_CAP_CMD_BUFFERS_2      0x04000000
+#define SVGA_CAP_GBOBJECTS          0x08000000
  * FIFO register indices.
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_buffer.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_buffer.c
index 2d61a2d86bd7..6327cfc36805 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_buffer.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_buffer.c
@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ static uint32_t vram_ne_placement_flags = TTM_PL_FLAG_VRAM |
 static uint32_t sys_placement_flags = TTM_PL_FLAG_SYSTEM |
+static uint32_t sys_ne_placement_flags = TTM_PL_FLAG_SYSTEM |
 static uint32_t gmr_placement_flags = VMW_PL_FLAG_GMR |
@@ -47,6 +51,9 @@ static uint32_t gmr_ne_placement_flags = VMW_PL_FLAG_GMR |
+static uint32_t mob_placement_flags = VMW_PL_FLAG_MOB |
 struct ttm_placement vmw_vram_placement = {
 	.fpfn = 0,
 	.lpfn = 0,
@@ -116,16 +123,26 @@ struct ttm_placement vmw_sys_placement = {
 	.busy_placement = &sys_placement_flags
+struct ttm_placement vmw_sys_ne_placement = {
+	.fpfn = 0,
+	.lpfn = 0,
+	.num_placement = 1,
+	.placement = &sys_ne_placement_flags,
+	.num_busy_placement = 1,
+	.busy_placement = &sys_ne_placement_flags
 static uint32_t evictable_placement_flags[] = {
 struct ttm_placement vmw_evictable_placement = {
 	.fpfn = 0,
 	.lpfn = 0,
-	.num_placement = 3,
+	.num_placement = 4,
 	.placement = evictable_placement_flags,
 	.num_busy_placement = 1,
 	.busy_placement = &sys_placement_flags
@@ -140,10 +157,21 @@ struct ttm_placement vmw_srf_placement = {
 	.busy_placement = gmr_vram_placement_flags
+struct ttm_placement vmw_mob_placement = {
+	.fpfn = 0,
+	.lpfn = 0,
+	.num_placement = 1,
+	.num_busy_placement = 1,
+	.placement = &mob_placement_flags,
+	.busy_placement = &mob_placement_flags
 struct vmw_ttm_tt {
 	struct ttm_dma_tt dma_ttm;
 	struct vmw_private *dev_priv;
 	int gmr_id;
+	struct vmw_mob *mob;
+	int mem_type;
 	struct sg_table sgt;
 	struct vmw_sg_table vsgt;
 	uint64_t sg_alloc_size;
@@ -244,6 +272,7 @@ void vmw_piter_start(struct vmw_piter *viter, const struct vmw_sg_table *vsgt,
 		viter->dma_address = &__vmw_piter_dma_addr;
 		viter->page = &__vmw_piter_non_sg_page;
 		viter->addrs = vsgt->addrs;
+		viter->pages = vsgt->pages;
 	case vmw_dma_map_populate:
 	case vmw_dma_map_bind:
@@ -424,6 +453,63 @@ static void vmw_ttm_unmap_dma(struct vmw_ttm_tt *vmw_tt)
 	vmw_tt->mapped = false;
+ * vmw_bo_map_dma - Make sure buffer object pages are visible to the device
+ *
+ * @bo: Pointer to a struct ttm_buffer_object
+ *
+ * Wrapper around vmw_ttm_map_dma, that takes a TTM buffer object pointer
+ * instead of a pointer to a struct vmw_ttm_backend as argument.
+ * Note that the buffer object must be either pinned or reserved before
+ * calling this function.
+ */
+int vmw_bo_map_dma(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo)
+	struct vmw_ttm_tt *vmw_tt =
+		container_of(bo->ttm, struct vmw_ttm_tt, dma_ttm.ttm);
+	return vmw_ttm_map_dma(vmw_tt);
+ * vmw_bo_unmap_dma - Make sure buffer object pages are visible to the device
+ *
+ * @bo: Pointer to a struct ttm_buffer_object
+ *
+ * Wrapper around vmw_ttm_unmap_dma, that takes a TTM buffer object pointer
+ * instead of a pointer to a struct vmw_ttm_backend as argument.
+ */
+void vmw_bo_unmap_dma(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo)
+	struct vmw_ttm_tt *vmw_tt =
+		container_of(bo->ttm, struct vmw_ttm_tt, dma_ttm.ttm);
+	vmw_ttm_unmap_dma(vmw_tt);
+ * vmw_bo_sg_table - Return a struct vmw_sg_table object for a
+ * TTM buffer object
+ *
+ * @bo: Pointer to a struct ttm_buffer_object
+ *
+ * Returns a pointer to a struct vmw_sg_table object. The object should
+ * not be freed after use.
+ * Note that for the device addresses to be valid, the buffer object must
+ * either be reserved or pinned.
+ */
+const struct vmw_sg_table *vmw_bo_sg_table(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo)
+	struct vmw_ttm_tt *vmw_tt =
+		container_of(bo->ttm, struct vmw_ttm_tt, dma_ttm.ttm);
+	return &vmw_tt->vsgt;
 static int vmw_ttm_bind(struct ttm_tt *ttm, struct ttm_mem_reg *bo_mem)
 	struct vmw_ttm_tt *vmw_be =
@@ -435,9 +521,27 @@ static int vmw_ttm_bind(struct ttm_tt *ttm, struct ttm_mem_reg *bo_mem)
 		return ret;
 	vmw_be->gmr_id = bo_mem->start;
+	vmw_be->mem_type = bo_mem->mem_type;
-	return vmw_gmr_bind(vmw_be->dev_priv, &vmw_be->vsgt,
-			    ttm->num_pages, vmw_be->gmr_id);
+	switch (bo_mem->mem_type) {
+	case VMW_PL_GMR:
+		return vmw_gmr_bind(vmw_be->dev_priv, &vmw_be->vsgt,
+				    ttm->num_pages, vmw_be->gmr_id);
+	case VMW_PL_MOB:
+		if (unlikely(vmw_be->mob == NULL)) {
+			vmw_be->mob =
+				vmw_mob_create(ttm->num_pages);
+			if (unlikely(vmw_be->mob == NULL))
+				return -ENOMEM;
+		}
+		return vmw_mob_bind(vmw_be->dev_priv, vmw_be->mob,
+				    &vmw_be->vsgt, ttm->num_pages,
+				    vmw_be->gmr_id);
+	default:
+		BUG();
+	}
+	return 0;
 static int vmw_ttm_unbind(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
@@ -445,7 +549,16 @@ static int vmw_ttm_unbind(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
 	struct vmw_ttm_tt *vmw_be =
 		container_of(ttm, struct vmw_ttm_tt, dma_ttm.ttm);
-	vmw_gmr_unbind(vmw_be->dev_priv, vmw_be->gmr_id);
+	switch (vmw_be->mem_type) {
+	case VMW_PL_GMR:
+		vmw_gmr_unbind(vmw_be->dev_priv, vmw_be->gmr_id);
+		break;
+	case VMW_PL_MOB:
+		vmw_mob_unbind(vmw_be->dev_priv, vmw_be->mob);
+		break;
+	default:
+		BUG();
+	}
 	if (vmw_be->dev_priv->map_mode == vmw_dma_map_bind)
@@ -453,6 +566,7 @@ static int vmw_ttm_unbind(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
 	return 0;
 static void vmw_ttm_destroy(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
 	struct vmw_ttm_tt *vmw_be =
@@ -463,9 +577,14 @@ static void vmw_ttm_destroy(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
+	if (vmw_be->mob)
+		vmw_mob_destroy(vmw_be->mob);
 static int vmw_ttm_populate(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
 	struct vmw_ttm_tt *vmw_tt =
@@ -500,6 +619,12 @@ static void vmw_ttm_unpopulate(struct ttm_tt *ttm)
 	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = vmw_tt->dev_priv;
 	struct ttm_mem_global *glob = vmw_mem_glob(dev_priv);
+	if (vmw_tt->mob) {
+		vmw_mob_destroy(vmw_tt->mob);
+		vmw_tt->mob = NULL;
+	}
 	if (dev_priv->map_mode == vmw_dma_alloc_coherent) {
 		size_t size =
@@ -530,6 +655,7 @@ static struct ttm_tt *vmw_ttm_tt_create(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev,
 	vmw_be->dma_ttm.ttm.func = &vmw_ttm_func;
 	vmw_be->dev_priv = container_of(bdev, struct vmw_private, bdev);
+	vmw_be->mob = NULL;
 	if (vmw_be->dev_priv->map_mode == vmw_dma_alloc_coherent)
 		ret = ttm_dma_tt_init(&vmw_be->dma_ttm, bdev, size, page_flags,
@@ -571,6 +697,7 @@ static int vmw_init_mem_type(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev, uint32_t type,
 		man->default_caching = TTM_PL_FLAG_CACHED;
 	case VMW_PL_GMR:
+	case VMW_PL_MOB:
 		 * "Guest Memory Regions" is an aperture like feature with
 		 *  one slot per bo. There is an upper limit of the number of
@@ -618,6 +745,7 @@ static int vmw_ttm_io_mem_reserve(struct ttm_bo_device *bdev, struct ttm_mem_reg
 	switch (mem->mem_type) {
 	case VMW_PL_GMR:
+	case VMW_PL_MOB:
 		return 0;
 	case TTM_PL_VRAM:
 		mem->bus.offset = mem->start << PAGE_SHIFT;
@@ -677,6 +805,38 @@ static int vmw_sync_obj_wait(void *sync_obj, bool lazy, bool interruptible)
+ * vmw_move_notify - TTM move_notify_callback
+ *
+ * @bo:             The TTM buffer object about to move.
+ * @mem:            The truct ttm_mem_reg indicating to what memory
+ *                  region the move is taking place.
+ *
+ * Calls move_notify for all subsystems needing it.
+ * (currently only resources).
+ */
+static void vmw_move_notify(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo,
+			    struct ttm_mem_reg *mem)
+	vmw_resource_move_notify(bo, mem);
+ * vmw_swap_notify - TTM move_notify_callback
+ *
+ * @bo:             The TTM buffer object about to be swapped out.
+ */
+static void vmw_swap_notify(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo)
+	struct ttm_bo_device *bdev = bo->bdev;
+	spin_lock(&bdev->fence_lock);
+	ttm_bo_wait(bo, false, false, false);
+	spin_unlock(&bdev->fence_lock);
 struct ttm_bo_driver vmw_bo_driver = {
 	.ttm_tt_create = &vmw_ttm_tt_create,
 	.ttm_tt_populate = &vmw_ttm_populate,
@@ -691,8 +851,8 @@ struct ttm_bo_driver vmw_bo_driver = {
 	.sync_obj_flush = vmw_sync_obj_flush,
 	.sync_obj_unref = vmw_sync_obj_unref,
 	.sync_obj_ref = vmw_sync_obj_ref,
-	.move_notify = NULL,
-	.swap_notify = NULL,
+	.move_notify = vmw_move_notify,
+	.swap_notify = vmw_swap_notify,
 	.fault_reserve_notify = &vmw_ttm_fault_reserve_notify,
 	.io_mem_reserve = &vmw_ttm_io_mem_reserve,
 	.io_mem_free = &vmw_ttm_io_mem_free,
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_context.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_context.c
index 00ae0925aca8..97aa55159107 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_context.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_context.c
@@ -32,12 +32,28 @@
 struct vmw_user_context {
 	struct ttm_base_object base;
 	struct vmw_resource res;
+	struct vmw_ctx_binding_state cbs;
+typedef int (*vmw_scrub_func)(struct vmw_ctx_bindinfo *);
 static void vmw_user_context_free(struct vmw_resource *res);
 static struct vmw_resource *
 vmw_user_context_base_to_res(struct ttm_base_object *base);
+static int vmw_gb_context_create(struct vmw_resource *res);
+static int vmw_gb_context_bind(struct vmw_resource *res,
+			       struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf);
+static int vmw_gb_context_unbind(struct vmw_resource *res,
+				 bool readback,
+				 struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf);
+static int vmw_gb_context_destroy(struct vmw_resource *res);
+static int vmw_context_scrub_shader(struct vmw_ctx_bindinfo *bi);
+static int vmw_context_scrub_render_target(struct vmw_ctx_bindinfo *bi);
+static int vmw_context_scrub_texture(struct vmw_ctx_bindinfo *bi);
+static void vmw_context_binding_state_kill(struct vmw_ctx_binding_state *cbs);
 static uint64_t vmw_user_context_size;
 static const struct vmw_user_resource_conv user_context_conv = {
@@ -62,6 +78,23 @@ static const struct vmw_res_func vmw_legacy_context_func = {
 	.unbind = NULL
+static const struct vmw_res_func vmw_gb_context_func = {
+	.res_type = vmw_res_context,
+	.needs_backup = true,
+	.may_evict = true,
+	.type_name = "guest backed contexts",
+	.backup_placement = &vmw_mob_placement,
+	.create = vmw_gb_context_create,
+	.destroy = vmw_gb_context_destroy,
+	.bind = vmw_gb_context_bind,
+	.unbind = vmw_gb_context_unbind
+static const vmw_scrub_func vmw_scrub_funcs[vmw_ctx_binding_max] = {
+	[vmw_ctx_binding_shader] = vmw_context_scrub_shader,
+	[vmw_ctx_binding_rt] = vmw_context_scrub_render_target,
+	[vmw_ctx_binding_tex] = vmw_context_scrub_texture };
  * Context management:
@@ -76,6 +109,16 @@ static void vmw_hw_context_destroy(struct vmw_resource *res)
 	} *cmd;
+	if (res->func->destroy == vmw_gb_context_destroy) {
+		mutex_lock(&dev_priv->cmdbuf_mutex);
+		(void) vmw_gb_context_destroy(res);
+		if (dev_priv->pinned_bo != NULL &&
+		    !dev_priv->query_cid_valid)
+			__vmw_execbuf_release_pinned_bo(dev_priv, NULL);
+		mutex_unlock(&dev_priv->cmdbuf_mutex);
+		return;
+	}
 	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
 	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
@@ -92,6 +135,33 @@ static void vmw_hw_context_destroy(struct vmw_resource *res)
 	vmw_3d_resource_dec(dev_priv, false);
+static int vmw_gb_context_init(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+			       struct vmw_resource *res,
+			       void (*res_free) (struct vmw_resource *res))
+	int ret;
+	struct vmw_user_context *uctx =
+		container_of(res, struct vmw_user_context, res);
+	ret = vmw_resource_init(dev_priv, res, true,
+				res_free, &vmw_gb_context_func);
+	res->backup_size = SVGA3D_CONTEXT_DATA_SIZE;
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+		if (res_free)
+			res_free(res);
+		else
+			kfree(res);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	memset(&uctx->cbs, 0, sizeof(uctx->cbs));
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&uctx->cbs.list);
+	vmw_resource_activate(res, vmw_hw_context_destroy);
+	return 0;
 static int vmw_context_init(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 			    struct vmw_resource *res,
 			    void (*res_free) (struct vmw_resource *res))
@@ -103,6 +173,9 @@ static int vmw_context_init(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 		SVGA3dCmdDefineContext body;
 	} *cmd;
+	if (dev_priv->has_mob)
+		return vmw_gb_context_init(dev_priv, res, res_free);
 	ret = vmw_resource_init(dev_priv, res, false,
 				res_free, &vmw_legacy_context_func);
@@ -154,6 +227,184 @@ struct vmw_resource *vmw_context_alloc(struct vmw_private *dev_priv)
 	return (ret == 0) ? res : NULL;
+static int vmw_gb_context_create(struct vmw_resource *res)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+	int ret;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdDefineGBContext body;
+	} *cmd;
+	if (likely(res->id != -1))
+		return 0;
+	ret = vmw_resource_alloc_id(res);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed to allocate a context id.\n");
+		goto out_no_id;
+	}
+	if (unlikely(res->id >= VMWGFX_NUM_GB_CONTEXT)) {
+		ret = -EBUSY;
+		goto out_no_fifo;
+	}
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for context "
+			  "creation.\n");
+		ret = -ENOMEM;
+		goto out_no_fifo;
+	}
+	cmd->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_DEFINE_GB_CONTEXT;
+	cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	cmd->body.cid = res->id;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	(void) vmw_3d_resource_inc(dev_priv, false);
+	return 0;
+	vmw_resource_release_id(res);
+	return ret;
+static int vmw_gb_context_bind(struct vmw_resource *res,
+			       struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdBindGBContext body;
+	} *cmd;
+	struct ttm_buffer_object *bo = val_buf->bo;
+	BUG_ON(bo->mem.mem_type != VMW_PL_MOB);
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for context "
+			  "binding.\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	cmd->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_CONTEXT;
+	cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	cmd->body.cid = res->id;
+	cmd->body.mobid = bo->mem.start;
+	cmd->body.validContents = res->backup_dirty;
+	res->backup_dirty = false;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	return 0;
+static int vmw_gb_context_unbind(struct vmw_resource *res,
+				 bool readback,
+				 struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+	struct ttm_buffer_object *bo = val_buf->bo;
+	struct vmw_fence_obj *fence;
+	struct vmw_user_context *uctx =
+		container_of(res, struct vmw_user_context, res);
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdReadbackGBContext body;
+	} *cmd1;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdBindGBContext body;
+	} *cmd2;
+	uint32_t submit_size;
+	uint8_t *cmd;
+	BUG_ON(bo->mem.mem_type != VMW_PL_MOB);
+	mutex_lock(&dev_priv->binding_mutex);
+	vmw_context_binding_state_kill(&uctx->cbs);
+	submit_size = sizeof(*cmd2) + (readback ? sizeof(*cmd1) : 0);
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, submit_size);
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for context "
+			  "unbinding.\n");
+		mutex_unlock(&dev_priv->binding_mutex);
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	cmd2 = (void *) cmd;
+	if (readback) {
+		cmd1 = (void *) cmd;
+		cmd1->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_READBACK_GB_CONTEXT;
+		cmd1->header.size = sizeof(cmd1->body);
+		cmd1->body.cid = res->id;
+		cmd2 = (void *) (&cmd1[1]);
+	}
+	cmd2->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_CONTEXT;
+	cmd2->header.size = sizeof(cmd2->body);
+	cmd2->body.cid = res->id;
+	cmd2->body.mobid = SVGA3D_INVALID_ID;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, submit_size);
+	mutex_unlock(&dev_priv->binding_mutex);
+	/*
+	 * Create a fence object and fence the backup buffer.
+	 */
+	(void) vmw_execbuf_fence_commands(NULL, dev_priv,
+					  &fence, NULL);
+	vmw_fence_single_bo(bo, fence);
+	if (likely(fence != NULL))
+		vmw_fence_obj_unreference(&fence);
+	return 0;
+static int vmw_gb_context_destroy(struct vmw_resource *res)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdDestroyGBContext body;
+	} *cmd;
+	struct vmw_user_context *uctx =
+		container_of(res, struct vmw_user_context, res);
+	BUG_ON(!list_empty(&uctx->cbs.list));
+	if (likely(res->id == -1))
+		return 0;
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for context "
+			  "destruction.\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	cmd->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_DESTROY_GB_CONTEXT;
+	cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	cmd->body.cid = res->id;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (dev_priv->query_cid == res->id)
+		dev_priv->query_cid_valid = false;
+	vmw_resource_release_id(res);
+	vmw_3d_resource_dec(dev_priv, false);
+	return 0;
  * User-space context management:
@@ -272,3 +523,283 @@ out_unlock:
 	return ret;
+ * vmw_context_scrub_shader - scrub a shader binding from a context.
+ *
+ * @bi: single binding information.
+ */
+static int vmw_context_scrub_shader(struct vmw_ctx_bindinfo *bi)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = bi->ctx->dev_priv;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdSetShader body;
+	} *cmd;
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for shader "
+			  "unbinding.\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	cmd->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_SET_SHADER;
+	cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	cmd->body.cid = bi->ctx->id;
+	cmd->body.type = bi->i1.shader_type;
+	cmd->body.shid = SVGA3D_INVALID_ID;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	return 0;
+ * vmw_context_scrub_render_target - scrub a render target binding
+ * from a context.
+ *
+ * @bi: single binding information.
+ */
+static int vmw_context_scrub_render_target(struct vmw_ctx_bindinfo *bi)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = bi->ctx->dev_priv;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdSetRenderTarget body;
+	} *cmd;
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for render target "
+			  "unbinding.\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	cmd->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_SETRENDERTARGET;
+	cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	cmd->body.cid = bi->ctx->id;
+	cmd->body.type = bi->i1.rt_type;
+	cmd->body.target.sid = SVGA3D_INVALID_ID;
+	cmd->body.target.face = 0;
+	cmd->body.target.mipmap = 0;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	return 0;
+ * vmw_context_scrub_texture - scrub a texture binding from a context.
+ *
+ * @bi: single binding information.
+ *
+ * TODO: Possibly complement this function with a function that takes
+ * a list of texture bindings and combines them to a single command.
+ */
+static int vmw_context_scrub_texture(struct vmw_ctx_bindinfo *bi)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = bi->ctx->dev_priv;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		struct {
+			SVGA3dCmdSetTextureState c;
+			SVGA3dTextureState s1;
+		} body;
+	} *cmd;
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for texture "
+			  "unbinding.\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	cmd->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_SETTEXTURESTATE;
+	cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	cmd->body.c.cid = bi->ctx->id;
+	cmd->body.s1.stage = bi->i1.texture_stage;
+	cmd->body.s1.name = SVGA3D_TS_BIND_TEXTURE;
+	cmd->body.s1.value = (uint32) SVGA3D_INVALID_ID;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	return 0;
+ * vmw_context_binding_drop: Stop tracking a context binding
+ *
+ * @cb: Pointer to binding tracker storage.
+ *
+ * Stops tracking a context binding, and re-initializes its storage.
+ * Typically used when the context binding is replaced with a binding to
+ * another (or the same, for that matter) resource.
+ */
+static void vmw_context_binding_drop(struct vmw_ctx_binding *cb)
+	list_del(&cb->ctx_list);
+	if (!list_empty(&cb->res_list))
+		list_del(&cb->res_list);
+	cb->bi.ctx = NULL;
+ * vmw_context_binding_add: Start tracking a context binding
+ *
+ * @cbs: Pointer to the context binding state tracker.
+ * @bi: Information about the binding to track.
+ *
+ * Performs basic checks on the binding to make sure arguments are within
+ * bounds and then starts tracking the binding in the context binding
+ * state structure @cbs.
+ */
+int vmw_context_binding_add(struct vmw_ctx_binding_state *cbs,
+			    const struct vmw_ctx_bindinfo *bi)
+	struct vmw_ctx_binding *loc;
+	switch (bi->bt) {
+	case vmw_ctx_binding_rt:
+		if (unlikely((unsigned)bi->i1.rt_type >= SVGA3D_RT_MAX)) {
+			DRM_ERROR("Illegal render target type %u.\n",
+				  (unsigned) bi->i1.rt_type);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		loc = &cbs->render_targets[bi->i1.rt_type];
+		break;
+	case vmw_ctx_binding_tex:
+		if (unlikely((unsigned)bi->i1.texture_stage >=
+			DRM_ERROR("Illegal texture/sampler unit %u.\n",
+				  (unsigned) bi->i1.texture_stage);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		loc = &cbs->texture_units[bi->i1.texture_stage];
+		break;
+	case vmw_ctx_binding_shader:
+		if (unlikely((unsigned)bi->i1.shader_type >=
+			DRM_ERROR("Illegal shader type %u.\n",
+				  (unsigned) bi->i1.shader_type);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		loc = &cbs->shaders[bi->i1.shader_type];
+		break;
+	default:
+		BUG();
+	}
+	if (loc->bi.ctx != NULL)
+		vmw_context_binding_drop(loc);
+	loc->bi = *bi;
+	list_add_tail(&loc->ctx_list, &cbs->list);
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&loc->res_list);
+	return 0;
+ * vmw_context_binding_transfer: Transfer a context binding tracking entry.
+ *
+ * @cbs: Pointer to the persistent context binding state tracker.
+ * @bi: Information about the binding to track.
+ *
+ */
+static void vmw_context_binding_transfer(struct vmw_ctx_binding_state *cbs,
+					 const struct vmw_ctx_bindinfo *bi)
+	struct vmw_ctx_binding *loc;
+	switch (bi->bt) {
+	case vmw_ctx_binding_rt:
+		loc = &cbs->render_targets[bi->i1.rt_type];
+		break;
+	case vmw_ctx_binding_tex:
+		loc = &cbs->texture_units[bi->i1.texture_stage];
+		break;
+	case vmw_ctx_binding_shader:
+		loc = &cbs->shaders[bi->i1.shader_type];
+		break;
+	default:
+		BUG();
+	}
+	if (loc->bi.ctx != NULL)
+		vmw_context_binding_drop(loc);
+	loc->bi = *bi;
+	list_add_tail(&loc->ctx_list, &cbs->list);
+	if (bi->res != NULL)
+		list_add_tail(&loc->res_list, &bi->res->binding_head);
+	else
+		INIT_LIST_HEAD(&loc->res_list);
+ * vmw_context_binding_kill - Kill a binding on the device
+ * and stop tracking it.
+ *
+ * @cb: Pointer to binding tracker storage.
+ *
+ * Emits FIFO commands to scrub a binding represented by @cb.
+ * Then stops tracking the binding and re-initializes its storage.
+ */
+void vmw_context_binding_kill(struct vmw_ctx_binding *cb)
+	(void) vmw_scrub_funcs[cb->bi.bt](&cb->bi);
+	vmw_context_binding_drop(cb);
+ * vmw_context_binding_state_kill - Kill all bindings associated with a
+ * struct vmw_ctx_binding state structure, and re-initialize the structure.
+ *
+ * @cbs: Pointer to the context binding state tracker.
+ *
+ * Emits commands to scrub all bindings associated with the
+ * context binding state tracker. Then re-initializes the whole structure.
+ */
+static void vmw_context_binding_state_kill(struct vmw_ctx_binding_state *cbs)
+	struct vmw_ctx_binding *entry, *next;
+	list_for_each_entry_safe(entry, next, &cbs->list, ctx_list)
+		vmw_context_binding_kill(entry);
+ * vmw_context_binding_res_list_kill - Kill all bindings on a
+ * resource binding list
+ *
+ * @head: list head of resource binding list
+ *
+ * Kills all bindings associated with a specific resource. Typically
+ * called before the resource is destroyed.
+ */
+void vmw_context_binding_res_list_kill(struct list_head *head)
+	struct vmw_ctx_binding *entry, *next;
+	list_for_each_entry_safe(entry, next, head, res_list)
+		vmw_context_binding_kill(entry);
+ * vmw_context_binding_state_transfer - Commit staged binding info
+ *
+ * @ctx: Pointer to context to commit the staged binding info to.
+ * @from: Staged binding info built during execbuf.
+ *
+ * Transfers binding info from a temporary structure to the persistent
+ * structure in the context. This can be done once commands
+ */
+void vmw_context_binding_state_transfer(struct vmw_resource *ctx,
+					struct vmw_ctx_binding_state *from)
+	struct vmw_user_context *uctx =
+		container_of(ctx, struct vmw_user_context, res);
+	struct vmw_ctx_binding *entry, *next;
+	list_for_each_entry_safe(entry, next, &from->list, ctx_list)
+		vmw_context_binding_transfer(&uctx->cbs, &entry->bi);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_dmabuf.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_dmabuf.c
index d4e54fcc0acd..a75840211b3c 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_dmabuf.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_dmabuf.c
@@ -290,8 +290,7 @@ void vmw_bo_get_guest_ptr(const struct ttm_buffer_object *bo,
  * vmw_bo_pin - Pin or unpin a buffer object without moving it.
- * @bo: The buffer object. Must be reserved, and present either in VRAM
- * or GMR memory.
+ * @bo: The buffer object. Must be reserved.
  * @pin: Whether to pin or unpin.
@@ -303,10 +302,9 @@ void vmw_bo_pin(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo, bool pin)
 	int ret;
-	BUG_ON(old_mem_type != TTM_PL_VRAM &&
-	       old_mem_type != VMW_PL_GMR);
 	if (pin)
 		pl_flags |= TTM_PL_FLAG_NO_EVICT;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_drv.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_drv.c
index c7a549694e59..078b9b0d2dfe 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_drv.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_drv.c
@@ -112,6 +112,21 @@
 		 struct drm_vmw_update_layout_arg)
+		 struct drm_vmw_shader_create_arg)
+		 struct drm_vmw_shader_arg)
+		 union drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_arg)
+		 union drm_vmw_gb_surface_reference_arg)
+#define DRM_IOCTL_VMW_SYNCCPU					\
+		 struct drm_vmw_synccpu_arg)
  * The core DRM version of this macro doesn't account for
@@ -177,6 +192,21 @@ static const struct drm_ioctl_desc vmw_ioctls[] = {
+		      vmw_shader_define_ioctl,
+		      vmw_shader_destroy_ioctl,
+		      vmw_gb_surface_define_ioctl,
+		      vmw_gb_surface_reference_ioctl,
+		      vmw_user_dmabuf_synccpu_ioctl,
 static struct pci_device_id vmw_pci_id_list[] = {
@@ -189,6 +219,7 @@ static int enable_fbdev = IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_DRM_VMWGFX_FBCON);
 static int vmw_force_iommu;
 static int vmw_restrict_iommu;
 static int vmw_force_coherent;
+static int vmw_restrict_dma_mask;
 static int vmw_probe(struct pci_dev *, const struct pci_device_id *);
 static void vmw_master_init(struct vmw_master *);
@@ -203,6 +234,8 @@ MODULE_PARM_DESC(restrict_iommu, "Try to limit IOMMU usage for TTM pages");
 module_param_named(restrict_iommu, vmw_restrict_iommu, int, 0600);
 MODULE_PARM_DESC(force_coherent, "Force coherent TTM pages");
 module_param_named(force_coherent, vmw_force_coherent, int, 0600);
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(restrict_dma_mask, "Restrict DMA mask to 44 bits with IOMMU");
+module_param_named(restrict_dma_mask, vmw_restrict_dma_mask, int, 0600);
 static void vmw_print_capabilities(uint32_t capabilities)
@@ -240,52 +273,14 @@ static void vmw_print_capabilities(uint32_t capabilities)
 		DRM_INFO("  GMR2.\n");
 	if (capabilities & SVGA_CAP_SCREEN_OBJECT_2)
 		DRM_INFO("  Screen Object 2.\n");
+	if (capabilities & SVGA_CAP_COMMAND_BUFFERS)
+		DRM_INFO("  Command Buffers.\n");
+	if (capabilities & SVGA_CAP_CMD_BUFFERS_2)
+		DRM_INFO("  Command Buffers 2.\n");
+	if (capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GBOBJECTS)
+		DRM_INFO("  Guest Backed Resources.\n");
- * vmw_execbuf_prepare_dummy_query - Initialize a query result structure at
- * the start of a buffer object.
- *
- * @dev_priv: The device private structure.
- *
- * This function will idle the buffer using an uninterruptible wait, then
- * map the first page and initialize a pending occlusion query result structure,
- * Finally it will unmap the buffer.
- *
- * TODO: Since we're only mapping a single page, we should optimize the map
- * to use kmap_atomic / iomap_atomic.
- */
-static void vmw_dummy_query_bo_prepare(struct vmw_private *dev_priv)
-	struct ttm_bo_kmap_obj map;
-	volatile SVGA3dQueryResult *result;
-	bool dummy;
-	int ret;
-	struct ttm_bo_device *bdev = &dev_priv->bdev;
-	struct ttm_buffer_object *bo = dev_priv->dummy_query_bo;
-	ttm_bo_reserve(bo, false, false, false, 0);
-	spin_lock(&bdev->fence_lock);
-	ret = ttm_bo_wait(bo, false, false, false);
-	spin_unlock(&bdev->fence_lock);
-	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
-		(void) vmw_fallback_wait(dev_priv, false, true, 0, false,
-					 10*HZ);
-	ret = ttm_bo_kmap(bo, 0, 1, &map);
-	if (likely(ret == 0)) {
-		result = ttm_kmap_obj_virtual(&map, &dummy);
-		result->totalSize = sizeof(*result);
-		result->state = SVGA3D_QUERYSTATE_PENDING;
-		result->result32 = 0xff;
-		ttm_bo_kunmap(&map);
-	} else
-		DRM_ERROR("Dummy query buffer map failed.\n");
-	ttm_bo_unreserve(bo);
  * vmw_dummy_query_bo_create - create a bo to hold a dummy query result
@@ -293,20 +288,57 @@ static void vmw_dummy_query_bo_prepare(struct vmw_private *dev_priv)
  * This function creates a small buffer object that holds the query
  * result for dummy queries emitted as query barriers.
+ * The function will then map the first page and initialize a pending
+ * occlusion query result structure, Finally it will unmap the buffer.
  * No interruptible waits are done within this function.
- * Returns an error if bo creation fails.
+ * Returns an error if bo creation or initialization fails.
 static int vmw_dummy_query_bo_create(struct vmw_private *dev_priv)
-	return ttm_bo_create(&dev_priv->bdev,
-			     PAGE_SIZE,
-			     ttm_bo_type_device,
-			     &vmw_vram_sys_placement,
-			     0, false, NULL,
-			     &dev_priv->dummy_query_bo);
+	int ret;
+	struct ttm_buffer_object *bo;
+	struct ttm_bo_kmap_obj map;
+	volatile SVGA3dQueryResult *result;
+	bool dummy;
+	/*
+	 * Create the bo as pinned, so that a tryreserve will
+	 * immediately succeed. This is because we're the only
+	 * user of the bo currently.
+	 */
+	ret = ttm_bo_create(&dev_priv->bdev,
+			    PAGE_SIZE,
+			    ttm_bo_type_device,
+			    &vmw_sys_ne_placement,
+			    0, false, NULL,
+			    &bo);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		return ret;
+	ret = ttm_bo_reserve(bo, false, true, false, 0);
+	BUG_ON(ret != 0);
+	ret = ttm_bo_kmap(bo, 0, 1, &map);
+	if (likely(ret == 0)) {
+		result = ttm_kmap_obj_virtual(&map, &dummy);
+		result->totalSize = sizeof(*result);
+		result->state = SVGA3D_QUERYSTATE_PENDING;
+		result->result32 = 0xff;
+		ttm_bo_kunmap(&map);
+	}
+	vmw_bo_pin(bo, false);
+	ttm_bo_unreserve(bo);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Dummy query buffer map failed.\n");
+		ttm_bo_unref(&bo);
+	} else
+		dev_priv->dummy_query_bo = bo;
+	return ret;
 static int vmw_request_device(struct vmw_private *dev_priv)
@@ -318,14 +350,24 @@ static int vmw_request_device(struct vmw_private *dev_priv)
 		return ret;
+	if (dev_priv->has_mob) {
+		ret = vmw_otables_setup(dev_priv);
+		if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+			DRM_ERROR("Unable to initialize "
+				  "guest Memory OBjects.\n");
+			goto out_no_mob;
+		}
+	}
 	ret = vmw_dummy_query_bo_create(dev_priv);
 	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
 		goto out_no_query_bo;
-	vmw_dummy_query_bo_prepare(dev_priv);
 	return 0;
+	if (dev_priv->has_mob)
+		vmw_otables_takedown(dev_priv);
 	vmw_fifo_release(dev_priv, &dev_priv->fifo);
 	return ret;
@@ -341,10 +383,13 @@ static void vmw_release_device(struct vmw_private *dev_priv)
 	BUG_ON(dev_priv->pinned_bo != NULL);
+	if (dev_priv->has_mob)
+		vmw_otables_takedown(dev_priv);
 	vmw_fifo_release(dev_priv, &dev_priv->fifo);
  * Increase the 3d resource refcount.
  * If the count was prevously zero, initialize the fifo, switching to svga
@@ -510,6 +555,33 @@ out_fixup:
 	return 0;
+ * vmw_dma_masks - set required page- and dma masks
+ *
+ * @dev: Pointer to struct drm-device
+ *
+ * With 32-bit we can only handle 32 bit PFNs. Optionally set that
+ * restriction also for 64-bit systems.
+ */
+static int vmw_dma_masks(struct vmw_private *dev_priv)
+	struct drm_device *dev = dev_priv->dev;
+	if (intel_iommu_enabled &&
+	    (sizeof(unsigned long) == 4 || vmw_restrict_dma_mask)) {
+		DRM_INFO("Restricting DMA addresses to 44 bits.\n");
+		return dma_set_mask(dev->dev, DMA_BIT_MASK(44));
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int vmw_dma_masks(struct vmw_private *dev_priv)
+	return 0;
 static int vmw_driver_load(struct drm_device *dev, unsigned long chipset)
 	struct vmw_private *dev_priv;
@@ -532,6 +604,7 @@ static int vmw_driver_load(struct drm_device *dev, unsigned long chipset)
+	mutex_init(&dev_priv->binding_mutex);
 	for (i = vmw_res_context; i < vmw_res_max; ++i) {
@@ -578,14 +651,9 @@ static int vmw_driver_load(struct drm_device *dev, unsigned long chipset)
-	if (dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GMR) {
-		dev_priv->max_gmr_descriptors =
-			vmw_read(dev_priv,
+	if (dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GMR2) {
 		dev_priv->max_gmr_ids =
 			vmw_read(dev_priv, SVGA_REG_GMR_MAX_IDS);
-	}
-	if (dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GMR2) {
 		dev_priv->max_gmr_pages =
 			vmw_read(dev_priv, SVGA_REG_GMRS_MAX_PAGES);
 		dev_priv->memory_size =
@@ -598,23 +666,40 @@ static int vmw_driver_load(struct drm_device *dev, unsigned long chipset)
 		dev_priv->memory_size = 512*1024*1024;
+	dev_priv->max_mob_pages = 0;
+	if (dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GBOBJECTS) {
+		uint64_t mem_size =
+			vmw_read(dev_priv,
+		dev_priv->max_mob_pages = mem_size * 1024 / PAGE_SIZE;
+		dev_priv->prim_bb_mem =
+			vmw_read(dev_priv,
+	} else
+		dev_priv->prim_bb_mem = dev_priv->vram_size;
+	ret = vmw_dma_masks(dev_priv);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		goto out_err0;
+	if (unlikely(dev_priv->prim_bb_mem < dev_priv->vram_size))
+		dev_priv->prim_bb_mem = dev_priv->vram_size;
-	if (dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GMR) {
+	if (dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GMR2) {
 		DRM_INFO("Max GMR ids is %u\n",
-		DRM_INFO("Max GMR descriptors is %u\n",
-			 (unsigned)dev_priv->max_gmr_descriptors);
-	}
-	if (dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GMR2) {
 		DRM_INFO("Max number of GMR pages is %u\n",
 		DRM_INFO("Max dedicated hypervisor surface memory is %u kiB\n",
 			 (unsigned)dev_priv->memory_size / 1024);
+	DRM_INFO("Maximum display memory size is %u kiB\n",
+		 dev_priv->prim_bb_mem / 1024);
 	DRM_INFO("VRAM at 0x%08x size is %u kiB\n",
 		 dev_priv->vram_start, dev_priv->vram_size / 1024);
 	DRM_INFO("MMIO at 0x%08x size is %u kiB\n",
@@ -649,12 +734,22 @@ static int vmw_driver_load(struct drm_device *dev, unsigned long chipset)
 	dev_priv->has_gmr = true;
 	if (((dev_priv->capabilities & (SVGA_CAP_GMR | SVGA_CAP_GMR2)) == 0) ||
 	    refuse_dma || ttm_bo_init_mm(&dev_priv->bdev, VMW_PL_GMR,
-					 dev_priv->max_gmr_ids) != 0) {
+					 VMW_PL_GMR) != 0) {
 		DRM_INFO("No GMR memory available. "
 			 "Graphics memory resources are very limited.\n");
 		dev_priv->has_gmr = false;
+	if (dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GBOBJECTS) {
+		dev_priv->has_mob = true;
+		if (ttm_bo_init_mm(&dev_priv->bdev, VMW_PL_MOB,
+				   VMW_PL_MOB) != 0) {
+			DRM_INFO("No MOB memory available. "
+				 "3D will be disabled.\n");
+			dev_priv->has_mob = false;
+		}
+	}
 	dev_priv->mmio_mtrr = arch_phys_wc_add(dev_priv->mmio_start,
@@ -757,6 +852,8 @@ out_err4:
+	if (dev_priv->has_mob)
+		(void) ttm_bo_clean_mm(&dev_priv->bdev, VMW_PL_MOB);
 	if (dev_priv->has_gmr)
 		(void) ttm_bo_clean_mm(&dev_priv->bdev, VMW_PL_GMR);
 	(void)ttm_bo_clean_mm(&dev_priv->bdev, TTM_PL_VRAM);
@@ -801,6 +898,8 @@ static int vmw_driver_unload(struct drm_device *dev)
+	if (dev_priv->has_mob)
+		(void) ttm_bo_clean_mm(&dev_priv->bdev, VMW_PL_MOB);
 	if (dev_priv->has_gmr)
 		(void)ttm_bo_clean_mm(&dev_priv->bdev, VMW_PL_GMR);
 	(void)ttm_bo_clean_mm(&dev_priv->bdev, TTM_PL_VRAM);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_drv.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_drv.h
index 036629dd992a..554e7fa33082 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_drv.h
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_drv.h
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@
 #include <drm/ttm/ttm_module.h>
 #include "vmwgfx_fence.h"
-#define VMWGFX_DRIVER_DATE "20120209"
+#define VMWGFX_DRIVER_DATE "20121114"
 #define VMWGFX_FILE_PAGE_OFFSET 0x00100000
 #define VMWGFX_FIFO_STATIC_SIZE (1024*1024)
@@ -50,14 +50,30 @@
+ * Perhaps we should have sysfs entries for these.
+ */
+#define VMWGFX_NUM_GB_SHADER 20000
+#define VMWGFX_NUM_GB_SURFACE 32768
 #define VMW_RES_CONTEXT ttm_driver_type0
 #define VMW_RES_SURFACE ttm_driver_type1
 #define VMW_RES_STREAM ttm_driver_type2
 #define VMW_RES_FENCE ttm_driver_type3
+#define VMW_RES_SHADER ttm_driver_type4
 struct vmw_fpriv {
 	struct drm_master *locked_master;
@@ -82,6 +98,7 @@ struct vmw_dma_buffer {
 struct vmw_validate_buffer {
 	struct ttm_validate_buffer base;
 	struct drm_hash_item hash;
+	bool validate_as_mob;
 struct vmw_res_func;
@@ -98,6 +115,7 @@ struct vmw_resource {
 	const struct vmw_res_func *func;
 	struct list_head lru_head; /* Protected by the resource lock */
 	struct list_head mob_head; /* Protected by @backup reserved */
+	struct list_head binding_head; /* Protected by binding_mutex */
 	void (*res_free) (struct vmw_resource *res);
 	void (*hw_destroy) (struct vmw_resource *res);
@@ -106,6 +124,7 @@ enum vmw_res_type {
+	vmw_res_shader,
@@ -154,6 +173,7 @@ struct vmw_fifo_state {
 struct vmw_relocation {
+	SVGAMobId *mob_loc;
 	SVGAGuestPtr *location;
 	uint32_t index;
@@ -229,6 +249,71 @@ struct vmw_piter {
 	struct page *(*page)(struct vmw_piter *);
+ * enum vmw_ctx_binding_type - abstract resource to context binding types
+ */
+enum vmw_ctx_binding_type {
+	vmw_ctx_binding_shader,
+	vmw_ctx_binding_rt,
+	vmw_ctx_binding_tex,
+	vmw_ctx_binding_max
+ * struct vmw_ctx_bindinfo - structure representing a single context binding
+ *
+ * @ctx: Pointer to the context structure. NULL means the binding is not
+ * active.
+ * @res: Non ref-counted pointer to the bound resource.
+ * @bt: The binding type.
+ * @i1: Union of information needed to unbind.
+ */
+struct vmw_ctx_bindinfo {
+	struct vmw_resource *ctx;
+	struct vmw_resource *res;
+	enum vmw_ctx_binding_type bt;
+	union {
+		SVGA3dShaderType shader_type;
+		SVGA3dRenderTargetType rt_type;
+		uint32 texture_stage;
+	} i1;
+ * struct vmw_ctx_binding - structure representing a single context binding
+ *                        - suitable for tracking in a context
+ *
+ * @ctx_list: List head for context.
+ * @res_list: List head for bound resource.
+ * @bi: Binding info
+ */
+struct vmw_ctx_binding {
+	struct list_head ctx_list;
+	struct list_head res_list;
+	struct vmw_ctx_bindinfo bi;
+ * struct vmw_ctx_binding_state - context binding state
+ *
+ * @list: linked list of individual bindings.
+ * @render_targets: Render target bindings.
+ * @texture_units: Texture units/samplers bindings.
+ * @shaders: Shader bindings.
+ *
+ * Note that this structure also provides storage space for the individual
+ * struct vmw_ctx_binding objects, so that no dynamic allocation is needed
+ * for individual bindings.
+ *
+ */
+struct vmw_ctx_binding_state {
+	struct list_head list;
+	struct vmw_ctx_binding render_targets[SVGA3D_RT_MAX];
+	struct vmw_ctx_binding texture_units[SVGA3D_NUM_TEXTURE_UNITS];
+	struct vmw_ctx_binding shaders[SVGA3D_SHADERTYPE_MAX];
 struct vmw_sw_context{
 	struct drm_open_hash res_ht;
 	bool res_ht_initialized;
@@ -250,6 +335,7 @@ struct vmw_sw_context{
 	struct vmw_resource *last_query_ctx;
 	bool needs_post_query_barrier;
 	struct vmw_resource *error_resource;
+	struct vmw_ctx_binding_state staged_bindings;
 struct vmw_legacy_display;
@@ -281,6 +367,7 @@ struct vmw_private {
 	unsigned int io_start;
 	uint32_t vram_start;
 	uint32_t vram_size;
+	uint32_t prim_bb_mem;
 	uint32_t mmio_start;
 	uint32_t mmio_size;
 	uint32_t fb_max_width;
@@ -290,11 +377,12 @@ struct vmw_private {
 	__le32 __iomem *mmio_virt;
 	int mmio_mtrr;
 	uint32_t capabilities;
-	uint32_t max_gmr_descriptors;
 	uint32_t max_gmr_ids;
 	uint32_t max_gmr_pages;
+	uint32_t max_mob_pages;
 	uint32_t memory_size;
 	bool has_gmr;
+	bool has_mob;
 	struct mutex hw_mutex;
@@ -370,6 +458,7 @@ struct vmw_private {
 	struct vmw_sw_context ctx;
 	struct mutex cmdbuf_mutex;
+	struct mutex binding_mutex;
 	 * Operating mode.
@@ -415,6 +504,12 @@ struct vmw_private {
 	 * DMA mapping stuff.
 	enum vmw_dma_map_mode map_mode;
+	/*
+	 * Guest Backed stuff
+	 */
+	struct ttm_buffer_object *otable_bo;
+	struct vmw_otable *otables;
 static inline struct vmw_surface *vmw_res_to_srf(struct vmw_resource *res)
@@ -471,23 +566,12 @@ extern void vmw_gmr_unbind(struct vmw_private *dev_priv, int gmr_id);
  * Resource utilities - vmwgfx_resource.c
 struct vmw_user_resource_conv;
-extern const struct vmw_user_resource_conv *user_surface_converter;
-extern const struct vmw_user_resource_conv *user_context_converter;
-extern struct vmw_resource *vmw_context_alloc(struct vmw_private *dev_priv);
 extern void vmw_resource_unreference(struct vmw_resource **p_res);
 extern struct vmw_resource *vmw_resource_reference(struct vmw_resource *res);
 extern int vmw_resource_validate(struct vmw_resource *res);
 extern int vmw_resource_reserve(struct vmw_resource *res, bool no_backup);
 extern bool vmw_resource_needs_backup(const struct vmw_resource *res);
-extern int vmw_context_destroy_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
-				     struct drm_file *file_priv);
-extern int vmw_context_define_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
-				    struct drm_file *file_priv);
-extern int vmw_context_check(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
-			     struct ttm_object_file *tfile,
-			     int id,
-			     struct vmw_resource **p_res);
 extern int vmw_user_lookup_handle(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 				  struct ttm_object_file *tfile,
 				  uint32_t handle,
@@ -499,18 +583,6 @@ extern int vmw_user_resource_lookup_handle(
 	uint32_t handle,
 	const struct vmw_user_resource_conv *converter,
 	struct vmw_resource **p_res);
-extern void vmw_surface_res_free(struct vmw_resource *res);
-extern int vmw_surface_destroy_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
-				     struct drm_file *file_priv);
-extern int vmw_surface_define_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
-				    struct drm_file *file_priv);
-extern int vmw_surface_reference_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
-				       struct drm_file *file_priv);
-extern int vmw_surface_check(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
-			     struct ttm_object_file *tfile,
-			     uint32_t handle, int *id);
-extern int vmw_surface_validate(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
-				struct vmw_surface *srf);
 extern void vmw_dmabuf_bo_free(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo);
 extern int vmw_dmabuf_init(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 			   struct vmw_dma_buffer *vmw_bo,
@@ -519,10 +591,21 @@ extern int vmw_dmabuf_init(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 			   void (*bo_free) (struct ttm_buffer_object *bo));
 extern int vmw_user_dmabuf_verify_access(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo,
 				  struct ttm_object_file *tfile);
+extern int vmw_user_dmabuf_alloc(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+				 struct ttm_object_file *tfile,
+				 uint32_t size,
+				 bool shareable,
+				 uint32_t *handle,
+				 struct vmw_dma_buffer **p_dma_buf);
+extern int vmw_user_dmabuf_reference(struct ttm_object_file *tfile,
+				     struct vmw_dma_buffer *dma_buf,
+				     uint32_t *handle);
 extern int vmw_dmabuf_alloc_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
 				  struct drm_file *file_priv);
 extern int vmw_dmabuf_unref_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
 				  struct drm_file *file_priv);
+extern int vmw_user_dmabuf_synccpu_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
+					 struct drm_file *file_priv);
 extern uint32_t vmw_dmabuf_validate_node(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo,
 					 uint32_t cur_validate_node);
 extern void vmw_dmabuf_validate_clear(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo);
@@ -622,10 +705,16 @@ extern struct ttm_placement vmw_vram_sys_placement;
 extern struct ttm_placement vmw_vram_gmr_placement;
 extern struct ttm_placement vmw_vram_gmr_ne_placement;
 extern struct ttm_placement vmw_sys_placement;
+extern struct ttm_placement vmw_sys_ne_placement;
 extern struct ttm_placement vmw_evictable_placement;
 extern struct ttm_placement vmw_srf_placement;
+extern struct ttm_placement vmw_mob_placement;
 extern struct ttm_bo_driver vmw_bo_driver;
 extern int vmw_dma_quiescent(struct drm_device *dev);
+extern int vmw_bo_map_dma(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo);
+extern void vmw_bo_unmap_dma(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo);
+extern const struct vmw_sg_table *
+vmw_bo_sg_table(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo);
 extern void vmw_piter_start(struct vmw_piter *viter,
 			    const struct vmw_sg_table *vsgt,
 			    unsigned long p_offs);
@@ -832,6 +921,76 @@ extern int vmw_prime_handle_to_fd(struct drm_device *dev,
 				  uint32_t handle, uint32_t flags,
 				  int *prime_fd);
+ * MemoryOBject management -  vmwgfx_mob.c
+ */
+struct vmw_mob;
+extern int vmw_mob_bind(struct vmw_private *dev_priv, struct vmw_mob *mob,
+			const struct vmw_sg_table *vsgt,
+			unsigned long num_data_pages, int32_t mob_id);
+extern void vmw_mob_unbind(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+			   struct vmw_mob *mob);
+extern void vmw_mob_destroy(struct vmw_mob *mob);
+extern struct vmw_mob *vmw_mob_create(unsigned long data_pages);
+extern int vmw_otables_setup(struct vmw_private *dev_priv);
+extern void vmw_otables_takedown(struct vmw_private *dev_priv);
+ * Context management - vmwgfx_context.c
+ */
+extern const struct vmw_user_resource_conv *user_context_converter;
+extern struct vmw_resource *vmw_context_alloc(struct vmw_private *dev_priv);
+extern int vmw_context_check(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+			     struct ttm_object_file *tfile,
+			     int id,
+			     struct vmw_resource **p_res);
+extern int vmw_context_define_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
+				    struct drm_file *file_priv);
+extern int vmw_context_destroy_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
+				     struct drm_file *file_priv);
+extern int vmw_context_binding_add(struct vmw_ctx_binding_state *cbs,
+				   const struct vmw_ctx_bindinfo *ci);
+extern void
+vmw_context_binding_state_transfer(struct vmw_resource *res,
+				   struct vmw_ctx_binding_state *cbs);
+extern void vmw_context_binding_res_list_kill(struct list_head *head);
+ * Surface management - vmwgfx_surface.c
+ */
+extern const struct vmw_user_resource_conv *user_surface_converter;
+extern void vmw_surface_res_free(struct vmw_resource *res);
+extern int vmw_surface_destroy_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
+				     struct drm_file *file_priv);
+extern int vmw_surface_define_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
+				    struct drm_file *file_priv);
+extern int vmw_surface_reference_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
+				       struct drm_file *file_priv);
+extern int vmw_gb_surface_define_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
+				       struct drm_file *file_priv);
+extern int vmw_gb_surface_reference_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
+					  struct drm_file *file_priv);
+extern int vmw_surface_check(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+			     struct ttm_object_file *tfile,
+			     uint32_t handle, int *id);
+extern int vmw_surface_validate(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+				struct vmw_surface *srf);
+ * Shader management - vmwgfx_shader.c
+ */
+extern const struct vmw_user_resource_conv *user_shader_converter;
+extern int vmw_shader_define_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
+				   struct drm_file *file_priv);
+extern int vmw_shader_destroy_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
+				    struct drm_file *file_priv);
  * Inline helper functions
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_execbuf.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_execbuf.c
index 599f6469a1eb..7a5f1eb55c5a 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_execbuf.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_execbuf.c
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ struct vmw_resource_relocation {
  * @res: Ref-counted pointer to the resource.
  * @switch_backup: Boolean whether to switch backup buffer on unreserve.
  * @new_backup: Refcounted pointer to the new backup buffer.
+ * @staged_bindings: If @res is a context, tracks bindings set up during
+ * the command batch. Otherwise NULL.
  * @new_backup_offset: New backup buffer offset if @new_backup is non-NUll.
  * @first_usage: Set to true the first time the resource is referenced in
  * the command stream.
@@ -65,11 +67,31 @@ struct vmw_resource_val_node {
 	struct drm_hash_item hash;
 	struct vmw_resource *res;
 	struct vmw_dma_buffer *new_backup;
+	struct vmw_ctx_binding_state *staged_bindings;
 	unsigned long new_backup_offset;
 	bool first_usage;
 	bool no_buffer_needed;
+ * struct vmw_cmd_entry - Describe a command for the verifier
+ *
+ * @user_allow: Whether allowed from the execbuf ioctl.
+ * @gb_disable: Whether disabled if guest-backed objects are available.
+ * @gb_enable: Whether enabled iff guest-backed objects are available.
+ */
+struct vmw_cmd_entry {
+	int (*func) (struct vmw_private *, struct vmw_sw_context *,
+		     SVGA3dCmdHeader *);
+	bool user_allow;
+	bool gb_disable;
+	bool gb_enable;
+#define VMW_CMD_DEF(_cmd, _func, _user_allow, _gb_disable, _gb_enable)	\
+	[(_cmd) - SVGA_3D_CMD_BASE] = {(_func), (_user_allow),\
+				       (_gb_disable), (_gb_enable)}
  * vmw_resource_unreserve - unreserve resources previously reserved for
  * command submission.
@@ -87,6 +109,16 @@ static void vmw_resource_list_unreserve(struct list_head *list,
 		struct vmw_dma_buffer *new_backup =
 			backoff ? NULL : val->new_backup;
+		/*
+		 * Transfer staged context bindings to the
+		 * persistent context binding tracker.
+		 */
+		if (unlikely(val->staged_bindings)) {
+			vmw_context_binding_state_transfer
+				(val->res, val->staged_bindings);
+			kfree(val->staged_bindings);
+			val->staged_bindings = NULL;
+		}
 		vmw_resource_unreserve(res, new_backup,
@@ -224,6 +256,7 @@ static int vmw_cmd_ok(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
  * @sw_context: The software context used for this command submission batch.
  * @bo: The buffer object to add.
+ * @validate_as_mob: Validate this buffer as a MOB.
  * @p_val_node: If non-NULL Will be updated with the validate node number
  * on return.
@@ -232,6 +265,7 @@ static int vmw_cmd_ok(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 static int vmw_bo_to_validate_list(struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
 				   struct ttm_buffer_object *bo,
+				   bool validate_as_mob,
 				   uint32_t *p_val_node)
 	uint32_t val_node;
@@ -244,6 +278,10 @@ static int vmw_bo_to_validate_list(struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
 				    &hash) == 0)) {
 		vval_buf = container_of(hash, struct vmw_validate_buffer,
+		if (unlikely(vval_buf->validate_as_mob != validate_as_mob)) {
+			DRM_ERROR("Inconsistent buffer usage.\n");
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
 		val_buf = &vval_buf->base;
 		val_node = vval_buf - sw_context->val_bufs;
 	} else {
@@ -266,6 +304,7 @@ static int vmw_bo_to_validate_list(struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
 		val_buf->bo = ttm_bo_reference(bo);
 		val_buf->reserved = false;
 		list_add_tail(&val_buf->head, &sw_context->validate_nodes);
+		vval_buf->validate_as_mob = validate_as_mob;
 	sw_context->fence_flags |= DRM_VMW_FENCE_FLAG_EXEC;
@@ -302,7 +341,8 @@ static int vmw_resources_reserve(struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context)
 			struct ttm_buffer_object *bo = &res->backup->base;
 			ret = vmw_bo_to_validate_list
-				(sw_context, bo, NULL);
+				(sw_context, bo,
+				 vmw_resource_needs_backup(res), NULL);
 			if (unlikely(ret != 0))
 				return ret;
@@ -362,8 +402,15 @@ static int vmw_cmd_res_check(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	struct vmw_resource_val_node *node;
 	int ret;
-	if (*id == SVGA3D_INVALID_ID)
+	if (*id == SVGA3D_INVALID_ID) {
+		if (p_val)
+			*p_val = NULL;
+		if (res_type == vmw_res_context) {
+			DRM_ERROR("Illegal context invalid id.\n");
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
 		return 0;
+	}
 	 * Fastpath in case of repeated commands referencing the same
@@ -411,6 +458,18 @@ static int vmw_cmd_res_check(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	rcache->node = node;
 	if (p_val)
 		*p_val = node;
+	if (node->first_usage && res_type == vmw_res_context) {
+		node->staged_bindings =
+			kzalloc(sizeof(*node->staged_bindings), GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (node->staged_bindings == NULL) {
+			DRM_ERROR("Failed to allocate context binding "
+				  "information.\n");
+			goto out_no_reloc;
+		}
+		INIT_LIST_HEAD(&node->staged_bindings->list);
+	}
 	return 0;
@@ -453,17 +512,35 @@ static int vmw_cmd_set_render_target_check(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
 		SVGA3dCmdSetRenderTarget body;
 	} *cmd;
+	struct vmw_resource_val_node *ctx_node;
+	struct vmw_resource_val_node *res_node;
 	int ret;
-	ret = vmw_cmd_cid_check(dev_priv, sw_context, header);
+	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_sid_cmd, header);
+	ret = vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_context,
+				user_context_converter, &cmd->body.cid,
+				&ctx_node);
 	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
 		return ret;
-	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_sid_cmd, header);
 	ret = vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_surface,
-				&cmd->body.target.sid, NULL);
-	return ret;
+				&cmd->body.target.sid, &res_node);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		return ret;
+	if (dev_priv->has_mob) {
+		struct vmw_ctx_bindinfo bi;
+		bi.ctx = ctx_node->res;
+		bi.res = res_node ? res_node->res : NULL;
+		bi.bt = vmw_ctx_binding_rt;
+		bi.i1.rt_type = cmd->body.type;
+		return vmw_context_binding_add(ctx_node->staged_bindings, &bi);
+	}
+	return 0;
 static int vmw_cmd_surface_copy_check(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
@@ -519,11 +596,6 @@ static int vmw_cmd_blt_surf_screen_check(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_sid_cmd, header);
-	if (unlikely(!sw_context->kernel)) {
-		DRM_ERROR("Kernel only SVGA3d command: %u.\n", cmd->header.id);
-		return -EPERM;
-	}
 	return vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_surface,
 				 &cmd->body.srcImage.sid, NULL);
@@ -541,11 +613,6 @@ static int vmw_cmd_present_check(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_sid_cmd, header);
-	if (unlikely(!sw_context->kernel)) {
-		DRM_ERROR("Kernel only SVGA3d command: %u.\n", cmd->header.id);
-		return -EPERM;
-	}
 	return vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_surface,
 				 user_surface_converter, &cmd->body.sid,
@@ -586,7 +653,7 @@ static int vmw_query_bo_switch_prepare(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 			sw_context->needs_post_query_barrier = true;
 			ret = vmw_bo_to_validate_list(sw_context,
-						      NULL);
+						      dev_priv->has_mob, NULL);
 			if (unlikely(ret != 0))
 				return ret;
@@ -594,7 +661,7 @@ static int vmw_query_bo_switch_prepare(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 		ret = vmw_bo_to_validate_list(sw_context,
-					      NULL);
+					      dev_priv->has_mob, NULL);
 		if (unlikely(ret != 0))
 			return ret;
@@ -671,6 +738,66 @@ static void vmw_query_bo_switch_commit(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+ * vmw_translate_mob_pointer - Prepare to translate a user-space buffer
+ * handle to a MOB id.
+ *
+ * @dev_priv: Pointer to a device private structure.
+ * @sw_context: The software context used for this command batch validation.
+ * @id: Pointer to the user-space handle to be translated.
+ * @vmw_bo_p: Points to a location that, on successful return will carry
+ * a reference-counted pointer to the DMA buffer identified by the
+ * user-space handle in @id.
+ *
+ * This function saves information needed to translate a user-space buffer
+ * handle to a MOB id. The translation does not take place immediately, but
+ * during a call to vmw_apply_relocations(). This function builds a relocation
+ * list and a list of buffers to validate. The former needs to be freed using
+ * either vmw_apply_relocations() or vmw_free_relocations(). The latter
+ * needs to be freed using vmw_clear_validations.
+ */
+static int vmw_translate_mob_ptr(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+				 struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
+				 SVGAMobId *id,
+				 struct vmw_dma_buffer **vmw_bo_p)
+	struct vmw_dma_buffer *vmw_bo = NULL;
+	struct ttm_buffer_object *bo;
+	uint32_t handle = *id;
+	struct vmw_relocation *reloc;
+	int ret;
+	ret = vmw_user_dmabuf_lookup(sw_context->tfile, handle, &vmw_bo);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Could not find or use MOB buffer.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	bo = &vmw_bo->base;
+	if (unlikely(sw_context->cur_reloc >= VMWGFX_MAX_RELOCATIONS)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Max number relocations per submission"
+			  " exceeded\n");
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		goto out_no_reloc;
+	}
+	reloc = &sw_context->relocs[sw_context->cur_reloc++];
+	reloc->mob_loc = id;
+	reloc->location = NULL;
+	ret = vmw_bo_to_validate_list(sw_context, bo, true, &reloc->index);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		goto out_no_reloc;
+	*vmw_bo_p = vmw_bo;
+	return 0;
+	vmw_dmabuf_unreference(&vmw_bo);
+	vmw_bo_p = NULL;
+	return ret;
  * vmw_translate_guest_pointer - Prepare to translate a user-space buffer
  * handle to a valid SVGAGuestPtr
@@ -718,7 +845,7 @@ static int vmw_translate_guest_ptr(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	reloc = &sw_context->relocs[sw_context->cur_reloc++];
 	reloc->location = ptr;
-	ret = vmw_bo_to_validate_list(sw_context, bo, &reloc->index);
+	ret = vmw_bo_to_validate_list(sw_context, bo, false, &reloc->index);
 	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
 		goto out_no_reloc;
@@ -731,6 +858,30 @@ out_no_reloc:
 	return ret;
+ * vmw_cmd_begin_gb_query - validate a  SVGA_3D_CMD_BEGIN_GB_QUERY command.
+ *
+ * @dev_priv: Pointer to a device private struct.
+ * @sw_context: The software context used for this command submission.
+ * @header: Pointer to the command header in the command stream.
+ */
+static int vmw_cmd_begin_gb_query(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+				  struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
+				  SVGA3dCmdHeader *header)
+	struct vmw_begin_gb_query_cmd {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdBeginGBQuery q;
+	} *cmd;
+	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_begin_gb_query_cmd,
+			   header);
+	return vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_context,
+				 user_context_converter, &cmd->q.cid,
+				 NULL);
  * vmw_cmd_begin_query - validate a  SVGA_3D_CMD_BEGIN_QUERY command.
@@ -750,11 +901,63 @@ static int vmw_cmd_begin_query(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_begin_query_cmd,
+	if (unlikely(dev_priv->has_mob)) {
+		struct {
+			SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+			SVGA3dCmdBeginGBQuery q;
+		} gb_cmd;
+		BUG_ON(sizeof(gb_cmd) != sizeof(*cmd));
+		gb_cmd.header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_BEGIN_GB_QUERY;
+		gb_cmd.header.size = cmd->header.size;
+		gb_cmd.q.cid = cmd->q.cid;
+		gb_cmd.q.type = cmd->q.type;
+		memcpy(cmd, &gb_cmd, sizeof(*cmd));
+		return vmw_cmd_begin_gb_query(dev_priv, sw_context, header);
+	}
 	return vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_context,
 				 user_context_converter, &cmd->q.cid,
+ * vmw_cmd_end_gb_query - validate a  SVGA_3D_CMD_END_GB_QUERY command.
+ *
+ * @dev_priv: Pointer to a device private struct.
+ * @sw_context: The software context used for this command submission.
+ * @header: Pointer to the command header in the command stream.
+ */
+static int vmw_cmd_end_gb_query(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+				struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
+				SVGA3dCmdHeader *header)
+	struct vmw_dma_buffer *vmw_bo;
+	struct vmw_query_cmd {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdEndGBQuery q;
+	} *cmd;
+	int ret;
+	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_query_cmd, header);
+	ret = vmw_cmd_cid_check(dev_priv, sw_context, header);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		return ret;
+	ret = vmw_translate_mob_ptr(dev_priv, sw_context,
+				    &cmd->q.mobid,
+				    &vmw_bo);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		return ret;
+	ret = vmw_query_bo_switch_prepare(dev_priv, &vmw_bo->base, sw_context);
+	vmw_dmabuf_unreference(&vmw_bo);
+	return ret;
  * vmw_cmd_end_query - validate a  SVGA_3D_CMD_END_QUERY command.
@@ -774,6 +977,25 @@ static int vmw_cmd_end_query(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	int ret;
 	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_query_cmd, header);
+	if (dev_priv->has_mob) {
+		struct {
+			SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+			SVGA3dCmdEndGBQuery q;
+		} gb_cmd;
+		BUG_ON(sizeof(gb_cmd) != sizeof(*cmd));
+		gb_cmd.header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_END_GB_QUERY;
+		gb_cmd.header.size = cmd->header.size;
+		gb_cmd.q.cid = cmd->q.cid;
+		gb_cmd.q.type = cmd->q.type;
+		gb_cmd.q.mobid = cmd->q.guestResult.gmrId;
+		gb_cmd.q.offset = cmd->q.guestResult.offset;
+		memcpy(cmd, &gb_cmd, sizeof(*cmd));
+		return vmw_cmd_end_gb_query(dev_priv, sw_context, header);
+	}
 	ret = vmw_cmd_cid_check(dev_priv, sw_context, header);
 	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
 		return ret;
@@ -790,7 +1012,40 @@ static int vmw_cmd_end_query(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	return ret;
+ * vmw_cmd_wait_gb_query - validate a  SVGA_3D_CMD_WAIT_GB_QUERY command.
+ *
+ * @dev_priv: Pointer to a device private struct.
+ * @sw_context: The software context used for this command submission.
+ * @header: Pointer to the command header in the command stream.
+ */
+static int vmw_cmd_wait_gb_query(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+				 struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
+				 SVGA3dCmdHeader *header)
+	struct vmw_dma_buffer *vmw_bo;
+	struct vmw_query_cmd {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdWaitForGBQuery q;
+	} *cmd;
+	int ret;
+	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_query_cmd, header);
+	ret = vmw_cmd_cid_check(dev_priv, sw_context, header);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		return ret;
+	ret = vmw_translate_mob_ptr(dev_priv, sw_context,
+				    &cmd->q.mobid,
+				    &vmw_bo);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		return ret;
+	vmw_dmabuf_unreference(&vmw_bo);
+	return 0;
  * vmw_cmd_wait_query - validate a  SVGA_3D_CMD_WAIT_QUERY command.
  * @dev_priv: Pointer to a device private struct.
@@ -809,6 +1064,25 @@ static int vmw_cmd_wait_query(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	int ret;
 	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_query_cmd, header);
+	if (dev_priv->has_mob) {
+		struct {
+			SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+			SVGA3dCmdWaitForGBQuery q;
+		} gb_cmd;
+		BUG_ON(sizeof(gb_cmd) != sizeof(*cmd));
+		gb_cmd.header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_WAIT_FOR_GB_QUERY;
+		gb_cmd.header.size = cmd->header.size;
+		gb_cmd.q.cid = cmd->q.cid;
+		gb_cmd.q.type = cmd->q.type;
+		gb_cmd.q.mobid = cmd->q.guestResult.gmrId;
+		gb_cmd.q.offset = cmd->q.guestResult.offset;
+		memcpy(cmd, &gb_cmd, sizeof(*cmd));
+		return vmw_cmd_wait_gb_query(dev_priv, sw_context, header);
+	}
 	ret = vmw_cmd_cid_check(dev_priv, sw_context, header);
 	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
 		return ret;
@@ -921,15 +1195,22 @@ static int vmw_cmd_tex_state(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	struct vmw_tex_state_cmd {
 		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
 		SVGA3dCmdSetTextureState state;
-	};
+	} *cmd;
 	SVGA3dTextureState *last_state = (SVGA3dTextureState *)
 	  ((unsigned long) header + header->size + sizeof(header));
 	SVGA3dTextureState *cur_state = (SVGA3dTextureState *)
 		((unsigned long) header + sizeof(struct vmw_tex_state_cmd));
+	struct vmw_resource_val_node *ctx_node;
+	struct vmw_resource_val_node *res_node;
 	int ret;
-	ret = vmw_cmd_cid_check(dev_priv, sw_context, header);
+	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_tex_state_cmd,
+			   header);
+	ret = vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_context,
+				user_context_converter, &cmd->state.cid,
+				&ctx_node);
 	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
 		return ret;
@@ -939,9 +1220,20 @@ static int vmw_cmd_tex_state(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 		ret = vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_surface,
-					&cur_state->value, NULL);
+					&cur_state->value, &res_node);
 		if (unlikely(ret != 0))
 			return ret;
+		if (dev_priv->has_mob) {
+			struct vmw_ctx_bindinfo bi;
+			bi.ctx = ctx_node->res;
+			bi.res = res_node ? res_node->res : NULL;
+			bi.bt = vmw_ctx_binding_tex;
+			bi.i1.texture_stage = cur_state->stage;
+			vmw_context_binding_add(ctx_node->staged_bindings,
+						&bi);
+		}
 	return 0;
@@ -970,6 +1262,222 @@ static int vmw_cmd_check_define_gmrfb(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	return ret;
+ * vmw_cmd_switch_backup - Utility function to handle backup buffer switching
+ *
+ * @dev_priv: Pointer to a device private struct.
+ * @sw_context: The software context being used for this batch.
+ * @res_type: The resource type.
+ * @converter: Information about user-space binding for this resource type.
+ * @res_id: Pointer to the user-space resource handle in the command stream.
+ * @buf_id: Pointer to the user-space backup buffer handle in the command
+ * stream.
+ * @backup_offset: Offset of backup into MOB.
+ *
+ * This function prepares for registering a switch of backup buffers
+ * in the resource metadata just prior to unreserving.
+ */
+static int vmw_cmd_switch_backup(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+				 struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
+				 enum vmw_res_type res_type,
+				 const struct vmw_user_resource_conv
+				 *converter,
+				 uint32_t *res_id,
+				 uint32_t *buf_id,
+				 unsigned long backup_offset)
+	int ret;
+	struct vmw_dma_buffer *dma_buf;
+	struct vmw_resource_val_node *val_node;
+	ret = vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, res_type,
+				converter, res_id, &val_node);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		return ret;
+	ret = vmw_translate_mob_ptr(dev_priv, sw_context, buf_id, &dma_buf);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		return ret;
+	if (val_node->first_usage)
+		val_node->no_buffer_needed = true;
+	vmw_dmabuf_unreference(&val_node->new_backup);
+	val_node->new_backup = dma_buf;
+	val_node->new_backup_offset = backup_offset;
+	return 0;
+ * vmw_cmd_bind_gb_surface - Validate an SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_SURFACE
+ * command
+ *
+ * @dev_priv: Pointer to a device private struct.
+ * @sw_context: The software context being used for this batch.
+ * @header: Pointer to the command header in the command stream.
+ */
+static int vmw_cmd_bind_gb_surface(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+				   struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
+				   SVGA3dCmdHeader *header)
+	struct vmw_bind_gb_surface_cmd {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdBindGBSurface body;
+	} *cmd;
+	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_bind_gb_surface_cmd, header);
+	return vmw_cmd_switch_backup(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_surface,
+				     user_surface_converter,
+				     &cmd->body.sid, &cmd->body.mobid,
+				     0);
+ * vmw_cmd_update_gb_image - Validate an SVGA_3D_CMD_UPDATE_GB_IMAGE
+ * command
+ *
+ * @dev_priv: Pointer to a device private struct.
+ * @sw_context: The software context being used for this batch.
+ * @header: Pointer to the command header in the command stream.
+ */
+static int vmw_cmd_update_gb_image(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+				   struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
+				   SVGA3dCmdHeader *header)
+	struct vmw_gb_surface_cmd {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdUpdateGBImage body;
+	} *cmd;
+	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_gb_surface_cmd, header);
+	return vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_surface,
+				 user_surface_converter,
+				 &cmd->body.image.sid, NULL);
+ * vmw_cmd_update_gb_surface - Validate an SVGA_3D_CMD_UPDATE_GB_SURFACE
+ * command
+ *
+ * @dev_priv: Pointer to a device private struct.
+ * @sw_context: The software context being used for this batch.
+ * @header: Pointer to the command header in the command stream.
+ */
+static int vmw_cmd_update_gb_surface(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+				     struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
+				     SVGA3dCmdHeader *header)
+	struct vmw_gb_surface_cmd {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdUpdateGBSurface body;
+	} *cmd;
+	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_gb_surface_cmd, header);
+	return vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_surface,
+				 user_surface_converter,
+				 &cmd->body.sid, NULL);
+ * vmw_cmd_readback_gb_image - Validate an SVGA_3D_CMD_READBACK_GB_IMAGE
+ * command
+ *
+ * @dev_priv: Pointer to a device private struct.
+ * @sw_context: The software context being used for this batch.
+ * @header: Pointer to the command header in the command stream.
+ */
+static int vmw_cmd_readback_gb_image(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+				     struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
+				     SVGA3dCmdHeader *header)
+	struct vmw_gb_surface_cmd {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdReadbackGBImage body;
+	} *cmd;
+	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_gb_surface_cmd, header);
+	return vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_surface,
+				 user_surface_converter,
+				 &cmd->body.image.sid, NULL);
+ * vmw_cmd_readback_gb_surface - Validate an SVGA_3D_CMD_READBACK_GB_SURFACE
+ * command
+ *
+ * @dev_priv: Pointer to a device private struct.
+ * @sw_context: The software context being used for this batch.
+ * @header: Pointer to the command header in the command stream.
+ */
+static int vmw_cmd_readback_gb_surface(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+				       struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
+				       SVGA3dCmdHeader *header)
+	struct vmw_gb_surface_cmd {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdReadbackGBSurface body;
+	} *cmd;
+	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_gb_surface_cmd, header);
+	return vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_surface,
+				 user_surface_converter,
+				 &cmd->body.sid, NULL);
+ * vmw_cmd_invalidate_gb_image - Validate an SVGA_3D_CMD_INVALIDATE_GB_IMAGE
+ * command
+ *
+ * @dev_priv: Pointer to a device private struct.
+ * @sw_context: The software context being used for this batch.
+ * @header: Pointer to the command header in the command stream.
+ */
+static int vmw_cmd_invalidate_gb_image(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+				       struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
+				       SVGA3dCmdHeader *header)
+	struct vmw_gb_surface_cmd {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdInvalidateGBImage body;
+	} *cmd;
+	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_gb_surface_cmd, header);
+	return vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_surface,
+				 user_surface_converter,
+				 &cmd->body.image.sid, NULL);
+ * vmw_cmd_invalidate_gb_surface - Validate an
+ *
+ * @dev_priv: Pointer to a device private struct.
+ * @sw_context: The software context being used for this batch.
+ * @header: Pointer to the command header in the command stream.
+ */
+static int vmw_cmd_invalidate_gb_surface(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+					 struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
+					 SVGA3dCmdHeader *header)
+	struct vmw_gb_surface_cmd {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdInvalidateGBSurface body;
+	} *cmd;
+	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_gb_surface_cmd, header);
+	return vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_surface,
+				 user_surface_converter,
+				 &cmd->body.sid, NULL);
  * vmw_cmd_set_shader - Validate an SVGA_3D_CMD_SET_SHADER
  * command
@@ -986,18 +1494,64 @@ static int vmw_cmd_set_shader(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
 		SVGA3dCmdSetShader body;
 	} *cmd;
+	struct vmw_resource_val_node *ctx_node;
 	int ret;
 	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_set_shader_cmd,
-	ret = vmw_cmd_cid_check(dev_priv, sw_context, header);
+	ret = vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_context,
+				user_context_converter, &cmd->body.cid,
+				&ctx_node);
 	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
 		return ret;
+	if (dev_priv->has_mob) {
+		struct vmw_ctx_bindinfo bi;
+		struct vmw_resource_val_node *res_node;
+		ret = vmw_cmd_res_check(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_shader,
+					user_shader_converter,
+					&cmd->body.shid, &res_node);
+		if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+			return ret;
+		bi.ctx = ctx_node->res;
+		bi.res = res_node ? res_node->res : NULL;
+		bi.bt = vmw_ctx_binding_shader;
+		bi.i1.shader_type = cmd->body.type;
+		return vmw_context_binding_add(ctx_node->staged_bindings, &bi);
+	}
 	return 0;
+ * vmw_cmd_bind_gb_shader - Validate an SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_SHADER
+ * command
+ *
+ * @dev_priv: Pointer to a device private struct.
+ * @sw_context: The software context being used for this batch.
+ * @header: Pointer to the command header in the command stream.
+ */
+static int vmw_cmd_bind_gb_shader(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+				  struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
+				  SVGA3dCmdHeader *header)
+	struct vmw_bind_gb_shader_cmd {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdBindGBShader body;
+	} *cmd;
+	cmd = container_of(header, struct vmw_bind_gb_shader_cmd,
+			   header);
+	return vmw_cmd_switch_backup(dev_priv, sw_context, vmw_res_shader,
+				     user_shader_converter,
+				     &cmd->body.shid, &cmd->body.mobid,
+				     cmd->body.offsetInBytes);
 static int vmw_cmd_check_not_3d(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 				struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context,
 				void *buf, uint32_t *size)
@@ -1041,50 +1595,173 @@ static int vmw_cmd_check_not_3d(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	return 0;
-typedef int (*vmw_cmd_func) (struct vmw_private *,
-			     struct vmw_sw_context *,
-			     SVGA3dCmdHeader *);
-#define VMW_CMD_DEF(cmd, func) \
-	[cmd - SVGA_3D_CMD_BASE] = func
-static vmw_cmd_func vmw_cmd_funcs[SVGA_3D_CMD_MAX] = {
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SURFACE_DEFINE, &vmw_cmd_invalid),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SURFACE_COPY, &vmw_cmd_surface_copy_check),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SURFACE_STRETCHBLT, &vmw_cmd_stretch_blt_check),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_CONTEXT_DEFINE, &vmw_cmd_invalid),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SETTRANSFORM, &vmw_cmd_cid_check),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SETZRANGE, &vmw_cmd_cid_check),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SETRENDERSTATE, &vmw_cmd_cid_check),
+static const struct vmw_cmd_entry const vmw_cmd_entries[SVGA_3D_CMD_MAX] = {
+		    false, false, false),
+		    false, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SURFACE_COPY, &vmw_cmd_surface_copy_check,
+		    true, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SURFACE_STRETCHBLT, &vmw_cmd_stretch_blt_check,
+		    true, false, false),
+		    true, false, false),
+		    false, false, false),
+		    false, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SETTRANSFORM, &vmw_cmd_cid_check,
+		    true, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SETZRANGE, &vmw_cmd_cid_check,
+		    true, false, false),
+		    true, false, false),
-		    &vmw_cmd_set_render_target_check),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SETMATERIAL, &vmw_cmd_cid_check),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SETLIGHTDATA, &vmw_cmd_cid_check),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SETVIEWPORT, &vmw_cmd_cid_check),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SETCLIPPLANE, &vmw_cmd_cid_check),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_CLEAR, &vmw_cmd_cid_check),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_PRESENT, &vmw_cmd_present_check),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SHADER_DEFINE, &vmw_cmd_cid_check),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SHADER_DESTROY, &vmw_cmd_cid_check),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SET_SHADER, &vmw_cmd_set_shader),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SET_SHADER_CONST, &vmw_cmd_cid_check),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SETSCISSORRECT, &vmw_cmd_cid_check),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_BEGIN_QUERY, &vmw_cmd_begin_query),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_END_QUERY, &vmw_cmd_end_query),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_WAIT_FOR_QUERY, &vmw_cmd_wait_query),
+		    &vmw_cmd_set_render_target_check, true, false, false),
+		    true, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SETMATERIAL, &vmw_cmd_cid_check,
+		    true, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SETLIGHTDATA, &vmw_cmd_cid_check,
+		    true, false, false),
+		    true, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SETVIEWPORT, &vmw_cmd_cid_check,
+		    true, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SETCLIPPLANE, &vmw_cmd_cid_check,
+		    true, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_CLEAR, &vmw_cmd_cid_check,
+		    true, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_PRESENT, &vmw_cmd_present_check,
+		    false, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SHADER_DEFINE, &vmw_cmd_cid_check,
+		    true, true, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SHADER_DESTROY, &vmw_cmd_cid_check,
+		    true, true, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SET_SHADER, &vmw_cmd_set_shader,
+		    true, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SET_SHADER_CONST, &vmw_cmd_cid_check,
+		    true, true, false),
+		    true, false, false),
+		    true, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_BEGIN_QUERY, &vmw_cmd_begin_query,
+		    true, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_END_QUERY, &vmw_cmd_end_query,
+		    true, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_WAIT_FOR_QUERY, &vmw_cmd_wait_query,
+		    true, false, false),
+		    true, false, false),
-		    &vmw_cmd_blt_surf_screen_check),
-	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SURFACE_DEFINE_V2, &vmw_cmd_invalid),
+		    &vmw_cmd_blt_surf_screen_check, false, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SURFACE_DEFINE_V2, &vmw_cmd_invalid,
+		    false, false, false),
+		    false, false, false),
+		    false, false, false),
+		    false, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SCREEN_DMA, &vmw_cmd_invalid,
+		    false, false, false),
+		    false, false, false),
+		    false, false, false),
+		    false, false, false),
+		    false, false, false),
+		    false, false, false),
+		    false, false, false),
+		    false, false, false),
+		    false, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SET_OTABLE_BASE, &vmw_cmd_invalid,
+		    false, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_DEFINE_GB_MOB, &vmw_cmd_invalid,
+		    false, false, true),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_DESTROY_GB_MOB, &vmw_cmd_invalid,
+		    false, false, true),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_REDEFINE_GB_MOB, &vmw_cmd_invalid,
+		    false, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_SURFACE, &vmw_cmd_bind_gb_surface,
+		    true, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_UPDATE_GB_IMAGE, &vmw_cmd_update_gb_image,
+		    true, false, true),
+		    &vmw_cmd_update_gb_surface, true, false, true),
+		    &vmw_cmd_readback_gb_image, true, false, true),
+		    &vmw_cmd_readback_gb_surface, true, false, true),
+		    &vmw_cmd_invalidate_gb_image, true, false, true),
+		    &vmw_cmd_invalidate_gb_surface, true, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_CONTEXT, &vmw_cmd_invalid,
+		    false, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_SHADER, &vmw_cmd_bind_gb_shader,
+		    true, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_SET_OTABLE_BASE64, &vmw_cmd_invalid,
+		    false, false, false),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_BEGIN_GB_QUERY, &vmw_cmd_begin_gb_query,
+		    true, false, true),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_END_GB_QUERY, &vmw_cmd_end_gb_query,
+		    true, false, true),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_WAIT_FOR_GB_QUERY, &vmw_cmd_wait_gb_query,
+		    true, false, true),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_NOP, &vmw_cmd_ok,
+		    true, false, true),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_ENABLE_GART, &vmw_cmd_invalid,
+		    false, false, true),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_DISABLE_GART, &vmw_cmd_invalid,
+		    false, false, true),
+	VMW_CMD_DEF(SVGA_3D_CMD_MAP_MOB_INTO_GART, &vmw_cmd_invalid,
+		    false, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+		    false, false, true),
+		    true, false, true)
 static int vmw_cmd_check(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
@@ -1095,6 +1772,8 @@ static int vmw_cmd_check(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	uint32_t size_remaining = *size;
 	SVGA3dCmdHeader *header = (SVGA3dCmdHeader *) buf;
 	int ret;
+	const struct vmw_cmd_entry *entry;
+	bool gb = dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GBOBJECTS;
 	cmd_id = le32_to_cpu(((uint32_t *)buf)[0]);
 	/* Handle any none 3D commands */
@@ -1107,18 +1786,40 @@ static int vmw_cmd_check(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	cmd_id -= SVGA_3D_CMD_BASE;
 	if (unlikely(*size > size_remaining))
-		goto out_err;
+		goto out_invalid;
 	if (unlikely(cmd_id >= SVGA_3D_CMD_MAX - SVGA_3D_CMD_BASE))
-		goto out_err;
+		goto out_invalid;
-	ret = vmw_cmd_funcs[cmd_id](dev_priv, sw_context, header);
+	entry = &vmw_cmd_entries[cmd_id];
+	if (unlikely(!entry->user_allow && !sw_context->kernel))
+		goto out_privileged;
+	if (unlikely(entry->gb_disable && gb))
+		goto out_old;
+	if (unlikely(entry->gb_enable && !gb))
+		goto out_new;
+	ret = entry->func(dev_priv, sw_context, header);
 	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
-		goto out_err;
+		goto out_invalid;
 	return 0;
-	DRM_ERROR("Illegal / Invalid SVGA3D command: %d\n",
+	DRM_ERROR("Invalid SVGA3D command: %d\n",
+		  cmd_id + SVGA_3D_CMD_BASE);
+	return -EINVAL;
+	DRM_ERROR("Privileged SVGA3D command: %d\n",
+		  cmd_id + SVGA_3D_CMD_BASE);
+	return -EPERM;
+	DRM_ERROR("Deprecated (disallowed) SVGA3D command: %d\n",
+		  cmd_id + SVGA_3D_CMD_BASE);
+	return -EINVAL;
+	DRM_ERROR("SVGA3D command: %d not supported by virtual hardware.\n",
 		  cmd_id + SVGA_3D_CMD_BASE);
 	return -EINVAL;
@@ -1174,6 +1875,9 @@ static void vmw_apply_relocations(struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context)
 		case VMW_PL_GMR:
 			reloc->location->gmrId = bo->mem.start;
+		case VMW_PL_MOB:
+			*reloc->mob_loc = bo->mem.start;
+			break;
@@ -1198,6 +1902,8 @@ static void vmw_resource_list_unreference(struct list_head *list)
 	list_for_each_entry_safe(val, val_next, list, head) {
+		if (unlikely(val->staged_bindings))
+			kfree(val->staged_bindings);
@@ -1224,7 +1930,8 @@ static void vmw_clear_validations(struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context)
 static int vmw_validate_single_buffer(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
-				      struct ttm_buffer_object *bo)
+				      struct ttm_buffer_object *bo,
+				      bool validate_as_mob)
 	int ret;
@@ -1238,6 +1945,9 @@ static int vmw_validate_single_buffer(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 		return 0;
+	if (validate_as_mob)
+		return ttm_bo_validate(bo, &vmw_mob_placement, true, false);
 	 * Put BO in VRAM if there is space, otherwise as a GMR.
 	 * If there is no space in VRAM and GMR ids are all used up,
@@ -1259,7 +1969,6 @@ static int vmw_validate_single_buffer(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	return ret;
 static int vmw_validate_buffers(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 				struct vmw_sw_context *sw_context)
@@ -1267,7 +1976,8 @@ static int vmw_validate_buffers(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	int ret;
 	list_for_each_entry(entry, &sw_context->validate_nodes, base.head) {
-		ret = vmw_validate_single_buffer(dev_priv, entry->base.bo);
+		ret = vmw_validate_single_buffer(dev_priv, entry->base.bo,
+						 entry->validate_as_mob);
 		if (unlikely(ret != 0))
 			return ret;
@@ -1509,11 +2219,17 @@ int vmw_execbuf_process(struct drm_file *file_priv,
 			goto out_err;
+	ret = mutex_lock_interruptible(&dev_priv->binding_mutex);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+		ret = -ERESTARTSYS;
+		goto out_err;
+	}
 	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, command_size);
 	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
 		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving fifo space for commands.\n");
 		ret = -ENOMEM;
-		goto out_err;
+		goto out_unlock_binding;
@@ -1538,6 +2254,8 @@ int vmw_execbuf_process(struct drm_file *file_priv,
 		DRM_ERROR("Fence submission error. Syncing.\n");
 	vmw_resource_list_unreserve(&sw_context->resource_list, false);
+	mutex_unlock(&dev_priv->binding_mutex);
 	ttm_eu_fence_buffer_objects(&ticket, &sw_context->validate_nodes,
 				    (void *) fence);
@@ -1568,6 +2286,8 @@ int vmw_execbuf_process(struct drm_file *file_priv,
 	return 0;
+	mutex_unlock(&dev_priv->binding_mutex);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_fifo.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_fifo.c
index 3eb148667d63..6ccd993e26bf 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_fifo.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_fifo.c
@@ -35,6 +35,23 @@ bool vmw_fifo_have_3d(struct vmw_private *dev_priv)
 	uint32_t fifo_min, hwversion;
 	const struct vmw_fifo_state *fifo = &dev_priv->fifo;
+	if (!(dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_3D))
+		return false;
+	if (dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GBOBJECTS) {
+		uint32_t result;
+		if (!dev_priv->has_mob)
+			return false;
+		mutex_lock(&dev_priv->hw_mutex);
+		vmw_write(dev_priv, SVGA_REG_DEV_CAP, SVGA3D_DEVCAP_3D);
+		result = vmw_read(dev_priv, SVGA_REG_DEV_CAP);
+		mutex_unlock(&dev_priv->hw_mutex);
+		return (result != 0);
+	}
 	if (!(dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_EXTENDED_FIFO))
 		return false;
@@ -511,24 +528,16 @@ out_err:
- * vmw_fifo_emit_dummy_query - emits a dummy query to the fifo.
+ * vmw_fifo_emit_dummy_legacy_query - emits a dummy query to the fifo using
+ * legacy query commands.
  * @dev_priv: The device private structure.
  * @cid: The hardware context id used for the query.
- * This function is used to emit a dummy occlusion query with
- * no primitives rendered between query begin and query end.
- * It's used to provide a query barrier, in order to know that when
- * this query is finished, all preceding queries are also finished.
- *
- * A Query results structure should have been initialized at the start
- * of the dev_priv->dummy_query_bo buffer object. And that buffer object
- * must also be either reserved or pinned when this function is called.
- *
- * Returns -ENOMEM on failure to reserve fifo space.
+ * See the vmw_fifo_emit_dummy_query documentation.
-int vmw_fifo_emit_dummy_query(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
-			      uint32_t cid)
+static int vmw_fifo_emit_dummy_legacy_query(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+					    uint32_t cid)
 	 * A query wait without a preceding query end will
@@ -566,3 +575,75 @@ int vmw_fifo_emit_dummy_query(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	return 0;
+ * vmw_fifo_emit_dummy_gb_query - emits a dummy query to the fifo using
+ * guest-backed resource query commands.
+ *
+ * @dev_priv: The device private structure.
+ * @cid: The hardware context id used for the query.
+ *
+ * See the vmw_fifo_emit_dummy_query documentation.
+ */
+static int vmw_fifo_emit_dummy_gb_query(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+					uint32_t cid)
+	/*
+	 * A query wait without a preceding query end will
+	 * actually finish all queries for this cid
+	 * without writing to the query result structure.
+	 */
+	struct ttm_buffer_object *bo = dev_priv->dummy_query_bo;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdWaitForGBQuery body;
+	} *cmd;
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Out of fifo space for dummy query.\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	cmd->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_WAIT_FOR_GB_QUERY;
+	cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	cmd->body.cid = cid;
+	cmd->body.type = SVGA3D_QUERYTYPE_OCCLUSION;
+	BUG_ON(bo->mem.mem_type != VMW_PL_MOB);
+	cmd->body.mobid = bo->mem.start;
+	cmd->body.offset = 0;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	return 0;
+ * vmw_fifo_emit_dummy_gb_query - emits a dummy query to the fifo using
+ * appropriate resource query commands.
+ *
+ * @dev_priv: The device private structure.
+ * @cid: The hardware context id used for the query.
+ *
+ * This function is used to emit a dummy occlusion query with
+ * no primitives rendered between query begin and query end.
+ * It's used to provide a query barrier, in order to know that when
+ * this query is finished, all preceding queries are also finished.
+ *
+ * A Query results structure should have been initialized at the start
+ * of the dev_priv->dummy_query_bo buffer object. And that buffer object
+ * must also be either reserved or pinned when this function is called.
+ *
+ * Returns -ENOMEM on failure to reserve fifo space.
+ */
+int vmw_fifo_emit_dummy_query(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+			      uint32_t cid)
+	if (dev_priv->has_mob)
+		return vmw_fifo_emit_dummy_gb_query(dev_priv, cid);
+	return vmw_fifo_emit_dummy_legacy_query(dev_priv, cid);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_gmr.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_gmr.c
index 6ef0b035becb..61d8d803199f 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_gmr.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_gmr.c
@@ -125,181 +125,27 @@ static void vmw_gmr2_unbind(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
-static void vmw_gmr_free_descriptors(struct device *dev, dma_addr_t desc_dma,
-				     struct list_head *desc_pages)
-	struct page *page, *next;
-	struct svga_guest_mem_descriptor *page_virtual;
-	unsigned int desc_per_page = PAGE_SIZE /
-		sizeof(struct svga_guest_mem_descriptor) - 1;
-	if (list_empty(desc_pages))
-		return;
-	list_for_each_entry_safe(page, next, desc_pages, lru) {
-		list_del_init(&page->lru);
-		if (likely(desc_dma != DMA_ADDR_INVALID)) {
-			dma_unmap_page(dev, desc_dma, PAGE_SIZE,
-				       DMA_TO_DEVICE);
-		}
-		page_virtual = kmap_atomic(page);
-		desc_dma = (dma_addr_t)
-			le32_to_cpu(page_virtual[desc_per_page].ppn) <<
-		kunmap_atomic(page_virtual);
-		__free_page(page);
-	}
- * FIXME: Adjust to the ttm lowmem / highmem storage to minimize
- * the number of used descriptors.
- *
- */
-static int vmw_gmr_build_descriptors(struct device *dev,
-				     struct list_head *desc_pages,
-				     struct vmw_piter *iter,
-				     unsigned long num_pages,
-				     dma_addr_t *first_dma)
-	struct page *page;
-	struct svga_guest_mem_descriptor *page_virtual = NULL;
-	struct svga_guest_mem_descriptor *desc_virtual = NULL;
-	unsigned int desc_per_page;
-	unsigned long prev_pfn;
-	unsigned long pfn;
-	int ret;
-	dma_addr_t desc_dma;
-	desc_per_page = PAGE_SIZE /
-	    sizeof(struct svga_guest_mem_descriptor) - 1;
-	while (likely(num_pages != 0)) {
-		page = alloc_page(__GFP_HIGHMEM);
-		if (unlikely(page == NULL)) {
-			ret = -ENOMEM;
-			goto out_err;
-		}
-		list_add_tail(&page->lru, desc_pages);
-		page_virtual = kmap_atomic(page);
-		desc_virtual = page_virtual - 1;
-		prev_pfn = ~(0UL);
-		while (likely(num_pages != 0)) {
-			pfn = vmw_piter_dma_addr(iter) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-			if (pfn != prev_pfn + 1) {
-				if (desc_virtual - page_virtual ==
-				    desc_per_page - 1)
-					break;
-				(++desc_virtual)->ppn = cpu_to_le32(pfn);
-				desc_virtual->num_pages = cpu_to_le32(1);
-			} else {
-				uint32_t tmp =
-				    le32_to_cpu(desc_virtual->num_pages);
-				desc_virtual->num_pages = cpu_to_le32(tmp + 1);
-			}
-			prev_pfn = pfn;
-			--num_pages;
-			vmw_piter_next(iter);
-		}
-		(++desc_virtual)->ppn = DMA_PAGE_INVALID;
-		desc_virtual->num_pages = cpu_to_le32(0);
-		kunmap_atomic(page_virtual);
-	}
-	desc_dma = 0;
-	list_for_each_entry_reverse(page, desc_pages, lru) {
-		page_virtual = kmap_atomic(page);
-		page_virtual[desc_per_page].ppn = cpu_to_le32
-			(desc_dma >> PAGE_SHIFT);
-		kunmap_atomic(page_virtual);
-		desc_dma = dma_map_page(dev, page, 0, PAGE_SIZE,
-		if (unlikely(dma_mapping_error(dev, desc_dma)))
-			goto out_err;
-	}
-	*first_dma = desc_dma;
-	return 0;
-	vmw_gmr_free_descriptors(dev, DMA_ADDR_INVALID, desc_pages);
-	return ret;
-static void vmw_gmr_fire_descriptors(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
-				     int gmr_id, dma_addr_t desc_dma)
-	mutex_lock(&dev_priv->hw_mutex);
-	vmw_write(dev_priv, SVGA_REG_GMR_ID, gmr_id);
-	wmb();
-	vmw_write(dev_priv, SVGA_REG_GMR_DESCRIPTOR, desc_dma >> PAGE_SHIFT);
-	mb();
-	mutex_unlock(&dev_priv->hw_mutex);
 int vmw_gmr_bind(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 		 const struct vmw_sg_table *vsgt,
 		 unsigned long num_pages,
 		 int gmr_id)
-	struct list_head desc_pages;
-	dma_addr_t desc_dma = 0;
-	struct device *dev = dev_priv->dev->dev;
 	struct vmw_piter data_iter;
-	int ret;
 	vmw_piter_start(&data_iter, vsgt, 0);
 	if (unlikely(!vmw_piter_next(&data_iter)))
 		return 0;
-	if (likely(dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GMR2))
-		return vmw_gmr2_bind(dev_priv, &data_iter, num_pages, gmr_id);
-	if (unlikely(!(dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GMR)))
+	if (unlikely(!(dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GMR2)))
 		return -EINVAL;
-	if (vsgt->num_regions > dev_priv->max_gmr_descriptors)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&desc_pages);
-	ret = vmw_gmr_build_descriptors(dev, &desc_pages, &data_iter,
-					num_pages, &desc_dma);
-	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
-		return ret;
-	vmw_gmr_fire_descriptors(dev_priv, gmr_id, desc_dma);
-	vmw_gmr_free_descriptors(dev, desc_dma, &desc_pages);
-	return 0;
+	return vmw_gmr2_bind(dev_priv, &data_iter, num_pages, gmr_id);
 void vmw_gmr_unbind(struct vmw_private *dev_priv, int gmr_id)
-	if (likely(dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GMR2)) {
+	if (likely(dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GMR2))
 		vmw_gmr2_unbind(dev_priv, gmr_id);
-		return;
-	}
-	mutex_lock(&dev_priv->hw_mutex);
-	vmw_write(dev_priv, SVGA_REG_GMR_ID, gmr_id);
-	wmb();
-	vmw_write(dev_priv, SVGA_REG_GMR_DESCRIPTOR, 0);
-	mb();
-	mutex_unlock(&dev_priv->hw_mutex);
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_gmrid_manager.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_gmrid_manager.c
index c5c054ae9056..b1273e8e9a69 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_gmrid_manager.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_gmrid_manager.c
@@ -125,10 +125,21 @@ static int vmw_gmrid_man_init(struct ttm_mem_type_manager *man,
 		return -ENOMEM;
-	gman->max_gmr_pages = dev_priv->max_gmr_pages;
 	gman->used_gmr_pages = 0;
-	gman->max_gmr_ids = p_size;
+	switch (p_size) {
+	case VMW_PL_GMR:
+		gman->max_gmr_ids = dev_priv->max_gmr_ids;
+		gman->max_gmr_pages = dev_priv->max_gmr_pages;
+		break;
+	case VMW_PL_MOB:
+		gman->max_gmr_ids = VMWGFX_NUM_MOB;
+		gman->max_gmr_pages = dev_priv->max_mob_pages;
+		break;
+	default:
+		BUG();
+	}
 	man->priv = (void *) gman;
 	return 0;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_ioctl.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_ioctl.c
index a51f48e3e917..116c49736763 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_ioctl.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_ioctl.c
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ int vmw_getparam_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
 		param->value = dev_priv->fifo.capabilities;
-		param->value = dev_priv->vram_size;
+		param->value = dev_priv->prim_bb_mem;
@@ -68,6 +68,20 @@ int vmw_getparam_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
+		param->value = dev_priv->memory_size;
+		break;
+		if (dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GBOBJECTS)
+			param->value = SVGA3D_DEVCAP_MAX;
+		else
+			param->value = (SVGA_FIFO_3D_CAPS_LAST -
+					SVGA_FIFO_3D_CAPS + 1);
+		param->value *= sizeof(uint32_t);
+		break;
+		param->value = dev_priv->max_mob_pages * PAGE_SIZE;
+		break;
 		DRM_ERROR("Illegal vmwgfx get param request: %d\n",
@@ -89,13 +103,19 @@ int vmw_get_cap_3d_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
 	void __user *buffer = (void __user *)((unsigned long)(arg->buffer));
 	void *bounce;
 	int ret;
+	bool gb_objects = !!(dev_priv->capabilities & SVGA_CAP_GBOBJECTS);
 	if (unlikely(arg->pad64 != 0)) {
 		DRM_ERROR("Illegal GET_3D_CAP argument.\n");
 		return -EINVAL;
-	size = (SVGA_FIFO_3D_CAPS_LAST - SVGA_FIFO_3D_CAPS + 1) << 2;
+	if (gb_objects)
+		size = SVGA3D_DEVCAP_MAX;
+	else
+	size *= sizeof(uint32_t);
 	if (arg->max_size < size)
 		size = arg->max_size;
@@ -106,8 +126,22 @@ int vmw_get_cap_3d_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
 		return -ENOMEM;
-	fifo_mem = dev_priv->mmio_virt;
-	memcpy_fromio(bounce, &fifo_mem[SVGA_FIFO_3D_CAPS], size);
+	if (gb_objects) {
+		int i;
+		uint32_t *bounce32 = (uint32_t *) bounce;
+		mutex_lock(&dev_priv->hw_mutex);
+		for (i = 0; i < SVGA3D_DEVCAP_MAX; ++i) {
+			vmw_write(dev_priv, SVGA_REG_DEV_CAP, i);
+			*bounce32++ = vmw_read(dev_priv, SVGA_REG_DEV_CAP);
+		}
+		mutex_unlock(&dev_priv->hw_mutex);
+	} else {
+		fifo_mem = dev_priv->mmio_virt;
+		memcpy_fromio(bounce, &fifo_mem[SVGA_FIFO_3D_CAPS], size);
+	}
 	ret = copy_to_user(buffer, bounce, size);
 	if (ret)
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_kms.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_kms.c
index 019e2dbb46c8..8a650413dea5 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_kms.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_kms.c
@@ -672,9 +672,9 @@ static int vmw_kms_new_framebuffer_surface(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	if (unlikely(surface->mip_levels[0] != 1 ||
 		     surface->num_sizes != 1 ||
-		     surface->sizes[0].width < mode_cmd->width ||
-		     surface->sizes[0].height < mode_cmd->height ||
-		     surface->sizes[0].depth != 1)) {
+		     surface->base_size.width < mode_cmd->width ||
+		     surface->base_size.height < mode_cmd->height ||
+		     surface->base_size.depth != 1)) {
 		DRM_ERROR("Incompatible surface dimensions "
 			  "for requested mode.\n");
 		return -EINVAL;
@@ -1645,7 +1645,7 @@ bool vmw_kms_validate_mode_vram(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 				uint32_t pitch,
 				uint32_t height)
-	return ((u64) pitch * (u64) height) < (u64) dev_priv->vram_size;
+	return ((u64) pitch * (u64) height) < (u64) dev_priv->prim_bb_mem;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_mob.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_mob.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ad29651a4302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_mob.c
@@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2012 VMware, Inc., Palo Alto, CA., USA
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
+ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
+ * of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include "vmwgfx_drv.h"
+ * If we set up the screen target otable, screen objects stop working.
+ */
+#ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
+#define VMW_PPN_SIZE 8
+#define vmw_cmd_set_otable_base SVGA3dCmdSetOTableBase64
+#define vmw_cmd_define_gb_mob SVGA3dCmdDefineGBMob64
+#define VMW_PPN_SIZE 4
+#define vmw_cmd_set_otable_base SVGA3dCmdSetOTableBase
+#define vmw_cmd_define_gb_mob SVGA3dCmdDefineGBMob
+ * struct vmw_mob - Structure containing page table and metadata for a
+ * Guest Memory OBject.
+ *
+ * @num_pages       Number of pages that make up the page table.
+ * @pt_level        The indirection level of the page table. 0-2.
+ * @pt_root_page    DMA address of the level 0 page of the page table.
+ */
+struct vmw_mob {
+	struct ttm_buffer_object *pt_bo;
+	unsigned long num_pages;
+	unsigned pt_level;
+	dma_addr_t pt_root_page;
+	uint32_t id;
+ * struct vmw_otable - Guest Memory OBject table metadata
+ *
+ * @size:           Size of the table (page-aligned).
+ * @page_table:     Pointer to a struct vmw_mob holding the page table.
+ */
+struct vmw_otable {
+	unsigned long size;
+	struct vmw_mob *page_table;
+static int vmw_mob_pt_populate(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+			       struct vmw_mob *mob);
+static void vmw_mob_pt_setup(struct vmw_mob *mob,
+			     struct vmw_piter data_iter,
+			     unsigned long num_data_pages);
+ * vmw_setup_otable_base - Issue an object table base setup command to
+ * the device
+ *
+ * @dev_priv:       Pointer to a device private structure
+ * @type:           Type of object table base
+ * @offset          Start of table offset into dev_priv::otable_bo
+ * @otable          Pointer to otable metadata;
+ *
+ * This function returns -ENOMEM if it fails to reserve fifo space,
+ * and may block waiting for fifo space.
+ */
+static int vmw_setup_otable_base(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+				 SVGAOTableType type,
+				 unsigned long offset,
+				 struct vmw_otable *otable)
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		vmw_cmd_set_otable_base body;
+	} *cmd;
+	struct vmw_mob *mob;
+	const struct vmw_sg_table *vsgt;
+	struct vmw_piter iter;
+	int ret;
+	BUG_ON(otable->page_table != NULL);
+	vsgt = vmw_bo_sg_table(dev_priv->otable_bo);
+	vmw_piter_start(&iter, vsgt, offset >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+	WARN_ON(!vmw_piter_next(&iter));
+	mob = vmw_mob_create(otable->size >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+	if (unlikely(mob == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed creating OTable page table.\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	if (otable->size <= PAGE_SIZE) {
+		mob->pt_level = VMW_MOBFMT_PTDEPTH_0;
+		mob->pt_root_page = vmw_piter_dma_addr(&iter);
+	} else if (vsgt->num_regions == 1) {
+		mob->pt_level = SVGA3D_MOBFMT_RANGE;
+		mob->pt_root_page = vmw_piter_dma_addr(&iter);
+	} else {
+		ret = vmw_mob_pt_populate(dev_priv, mob);
+		if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+			goto out_no_populate;
+		vmw_mob_pt_setup(mob, iter, otable->size >> PAGE_SHIFT);
+	}
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for OTable setup.\n");
+		goto out_no_fifo;
+	}
+	memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd));
+	cmd->header.id = VMW_ID_SET_OTABLE_BASE;
+	cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	cmd->body.type = type;
+	cmd->body.baseAddress = mob->pt_root_page >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+	cmd->body.sizeInBytes = otable->size;
+	cmd->body.validSizeInBytes = 0;
+	cmd->body.ptDepth = mob->pt_level;
+	/*
+	 * The device doesn't support this, But the otable size is
+	 * determined at compile-time, so this BUG shouldn't trigger
+	 * randomly.
+	 */
+	BUG_ON(mob->pt_level == VMW_MOBFMT_PTDEPTH_2);
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	otable->page_table = mob;
+	return 0;
+	vmw_mob_destroy(mob);
+	return ret;
+ * vmw_takedown_otable_base - Issue an object table base takedown command
+ * to the device
+ *
+ * @dev_priv:       Pointer to a device private structure
+ * @type:           Type of object table base
+ *
+ */
+static void vmw_takedown_otable_base(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+				     SVGAOTableType type,
+				     struct vmw_otable *otable)
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdSetOTableBase body;
+	} *cmd;
+	struct ttm_buffer_object *bo = otable->page_table->pt_bo;
+	if (otable->page_table == NULL)
+		return;
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL))
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for OTable setup.\n");
+	memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd));
+	cmd->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_SET_OTABLE_BASE;
+	cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	cmd->body.type = type;
+	cmd->body.baseAddress = 0;
+	cmd->body.sizeInBytes = 0;
+	cmd->body.validSizeInBytes = 0;
+	cmd->body.ptDepth = SVGA3D_MOBFMT_INVALID;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (bo) {
+		int ret;
+		ret = ttm_bo_reserve(bo, false, true, false, false);
+		BUG_ON(ret != 0);
+		vmw_fence_single_bo(bo, NULL);
+		ttm_bo_unreserve(bo);
+	}
+	vmw_mob_destroy(otable->page_table);
+	otable->page_table = NULL;
+ * vmw_otables_setup - Set up guest backed memory object tables
+ *
+ * @dev_priv:       Pointer to a device private structure
+ *
+ * Takes care of the device guest backed surface
+ * initialization, by setting up the guest backed memory object tables.
+ * Returns 0 on success and various error codes on failure. A succesful return
+ * means the object tables can be taken down using the vmw_otables_takedown
+ * function.
+ */
+int vmw_otables_setup(struct vmw_private *dev_priv)
+	unsigned long offset;
+	unsigned long bo_size;
+	struct vmw_otable *otables;
+	SVGAOTableType i;
+	int ret;
+	otables = kzalloc(SVGA_OTABLE_DX9_MAX * sizeof(*otables),
+			  GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (unlikely(otables == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed to allocate space for otable "
+			  "metadata.\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	otables[SVGA_OTABLE_MOB].size =
+	otables[SVGA_OTABLE_SURFACE].size =
+	otables[SVGA_OTABLE_CONTEXT].size =
+	otables[SVGA_OTABLE_SHADER].size =
+	bo_size = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < SVGA_OTABLE_DX9_MAX; ++i) {
+		otables[i].size =
+			(otables[i].size + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & PAGE_MASK;
+		bo_size += otables[i].size;
+	}
+	ret = ttm_bo_create(&dev_priv->bdev, bo_size,
+			    ttm_bo_type_device,
+			    &vmw_sys_ne_placement,
+			    0, false, NULL,
+			    &dev_priv->otable_bo);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		goto out_no_bo;
+	ret = ttm_bo_reserve(dev_priv->otable_bo, false, true, false, false);
+	BUG_ON(ret != 0);
+	ret = vmw_bo_driver.ttm_tt_populate(dev_priv->otable_bo->ttm);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		goto out_unreserve;
+	ret = vmw_bo_map_dma(dev_priv->otable_bo);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		goto out_unreserve;
+	ttm_bo_unreserve(dev_priv->otable_bo);
+	offset = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < SVGA_OTABLE_DX9_MAX - VMW_OTABLE_SETUP_SUB; ++i) {
+		ret = vmw_setup_otable_base(dev_priv, i, offset,
+					    &otables[i]);
+		if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+			goto out_no_setup;
+		offset += otables[i].size;
+	}
+	dev_priv->otables = otables;
+	return 0;
+	ttm_bo_unreserve(dev_priv->otable_bo);
+	for (i = 0; i < SVGA_OTABLE_DX9_MAX - VMW_OTABLE_SETUP_SUB; ++i)
+		vmw_takedown_otable_base(dev_priv, i, &otables[i]);
+	ttm_bo_unref(&dev_priv->otable_bo);
+	kfree(otables);
+	return ret;
+ * vmw_otables_takedown - Take down guest backed memory object tables
+ *
+ * @dev_priv:       Pointer to a device private structure
+ *
+ * Take down the Guest Memory Object tables.
+ */
+void vmw_otables_takedown(struct vmw_private *dev_priv)
+	SVGAOTableType i;
+	struct ttm_buffer_object *bo = dev_priv->otable_bo;
+	int ret;
+	for (i = 0; i < SVGA_OTABLE_DX9_MAX - VMW_OTABLE_SETUP_SUB; ++i)
+		vmw_takedown_otable_base(dev_priv, i,
+					 &dev_priv->otables[i]);
+	ret = ttm_bo_reserve(bo, false, true, false, false);
+	BUG_ON(ret != 0);
+	vmw_fence_single_bo(bo, NULL);
+	ttm_bo_unreserve(bo);
+	ttm_bo_unref(&dev_priv->otable_bo);
+	kfree(dev_priv->otables);
+	dev_priv->otables = NULL;
+ * vmw_mob_calculate_pt_pages - Calculate the number of page table pages
+ * needed for a guest backed memory object.
+ *
+ * @data_pages:  Number of data pages in the memory object buffer.
+ */
+static unsigned long vmw_mob_calculate_pt_pages(unsigned long data_pages)
+	unsigned long data_size = data_pages * PAGE_SIZE;
+	unsigned long tot_size = 0;
+	while (likely(data_size > PAGE_SIZE)) {
+		data_size = DIV_ROUND_UP(data_size, PAGE_SIZE);
+		data_size *= VMW_PPN_SIZE;
+		tot_size += (data_size + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & PAGE_MASK;
+	}
+	return tot_size >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ * vmw_mob_create - Create a mob, but don't populate it.
+ *
+ * @data_pages:  Number of data pages of the underlying buffer object.
+ */
+struct vmw_mob *vmw_mob_create(unsigned long data_pages)
+	struct vmw_mob *mob = kzalloc(sizeof(*mob), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (unlikely(mob == NULL))
+		return NULL;
+	mob->num_pages = vmw_mob_calculate_pt_pages(data_pages);
+	return mob;
+ * vmw_mob_pt_populate - Populate the mob pagetable
+ *
+ * @mob:         Pointer to the mob the pagetable of which we want to
+ *               populate.
+ *
+ * This function allocates memory to be used for the pagetable, and
+ * adjusts TTM memory accounting accordingly. Returns ENOMEM if
+ * memory resources aren't sufficient and may cause TTM buffer objects
+ * to be swapped out by using the TTM memory accounting function.
+ */
+static int vmw_mob_pt_populate(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+			       struct vmw_mob *mob)
+	int ret;
+	BUG_ON(mob->pt_bo != NULL);
+	ret = ttm_bo_create(&dev_priv->bdev, mob->num_pages * PAGE_SIZE,
+			    ttm_bo_type_device,
+			    &vmw_sys_ne_placement,
+			    0, false, NULL, &mob->pt_bo);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		return ret;
+	ret = ttm_bo_reserve(mob->pt_bo, false, true, false, false);
+	BUG_ON(ret != 0);
+	ret = vmw_bo_driver.ttm_tt_populate(mob->pt_bo->ttm);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		goto out_unreserve;
+	ret = vmw_bo_map_dma(mob->pt_bo);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		goto out_unreserve;
+	ttm_bo_unreserve(mob->pt_bo);
+	return 0;
+	ttm_bo_unreserve(mob->pt_bo);
+	ttm_bo_unref(&mob->pt_bo);
+	return ret;
+ * vmw_mob_assign_ppn - Assign a value to a page table entry
+ *
+ * @addr: Pointer to pointer to page table entry.
+ * @val: The page table entry
+ *
+ * Assigns a value to a page table entry pointed to by *@addr and increments
+ * *@addr according to the page table entry size.
+ */
+#if (VMW_PPN_SIZE == 8)
+static void vmw_mob_assign_ppn(uint32_t **addr, dma_addr_t val)
+	*((uint64_t *) *addr) = val >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+	*addr += 2;
+static void vmw_mob_assign_ppn(uint32_t **addr, dma_addr_t val)
+	*(*addr)++ = val >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+ * vmw_mob_build_pt - Build a pagetable
+ *
+ * @data_addr:      Array of DMA addresses to the underlying buffer
+ *                  object's data pages.
+ * @num_data_pages: Number of buffer object data pages.
+ * @pt_pages:       Array of page pointers to the page table pages.
+ *
+ * Returns the number of page table pages actually used.
+ * Uses atomic kmaps of highmem pages to avoid TLB thrashing.
+ */
+static unsigned long vmw_mob_build_pt(struct vmw_piter *data_iter,
+				      unsigned long num_data_pages,
+				      struct vmw_piter *pt_iter)
+	unsigned long pt_size = num_data_pages * VMW_PPN_SIZE;
+	unsigned long num_pt_pages = DIV_ROUND_UP(pt_size, PAGE_SIZE);
+	unsigned long pt_page;
+	uint32_t *addr, *save_addr;
+	unsigned long i;
+	struct page *page;
+	for (pt_page = 0; pt_page < num_pt_pages; ++pt_page) {
+		page = vmw_piter_page(pt_iter);
+		save_addr = addr = kmap_atomic(page);
+		for (i = 0; i < PAGE_SIZE / VMW_PPN_SIZE; ++i) {
+			vmw_mob_assign_ppn(&addr,
+					   vmw_piter_dma_addr(data_iter));
+			if (unlikely(--num_data_pages == 0))
+				break;
+			WARN_ON(!vmw_piter_next(data_iter));
+		}
+		kunmap_atomic(save_addr);
+		vmw_piter_next(pt_iter);
+	}
+	return num_pt_pages;
+ * vmw_mob_build_pt - Set up a multilevel mob pagetable
+ *
+ * @mob:            Pointer to a mob whose page table needs setting up.
+ * @data_addr       Array of DMA addresses to the buffer object's data
+ *                  pages.
+ * @num_data_pages: Number of buffer object data pages.
+ *
+ * Uses tail recursion to set up a multilevel mob page table.
+ */
+static void vmw_mob_pt_setup(struct vmw_mob *mob,
+			     struct vmw_piter data_iter,
+			     unsigned long num_data_pages)
+	unsigned long num_pt_pages = 0;
+	struct ttm_buffer_object *bo = mob->pt_bo;
+	struct vmw_piter save_pt_iter;
+	struct vmw_piter pt_iter;
+	const struct vmw_sg_table *vsgt;
+	int ret;
+	ret = ttm_bo_reserve(bo, false, true, false, 0);
+	BUG_ON(ret != 0);
+	vsgt = vmw_bo_sg_table(bo);
+	vmw_piter_start(&pt_iter, vsgt, 0);
+	BUG_ON(!vmw_piter_next(&pt_iter));
+	mob->pt_level = 0;
+	while (likely(num_data_pages > 1)) {
+		++mob->pt_level;
+		BUG_ON(mob->pt_level > 2);
+		save_pt_iter = pt_iter;
+		num_pt_pages = vmw_mob_build_pt(&data_iter, num_data_pages,
+						&pt_iter);
+		data_iter = save_pt_iter;
+		num_data_pages = num_pt_pages;
+	}
+	mob->pt_root_page = vmw_piter_dma_addr(&save_pt_iter);
+	ttm_bo_unreserve(bo);
+ * vmw_mob_destroy - Destroy a mob, unpopulating first if necessary.
+ *
+ * @mob:            Pointer to a mob to destroy.
+ */
+void vmw_mob_destroy(struct vmw_mob *mob)
+	if (mob->pt_bo)
+		ttm_bo_unref(&mob->pt_bo);
+	kfree(mob);
+ * vmw_mob_unbind - Hide a mob from the device.
+ *
+ * @dev_priv:       Pointer to a device private.
+ * @mob_id:         Device id of the mob to unbind.
+ */
+void vmw_mob_unbind(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+		    struct vmw_mob *mob)
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdDestroyGBMob body;
+	} *cmd;
+	int ret;
+	struct ttm_buffer_object *bo = mob->pt_bo;
+	if (bo) {
+		ret = ttm_bo_reserve(bo, false, true, false, 0);
+		/*
+		 * Noone else should be using this buffer.
+		 */
+		BUG_ON(ret != 0);
+	}
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for Memory "
+			  "Object unbinding.\n");
+	}
+	cmd->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_DESTROY_GB_MOB;
+	cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	cmd->body.mobid = mob->id;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (bo) {
+		vmw_fence_single_bo(bo, NULL);
+		ttm_bo_unreserve(bo);
+	}
+	vmw_3d_resource_dec(dev_priv, false);
+ * vmw_mob_bind - Make a mob visible to the device after first
+ *                populating it if necessary.
+ *
+ * @dev_priv:       Pointer to a device private.
+ * @mob:            Pointer to the mob we're making visible.
+ * @data_addr:      Array of DMA addresses to the data pages of the underlying
+ *                  buffer object.
+ * @num_data_pages: Number of data pages of the underlying buffer
+ *                  object.
+ * @mob_id:         Device id of the mob to bind
+ *
+ * This function is intended to be interfaced with the ttm_tt backend
+ * code.
+ */
+int vmw_mob_bind(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+		 struct vmw_mob *mob,
+		 const struct vmw_sg_table *vsgt,
+		 unsigned long num_data_pages,
+		 int32_t mob_id)
+	int ret;
+	bool pt_set_up = false;
+	struct vmw_piter data_iter;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		vmw_cmd_define_gb_mob body;
+	} *cmd;
+	mob->id = mob_id;
+	vmw_piter_start(&data_iter, vsgt, 0);
+	if (unlikely(!vmw_piter_next(&data_iter)))
+		return 0;
+	if (likely(num_data_pages == 1)) {
+		mob->pt_level = VMW_MOBFMT_PTDEPTH_0;
+		mob->pt_root_page = vmw_piter_dma_addr(&data_iter);
+	} else if (vsgt->num_regions == 1) {
+		mob->pt_level = SVGA3D_MOBFMT_RANGE;
+		mob->pt_root_page = vmw_piter_dma_addr(&data_iter);
+	} else if (unlikely(mob->pt_bo == NULL)) {
+		ret = vmw_mob_pt_populate(dev_priv, mob);
+		if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+			return ret;
+		vmw_mob_pt_setup(mob, data_iter, num_data_pages);
+		pt_set_up = true;
+	}
+	(void) vmw_3d_resource_inc(dev_priv, false);
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for Memory "
+			  "Object binding.\n");
+		goto out_no_cmd_space;
+	}
+	cmd->header.id = VMW_ID_DEFINE_GB_MOB;
+	cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	cmd->body.mobid = mob_id;
+	cmd->body.ptDepth = mob->pt_level;
+	cmd->body.base = mob->pt_root_page >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+	cmd->body.sizeInBytes = num_data_pages * PAGE_SIZE;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	return 0;
+	vmw_3d_resource_dec(dev_priv, false);
+	if (pt_set_up)
+		ttm_bo_unref(&mob->pt_bo);
+	return -ENOMEM;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_resource.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_resource.c
index 9b5ea2ac7ddf..6fdd82d42f65 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_resource.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_resource.c
@@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ int vmw_resource_init(struct vmw_private *dev_priv, struct vmw_resource *res,
 	res->func = func;
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&res->binding_head);
 	res->id = -1;
 	res->backup = NULL;
 	res->backup_offset = 0;
@@ -441,6 +442,21 @@ static void vmw_user_dmabuf_release(struct ttm_base_object **p_base)
+static void vmw_user_dmabuf_ref_obj_release(struct ttm_base_object *base,
+					    enum ttm_ref_type ref_type)
+	struct vmw_user_dma_buffer *user_bo;
+	user_bo = container_of(base, struct vmw_user_dma_buffer, prime.base);
+	switch (ref_type) {
+		ttm_bo_synccpu_write_release(&user_bo->dma.base);
+		break;
+	default:
+		BUG();
+	}
  * vmw_user_dmabuf_alloc - Allocate a user dma buffer
@@ -471,6 +487,8 @@ int vmw_user_dmabuf_alloc(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	ret = vmw_dmabuf_init(dev_priv, &user_bo->dma, size,
+			      (dev_priv->has_mob) ?
+			      &vmw_sys_placement :
 			      &vmw_vram_sys_placement, true,
 	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
@@ -482,7 +500,8 @@ int vmw_user_dmabuf_alloc(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
-				    &vmw_user_dmabuf_release, NULL);
+				    &vmw_user_dmabuf_release,
+				    &vmw_user_dmabuf_ref_obj_release);
 	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
 		goto out_no_base_object;
@@ -515,6 +534,130 @@ int vmw_user_dmabuf_verify_access(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo,
 		vmw_user_bo->prime.base.shareable) ? 0 : -EPERM;
+ * vmw_user_dmabuf_synccpu_grab - Grab a struct vmw_user_dma_buffer for cpu
+ * access, idling previous GPU operations on the buffer and optionally
+ * blocking it for further command submissions.
+ *
+ * @user_bo: Pointer to the buffer object being grabbed for CPU access
+ * @tfile: Identifying the caller.
+ * @flags: Flags indicating how the grab should be performed.
+ *
+ * A blocking grab will be automatically released when @tfile is closed.
+ */
+static int vmw_user_dmabuf_synccpu_grab(struct vmw_user_dma_buffer *user_bo,
+					struct ttm_object_file *tfile,
+					uint32_t flags)
+	struct ttm_buffer_object *bo = &user_bo->dma.base;
+	bool existed;
+	int ret;
+	if (flags & drm_vmw_synccpu_allow_cs) {
+		struct ttm_bo_device *bdev = bo->bdev;
+		spin_lock(&bdev->fence_lock);
+		ret = ttm_bo_wait(bo, false, true,
+				  !!(flags & drm_vmw_synccpu_dontblock));
+		spin_unlock(&bdev->fence_lock);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	ret = ttm_bo_synccpu_write_grab
+		(bo, !!(flags & drm_vmw_synccpu_dontblock));
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		return ret;
+	ret = ttm_ref_object_add(tfile, &user_bo->prime.base,
+				 TTM_REF_SYNCCPU_WRITE, &existed);
+	if (ret != 0 || existed)
+		ttm_bo_synccpu_write_release(&user_bo->dma.base);
+	return ret;
+ * vmw_user_dmabuf_synccpu_release - Release a previous grab for CPU access,
+ * and unblock command submission on the buffer if blocked.
+ *
+ * @handle: Handle identifying the buffer object.
+ * @tfile: Identifying the caller.
+ * @flags: Flags indicating the type of release.
+ */
+static int vmw_user_dmabuf_synccpu_release(uint32_t handle,
+					   struct ttm_object_file *tfile,
+					   uint32_t flags)
+	if (!(flags & drm_vmw_synccpu_allow_cs))
+		return ttm_ref_object_base_unref(tfile, handle,
+	return 0;
+ * vmw_user_dmabuf_synccpu_release - ioctl function implementing the synccpu
+ * functionality.
+ *
+ * @dev: Identifies the drm device.
+ * @data: Pointer to the ioctl argument.
+ * @file_priv: Identifies the caller.
+ *
+ * This function checks the ioctl arguments for validity and calls the
+ * relevant synccpu functions.
+ */
+int vmw_user_dmabuf_synccpu_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
+				  struct drm_file *file_priv)
+	struct drm_vmw_synccpu_arg *arg =
+		(struct drm_vmw_synccpu_arg *) data;
+	struct vmw_dma_buffer *dma_buf;
+	struct vmw_user_dma_buffer *user_bo;
+	struct ttm_object_file *tfile = vmw_fpriv(file_priv)->tfile;
+	int ret;
+	if ((arg->flags & (drm_vmw_synccpu_read | drm_vmw_synccpu_write)) == 0
+	    || (arg->flags & ~(drm_vmw_synccpu_read | drm_vmw_synccpu_write |
+			       drm_vmw_synccpu_dontblock |
+			       drm_vmw_synccpu_allow_cs)) != 0) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Illegal synccpu flags.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	switch (arg->op) {
+	case drm_vmw_synccpu_grab:
+		ret = vmw_user_dmabuf_lookup(tfile, arg->handle, &dma_buf);
+		if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+			return ret;
+		user_bo = container_of(dma_buf, struct vmw_user_dma_buffer,
+				       dma);
+		ret = vmw_user_dmabuf_synccpu_grab(user_bo, tfile, arg->flags);
+		vmw_dmabuf_unreference(&dma_buf);
+		if (unlikely(ret != 0 && ret != -ERESTARTSYS &&
+			     ret != -EBUSY)) {
+			DRM_ERROR("Failed synccpu grab on handle 0x%08x.\n",
+				  (unsigned int) arg->handle);
+			return ret;
+		}
+		break;
+	case drm_vmw_synccpu_release:
+		ret = vmw_user_dmabuf_synccpu_release(arg->handle, tfile,
+						      arg->flags);
+		if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+			DRM_ERROR("Failed synccpu release on handle 0x%08x.\n",
+				  (unsigned int) arg->handle);
+			return ret;
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		DRM_ERROR("Invalid synccpu operation.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	return 0;
 int vmw_dmabuf_alloc_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
 			   struct drm_file *file_priv)
@@ -591,7 +734,8 @@ int vmw_user_dmabuf_lookup(struct ttm_object_file *tfile,
 int vmw_user_dmabuf_reference(struct ttm_object_file *tfile,
-			      struct vmw_dma_buffer *dma_buf)
+			      struct vmw_dma_buffer *dma_buf,
+			      uint32_t *handle)
 	struct vmw_user_dma_buffer *user_bo;
@@ -599,6 +743,8 @@ int vmw_user_dmabuf_reference(struct ttm_object_file *tfile,
 		return -EINVAL;
 	user_bo = container_of(dma_buf, struct vmw_user_dma_buffer, dma);
+	*handle = user_bo->prime.base.hash.key;
 	return ttm_ref_object_add(tfile, &user_bo->prime.base,
@@ -1291,11 +1437,54 @@ void vmw_fence_single_bo(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo,
  * @mem:            The truct ttm_mem_reg indicating to what memory
  *                  region the move is taking place.
- * For now does nothing.
+ * Evicts the Guest Backed hardware resource if the backup
+ * buffer is being moved out of MOB memory.
+ * Note that this function should not race with the resource
+ * validation code as long as it accesses only members of struct
+ * resource that remain static while bo::res is !NULL and
+ * while we have @bo reserved. struct resource::backup is *not* a
+ * static member. The resource validation code will take care
+ * to set @bo::res to NULL, while having @bo reserved when the
+ * buffer is no longer bound to the resource, so @bo:res can be
+ * used to determine whether there is a need to unbind and whether
+ * it is safe to unbind.
 void vmw_resource_move_notify(struct ttm_buffer_object *bo,
 			      struct ttm_mem_reg *mem)
+	struct vmw_dma_buffer *dma_buf;
+	if (mem == NULL)
+		return;
+	if (bo->destroy != vmw_dmabuf_bo_free &&
+	    bo->destroy != vmw_user_dmabuf_destroy)
+		return;
+	dma_buf = container_of(bo, struct vmw_dma_buffer, base);
+	if (mem->mem_type != VMW_PL_MOB) {
+		struct vmw_resource *res, *n;
+		struct ttm_bo_device *bdev = bo->bdev;
+		struct ttm_validate_buffer val_buf;
+		val_buf.bo = bo;
+		list_for_each_entry_safe(res, n, &dma_buf->res_list, mob_head) {
+			if (unlikely(res->func->unbind == NULL))
+				continue;
+			(void) res->func->unbind(res, true, &val_buf);
+			res->backup_dirty = true;
+			res->res_dirty = false;
+			list_del_init(&res->mob_head);
+		}
+		spin_lock(&bdev->fence_lock);
+		(void) ttm_bo_wait(bo, false, false, false);
+		spin_unlock(&bdev->fence_lock);
+	}
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_shader.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_shader.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..813bd0a2abaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_shader.c
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright © 2009-2012 VMware, Inc., Palo Alto, CA., USA
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
+ * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
+ * of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include "vmwgfx_drv.h"
+#include "vmwgfx_resource_priv.h"
+#include "ttm/ttm_placement.h"
+struct vmw_shader {
+	struct vmw_resource res;
+	SVGA3dShaderType type;
+	uint32_t size;
+struct vmw_user_shader {
+	struct ttm_base_object base;
+	struct vmw_shader shader;
+static void vmw_user_shader_free(struct vmw_resource *res);
+static struct vmw_resource *
+vmw_user_shader_base_to_res(struct ttm_base_object *base);
+static int vmw_gb_shader_create(struct vmw_resource *res);
+static int vmw_gb_shader_bind(struct vmw_resource *res,
+			       struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf);
+static int vmw_gb_shader_unbind(struct vmw_resource *res,
+				 bool readback,
+				 struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf);
+static int vmw_gb_shader_destroy(struct vmw_resource *res);
+static uint64_t vmw_user_shader_size;
+static const struct vmw_user_resource_conv user_shader_conv = {
+	.object_type = VMW_RES_SHADER,
+	.base_obj_to_res = vmw_user_shader_base_to_res,
+	.res_free = vmw_user_shader_free
+const struct vmw_user_resource_conv *user_shader_converter =
+	&user_shader_conv;
+static const struct vmw_res_func vmw_gb_shader_func = {
+	.res_type = vmw_res_shader,
+	.needs_backup = true,
+	.may_evict = true,
+	.type_name = "guest backed shaders",
+	.backup_placement = &vmw_mob_placement,
+	.create = vmw_gb_shader_create,
+	.destroy = vmw_gb_shader_destroy,
+	.bind = vmw_gb_shader_bind,
+	.unbind = vmw_gb_shader_unbind
+ * Shader management:
+ */
+static inline struct vmw_shader *
+vmw_res_to_shader(struct vmw_resource *res)
+	return container_of(res, struct vmw_shader, res);
+static void vmw_hw_shader_destroy(struct vmw_resource *res)
+	(void) vmw_gb_shader_destroy(res);
+static int vmw_gb_shader_init(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
+			      struct vmw_resource *res,
+			      uint32_t size,
+			      uint64_t offset,
+			      SVGA3dShaderType type,
+			      struct vmw_dma_buffer *byte_code,
+			      void (*res_free) (struct vmw_resource *res))
+	struct vmw_shader *shader = vmw_res_to_shader(res);
+	int ret;
+	ret = vmw_resource_init(dev_priv, res, true,
+				res_free, &vmw_gb_shader_func);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+		if (res_free)
+			res_free(res);
+		else
+			kfree(res);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	res->backup_size = size;
+	if (byte_code) {
+		res->backup = vmw_dmabuf_reference(byte_code);
+		res->backup_offset = offset;
+	}
+	shader->size = size;
+	shader->type = type;
+	vmw_resource_activate(res, vmw_hw_shader_destroy);
+	return 0;
+static int vmw_gb_shader_create(struct vmw_resource *res)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+	struct vmw_shader *shader = vmw_res_to_shader(res);
+	int ret;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdDefineGBShader body;
+	} *cmd;
+	if (likely(res->id != -1))
+		return 0;
+	ret = vmw_resource_alloc_id(res);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed to allocate a shader id.\n");
+		goto out_no_id;
+	}
+	if (unlikely(res->id >= VMWGFX_NUM_GB_SHADER)) {
+		ret = -EBUSY;
+		goto out_no_fifo;
+	}
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for shader "
+			  "creation.\n");
+		ret = -ENOMEM;
+		goto out_no_fifo;
+	}
+	cmd->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_DEFINE_GB_SHADER;
+	cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	cmd->body.shid = res->id;
+	cmd->body.type = shader->type;
+	cmd->body.sizeInBytes = shader->size;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	(void) vmw_3d_resource_inc(dev_priv, false);
+	return 0;
+	vmw_resource_release_id(res);
+	return ret;
+static int vmw_gb_shader_bind(struct vmw_resource *res,
+			      struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdBindGBShader body;
+	} *cmd;
+	struct ttm_buffer_object *bo = val_buf->bo;
+	BUG_ON(bo->mem.mem_type != VMW_PL_MOB);
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for shader "
+			  "binding.\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	cmd->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_SHADER;
+	cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	cmd->body.shid = res->id;
+	cmd->body.mobid = bo->mem.start;
+	cmd->body.offsetInBytes = 0;
+	res->backup_dirty = false;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	return 0;
+static int vmw_gb_shader_unbind(struct vmw_resource *res,
+				bool readback,
+				struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdBindGBShader body;
+	} *cmd;
+	struct vmw_fence_obj *fence;
+	BUG_ON(res->backup->base.mem.mem_type != VMW_PL_MOB);
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for shader "
+			  "unbinding.\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	cmd->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_SHADER;
+	cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	cmd->body.shid = res->id;
+	cmd->body.mobid = SVGA3D_INVALID_ID;
+	cmd->body.offsetInBytes = 0;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	/*
+	 * Create a fence object and fence the backup buffer.
+	 */
+	(void) vmw_execbuf_fence_commands(NULL, dev_priv,
+					  &fence, NULL);
+	vmw_fence_single_bo(val_buf->bo, fence);
+	if (likely(fence != NULL))
+		vmw_fence_obj_unreference(&fence);
+	return 0;
+static int vmw_gb_shader_destroy(struct vmw_resource *res)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdDestroyGBShader body;
+	} *cmd;
+	if (likely(res->id == -1))
+		return 0;
+	mutex_lock(&dev_priv->binding_mutex);
+	vmw_context_binding_res_list_kill(&res->binding_head);
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for shader "
+			  "destruction.\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	cmd->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_DESTROY_GB_SHADER;
+	cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	cmd->body.shid = res->id;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	mutex_unlock(&dev_priv->binding_mutex);
+	vmw_resource_release_id(res);
+	vmw_3d_resource_dec(dev_priv, false);
+	return 0;
+ * User-space shader management:
+ */
+static struct vmw_resource *
+vmw_user_shader_base_to_res(struct ttm_base_object *base)
+	return &(container_of(base, struct vmw_user_shader, base)->
+		 shader.res);
+static void vmw_user_shader_free(struct vmw_resource *res)
+	struct vmw_user_shader *ushader =
+		container_of(res, struct vmw_user_shader, shader.res);
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+	ttm_base_object_kfree(ushader, base);
+	ttm_mem_global_free(vmw_mem_glob(dev_priv),
+			    vmw_user_shader_size);
+ * This function is called when user space has no more references on the
+ * base object. It releases the base-object's reference on the resource object.
+ */
+static void vmw_user_shader_base_release(struct ttm_base_object **p_base)
+	struct ttm_base_object *base = *p_base;
+	struct vmw_resource *res = vmw_user_shader_base_to_res(base);
+	*p_base = NULL;
+	vmw_resource_unreference(&res);
+int vmw_shader_destroy_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
+			      struct drm_file *file_priv)
+	struct drm_vmw_shader_arg *arg = (struct drm_vmw_shader_arg *)data;
+	struct ttm_object_file *tfile = vmw_fpriv(file_priv)->tfile;
+	return ttm_ref_object_base_unref(tfile, arg->handle,
+					 TTM_REF_USAGE);
+int vmw_shader_define_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
+			     struct drm_file *file_priv)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = vmw_priv(dev);
+	struct vmw_user_shader *ushader;
+	struct vmw_resource *res;
+	struct vmw_resource *tmp;
+	struct drm_vmw_shader_create_arg *arg =
+		(struct drm_vmw_shader_create_arg *)data;
+	struct ttm_object_file *tfile = vmw_fpriv(file_priv)->tfile;
+	struct vmw_master *vmaster = vmw_master(file_priv->master);
+	struct vmw_dma_buffer *buffer = NULL;
+	SVGA3dShaderType shader_type;
+	int ret;
+	if (arg->buffer_handle != SVGA3D_INVALID_ID) {
+		ret = vmw_user_dmabuf_lookup(tfile, arg->buffer_handle,
+					     &buffer);
+		if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+			DRM_ERROR("Could not find buffer for shader "
+				  "creation.\n");
+			return ret;
+		}
+		if ((u64)buffer->base.num_pages * PAGE_SIZE <
+		    (u64)arg->size + (u64)arg->offset) {
+			DRM_ERROR("Illegal buffer- or shader size.\n");
+			ret = -EINVAL;
+			goto out_bad_arg;
+		}
+	}
+	switch (arg->shader_type) {
+	case drm_vmw_shader_type_vs:
+		shader_type = SVGA3D_SHADERTYPE_VS;
+		break;
+	case drm_vmw_shader_type_ps:
+		shader_type = SVGA3D_SHADERTYPE_PS;
+		break;
+	case drm_vmw_shader_type_gs:
+		shader_type = SVGA3D_SHADERTYPE_GS;
+		break;
+	default:
+		DRM_ERROR("Illegal shader type.\n");
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		goto out_bad_arg;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Approximate idr memory usage with 128 bytes. It will be limited
+	 * by maximum number_of shaders anyway.
+	 */
+	if (unlikely(vmw_user_shader_size == 0))
+		vmw_user_shader_size = ttm_round_pot(sizeof(*ushader))
+			+ 128;
+	ret = ttm_read_lock(&vmaster->lock, true);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		return ret;
+	ret = ttm_mem_global_alloc(vmw_mem_glob(dev_priv),
+				   vmw_user_shader_size,
+				   false, true);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+		if (ret != -ERESTARTSYS)
+			DRM_ERROR("Out of graphics memory for shader"
+				  " creation.\n");
+		goto out_unlock;
+	}
+	ushader = kzalloc(sizeof(*ushader), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (unlikely(ushader == NULL)) {
+		ttm_mem_global_free(vmw_mem_glob(dev_priv),
+				    vmw_user_shader_size);
+		ret = -ENOMEM;
+		goto out_unlock;
+	}
+	res = &ushader->shader.res;
+	ushader->base.shareable = false;
+	ushader->base.tfile = NULL;
+	/*
+	 * From here on, the destructor takes over resource freeing.
+	 */
+	ret = vmw_gb_shader_init(dev_priv, res, arg->size,
+				 arg->offset, shader_type, buffer,
+				 vmw_user_shader_free);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		goto out_unlock;
+	tmp = vmw_resource_reference(res);
+	ret = ttm_base_object_init(tfile, &ushader->base, false,
+				   &vmw_user_shader_base_release, NULL);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+		vmw_resource_unreference(&tmp);
+		goto out_err;
+	}
+	arg->shader_handle = ushader->base.hash.key;
+	vmw_resource_unreference(&res);
+	ttm_read_unlock(&vmaster->lock);
+	vmw_dmabuf_unreference(&buffer);
+	return ret;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_surface.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_surface.c
index 0fc93398bba2..3bb3331acdaf 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_surface.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_surface.c
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ struct vmw_user_surface {
 	struct ttm_prime_object prime;
 	struct vmw_surface srf;
 	uint32_t size;
-	uint32_t backup_handle;
@@ -68,6 +67,14 @@ static int vmw_legacy_srf_unbind(struct vmw_resource *res,
 				 struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf);
 static int vmw_legacy_srf_create(struct vmw_resource *res);
 static int vmw_legacy_srf_destroy(struct vmw_resource *res);
+static int vmw_gb_surface_create(struct vmw_resource *res);
+static int vmw_gb_surface_bind(struct vmw_resource *res,
+			       struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf);
+static int vmw_gb_surface_unbind(struct vmw_resource *res,
+				 bool readback,
+				 struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf);
+static int vmw_gb_surface_destroy(struct vmw_resource *res);
 static const struct vmw_user_resource_conv user_surface_conv = {
 	.object_type = VMW_RES_SURFACE,
@@ -93,6 +100,18 @@ static const struct vmw_res_func vmw_legacy_surface_func = {
 	.unbind = &vmw_legacy_srf_unbind
+static const struct vmw_res_func vmw_gb_surface_func = {
+	.res_type = vmw_res_surface,
+	.needs_backup = true,
+	.may_evict = true,
+	.type_name = "guest backed surfaces",
+	.backup_placement = &vmw_mob_placement,
+	.create = vmw_gb_surface_create,
+	.destroy = vmw_gb_surface_destroy,
+	.bind = vmw_gb_surface_bind,
+	.unbind = vmw_gb_surface_unbind
  * struct vmw_surface_dma - SVGA3D DMA command
@@ -291,6 +310,11 @@ static void vmw_hw_surface_destroy(struct vmw_resource *res)
 	struct vmw_surface *srf;
 	void *cmd;
+	if (res->func->destroy == vmw_gb_surface_destroy) {
+		(void) vmw_gb_surface_destroy(res);
+		return;
+	}
 	if (res->id != -1) {
 		cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, vmw_surface_destroy_size());
@@ -549,12 +573,15 @@ static int vmw_surface_init(struct vmw_private *dev_priv,
 	struct vmw_resource *res = &srf->res;
 	BUG_ON(res_free == NULL);
-	(void) vmw_3d_resource_inc(dev_priv, false);
+	if (!dev_priv->has_mob)
+		(void) vmw_3d_resource_inc(dev_priv, false);
 	ret = vmw_resource_init(dev_priv, res, true, res_free,
+				(dev_priv->has_mob) ? &vmw_gb_surface_func :
 	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
-		vmw_3d_resource_dec(dev_priv, false);
+		if (!dev_priv->has_mob)
+			vmw_3d_resource_dec(dev_priv, false);
 		return ret;
@@ -750,7 +777,7 @@ int vmw_surface_define_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
 	srf->base_size = *srf->sizes;
 	srf->autogen_filter = SVGA3D_TEX_FILTER_NONE;
-	srf->multisample_count = 1;
+	srf->multisample_count = 0;
 	cur_bo_offset = 0;
 	cur_offset = srf->offsets;
@@ -894,3 +921,435 @@ out_no_reference:
 	return ret;
+ * vmw_surface_define_encode - Encode a surface_define command.
+ *
+ * @srf: Pointer to a struct vmw_surface object.
+ * @cmd_space: Pointer to memory area in which the commands should be encoded.
+ */
+static int vmw_gb_surface_create(struct vmw_resource *res)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+	struct vmw_surface *srf = vmw_res_to_srf(res);
+	uint32_t cmd_len, submit_len;
+	int ret;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdDefineGBSurface body;
+	} *cmd;
+	if (likely(res->id != -1))
+		return 0;
+	(void) vmw_3d_resource_inc(dev_priv, false);
+	ret = vmw_resource_alloc_id(res);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed to allocate a surface id.\n");
+		goto out_no_id;
+	}
+	if (unlikely(res->id >= VMWGFX_NUM_GB_SURFACE)) {
+		ret = -EBUSY;
+		goto out_no_fifo;
+	}
+	cmd_len = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	submit_len = sizeof(*cmd);
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, submit_len);
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for surface "
+			  "creation.\n");
+		ret = -ENOMEM;
+		goto out_no_fifo;
+	}
+	cmd->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_DEFINE_GB_SURFACE;
+	cmd->header.size = cmd_len;
+	cmd->body.sid = srf->res.id;
+	cmd->body.surfaceFlags = srf->flags;
+	cmd->body.format = cpu_to_le32(srf->format);
+	cmd->body.numMipLevels = srf->mip_levels[0];
+	cmd->body.multisampleCount = srf->multisample_count;
+	cmd->body.autogenFilter = srf->autogen_filter;
+	cmd->body.size.width = srf->base_size.width;
+	cmd->body.size.height = srf->base_size.height;
+	cmd->body.size.depth = srf->base_size.depth;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, submit_len);
+	return 0;
+	vmw_resource_release_id(res);
+	vmw_3d_resource_dec(dev_priv, false);
+	return ret;
+static int vmw_gb_surface_bind(struct vmw_resource *res,
+			       struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdBindGBSurface body;
+	} *cmd1;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdUpdateGBSurface body;
+	} *cmd2;
+	uint32_t submit_size;
+	struct ttm_buffer_object *bo = val_buf->bo;
+	BUG_ON(bo->mem.mem_type != VMW_PL_MOB);
+	submit_size = sizeof(*cmd1) + (res->backup_dirty ? sizeof(*cmd2) : 0);
+	cmd1 = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, submit_size);
+	if (unlikely(cmd1 == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for surface "
+			  "binding.\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	cmd1->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_SURFACE;
+	cmd1->header.size = sizeof(cmd1->body);
+	cmd1->body.sid = res->id;
+	cmd1->body.mobid = bo->mem.start;
+	if (res->backup_dirty) {
+		cmd2 = (void *) &cmd1[1];
+		cmd2->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_UPDATE_GB_SURFACE;
+		cmd2->header.size = sizeof(cmd2->body);
+		cmd2->body.sid = res->id;
+		res->backup_dirty = false;
+	}
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, submit_size);
+	return 0;
+static int vmw_gb_surface_unbind(struct vmw_resource *res,
+				 bool readback,
+				 struct ttm_validate_buffer *val_buf)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+	struct ttm_buffer_object *bo = val_buf->bo;
+	struct vmw_fence_obj *fence;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdReadbackGBSurface body;
+	} *cmd1;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdInvalidateGBSurface body;
+	} *cmd2;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdBindGBSurface body;
+	} *cmd3;
+	uint32_t submit_size;
+	uint8_t *cmd;
+	BUG_ON(bo->mem.mem_type != VMW_PL_MOB);
+	submit_size = sizeof(*cmd3) + (readback ? sizeof(*cmd1) : sizeof(*cmd2));
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, submit_size);
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for surface "
+			  "unbinding.\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	if (readback) {
+		cmd1 = (void *) cmd;
+		cmd1->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_READBACK_GB_SURFACE;
+		cmd1->header.size = sizeof(cmd1->body);
+		cmd1->body.sid = res->id;
+		cmd3 = (void *) &cmd1[1];
+	} else {
+		cmd2 = (void *) cmd;
+		cmd2->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_INVALIDATE_GB_SURFACE;
+		cmd2->header.size = sizeof(cmd2->body);
+		cmd2->body.sid = res->id;
+		cmd3 = (void *) &cmd2[1];
+	}
+	cmd3->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_BIND_GB_SURFACE;
+	cmd3->header.size = sizeof(cmd3->body);
+	cmd3->body.sid = res->id;
+	cmd3->body.mobid = SVGA3D_INVALID_ID;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, submit_size);
+	/*
+	 * Create a fence object and fence the backup buffer.
+	 */
+	(void) vmw_execbuf_fence_commands(NULL, dev_priv,
+					  &fence, NULL);
+	vmw_fence_single_bo(val_buf->bo, fence);
+	if (likely(fence != NULL))
+		vmw_fence_obj_unreference(&fence);
+	return 0;
+static int vmw_gb_surface_destroy(struct vmw_resource *res)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = res->dev_priv;
+	struct {
+		SVGA3dCmdHeader header;
+		SVGA3dCmdDestroyGBSurface body;
+	} *cmd;
+	if (likely(res->id == -1))
+		return 0;
+	mutex_lock(&dev_priv->binding_mutex);
+	vmw_context_binding_res_list_kill(&res->binding_head);
+	cmd = vmw_fifo_reserve(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	if (unlikely(cmd == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Failed reserving FIFO space for surface "
+			  "destruction.\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	cmd->header.id = SVGA_3D_CMD_DESTROY_GB_SURFACE;
+	cmd->header.size = sizeof(cmd->body);
+	cmd->body.sid = res->id;
+	vmw_fifo_commit(dev_priv, sizeof(*cmd));
+	mutex_unlock(&dev_priv->binding_mutex);
+	vmw_resource_release_id(res);
+	vmw_3d_resource_dec(dev_priv, false);
+	return 0;
+ * vmw_gb_surface_define_ioctl - Ioctl function implementing
+ *                               the user surface define functionality.
+ *
+ * @dev:            Pointer to a struct drm_device.
+ * @data:           Pointer to data copied from / to user-space.
+ * @file_priv:      Pointer to a drm file private structure.
+ */
+int vmw_gb_surface_define_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
+				struct drm_file *file_priv)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = vmw_priv(dev);
+	struct vmw_user_surface *user_srf;
+	struct vmw_surface *srf;
+	struct vmw_resource *res;
+	struct vmw_resource *tmp;
+	union drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_arg *arg =
+	    (union drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_arg *)data;
+	struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_req *req = &arg->req;
+	struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_rep *rep = &arg->rep;
+	struct ttm_object_file *tfile = vmw_fpriv(file_priv)->tfile;
+	int ret;
+	uint32_t size;
+	struct vmw_master *vmaster = vmw_master(file_priv->master);
+	const struct svga3d_surface_desc *desc;
+	uint32_t backup_handle;
+	if (unlikely(vmw_user_surface_size == 0))
+		vmw_user_surface_size = ttm_round_pot(sizeof(*user_srf)) +
+			128;
+	size = vmw_user_surface_size + 128;
+	desc = svga3dsurface_get_desc(req->format);
+	if (unlikely(desc->block_desc == SVGA3DBLOCKDESC_NONE)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Invalid surface format for surface creation.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ret = ttm_read_lock(&vmaster->lock, true);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		return ret;
+	ret = ttm_mem_global_alloc(vmw_mem_glob(dev_priv),
+				   size, false, true);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+		if (ret != -ERESTARTSYS)
+			DRM_ERROR("Out of graphics memory for surface"
+				  " creation.\n");
+		goto out_unlock;
+	}
+	user_srf = kzalloc(sizeof(*user_srf), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (unlikely(user_srf == NULL)) {
+		ret = -ENOMEM;
+		goto out_no_user_srf;
+	}
+	srf = &user_srf->srf;
+	res = &srf->res;
+	srf->flags = req->svga3d_flags;
+	srf->format = req->format;
+	srf->scanout = req->drm_surface_flags & drm_vmw_surface_flag_scanout;
+	srf->mip_levels[0] = req->mip_levels;
+	srf->num_sizes = 1;
+	srf->sizes = NULL;
+	srf->offsets = NULL;
+	user_srf->size = size;
+	srf->base_size = req->base_size;
+	srf->autogen_filter = SVGA3D_TEX_FILTER_NONE;
+	srf->multisample_count = req->multisample_count;
+	res->backup_size = svga3dsurface_get_serialized_size
+	  (srf->format, srf->base_size, srf->mip_levels[0],
+	   srf->flags & SVGA3D_SURFACE_CUBEMAP);
+	user_srf->prime.base.shareable = false;
+	user_srf->prime.base.tfile = NULL;
+	/**
+	 * From this point, the generic resource management functions
+	 * destroy the object on failure.
+	 */
+	ret = vmw_surface_init(dev_priv, srf, vmw_user_surface_free);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0))
+		goto out_unlock;
+	if (req->buffer_handle != SVGA3D_INVALID_ID) {
+		ret = vmw_user_dmabuf_lookup(tfile, req->buffer_handle,
+					     &res->backup);
+	} else if (req->drm_surface_flags &
+		   drm_vmw_surface_flag_create_buffer)
+		ret = vmw_user_dmabuf_alloc(dev_priv, tfile,
+					    res->backup_size,
+					    req->drm_surface_flags &
+					    drm_vmw_surface_flag_shareable,
+					    &backup_handle,
+					    &res->backup);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+		vmw_resource_unreference(&res);
+		goto out_unlock;
+	}
+	tmp = vmw_resource_reference(&srf->res);
+	ret = ttm_prime_object_init(tfile, res->backup_size, &user_srf->prime,
+				    req->drm_surface_flags &
+				    drm_vmw_surface_flag_shareable,
+				    &vmw_user_surface_base_release, NULL);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+		vmw_resource_unreference(&tmp);
+		vmw_resource_unreference(&res);
+		goto out_unlock;
+	}
+	rep->handle = user_srf->prime.base.hash.key;
+	rep->backup_size = res->backup_size;
+	if (res->backup) {
+		rep->buffer_map_handle =
+			drm_vma_node_offset_addr(&res->backup->base.vma_node);
+		rep->buffer_size = res->backup->base.num_pages * PAGE_SIZE;
+		rep->buffer_handle = backup_handle;
+	} else {
+		rep->buffer_map_handle = 0;
+		rep->buffer_size = 0;
+		rep->buffer_handle = SVGA3D_INVALID_ID;
+	}
+	vmw_resource_unreference(&res);
+	ttm_read_unlock(&vmaster->lock);
+	return 0;
+	ttm_mem_global_free(vmw_mem_glob(dev_priv), size);
+	ttm_read_unlock(&vmaster->lock);
+	return ret;
+ * vmw_gb_surface_reference_ioctl - Ioctl function implementing
+ *                                  the user surface reference functionality.
+ *
+ * @dev:            Pointer to a struct drm_device.
+ * @data:           Pointer to data copied from / to user-space.
+ * @file_priv:      Pointer to a drm file private structure.
+ */
+int vmw_gb_surface_reference_ioctl(struct drm_device *dev, void *data,
+				   struct drm_file *file_priv)
+	struct vmw_private *dev_priv = vmw_priv(dev);
+	union drm_vmw_gb_surface_reference_arg *arg =
+	    (union drm_vmw_gb_surface_reference_arg *)data;
+	struct drm_vmw_surface_arg *req = &arg->req;
+	struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_ref_rep *rep = &arg->rep;
+	struct ttm_object_file *tfile = vmw_fpriv(file_priv)->tfile;
+	struct vmw_surface *srf;
+	struct vmw_user_surface *user_srf;
+	struct ttm_base_object *base;
+	uint32_t backup_handle;
+	int ret = -EINVAL;
+	base = ttm_base_object_lookup_for_ref(dev_priv->tdev, req->sid);
+	if (unlikely(base == NULL)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Could not find surface to reference.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (unlikely(ttm_base_object_type(base) != VMW_RES_SURFACE))
+		goto out_bad_resource;
+	user_srf = container_of(base, struct vmw_user_surface, prime.base);
+	srf = &user_srf->srf;
+	if (srf->res.backup == NULL) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Shared GB surface is missing a backup buffer.\n");
+		goto out_bad_resource;
+	}
+	ret = ttm_ref_object_add(tfile, &user_srf->prime.base,
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Could not add a reference to a GB surface.\n");
+		goto out_bad_resource;
+	}
+	mutex_lock(&dev_priv->cmdbuf_mutex); /* Protect res->backup */
+	ret = vmw_user_dmabuf_reference(tfile, srf->res.backup,
+					&backup_handle);
+	mutex_unlock(&dev_priv->cmdbuf_mutex);
+	if (unlikely(ret != 0)) {
+		DRM_ERROR("Could not add a reference to a GB surface "
+			  "backup buffer.\n");
+		(void) ttm_ref_object_base_unref(vmw_fpriv(file_priv)->tfile,
+						 req->sid,
+						 TTM_REF_USAGE);
+		goto out_bad_resource;
+	}
+	rep->creq.svga3d_flags = srf->flags;
+	rep->creq.format = srf->format;
+	rep->creq.mip_levels = srf->mip_levels[0];
+	rep->creq.drm_surface_flags = 0;
+	rep->creq.multisample_count = srf->multisample_count;
+	rep->creq.autogen_filter = srf->autogen_filter;
+	rep->creq.buffer_handle = backup_handle;
+	rep->creq.base_size = srf->base_size;
+	rep->crep.handle = user_srf->prime.base.hash.key;
+	rep->crep.backup_size = srf->res.backup_size;
+	rep->crep.buffer_handle = backup_handle;
+	rep->crep.buffer_map_handle =
+		drm_vma_node_offset_addr(&srf->res.backup->base.vma_node);
+	rep->crep.buffer_size = srf->res.backup->base.num_pages * PAGE_SIZE;
+	ttm_base_object_unref(&base);
+	return ret;
diff --git a/include/uapi/drm/vmwgfx_drm.h b/include/uapi/drm/vmwgfx_drm.h
index bcb0912afe7a..9971c560ed9a 100644
--- a/include/uapi/drm/vmwgfx_drm.h
+++ b/include/uapi/drm/vmwgfx_drm.h
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
 #ifndef __VMWGFX_DRM_H__
 #define __VMWGFX_DRM_H__
+#ifndef __KERNEL__
+#include <drm.h>
@@ -55,6 +59,11 @@
 #define DRM_VMW_PRESENT              18
 #define DRM_VMW_UPDATE_LAYOUT        20
+#define DRM_VMW_CREATE_SHADER        21
+#define DRM_VMW_UNREF_SHADER         22
+#define DRM_VMW_GB_SURFACE_REF       24
+#define DRM_VMW_SYNCCPU              25
@@ -75,6 +84,9 @@
 #define DRM_VMW_PARAM_FIFO_CAPS        4
 #define DRM_VMW_PARAM_MAX_FB_SIZE      5
+#define DRM_VMW_PARAM_3D_CAPS_SIZE     8
  * struct drm_vmw_getparam_arg
@@ -787,4 +799,253 @@ struct drm_vmw_update_layout_arg {
 	uint64_t rects;
+ * DRM_VMW_CREATE_SHADER - Create shader
+ *
+ * Creates a shader and optionally binds it to a dma buffer containing
+ * the shader byte-code.
+ */
+ * enum drm_vmw_shader_type - Shader types
+ */
+enum drm_vmw_shader_type {
+	drm_vmw_shader_type_vs = 0,
+	drm_vmw_shader_type_ps,
+	drm_vmw_shader_type_gs
+ * struct drm_vmw_shader_create_arg
+ *
+ * @shader_type: Shader type of the shader to create.
+ * @size: Size of the byte-code in bytes.
+ * where the shader byte-code starts
+ * @buffer_handle: Buffer handle identifying the buffer containing the
+ * shader byte-code
+ * @shader_handle: On successful completion contains a handle that
+ * can be used to subsequently identify the shader.
+ * @offset: Offset in bytes into the buffer given by @buffer_handle,
+ *
+ * Input / Output argument to the DRM_VMW_CREATE_SHADER Ioctl.
+ */
+struct drm_vmw_shader_create_arg {
+	enum drm_vmw_shader_type shader_type;
+	uint32_t size;
+	uint32_t buffer_handle;
+	uint32_t shader_handle;
+	uint64_t offset;
+ * DRM_VMW_UNREF_SHADER - Unreferences a shader
+ *
+ * Destroys a user-space reference to a shader, optionally destroying
+ * it.
+ */
+ * struct drm_vmw_shader_arg
+ *
+ * @handle: Handle identifying the shader to destroy.
+ *
+ * Input argument to the DRM_VMW_UNREF_SHADER ioctl.
+ */
+struct drm_vmw_shader_arg {
+	uint32_t handle;
+	uint32_t pad64;
+ * DRM_VMW_GB_SURFACE_CREATE - Create a host guest-backed surface.
+ *
+ * Allocates a surface handle and queues a create surface command
+ * for the host on the first use of the surface. The surface ID can
+ * be used as the surface ID in commands referencing the surface.
+ */
+ * enum drm_vmw_surface_flags
+ *
+ * @drm_vmw_surface_flag_shareable:     Whether the surface is shareable
+ * @drm_vmw_surface_flag_scanout:       Whether the surface is a scanout
+ *                                      surface.
+ * @drm_vmw_surface_flag_create_buffer: Create a backup buffer if none is
+ *                                      given.
+ */
+enum drm_vmw_surface_flags {
+	drm_vmw_surface_flag_shareable = (1 << 0),
+	drm_vmw_surface_flag_scanout = (1 << 1),
+	drm_vmw_surface_flag_create_buffer = (1 << 2)
+ * struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_req
+ *
+ * @svga3d_flags:     SVGA3d surface flags for the device.
+ * @format:           SVGA3d format.
+ * @mip_level:        Number of mip levels for all faces.
+ * @drm_surface_flags Flags as described above.
+ * @multisample_count Future use. Set to 0.
+ * @autogen_filter    Future use. Set to 0.
+ * @buffer_handle     Buffer handle of backup buffer. SVGA3D_INVALID_ID
+ *                    if none.
+ * @base_size         Size of the base mip level for all faces.
+ *
+ * Input argument to the  DRM_VMW_GB_SURFACE_CREATE Ioctl.
+ * Part of output argument for the DRM_VMW_GB_SURFACE_REF Ioctl.
+ */
+struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_req {
+	uint32_t svga3d_flags;
+	uint32_t format;
+	uint32_t mip_levels;
+	enum drm_vmw_surface_flags drm_surface_flags;
+	uint32_t multisample_count;
+	uint32_t autogen_filter;
+	uint32_t buffer_handle;
+	uint32_t pad64;
+	struct drm_vmw_size base_size;
+ * struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_rep
+ *
+ * @handle:            Surface handle.
+ * @backup_size:       Size of backup buffers for this surface.
+ * @buffer_handle:     Handle of backup buffer. SVGA3D_INVALID_ID if none.
+ * @buffer_size:       Actual size of the buffer identified by
+ *                     @buffer_handle
+ * @buffer_map_handle: Offset into device address space for the buffer
+ *                     identified by @buffer_handle.
+ *
+ * Part of output argument for the DRM_VMW_GB_SURFACE_REF ioctl.
+ * Output argument for the DRM_VMW_GB_SURFACE_CREATE ioctl.
+ */
+struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_rep {
+	uint32_t handle;
+	uint32_t backup_size;
+	uint32_t buffer_handle;
+	uint32_t buffer_size;
+	uint64_t buffer_map_handle;
+ * union drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_arg
+ *
+ * @req: Input argument as described above.
+ * @rep: Output argument as described above.
+ *
+ * Argument to the DRM_VMW_GB_SURFACE_CREATE ioctl.
+ */
+union drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_arg {
+	struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_rep rep;
+	struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_req req;
+ * DRM_VMW_GB_SURFACE_REF - Reference a host surface.
+ *
+ * Puts a reference on a host surface with a given handle, as previously
+ * returned by the DRM_VMW_GB_SURFACE_CREATE ioctl.
+ * A reference will make sure the surface isn't destroyed while we hold
+ * it and will allow the calling client to use the surface handle in
+ * the command stream.
+ *
+ * On successful return, the Ioctl returns the surface information given
+ * to and returned from the DRM_VMW_GB_SURFACE_CREATE ioctl.
+ */
+ * struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_reference_arg
+ *
+ * @creq: The data used as input when the surface was created, as described
+ *        above at "struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_req"
+ * @crep: Additional data output when the surface was created, as described
+ *        above at "struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_rep"
+ *
+ * Output Argument to the DRM_VMW_GB_SURFACE_REF ioctl.
+ */
+struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_ref_rep {
+	struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_req creq;
+	struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_create_rep crep;
+ * union drm_vmw_gb_surface_reference_arg
+ *
+ * @req: Input data as described above at "struct drm_vmw_surface_arg"
+ * @rep: Output data as described above at "struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_ref_rep"
+ *
+ * Argument to the DRM_VMW_GB_SURFACE_REF Ioctl.
+ */
+union drm_vmw_gb_surface_reference_arg {
+	struct drm_vmw_gb_surface_ref_rep rep;
+	struct drm_vmw_surface_arg req;
+ * DRM_VMW_SYNCCPU - Sync a DMA buffer / MOB for CPU access.
+ *
+ * Idles any previously submitted GPU operations on the buffer and
+ * by default blocks command submissions that reference the buffer.
+ * If the file descriptor used to grab a blocking CPU sync is closed, the
+ * cpu sync is released.
+ * The flags argument indicates how the grab / release operation should be
+ * performed:
+ */
+ * enum drm_vmw_synccpu_flags - Synccpu flags:
+ *
+ * @drm_vmw_synccpu_read: Sync for read. If sync is done for read only, it's a
+ * hint to the kernel to allow command submissions that references the buffer
+ * for read-only.
+ * @drm_vmw_synccpu_write: Sync for write. Block all command submissions
+ * referencing this buffer.
+ * @drm_vmw_synccpu_dontblock: Dont wait for GPU idle, but rather return
+ * -EBUSY should the buffer be busy.
+ * @drm_vmw_synccpu_allow_cs: Allow command submission that touches the buffer
+ * while the buffer is synced for CPU. This is similar to the GEM bo idle
+ * behavior.
+ */
+enum drm_vmw_synccpu_flags {
+	drm_vmw_synccpu_read = (1 << 0),
+	drm_vmw_synccpu_write = (1 << 1),
+	drm_vmw_synccpu_dontblock = (1 << 2),
+	drm_vmw_synccpu_allow_cs = (1 << 3)
+ * enum drm_vmw_synccpu_op - Synccpu operations:
+ *
+ * @drm_vmw_synccpu_grab:    Grab the buffer for CPU operations
+ * @drm_vmw_synccpu_release: Release a previous grab.
+ */
+enum drm_vmw_synccpu_op {
+	drm_vmw_synccpu_grab,
+	drm_vmw_synccpu_release
+ * struct drm_vmw_synccpu_arg
+ *
+ * @op:			     The synccpu operation as described above.
+ * @handle:		     Handle identifying the buffer object.
+ * @flags:		     Flags as described above.
+ */
+struct drm_vmw_synccpu_arg {
+	enum drm_vmw_synccpu_op op;
+	enum drm_vmw_synccpu_flags flags;
+	uint32_t handle;
+	uint32_t pad64;