README typo fix cause fuck Mojang

Mojang fucked up Minecraft so badly I had to update this README to add a section just to send Mojang a strongly worded message, seriously, redo your EULA, Mojang, you fucked up the game to the point it's being abandoned for free open source alternatives. 

Until Mojang fixes their EULA and admits their fuck up, this repo will NOT be updated unless for a bugfix. Try using ClassiCube or Minetest for now
This commit is contained in:
demonkenny 2023-09-10 06:05:54 +00:00
parent bc3305aaff
commit 4617d53ea4

View File

@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ Minecraft 1.5.2:
Also, this repository is in NO WAY affiliated with Mojang or Microsoft, this was added for legal reasons due to the Minecraft EULA getting a $#!# redo, seriously, Mojang roll back your damn EULA. NOBODY LIKES IT! It makes everyone who REALLY hates it ABANDON YOUR GAME FOR FREE ALTERNATIVES!!! Mojang, If you send any takedown requests due to this criticism, free speech laws are a thing. Even online. So sending a takedown will result in a 1st ammendment violation LAWSUIT, you sure you want that? Mojang may be in Sweden, but MICROSOFT, your parent company, is in California, USA, where I CAN easily sue. So, I advise you to either rewrite your EULA to remove your unenforcable in MANY nations anti free speech section AS WELL AS EVERY ANTI CONSUMER CHANGE YOU DID TO P"ROTECT YOUR BRAND", or take the loss on this criticism, because attempting a takedown for the free speech will get you sued.
Also, this repository is in NO WAY affiliated with Mojang or Microsoft, this was added for legal reasons due to the Minecraft EULA getting a $#!# redo, seriously, Mojang roll back your damn EULA. NOBODY LIKES IT! It makes everyone who REALLY hates it ABANDON YOUR GAME FOR FREE ALTERNATIVES!!! Mojang, If you send any takedown requests due to this criticism, free speech laws are a thing. Even online. So sending a takedown will result in a 1st ammendment violation LAWSUIT, you sure you want that? Mojang may be in Sweden, but MICROSOFT, your parent company, is in California, USA, where I CAN easily sue. So, I advise you to either rewrite your EULA to remove your unenforcable in MANY nations anti free speech section AS WELL AS EVERY ANTI CONSUMER CHANGE YOU DID TO "PROTECT YOUR BRAND", or take the loss on this criticism, because attempting a takedown for the free speech will get you sued.
Until Mojang fixes their EULA and admits their -EXPLITIVE- up, this repo will NOT be updated unless for a bugfix.