mirror of
synced 2024-11-15 16:45:27 +00:00
1129 lines
46 KiB
1129 lines
46 KiB
const root = @import("@build");
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const io = std.io;
const fmt = std.fmt;
const mem = std.mem;
const process = std.process;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const File = std.fs.File;
const Step = std.Build.Step;
pub const dependencies = @import("@dependencies");
pub fn main() !void {
// Here we use an ArenaAllocator backed by a DirectAllocator because a build is a short-lived,
// one shot program. We don't need to waste time freeing memory and finding places to squish
// bytes into. So we free everything all at once at the very end.
var single_threaded_arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer single_threaded_arena.deinit();
var thread_safe_arena: std.heap.ThreadSafeAllocator = .{
.child_allocator = single_threaded_arena.allocator(),
const arena = thread_safe_arena.allocator();
const args = try process.argsAlloc(arena);
// skip my own exe name
var arg_idx: usize = 1;
const zig_exe = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected path to zig compiler\n", .{});
return error.InvalidArgs;
const build_root = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected build root directory path\n", .{});
return error.InvalidArgs;
const cache_root = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected cache root directory path\n", .{});
return error.InvalidArgs;
const global_cache_root = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected global cache root directory path\n", .{});
return error.InvalidArgs;
const host = try std.zig.system.NativeTargetInfo.detect(.{});
const build_root_directory: std.Build.Cache.Directory = .{
.path = build_root,
.handle = try std.fs.cwd().openDir(build_root, .{}),
const local_cache_directory: std.Build.Cache.Directory = .{
.path = cache_root,
.handle = try std.fs.cwd().makeOpenPath(cache_root, .{}),
const global_cache_directory: std.Build.Cache.Directory = .{
.path = global_cache_root,
.handle = try std.fs.cwd().makeOpenPath(global_cache_root, .{}),
var cache: std.Build.Cache = .{
.gpa = arena,
.manifest_dir = try local_cache_directory.handle.makeOpenPath("h", .{}),
cache.addPrefix(.{ .path = null, .handle = std.fs.cwd() });
const builder = try std.Build.create(
defer builder.destroy();
var targets = ArrayList([]const u8).init(arena);
var debug_log_scopes = ArrayList([]const u8).init(arena);
var thread_pool_options: std.Thread.Pool.Options = .{ .allocator = arena };
var install_prefix: ?[]const u8 = null;
var dir_list = std.Build.DirList{};
var summary: ?Summary = null;
var max_rss: usize = 0;
var skip_oom_steps: bool = false;
var color: Color = .auto;
var seed: u32 = 0;
const stderr_stream = io.getStdErr().writer();
const stdout_stream = io.getStdOut().writer();
while (nextArg(args, &arg_idx)) |arg| {
if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "-D")) {
const option_contents = arg[2..];
if (option_contents.len == 0) {
std.debug.print("Expected option name after '-D'\n\n", .{});
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
if (mem.indexOfScalar(u8, option_contents, '=')) |name_end| {
const option_name = option_contents[0..name_end];
const option_value = option_contents[name_end + 1 ..];
if (try builder.addUserInputOption(option_name, option_value))
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
} else {
if (try builder.addUserInputFlag(option_contents))
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
} else if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "-")) {
if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose")) {
builder.verbose = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-h") or mem.eql(u8, arg, "--help")) {
return usage(builder, false, stdout_stream);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-p") or mem.eql(u8, arg, "--prefix")) {
install_prefix = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg});
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-l") or mem.eql(u8, arg, "--list-steps")) {
return steps(builder, false, stdout_stream);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--prefix-lib-dir")) {
dir_list.lib_dir = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg});
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--prefix-exe-dir")) {
dir_list.exe_dir = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg});
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--prefix-include-dir")) {
dir_list.include_dir = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg});
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--sysroot")) {
const sysroot = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg});
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
builder.sysroot = sysroot;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--maxrss")) {
const max_rss_text = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg});
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
max_rss = std.fmt.parseIntSizeSuffix(max_rss_text, 10) catch |err| {
std.debug.print("invalid byte size: '{s}': {s}\n", .{
max_rss_text, @errorName(err),
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--skip-oom-steps")) {
skip_oom_steps = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--search-prefix")) {
const search_prefix = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg});
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--libc")) {
const libc_file = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg});
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
builder.libc_file = libc_file;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--color")) {
const next_arg = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected [auto|on|off] after {s}\n\n", .{arg});
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
color = std.meta.stringToEnum(Color, next_arg) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected [auto|on|off] after {s}, found '{s}'\n\n", .{ arg, next_arg });
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--summary")) {
const next_arg = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected [all|failures|none] after {s}\n\n", .{arg});
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
summary = std.meta.stringToEnum(Summary, next_arg) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected [all|failures|none] after {s}, found '{s}'\n\n", .{ arg, next_arg });
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--zig-lib-dir")) {
builder.zig_lib_dir = .{ .cwd_relative = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg});
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
} };
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--seed")) {
const next_arg = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected u32 after {s}\n\n", .{arg});
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
seed = std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u32, next_arg, 0) catch |err| {
std.debug.print("unable to parse seed '{s}' as 32-bit integer: {s}\n", .{
next_arg, @errorName(err),
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--debug-log")) {
const next_arg = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg});
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
try debug_log_scopes.append(next_arg);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--debug-pkg-config")) {
builder.debug_pkg_config = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--debug-compile-errors")) {
builder.debug_compile_errors = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--glibc-runtimes")) {
builder.glibc_runtimes_dir = nextArg(args, &arg_idx) orelse {
std.debug.print("Expected argument after {s}\n\n", .{arg});
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-link")) {
builder.verbose_link = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-air")) {
builder.verbose_air = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-llvm-ir")) {
builder.verbose_llvm_ir = "-";
} else if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "--verbose-llvm-ir=")) {
builder.verbose_llvm_ir = arg["--verbose-llvm-ir=".len..];
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-llvm-bc=")) {
builder.verbose_llvm_bc = arg["--verbose-llvm-bc=".len..];
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-cimport")) {
builder.verbose_cimport = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-cc")) {
builder.verbose_cc = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--verbose-llvm-cpu-features")) {
builder.verbose_llvm_cpu_features = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fwine")) {
builder.enable_wine = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fno-wine")) {
builder.enable_wine = false;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fqemu")) {
builder.enable_qemu = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fno-qemu")) {
builder.enable_qemu = false;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fwasmtime")) {
builder.enable_wasmtime = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fno-wasmtime")) {
builder.enable_wasmtime = false;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-frosetta")) {
builder.enable_rosetta = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fno-rosetta")) {
builder.enable_rosetta = false;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fdarling")) {
builder.enable_darling = true;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fno-darling")) {
builder.enable_darling = false;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-freference-trace")) {
builder.reference_trace = 256;
} else if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "-freference-trace=")) {
const num = arg["-freference-trace=".len..];
builder.reference_trace = std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u32, num, 10) catch |err| {
std.debug.print("unable to parse reference_trace count '{s}': {s}", .{ num, @errorName(err) });
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "-fno-reference-trace")) {
builder.reference_trace = null;
} else if (mem.startsWith(u8, arg, "-j")) {
const num = arg["-j".len..];
const n_jobs = std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u32, num, 10) catch |err| {
std.debug.print("unable to parse jobs count '{s}': {s}", .{
num, @errorName(err),
if (n_jobs < 1) {
std.debug.print("number of jobs must be at least 1\n", .{});
thread_pool_options.n_jobs = n_jobs;
} else if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--")) {
builder.args = argsRest(args, arg_idx);
} else {
std.debug.print("Unrecognized argument: {s}\n\n", .{arg});
usageAndErr(builder, false, stderr_stream);
} else {
try targets.append(arg);
const stderr = std.io.getStdErr();
const ttyconf = get_tty_conf(color, stderr);
switch (ttyconf) {
.no_color => try builder.env_map.put("NO_COLOR", "1"),
.escape_codes => try builder.env_map.put("YES_COLOR", "1"),
.windows_api => {},
var progress: std.Progress = .{ .dont_print_on_dumb = true };
const main_progress_node = progress.start("", 0);
builder.debug_log_scopes = debug_log_scopes.items;
builder.resolveInstallPrefix(install_prefix, dir_list);
var prog_node = main_progress_node.start("user build.zig logic", 0);
defer prog_node.end();
try builder.runBuild(root);
if (builder.validateUserInputDidItFail())
usageAndErr(builder, true, stderr_stream);
var run: Run = .{
.max_rss = max_rss,
.max_rss_is_default = false,
.max_rss_mutex = .{},
.skip_oom_steps = skip_oom_steps,
.memory_blocked_steps = std.ArrayList(*Step).init(arena),
.claimed_rss = 0,
.summary = summary,
.ttyconf = ttyconf,
.stderr = stderr,
if (run.max_rss == 0) {
run.max_rss = process.totalSystemMemory() catch std.math.maxInt(usize);
run.max_rss_is_default = true;
) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.UncleanExit => process.exit(1),
else => return err,
const Run = struct {
max_rss: usize,
max_rss_is_default: bool,
max_rss_mutex: std.Thread.Mutex,
skip_oom_steps: bool,
memory_blocked_steps: std.ArrayList(*Step),
claimed_rss: usize,
summary: ?Summary,
ttyconf: std.io.tty.Config,
stderr: std.fs.File,
fn runStepNames(
arena: std.mem.Allocator,
b: *std.Build,
step_names: []const []const u8,
parent_prog_node: *std.Progress.Node,
thread_pool_options: std.Thread.Pool.Options,
run: *Run,
seed: u32,
) !void {
const gpa = b.allocator;
var step_stack: std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(*Step, void) = .{};
defer step_stack.deinit(gpa);
if (step_names.len == 0) {
try step_stack.put(gpa, b.default_step, {});
} else {
try step_stack.ensureUnusedCapacity(gpa, step_names.len);
for (0..step_names.len) |i| {
const step_name = step_names[step_names.len - i - 1];
const s = b.top_level_steps.get(step_name) orelse {
std.debug.print("no step named '{s}'. Access the help menu with 'zig build -h'\n", .{step_name});
step_stack.putAssumeCapacity(&s.step, {});
const starting_steps = try arena.dupe(*Step, step_stack.keys());
var rng = std.rand.DefaultPrng.init(seed);
const rand = rng.random();
rand.shuffle(*Step, starting_steps);
for (starting_steps) |s| {
constructGraphAndCheckForDependencyLoop(b, s, &step_stack, rand) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.DependencyLoopDetected => return error.UncleanExit,
else => |e| return e,
// Check that we have enough memory to complete the build.
var any_problems = false;
for (step_stack.keys()) |s| {
if (s.max_rss == 0) continue;
if (s.max_rss > run.max_rss) {
if (run.skip_oom_steps) {
s.state = .skipped_oom;
} else {
std.debug.print("{s}{s}: this step declares an upper bound of {d} bytes of memory, exceeding the available {d} bytes of memory\n", .{
s.owner.dep_prefix, s.name, s.max_rss, run.max_rss,
any_problems = true;
if (any_problems) {
if (run.max_rss_is_default) {
std.debug.print("note: use --maxrss to override the default", .{});
return error.UncleanExit;
var thread_pool: std.Thread.Pool = undefined;
try thread_pool.init(thread_pool_options);
defer thread_pool.deinit();
defer parent_prog_node.end();
var step_prog = parent_prog_node.start("steps", step_stack.count());
defer step_prog.end();
var wait_group: std.Thread.WaitGroup = .{};
defer wait_group.wait();
// Here we spawn the initial set of tasks with a nice heuristic -
// dependency order. Each worker when it finishes a step will then
// check whether it should run any dependants.
const steps_slice = step_stack.keys();
for (0..steps_slice.len) |i| {
const step = steps_slice[steps_slice.len - i - 1];
if (step.state == .skipped_oom) continue;
thread_pool.spawn(workerMakeOneStep, .{
&wait_group, &thread_pool, b, step, &step_prog, run,
}) catch @panic("OOM");
assert(run.memory_blocked_steps.items.len == 0);
var test_skip_count: usize = 0;
var test_fail_count: usize = 0;
var test_pass_count: usize = 0;
var test_leak_count: usize = 0;
var test_count: usize = 0;
var success_count: usize = 0;
var skipped_count: usize = 0;
var failure_count: usize = 0;
var pending_count: usize = 0;
var total_compile_errors: usize = 0;
var compile_error_steps: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Step) = .{};
defer compile_error_steps.deinit(gpa);
for (step_stack.keys()) |s| {
test_fail_count += s.test_results.fail_count;
test_skip_count += s.test_results.skip_count;
test_leak_count += s.test_results.leak_count;
test_pass_count += s.test_results.passCount();
test_count += s.test_results.test_count;
switch (s.state) {
.precheck_unstarted => unreachable,
.precheck_started => unreachable,
.running => unreachable,
.precheck_done => {
// precheck_done is equivalent to dependency_failure in the case of
// transitive dependencies. For example:
// A -> B -> C (failure)
// B will be marked as dependency_failure, while A may never be queued, and thus
// remain in the initial state of precheck_done.
s.state = .dependency_failure;
pending_count += 1;
.dependency_failure => pending_count += 1,
.success => success_count += 1,
.skipped, .skipped_oom => skipped_count += 1,
.failure => {
failure_count += 1;
const compile_errors_len = s.result_error_bundle.errorMessageCount();
if (compile_errors_len > 0) {
total_compile_errors += compile_errors_len;
try compile_error_steps.append(gpa, s);
// A proper command line application defaults to silently succeeding.
// The user may request verbose mode if they have a different preference.
if (failure_count == 0 and run.summary != Summary.all) return cleanExit();
const ttyconf = run.ttyconf;
const stderr = run.stderr;
if (run.summary != Summary.none) {
const total_count = success_count + failure_count + pending_count + skipped_count;
ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .cyan) catch {};
stderr.writeAll("Build Summary:") catch {};
ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .reset) catch {};
stderr.writer().print(" {d}/{d} steps succeeded", .{ success_count, total_count }) catch {};
if (skipped_count > 0) stderr.writer().print("; {d} skipped", .{skipped_count}) catch {};
if (failure_count > 0) stderr.writer().print("; {d} failed", .{failure_count}) catch {};
if (test_count > 0) stderr.writer().print("; {d}/{d} tests passed", .{ test_pass_count, test_count }) catch {};
if (test_skip_count > 0) stderr.writer().print("; {d} skipped", .{test_skip_count}) catch {};
if (test_fail_count > 0) stderr.writer().print("; {d} failed", .{test_fail_count}) catch {};
if (test_leak_count > 0) stderr.writer().print("; {d} leaked", .{test_leak_count}) catch {};
if (run.summary == null) {
ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .dim) catch {};
stderr.writeAll(" (disable with --summary none)") catch {};
ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .reset) catch {};
stderr.writeAll("\n") catch {};
const failures_only = run.summary != Summary.all;
// Print a fancy tree with build results.
var print_node: PrintNode = .{ .parent = null };
if (step_names.len == 0) {
print_node.last = true;
printTreeStep(b, b.default_step, run, stderr, ttyconf, &print_node, &step_stack, failures_only) catch {};
} else {
const last_index = if (!failures_only) b.top_level_steps.count() else blk: {
var i: usize = step_names.len;
while (i > 0) {
i -= 1;
if (b.top_level_steps.get(step_names[i]).?.step.state != .success) break :blk i;
break :blk b.top_level_steps.count();
for (step_names, 0..) |step_name, i| {
const tls = b.top_level_steps.get(step_name).?;
print_node.last = i + 1 == last_index;
printTreeStep(b, &tls.step, run, stderr, ttyconf, &print_node, &step_stack, failures_only) catch {};
if (failure_count == 0) return cleanExit();
// Finally, render compile errors at the bottom of the terminal.
// We use a separate compile_error_steps array list because step_stack is destructively
// mutated in printTreeStep above.
if (total_compile_errors > 0) {
for (compile_error_steps.items) |s| {
if (s.result_error_bundle.errorMessageCount() > 0) {
// Signal to parent process that we have printed compile errors. The
// parent process may choose to omit the "following command failed"
// line in this case.
const PrintNode = struct {
parent: ?*PrintNode,
last: bool = false,
fn printPrefix(node: *PrintNode, stderr: std.fs.File, ttyconf: std.io.tty.Config) !void {
const parent = node.parent orelse return;
if (parent.parent == null) return;
try printPrefix(parent, stderr, ttyconf);
if (parent.last) {
try stderr.writeAll(" ");
} else {
try stderr.writeAll(switch (ttyconf) {
.no_color, .windows_api => "| ",
.escape_codes => "\x1B\x28\x30\x78\x1B\x28\x42 ", // │
fn printTreeStep(
b: *std.Build,
s: *Step,
run: *const Run,
stderr: std.fs.File,
ttyconf: std.io.tty.Config,
parent_node: *PrintNode,
step_stack: *std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(*Step, void),
failures_only: bool,
) !void {
const first = step_stack.swapRemove(s);
if (failures_only and s.state == .success) return;
try printPrefix(parent_node, stderr, ttyconf);
if (!first) try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .dim);
if (parent_node.parent != null) {
if (parent_node.last) {
try stderr.writeAll(switch (ttyconf) {
.no_color, .windows_api => "+- ",
.escape_codes => "\x1B\x28\x30\x6d\x71\x1B\x28\x42 ", // └─
} else {
try stderr.writeAll(switch (ttyconf) {
.no_color, .windows_api => "+- ",
.escape_codes => "\x1B\x28\x30\x74\x71\x1B\x28\x42 ", // ├─
// dep_prefix omitted here because it is redundant with the tree.
try stderr.writeAll(s.name);
if (first) {
switch (s.state) {
.precheck_unstarted => unreachable,
.precheck_started => unreachable,
.precheck_done => unreachable,
.running => unreachable,
.dependency_failure => {
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .dim);
try stderr.writeAll(" transitive failure\n");
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .reset);
.success => {
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .green);
if (s.result_cached) {
try stderr.writeAll(" cached");
} else if (s.test_results.test_count > 0) {
const pass_count = s.test_results.passCount();
try stderr.writer().print(" {d} passed", .{pass_count});
if (s.test_results.skip_count > 0) {
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .yellow);
try stderr.writer().print(" {d} skipped", .{s.test_results.skip_count});
} else {
try stderr.writeAll(" success");
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .reset);
if (s.result_duration_ns) |ns| {
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .dim);
if (ns >= std.time.ns_per_min) {
try stderr.writer().print(" {d}m", .{ns / std.time.ns_per_min});
} else if (ns >= std.time.ns_per_s) {
try stderr.writer().print(" {d}s", .{ns / std.time.ns_per_s});
} else if (ns >= std.time.ns_per_ms) {
try stderr.writer().print(" {d}ms", .{ns / std.time.ns_per_ms});
} else if (ns >= std.time.ns_per_us) {
try stderr.writer().print(" {d}us", .{ns / std.time.ns_per_us});
} else {
try stderr.writer().print(" {d}ns", .{ns});
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .reset);
if (s.result_peak_rss != 0) {
const rss = s.result_peak_rss;
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .dim);
if (rss >= 1000_000_000) {
try stderr.writer().print(" MaxRSS:{d}G", .{rss / 1000_000_000});
} else if (rss >= 1000_000) {
try stderr.writer().print(" MaxRSS:{d}M", .{rss / 1000_000});
} else if (rss >= 1000) {
try stderr.writer().print(" MaxRSS:{d}K", .{rss / 1000});
} else {
try stderr.writer().print(" MaxRSS:{d}B", .{rss});
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .reset);
try stderr.writeAll("\n");
.skipped, .skipped_oom => |skip| {
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .yellow);
try stderr.writeAll(" skipped");
if (skip == .skipped_oom) {
try stderr.writeAll(" (not enough memory)");
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .dim);
try stderr.writer().print(" upper bound of {d} exceeded runner limit ({d})", .{ s.max_rss, run.max_rss });
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .yellow);
try stderr.writeAll("\n");
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .reset);
.failure => {
if (s.result_error_bundle.errorMessageCount() > 0) {
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .red);
try stderr.writer().print(" {d} errors\n", .{
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .reset);
} else if (!s.test_results.isSuccess()) {
try stderr.writer().print(" {d}/{d} passed", .{
s.test_results.passCount(), s.test_results.test_count,
if (s.test_results.fail_count > 0) {
try stderr.writeAll(", ");
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .red);
try stderr.writer().print("{d} failed", .{
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .reset);
if (s.test_results.skip_count > 0) {
try stderr.writeAll(", ");
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .yellow);
try stderr.writer().print("{d} skipped", .{
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .reset);
if (s.test_results.leak_count > 0) {
try stderr.writeAll(", ");
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .red);
try stderr.writer().print("{d} leaked", .{
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .reset);
try stderr.writeAll("\n");
} else {
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .red);
try stderr.writeAll(" failure\n");
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .reset);
const last_index = if (!failures_only) s.dependencies.items.len -| 1 else blk: {
var i: usize = s.dependencies.items.len;
while (i > 0) {
i -= 1;
if (s.dependencies.items[i].state != .success) break :blk i;
break :blk s.dependencies.items.len -| 1;
for (s.dependencies.items, 0..) |dep, i| {
var print_node: PrintNode = .{
.parent = parent_node,
.last = i == last_index,
try printTreeStep(b, dep, run, stderr, ttyconf, &print_node, step_stack, failures_only);
} else {
if (s.dependencies.items.len == 0) {
try stderr.writeAll(" (reused)\n");
} else {
try stderr.writer().print(" (+{d} more reused dependencies)\n", .{
try ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .reset);
/// Traverse the dependency graph depth-first and make it undirected by having
/// steps know their dependants (they only know dependencies at start).
/// Along the way, check that there is no dependency loop, and record the steps
/// in traversal order in `step_stack`.
/// Each step has its dependencies traversed in random order, this accomplishes
/// two things:
/// - `step_stack` will be in randomized-depth-first order, so the build runner
/// spawns steps in a random (but optimized) order
/// - each step's `dependants` list is also filled in a random order, so that
/// when it finishes executing in `workerMakeOneStep`, it spawns next steps
/// to run in random order
fn constructGraphAndCheckForDependencyLoop(
b: *std.Build,
s: *Step,
step_stack: *std.AutoArrayHashMapUnmanaged(*Step, void),
rand: std.rand.Random,
) !void {
switch (s.state) {
.precheck_started => {
std.debug.print("dependency loop detected:\n {s}\n", .{s.name});
return error.DependencyLoopDetected;
.precheck_unstarted => {
s.state = .precheck_started;
try step_stack.ensureUnusedCapacity(b.allocator, s.dependencies.items.len);
// We dupe to avoid shuffling the steps in the summary, it depends
// on s.dependencies' order.
const deps = b.allocator.dupe(*Step, s.dependencies.items) catch @panic("OOM");
rand.shuffle(*Step, deps);
for (deps) |dep| {
try step_stack.put(b.allocator, dep, {});
try dep.dependants.append(b.allocator, s);
constructGraphAndCheckForDependencyLoop(b, dep, step_stack, rand) catch |err| {
if (err == error.DependencyLoopDetected) {
std.debug.print(" {s}\n", .{s.name});
return err;
s.state = .precheck_done;
.precheck_done => {},
// These don't happen until we actually run the step graph.
.dependency_failure => unreachable,
.running => unreachable,
.success => unreachable,
.failure => unreachable,
.skipped => unreachable,
.skipped_oom => unreachable,
fn workerMakeOneStep(
wg: *std.Thread.WaitGroup,
thread_pool: *std.Thread.Pool,
b: *std.Build,
s: *Step,
prog_node: *std.Progress.Node,
run: *Run,
) void {
defer wg.finish();
// First, check the conditions for running this step. If they are not met,
// then we return without doing the step, relying on another worker to
// queue this step up again when dependencies are met.
for (s.dependencies.items) |dep| {
switch (@atomicLoad(Step.State, &dep.state, .SeqCst)) {
.success, .skipped => continue,
.failure, .dependency_failure, .skipped_oom => {
@atomicStore(Step.State, &s.state, .dependency_failure, .SeqCst);
.precheck_done, .running => {
// dependency is not finished yet.
.precheck_unstarted => unreachable,
.precheck_started => unreachable,
if (s.max_rss != 0) {
defer run.max_rss_mutex.unlock();
// Avoid running steps twice.
if (s.state != .precheck_done) {
// Another worker got the job.
const new_claimed_rss = run.claimed_rss + s.max_rss;
if (new_claimed_rss > run.max_rss) {
// Running this step right now could possibly exceed the allotted RSS.
// Add this step to the queue of memory-blocked steps.
run.memory_blocked_steps.append(s) catch @panic("OOM");
run.claimed_rss = new_claimed_rss;
s.state = .running;
} else {
// Avoid running steps twice.
if (@cmpxchgStrong(Step.State, &s.state, .precheck_done, .running, .SeqCst, .SeqCst) != null) {
// Another worker got the job.
var sub_prog_node = prog_node.start(s.name, 0);
defer sub_prog_node.end();
const make_result = s.make(&sub_prog_node);
// No matter the result, we want to display error/warning messages.
if (s.result_error_msgs.items.len > 0) {
defer sub_prog_node.context.unlock_stderr();
const stderr = run.stderr;
const ttyconf = run.ttyconf;
for (s.result_error_msgs.items) |msg| {
// Sometimes it feels like you just can't catch a break. Finally,
// with Zig, you can.
ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .bold) catch break;
stderr.writeAll(s.owner.dep_prefix) catch break;
stderr.writeAll(s.name) catch break;
stderr.writeAll(": ") catch break;
ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .red) catch break;
stderr.writeAll("error: ") catch break;
ttyconf.setColor(stderr, .reset) catch break;
stderr.writeAll(msg) catch break;
stderr.writeAll("\n") catch break;
handle_result: {
if (make_result) |_| {
@atomicStore(Step.State, &s.state, .success, .SeqCst);
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.MakeFailed => {
@atomicStore(Step.State, &s.state, .failure, .SeqCst);
break :handle_result;
error.MakeSkipped => @atomicStore(Step.State, &s.state, .skipped, .SeqCst),
// Successful completion of a step, so we queue up its dependants as well.
for (s.dependants.items) |dep| {
thread_pool.spawn(workerMakeOneStep, .{
wg, thread_pool, b, dep, prog_node, run,
}) catch @panic("OOM");
// If this is a step that claims resources, we must now queue up other
// steps that are waiting for resources.
if (s.max_rss != 0) {
defer run.max_rss_mutex.unlock();
// Give the memory back to the scheduler.
run.claimed_rss -= s.max_rss;
// Avoid kicking off too many tasks that we already know will not have
// enough resources.
var remaining = run.max_rss - run.claimed_rss;
var i: usize = 0;
var j: usize = 0;
while (j < run.memory_blocked_steps.items.len) : (j += 1) {
const dep = run.memory_blocked_steps.items[j];
assert(dep.max_rss != 0);
if (dep.max_rss <= remaining) {
remaining -= dep.max_rss;
thread_pool.spawn(workerMakeOneStep, .{
wg, thread_pool, b, dep, prog_node, run,
}) catch @panic("OOM");
} else {
run.memory_blocked_steps.items[i] = dep;
i += 1;
fn steps(builder: *std.Build, already_ran_build: bool, out_stream: anytype) !void {
// run the build script to collect the options
if (!already_ran_build) {
builder.resolveInstallPrefix(null, .{});
try builder.runBuild(root);
const allocator = builder.allocator;
for (builder.top_level_steps.values()) |top_level_step| {
const name = if (&top_level_step.step == builder.default_step)
try fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s} (default)", .{top_level_step.step.name})
try out_stream.print(" {s:<28} {s}\n", .{ name, top_level_step.description });
fn usage(builder: *std.Build, already_ran_build: bool, out_stream: anytype) !void {
// run the build script to collect the options
if (!already_ran_build) {
builder.resolveInstallPrefix(null, .{});
try builder.runBuild(root);
try out_stream.print(
\\Usage: {s} build [steps] [options]
, .{builder.zig_exe});
try steps(builder, true, out_stream);
try out_stream.writeAll(
\\General Options:
\\ -p, --prefix [path] Override default install prefix
\\ --prefix-lib-dir [path] Override default library directory path
\\ --prefix-exe-dir [path] Override default executable directory path
\\ --prefix-include-dir [path] Override default include directory path
\\ --sysroot [path] Set the system root directory (usually /)
\\ --search-prefix [path] Add a path to look for binaries, libraries, headers
\\ --libc [file] Provide a file which specifies libc paths
\\ -fdarling, -fno-darling Integration with system-installed Darling to
\\ execute macOS programs on Linux hosts
\\ (default: no)
\\ -fqemu, -fno-qemu Integration with system-installed QEMU to execute
\\ foreign-architecture programs on Linux hosts
\\ (default: no)
\\ --glibc-runtimes [path] Enhances QEMU integration by providing glibc built
\\ for multiple foreign architectures, allowing
\\ execution of non-native programs that link with glibc.
\\ -frosetta, -fno-rosetta Rely on Rosetta to execute x86_64 programs on
\\ ARM64 macOS hosts. (default: no)
\\ -fwasmtime, -fno-wasmtime Integration with system-installed wasmtime to
\\ execute WASI binaries. (default: no)
\\ -fwine, -fno-wine Integration with system-installed Wine to execute
\\ Windows programs on Linux hosts. (default: no)
\\ -h, --help Print this help and exit
\\ -l, --list-steps Print available steps
\\ --verbose Print commands before executing them
\\ --color [auto|off|on] Enable or disable colored error messages
\\ --summary [mode] Control the printing of the build summary
\\ all Print the build summary in its entirety
\\ failures (Default) Only print failed steps
\\ none Do not print the build summary
\\ -j<N> Limit concurrent jobs (default is to use all CPU cores)
\\ --maxrss <bytes> Limit memory usage (default is to use available memory)
\\ --skip-oom-steps Instead of failing, skip steps that would exceed --maxrss
\\ --fetch Exit after fetching dependency tree
\\Project-Specific Options:
const allocator = builder.allocator;
if (builder.available_options_list.items.len == 0) {
try out_stream.print(" (none)\n", .{});
} else {
for (builder.available_options_list.items) |option| {
const name = try fmt.allocPrint(allocator, " -D{s}=[{s}]", .{
defer allocator.free(name);
try out_stream.print("{s:<30} {s}\n", .{ name, option.description });
if (option.enum_options) |enum_options| {
const padding = " " ** 33;
try out_stream.writeAll(padding ++ "Supported Values:\n");
for (enum_options) |enum_option| {
try out_stream.print(padding ++ " {s}\n", .{enum_option});
try out_stream.writeAll(
\\Advanced Options:
\\ -freference-trace[=num] How many lines of reference trace should be shown per compile error
\\ -fno-reference-trace Disable reference trace
\\ --build-file [file] Override path to build.zig
\\ --cache-dir [path] Override path to local Zig cache directory
\\ --global-cache-dir [path] Override path to global Zig cache directory
\\ --zig-lib-dir [arg] Override path to Zig lib directory
\\ --build-runner [file] Override path to build runner
\\ --seed [integer] For shuffling dependency traversal order (default: random)
\\ --debug-log [scope] Enable debugging the compiler
\\ --debug-pkg-config Fail if unknown pkg-config flags encountered
\\ --verbose-link Enable compiler debug output for linking
\\ --verbose-air Enable compiler debug output for Zig AIR
\\ --verbose-llvm-ir[=file] Enable compiler debug output for LLVM IR
\\ --verbose-llvm-bc=[file] Enable compiler debug output for LLVM BC
\\ --verbose-cimport Enable compiler debug output for C imports
\\ --verbose-cc Enable compiler debug output for C compilation
\\ --verbose-llvm-cpu-features Enable compiler debug output for LLVM CPU features
fn usageAndErr(builder: *std.Build, already_ran_build: bool, out_stream: anytype) noreturn {
usage(builder, already_ran_build, out_stream) catch {};
fn nextArg(args: [][:0]const u8, idx: *usize) ?[:0]const u8 {
if (idx.* >= args.len) return null;
defer idx.* += 1;
return args[idx.*];
fn argsRest(args: [][:0]const u8, idx: usize) ?[][:0]const u8 {
if (idx >= args.len) return null;
return args[idx..];
fn cleanExit() void {
// Perhaps in the future there could be an Advanced Options flag such as
// --debug-build-runner-leaks which would make this function return instead
// of calling exit.
const Color = enum { auto, off, on };
const Summary = enum { all, failures, none };
fn get_tty_conf(color: Color, stderr: std.fs.File) std.io.tty.Config {
return switch (color) {
.auto => std.io.tty.detectConfig(stderr),
.on => .escape_codes,
.off => .no_color,
fn renderOptions(ttyconf: std.io.tty.Config) std.zig.ErrorBundle.RenderOptions {
return .{
.ttyconf = ttyconf,
.include_source_line = ttyconf != .no_color,
.include_reference_trace = ttyconf != .no_color,