
539 lines
17 KiB

const std = @import("std.zig");
const mem = std.mem;
/// Static string map optimized for small sets of disparate string keys.
/// Works by separating the keys by length at initialization and only checking
/// strings of equal length at runtime.
pub fn StaticStringMap(comptime V: type) type {
return StaticStringMapWithEql(V, defaultEql);
/// Like `std.mem.eql`, but takes advantage of the fact that the lengths
/// of `a` and `b` are known to be equal.
pub fn defaultEql(a: []const u8, b: []const u8) bool {
if (a.ptr == b.ptr) return true;
for (a, b) |a_elem, b_elem| {
if (a_elem != b_elem) return false;
return true;
/// Like `std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase` but takes advantage of the fact that
/// the lengths of `a` and `b` are known to be equal.
pub fn eqlAsciiIgnoreCase(a: []const u8, b: []const u8) bool {
if (a.ptr == b.ptr) return true;
for (a, b) |a_c, b_c| {
if (std.ascii.toLower(a_c) != std.ascii.toLower(b_c)) return false;
return true;
/// StaticStringMap, but accepts an equality function (`eql`).
/// The `eql` function is only called to determine the equality
/// of equal length strings. Any strings that are not equal length
/// are never compared using the `eql` function.
pub fn StaticStringMapWithEql(
comptime V: type,
comptime eql: fn (a: []const u8, b: []const u8) bool,
) type {
return struct {
kvs: *const KVs = &empty_kvs,
len_indexes: [*]const u32 = &empty_len_indexes,
len_indexes_len: u32 = 0,
min_len: u32 = std.math.maxInt(u32),
max_len: u32 = 0,
pub const KV = struct {
key: []const u8,
value: V,
const Self = @This();
const KVs = struct {
keys: [*]const []const u8,
values: [*]const V,
len: u32,
const empty_kvs = KVs{
.keys = &empty_keys,
.values = &empty_vals,
.len = 0,
const empty_len_indexes = [0]u32{};
const empty_keys = [0][]const u8{};
const empty_vals = [0]V{};
/// Returns a map backed by static, comptime allocated memory.
/// `kvs_list` must be either a list of `struct { []const u8, V }`
/// (key-value pair) tuples, or a list of `struct { []const u8 }`
/// (only keys) tuples if `V` is `void`.
pub inline fn initComptime(comptime kvs_list: anytype) Self {
comptime {
var self = Self{};
if (kvs_list.len == 0)
return self;
// Since the KVs are sorted, a linearly-growing bound will never
// be sufficient for extreme cases. So we grow proportional to
// N*log2(N).
@setEvalBranchQuota(10 * kvs_list.len * std.math.log2_int_ceil(usize, kvs_list.len));
var sorted_keys: [kvs_list.len][]const u8 = undefined;
var sorted_vals: [kvs_list.len]V = undefined;
self.initSortedKVs(kvs_list, &sorted_keys, &sorted_vals);
const final_keys = sorted_keys;
const final_vals = sorted_vals;
self.kvs = &.{
.keys = &final_keys,
.values = &final_vals,
.len = @intCast(kvs_list.len),
var len_indexes: [self.max_len + 1]u32 = undefined;
const final_len_indexes = len_indexes;
self.len_indexes = &final_len_indexes;
self.len_indexes_len = @intCast(len_indexes.len);
return self;
/// Returns a map backed by memory allocated with `allocator`.
/// Handles `kvs_list` the same way as `initComptime()`.
pub fn init(kvs_list: anytype, allocator: mem.Allocator) !Self {
var self = Self{};
if (kvs_list.len == 0)
return self;
const sorted_keys = try allocator.alloc([]const u8, kvs_list.len);
errdefer allocator.free(sorted_keys);
const sorted_vals = try allocator.alloc(V, kvs_list.len);
errdefer allocator.free(sorted_vals);
const kvs = try allocator.create(KVs);
errdefer allocator.destroy(kvs);
self.initSortedKVs(kvs_list, sorted_keys, sorted_vals);
kvs.* = .{
.keys = sorted_keys.ptr,
.values = sorted_vals.ptr,
.len = @intCast(kvs_list.len),
self.kvs = kvs;
const len_indexes = try allocator.alloc(u32, self.max_len + 1);
self.len_indexes = len_indexes.ptr;
self.len_indexes_len = @intCast(len_indexes.len);
return self;
/// this method should only be used with init() and not with initComptime().
pub fn deinit(self: Self, allocator: mem.Allocator) void {
const SortContext = struct {
keys: [][]const u8,
vals: []V,
pub fn lessThan(ctx: @This(), a: usize, b: usize) bool {
return ctx.keys[a].len < ctx.keys[b].len;
pub fn swap(ctx: @This(), a: usize, b: usize) void {
std.mem.swap([]const u8, &ctx.keys[a], &ctx.keys[b]);
std.mem.swap(V, &ctx.vals[a], &ctx.vals[b]);
fn initSortedKVs(
self: *Self,
kvs_list: anytype,
sorted_keys: [][]const u8,
sorted_vals: []V,
) void {
for (kvs_list, 0..) |kv, i| {
sorted_keys[i] = kv.@"0";
sorted_vals[i] = if (V == void) {} else kv.@"1";
self.min_len = @intCast(@min(self.min_len, kv.@"0".len));
self.max_len = @intCast(@max(self.max_len, kv.@"0".len));
mem.sortUnstableContext(0, sorted_keys.len, SortContext{
.keys = sorted_keys,
.vals = sorted_vals,
fn initLenIndexes(self: Self, len_indexes: []u32) void {
var len: usize = 0;
var i: u32 = 0;
while (len <= self.max_len) : (len += 1) {
// find the first keyword len == len
while (len > self.kvs.keys[i].len) {
i += 1;
len_indexes[len] = i;
/// Checks if the map has a value for the key.
pub fn has(self: Self, str: []const u8) bool {
return self.get(str) != null;
/// Returns the value for the key if any, else null.
pub fn get(self: Self, str: []const u8) ?V {
if (self.kvs.len == 0)
return null;
return self.kvs.values[self.getIndex(str) orelse return null];
pub fn getIndex(self: Self, str: []const u8) ?usize {
const kvs = self.kvs.*;
if (kvs.len == 0)
return null;
if (str.len < self.min_len or str.len > self.max_len)
return null;
var i = self.len_indexes[str.len];
while (true) {
const key = kvs.keys[i];
if (key.len != str.len)
return null;
if (eql(key, str))
return i;
i += 1;
if (i >= kvs.len)
return null;
/// Returns the key-value pair where key is the longest prefix of `str`
/// else null.
/// This is effectively an O(N) algorithm which loops from `max_len` to
/// `min_len` and calls `getIndex()` to check all keys with the given
/// len.
pub fn getLongestPrefix(self: Self, str: []const u8) ?KV {
if (self.kvs.len == 0)
return null;
const i = self.getLongestPrefixIndex(str) orelse return null;
const kvs = self.kvs.*;
return .{
.key = kvs.keys[i],
.value = kvs.values[i],
pub fn getLongestPrefixIndex(self: Self, str: []const u8) ?usize {
if (self.kvs.len == 0)
return null;
if (str.len < self.min_len)
return null;
var len = @min(self.max_len, str.len);
while (len >= self.min_len) : (len -= 1) {
if (self.getIndex(str[0..len])) |i|
return i;
return null;
pub fn keys(self: Self) []const []const u8 {
const kvs = self.kvs.*;
return kvs.keys[0..kvs.len];
pub fn values(self: Self) []const V {
const kvs = self.kvs.*;
return kvs.values[0..kvs.len];
const TestEnum = enum { A, B, C, D, E };
const TestMap = StaticStringMap(TestEnum);
const TestKV = struct { []const u8, TestEnum };
const TestMapVoid = StaticStringMap(void);
const TestKVVoid = struct { []const u8 };
const TestMapWithEql = StaticStringMapWithEql(TestEnum, eqlAsciiIgnoreCase);
const testing = std.testing;
const test_alloc = testing.allocator;
test "list literal of list literals" {
const slice: []const TestKV = &.{
.{ "these", .D },
.{ "have", .A },
.{ "nothing", .B },
.{ "incommon", .C },
.{ "samelen", .E },
const map = TestMap.initComptime(slice);
try testMap(map);
// Default comparison is case sensitive
try testing.expect(null == map.get("NOTHING"));
// runtime init(), deinit()
const map_rt = try TestMap.init(slice, test_alloc);
defer map_rt.deinit(test_alloc);
try testMap(map_rt);
// Default comparison is case sensitive
try testing.expect(null == map_rt.get("NOTHING"));
test "array of structs" {
const slice = [_]TestKV{
.{ "these", .D },
.{ "have", .A },
.{ "nothing", .B },
.{ "incommon", .C },
.{ "samelen", .E },
try testMap(TestMap.initComptime(slice));
test "slice of structs" {
const slice = [_]TestKV{
.{ "these", .D },
.{ "have", .A },
.{ "nothing", .B },
.{ "incommon", .C },
.{ "samelen", .E },
try testMap(TestMap.initComptime(slice));
fn testMap(map: anytype) !void {
try testing.expectEqual(TestEnum.A, map.get("have").?);
try testing.expectEqual(TestEnum.B, map.get("nothing").?);
try testing.expect(null == map.get("missing"));
try testing.expectEqual(TestEnum.D, map.get("these").?);
try testing.expectEqual(TestEnum.E, map.get("samelen").?);
try testing.expect(!map.has("missing"));
try testing.expect(map.has("these"));
try testing.expect(null == map.get(""));
try testing.expect(null == map.get("averylongstringthathasnomatches"));
test "void value type, slice of structs" {
const slice = [_]TestKVVoid{
const map = TestMapVoid.initComptime(slice);
try testSet(map);
// Default comparison is case sensitive
try testing.expect(null == map.get("NOTHING"));
test "void value type, list literal of list literals" {
const slice = [_]TestKVVoid{
try testSet(TestMapVoid.initComptime(slice));
fn testSet(map: TestMapVoid) !void {
try testing.expectEqual({}, map.get("have").?);
try testing.expectEqual({}, map.get("nothing").?);
try testing.expect(null == map.get("missing"));
try testing.expectEqual({}, map.get("these").?);
try testing.expectEqual({}, map.get("samelen").?);
try testing.expect(!map.has("missing"));
try testing.expect(map.has("these"));
try testing.expect(null == map.get(""));
try testing.expect(null == map.get("averylongstringthathasnomatches"));
fn testStaticStringMapWithEql(map: TestMapWithEql) !void {
try testMap(map);
try testing.expectEqual(TestEnum.A, map.get("HAVE").?);
try testing.expectEqual(TestEnum.E, map.get("SameLen").?);
try testing.expect(null == map.get("SameLength"));
try testing.expect(map.has("ThESe"));
test "StaticStringMapWithEql" {
const slice = [_]TestKV{
.{ "these", .D },
.{ "have", .A },
.{ "nothing", .B },
.{ "incommon", .C },
.{ "samelen", .E },
try testStaticStringMapWithEql(TestMapWithEql.initComptime(slice));
test "empty" {
const m1 = StaticStringMap(usize).initComptime(.{});
try testing.expect(null == m1.get("anything"));
const m2 = StaticStringMapWithEql(usize, eqlAsciiIgnoreCase).initComptime(.{});
try testing.expect(null == m2.get("anything"));
const m3 = try StaticStringMap(usize).init(.{}, test_alloc);
try testing.expect(null == m3.get("anything"));
const m4 = try StaticStringMapWithEql(usize, eqlAsciiIgnoreCase).init(.{}, test_alloc);
try testing.expect(null == m4.get("anything"));
test "redundant entries" {
const slice = [_]TestKV{
.{ "redundant", .D },
.{ "theNeedle", .A },
.{ "redundant", .B },
.{ "re" ++ "dundant", .C },
.{ "redun" ++ "dant", .E },
const map = TestMap.initComptime(slice);
// No promises about which one you get:
try testing.expect(null != map.get("redundant"));
// Default map is not case sensitive:
try testing.expect(null == map.get("REDUNDANT"));
try testing.expectEqual(TestEnum.A, map.get("theNeedle").?);
test "redundant insensitive" {
const slice = [_]TestKV{
.{ "redundant", .D },
.{ "theNeedle", .A },
.{ "redundanT", .B },
.{ "RE" ++ "dundant", .C },
.{ "redun" ++ "DANT", .E },
const map = TestMapWithEql.initComptime(slice);
// No promises about which result you'll get ...
try testing.expect(null != map.get("REDUNDANT"));
try testing.expect(null != map.get("ReDuNdAnT"));
try testing.expectEqual(TestEnum.A, map.get("theNeedle").?);
test "comptime-only value" {
const map = StaticStringMap(type).initComptime(.{
.{ "a", struct {
pub const foo = 1;
} },
.{ "b", struct {
pub const foo = 2;
} },
.{ "c", struct {
pub const foo = 3;
} },
try testing.expect(map.get("a").?.foo == 1);
try testing.expect(map.get("b").?.foo == 2);
try testing.expect(map.get("c").?.foo == 3);
try testing.expect(map.get("d") == null);
test "getLongestPrefix" {
const slice = [_]TestKV{
.{ "a", .A },
.{ "aa", .B },
.{ "aaa", .C },
.{ "aaaa", .D },
const map = TestMap.initComptime(slice);
try testing.expectEqual(null, map.getLongestPrefix(""));
try testing.expectEqual(null, map.getLongestPrefix("bar"));
try testing.expectEqualStrings("aaaa", map.getLongestPrefix("aaaabar").?.key);
try testing.expectEqualStrings("aaa", map.getLongestPrefix("aaabar").?.key);
test "getLongestPrefix2" {
const slice = [_]struct { []const u8, u8 }{
.{ "one", 1 },
.{ "two", 2 },
.{ "three", 3 },
.{ "four", 4 },
.{ "five", 5 },
.{ "six", 6 },
.{ "seven", 7 },
.{ "eight", 8 },
.{ "nine", 9 },
const map = StaticStringMap(u8).initComptime(slice);
try testing.expectEqual(1, map.get("one"));
try testing.expectEqual(null, map.get("o"));
try testing.expectEqual(null, map.get("onexxx"));
try testing.expectEqual(9, map.get("nine"));
try testing.expectEqual(null, map.get("n"));
try testing.expectEqual(null, map.get("ninexxx"));
try testing.expectEqual(null, map.get("xxx"));
try testing.expectEqual(1, map.getLongestPrefix("one").?.value);
try testing.expectEqual(1, map.getLongestPrefix("onexxx").?.value);
try testing.expectEqual(null, map.getLongestPrefix("o"));
try testing.expectEqual(null, map.getLongestPrefix("on"));
try testing.expectEqual(9, map.getLongestPrefix("nine").?.value);
try testing.expectEqual(9, map.getLongestPrefix("ninexxx").?.value);
try testing.expectEqual(null, map.getLongestPrefix("n"));
try testing.expectEqual(null, map.getLongestPrefix("xxx"));
test "sorting kvs doesn't exceed eval branch quota" {
// from https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/19803
const TypeToByteSizeLUT = std.StaticStringMap(u32).initComptime(.{
.{ "bool", 0 },
.{ "c_int", 0 },
.{ "c_long", 0 },
.{ "c_longdouble", 0 },
.{ "t20", 0 },
.{ "t19", 0 },
.{ "t18", 0 },
.{ "t17", 0 },
.{ "t16", 0 },
.{ "t15", 0 },
.{ "t14", 0 },
.{ "t13", 0 },
.{ "t12", 0 },
.{ "t11", 0 },
.{ "t10", 0 },
.{ "t9", 0 },
.{ "t8", 0 },
.{ "t7", 0 },
.{ "t6", 0 },
.{ "t5", 0 },
.{ "t4", 0 },
.{ "t3", 0 },
.{ "t2", 0 },
.{ "t1", 1 },
try testing.expectEqual(1, TypeToByteSizeLUT.get("t1"));