Luuk de Gram 30f2bb8464
compiler-rt: Set the symbol visibility
When we're compiling compiler_rt for any WebAssembly target, we do
not want to expose all the compiler-rt functions to the host runtime.
By setting the visibility of all exports to `hidden`, we allow the
linker to resolve the symbols during linktime, while not expose the
functions to the host runtime. This also means the linker can
properly garbage collect any compiler-rt function that does not get
resolved. The symbol visibility for all target remains the same as
before: `default`.
2022-12-28 14:57:17 +01:00

76 lines
2.1 KiB

//! Ported from git@github.com:llvm-project/llvm-project-20170507.git
//! ae684fad6d34858c014c94da69c15e7774a633c3
//! 2018-08-13
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const native_endian = builtin.cpu.arch.endian();
const common = @import("common.zig");
pub const panic = common.panic;
comptime {
if (common.want_windows_v2u64_abi) {
@export(__multi3_windows_x86_64, .{ .name = "__multi3", .linkage = common.linkage, .visibility = common.visibility });
} else {
@export(__multi3, .{ .name = "__multi3", .linkage = common.linkage, .visibility = common.visibility });
pub fn __multi3(a: i128, b: i128) callconv(.C) i128 {
return mul(a, b);
const v2u64 = @Vector(2, u64);
fn __multi3_windows_x86_64(a: v2u64, b: v2u64) callconv(.C) v2u64 {
return @bitCast(v2u64, mul(@bitCast(i128, a), @bitCast(i128, b)));
inline fn mul(a: i128, b: i128) i128 {
const x = twords{ .all = a };
const y = twords{ .all = b };
var r = twords{ .all = mulddi3(x.s.low, y.s.low) };
r.s.high +%= x.s.high *% y.s.low +% x.s.low *% y.s.high;
return r.all;
fn mulddi3(a: u64, b: u64) i128 {
const bits_in_dword_2 = (@sizeOf(i64) * 8) / 2;
const lower_mask = ~@as(u64, 0) >> bits_in_dword_2;
var r: twords = undefined;
r.s.low = (a & lower_mask) *% (b & lower_mask);
var t: u64 = r.s.low >> bits_in_dword_2;
r.s.low &= lower_mask;
t +%= (a >> bits_in_dword_2) *% (b & lower_mask);
r.s.low +%= (t & lower_mask) << bits_in_dword_2;
r.s.high = t >> bits_in_dword_2;
t = r.s.low >> bits_in_dword_2;
r.s.low &= lower_mask;
t +%= (b >> bits_in_dword_2) *% (a & lower_mask);
r.s.low +%= (t & lower_mask) << bits_in_dword_2;
r.s.high +%= t >> bits_in_dword_2;
r.s.high +%= (a >> bits_in_dword_2) *% (b >> bits_in_dword_2);
return r.all;
const twords = extern union {
all: i128,
s: S,
const S = if (native_endian == .Little)
extern struct {
low: u64,
high: u64,
extern struct {
high: u64,
low: u64,
test {
_ = @import("multi3_test.zig");