mlugg 0fe3fd01dd
std: update std.builtin.Type fields to follow naming conventions
The compiler actually doesn't need any functional changes for this: Sema
does reification based on the tag indices of `std.builtin.Type` already!
So, no zig1.wasm update is necessary.

This change is necessary to disallow name clashes between fields and
decls on a type, which is a prerequisite of #9938.
2024-08-28 08:39:59 +01:00

1040 lines
33 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const wasi = std.os.wasi;
const linux = std.os.linux;
const iovec = std.posix.iovec;
const iovec_const = std.posix.iovec_const;
const c = std.c;
// TODO: go through this file and delete all the bits that are identical to linux because they can
// be merged in the std.c namespace.
pub const FILE = c.FILE;
var __stack_chk_guard: usize = 0;
fn __stack_chk_fail() callconv(.C) void {
std.debug.print("stack smashing detected: terminated\n", .{});
comptime {
if (builtin.os.tag == .emscripten) {
if (builtin.mode == .Debug or builtin.mode == .ReleaseSafe) {
// Emscripten does not provide these symbols, so we must export our own
@export(&__stack_chk_guard, .{ .name = "__stack_chk_guard", .linkage = .strong });
@export(&__stack_chk_fail, .{ .name = "__stack_chk_fail", .linkage = .strong });
pub const PF = linux.PF;
pub const AF = linux.AF;
pub const CLOCK = linux.CLOCK;
pub const CPU_SETSIZE = 128;
pub const cpu_set_t = [CPU_SETSIZE / @sizeOf(usize)]usize;
pub const cpu_count_t = std.meta.Int(.unsigned, std.math.log2(CPU_SETSIZE * 8));
pub fn CPU_COUNT(set: cpu_set_t) cpu_count_t {
var sum: cpu_count_t = 0;
for (set) |x| {
sum += @popCount(x);
return sum;
pub const E = enum(u16) {
SUCCESS = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.SUCCESS),
@"2BIG" = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.@"2BIG"),
ACCES = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.ACCES),
ADDRINUSE = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.ADDRINUSE),
ADDRNOTAVAIL = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.ADDRNOTAVAIL),
AFNOSUPPORT = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.AFNOSUPPORT),
/// This is also the error code used for `WOULDBLOCK`.
AGAIN = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.AGAIN),
ALREADY = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.ALREADY),
BADF = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.BADF),
BADMSG = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.BADMSG),
BUSY = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.BUSY),
CANCELED = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.CANCELED),
CHILD = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.CHILD),
CONNABORTED = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.CONNABORTED),
CONNREFUSED = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.CONNREFUSED),
CONNRESET = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.CONNRESET),
DEADLK = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.DEADLK),
DESTADDRREQ = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.DESTADDRREQ),
DOM = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.DOM),
DQUOT = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.DQUOT),
EXIST = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.EXIST),
FAULT = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.FAULT),
FBIG = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.FBIG),
HOSTUNREACH = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.HOSTUNREACH),
IDRM = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.IDRM),
ILSEQ = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.ILSEQ),
INPROGRESS = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.INPROGRESS),
INTR = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.INTR),
INVAL = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.INVAL),
IO = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.IO),
ISCONN = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.ISCONN),
ISDIR = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.ISDIR),
LOOP = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.LOOP),
MFILE = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.MFILE),
MLINK = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.MLINK),
MSGSIZE = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.MSGSIZE),
MULTIHOP = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.MULTIHOP),
NAMETOOLONG = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NAMETOOLONG),
NETDOWN = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NETDOWN),
NETRESET = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NETRESET),
NETUNREACH = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NETUNREACH),
NFILE = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NFILE),
NOBUFS = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NOBUFS),
NODEV = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NODEV),
NOENT = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NOENT),
NOEXEC = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NOEXEC),
NOLCK = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NOLCK),
NOLINK = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NOLINK),
NOMEM = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NOMEM),
NOMSG = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NOMSG),
NOPROTOOPT = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NOPROTOOPT),
NOSPC = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NOSPC),
NOSYS = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NOSYS),
NOTCONN = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NOTCONN),
NOTDIR = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NOTDIR),
NOTEMPTY = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NOTEMPTY),
NOTSOCK = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NOTSOCK),
/// This is also the code used for `NOTSUP`.
OPNOTSUPP = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.OPNOTSUPP),
NOTTY = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NOTTY),
NXIO = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NXIO),
OVERFLOW = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.OVERFLOW),
OWNERDEAD = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.OWNERDEAD),
PERM = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.PERM),
PIPE = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.PIPE),
PROTO = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.PROTO),
PROTOTYPE = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.PROTOTYPE),
RANGE = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.RANGE),
ROFS = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.ROFS),
SPIPE = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.SPIPE),
SRCH = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.SRCH),
STALE = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.STALE),
TIMEDOUT = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.TIMEDOUT),
TXTBSY = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.TXTBSY),
XDEV = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.XDEV),
NOTCAPABLE = @intFromEnum(wasi.errno_t.NOTCAPABLE),
ENOSTR = 100,
EBFONT = 101,
EBADSLT = 102,
EBADRQC = 103,
ENOANO = 104,
ENOTBLK = 105,
ECHRNG = 106,
EL3HLT = 107,
EL3RST = 108,
ELNRNG = 109,
EUNATCH = 110,
ENOCSI = 111,
EL2HLT = 112,
EBADE = 113,
EBADR = 114,
EXFULL = 115,
ENODATA = 116,
ETIME = 117,
ENOSR = 118,
ENONET = 119,
ENOPKG = 120,
EREMOTE = 121,
EADV = 122,
ESRMNT = 123,
ECOMM = 124,
EDOTDOT = 125,
EBADFD = 127,
EREMCHG = 128,
ELIBACC = 129,
ELIBBAD = 130,
ELIBSCN = 131,
ELIBMAX = 132,
EUSERS = 136,
EUCLEAN = 143,
ENOTNAM = 144,
ENAVAIL = 145,
EISNAM = 146,
ENOKEY = 150,
ERFKILL = 154,
EL2NSYNC = 156,
pub const F = struct {
pub const DUPFD = 0;
pub const GETFD = 1;
pub const SETFD = 2;
pub const GETFL = 3;
pub const SETFL = 4;
pub const SETOWN = 8;
pub const GETOWN = 9;
pub const SETSIG = 10;
pub const GETSIG = 11;
pub const GETLK = 12;
pub const SETLK = 13;
pub const SETLKW = 14;
pub const SETOWN_EX = 15;
pub const GETOWN_EX = 16;
pub const GETOWNER_UIDS = 17;
pub const RDLCK = 0;
pub const WRLCK = 1;
pub const UNLCK = 2;
pub const FD_CLOEXEC = 1;
pub const F_OK = 0;
pub const X_OK = 1;
pub const W_OK = 2;
pub const R_OK = 4;
pub const W = struct {
pub const NOHANG = 1;
pub const UNTRACED = 2;
pub const STOPPED = 2;
pub const EXITED = 4;
pub const CONTINUED = 8;
pub const NOWAIT = 0x1000000;
pub fn EXITSTATUS(s: u32) u8 {
return @as(u8, @intCast((s & 0xff00) >> 8));
pub fn TERMSIG(s: u32) u32 {
return s & 0x7f;
pub fn STOPSIG(s: u32) u32 {
return EXITSTATUS(s);
pub fn IFEXITED(s: u32) bool {
return TERMSIG(s) == 0;
pub fn IFSTOPPED(s: u32) bool {
return @as(u16, @truncate(((s & 0xffff) *% 0x10001) >> 8)) > 0x7f00;
pub fn IFSIGNALED(s: u32) bool {
return (s & 0xffff) -% 1 < 0xff;
pub const Flock = extern struct {
type: i16,
whence: i16,
start: off_t,
len: off_t,
pid: pid_t,
pub const IFNAMESIZE = 16;
pub const NAME_MAX = 255;
pub const PATH_MAX = 4096;
pub const IOV_MAX = 1024;
pub const IPPORT_RESERVED = 1024;
pub const IPPROTO = linux.IPPROTO;
pub const LOCK = struct {
pub const SH = 1;
pub const EX = 2;
pub const NB = 4;
pub const UN = 8;
pub const MADV = struct {
pub const NORMAL = 0;
pub const RANDOM = 1;
pub const SEQUENTIAL = 2;
pub const WILLNEED = 3;
pub const DONTNEED = 4;
pub const FREE = 8;
pub const REMOVE = 9;
pub const DONTFORK = 10;
pub const DOFORK = 11;
pub const MERGEABLE = 12;
pub const UNMERGEABLE = 13;
pub const HUGEPAGE = 14;
pub const NOHUGEPAGE = 15;
pub const DONTDUMP = 16;
pub const DODUMP = 17;
pub const WIPEONFORK = 18;
pub const KEEPONFORK = 19;
pub const COLD = 20;
pub const PAGEOUT = 21;
pub const HWPOISON = 100;
pub const SOFT_OFFLINE = 101;
pub const MSF = struct {
pub const ASYNC = 1;
pub const INVALIDATE = 2;
pub const SYNC = 4;
pub const MSG = struct {
pub const OOB = 0x0001;
pub const PEEK = 0x0002;
pub const DONTROUTE = 0x0004;
pub const CTRUNC = 0x0008;
pub const PROXY = 0x0010;
pub const TRUNC = 0x0020;
pub const DONTWAIT = 0x0040;
pub const EOR = 0x0080;
pub const WAITALL = 0x0100;
pub const FIN = 0x0200;
pub const SYN = 0x0400;
pub const CONFIRM = 0x0800;
pub const RST = 0x1000;
pub const ERRQUEUE = 0x2000;
pub const NOSIGNAL = 0x4000;
pub const MORE = 0x8000;
pub const WAITFORONE = 0x10000;
pub const BATCH = 0x40000;
pub const ZEROCOPY = 0x4000000;
pub const FASTOPEN = 0x20000000;
pub const CMSG_CLOEXEC = 0x40000000;
pub const POLL = struct {
pub const IN = 0x001;
pub const PRI = 0x002;
pub const OUT = 0x004;
pub const ERR = 0x008;
pub const HUP = 0x010;
pub const NVAL = 0x020;
pub const RDNORM = 0x040;
pub const RDBAND = 0x080;
pub const PROT = struct {
pub const NONE = 0x0;
pub const READ = 0x1;
pub const WRITE = 0x2;
pub const EXEC = 0x4;
pub const GROWSDOWN = 0x01000000;
pub const GROWSUP = 0x02000000;
pub const rlim_t = u64;
pub const RLIM = struct {
pub const INFINITY = ~@as(rlim_t, 0);
pub const rlimit = c.rlimit;
pub const rlimit_resource = enum(c_int) {
pub const rusage = extern struct {
utime: timeval,
stime: timeval,
maxrss: isize,
ixrss: isize,
idrss: isize,
isrss: isize,
minflt: isize,
majflt: isize,
nswap: isize,
inblock: isize,
oublock: isize,
msgsnd: isize,
msgrcv: isize,
nsignals: isize,
nvcsw: isize,
nivcsw: isize,
__reserved: [16]isize = [1]isize{0} ** 16,
pub const SELF = 0;
pub const CHILDREN = -1;
pub const THREAD = 1;
pub const timeval = extern struct {
sec: i64,
usec: i32,
pub const REG = struct {
pub const GS = 0;
pub const FS = 1;
pub const ES = 2;
pub const DS = 3;
pub const EDI = 4;
pub const ESI = 5;
pub const EBP = 6;
pub const ESP = 7;
pub const EBX = 8;
pub const EDX = 9;
pub const ECX = 10;
pub const EAX = 11;
pub const TRAPNO = 12;
pub const ERR = 13;
pub const EIP = 14;
pub const CS = 15;
pub const EFL = 16;
pub const UESP = 17;
pub const SS = 18;
pub const S = struct {
pub const IFMT = 0o170000;
pub const IFDIR = 0o040000;
pub const IFCHR = 0o020000;
pub const IFBLK = 0o060000;
pub const IFREG = 0o100000;
pub const IFIFO = 0o010000;
pub const IFLNK = 0o120000;
pub const IFSOCK = 0o140000;
pub const ISUID = 0o4000;
pub const ISGID = 0o2000;
pub const ISVTX = 0o1000;
pub const IRUSR = 0o400;
pub const IWUSR = 0o200;
pub const IXUSR = 0o100;
pub const IRWXU = 0o700;
pub const IRGRP = 0o040;
pub const IWGRP = 0o020;
pub const IXGRP = 0o010;
pub const IRWXG = 0o070;
pub const IROTH = 0o004;
pub const IWOTH = 0o002;
pub const IXOTH = 0o001;
pub const IRWXO = 0o007;
pub fn ISREG(m: mode_t) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFREG;
pub fn ISDIR(m: mode_t) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFDIR;
pub fn ISCHR(m: mode_t) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFCHR;
pub fn ISBLK(m: mode_t) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFBLK;
pub fn ISFIFO(m: mode_t) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFIFO;
pub fn ISLNK(m: mode_t) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFLNK;
pub fn ISSOCK(m: mode_t) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFSOCK;
pub const SA = struct {
pub const NOCLDSTOP = 1;
pub const NOCLDWAIT = 2;
pub const SIGINFO = 4;
pub const RESTART = 0x10000000;
pub const RESETHAND = 0x80000000;
pub const ONSTACK = 0x08000000;
pub const NODEFER = 0x40000000;
pub const RESTORER = 0x04000000;
pub const SEEK = struct {
pub const SET = 0;
pub const CUR = 1;
pub const END = 2;
pub const SHUT = struct {
pub const RD = 0;
pub const WR = 1;
pub const RDWR = 2;
pub const SIG = struct {
pub const BLOCK = 0;
pub const UNBLOCK = 1;
pub const SETMASK = 2;
pub const HUP = 1;
pub const INT = 2;
pub const QUIT = 3;
pub const ILL = 4;
pub const TRAP = 5;
pub const ABRT = 6;
pub const IOT = ABRT;
pub const BUS = 7;
pub const FPE = 8;
pub const KILL = 9;
pub const USR1 = 10;
pub const SEGV = 11;
pub const USR2 = 12;
pub const PIPE = 13;
pub const ALRM = 14;
pub const TERM = 15;
pub const STKFLT = 16;
pub const CHLD = 17;
pub const CONT = 18;
pub const STOP = 19;
pub const TSTP = 20;
pub const TTIN = 21;
pub const TTOU = 22;
pub const URG = 23;
pub const XCPU = 24;
pub const XFSZ = 25;
pub const VTALRM = 26;
pub const PROF = 27;
pub const WINCH = 28;
pub const IO = 29;
pub const POLL = 29;
pub const PWR = 30;
pub const SYS = 31;
pub const UNUSED = SIG.SYS;
pub const ERR: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(std.math.maxInt(usize));
pub const DFL: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(0);
pub const IGN: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(1);
pub const Sigaction = extern struct {
pub const handler_fn = *align(1) const fn (i32) callconv(.C) void;
pub const sigaction_fn = *const fn (i32, *const siginfo_t, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void;
handler: extern union {
handler: ?handler_fn,
sigaction: ?sigaction_fn,
mask: sigset_t,
flags: c_uint,
restorer: ?*const fn () callconv(.C) void = null,
pub const sigset_t = [1024 / 32]u32;
pub const empty_sigset = [_]u32{0} ** @typeInfo(sigset_t).array.len;
pub const siginfo_t = extern struct {
signo: i32,
errno: i32,
code: i32,
fields: siginfo_fields_union,
const siginfo_fields_union = extern union {
pad: [128 - 2 * @sizeOf(c_int) - @sizeOf(c_long)]u8,
common: extern struct {
first: extern union {
piduid: extern struct {
pid: pid_t,
uid: uid_t,
timer: extern struct {
timerid: i32,
overrun: i32,
second: extern union {
value: sigval,
sigchld: extern struct {
status: i32,
utime: clock_t,
stime: clock_t,
sigfault: extern struct {
addr: *allowzero anyopaque,
addr_lsb: i16,
first: extern union {
addr_bnd: extern struct {
lower: *anyopaque,
upper: *anyopaque,
pkey: u32,
sigpoll: extern struct {
band: isize,
fd: i32,
sigsys: extern struct {
call_addr: *anyopaque,
syscall: i32,
native_arch: u32,
pub const sigval = extern union {
int: i32,
ptr: *anyopaque,
pub const SIOCGIFINDEX = 0x8933;
pub const SO = struct {
pub const DEBUG = 1;
pub const REUSEADDR = 2;
pub const TYPE = 3;
pub const ERROR = 4;
pub const DONTROUTE = 5;
pub const BROADCAST = 6;
pub const SNDBUF = 7;
pub const RCVBUF = 8;
pub const KEEPALIVE = 9;
pub const OOBINLINE = 10;
pub const NO_CHECK = 11;
pub const PRIORITY = 12;
pub const LINGER = 13;
pub const BSDCOMPAT = 14;
pub const REUSEPORT = 15;
pub const PASSCRED = 16;
pub const PEERCRED = 17;
pub const RCVLOWAT = 18;
pub const SNDLOWAT = 19;
pub const RCVTIMEO = 20;
pub const SNDTIMEO = 21;
pub const ACCEPTCONN = 30;
pub const PEERSEC = 31;
pub const SNDBUFFORCE = 32;
pub const RCVBUFFORCE = 33;
pub const PROTOCOL = 38;
pub const DOMAIN = 39;
pub const BINDTODEVICE = 25;
pub const ATTACH_FILTER = 26;
pub const DETACH_FILTER = 27;
pub const PEERNAME = 28;
pub const TIMESTAMP_OLD = 29;
pub const PASSSEC = 34;
pub const TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 35;
pub const MARK = 36;
pub const TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 37;
pub const RXQ_OVFL = 40;
pub const WIFI_STATUS = 41;
pub const PEEK_OFF = 42;
pub const NOFCS = 43;
pub const LOCK_FILTER = 44;
pub const SELECT_ERR_QUEUE = 45;
pub const BUSY_POLL = 46;
pub const MAX_PACING_RATE = 47;
pub const BPF_EXTENSIONS = 48;
pub const INCOMING_CPU = 49;
pub const ATTACH_BPF = 50;
pub const CNX_ADVICE = 53;
pub const MEMINFO = 55;
pub const INCOMING_NAPI_ID = 56;
pub const COOKIE = 57;
pub const PEERGROUPS = 59;
pub const ZEROCOPY = 60;
pub const TXTIME = 61;
pub const BINDTOIFINDEX = 62;
pub const TIMESTAMP_NEW = 63;
pub const TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 64;
pub const TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 65;
pub const RCVTIMEO_NEW = 66;
pub const SNDTIMEO_NEW = 67;
pub const DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 68;
pub const SOCK = struct {
pub const STREAM = 1;
pub const DGRAM = 2;
pub const RAW = 3;
pub const RDM = 4;
pub const SEQPACKET = 5;
pub const DCCP = 6;
pub const PACKET = 10;
pub const CLOEXEC = 0o2000000;
pub const NONBLOCK = 0o4000;
pub const SOL = struct {
pub const SOCKET = 1;
pub const IP = 0;
pub const IPV6 = 41;
pub const ICMPV6 = 58;
pub const RAW = 255;
pub const DECNET = 261;
pub const X25 = 262;
pub const PACKET = 263;
pub const ATM = 264;
pub const AAL = 265;
pub const IRDA = 266;
pub const NETBEUI = 267;
pub const LLC = 268;
pub const DCCP = 269;
pub const NETLINK = 270;
pub const TIPC = 271;
pub const RXRPC = 272;
pub const PPPOL2TP = 273;
pub const BLUETOOTH = 274;
pub const PNPIPE = 275;
pub const RDS = 276;
pub const IUCV = 277;
pub const CAIF = 278;
pub const ALG = 279;
pub const NFC = 280;
pub const KCM = 281;
pub const TLS = 282;
pub const XDP = 283;
pub const STDIN_FILENO = 0;
pub const STDOUT_FILENO = 1;
pub const STDERR_FILENO = 2;
pub const TCP = struct {
pub const NODELAY = 1;
pub const MAXSEG = 2;
pub const CORK = 3;
pub const KEEPIDLE = 4;
pub const KEEPINTVL = 5;
pub const KEEPCNT = 6;
pub const SYNCNT = 7;
pub const LINGER2 = 8;
pub const DEFER_ACCEPT = 9;
pub const WINDOW_CLAMP = 10;
pub const INFO = 11;
pub const QUICKACK = 12;
pub const CONGESTION = 13;
pub const MD5SIG = 14;
pub const THIN_LINEAR_TIMEOUTS = 16;
pub const THIN_DUPACK = 17;
pub const USER_TIMEOUT = 18;
pub const REPAIR = 19;
pub const REPAIR_QUEUE = 20;
pub const QUEUE_SEQ = 21;
pub const REPAIR_OPTIONS = 22;
pub const FASTOPEN = 23;
pub const TIMESTAMP = 24;
pub const NOTSENT_LOWAT = 25;
pub const CC_INFO = 26;
pub const SAVE_SYN = 27;
pub const SAVED_SYN = 28;
pub const REPAIR_WINDOW = 29;
pub const FASTOPEN_CONNECT = 30;
pub const ULP = 31;
pub const MD5SIG_EXT = 32;
pub const FASTOPEN_KEY = 33;
pub const FASTOPEN_NO_COOKIE = 34;
pub const ZEROCOPY_RECEIVE = 35;
pub const INQ = 36;
pub const CM_INQ = INQ;
pub const TX_DELAY = 37;
pub const REPAIR_ON = 1;
pub const REPAIR_OFF = 0;
pub const REPAIR_OFF_NO_WP = -1;
pub const TCSA = std.posix.TCSA;
pub const addrinfo = c.addrinfo;
pub const in_port_t = c.in_port_t;
pub const sa_family_t = c.sa_family_t;
pub const socklen_t = c.socklen_t;
pub const sockaddr = c.sockaddr;
pub const blksize_t = i32;
pub const nlink_t = u32;
pub const time_t = i64;
pub const mode_t = u32;
pub const off_t = i64;
pub const ino_t = u64;
pub const dev_t = u32;
pub const blkcnt_t = i32;
pub const pid_t = i32;
pub const fd_t = c.fd_t;
pub const uid_t = u32;
pub const gid_t = u32;
pub const clock_t = i32;
pub const dl_phdr_info = extern struct {
addr: usize,
name: ?[*:0]const u8,
phdr: [*]std.elf.Phdr,
phnum: u16,
pub const mcontext_t = extern struct {
gregs: [19]usize,
fpregs: [*]u8,
oldmask: usize,
cr2: usize,
pub const msghdr = std.c.msghdr;
pub const msghdr_const = std.c.msghdr;
pub const nfds_t = usize;
pub const pollfd = extern struct {
fd: fd_t,
events: i16,
revents: i16,
pub const stack_t = extern struct {
sp: [*]u8,
flags: i32,
size: usize,
pub const timespec = extern struct {
sec: time_t,
nsec: isize,
pub const timezone = extern struct {
minuteswest: i32,
dsttime: i32,
pub const ucontext_t = extern struct {
flags: usize,
link: ?*ucontext_t,
stack: stack_t,
mcontext: mcontext_t,
sigmask: sigset_t,
regspace: [28]usize,
pub const utsname = extern struct {
sysname: [64:0]u8,
nodename: [64:0]u8,
release: [64:0]u8,
version: [64:0]u8,
machine: [64:0]u8,
domainname: [64:0]u8,
pub const Stat = extern struct {
dev: dev_t,
mode: mode_t,
nlink: nlink_t,
uid: uid_t,
gid: gid_t,
rdev: dev_t,
size: off_t,
blksize: blksize_t,
blocks: blkcnt_t,
atim: timespec,
mtim: timespec,
ctim: timespec,
ino: ino_t,
pub fn atime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.atim;
pub fn mtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.mtim;
pub fn ctime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.ctim;
pub const TIMING = struct {
pub const SETTIMEOUT = 0;
pub const RAF = 1;
pub const SETIMMEDIATE = 2;
pub const LOG = struct {
pub const CONSOLE = 1;
pub const WARN = 2;
pub const ERROR = 4;
pub const C_STACK = 8;
pub const JS_STACK = 16;
pub const DEMANGLE = 32;
pub const NO_PATHS = 64;
pub const FUNC_PARAMS = 128;
pub const DEBUG = 256;
pub const INFO = 512;
pub const em_callback_func = ?*const fn () callconv(.C) void;
pub const em_arg_callback_func = ?*const fn (?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void;
pub const em_str_callback_func = ?*const fn ([*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_async_wget(url: [*:0]const u8, file: [*:0]const u8, onload: em_str_callback_func, onerror: em_str_callback_func) void;
pub const em_async_wget_onload_func = ?*const fn (?*anyopaque, ?*anyopaque, c_int) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_async_wget_data(url: [*:0]const u8, arg: ?*anyopaque, onload: em_async_wget_onload_func, onerror: em_arg_callback_func) void;
pub const em_async_wget2_onload_func = ?*const fn (c_uint, ?*anyopaque, [*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub const em_async_wget2_onstatus_func = ?*const fn (c_uint, ?*anyopaque, c_int) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_async_wget2(url: [*:0]const u8, file: [*:0]const u8, requesttype: [*:0]const u8, param: [*:0]const u8, arg: ?*anyopaque, onload: em_async_wget2_onload_func, onerror: em_async_wget2_onstatus_func, onprogress: em_async_wget2_onstatus_func) c_int;
pub const em_async_wget2_data_onload_func = ?*const fn (c_uint, ?*anyopaque, ?*anyopaque, c_uint) callconv(.C) void;
pub const em_async_wget2_data_onerror_func = ?*const fn (c_uint, ?*anyopaque, c_int, [*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub const em_async_wget2_data_onprogress_func = ?*const fn (c_uint, ?*anyopaque, c_int, c_int) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_async_wget2_data(url: [*:0]const u8, requesttype: [*:0]const u8, param: [*:0]const u8, arg: ?*anyopaque, free: c_int, onload: em_async_wget2_data_onload_func, onerror: em_async_wget2_data_onerror_func, onprogress: em_async_wget2_data_onprogress_func) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_async_wget2_abort(handle: c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_wget(url: [*:0]const u8, file: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_wget_data(url: [*:0]const u8, pbuffer: *(?*anyopaque), pnum: *c_int, perror: *c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_run_script(script: [*:0]const u8) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_run_script_int(script: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_run_script_string(script: [*:0]const u8) [*:0]u8;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_async_run_script(script: [*:0]const u8, millis: c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_async_load_script(script: [*:0]const u8, onload: em_callback_func, onerror: em_callback_func) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_set_main_loop(func: em_callback_func, fps: c_int, simulate_infinite_loop: c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_set_main_loop_timing(mode: c_int, value: c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_get_main_loop_timing(mode: *c_int, value: *c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_set_main_loop_arg(func: em_arg_callback_func, arg: ?*anyopaque, fps: c_int, simulate_infinite_loop: c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_pause_main_loop() void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_resume_main_loop() void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_cancel_main_loop() void;
pub const em_socket_callback = ?*const fn (c_int, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void;
pub const em_socket_error_callback = ?*const fn (c_int, c_int, [*:0]const u8, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_set_socket_error_callback(userData: ?*anyopaque, callback: em_socket_error_callback) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_set_socket_open_callback(userData: ?*anyopaque, callback: em_socket_callback) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_set_socket_listen_callback(userData: ?*anyopaque, callback: em_socket_callback) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_set_socket_connection_callback(userData: ?*anyopaque, callback: em_socket_callback) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_set_socket_message_callback(userData: ?*anyopaque, callback: em_socket_callback) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_set_socket_close_callback(userData: ?*anyopaque, callback: em_socket_callback) void;
pub extern "c" fn _emscripten_push_main_loop_blocker(func: em_arg_callback_func, arg: ?*anyopaque, name: [*:0]const u8) void;
pub extern "c" fn _emscripten_push_uncounted_main_loop_blocker(func: em_arg_callback_func, arg: ?*anyopaque, name: [*:0]const u8) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_set_main_loop_expected_blockers(num: c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_async_call(func: em_arg_callback_func, arg: ?*anyopaque, millis: c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_exit_with_live_runtime() noreturn;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_force_exit(status: c_int) noreturn;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_get_device_pixel_ratio() f64;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_get_window_title() [*:0]u8;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_set_window_title([*:0]const u8) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_get_screen_size(width: *c_int, height: *c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_hide_mouse() void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_set_canvas_size(width: c_int, height: c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_get_canvas_size(width: *c_int, height: *c_int, isFullscreen: *c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_get_now() f64;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_random() f32;
pub const em_idb_onload_func = ?*const fn (?*anyopaque, ?*anyopaque, c_int) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_idb_async_load(db_name: [*:0]const u8, file_id: [*:0]const u8, arg: ?*anyopaque, onload: em_idb_onload_func, onerror: em_arg_callback_func) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_idb_async_store(db_name: [*:0]const u8, file_id: [*:0]const u8, ptr: ?*anyopaque, num: c_int, arg: ?*anyopaque, onstore: em_arg_callback_func, onerror: em_arg_callback_func) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_idb_async_delete(db_name: [*:0]const u8, file_id: [*:0]const u8, arg: ?*anyopaque, ondelete: em_arg_callback_func, onerror: em_arg_callback_func) void;
pub const em_idb_exists_func = ?*const fn (?*anyopaque, c_int) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_idb_async_exists(db_name: [*:0]const u8, file_id: [*:0]const u8, arg: ?*anyopaque, oncheck: em_idb_exists_func, onerror: em_arg_callback_func) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_idb_load(db_name: [*:0]const u8, file_id: [*:0]const u8, pbuffer: *?*anyopaque, pnum: *c_int, perror: *c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_idb_store(db_name: [*:0]const u8, file_id: [*:0]const u8, buffer: *anyopaque, num: c_int, perror: *c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_idb_delete(db_name: [*:0]const u8, file_id: [*:0]const u8, perror: *c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_idb_exists(db_name: [*:0]const u8, file_id: [*:0]const u8, pexists: *c_int, perror: *c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_idb_load_blob(db_name: [*:0]const u8, file_id: [*:0]const u8, pblob: *c_int, perror: *c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_idb_store_blob(db_name: [*:0]const u8, file_id: [*:0]const u8, buffer: *anyopaque, num: c_int, perror: *c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_idb_read_from_blob(blob: c_int, start: c_int, num: c_int, buffer: ?*anyopaque) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_idb_free_blob(blob: c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_run_preload_plugins(file: [*:0]const u8, onload: em_str_callback_func, onerror: em_str_callback_func) c_int;
pub const em_run_preload_plugins_data_onload_func = ?*const fn (?*anyopaque, [*:0]const u8) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_run_preload_plugins_data(data: [*]u8, size: c_int, suffix: [*:0]const u8, arg: ?*anyopaque, onload: em_run_preload_plugins_data_onload_func, onerror: em_arg_callback_func) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_lazy_load_code() void;
pub const worker_handle = c_int;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_create_worker(url: [*:0]const u8) worker_handle;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_destroy_worker(worker: worker_handle) void;
pub const em_worker_callback_func = ?*const fn ([*]u8, c_int, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_call_worker(worker: worker_handle, funcname: [*:0]const u8, data: [*]u8, size: c_int, callback: em_worker_callback_func, arg: ?*anyopaque) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_worker_respond(data: [*]u8, size: c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_worker_respond_provisionally(data: [*]u8, size: c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_get_worker_queue_size(worker: worker_handle) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_get_compiler_setting(name: [*:0]const u8) c_long;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_has_asyncify() c_int;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_debugger() void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_get_preloaded_image_data(path: [*:0]const u8, w: *c_int, h: *c_int) ?[*]u8;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_get_preloaded_image_data_from_FILE(file: *FILE, w: *c_int, h: *c_int) ?[*]u8;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_log(flags: c_int, format: [*:0]const u8, ...) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_get_callstack(flags: c_int, out: ?[*]u8, maxbytes: c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_print_double(x: f64, to: ?[*]u8, max: c_int) c_int;
pub const em_scan_func = ?*const fn (?*anyopaque, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_scan_registers(func: em_scan_func) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_scan_stack(func: em_scan_func) void;
pub const em_dlopen_callback = ?*const fn (?*anyopaque, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_dlopen(filename: [*:0]const u8, flags: c_int, user_data: ?*anyopaque, onsuccess: em_dlopen_callback, onerror: em_arg_callback_func) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_dlopen_promise(filename: [*:0]const u8, flags: c_int) em_promise_t;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_throw_number(number: f64) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_throw_string(utf8String: [*:0]const u8) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_sleep(ms: c_uint) void;
pub const PROMISE = struct {
pub const FULFILL = 0;
pub const MATCH = 1;
pub const MATCH_RELEASE = 2;
pub const REJECT = 3;
pub const struct__em_promise = opaque {};
pub const em_promise_t = ?*struct__em_promise;
pub const enum_em_promise_result_t = c_uint;
pub const em_promise_result_t = enum_em_promise_result_t;
pub const em_promise_callback_t = ?*const fn (?*?*anyopaque, ?*anyopaque, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) em_promise_result_t;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_promise_create() em_promise_t;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_promise_destroy(promise: em_promise_t) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_promise_resolve(promise: em_promise_t, result: em_promise_result_t, value: ?*anyopaque) void;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_promise_then(promise: em_promise_t, on_fulfilled: em_promise_callback_t, on_rejected: em_promise_callback_t, data: ?*anyopaque) em_promise_t;
pub extern "c" fn emscripten_promise_all(promises: [*]em_promise_t, results: ?[*]?*anyopaque, num_promises: usize) em_promise_t;
pub const struct_em_settled_result_t = extern struct {
result: em_promise_result_t,
value: ?*anyopaque,
pub const em_settled_result_t = struct_em_settled_result_t;