Andrew Kelley 008b0ec5e5 std.Thread.Mutex: change API to lock() and unlock()
This is a breaking change. Before, usage looked like this:

const held = mutex.acquire();
defer held.release();

Now it looks like this:

defer mutex.unlock();

The `Held` type was an idea to make mutexes slightly safer by making it
more difficult to forget to release an aquired lock. However, this
ultimately caused more problems than it solved, when any data structures
needed to store a held mutex. Simplify everything by reducing the API
down to the primitives: lock() and unlock().

Closes #8051
Closes #8246
Closes #10105
2021-11-09 18:31:03 -07:00

68 lines
1.7 KiB

const std = @import("std.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const testing = std.testing;
pub fn once(comptime f: fn () void) Once(f) {
return Once(f){};
/// An object that executes the function `f` just once.
pub fn Once(comptime f: fn () void) type {
return struct {
done: bool = false,
mutex: std.Thread.Mutex = std.Thread.Mutex{},
/// Call the function `f`.
/// If `call` is invoked multiple times `f` will be executed only the
/// first time.
/// The invocations are thread-safe.
pub fn call(self: *@This()) void {
if (@atomicLoad(bool, &self.done, .Acquire))
return self.callSlow();
fn callSlow(self: *@This()) void {
defer self.mutex.unlock();
// The first thread to acquire the mutex gets to run the initializer
if (!self.done) {
@atomicStore(bool, &self.done, true, .Release);
var global_number: i32 = 0;
var global_once = once(incr);
fn incr() void {
global_number += 1;
test "Once executes its function just once" {
if (builtin.single_threaded) {
} else {
var threads: [10]std.Thread = undefined;
defer for (threads) |handle| handle.join();
for (threads) |*handle| {
handle.* = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, struct {
fn thread_fn(x: u8) void {
_ = x;
}.thread_fn, .{0});
try testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 1), global_number);