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synced 2024-11-15 08:33:06 +00:00
Adds std.json.fmt which returns a std.fmt Formatter that formats any given value using std.json.stringify.
47 lines
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47 lines
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const std = @import("std");
const stringify = @import("stringify.zig").stringify;
const StringifyOptions = @import("stringify.zig").StringifyOptions;
/// Returns a formatter that formats the given value using stringify.
pub fn fmt(value: anytype, options: StringifyOptions) Formatter(@TypeOf(value)) {
return Formatter(@TypeOf(value)){ .value = value, .options = options };
/// Formats the given value using stringify.
pub fn Formatter(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
value: T,
options: StringifyOptions,
pub fn format(
self: @This(),
comptime fmt_spec: []const u8,
options: std.fmt.FormatOptions,
writer: anytype,
) !void {
_ = fmt_spec;
_ = options;
try stringify(self.value, self.options, writer);
test fmt {
const expectFmt = std.testing.expectFmt;
try expectFmt("123", "{}", .{fmt(@as(u32, 123), .{})});
try expectFmt(
, "{}", .{fmt(struct {
num: u32,
msg: []const u8,
sub: struct {
mybool: bool,
.num = 927,
.msg = "hello",
.sub = .{ .mybool = true },
}, .{})});