
441 lines
14 KiB

//! The 7-bit [ASCII](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII) character encoding standard.
//! This is not to be confused with the 8-bit [extended ASCII](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_ASCII) character encoding.
//! Even though this module concerns itself with 7-bit ASCII,
//! functions use `u8` as the type instead of `u7` for convenience and compatibility.
//! Characters outside of the 7-bit range are gracefully handled (e.g. by returning `false`).
//! See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII#Character_set
const std = @import("std");
/// The C0 control codes of the ASCII encoding.
/// See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C0_and_C1_control_codes and `isControl`
pub const control_code = struct {
/// Null.
pub const nul = 0x00;
/// Start of Heading.
pub const soh = 0x01;
/// Start of Text.
pub const stx = 0x02;
/// End of Text.
pub const etx = 0x03;
/// End of Transmission.
pub const eot = 0x04;
/// Enquiry.
pub const enq = 0x05;
/// Acknowledge.
pub const ack = 0x06;
/// Bell, Alert.
pub const bel = 0x07;
/// Backspace.
pub const bs = 0x08;
/// Horizontal Tab, Tab ('\t').
pub const ht = 0x09;
/// Line Feed, Newline ('\n').
pub const lf = 0x0A;
/// Vertical Tab.
pub const vt = 0x0B;
/// Form Feed.
pub const ff = 0x0C;
/// Carriage Return ('\r').
pub const cr = 0x0D;
/// Shift Out.
pub const so = 0x0E;
/// Shift In.
pub const si = 0x0F;
/// Data Link Escape.
pub const dle = 0x10;
/// Device Control One (XON).
pub const dc1 = 0x11;
/// Device Control Two.
pub const dc2 = 0x12;
/// Device Control Three (XOFF).
pub const dc3 = 0x13;
/// Device Control Four.
pub const dc4 = 0x14;
/// Negative Acknowledge.
pub const nak = 0x15;
/// Synchronous Idle.
pub const syn = 0x16;
/// End of Transmission Block
pub const etb = 0x17;
/// Cancel.
pub const can = 0x18;
/// End of Medium.
pub const em = 0x19;
/// Substitute.
pub const sub = 0x1A;
/// Escape.
pub const esc = 0x1B;
/// File Separator.
pub const fs = 0x1C;
/// Group Separator.
pub const gs = 0x1D;
/// Record Separator.
pub const rs = 0x1E;
/// Unit Separator.
pub const us = 0x1F;
/// Delete.
pub const del = 0x7F;
/// An alias to `dc1`.
pub const xon = dc1;
/// An alias to `dc3`.
pub const xoff = dc3;
/// Returns whether the character is alphanumeric: A-Z, a-z, or 0-9.
pub fn isAlphanumeric(c: u8) bool {
return switch (c) {
'0'...'9', 'A'...'Z', 'a'...'z' => true,
else => false,
/// Returns whether the character is alphabetic: A-Z or a-z.
pub fn isAlphabetic(c: u8) bool {
return switch (c) {
'A'...'Z', 'a'...'z' => true,
else => false,
/// Returns whether the character is a control character.
/// See also: `control_code`
pub fn isControl(c: u8) bool {
return c <= control_code.us or c == control_code.del;
/// Returns whether the character is a digit.
pub fn isDigit(c: u8) bool {
return switch (c) {
'0'...'9' => true,
else => false,
/// Returns whether the character is a lowercase letter.
pub fn isLower(c: u8) bool {
return switch (c) {
'a'...'z' => true,
else => false,
/// Returns whether the character is printable and has some graphical representation,
/// including the space character.
pub fn isPrint(c: u8) bool {
return isASCII(c) and !isControl(c);
/// Returns whether this character is included in `whitespace`.
pub fn isWhitespace(c: u8) bool {
return for (whitespace) |other| {
if (c == other)
break true;
} else false;
/// Whitespace for general use.
/// This may be used with e.g. `std.mem.trim` to trim whitespace.
/// See also: `isWhitespace`
pub const whitespace = [_]u8{ ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', control_code.vt, control_code.ff };
test "whitespace" {
for (whitespace) |char| try std.testing.expect(isWhitespace(char));
var i: u8 = 0;
while (isASCII(i)) : (i += 1) {
if (isWhitespace(i)) try std.testing.expect(std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, &whitespace, i) != null);
/// Returns whether the character is an uppercase letter.
pub fn isUpper(c: u8) bool {
return switch (c) {
'A'...'Z' => true,
else => false,
/// Returns whether the character is a hexadecimal digit: A-F, a-f, or 0-9.
pub fn isHex(c: u8) bool {
return switch (c) {
'0'...'9', 'A'...'F', 'a'...'f' => true,
else => false,
/// Returns whether the character is a 7-bit ASCII character.
pub fn isASCII(c: u8) bool {
return c < 128;
/// Uppercases the character and returns it as-is if already uppercase or not a letter.
pub fn toUpper(c: u8) u8 {
if (isLower(c)) {
return c & 0b11011111;
} else {
return c;
/// Lowercases the character and returns it as-is if already lowercase or not a letter.
pub fn toLower(c: u8) u8 {
if (isUpper(c)) {
return c | 0b00100000;
} else {
return c;
test "ASCII character classes" {
const testing = std.testing;
try testing.expect(!isControl('a'));
try testing.expect(!isControl('z'));
try testing.expect(!isControl(' '));
try testing.expect(isControl(control_code.nul));
try testing.expect(isControl(control_code.ff));
try testing.expect(isControl(control_code.us));
try testing.expect(isControl(control_code.del));
try testing.expect(!isControl(0x80));
try testing.expect(!isControl(0xff));
try testing.expect('C' == toUpper('c'));
try testing.expect(':' == toUpper(':'));
try testing.expect('\xab' == toUpper('\xab'));
try testing.expect(!isUpper('z'));
try testing.expect(!isUpper(0x80));
try testing.expect(!isUpper(0xff));
try testing.expect('c' == toLower('C'));
try testing.expect(':' == toLower(':'));
try testing.expect('\xab' == toLower('\xab'));
try testing.expect(!isLower('Z'));
try testing.expect(!isLower(0x80));
try testing.expect(!isLower(0xff));
try testing.expect(isAlphanumeric('Z'));
try testing.expect(isAlphanumeric('z'));
try testing.expect(isAlphanumeric('5'));
try testing.expect(isAlphanumeric('a'));
try testing.expect(!isAlphanumeric('!'));
try testing.expect(!isAlphanumeric(0x80));
try testing.expect(!isAlphanumeric(0xff));
try testing.expect(!isAlphabetic('5'));
try testing.expect(isAlphabetic('c'));
try testing.expect(!isAlphabetic('@'));
try testing.expect(isAlphabetic('Z'));
try testing.expect(!isAlphabetic(0x80));
try testing.expect(!isAlphabetic(0xff));
try testing.expect(isWhitespace(' '));
try testing.expect(isWhitespace('\t'));
try testing.expect(isWhitespace('\r'));
try testing.expect(isWhitespace('\n'));
try testing.expect(isWhitespace(control_code.ff));
try testing.expect(!isWhitespace('.'));
try testing.expect(!isWhitespace(control_code.us));
try testing.expect(!isWhitespace(0x80));
try testing.expect(!isWhitespace(0xff));
try testing.expect(!isHex('g'));
try testing.expect(isHex('b'));
try testing.expect(isHex('F'));
try testing.expect(isHex('9'));
try testing.expect(!isHex(0x80));
try testing.expect(!isHex(0xff));
try testing.expect(!isDigit('~'));
try testing.expect(isDigit('0'));
try testing.expect(isDigit('9'));
try testing.expect(!isDigit(0x80));
try testing.expect(!isDigit(0xff));
try testing.expect(isPrint(' '));
try testing.expect(isPrint('@'));
try testing.expect(isPrint('~'));
try testing.expect(!isPrint(control_code.esc));
try testing.expect(!isPrint(0x80));
try testing.expect(!isPrint(0xff));
/// Writes a lower case copy of `ascii_string` to `output`.
/// Asserts `output.len >= ascii_string.len`.
pub fn lowerString(output: []u8, ascii_string: []const u8) []u8 {
std.debug.assert(output.len >= ascii_string.len);
for (ascii_string, 0..) |c, i| {
output[i] = toLower(c);
return output[0..ascii_string.len];
test "lowerString" {
var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
const result = lowerString(&buf, "aBcDeFgHiJkLmNOPqrst0234+💩!");
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("abcdefghijklmnopqrst0234+💩!", result);
/// Allocates a lower case copy of `ascii_string`.
/// Caller owns returned string and must free with `allocator`.
pub fn allocLowerString(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, ascii_string: []const u8) ![]u8 {
const result = try allocator.alloc(u8, ascii_string.len);
return lowerString(result, ascii_string);
test "allocLowerString" {
const result = try allocLowerString(std.testing.allocator, "aBcDeFgHiJkLmNOPqrst0234+💩!");
defer std.testing.allocator.free(result);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("abcdefghijklmnopqrst0234+💩!", result);
/// Writes an upper case copy of `ascii_string` to `output`.
/// Asserts `output.len >= ascii_string.len`.
pub fn upperString(output: []u8, ascii_string: []const u8) []u8 {
std.debug.assert(output.len >= ascii_string.len);
for (ascii_string, 0..) |c, i| {
output[i] = toUpper(c);
return output[0..ascii_string.len];
test "upperString" {
var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
const result = upperString(&buf, "aBcDeFgHiJkLmNOPqrst0234+💩!");
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST0234+💩!", result);
/// Allocates an upper case copy of `ascii_string`.
/// Caller owns returned string and must free with `allocator`.
pub fn allocUpperString(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, ascii_string: []const u8) ![]u8 {
const result = try allocator.alloc(u8, ascii_string.len);
return upperString(result, ascii_string);
test "allocUpperString" {
const result = try allocUpperString(std.testing.allocator, "aBcDeFgHiJkLmNOPqrst0234+💩!");
defer std.testing.allocator.free(result);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST0234+💩!", result);
/// Compares strings `a` and `b` case-insensitively and returns whether they are equal.
pub fn eqlIgnoreCase(a: []const u8, b: []const u8) bool {
if (a.len != b.len) return false;
for (a, 0..) |a_c, i| {
if (toLower(a_c) != toLower(b[i])) return false;
return true;
test "eqlIgnoreCase" {
try std.testing.expect(eqlIgnoreCase("HEl💩Lo!", "hel💩lo!"));
try std.testing.expect(!eqlIgnoreCase("hElLo!", "hello! "));
try std.testing.expect(!eqlIgnoreCase("hElLo!", "helro!"));
pub fn startsWithIgnoreCase(haystack: []const u8, needle: []const u8) bool {
return if (needle.len > haystack.len) false else eqlIgnoreCase(haystack[0..needle.len], needle);
test "startsWithIgnoreCase" {
try std.testing.expect(startsWithIgnoreCase("boB", "Bo"));
try std.testing.expect(!startsWithIgnoreCase("Needle in hAyStAcK", "haystack"));
pub fn endsWithIgnoreCase(haystack: []const u8, needle: []const u8) bool {
return if (needle.len > haystack.len) false else eqlIgnoreCase(haystack[haystack.len - needle.len ..], needle);
test "endsWithIgnoreCase" {
try std.testing.expect(endsWithIgnoreCase("Needle in HaYsTaCk", "haystack"));
try std.testing.expect(!endsWithIgnoreCase("BoB", "Bo"));
/// Finds `needle` in `haystack`, ignoring case, starting at index 0.
pub fn indexOfIgnoreCase(haystack: []const u8, needle: []const u8) ?usize {
return indexOfIgnoreCasePos(haystack, 0, needle);
/// Finds `needle` in `haystack`, ignoring case, starting at `start_index`.
/// Uses Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm on large inputs; `indexOfIgnoreCasePosLinear` on small inputs.
pub fn indexOfIgnoreCasePos(haystack: []const u8, start_index: usize, needle: []const u8) ?usize {
if (needle.len > haystack.len) return null;
if (needle.len == 0) return start_index;
if (haystack.len < 52 or needle.len <= 4)
return indexOfIgnoreCasePosLinear(haystack, start_index, needle);
var skip_table: [256]usize = undefined;
boyerMooreHorspoolPreprocessIgnoreCase(needle, skip_table[0..]);
var i: usize = start_index;
while (i <= haystack.len - needle.len) {
if (eqlIgnoreCase(haystack[i .. i + needle.len], needle)) return i;
i += skip_table[toLower(haystack[i + needle.len - 1])];
return null;
/// Consider using `indexOfIgnoreCasePos` instead of this, which will automatically use a
/// more sophisticated algorithm on larger inputs.
pub fn indexOfIgnoreCasePosLinear(haystack: []const u8, start_index: usize, needle: []const u8) ?usize {
var i: usize = start_index;
const end = haystack.len - needle.len;
while (i <= end) : (i += 1) {
if (eqlIgnoreCase(haystack[i .. i + needle.len], needle)) return i;
return null;
fn boyerMooreHorspoolPreprocessIgnoreCase(pattern: []const u8, table: *[256]usize) void {
for (table) |*c| {
c.* = pattern.len;
var i: usize = 0;
// The last item is intentionally ignored and the skip size will be pattern.len.
// This is the standard way Boyer-Moore-Horspool is implemented.
while (i < pattern.len - 1) : (i += 1) {
table[toLower(pattern[i])] = pattern.len - 1 - i;
test "indexOfIgnoreCase" {
try std.testing.expect(indexOfIgnoreCase("one Two Three Four", "foUr").? == 14);
try std.testing.expect(indexOfIgnoreCase("one two three FouR", "gOur") == null);
try std.testing.expect(indexOfIgnoreCase("foO", "Foo").? == 0);
try std.testing.expect(indexOfIgnoreCase("foo", "fool") == null);
try std.testing.expect(indexOfIgnoreCase("FOO foo", "fOo").? == 0);
try std.testing.expect(indexOfIgnoreCase("one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven", "ThReE fOUr").? == 8);
try std.testing.expect(indexOfIgnoreCase("one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven", "Two tWo") == null);
/// Returns the lexicographical order of two slices. O(n).
pub fn orderIgnoreCase(lhs: []const u8, rhs: []const u8) std.math.Order {
const n = @min(lhs.len, rhs.len);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < n) : (i += 1) {
switch (std.math.order(toLower(lhs[i]), toLower(rhs[i]))) {
.eq => continue,
.lt => return .lt,
.gt => return .gt,
return std.math.order(lhs.len, rhs.len);
/// Returns whether the lexicographical order of `lhs` is lower than `rhs`.
pub fn lessThanIgnoreCase(lhs: []const u8, rhs: []const u8) bool {
return orderIgnoreCase(lhs, rhs) == .lt;