Andrew Kelley dfbc063f79
std.mem.Allocator.create replaced with better API
`std.mem.Allocator.createOne` is renamed to `std.mem.Allocator.create`.

The problem with the previous API is that even after copy elision,
the initalization value passed as a parameter would always be a copy.
With the new API, once copy elision is done, initialization
functions can directly initialize allocated memory in place.

 * #1872
 * #1873
2019-02-03 16:13:28 -05:00

32 lines
1.1 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const mem = std.mem;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Buffer = std.Buffer;
pub const Package = struct {
root_src_dir: Buffer,
root_src_path: Buffer,
/// relative to root_src_dir
table: Table,
pub const Table = std.HashMap([]const u8, *Package, mem.hash_slice_u8, mem.eql_slice_u8);
/// makes internal copies of root_src_dir and root_src_path
/// allocator should be an arena allocator because Package never frees anything
pub fn create(allocator: *mem.Allocator, root_src_dir: []const u8, root_src_path: []const u8) !*Package {
const ptr = try allocator.create(Package);
ptr.* = Package{
.root_src_dir = try Buffer.init(allocator, root_src_dir),
.root_src_path = try Buffer.init(allocator, root_src_path),
.table = Table.init(allocator),
return ptr;
pub fn add(self: *Package, name: []const u8, package: *Package) !void {
const entry = try self.table.put(try mem.dupe(self.table.allocator, u8, name), package);
assert(entry == null);