Travis Staloch 8af59d1f98 ComptimeStringMap: return a regular struct and optimize
this patch renames ComptimeStringMap to StaticStringMap, makes it
accept only a single type parameter, and return a known struct type
instead of an anonymous struct.  initial motivation for these changes
was to reduce the 'very long type names' issue described here

this breaks the previous API.  users will now need to write:
`const map = std.StaticStringMap(T).initComptime(kvs_list);`

* move `kvs_list` param from type param to an `initComptime()` param
* new public methods
  * `keys()`, `values()` helpers
  * `init(allocator)`, `deinit(allocator)` for runtime data
  * `getLongestPrefix(str)`, `getLongestPrefixIndex(str)` - i'm not sure
     these belong but have left in for now incase they are deemed useful
* performance notes:
  * i posted some benchmarking results here:
  * i noticed a speedup reducing the size of the struct from 48 to 32
    bytes and thus use u32s instead of usize for all length fields
  * i noticed speedup storing KVs as a struct of arrays
  * latest benchmark shows these wall_time improvements for
    debug/safe/small/fast builds: -6.6% / -10.2% / -19.1% / -8.9%. full
    output in link above.
2024-04-22 15:31:41 -07:00

915 lines
30 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const g = @import("spirv/grammar.zig");
const CoreRegistry = g.CoreRegistry;
const ExtensionRegistry = g.ExtensionRegistry;
const Instruction = g.Instruction;
const OperandKind = g.OperandKind;
const Enumerant = g.Enumerant;
const Operand = g.Operand;
const ExtendedStructSet = std.StringHashMap(void);
const Extension = struct {
name: []const u8,
spec: ExtensionRegistry,
const CmpInst = struct {
fn lt(_: CmpInst, a: Instruction, b: Instruction) bool {
return a.opcode < b.opcode;
const StringPair = struct { []const u8, []const u8 };
const StringPairContext = struct {
pub fn hash(_: @This(), a: StringPair) u32 {
var hasher = std.hash.Wyhash.init(0);
const x, const y = a;
return @truncate(hasher.final());
pub fn eql(_: @This(), a: StringPair, b: StringPair, b_index: usize) bool {
_ = b_index;
const a_x, const a_y = a;
const b_x, const b_y = b;
return std.mem.eql(u8, a_x, b_x) and std.mem.eql(u8, a_y, b_y);
const OperandKindMap = std.ArrayHashMap(StringPair, OperandKind, StringPairContext, true);
/// Khronos made it so that these names are not defined explicitly, so
/// we need to hardcode it (like they did).
/// See https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Registry/
const set_names = std.StaticStringMap([]const u8).initComptime(.{
.{ "opencl.std.100", "OpenCL.std" },
.{ "glsl.std.450", "GLSL.std.450" },
.{ "opencl.debuginfo.100", "OpenCL.DebugInfo.100" },
.{ "spv-amd-shader-ballot", "SPV_AMD_shader_ballot" },
.{ "nonsemantic.shader.debuginfo.100", "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100" },
.{ "nonsemantic.vkspreflection", "NonSemantic.VkspReflection" },
.{ "nonsemantic.clspvreflection", "NonSemantic.ClspvReflection.6" }, // This version needs to be handled manually
.{ "spv-amd-gcn-shader", "SPV_AMD_gcn_shader" },
.{ "spv-amd-shader-trinary-minmax", "SPV_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax" },
.{ "debuginfo", "DebugInfo" },
.{ "nonsemantic.debugprintf", "NonSemantic.DebugPrintf" },
.{ "spv-amd-shader-explicit-vertex-parameter", "SPV_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter" },
.{ "nonsemantic.debugbreak", "NonSemantic.DebugBreak" },
.{ "zig", "zig" },
pub fn main() !void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const a = arena.allocator();
const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(a);
if (args.len != 3) {
usageAndExit(args[0], 1);
const json_path = try std.fs.path.join(a, &.{ args[1], "include/spirv/unified1/" });
const dir = try std.fs.cwd().openDir(json_path, .{ .iterate = true });
const core_spec = try readRegistry(CoreRegistry, a, dir, "spirv.core.grammar.json");
std.sort.block(Instruction, core_spec.instructions, CmpInst{}, CmpInst.lt);
var exts = std.ArrayList(Extension).init(a);
var it = dir.iterate();
while (try it.next()) |entry| {
if (entry.kind != .file) {
try readExtRegistry(&exts, a, dir, entry.name);
try readExtRegistry(&exts, a, std.fs.cwd(), args[2]);
var bw = std.io.bufferedWriter(std.io.getStdOut().writer());
try render(bw.writer(), a, core_spec, exts.items);
try bw.flush();
fn readExtRegistry(exts: *std.ArrayList(Extension), a: Allocator, dir: std.fs.Dir, sub_path: []const u8) !void {
const filename = std.fs.path.basename(sub_path);
if (!std.mem.startsWith(u8, filename, "extinst.")) {
std.debug.assert(std.mem.endsWith(u8, filename, ".grammar.json"));
const name = filename["extinst.".len .. filename.len - ".grammar.json".len];
const spec = try readRegistry(ExtensionRegistry, a, dir, sub_path);
std.sort.block(Instruction, spec.instructions, CmpInst{}, CmpInst.lt);
try exts.append(.{ .name = set_names.get(name).?, .spec = spec });
fn readRegistry(comptime RegistryType: type, a: Allocator, dir: std.fs.Dir, path: []const u8) !RegistryType {
const spec = try dir.readFileAlloc(a, path, std.math.maxInt(usize));
// Required for json parsing.
var scanner = std.json.Scanner.initCompleteInput(a, spec);
var diagnostics = std.json.Diagnostics{};
const parsed = std.json.parseFromTokenSource(RegistryType, a, &scanner, .{}) catch |err| {
std.debug.print("{s}:{}:{}:\n", .{ path, diagnostics.getLine(), diagnostics.getColumn() });
return err;
return parsed.value;
/// Returns a set with types that require an extra struct for the `Instruction` interface
/// to the spir-v spec, or whether the original type can be used.
fn extendedStructs(
a: Allocator,
kinds: []const OperandKind,
) !ExtendedStructSet {
var map = ExtendedStructSet.init(a);
try map.ensureTotalCapacity(@as(u32, @intCast(kinds.len)));
for (kinds) |kind| {
const enumerants = kind.enumerants orelse continue;
for (enumerants) |enumerant| {
if (enumerant.parameters.len > 0) {
} else continue;
map.putAssumeCapacity(kind.kind, {});
return map;
// Return a score for a particular priority. Duplicate instruction/operand enum values are
// removed by picking the tag with the lowest score to keep, and by making an alias for the
// other. Note that the tag does not need to be just a tag at this point, in which case it
// gets the lowest score automatically anyway.
fn tagPriorityScore(tag: []const u8) usize {
if (tag.len == 0) {
return 1;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, tag, "EXT")) {
return 2;
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, tag, "KHR")) {
return 3;
} else {
return 4;
fn render(writer: anytype, a: Allocator, registry: CoreRegistry, extensions: []const Extension) !void {
try writer.writeAll(
\\//! This file is auto-generated by tools/gen_spirv_spec.zig.
\\const std = @import("std");
\\pub const Version = packed struct(Word) {
\\ padding: u8 = 0,
\\ minor: u8,
\\ major: u8,
\\ padding0: u8 = 0,
\\ pub fn toWord(self: @This()) Word {
\\ return @bitCast(self);
\\ }
\\pub const Word = u32;
\\pub const IdResult = enum(Word) {
\\ none,
\\ _,
\\ pub fn format(
\\ self: IdResult,
\\ comptime _: []const u8,
\\ _: std.fmt.FormatOptions,
\\ writer: anytype,
\\ ) @TypeOf(writer).Error!void {
\\ switch (self) {
\\ .none => try writer.writeAll("(none)"),
\\ else => try writer.print("%{}", .{@intFromEnum(self)}),
\\ }
\\ }
\\pub const IdResultType = IdResult;
\\pub const IdRef = IdResult;
\\pub const IdMemorySemantics = IdRef;
\\pub const IdScope = IdRef;
\\pub const LiteralInteger = Word;
\\pub const LiteralFloat = Word;
\\pub const LiteralString = []const u8;
\\pub const LiteralContextDependentNumber = union(enum) {
\\ int32: i32,
\\ uint32: u32,
\\ int64: i64,
\\ uint64: u64,
\\ float32: f32,
\\ float64: f64,
\\pub const LiteralExtInstInteger = struct{ inst: Word };
\\pub const LiteralSpecConstantOpInteger = struct { opcode: Opcode };
\\pub const PairLiteralIntegerIdRef = struct { value: LiteralInteger, label: IdRef };
\\pub const PairIdRefLiteralInteger = struct { target: IdRef, member: LiteralInteger };
\\pub const PairIdRefIdRef = [2]IdRef;
\\pub const Quantifier = enum {
\\ required,
\\ optional,
\\ variadic,
\\pub const Operand = struct {
\\ kind: OperandKind,
\\ quantifier: Quantifier,
\\pub const OperandCategory = enum {
\\ bit_enum,
\\ value_enum,
\\ id,
\\ literal,
\\ composite,
\\pub const Enumerant = struct {
\\ name: []const u8,
\\ value: Word,
\\ parameters: []const OperandKind,
\\pub const Instruction = struct {
\\ name: []const u8,
\\ opcode: Word,
\\ operands: []const Operand,
\\pub const zig_generator_id: Word = 41;
try writer.print(
\\pub const version = Version{{ .major = {}, .minor = {}, .patch = {} }};
\\pub const magic_number: Word = {s};
.{ registry.major_version, registry.minor_version, registry.revision, registry.magic_number },
// Merge the operand kinds from all extensions together.
// var all_operand_kinds = std.ArrayList(OperandKind).init(a);
// try all_operand_kinds.appendSlice(registry.operand_kinds);
var all_operand_kinds = OperandKindMap.init(a);
for (registry.operand_kinds) |kind| {
try all_operand_kinds.putNoClobber(.{ "core", kind.kind }, kind);
for (extensions) |ext| {
// Note: extensions may define the same operand kind, with different
// parameters. Instead of trying to merge them, just discriminate them
// using the name of the extension. This is similar to what
// the official headers do.
try all_operand_kinds.ensureUnusedCapacity(ext.spec.operand_kinds.len);
for (ext.spec.operand_kinds) |kind| {
var new_kind = kind;
new_kind.kind = try std.mem.join(a, ".", &.{ ext.name, kind.kind });
try all_operand_kinds.putNoClobber(.{ ext.name, kind.kind }, new_kind);
const extended_structs = try extendedStructs(a, all_operand_kinds.values());
// Note: extensions don't seem to have class.
try renderClass(writer, a, registry.instructions);
try renderOperandKind(writer, all_operand_kinds.values());
try renderOpcodes(writer, a, registry.instructions, extended_structs);
try renderOperandKinds(writer, a, all_operand_kinds.values(), extended_structs);
try renderInstructionSet(writer, a, registry, extensions, all_operand_kinds);
fn renderInstructionSet(
writer: anytype,
a: Allocator,
core: CoreRegistry,
extensions: []const Extension,
all_operand_kinds: OperandKindMap,
) !void {
_ = a;
try writer.writeAll(
\\pub const InstructionSet = enum {
\\ core,
for (extensions) |ext| {
try writer.print("{p},\n", .{std.zig.fmtId(ext.name)});
try writer.writeAll(
\\ pub fn instructions(self: InstructionSet) []const Instruction {
\\ return switch (self) {
try renderInstructionsCase(writer, "core", core.instructions, all_operand_kinds);
for (extensions) |ext| {
try renderInstructionsCase(writer, ext.name, ext.spec.instructions, all_operand_kinds);
try writer.writeAll(
\\ };
\\ }
fn renderInstructionsCase(
writer: anytype,
set_name: []const u8,
instructions: []const Instruction,
all_operand_kinds: OperandKindMap,
) !void {
// Note: theoretically we could dedup from tags and give every instruction a list of aliases,
// but there aren't so many total aliases and that would add more overhead in total. We will
// just filter those out when needed.
try writer.print(".{p_} => &[_]Instruction{{\n", .{std.zig.fmtId(set_name)});
for (instructions) |inst| {
try writer.print(
\\ .name = "{s}",
\\ .opcode = {},
\\ .operands = &[_]Operand{{
, .{ inst.opname, inst.opcode });
for (inst.operands) |operand| {
const quantifier = if (operand.quantifier) |q|
switch (q) {
.@"?" => "optional",
.@"*" => "variadic",
const kind = all_operand_kinds.get(.{ set_name, operand.kind }) orelse
all_operand_kinds.get(.{ "core", operand.kind }).?;
try writer.print(".{{.kind = .{p_}, .quantifier = .{s}}},\n", .{ std.zig.fmtId(kind.kind), quantifier });
try writer.writeAll(
\\ },
try writer.writeAll(
fn renderClass(writer: anytype, a: Allocator, instructions: []const Instruction) !void {
var class_map = std.StringArrayHashMap(void).init(a);
for (instructions) |inst| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, inst.class.?, "@exclude")) {
try class_map.put(inst.class.?, {});
try writer.writeAll("pub const Class = enum {\n");
for (class_map.keys()) |class| {
try renderInstructionClass(writer, class);
try writer.writeAll(",\n");
try writer.writeAll("};\n\n");
fn renderInstructionClass(writer: anytype, class: []const u8) !void {
// Just assume that these wont clobber zig builtin types.
var prev_was_sep = true;
for (class) |c| {
switch (c) {
'-', '_' => prev_was_sep = true,
else => if (prev_was_sep) {
try writer.writeByte(std.ascii.toUpper(c));
prev_was_sep = false;
} else {
try writer.writeByte(std.ascii.toLower(c));
fn renderOperandKind(writer: anytype, operands: []const OperandKind) !void {
try writer.writeAll(
\\pub const OperandKind = enum {
\\ Opcode,
for (operands) |operand| {
try writer.print("{p},\n", .{std.zig.fmtId(operand.kind)});
try writer.writeAll(
\\pub fn category(self: OperandKind) OperandCategory {
\\ return switch (self) {
\\ .Opcode => .literal,
for (operands) |operand| {
const cat = switch (operand.category) {
.BitEnum => "bit_enum",
.ValueEnum => "value_enum",
.Id => "id",
.Literal => "literal",
.Composite => "composite",
try writer.print(".{p_} => .{s},\n", .{ std.zig.fmtId(operand.kind), cat });
try writer.writeAll(
\\ };
\\pub fn enumerants(self: OperandKind) []const Enumerant {
\\ return switch (self) {
\\ .Opcode => unreachable,
for (operands) |operand| {
switch (operand.category) {
.BitEnum, .ValueEnum => {},
else => {
try writer.print(".{p_} => unreachable,\n", .{std.zig.fmtId(operand.kind)});
try writer.print(".{p_} => &[_]Enumerant{{", .{std.zig.fmtId(operand.kind)});
for (operand.enumerants.?) |enumerant| {
if (enumerant.value == .bitflag and std.mem.eql(u8, enumerant.enumerant, "None")) {
try renderEnumerant(writer, enumerant);
try writer.writeAll(",");
try writer.writeAll("},\n");
try writer.writeAll("};\n}\n};\n");
fn renderEnumerant(writer: anytype, enumerant: Enumerant) !void {
try writer.print(".{{.name = \"{s}\", .value = ", .{enumerant.enumerant});
switch (enumerant.value) {
.bitflag => |flag| try writer.writeAll(flag),
.int => |int| try writer.print("{}", .{int}),
try writer.writeAll(", .parameters = &[_]OperandKind{");
for (enumerant.parameters, 0..) |param, i| {
if (i != 0)
try writer.writeAll(", ");
// Note, param.quantifier will always be one.
try writer.print(".{p_}", .{std.zig.fmtId(param.kind)});
try writer.writeAll("}}");
fn renderOpcodes(
writer: anytype,
a: Allocator,
instructions: []const Instruction,
extended_structs: ExtendedStructSet,
) !void {
var inst_map = std.AutoArrayHashMap(u32, usize).init(a);
try inst_map.ensureTotalCapacity(instructions.len);
var aliases = std.ArrayList(struct { inst: usize, alias: usize }).init(a);
try aliases.ensureTotalCapacity(instructions.len);
for (instructions, 0..) |inst, i| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, inst.class.?, "@exclude")) {
const result = inst_map.getOrPutAssumeCapacity(inst.opcode);
if (!result.found_existing) {
result.value_ptr.* = i;
const existing = instructions[result.value_ptr.*];
const tag_index = std.mem.indexOfDiff(u8, inst.opname, existing.opname).?;
const inst_priority = tagPriorityScore(inst.opname[tag_index..]);
const existing_priority = tagPriorityScore(existing.opname[tag_index..]);
if (inst_priority < existing_priority) {
aliases.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .inst = result.value_ptr.*, .alias = i });
result.value_ptr.* = i;
} else {
aliases.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .inst = i, .alias = result.value_ptr.* });
const instructions_indices = inst_map.values();
try writer.writeAll("pub const Opcode = enum(u16) {\n");
for (instructions_indices) |i| {
const inst = instructions[i];
try writer.print("{p} = {},\n", .{ std.zig.fmtId(inst.opname), inst.opcode });
try writer.writeAll(
for (aliases.items) |alias| {
try writer.print("pub const {} = Opcode.{p_};\n", .{
try writer.writeAll(
\\pub fn Operands(comptime self: Opcode) type {
\\ return switch (self) {
for (instructions_indices) |i| {
const inst = instructions[i];
try renderOperand(writer, .instruction, inst.opname, inst.operands, extended_structs);
try writer.writeAll(
\\ };
\\pub fn class(self: Opcode) Class {
\\ return switch (self) {
for (instructions_indices) |i| {
const inst = instructions[i];
try writer.print(".{p_} => .", .{std.zig.fmtId(inst.opname)});
try renderInstructionClass(writer, inst.class.?);
try writer.writeAll(",\n");
try writer.writeAll(
\\ };
fn renderOperandKinds(
writer: anytype,
a: Allocator,
kinds: []const OperandKind,
extended_structs: ExtendedStructSet,
) !void {
for (kinds) |kind| {
switch (kind.category) {
.ValueEnum => try renderValueEnum(writer, a, kind, extended_structs),
.BitEnum => try renderBitEnum(writer, a, kind, extended_structs),
else => {},
fn renderValueEnum(
writer: anytype,
a: Allocator,
enumeration: OperandKind,
extended_structs: ExtendedStructSet,
) !void {
const enumerants = enumeration.enumerants orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
var enum_map = std.AutoArrayHashMap(u32, usize).init(a);
try enum_map.ensureTotalCapacity(enumerants.len);
var aliases = std.ArrayList(struct { enumerant: usize, alias: usize }).init(a);
try aliases.ensureTotalCapacity(enumerants.len);
for (enumerants, 0..) |enumerant, i| {
try writer.context.flush();
const value: u31 = switch (enumerant.value) {
.int => |value| value,
// Some extensions declare ints as string
.bitflag => |value| try std.fmt.parseInt(u31, value, 10),
const result = enum_map.getOrPutAssumeCapacity(value);
if (!result.found_existing) {
result.value_ptr.* = i;
const existing = enumerants[result.value_ptr.*];
const tag_index = std.mem.indexOfDiff(u8, enumerant.enumerant, existing.enumerant).?;
const enum_priority = tagPriorityScore(enumerant.enumerant[tag_index..]);
const existing_priority = tagPriorityScore(existing.enumerant[tag_index..]);
if (enum_priority < existing_priority) {
aliases.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .enumerant = result.value_ptr.*, .alias = i });
result.value_ptr.* = i;
} else {
aliases.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .enumerant = i, .alias = result.value_ptr.* });
const enum_indices = enum_map.values();
try writer.print("pub const {} = enum(u32) {{\n", .{std.zig.fmtId(enumeration.kind)});
for (enum_indices) |i| {
const enumerant = enumerants[i];
// if (enumerant.value != .int) return error.InvalidRegistry;
switch (enumerant.value) {
.int => |value| try writer.print("{p} = {},\n", .{ std.zig.fmtId(enumerant.enumerant), value }),
.bitflag => |value| try writer.print("{p} = {s},\n", .{ std.zig.fmtId(enumerant.enumerant), value }),
try writer.writeByte('\n');
for (aliases.items) |alias| {
try writer.print("pub const {} = {}.{p_};\n", .{
if (!extended_structs.contains(enumeration.kind)) {
try writer.writeAll("};\n");
try writer.print("\npub const Extended = union({}) {{\n", .{std.zig.fmtId(enumeration.kind)});
for (enum_indices) |i| {
const enumerant = enumerants[i];
try renderOperand(writer, .@"union", enumerant.enumerant, enumerant.parameters, extended_structs);
try writer.writeAll("};\n};\n");
fn renderBitEnum(
writer: anytype,
a: Allocator,
enumeration: OperandKind,
extended_structs: ExtendedStructSet,
) !void {
try writer.print("pub const {} = packed struct {{\n", .{std.zig.fmtId(enumeration.kind)});
var flags_by_bitpos = [_]?usize{null} ** 32;
const enumerants = enumeration.enumerants orelse return error.InvalidRegistry;
var aliases = std.ArrayList(struct { flag: usize, alias: u5 }).init(a);
try aliases.ensureTotalCapacity(enumerants.len);
for (enumerants, 0..) |enumerant, i| {
if (enumerant.value != .bitflag) return error.InvalidRegistry;
const value = try parseHexInt(enumerant.value.bitflag);
if (value == 0) {
continue; // Skip 'none' items
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, enumerant.enumerant, "FlagIsPublic")) {
// This flag is special and poorly defined in the json files.
// Just skip it for now
std.debug.assert(@popCount(value) == 1);
const bitpos = std.math.log2_int(u32, value);
if (flags_by_bitpos[bitpos]) |*existing| {
const tag_index = std.mem.indexOfDiff(u8, enumerant.enumerant, enumerants[existing.*].enumerant).?;
const enum_priority = tagPriorityScore(enumerant.enumerant[tag_index..]);
const existing_priority = tagPriorityScore(enumerants[existing.*].enumerant[tag_index..]);
if (enum_priority < existing_priority) {
aliases.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .flag = existing.*, .alias = bitpos });
existing.* = i;
} else {
aliases.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .flag = i, .alias = bitpos });
} else {
flags_by_bitpos[bitpos] = i;
for (flags_by_bitpos, 0..) |maybe_flag_index, bitpos| {
if (maybe_flag_index) |flag_index| {
try writer.print("{p_}", .{std.zig.fmtId(enumerants[flag_index].enumerant)});
} else {
try writer.print("_reserved_bit_{}", .{bitpos});
try writer.writeAll(": bool = false,\n");
try writer.writeByte('\n');
for (aliases.items) |alias| {
try writer.print("pub const {}: {} = .{{.{p_} = true}};\n", .{
if (!extended_structs.contains(enumeration.kind)) {
try writer.writeAll("};\n");
try writer.print("\npub const Extended = struct {{\n", .{});
for (flags_by_bitpos, 0..) |maybe_flag_index, bitpos| {
const flag_index = maybe_flag_index orelse {
try writer.print("_reserved_bit_{}: bool = false,\n", .{bitpos});
const enumerant = enumerants[flag_index];
try renderOperand(writer, .mask, enumerant.enumerant, enumerant.parameters, extended_structs);
try writer.writeAll("};\n};\n");
fn renderOperand(
writer: anytype,
kind: enum {
field_name: []const u8,
parameters: []const Operand,
extended_structs: ExtendedStructSet,
) !void {
if (kind == .instruction) {
try writer.writeByte('.');
try writer.print("{}", .{std.zig.fmtId(field_name)});
if (parameters.len == 0) {
switch (kind) {
.@"union" => try writer.writeAll(",\n"),
.instruction => try writer.writeAll(" => void,\n"),
.mask => try writer.writeAll(": bool = false,\n"),
if (kind == .instruction) {
try writer.writeAll(" => ");
} else {
try writer.writeAll(": ");
if (kind == .mask) {
try writer.writeByte('?');
try writer.writeAll("struct{");
for (parameters, 0..) |param, j| {
if (j != 0) {
try writer.writeAll(", ");
try renderFieldName(writer, parameters, j);
try writer.writeAll(": ");
if (param.quantifier) |q| {
switch (q) {
.@"?" => try writer.writeByte('?'),
.@"*" => try writer.writeAll("[]const "),
try writer.print("{}", .{std.zig.fmtId(param.kind)});
if (extended_structs.contains(param.kind)) {
try writer.writeAll(".Extended");
if (param.quantifier) |q| {
switch (q) {
.@"?" => try writer.writeAll(" = null"),
.@"*" => try writer.writeAll(" = &.{}"),
try writer.writeAll("}");
if (kind == .mask) {
try writer.writeAll(" = null");
try writer.writeAll(",\n");
fn renderFieldName(writer: anytype, operands: []const Operand, field_index: usize) !void {
const operand = operands[field_index];
// Should be enough for all names - adjust as needed.
var name_backing_buffer: [64]u8 = undefined;
var name_buffer = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8).initBuffer(&name_backing_buffer);
derive_from_kind: {
// Operand names are often in the json encoded as "'Name'" (with two sets of quotes).
// Additionally, some operands have ~ in them at the end (D~ref~).
const name = std.mem.trim(u8, operand.name, "'~");
if (name.len == 0) {
break :derive_from_kind;
// Some names have weird characters in them (like newlines) - skip any such ones.
// Use the same loop to transform to snake-case.
for (name) |c| {
switch (c) {
'a'...'z', '0'...'9' => name_buffer.appendAssumeCapacity(c),
'A'...'Z' => name_buffer.appendAssumeCapacity(std.ascii.toLower(c)),
' ', '~' => name_buffer.appendAssumeCapacity('_'),
else => break :derive_from_kind,
// Assume there are no duplicate 'name' fields.
try writer.print("{p_}", .{std.zig.fmtId(name_buffer.items)});
// Translate to snake case.
name_buffer.items.len = 0;
for (operand.kind, 0..) |c, i| {
switch (c) {
'a'...'z', '0'...'9' => name_buffer.appendAssumeCapacity(c),
'A'...'Z' => if (i > 0 and std.ascii.isLower(operand.kind[i - 1])) {
name_buffer.appendSliceAssumeCapacity(&[_]u8{ '_', std.ascii.toLower(c) });
} else {
else => unreachable, // Assume that the name is valid C-syntax (and contains no underscores).
try writer.print("{p_}", .{std.zig.fmtId(name_buffer.items)});
// For fields derived from type name, there could be any amount.
// Simply check against all other fields, and if another similar one exists, add a number.
const need_extra_index = for (operands, 0..) |other_operand, i| {
if (i != field_index and std.mem.eql(u8, operand.kind, other_operand.kind)) {
break true;
} else false;
if (need_extra_index) {
try writer.print("_{}", .{field_index});
fn parseHexInt(text: []const u8) !u31 {
const prefix = "0x";
if (!std.mem.startsWith(u8, text, prefix))
return error.InvalidHexInt;
return try std.fmt.parseInt(u31, text[prefix.len..], 16);
fn usageAndExit(arg0: []const u8, code: u8) noreturn {
\\Usage: {s} <SPIRV-Headers repository path> <path/to/zig/src/codegen/spirv/extinst.zig.grammar.json>
\\Generates Zig bindings for SPIR-V specifications found in the SPIRV-Headers
\\repository. The result, printed to stdout, should be used to update
\\files in src/codegen/spirv. Don't forget to format the output.
\\<SPIRV-Headers repository path> should point to a clone of
, .{arg0}) catch std.process.exit(1);