mirror of
synced 2024-11-14 16:13:24 +00:00
1898 lines
84 KiB
1898 lines
84 KiB
const std = @import("std");
const Lexer = @import("lex.zig").Lexer;
const Token = @import("lex.zig").Token;
const Node = @import("ast.zig").Node;
const Tree = @import("ast.zig").Tree;
const CodePageLookup = @import("ast.zig").CodePageLookup;
const Resource = @import("rc.zig").Resource;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const ErrorDetails = @import("errors.zig").ErrorDetails;
const Diagnostics = @import("errors.zig").Diagnostics;
const SourceBytes = @import("literals.zig").SourceBytes;
const Compiler = @import("compile.zig").Compiler;
const rc = @import("rc.zig");
const res = @import("res.zig");
// TODO: Make these configurable?
pub const max_nested_menu_level: u32 = 512;
pub const max_nested_version_level: u32 = 512;
pub const max_nested_expression_level: u32 = 200;
pub const Parser = struct {
const Self = @This();
lexer: *Lexer,
/// values that need to be initialized per-parse
state: Parser.State = undefined,
options: Parser.Options,
pub const Error = error{ParseError} || Allocator.Error;
pub const Options = struct {
warn_instead_of_error_on_invalid_code_page: bool = false,
pub fn init(lexer: *Lexer, options: Options) Parser {
return Parser{
.lexer = lexer,
.options = options,
pub const State = struct {
token: Token,
lookahead_lexer: Lexer,
allocator: Allocator,
arena: Allocator,
diagnostics: *Diagnostics,
input_code_page_lookup: CodePageLookup,
output_code_page_lookup: CodePageLookup,
pub fn parse(self: *Self, allocator: Allocator, diagnostics: *Diagnostics) Error!*Tree {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
errdefer arena.deinit();
self.state = Parser.State{
.token = undefined,
.lookahead_lexer = undefined,
.allocator = allocator,
.arena = arena.allocator(),
.diagnostics = diagnostics,
.input_code_page_lookup = CodePageLookup.init(arena.allocator(), self.lexer.default_code_page),
.output_code_page_lookup = CodePageLookup.init(arena.allocator(), self.lexer.default_code_page),
const parsed_root = try self.parseRoot();
const tree = try self.state.arena.create(Tree);
tree.* = .{
.node = parsed_root,
.input_code_pages = self.state.input_code_page_lookup,
.output_code_pages = self.state.output_code_page_lookup,
.source = self.lexer.buffer,
.arena = arena.state,
.allocator = allocator,
return tree;
fn parseRoot(self: *Self) Error!*Node {
var statements = std.ArrayList(*Node).init(self.state.allocator);
defer statements.deinit();
try self.parseStatements(&statements);
try self.check(.eof);
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.Root);
node.* = .{
.body = try self.state.arena.dupe(*Node, statements.items),
return &node.base;
fn parseStatements(self: *Self, statements: *std.ArrayList(*Node)) Error!void {
while (true) {
try self.nextToken(.whitespace_delimiter_only);
if (self.state.token.id == .eof) break;
// The Win32 compiler will sometimes try to recover from errors
// and then restart parsing afterwards. We don't ever do this
// because it almost always leads to unhelpful error messages
// (usually it will end up with bogus things like 'file
// not found: {')
const statement = try self.parseStatement();
try statements.append(statement);
/// Expects the current token to be the token before possible common resource attributes.
/// After return, the current token will be the token immediately before the end of the
/// common resource attributes (if any). If there are no common resource attributes, the
/// current token is unchanged.
/// The returned slice is allocated by the parser's arena
fn parseCommonResourceAttributes(self: *Self) ![]Token {
var common_resource_attributes: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Token) = .empty;
while (true) {
const maybe_common_resource_attribute = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
if (maybe_common_resource_attribute.id == .literal and rc.CommonResourceAttributes.map.has(maybe_common_resource_attribute.slice(self.lexer.buffer))) {
try common_resource_attributes.append(self.state.arena, maybe_common_resource_attribute);
self.nextToken(.normal) catch unreachable;
} else {
return common_resource_attributes.toOwnedSlice(self.state.arena);
/// Expects the current token to have already been dealt with, and that the
/// optional statements will potentially start on the next token.
/// After return, the current token will be the token immediately before the end of the
/// optional statements (if any). If there are no optional statements, the
/// current token is unchanged.
/// The returned slice is allocated by the parser's arena
fn parseOptionalStatements(self: *Self, resource: Resource) ![]*Node {
var optional_statements: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Node) = .empty;
while (true) {
const lookahead_token = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
if (lookahead_token.id != .literal) break;
const slice = lookahead_token.slice(self.lexer.buffer);
const optional_statement_type = rc.OptionalStatements.map.get(slice) orelse switch (resource) {
.dialog, .dialogex => rc.OptionalStatements.dialog_map.get(slice) orelse break,
else => break,
self.nextToken(.normal) catch unreachable;
switch (optional_statement_type) {
.language => {
const language = try self.parseLanguageStatement();
try optional_statements.append(self.state.arena, language);
// Number only
.version, .characteristics, .style, .exstyle => {
const identifier = self.state.token;
const value = try self.parseExpression(.{
.can_contain_not_expressions = optional_statement_type == .style or optional_statement_type == .exstyle,
.allowed_types = .{ .number = true },
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.SimpleStatement);
node.* = .{
.identifier = identifier,
.value = value,
try optional_statements.append(self.state.arena, &node.base);
// String only
.caption => {
const identifier = self.state.token;
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const value = self.state.token;
if (!value.isStringLiteral()) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .expected_something_else,
.token = value,
.extra = .{ .expected_types = .{
.string_literal = true,
} },
const value_node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.Literal);
value_node.* = .{
.token = value,
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.SimpleStatement);
node.* = .{
.identifier = identifier,
.value = &value_node.base,
try optional_statements.append(self.state.arena, &node.base);
// String or number
.class => {
const identifier = self.state.token;
const value = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true, .string = true } });
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.SimpleStatement);
node.* = .{
.identifier = identifier,
.value = value,
try optional_statements.append(self.state.arena, &node.base);
// Special case
.menu => {
const identifier = self.state.token;
try self.nextToken(.whitespace_delimiter_only);
try self.check(.literal);
const value_node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.Literal);
value_node.* = .{
.token = self.state.token,
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.SimpleStatement);
node.* = .{
.identifier = identifier,
.value = &value_node.base,
try optional_statements.append(self.state.arena, &node.base);
.font => {
const identifier = self.state.token;
const point_size = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
// The comma between point_size and typeface is both optional and
// there can be any number of them
try self.skipAnyCommas();
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const typeface = self.state.token;
if (!typeface.isStringLiteral()) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .expected_something_else,
.token = typeface,
.extra = .{ .expected_types = .{
.string_literal = true,
} },
const ExSpecificValues = struct {
weight: ?*Node = null,
italic: ?*Node = null,
char_set: ?*Node = null,
var ex_specific = ExSpecificValues{};
ex_specific: {
var optional_param_parser = OptionalParamParser{ .parser = self };
switch (resource) {
.dialogex => {
ex_specific.weight = try optional_param_parser.parse(.{});
if (optional_param_parser.finished) break :ex_specific;
if (!(try self.parseOptionalToken(.comma))) break :ex_specific;
ex_specific.italic = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
ex_specific.char_set = try optional_param_parser.parse(.{});
if (optional_param_parser.finished) break :ex_specific;
.dialog => {},
else => unreachable, // only DIALOG and DIALOGEX have FONT optional-statements
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.FontStatement);
node.* = .{
.identifier = identifier,
.point_size = point_size,
.typeface = typeface,
.weight = ex_specific.weight,
.italic = ex_specific.italic,
.char_set = ex_specific.char_set,
try optional_statements.append(self.state.arena, &node.base);
return optional_statements.toOwnedSlice(self.state.arena);
/// Expects the current token to be the first token of the statement.
fn parseStatement(self: *Self) Error!*Node {
const first_token = self.state.token;
std.debug.assert(first_token.id == .literal);
if (rc.TopLevelKeywords.map.get(first_token.slice(self.lexer.buffer))) |keyword| switch (keyword) {
.language => {
const language_statement = try self.parseLanguageStatement();
return language_statement;
.version, .characteristics => {
const identifier = self.state.token;
const value = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.SimpleStatement);
node.* = .{
.identifier = identifier,
.value = value,
return &node.base;
.stringtable => {
// common resource attributes must all be contiguous and come before optional-statements
const common_resource_attributes = try self.parseCommonResourceAttributes();
const optional_statements = try self.parseOptionalStatements(.stringtable);
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const begin_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.begin);
var strings = std.ArrayList(*Node).init(self.state.allocator);
defer strings.deinit();
while (true) {
const maybe_end_token = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
switch (maybe_end_token.id) {
.end => {
self.nextToken(.normal) catch unreachable;
.eof => {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .unfinished_string_table_block,
.token = maybe_end_token,
else => {},
const id_expression = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
const comma_token: ?Token = if (try self.parseOptionalToken(.comma)) self.state.token else null;
try self.nextToken(.normal);
if (self.state.token.id != .quoted_ascii_string and self.state.token.id != .quoted_wide_string) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .expected_something_else,
.token = self.state.token,
.extra = .{ .expected_types = .{ .string_literal = true } },
const string_node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.StringTableString);
string_node.* = .{
.id = id_expression,
.maybe_comma = comma_token,
.string = self.state.token,
try strings.append(&string_node.base);
if (strings.items.len == 0) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .expected_token, // TODO: probably a more specific error message
.token = self.state.token,
.extra = .{ .expected = .number },
const end_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.end);
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.StringTable);
node.* = .{
.type = first_token,
.common_resource_attributes = common_resource_attributes,
.optional_statements = optional_statements,
.begin_token = begin_token,
.strings = try self.state.arena.dupe(*Node, strings.items),
.end_token = end_token,
return &node.base;
// The Win32 RC compiler allows for a 'dangling' literal at the end of a file
// (as long as it's not a valid top-level keyword), and there is actually an
// .rc file with a such a dangling literal in the Windows-classic-samples set
// of projects. So, we have special compatibility for this particular case.
const maybe_eof = try self.lookaheadToken(.whitespace_delimiter_only);
if (maybe_eof.id == .eof) {
// TODO: emit warning
var context = try self.state.arena.alloc(Token, 2);
context[0] = first_token;
context[1] = maybe_eof;
const invalid_node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.Invalid);
invalid_node.* = .{
.context = context,
return &invalid_node.base;
const id_token = first_token;
const id_code_page = self.lexer.current_code_page;
try self.nextToken(.whitespace_delimiter_only);
const resource = try self.checkResource();
const type_token = self.state.token;
if (resource == .string_num) {
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .string_resource_as_numeric_type,
.token = type_token,
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(.{
.err = .string_resource_as_numeric_type,
.token = type_token,
.type = .note,
.print_source_line = false,
if (resource == .font) {
const id_bytes = SourceBytes{
.slice = id_token.slice(self.lexer.buffer),
.code_page = id_code_page,
const maybe_ordinal = res.NameOrOrdinal.maybeOrdinalFromString(id_bytes);
if (maybe_ordinal == null) {
const would_be_win32_rc_ordinal = res.NameOrOrdinal.maybeNonAsciiOrdinalFromString(id_bytes);
if (would_be_win32_rc_ordinal) |win32_rc_ordinal| {
try self.addErrorDetails(ErrorDetails{
.err = .id_must_be_ordinal,
.token = id_token,
.extra = .{ .resource = resource },
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .win32_non_ascii_ordinal,
.token = id_token,
.type = .note,
.print_source_line = false,
.extra = .{ .number = win32_rc_ordinal.ordinal },
} else {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .id_must_be_ordinal,
.token = id_token,
.extra = .{ .resource = resource },
switch (resource) {
.accelerators => {
// common resource attributes must all be contiguous and come before optional-statements
const common_resource_attributes = try self.parseCommonResourceAttributes();
const optional_statements = try self.parseOptionalStatements(resource);
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const begin_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.begin);
var accelerators: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Node) = .empty;
while (true) {
const lookahead = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
switch (lookahead.id) {
.end, .eof => {
self.nextToken(.normal) catch unreachable;
else => {},
const event = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true, .string = true } });
try self.nextToken(.normal);
try self.check(.comma);
const idvalue = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
var type_and_options: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Token) = .empty;
while (true) {
if (!(try self.parseOptionalToken(.comma))) break;
try self.nextToken(.normal);
if (!rc.AcceleratorTypeAndOptions.map.has(self.tokenSlice())) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(.{
.err = .expected_something_else,
.token = self.state.token,
.extra = .{ .expected_types = .{
.accelerator_type_or_option = true,
} },
try type_and_options.append(self.state.arena, self.state.token);
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.Accelerator);
node.* = .{
.event = event,
.idvalue = idvalue,
.type_and_options = try type_and_options.toOwnedSlice(self.state.arena),
try accelerators.append(self.state.arena, &node.base);
const end_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.end);
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.Accelerators);
node.* = .{
.id = id_token,
.type = type_token,
.common_resource_attributes = common_resource_attributes,
.optional_statements = optional_statements,
.begin_token = begin_token,
.accelerators = try accelerators.toOwnedSlice(self.state.arena),
.end_token = end_token,
return &node.base;
.dialog, .dialogex => {
// common resource attributes must all be contiguous and come before optional-statements
const common_resource_attributes = try self.parseCommonResourceAttributes();
const x = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
_ = try self.parseOptionalToken(.comma);
const y = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
_ = try self.parseOptionalToken(.comma);
const width = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
_ = try self.parseOptionalToken(.comma);
const height = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
var optional_param_parser = OptionalParamParser{ .parser = self };
const help_id: ?*Node = try optional_param_parser.parse(.{});
const optional_statements = try self.parseOptionalStatements(resource);
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const begin_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.begin);
var controls: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Node) = .empty;
defer controls.deinit(self.state.allocator);
while (try self.parseControlStatement(resource)) |control_node| {
// The number of controls must fit in a u16 in order for it to
// be able to be written into the relevant field in the .res data.
if (controls.items.len >= std.math.maxInt(u16)) {
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .too_many_dialog_controls_or_toolbar_buttons,
.token = id_token,
.extra = .{ .resource = resource },
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(.{
.err = .too_many_dialog_controls_or_toolbar_buttons,
.type = .note,
.token = control_node.getFirstToken(),
.token_span_end = control_node.getLastToken(),
.extra = .{ .resource = resource },
try controls.append(self.state.allocator, control_node);
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const end_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.end);
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.Dialog);
node.* = .{
.id = id_token,
.type = type_token,
.common_resource_attributes = common_resource_attributes,
.x = x,
.y = y,
.width = width,
.height = height,
.help_id = help_id,
.optional_statements = optional_statements,
.begin_token = begin_token,
.controls = try self.state.arena.dupe(*Node, controls.items),
.end_token = end_token,
return &node.base;
.toolbar => {
// common resource attributes must all be contiguous and come before optional-statements
const common_resource_attributes = try self.parseCommonResourceAttributes();
const button_width = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
try self.nextToken(.normal);
try self.check(.comma);
const button_height = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const begin_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.begin);
var buttons: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Node) = .empty;
defer buttons.deinit(self.state.allocator);
while (try self.parseToolbarButtonStatement()) |button_node| {
// The number of buttons must fit in a u16 in order for it to
// be able to be written into the relevant field in the .res data.
if (buttons.items.len >= std.math.maxInt(u16)) {
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .too_many_dialog_controls_or_toolbar_buttons,
.token = id_token,
.extra = .{ .resource = resource },
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(.{
.err = .too_many_dialog_controls_or_toolbar_buttons,
.type = .note,
.token = button_node.getFirstToken(),
.token_span_end = button_node.getLastToken(),
.extra = .{ .resource = resource },
try buttons.append(self.state.allocator, button_node);
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const end_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.end);
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.Toolbar);
node.* = .{
.id = id_token,
.type = type_token,
.common_resource_attributes = common_resource_attributes,
.button_width = button_width,
.button_height = button_height,
.begin_token = begin_token,
.buttons = try self.state.arena.dupe(*Node, buttons.items),
.end_token = end_token,
return &node.base;
.menu, .menuex => {
// common resource attributes must all be contiguous and come before optional-statements
const common_resource_attributes = try self.parseCommonResourceAttributes();
// help id is optional but must come between common resource attributes and optional-statements
var help_id: ?*Node = null;
// Note: No comma is allowed before or after help_id of MENUEX and help_id is not
// a possible field of MENU.
if (resource == .menuex and try self.lookaheadCouldBeNumberExpression(.not_disallowed)) {
help_id = try self.parseExpression(.{
.is_known_to_be_number_expression = true,
const optional_statements = try self.parseOptionalStatements(.stringtable);
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const begin_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.begin);
var items: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Node) = .empty;
defer items.deinit(self.state.allocator);
while (try self.parseMenuItemStatement(resource, id_token, 1)) |item_node| {
try items.append(self.state.allocator, item_node);
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const end_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.end);
if (items.items.len == 0) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(.{
.err = .empty_menu_not_allowed,
.token = type_token,
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.Menu);
node.* = .{
.id = id_token,
.type = type_token,
.common_resource_attributes = common_resource_attributes,
.optional_statements = optional_statements,
.help_id = help_id,
.begin_token = begin_token,
.items = try self.state.arena.dupe(*Node, items.items),
.end_token = end_token,
return &node.base;
.versioninfo => {
// common resource attributes must all be contiguous and come before optional-statements
const common_resource_attributes = try self.parseCommonResourceAttributes();
var fixed_info: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Node) = .empty;
while (try self.parseVersionStatement()) |version_statement| {
try fixed_info.append(self.state.arena, version_statement);
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const begin_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.begin);
var block_statements: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Node) = .empty;
while (try self.parseVersionBlockOrValue(id_token, 1)) |block_node| {
try block_statements.append(self.state.arena, block_node);
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const end_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.end);
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.VersionInfo);
node.* = .{
.id = id_token,
.versioninfo = type_token,
.common_resource_attributes = common_resource_attributes,
.fixed_info = try fixed_info.toOwnedSlice(self.state.arena),
.begin_token = begin_token,
.block_statements = try block_statements.toOwnedSlice(self.state.arena),
.end_token = end_token,
return &node.base;
.dlginclude => {
const common_resource_attributes = try self.parseCommonResourceAttributes();
const filename_expression = try self.parseExpression(.{
.allowed_types = .{ .string = true },
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.ResourceExternal);
node.* = .{
.id = id_token,
.type = type_token,
.common_resource_attributes = common_resource_attributes,
.filename = filename_expression,
return &node.base;
.stringtable => {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(.{
.err = .name_or_id_not_allowed,
.token = id_token,
.extra = .{ .resource = resource },
// Just try everything as a 'generic' resource (raw data or external file)
// TODO: More fine-grained switch cases as necessary
else => {
const common_resource_attributes = try self.parseCommonResourceAttributes();
const maybe_begin = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
if (maybe_begin.id == .begin) {
self.nextToken(.normal) catch unreachable;
if (!resource.canUseRawData()) {
try self.addErrorDetails(ErrorDetails{
.err = .resource_type_cant_use_raw_data,
.token = maybe_begin,
.extra = .{ .resource = resource },
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .resource_type_cant_use_raw_data,
.type = .note,
.print_source_line = false,
.token = maybe_begin,
const raw_data = try self.parseRawDataBlock();
const end_token = self.state.token;
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.ResourceRawData);
node.* = .{
.id = id_token,
.type = type_token,
.common_resource_attributes = common_resource_attributes,
.begin_token = maybe_begin,
.raw_data = raw_data,
.end_token = end_token,
return &node.base;
const filename_expression = try self.parseExpression(.{
// Don't tell the user that numbers are accepted since we error on
// number expressions and regular number literals are treated as unquoted
// literals rather than numbers, so from the users perspective
// numbers aren't really allowed.
.expected_types_override = .{
.literal = true,
.string_literal = true,
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.ResourceExternal);
node.* = .{
.id = id_token,
.type = type_token,
.common_resource_attributes = common_resource_attributes,
.filename = filename_expression,
return &node.base;
/// Expects the current token to be a begin token.
/// After return, the current token will be the end token.
fn parseRawDataBlock(self: *Self) Error![]*Node {
var raw_data = std.ArrayList(*Node).init(self.state.allocator);
defer raw_data.deinit();
while (true) {
const maybe_end_token = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
switch (maybe_end_token.id) {
.comma => {
// comma as the first token in a raw data block is an error
if (raw_data.items.len == 0) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .expected_something_else,
.token = maybe_end_token,
.extra = .{ .expected_types = .{
.number = true,
.number_expression = true,
.string_literal = true,
} },
// otherwise just skip over commas
self.nextToken(.normal) catch unreachable;
.end => {
self.nextToken(.normal) catch unreachable;
.eof => {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .unfinished_raw_data_block,
.token = maybe_end_token,
else => {},
const expression = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true, .string = true } });
try raw_data.append(expression);
if (expression.isNumberExpression()) {
const maybe_close_paren = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
if (maybe_close_paren.id == .close_paren) {
// <number expression>) is an error
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .expected_token,
.token = maybe_close_paren,
.extra = .{ .expected = .operator },
return try self.state.arena.dupe(*Node, raw_data.items);
/// Expects the current token to be handled, and that the control statement will
/// begin on the next token.
/// After return, the current token will be the token immediately before the end of the
/// control statement (or unchanged if the function returns null).
fn parseControlStatement(self: *Self, resource: Resource) Error!?*Node {
const control_token = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
const control = rc.Control.map.get(control_token.slice(self.lexer.buffer)) orelse return null;
self.nextToken(.normal) catch unreachable;
try self.skipAnyCommas();
var text: ?Token = null;
if (control.hasTextParam()) {
try self.nextToken(.normal);
switch (self.state.token.id) {
.quoted_ascii_string, .quoted_wide_string, .number => {
text = self.state.token;
else => {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .expected_something_else,
.token = self.state.token,
.extra = .{ .expected_types = .{
.number = true,
.string_literal = true,
} },
try self.skipAnyCommas();
const id = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
try self.skipAnyCommas();
var class: ?*Node = null;
var style: ?*Node = null;
if (control == .control) {
class = try self.parseExpression(.{});
if (class.?.id == .literal) {
const class_literal: *Node.Literal = @alignCast(@fieldParentPtr("base", class.?));
const is_invalid_control_class = class_literal.token.id == .literal and !rc.ControlClass.map.has(class_literal.token.slice(self.lexer.buffer));
if (is_invalid_control_class) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(.{
.err = .expected_something_else,
.token = self.state.token,
.extra = .{ .expected_types = .{
.control_class = true,
} },
try self.skipAnyCommas();
style = try self.parseExpression(.{
.can_contain_not_expressions = true,
.allowed_types = .{ .number = true },
// If there is no comma after the style paramter, the Win32 RC compiler
// could misinterpret the statement and end up skipping over at least one token
// that should have been interepeted as the next parameter (x). For example:
// CONTROL "text", 1, BUTTON, 15 30, 1, 2, 3, 4
// the `15` is the style parameter, but in the Win32 implementation the `30`
// is completely ignored (i.e. the `1, 2, 3, 4` are `x`, `y`, `w`, `h`).
// If a comma is added after the `15`, then `30` gets interpreted (correctly)
// as the `x` value.
// Instead of emulating this behavior, we just warn about the potential for
// weird behavior in the Win32 implementation whenever there isn't a comma after
// the style parameter.
const lookahead_token = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
if (lookahead_token.id != .comma and lookahead_token.id != .eof) {
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .rc_could_miscompile_control_params,
.type = .warning,
.token = lookahead_token,
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .rc_could_miscompile_control_params,
.type = .note,
.token = style.?.getFirstToken(),
.token_span_end = style.?.getLastToken(),
try self.skipAnyCommas();
const x = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
_ = try self.parseOptionalToken(.comma);
const y = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
_ = try self.parseOptionalToken(.comma);
const width = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
_ = try self.parseOptionalToken(.comma);
const height = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
var optional_param_parser = OptionalParamParser{ .parser = self };
if (control != .control) {
style = try optional_param_parser.parse(.{ .not_expression_allowed = true });
const exstyle: ?*Node = try optional_param_parser.parse(.{ .not_expression_allowed = true });
const help_id: ?*Node = switch (resource) {
.dialogex => try optional_param_parser.parse(.{}),
else => null,
var extra_data: []*Node = &[_]*Node{};
var extra_data_begin: ?Token = null;
var extra_data_end: ?Token = null;
// extra data is DIALOGEX-only
if (resource == .dialogex and try self.parseOptionalToken(.begin)) {
extra_data_begin = self.state.token;
extra_data = try self.parseRawDataBlock();
extra_data_end = self.state.token;
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.ControlStatement);
node.* = .{
.type = control_token,
.text = text,
.class = class,
.id = id,
.x = x,
.y = y,
.width = width,
.height = height,
.style = style,
.exstyle = exstyle,
.help_id = help_id,
.extra_data_begin = extra_data_begin,
.extra_data = extra_data,
.extra_data_end = extra_data_end,
return &node.base;
fn parseToolbarButtonStatement(self: *Self) Error!?*Node {
const keyword_token = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
const button_type = rc.ToolbarButton.map.get(keyword_token.slice(self.lexer.buffer)) orelse return null;
self.nextToken(.normal) catch unreachable;
switch (button_type) {
.separator => {
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.Literal);
node.* = .{
.token = keyword_token,
return &node.base;
.button => {
const button_id = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.SimpleStatement);
node.* = .{
.identifier = keyword_token,
.value = button_id,
return &node.base;
/// Expects the current token to be handled, and that the menuitem/popup statement will
/// begin on the next token.
/// After return, the current token will be the token immediately before the end of the
/// menuitem statement (or unchanged if the function returns null).
fn parseMenuItemStatement(self: *Self, resource: Resource, top_level_menu_id_token: Token, nesting_level: u32) Error!?*Node {
const menuitem_token = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
const menuitem = rc.MenuItem.map.get(menuitem_token.slice(self.lexer.buffer)) orelse return null;
self.nextToken(.normal) catch unreachable;
if (nesting_level > max_nested_menu_level) {
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .nested_resource_level_exceeds_max,
.token = top_level_menu_id_token,
.extra = .{ .resource = resource },
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(.{
.err = .nested_resource_level_exceeds_max,
.type = .note,
.token = menuitem_token,
.extra = .{ .resource = resource },
switch (resource) {
.menu => switch (menuitem) {
.menuitem => {
try self.nextToken(.normal);
if (rc.MenuItem.isSeparator(self.state.token.slice(self.lexer.buffer))) {
const separator_token = self.state.token;
// There can be any number of trailing commas after SEPARATOR
try self.skipAnyCommas();
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.MenuItemSeparator);
node.* = .{
.menuitem = menuitem_token,
.separator = separator_token,
return &node.base;
} else {
const text = self.state.token;
if (!text.isStringLiteral()) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .expected_something_else,
.token = text,
.extra = .{ .expected_types = .{
.string_literal = true,
} },
try self.skipAnyCommas();
const result = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
_ = try self.parseOptionalToken(.comma);
var options: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Token) = .empty;
while (true) {
const option_token = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
if (!rc.MenuItem.Option.map.has(option_token.slice(self.lexer.buffer))) {
self.nextToken(.normal) catch unreachable;
try options.append(self.state.arena, option_token);
try self.skipAnyCommas();
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.MenuItem);
node.* = .{
.menuitem = menuitem_token,
.text = text,
.result = result,
.option_list = try options.toOwnedSlice(self.state.arena),
return &node.base;
.popup => {
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const text = self.state.token;
if (!text.isStringLiteral()) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .expected_something_else,
.token = text,
.extra = .{ .expected_types = .{
.string_literal = true,
} },
try self.skipAnyCommas();
var options: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Token) = .empty;
while (true) {
const option_token = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
if (!rc.MenuItem.Option.map.has(option_token.slice(self.lexer.buffer))) {
self.nextToken(.normal) catch unreachable;
try options.append(self.state.arena, option_token);
try self.skipAnyCommas();
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const begin_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.begin);
var items: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Node) = .empty;
while (try self.parseMenuItemStatement(resource, top_level_menu_id_token, nesting_level + 1)) |item_node| {
try items.append(self.state.arena, item_node);
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const end_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.end);
if (items.items.len == 0) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(.{
.err = .empty_menu_not_allowed,
.token = menuitem_token,
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.Popup);
node.* = .{
.popup = menuitem_token,
.text = text,
.option_list = try options.toOwnedSlice(self.state.arena),
.begin_token = begin_token,
.items = try items.toOwnedSlice(self.state.arena),
.end_token = end_token,
return &node.base;
.menuex => {
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const text = self.state.token;
if (!text.isStringLiteral()) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .expected_something_else,
.token = text,
.extra = .{ .expected_types = .{
.string_literal = true,
} },
var param_parser = OptionalParamParser{ .parser = self };
const id = try param_parser.parse(.{});
const item_type = try param_parser.parse(.{});
const state = try param_parser.parse(.{});
if (menuitem == .menuitem) {
// trailing comma is allowed, skip it
_ = try self.parseOptionalToken(.comma);
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.MenuItemEx);
node.* = .{
.menuitem = menuitem_token,
.text = text,
.id = id,
.type = item_type,
.state = state,
return &node.base;
const help_id = try param_parser.parse(.{});
// trailing comma is allowed, skip it
_ = try self.parseOptionalToken(.comma);
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const begin_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.begin);
var items: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Node) = .empty;
while (try self.parseMenuItemStatement(resource, top_level_menu_id_token, nesting_level + 1)) |item_node| {
try items.append(self.state.arena, item_node);
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const end_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.end);
if (items.items.len == 0) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(.{
.err = .empty_menu_not_allowed,
.token = menuitem_token,
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.PopupEx);
node.* = .{
.popup = menuitem_token,
.text = text,
.id = id,
.type = item_type,
.state = state,
.help_id = help_id,
.begin_token = begin_token,
.items = try items.toOwnedSlice(self.state.arena),
.end_token = end_token,
return &node.base;
else => unreachable,
pub const OptionalParamParser = struct {
finished: bool = false,
parser: *Self,
pub const Options = struct {
not_expression_allowed: bool = false,
pub fn parse(self: *OptionalParamParser, options: OptionalParamParser.Options) Error!?*Node {
if (self.finished) return null;
if (!(try self.parser.parseOptionalToken(.comma))) {
self.finished = true;
return null;
// If the next lookahead token could be part of a number expression,
// then parse it. Otherwise, treat it as an 'empty' expression and
// continue parsing, since 'empty' values are allowed.
if (try self.parser.lookaheadCouldBeNumberExpression(switch (options.not_expression_allowed) {
true => .not_allowed,
false => .not_disallowed,
})) {
const node = try self.parser.parseExpression(.{
.allowed_types = .{ .number = true },
.can_contain_not_expressions = options.not_expression_allowed,
return node;
return null;
/// Expects the current token to be handled, and that the version statement will
/// begin on the next token.
/// After return, the current token will be the token immediately before the end of the
/// version statement (or unchanged if the function returns null).
fn parseVersionStatement(self: *Self) Error!?*Node {
const type_token = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
const statement_type = rc.VersionInfo.map.get(type_token.slice(self.lexer.buffer)) orelse return null;
self.nextToken(.normal) catch unreachable;
switch (statement_type) {
.file_version, .product_version => {
var parts_buffer: [4]*Node = undefined;
var parts = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Node).initBuffer(&parts_buffer);
while (true) {
const value = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
parts.addOneAssumeCapacity().* = value;
if (parts.unusedCapacitySlice().len == 0 or
!(try self.parseOptionalToken(.comma)))
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.VersionStatement);
node.* = .{
.type = type_token,
.parts = try self.state.arena.dupe(*Node, parts.items),
return &node.base;
else => {
const value = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.SimpleStatement);
node.* = .{
.identifier = type_token,
.value = value,
return &node.base;
/// Expects the current token to be handled, and that the version BLOCK/VALUE will
/// begin on the next token.
/// After return, the current token will be the token immediately before the end of the
/// version BLOCK/VALUE (or unchanged if the function returns null).
fn parseVersionBlockOrValue(self: *Self, top_level_version_id_token: Token, nesting_level: u32) Error!?*Node {
const keyword_token = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
const keyword = rc.VersionBlock.map.get(keyword_token.slice(self.lexer.buffer)) orelse return null;
self.nextToken(.normal) catch unreachable;
if (nesting_level > max_nested_version_level) {
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .nested_resource_level_exceeds_max,
.token = top_level_version_id_token,
.extra = .{ .resource = .versioninfo },
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(.{
.err = .nested_resource_level_exceeds_max,
.type = .note,
.token = keyword_token,
.extra = .{ .resource = .versioninfo },
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const key = self.state.token;
if (!key.isStringLiteral()) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(.{
.err = .expected_something_else,
.token = key,
.extra = .{ .expected_types = .{
.string_literal = true,
} },
// Need to keep track of this to detect a potential miscompilation when
// the comma is omitted and the first value is a quoted string.
const had_comma_before_first_value = try self.parseOptionalToken(.comma);
try self.skipAnyCommas();
const values = try self.parseBlockValuesList(had_comma_before_first_value);
switch (keyword) {
.block => {
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const begin_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.begin);
var children: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Node) = .empty;
while (try self.parseVersionBlockOrValue(top_level_version_id_token, nesting_level + 1)) |value_node| {
try children.append(self.state.arena, value_node);
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const end_token = self.state.token;
try self.check(.end);
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.Block);
node.* = .{
.identifier = keyword_token,
.key = key,
.values = values,
.begin_token = begin_token,
.children = try children.toOwnedSlice(self.state.arena),
.end_token = end_token,
return &node.base;
.value => {
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.BlockValue);
node.* = .{
.identifier = keyword_token,
.key = key,
.values = values,
return &node.base;
fn parseBlockValuesList(self: *Self, had_comma_before_first_value: bool) Error![]*Node {
var values: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Node) = .empty;
var seen_number: bool = false;
var first_string_value: ?*Node = null;
while (true) {
const lookahead_token = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
switch (lookahead_token.id) {
=> {},
else => break,
const value = try self.parseExpression(.{});
if (value.isNumberExpression()) {
seen_number = true;
} else if (first_string_value == null) {
first_string_value = value;
const has_trailing_comma = try self.parseOptionalToken(.comma);
try self.skipAnyCommas();
const value_value = try self.state.arena.create(Node.BlockValueValue);
value_value.* = .{
.expression = value,
.trailing_comma = has_trailing_comma,
try values.append(self.state.arena, &value_value.base);
if (seen_number and first_string_value != null) {
// The Win32 RC compiler does some strange stuff with the data size:
// Strings are counted as UTF-16 code units including the null-terminator
// Numbers are counted as their byte lengths
// So, when both strings and numbers are within a single value,
// it incorrectly sets the value's type as binary, but then gives the
// data length as a mixture of bytes and UTF-16 code units. This means that
// when the length is read, it will be treated as byte length and will
// not read the full value. We don't reproduce this behavior, so we warn
// of the miscompilation here.
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .rc_would_miscompile_version_value_byte_count,
.type = .warning,
.token = first_string_value.?.getFirstToken(),
.token_span_start = values.items[0].getFirstToken(),
.token_span_end = values.items[values.items.len - 1].getLastToken(),
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .rc_would_miscompile_version_value_byte_count,
.type = .note,
.token = first_string_value.?.getFirstToken(),
.token_span_start = values.items[0].getFirstToken(),
.token_span_end = values.items[values.items.len - 1].getLastToken(),
.print_source_line = false,
if (!had_comma_before_first_value and values.items.len > 0 and values.items[0].cast(.block_value_value).?.expression.isStringLiteral()) {
const token = values.items[0].cast(.block_value_value).?.expression.cast(.literal).?.token;
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .rc_would_miscompile_version_value_padding,
.type = .warning,
.token = token,
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .rc_would_miscompile_version_value_padding,
.type = .note,
.token = token,
.print_source_line = false,
return values.toOwnedSlice(self.state.arena);
fn numberExpressionContainsAnyLSuffixes(expression_node: *Node, source: []const u8, code_page_lookup: *const CodePageLookup) bool {
// TODO: This could probably be done without evaluating the whole expression
return Compiler.evaluateNumberExpression(expression_node, source, code_page_lookup).is_long;
/// Expects the current token to be a literal token that contains the string LANGUAGE
fn parseLanguageStatement(self: *Self) Error!*Node {
const language_token = self.state.token;
const primary_language = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
try self.nextToken(.normal);
try self.check(.comma);
const sublanguage = try self.parseExpression(.{ .allowed_types = .{ .number = true } });
// The Win32 RC compiler errors if either parameter contains any number with an L
// suffix. Instead of that, we want to warn and then let the values get truncated.
// The warning is done here to allow the compiler logic to not have to deal with this.
if (numberExpressionContainsAnyLSuffixes(primary_language, self.lexer.buffer, &self.state.input_code_page_lookup)) {
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .rc_would_error_u16_with_l_suffix,
.type = .warning,
.token = primary_language.getFirstToken(),
.token_span_end = primary_language.getLastToken(),
.extra = .{ .statement_with_u16_param = .language },
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .rc_would_error_u16_with_l_suffix,
.print_source_line = false,
.type = .note,
.token = primary_language.getFirstToken(),
.token_span_end = primary_language.getLastToken(),
.extra = .{ .statement_with_u16_param = .language },
if (numberExpressionContainsAnyLSuffixes(sublanguage, self.lexer.buffer, &self.state.input_code_page_lookup)) {
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .rc_would_error_u16_with_l_suffix,
.type = .warning,
.token = sublanguage.getFirstToken(),
.token_span_end = sublanguage.getLastToken(),
.extra = .{ .statement_with_u16_param = .language },
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .rc_would_error_u16_with_l_suffix,
.print_source_line = false,
.type = .note,
.token = sublanguage.getFirstToken(),
.token_span_end = sublanguage.getLastToken(),
.extra = .{ .statement_with_u16_param = .language },
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.LanguageStatement);
node.* = .{
.language_token = language_token,
.primary_language_id = primary_language,
.sublanguage_id = sublanguage,
return &node.base;
pub const ParseExpressionOptions = struct {
is_known_to_be_number_expression: bool = false,
can_contain_not_expressions: bool = false,
nesting_context: NestingContext = .{},
allowed_types: AllowedTypes = .{ .literal = true, .number = true, .string = true },
expected_types_override: ?ErrorDetails.ExpectedTypes = null,
pub const AllowedTypes = struct {
literal: bool = false,
number: bool = false,
string: bool = false,
pub const NestingContext = struct {
first_token: ?Token = null,
last_token: ?Token = null,
level: u32 = 0,
/// Returns a new NestingContext with values modified appropriately for an increased nesting level
fn incremented(ctx: NestingContext, first_token: Token, most_recent_token: Token) NestingContext {
return .{
.first_token = ctx.first_token orelse first_token,
.last_token = most_recent_token,
.level = ctx.level + 1,
pub fn toErrorDetails(options: ParseExpressionOptions, token: Token) ErrorDetails {
// TODO: expected_types_override interaction with is_known_to_be_number_expression?
const expected_types = options.expected_types_override orelse ErrorDetails.ExpectedTypes{
.number = options.allowed_types.number,
.number_expression = options.allowed_types.number,
.string_literal = options.allowed_types.string and !options.is_known_to_be_number_expression,
.literal = options.allowed_types.literal and !options.is_known_to_be_number_expression,
return ErrorDetails{
.err = .expected_something_else,
.token = token,
.extra = .{ .expected_types = expected_types },
/// Returns true if the next lookahead token is a number or could be the start of a number expression.
/// Only useful when looking for empty expressions in optional fields.
fn lookaheadCouldBeNumberExpression(self: *Self, not_allowed: enum { not_allowed, not_disallowed }) Error!bool {
var lookahead_token = try self.lookaheadToken(.normal);
switch (lookahead_token.id) {
.literal => if (not_allowed == .not_allowed) {
return std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase("NOT", lookahead_token.slice(self.lexer.buffer));
} else return false,
.number => return true,
.open_paren => return true,
.operator => {
// + can be a unary operator, see parseExpression's handling of unary +
const operator_char = lookahead_token.slice(self.lexer.buffer)[0];
return operator_char == '+';
else => return false,
fn parsePrimary(self: *Self, options: ParseExpressionOptions) Error!*Node {
try self.nextToken(.normal);
const first_token = self.state.token;
var is_close_paren_expression = false;
var is_unary_plus_expression = false;
switch (self.state.token.id) {
.quoted_ascii_string, .quoted_wide_string => {
if (!options.allowed_types.string) return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(options.toErrorDetails(self.state.token));
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.Literal);
node.* = .{ .token = self.state.token };
return &node.base;
.literal => {
if (options.can_contain_not_expressions and std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase("NOT", self.state.token.slice(self.lexer.buffer))) {
const not_token = self.state.token;
try self.nextToken(.normal);
try self.check(.number);
if (!options.allowed_types.number) return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(options.toErrorDetails(self.state.token));
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.NotExpression);
node.* = .{
.not_token = not_token,
.number_token = self.state.token,
return &node.base;
if (!options.allowed_types.literal) return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(options.toErrorDetails(self.state.token));
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.Literal);
node.* = .{ .token = self.state.token };
return &node.base;
.number => {
if (!options.allowed_types.number) return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(options.toErrorDetails(self.state.token));
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.Literal);
node.* = .{ .token = self.state.token };
return &node.base;
.open_paren => {
const open_paren_token = self.state.token;
const expression = try self.parseExpression(.{
.is_known_to_be_number_expression = true,
.can_contain_not_expressions = options.can_contain_not_expressions,
.nesting_context = options.nesting_context.incremented(first_token, open_paren_token),
.allowed_types = .{ .number = true },
try self.nextToken(.normal);
// TODO: Add context to error about where the open paren is
try self.check(.close_paren);
if (!options.allowed_types.number) return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(options.toErrorDetails(open_paren_token));
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.GroupedExpression);
node.* = .{
.open_token = open_paren_token,
.expression = expression,
.close_token = self.state.token,
return &node.base;
.close_paren => {
// Note: In the Win32 implementation, a single close paren
// counts as a valid "expression", but only when its the first and
// only token in the expression. Such an expression is then treated
// as a 'skip this expression' instruction. For example:
// 1 RCDATA { 1, ), ), ), 2 }
// will be evaluated as if it were `1 RCDATA { 1, 2 }` and only
// 0x0001 and 0x0002 will be written to the .res data.
// This behavior is not emulated because it almost certainly has
// no valid use cases and only introduces edge cases that are
// not worth the effort to track down and deal with. Instead,
// we error but also add a note about the Win32 RC behavior if
// this edge case is detected.
if (!options.is_known_to_be_number_expression) {
is_close_paren_expression = true;
.operator => {
// In the Win32 implementation, something akin to a unary +
// is allowed but it doesn't behave exactly like a unary +.
// Instead of emulating the Win32 behavior, we instead error
// and add a note about unary plus not being allowed.
// This is done because unary + only works in some places,
// and there's no real use-case for it since it's so limited
// in how it can be used (e.g. +1 is accepted but (+1) will error)
// Even understanding when unary plus is allowed is difficult, so
// we don't do any fancy detection of when the Win32 RC compiler would
// allow a unary + and instead just output the note in all cases.
// Some examples of allowed expressions by the Win32 compiler:
// +1
// 0|+5
// +1+2
// +~-5
// +(1)
// Some examples of disallowed expressions by the Win32 compiler:
// (+1)
// ++5
// TODO: Potentially re-evaluate and support the unary plus in a bug-for-bug
// compatible way.
const operator_char = self.state.token.slice(self.lexer.buffer)[0];
if (operator_char == '+') {
is_unary_plus_expression = true;
else => {},
try self.addErrorDetails(options.toErrorDetails(self.state.token));
if (is_close_paren_expression) {
try self.addErrorDetails(ErrorDetails{
.err = .close_paren_expression,
.type = .note,
.token = self.state.token,
.print_source_line = false,
if (is_unary_plus_expression) {
try self.addErrorDetails(ErrorDetails{
.err = .unary_plus_expression,
.type = .note,
.token = self.state.token,
.print_source_line = false,
return error.ParseError;
/// Expects the current token to have already been dealt with, and that the
/// expression will start on the next token.
/// After return, the current token will have been dealt with.
fn parseExpression(self: *Self, options: ParseExpressionOptions) Error!*Node {
if (options.nesting_context.level > max_nested_expression_level) {
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .nested_expression_level_exceeds_max,
.token = options.nesting_context.first_token.?,
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(.{
.err = .nested_expression_level_exceeds_max,
.type = .note,
.token = options.nesting_context.last_token.?,
var expr: *Node = try self.parsePrimary(options);
const first_token = expr.getFirstToken();
// Non-number expressions can't have operators, so we can just return
if (!expr.isNumberExpression()) return expr;
while (try self.parseOptionalTokenAdvanced(.operator, .normal_expect_operator)) {
const operator = self.state.token;
const rhs_node = try self.parsePrimary(.{
.is_known_to_be_number_expression = true,
.can_contain_not_expressions = options.can_contain_not_expressions,
.nesting_context = options.nesting_context.incremented(first_token, operator),
.allowed_types = options.allowed_types,
if (!rhs_node.isNumberExpression()) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .expected_something_else,
.token = rhs_node.getFirstToken(),
.token_span_end = rhs_node.getLastToken(),
.extra = .{ .expected_types = .{
.number = true,
.number_expression = true,
} },
const node = try self.state.arena.create(Node.BinaryExpression);
node.* = .{
.left = expr,
.operator = operator,
.right = rhs_node,
expr = &node.base;
return expr;
/// Skips any amount of commas (including zero)
/// In other words, it will skip the regex `,*`
/// Assumes the token(s) should be parsed with `.normal` as the method.
fn skipAnyCommas(self: *Self) !void {
while (try self.parseOptionalToken(.comma)) {}
/// Advances the current token only if the token's id matches the specified `id`.
/// Assumes the token should be parsed with `.normal` as the method.
/// Returns true if the token matched, false otherwise.
fn parseOptionalToken(self: *Self, id: Token.Id) Error!bool {
return self.parseOptionalTokenAdvanced(id, .normal);
/// Advances the current token only if the token's id matches the specified `id`.
/// Returns true if the token matched, false otherwise.
fn parseOptionalTokenAdvanced(self: *Self, id: Token.Id, comptime method: Lexer.LexMethod) Error!bool {
const maybe_token = try self.lookaheadToken(method);
if (maybe_token.id != id) return false;
self.nextToken(method) catch unreachable;
return true;
fn addErrorDetails(self: *Self, details: ErrorDetails) Allocator.Error!void {
try self.state.diagnostics.append(details);
fn addErrorDetailsAndFail(self: *Self, details: ErrorDetails) Error {
try self.addErrorDetails(details);
return error.ParseError;
fn nextToken(self: *Self, comptime method: Lexer.LexMethod) Error!void {
self.state.token = token: while (true) {
const token = self.lexer.next(method) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.CodePagePragmaInIncludedFile => {
// The Win32 RC compiler silently ignores such `#pragma code_point` directives,
// but we want to both ignore them *and* emit a warning
try self.addErrorDetails(.{
.err = .code_page_pragma_in_included_file,
.type = .warning,
.token = self.lexer.error_context_token.?,
error.CodePagePragmaInvalidCodePage => {
var details = self.lexer.getErrorDetails(err);
if (!self.options.warn_instead_of_error_on_invalid_code_page) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(details);
details.type = .warning;
try self.addErrorDetails(details);
error.InvalidDigitCharacterInNumberLiteral => {
const details = self.lexer.getErrorDetails(err);
try self.addErrorDetails(details);
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(.{
.err = details.err,
.type = .note,
.token = details.token,
.print_source_line = false,
else => return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(self.lexer.getErrorDetails(err)),
break :token token;
// After every token, set the input code page for its line
try self.state.input_code_page_lookup.setForToken(self.state.token, self.lexer.current_code_page);
// But only set the output code page to the current code page if we are past the first code_page pragma in the file.
// Otherwise, we want to fill the lookup using the default code page so that lookups still work for lines that
// don't have an explicit output code page set.
const output_code_page = if (self.lexer.seen_pragma_code_pages > 1) self.lexer.current_code_page else self.state.output_code_page_lookup.default_code_page;
try self.state.output_code_page_lookup.setForToken(self.state.token, output_code_page);
fn lookaheadToken(self: *Self, comptime method: Lexer.LexMethod) Error!Token {
self.state.lookahead_lexer = self.lexer.*;
return token: while (true) {
break :token self.state.lookahead_lexer.next(method) catch |err| switch (err) {
// Ignore this error and get the next valid token, we'll deal with this
// properly when getting the token for real
error.CodePagePragmaInIncludedFile => continue,
else => return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(self.state.lookahead_lexer.getErrorDetails(err)),
fn tokenSlice(self: *Self) []const u8 {
return self.state.token.slice(self.lexer.buffer);
/// Check that the current token is something that can be used as an ID
fn checkId(self: *Self) !void {
switch (self.state.token.id) {
.literal => {},
else => {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .expected_token,
.token = self.state.token,
.extra = .{ .expected = .literal },
fn check(self: *Self, expected_token_id: Token.Id) !void {
if (self.state.token.id != expected_token_id) {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .expected_token,
.token = self.state.token,
.extra = .{ .expected = expected_token_id },
fn checkResource(self: *Self) !Resource {
switch (self.state.token.id) {
.literal => return Resource.fromString(.{
.slice = self.state.token.slice(self.lexer.buffer),
.code_page = self.lexer.current_code_page,
else => {
return self.addErrorDetailsAndFail(ErrorDetails{
.err = .expected_token,
.token = self.state.token,
.extra = .{ .expected = .literal },