const std = @import("../std.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const maxInt = std.math.maxInt; const iovec = std.os.iovec; const iovec_const = std.os.iovec_const; extern "c" fn _errnop() *c_int; pub const _errno = _errnop; pub extern "c" fn find_directory(which: c_int, volume: i32, createIt: bool, path_ptr: [*]u8, length: i32) u64; pub extern "c" fn find_thread(thread_name: ?*anyopaque) i32; pub extern "c" fn get_system_info(system_info: *system_info) usize; pub extern "c" fn _get_team_info(team: c_int, team_info: *team_info, size: usize) i32; pub extern "c" fn _get_next_area_info(team: c_int, cookie: *i64, area_info: *area_info, size: usize) i32; // TODO revisit if abi changes or better option becomes apparent pub extern "c" fn _get_next_image_info(team: c_int, cookie: *i32, image_info: *image_info, size: usize) i32; pub extern "c" fn _kern_read_dir(fd: c_int, buf_ptr: [*]u8, nbytes: usize, maxcount: u32) usize; pub extern "c" fn _kern_read_stat(fd: c_int, path_ptr: [*]u8, traverse_link: bool, st: *Stat, stat_size: i32) usize; pub extern "c" fn _kern_get_current_team() i32; pub const sem_t = extern struct { type: i32, u: extern union { named_sem_id: ?i32, unnamed_sem: ?i32, }, padding: [2]i32, }; pub const pthread_attr_t = extern struct { __detach_state: i32, __sched_priority: i32, __stack_size: i32, __guard_size: i32, __stack_address: ?*anyopaque, }; pub const pthread_mutex_t = extern struct { flags: u32 = 0, lock: i32 = 0, unused: i32 = -42, owner: i32 = -1, owner_count: i32 = 0, }; pub const pthread_cond_t = extern struct { flags: u32 = 0, unused: i32 = -42, mutex: ?*anyopaque = null, waiter_count: i32 = 0, lock: i32 = 0, }; pub const EAI = enum(c_int) { /// address family for hostname not supported ADDRFAMILY = 1, /// name could not be resolved at this time AGAIN = 2, /// flags parameter had an invalid value BADFLAGS = 3, /// non-recoverable failure in name resolution FAIL = 4, /// address family not recognized FAMILY = 5, /// memory allocation failure MEMORY = 6, /// no address associated with hostname NODATA = 7, /// name does not resolve NONAME = 8, /// service not recognized for socket type SERVICE = 9, /// intended socket type was not recognized SOCKTYPE = 10, /// system error returned in errno SYSTEM = 11, /// invalid value for hints BADHINTS = 12, /// resolved protocol is unknown PROTOCOL = 13, /// argument buffer overflow OVERFLOW = 14, _, }; pub const EAI_MAX = 15; pub const AI = struct { pub const NUMERICSERV = 0x00000008; }; pub const AI_NUMERICSERV = AI.NUMERICSERV; pub const fd_t = c_int; pub const pid_t = c_int; pub const uid_t = u32; pub const gid_t = u32; pub const mode_t = c_uint; pub const socklen_t = u32; // Modes and flags for dlopen() // include/dlfcn.h pub const POLL = struct { /// input available pub const IN = 70; /// output available pub const OUT = 71; /// input message available pub const MSG = 72; /// I/O error pub const ERR = 73; /// high priority input available pub const PRI = 74; /// device disconnected pub const HUP = 75; }; pub const RTLD = struct { /// relocations are performed as needed pub const LAZY = 0; /// the file gets relocated at load time pub const NOW = 1; /// all symbols are available pub const GLOBAL = 2; /// symbols are not available for relocating any other object pub const LOCAL = 0; }; pub const dl_phdr_info = extern struct { dlpi_addr: usize, dlpi_name: ?[*:0]const u8, dlpi_phdr: [*]std.elf.Phdr, dlpi_phnum: u16, }; pub const Flock = extern struct { type: c_short, whence: c_short, start: off_t, len: off_t, pid: pid_t, }; pub const msghdr = extern struct { /// optional address msg_name: ?*sockaddr, /// size of address msg_namelen: socklen_t, /// scatter/gather array msg_iov: [*]iovec, /// # elements in msg_iov msg_iovlen: i32, /// ancillary data msg_control: ?*anyopaque, /// ancillary data buffer len msg_controllen: socklen_t, /// flags on received message msg_flags: i32, }; pub const off_t = i64; pub const ino_t = u64; pub const nfds_t = u32; pub const pollfd = extern struct { fd: i32, events: i16, revents: i16, }; pub const Stat = extern struct { dev: i32, ino: u64, mode: u32, nlink: i32, uid: i32, gid: i32, size: i64, rdev: i32, blksize: i32, atim: timespec, mtim: timespec, ctim: timespec, crtim: timespec, st_type: u32, blocks: i64, pub fn atime(self: @This()) timespec { return self.atim; } pub fn mtime(self: @This()) timespec { return self.mtim; } pub fn ctime(self: @This()) timespec { return self.ctim; } pub fn birthtime(self: @This()) timespec { return self.crtim; } }; pub const timespec = extern struct { tv_sec: isize, tv_nsec: isize, }; pub const dirent = extern struct { d_dev: i32, d_pdev: i32, d_ino: i64, d_pino: i64, d_reclen: u16, d_name: [256]u8, pub fn reclen(self: dirent) u16 { return self.d_reclen; } }; pub const B_OS_NAME_LENGTH = 32; // OS.h pub const area_info = extern struct { area: u32, name: [B_OS_NAME_LENGTH]u8, size: usize, lock: u32, protection: u32, team_id: i32, ram_size: u32, copy_count: u32, in_count: u32, out_count: u32, address: *anyopaque, }; pub const MAXPATHLEN = PATH_MAX; pub const image_info = extern struct { id: u32, image_type: u32, sequence: i32, init_order: i32, init_routine: *anyopaque, term_routine: *anyopaque, device: i32, node: i64, name: [MAXPATHLEN]u8, text: *anyopaque, data: *anyopaque, text_size: i32, data_size: i32, api_version: i32, abi: i32, }; pub const system_info = extern struct { boot_time: i64, cpu_count: u32, max_pages: u64, used_pages: u64, cached_pages: u64, block_cache_pages: u64, ignored_pages: u64, needed_memory: u64, free_memory: u64, max_swap_pages: u64, free_swap_pages: u64, page_faults: u32, max_sems: u32, used_sems: u32, max_ports: u32, used_ports: u32, max_threads: u32, used_threads: u32, max_teams: u32, used_teams: u32, kernel_name: [256]u8, kernel_build_date: [32]u8, kernel_build_time: [32]u8, kernel_version: i64, abi: u32, }; pub const team_info = extern struct { team_id: i32, thread_count: i32, image_count: i32, area_count: i32, debugger_nub_thread: i32, debugger_nub_port: i32, argc: i32, args: [64]u8, uid: uid_t, gid: gid_t, }; pub const in_port_t = u16; pub const sa_family_t = u8; pub const sockaddr = extern struct { /// total length len: u8, /// address family family: sa_family_t, /// actually longer; address value data: [14]u8, pub const SS_MAXSIZE = 128; pub const storage = std.x.os.Socket.Address.Native.Storage; pub const in = extern struct { len: u8 = @sizeOf(in), family: sa_family_t = AF.INET, port: in_port_t, addr: u32, zero: [8]u8 = [8]u8{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; pub const in6 = extern struct { len: u8 = @sizeOf(in6), family: sa_family_t = AF.INET6, port: in_port_t, flowinfo: u32, addr: [16]u8, scope_id: u32, }; pub const un = extern struct { len: u8 = @sizeOf(un), family: sa_family_t = AF.UNIX, path: [104]u8, }; }; pub const CTL = struct {}; pub const KERN = struct {}; pub const IOV_MAX = 1024; pub const PATH_MAX = 1024; pub const STDIN_FILENO = 0; pub const STDOUT_FILENO = 1; pub const STDERR_FILENO = 2; pub const PROT = struct { pub const READ = 0x01; pub const WRITE = 0x02; pub const EXEC = 0x04; pub const NONE = 0x00; }; pub const CLOCK = struct { /// system-wide monotonic clock (aka system time) pub const MONOTONIC = 0; /// system-wide real time clock pub const REALTIME = -1; /// clock measuring the used CPU time of the current process pub const PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = -2; /// clock measuring the used CPU time of the current thread pub const THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = -3; }; pub const MAP = struct { /// mmap() error return code pub const FAILED = @intToPtr(*anyopaque, maxInt(usize)); /// changes are seen by others pub const SHARED = 0x01; /// changes are only seen by caller pub const PRIVATE = 0x02; /// require mapping to specified addr pub const FIXED = 0x04; /// no underlying object pub const ANONYMOUS = 0x0008; pub const ANON = ANONYMOUS; /// don't commit memory pub const NORESERVE = 0x10; }; pub const MSF = struct { pub const ASYNC = 1; pub const INVALIDATE = 2; pub const SYNC = 4; }; pub const W = struct { pub const NOHANG = 0x1; pub const UNTRACED = 0x2; pub const CONTINUED = 0x4; pub const EXITED = 0x08; pub const STOPPED = 0x10; pub const NOWAIT = 0x20; pub fn EXITSTATUS(s: u32) u8 { return @intCast(u8, s & 0xff); } pub fn TERMSIG(s: u32) u32 { return (s >> 8) & 0xff; } pub fn STOPSIG(s: u32) u32 { return (s >> 16) & 0xff; } pub fn IFEXITED(s: u32) bool { return (s & ~@as(u32, 0xff)) == 0; } pub fn IFSTOPPED(s: u32) bool { return ((s >> 16) & 0xff) != 0; } pub fn IFSIGNALED(s: u32) bool { return ((s >> 8) & 0xff) != 0; } }; pub const SA = struct { pub const ONSTACK = 0x20; pub const RESTART = 0x10; pub const RESETHAND = 0x04; pub const NOCLDSTOP = 0x01; pub const NODEFER = 0x08; pub const NOCLDWAIT = 0x02; pub const SIGINFO = 0x40; pub const NOMASK = NODEFER; pub const STACK = ONSTACK; pub const ONESHOT = RESETHAND; }; pub const SIG = struct { pub const ERR = @intToPtr(fn (i32) callconv(.C) void, maxInt(usize)); pub const DFL = @intToPtr(fn (i32) callconv(.C) void, 0); pub const IGN = @intToPtr(fn (i32) callconv(.C) void, 1); pub const HUP = 1; pub const INT = 2; pub const QUIT = 3; pub const ILL = 4; pub const CHLD = 5; pub const ABRT = 6; pub const IOT = ABRT; pub const PIPE = 7; pub const FPE = 8; pub const KILL = 9; pub const STOP = 10; pub const SEGV = 11; pub const CONT = 12; pub const TSTP = 13; pub const ALRM = 14; pub const TERM = 15; pub const TTIN = 16; pub const TTOU = 17; pub const USR1 = 18; pub const USR2 = 19; pub const WINCH = 20; pub const KILLTHR = 21; pub const TRAP = 22; pub const POLL = 23; pub const PROF = 24; pub const SYS = 25; pub const URG = 26; pub const VTALRM = 27; pub const XCPU = 28; pub const XFSZ = 29; pub const BUS = 30; pub const RESERVED1 = 31; pub const RESERVED2 = 32; pub const BLOCK = 1; pub const UNBLOCK = 2; pub const SETMASK = 3; }; // access function pub const F_OK = 0; // test for existence of file pub const X_OK = 1; // test for execute or search permission pub const W_OK = 2; // test for write permission pub const R_OK = 4; // test for read permission pub const O = struct { pub const RDONLY = 0x0000; pub const WRONLY = 0x0001; pub const RDWR = 0x0002; pub const ACCMODE = 0x0003; pub const RWMASK = ACCMODE; pub const EXCL = 0x0100; pub const CREAT = 0x0200; pub const TRUNC = 0x0400; pub const NOCTTY = 0x1000; pub const NOTRAVERSE = 0x2000; pub const CLOEXEC = 0x00000040; pub const NONBLOCK = 0x00000080; pub const NDELAY = NONBLOCK; pub const APPEND = 0x00000800; pub const SYNC = 0x00010000; pub const RSYNC = 0x00020000; pub const DSYNC = 0x00040000; pub const NOFOLLOW = 0x00080000; pub const DIRECT = 0x00100000; pub const NOCACHE = DIRECT; pub const DIRECTORY = 0x00200000; }; pub const F = struct { pub const DUPFD = 0x0001; pub const GETFD = 0x0002; pub const SETFD = 0x0004; pub const GETFL = 0x0008; pub const SETFL = 0x0010; pub const GETLK = 0x0020; pub const SETLK = 0x0080; pub const SETLKW = 0x0100; pub const DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 0x0200; pub const RDLCK = 0x0040; pub const UNLCK = 0x0200; pub const WRLCK = 0x0400; }; pub const LOCK = struct { pub const SH = 0x01; pub const EX = 0x02; pub const NB = 0x04; pub const UN = 0x08; }; pub const FD_CLOEXEC = 1; pub const SEEK = struct { pub const SET = 0; pub const CUR = 1; pub const END = 2; }; pub const SOCK = struct { pub const STREAM = 1; pub const DGRAM = 2; pub const RAW = 3; pub const SEQPACKET = 5; }; pub const SO = struct { pub const ACCEPTCONN = 0x00000001; pub const BROADCAST = 0x00000002; pub const DEBUG = 0x00000004; pub const DONTROUTE = 0x00000008; pub const KEEPALIVE = 0x00000010; pub const OOBINLINE = 0x00000020; pub const REUSEADDR = 0x00000040; pub const REUSEPORT = 0x00000080; pub const USELOOPBACK = 0x00000100; pub const LINGER = 0x00000200; pub const SNDBUF = 0x40000001; pub const SNDLOWAT = 0x40000002; pub const SNDTIMEO = 0x40000003; pub const RCVBUF = 0x40000004; pub const RCVLOWAT = 0x40000005; pub const RCVTIMEO = 0x40000006; pub const ERROR = 0x40000007; pub const TYPE = 0x40000008; pub const NONBLOCK = 0x40000009; pub const BINDTODEVICE = 0x4000000a; pub const PEERCRED = 0x4000000b; }; pub const SOL = struct { pub const SOCKET = -1; }; pub const PF = struct { pub const UNSPEC = AF.UNSPEC; pub const INET = AF.INET; pub const ROUTE = AF.ROUTE; pub const LINK = AF.LINK; pub const INET6 = AF.INET6; pub const LOCAL = AF.LOCAL; pub const UNIX = AF.UNIX; pub const BLUETOOTH = AF.BLUETOOTH; }; pub const AF = struct { pub const UNSPEC = 0; pub const INET = 1; pub const APPLETALK = 2; pub const ROUTE = 3; pub const LINK = 4; pub const INET6 = 5; pub const DLI = 6; pub const IPX = 7; pub const NOTIFY = 8; pub const LOCAL = 9; pub const UNIX = LOCAL; pub const BLUETOOTH = 10; pub const MAX = 11; }; pub const DT = struct {}; /// add event to kq (implies enable) pub const EV_ADD = 0x0001; /// delete event from kq pub const EV_DELETE = 0x0002; /// enable event pub const EV_ENABLE = 0x0004; /// disable event (not reported) pub const EV_DISABLE = 0x0008; /// only report one occurrence pub const EV_ONESHOT = 0x0010; /// clear event state after reporting pub const EV_CLEAR = 0x0020; /// force immediate event output /// ... with or without EV_ERROR /// ... use KEVENT_FLAG_ERROR_EVENTS /// on syscalls supporting flags pub const EV_RECEIPT = 0x0040; /// disable event after reporting pub const EV_DISPATCH = 0x0080; pub const EVFILT_READ = -1; pub const EVFILT_WRITE = -2; /// attached to aio requests pub const EVFILT_AIO = -3; /// attached to vnodes pub const EVFILT_VNODE = -4; /// attached to struct proc pub const EVFILT_PROC = -5; /// attached to struct proc pub const EVFILT_SIGNAL = -6; /// timers pub const EVFILT_TIMER = -7; /// Process descriptors pub const EVFILT_PROCDESC = -8; /// Filesystem events pub const EVFILT_FS = -9; pub const EVFILT_LIO = -10; /// User events pub const EVFILT_USER = -11; /// Sendfile events pub const EVFILT_SENDFILE = -12; pub const EVFILT_EMPTY = -13; pub const T = struct { pub const CGETA = 0x8000; pub const CSETA = 0x8001; pub const CSETAF = 0x8002; pub const CSETAW = 0x8003; pub const CWAITEVENT = 0x8004; pub const CSBRK = 08005; pub const CFLSH = 0x8006; pub const CXONC = 0x8007; pub const CQUERYCONNECTED = 0x8008; pub const CGETBITS = 0x8009; pub const CSETDTR = 0x8010; pub const CSETRTS = 0x8011; pub const IOCGWINSZ = 0x8012; pub const IOCSWINSZ = 0x8013; pub const CVTIME = 0x8014; pub const IOCGPGRP = 0x8015; pub const IOCSPGRP = 0x8016; pub const IOCSCTTY = 0x8017; pub const IOCMGET = 0x8018; pub const IOCMSET = 0x8019; pub const IOCSBRK = 0x8020; pub const IOCCBRK = 0x8021; pub const IOCMBIS = 0x8022; pub const IOCMBIC = 0x8023; pub const IOCGSID = 0x8024; pub const FIONREAD = 0xbe000001; pub const FIONBIO = 0xbe000000; }; pub const winsize = extern struct { ws_row: u16, ws_col: u16, ws_xpixel: u16, ws_ypixel: u16, }; const NSIG = 32; /// Renamed from `sigaction` to `Sigaction` to avoid conflict with the syscall. pub const Sigaction = extern struct { /// signal handler __sigaction_u: extern union { __sa_handler: fn (i32) callconv(.C) void, }, /// see signal options sa_flags: u32, /// signal mask to apply sa_mask: sigset_t, }; pub const sigset_t = extern struct { __bits: [SIG.WORDS]u32, }; const B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE = -2147454976; pub const E = enum(i32) { @"2BIG" = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 1, CHILD = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 2, DEADLK = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 3, FBIG = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 4, MLINK = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 5, NFILE = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 6, NODEV = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 7, NOLCK = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 8, NOSYS = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 9, NOTTY = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 10, NXIO = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 11, SPIPE = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 12, SRCH = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 13, FPOS = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 14, SIGPARM = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 15, DOM = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 16, RANGE = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 17, PROTOTYPE = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 18, PROTONOSUPPORT = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 19, PFNOSUPPORT = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 20, AFNOSUPPORT = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 21, ADDRINUSE = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 22, ADDRNOTAVAIL = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 23, NETDOWN = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 24, NETUNREACH = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 25, NETRESET = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 26, CONNABORTED = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 27, CONNRESET = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 28, ISCONN = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 29, NOTCONN = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 30, SHUTDOWN = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 31, CONNREFUSED = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 32, HOSTUNREACH = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 33, NOPROTOOPT = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 34, NOBUFS = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 35, INPROGRESS = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 36, ALREADY = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 37, ILSEQ = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 38, NOMSG = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 39, STALE = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 40, OVERFLOW = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 41, MSGSIZE = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 42, OPNOTSUPP = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 43, NOTSOCK = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 44, HOSTDOWN = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 45, BADMSG = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 46, CANCELED = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 47, DESTADDRREQ = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 48, DQUOT = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 49, IDRM = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 50, MULTIHOP = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 51, NODATA = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 52, NOLINK = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 53, NOSR = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 54, NOSTR = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 55, NOTSUP = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 56, PROTO = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 57, TIME = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 58, TXTBSY = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 59, NOATTR = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 60, NOTRECOVERABLE = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 61, OWNERDEAD = B_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + 62, ACCES = -0x7ffffffe, // Permission denied INTR = -0x7ffffff6, // Interrupted system call IO = -0x7fffffff, // Input/output error BUSY = -0x7ffffff2, // Device busy FAULT = -0x7fffecff, // Bad address TIMEDOUT = -2147483639, // Operation timed out AGAIN = -0x7ffffff5, BADF = -0x7fffa000, // Bad file descriptor EXIST = -0x7fff9ffe, // File exists INVAL = -0x7ffffffb, // Invalid argument NAMETOOLONG = -2147459068, // File name too long NOENT = -0x7fff9ffd, // No such file or directory PERM = -0x7ffffff1, // Operation not permitted NOTDIR = -0x7fff9ffb, // Not a directory ISDIR = -0x7fff9ff7, // Is a directory NOTEMPTY = -2147459066, // Directory not empty NOSPC = -0x7fff9ff9, // No space left on device ROFS = -0x7fff9ff8, // Read-only filesystem MFILE = -0x7fff9ff6, // Too many open files XDEV = -0x7fff9ff5, // Cross-device link NOEXEC = -0x7fffecfe, // Exec format error PIPE = -0x7fff9ff3, // Broken pipe NOMEM = -0x80000000, // Cannot allocate memory LOOP = -2147459060, // Too many levels of symbolic links SUCCESS = 0, _, }; pub const MINSIGSTKSZ = 8192; pub const SIGSTKSZ = 16384; pub const SS_ONSTACK = 0x1; pub const SS_DISABLE = 0x2; pub const stack_t = extern struct { sp: [*]u8, size: isize, flags: i32, }; pub const S = struct { pub const IFMT = 0o170000; pub const IFSOCK = 0o140000; pub const IFLNK = 0o120000; pub const IFREG = 0o100000; pub const IFBLK = 0o060000; pub const IFDIR = 0o040000; pub const IFCHR = 0o020000; pub const IFIFO = 0o010000; pub const INDEX_DIR = 04000000000; pub const IUMSK = 0o7777; pub const ISUID = 0o4000; pub const ISGID = 0o2000; pub const ISVTX = 0o1000; pub const IRWXU = 0o700; pub const IRUSR = 0o400; pub const IWUSR = 0o200; pub const IXUSR = 0o100; pub const IRWXG = 0o070; pub const IRGRP = 0o040; pub const IWGRP = 0o020; pub const IXGRP = 0o010; pub const IRWXO = 0o007; pub const IROTH = 0o004; pub const IWOTH = 0o002; pub const IXOTH = 0o001; pub fn ISREG(m: u32) bool { return m & IFMT == IFREG; } pub fn ISLNK(m: u32) bool { return m & IFMT == IFLNK; } pub fn ISBLK(m: u32) bool { return m & IFMT == IFBLK; } pub fn ISDIR(m: u32) bool { return m & IFMT == IFDIR; } pub fn ISCHR(m: u32) bool { return m & IFMT == IFCHR; } pub fn ISFIFO(m: u32) bool { return m & IFMT == IFIFO; } pub fn ISSOCK(m: u32) bool { return m & IFMT == IFSOCK; } pub fn ISINDEX(m: u32) bool { return m & INDEX_DIR == INDEX_DIR; } }; pub const HOST_NAME_MAX = 255; pub const AT = struct { pub const FDCWD = -1; pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x01; pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x02; pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x04; pub const EACCESS = 0x08; }; pub const addrinfo = extern struct { flags: i32, family: i32, socktype: i32, protocol: i32, addrlen: socklen_t, canonname: ?[*:0]u8, addr: ?*sockaddr, next: ?*addrinfo, }; pub const IPPROTO = struct { pub const IP = 0; pub const HOPOPTS = 0; pub const ICMP = 1; pub const IGMP = 2; pub const TCP = 6; pub const UDP = 17; pub const IPV6 = 41; pub const ROUTING = 43; pub const FRAGMENT = 44; pub const ESP = 50; pub const AH = 51; pub const ICMPV6 = 58; pub const NONE = 59; pub const DSTOPTS = 60; pub const ETHERIP = 97; pub const RAW = 255; pub const MAX = 256; }; pub const rlimit_resource = enum(c_int) { CORE = 0, CPU = 1, DATA = 2, FSIZE = 3, NOFILE = 4, STACK = 5, AS = 6, NOVMON = 7, _, }; pub const rlim_t = i64; pub const RLIM = struct { /// No limit pub const INFINITY: rlim_t = (1 << 63) - 1; pub const SAVED_MAX = INFINITY; pub const SAVED_CUR = INFINITY; }; pub const rlimit = extern struct { /// Soft limit cur: rlim_t, /// Hard limit max: rlim_t, }; pub const SHUT = struct { pub const RD = 0; pub const WR = 1; pub const RDWR = 2; }; // TODO fill out if needed pub const directory_which = enum(c_int) { B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY = 0xbbe, _, }; pub const cc_t = u8; pub const speed_t = u8; pub const tcflag_t = u32; pub const NCCS = 11; pub const termios = extern struct { c_iflag: tcflag_t, c_oflag: tcflag_t, c_cflag: tcflag_t, c_lflag: tcflag_t, c_line: cc_t, c_ispeed: speed_t, c_ospeed: speed_t, cc_t: [NCCS]cc_t, }; pub const MSG_NOSIGNAL = 0x0800;