const std = @import("std"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const c = @This(); const page_size = std.mem.page_size; const iovec = std.posix.iovec; const iovec_const = std.posix.iovec_const; const wasi = @import("c/wasi.zig"); const native_abi = builtin.abi; const native_arch = builtin.cpu.arch; const native_os = builtin.os.tag; const linux = std.os.linux; /// If not linking libc, returns false. /// If linking musl libc, returns true. /// If linking gnu libc (glibc), returns true if the target version is greater /// than or equal to `glibc_version`. /// If linking a libc other than these, returns `false`. pub inline fn versionCheck(comptime glibc_version: std.SemanticVersion) bool { return comptime blk: { if (!builtin.link_libc) break :blk false; if (native_abi.isMusl()) break :blk true; if ( { const ver = builtin.os.version_range.linux.glibc; const order = ver.order(glibc_version); break :blk switch (order) { .gt, .eq => true, .lt => false, }; } else { break :blk false; } }; } pub usingnamespace switch (native_os) { .linux => @import("c/linux.zig"), .windows => @import("c/windows.zig"), .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos => @import("c/darwin.zig"), .freebsd, .kfreebsd => @import("c/freebsd.zig"), .netbsd => @import("c/netbsd.zig"), .dragonfly => @import("c/dragonfly.zig"), .openbsd => @import("c/openbsd.zig"), .haiku => @import("c/haiku.zig"), .solaris, .illumos => @import("c/solaris.zig"), .emscripten => @import("c/emscripten.zig"), .wasi => wasi, else => struct {}, }; pub const pthread_mutex_t = switch (native_os) { .linux, .minix => extern struct { data: [data_len]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)) = [_]u8{0} ** data_len, const data_len = switch (native_abi) { .musl, .musleabi, .musleabihf => if (@sizeOf(usize) == 8) 40 else 24, .gnu, .gnuabin32, .gnuabi64, .gnueabi, .gnueabihf, .gnux32 => switch (native_arch) { .aarch64 => 48, .x86_64 => if (native_abi == .gnux32) 40 else 32, .mips64, .powerpc64, .powerpc64le, .sparc64 => 40, else => if (@sizeOf(usize) == 8) 40 else 24, }, .android => if (@sizeOf(usize) == 8) 40 else 4, else => @compileError("unsupported ABI"), }; }, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos => extern struct { sig: c_long = 0x32AAABA7, data: [data_len]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** data_len, const data_len = if (@sizeOf(usize) == 8) 56 else 40; }, .freebsd, .kfreebsd, .dragonfly, .openbsd => extern struct { inner: ?*anyopaque = null, }, .hermit => extern struct { ptr: usize = std.math.maxInt(usize), }, .netbsd => extern struct { magic: u32 = 0x33330003, errorcheck: c.padded_pthread_spin_t = 0, ceiling: c.padded_pthread_spin_t = 0, owner: usize = 0, waiters: ?*u8 = null, recursed: u32 = 0, spare2: ?*anyopaque = null, }, .haiku => extern struct { flags: u32 = 0, lock: i32 = 0, unused: i32 = -42, owner: i32 = -1, owner_count: i32 = 0, }, .solaris, .illumos => extern struct { flag1: u16 = 0, flag2: u8 = 0, ceiling: u8 = 0, type: u16 = 0, magic: u16 = 0x4d58, lock: u64 = 0, data: u64 = 0, }, .fuchsia => extern struct { data: [40]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)) = [_]u8{0} ** 40, }, .emscripten => extern struct { data: [24]u8 align(4) = [_]u8{0} ** 24, }, else => @compileError("target libc does not have pthread_mutex_t"), }; pub const pthread_cond_t = switch (native_os) { .linux => extern struct { data: [48]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)) = [_]u8{0} ** 48, }, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos => extern struct { sig: c_long = 0x3CB0B1BB, data: [data_len]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** data_len, const data_len = if (@sizeOf(usize) == 8) 40 else 24; }, .freebsd, .kfreebsd, .dragonfly, .openbsd => extern struct { inner: ?*anyopaque = null, }, .hermit => extern struct { ptr: usize = std.math.maxInt(usize), }, .netbsd => extern struct { magic: u32 = 0x55550005, lock: c.pthread_spin_t = 0, waiters_first: ?*u8 = null, waiters_last: ?*u8 = null, mutex: ?*pthread_mutex_t = null, private: ?*anyopaque = null, }, .haiku => extern struct { flags: u32 = 0, unused: i32 = -42, mutex: ?*anyopaque = null, waiter_count: i32 = 0, lock: i32 = 0, }, .solaris, .illumos => extern struct { flag: [4]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** 4, type: u16 = 0, magic: u16 = 0x4356, data: u64 = 0, }, .fuchsia, .minix, .emscripten => extern struct { data: [48]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)) = [_]u8{0} ** 48, }, else => @compileError("target libc does not have pthread_cond_t"), }; pub const pthread_rwlock_t = switch (native_os) { .linux => switch (native_abi) { .android => switch (@sizeOf(usize)) { 4 => extern struct { data: [40]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)) = [_]u8{0} ** 40, }, 8 => extern struct { data: [56]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)) = [_]u8{0} ** 56, }, else => @compileError("impossible pointer size"), }, else => extern struct { data: [56]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)) = [_]u8{0} ** 56, }, }, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos => extern struct { sig: c_long = 0x2DA8B3B4, data: [192]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** 192, }, .freebsd, .kfreebsd, .dragonfly, .openbsd => extern struct { ptr: ?*anyopaque = null, }, .hermit => extern struct { ptr: usize = std.math.maxInt(usize), }, .netbsd => extern struct { magic: c_uint = 0x99990009, interlock: switch (builtin.cpu.arch) { .aarch64, .sparc, .x86_64, .x86 => u8, .arm, .powerpc => c_int, else => unreachable, } = 0, rblocked_first: ?*u8 = null, rblocked_last: ?*u8 = null, wblocked_first: ?*u8 = null, wblocked_last: ?*u8 = null, nreaders: c_uint = 0, owner: ?pthread_t = null, private: ?*anyopaque = null, }, .solaris, .illumos => extern struct { readers: i32 = 0, type: u16 = 0, magic: u16 = 0x5257, mutex: pthread_mutex_t = .{}, readercv: pthread_cond_t = .{}, writercv: pthread_cond_t = .{}, }, .fuchsia => extern struct { size: [56]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)) = [_]u8{0} ** 56, }, .emscripten => extern struct { size: [32]u8 align(4) = [_]u8{0} ** 32, }, else => @compileError("target libc does not have pthread_rwlock_t"), }; pub const AT = switch (native_os) { .linux => linux.AT, .windows => struct { /// Remove directory instead of unlinking file pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x200; }, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos => struct { pub const FDCWD = -2; /// Use effective ids in access check pub const EACCESS = 0x0010; /// Act on the symlink itself not the target pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x0020; /// Act on target of symlink pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x0040; /// Path refers to directory pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x0080; }, .freebsd, .kfreebsd => struct { /// Magic value that specify the use of the current working directory /// to determine the target of relative file paths in the openat() and /// similar syscalls. pub const FDCWD = -100; /// Check access using effective user and group ID pub const EACCESS = 0x0100; /// Do not follow symbolic links pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x0200; /// Follow symbolic link pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x0400; /// Remove directory instead of file pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x0800; /// Fail if not under dirfd pub const BENEATH = 0x1000; }, .netbsd => struct { /// Magic value that specify the use of the current working directory /// to determine the target of relative file paths in the openat() and /// similar syscalls. pub const FDCWD = -100; /// Check access using effective user and group ID pub const EACCESS = 0x0100; /// Do not follow symbolic links pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x0200; /// Follow symbolic link pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x0400; /// Remove directory instead of file pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x0800; }, .dragonfly => struct { pub const FDCWD = -328243; pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 1; pub const REMOVEDIR = 2; pub const EACCESS = 4; pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 8; }, .openbsd => struct { /// Magic value that specify the use of the current working directory /// to determine the target of relative file paths in the openat() and /// similar syscalls. pub const FDCWD = -100; /// Check access using effective user and group ID pub const EACCESS = 0x01; /// Do not follow symbolic links pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x02; /// Follow symbolic link pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x04; /// Remove directory instead of file pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x08; }, .haiku => struct { pub const FDCWD = -1; pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x01; pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x02; pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x04; pub const EACCESS = 0x08; }, .solaris, .illumos => struct { /// Magic value that specify the use of the current working directory /// to determine the target of relative file paths in the openat() and /// similar syscalls. pub const FDCWD: c.fd_t = @bitCast(@as(u32, 0xffd19553)); /// Do not follow symbolic links pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x1000; /// Follow symbolic link pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x2000; /// Remove directory instead of file pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x1; pub const TRIGGER = 0x2; /// Check access using effective user and group ID pub const EACCESS = 0x4; }, .emscripten => struct { pub const FDCWD = -100; pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x100; pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x200; pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400; pub const NO_AUTOMOUNT = 0x800; pub const EMPTY_PATH = 0x1000; pub const STATX_SYNC_TYPE = 0x6000; pub const STATX_SYNC_AS_STAT = 0x0000; pub const STATX_FORCE_SYNC = 0x2000; pub const STATX_DONT_SYNC = 0x4000; pub const RECURSIVE = 0x8000; }, .wasi => struct { pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x100; pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400; pub const REMOVEDIR: u32 = 0x4; /// When linking libc, we follow their convention and use -2 for current working directory. /// However, without libc, Zig does a different convention: it assumes the /// current working directory is the first preopen. This behavior can be /// overridden with a public function called `wasi_cwd` in the root source /// file. pub const FDCWD: c.fd_t = if (builtin.link_libc) -2 else 3; }, else => @compileError("target libc does not have AT"), }; pub const O = switch (native_os) { .linux => linux.O, .emscripten => packed struct(u32) { ACCMODE: std.posix.ACCMODE = .RDONLY, _2: u4 = 0, CREAT: bool = false, EXCL: bool = false, NOCTTY: bool = false, TRUNC: bool = false, APPEND: bool = false, NONBLOCK: bool = false, DSYNC: bool = false, ASYNC: bool = false, DIRECT: bool = false, LARGEFILE: bool = false, DIRECTORY: bool = false, NOFOLLOW: bool = false, NOATIME: bool = false, CLOEXEC: bool = false, SYNC: bool = false, PATH: bool = false, TMPFILE: bool = false, _: u9 = 0, }, .wasi => packed struct(u32) { APPEND: bool = false, DSYNC: bool = false, NONBLOCK: bool = false, RSYNC: bool = false, SYNC: bool = false, _5: u7 = 0, CREAT: bool = false, DIRECTORY: bool = false, EXCL: bool = false, TRUNC: bool = false, _16: u8 = 0, NOFOLLOW: bool = false, EXEC: bool = false, read: bool = false, SEARCH: bool = false, write: bool = false, _: u3 = 0, }, .solaris, .illumos => packed struct(u32) { ACCMODE: std.posix.ACCMODE = .RDONLY, NDELAY: bool = false, APPEND: bool = false, SYNC: bool = false, _5: u1 = 0, DSYNC: bool = false, NONBLOCK: bool = false, CREAT: bool = false, TRUNC: bool = false, EXCL: bool = false, NOCTTY: bool = false, _12: u1 = 0, LARGEFILE: bool = false, XATTR: bool = false, RSYNC: bool = false, _16: u1 = 0, NOFOLLOW: bool = false, NOLINKS: bool = false, _19: u2 = 0, SEARCH: bool = false, EXEC: bool = false, CLOEXEC: bool = false, DIRECTORY: bool = false, DIRECT: bool = false, _: u6 = 0, }, .netbsd => packed struct(u32) { ACCMODE: std.posix.ACCMODE = .RDONLY, NONBLOCK: bool = false, APPEND: bool = false, SHLOCK: bool = false, EXLOCK: bool = false, ASYNC: bool = false, SYNC: bool = false, NOFOLLOW: bool = false, CREAT: bool = false, TRUNC: bool = false, EXCL: bool = false, _12: u3 = 0, NOCTTY: bool = false, DSYNC: bool = false, RSYNC: bool = false, ALT_IO: bool = false, DIRECT: bool = false, _20: u1 = 0, DIRECTORY: bool = false, CLOEXEC: bool = false, SEARCH: bool = false, _: u8 = 0, }, .openbsd => packed struct(u32) { ACCMODE: std.posix.ACCMODE = .RDONLY, NONBLOCK: bool = false, APPEND: bool = false, SHLOCK: bool = false, EXLOCK: bool = false, ASYNC: bool = false, SYNC: bool = false, NOFOLLOW: bool = false, CREAT: bool = false, TRUNC: bool = false, EXCL: bool = false, _12: u3 = 0, NOCTTY: bool = false, CLOEXEC: bool = false, DIRECTORY: bool = false, _: u14 = 0, }, .haiku => packed struct(u32) { ACCMODE: std.posix.ACCMODE = .RDONLY, _2: u4 = 0, CLOEXEC: bool = false, NONBLOCK: bool = false, EXCL: bool = false, CREAT: bool = false, TRUNC: bool = false, APPEND: bool = false, NOCTTY: bool = false, NOTRAVERSE: bool = false, _14: u2 = 0, SYNC: bool = false, RSYNC: bool = false, DSYNC: bool = false, NOFOLLOW: bool = false, DIRECT: bool = false, DIRECTORY: bool = false, _: u10 = 0, }, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos => packed struct(u32) { ACCMODE: std.posix.ACCMODE = .RDONLY, NONBLOCK: bool = false, APPEND: bool = false, SHLOCK: bool = false, EXLOCK: bool = false, ASYNC: bool = false, SYNC: bool = false, NOFOLLOW: bool = false, CREAT: bool = false, TRUNC: bool = false, EXCL: bool = false, _12: u3 = 0, EVTONLY: bool = false, _16: u1 = 0, NOCTTY: bool = false, _18: u2 = 0, DIRECTORY: bool = false, SYMLINK: bool = false, DSYNC: bool = false, _23: u1 = 0, CLOEXEC: bool = false, _25: u4 = 0, ALERT: bool = false, _30: u1 = 0, POPUP: bool = false, }, .dragonfly => packed struct(u32) { ACCMODE: std.posix.ACCMODE = .RDONLY, NONBLOCK: bool = false, APPEND: bool = false, SHLOCK: bool = false, EXLOCK: bool = false, ASYNC: bool = false, SYNC: bool = false, NOFOLLOW: bool = false, CREAT: bool = false, TRUNC: bool = false, EXCL: bool = false, _12: u3 = 0, NOCTTY: bool = false, DIRECT: bool = false, CLOEXEC: bool = false, FBLOCKING: bool = false, FNONBLOCKING: bool = false, FAPPEND: bool = false, FOFFSET: bool = false, FSYNCWRITE: bool = false, FASYNCWRITE: bool = false, _24: u3 = 0, DIRECTORY: bool = false, _: u4 = 0, }, .freebsd => packed struct(u32) { ACCMODE: std.posix.ACCMODE = .RDONLY, NONBLOCK: bool = false, APPEND: bool = false, SHLOCK: bool = false, EXLOCK: bool = false, ASYNC: bool = false, SYNC: bool = false, NOFOLLOW: bool = false, CREAT: bool = false, TRUNC: bool = false, EXCL: bool = false, DSYNC: bool = false, _13: u2 = 0, NOCTTY: bool = false, DIRECT: bool = false, DIRECTORY: bool = false, NOATIME: bool = false, _19: u1 = 0, CLOEXEC: bool = false, PATH: bool = false, TMPFILE: bool = false, _: u9 = 0, }, else => @compileError("target libc does not have O"), }; pub const MAP = switch (native_os) { .linux => linux.MAP, .emscripten => packed struct(u32) { TYPE: enum(u4) { SHARED = 0x01, PRIVATE = 0x02, SHARED_VALIDATE = 0x03, }, FIXED: bool = false, ANONYMOUS: bool = false, _6: u2 = 0, GROWSDOWN: bool = false, _9: u2 = 0, DENYWRITE: bool = false, EXECUTABLE: bool = false, LOCKED: bool = false, NORESERVE: bool = false, POPULATE: bool = false, NONBLOCK: bool = false, STACK: bool = false, HUGETLB: bool = false, SYNC: bool = false, FIXED_NOREPLACE: bool = false, _: u11 = 0, }, .solaris, .illumos => packed struct(u32) { TYPE: enum(u4) { SHARED = 0x01, PRIVATE = 0x02, }, FIXED: bool = false, RENAME: bool = false, NORESERVE: bool = false, @"32BIT": bool = false, ANONYMOUS: bool = false, ALIGN: bool = false, TEXT: bool = false, INITDATA: bool = false, _: u20 = 0, }, .netbsd => packed struct(u32) { TYPE: enum(u2) { SHARED = 0x01, PRIVATE = 0x02, }, REMAPDUP: bool = false, _3: u1 = 0, FIXED: bool = false, RENAME: bool = false, NORESERVE: bool = false, INHERIT: bool = false, _8: u1 = 0, HASSEMAPHORE: bool = false, TRYFIXED: bool = false, WIRED: bool = false, ANONYMOUS: bool = false, STACK: bool = false, _: u18 = 0, }, .openbsd => packed struct(u32) { TYPE: enum(u4) { SHARED = 0x01, PRIVATE = 0x02, }, FIXED: bool = false, _5: u7 = 0, ANONYMOUS: bool = false, _13: u1 = 0, STACK: bool = false, CONCEAL: bool = false, _: u16 = 0, }, .haiku => packed struct(u32) { TYPE: enum(u2) { SHARED = 0x01, PRIVATE = 0x02, }, FIXED: bool = false, ANONYMOUS: bool = false, NORESERVE: bool = false, _: u27 = 0, }, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos => packed struct(u32) { TYPE: enum(u4) { SHARED = 0x01, PRIVATE = 0x02, }, FIXED: bool = false, _5: u1 = 0, NORESERVE: bool = false, _7: u2 = 0, HASSEMAPHORE: bool = false, NOCACHE: bool = false, _11: u1 = 0, ANONYMOUS: bool = false, _: u19 = 0, }, .dragonfly => packed struct(u32) { TYPE: enum(u4) { SHARED = 0x01, PRIVATE = 0x02, }, FIXED: bool = false, RENAME: bool = false, NORESERVE: bool = false, INHERIT: bool = false, NOEXTEND: bool = false, HASSEMAPHORE: bool = false, STACK: bool = false, NOSYNC: bool = false, ANONYMOUS: bool = false, VPAGETABLE: bool = false, _14: u2 = 0, TRYFIXED: bool = false, NOCORE: bool = false, SIZEALIGN: bool = false, _: u13 = 0, }, .freebsd => packed struct(u32) { TYPE: enum(u4) { SHARED = 0x01, PRIVATE = 0x02, }, FIXED: bool = false, _5: u5 = 0, STACK: bool = false, NOSYNC: bool = false, ANONYMOUS: bool = false, GUARD: bool = false, EXCL: bool = false, _15: u2 = 0, NOCORE: bool = false, PREFAULT_READ: bool = false, @"32BIT": bool = false, _: u12 = 0, }, else => @compileError("target libc does not have MAP"), }; /// Used by libc to communicate failure. Not actually part of the underlying syscall. pub const MAP_FAILED: *anyopaque = @ptrFromInt(std.math.maxInt(usize)); pub const cc_t = u8; /// Indices into the `cc` array in the `termios` struct. pub const V = switch (native_os) { .linux => linux.V, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .netbsd, .openbsd => enum { EOF, EOL, EOL2, ERASE, WERASE, KILL, REPRINT, reserved, INTR, QUIT, SUSP, DSUSP, START, STOP, LNEXT, DISCARD, MIN, TIME, STATUS, }, .freebsd, .kfreebsd => enum { EOF, EOL, EOL2, ERASE, WERASE, KILL, REPRINT, ERASE2, INTR, QUIT, SUSP, DSUSP, START, STOP, LNEXT, DISCARD, MIN, TIME, STATUS, }, .haiku => enum { INTR, QUIT, ERASE, KILL, EOF, EOL, EOL2, SWTCH, START, STOP, SUSP, }, .solaris, .illumos => enum { INTR, QUIT, ERASE, KILL, EOF, EOL, EOL2, SWTCH, START, STOP, SUSP, DSUSP, REPRINT, DISCARD, WERASE, LNEXT, STATUS, ERASE2, }, .emscripten, .wasi => enum { INTR, QUIT, ERASE, KILL, EOF, TIME, MIN, SWTC, START, STOP, SUSP, EOL, REPRINT, DISCARD, WERASE, LNEXT, EOL2, }, else => @compileError("target libc does not have cc_t"), }; pub const NCCS = switch (native_os) { .linux => linux.NCCS, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .freebsd, .kfreebsd, .netbsd, .openbsd, .dragonfly => 20, .haiku => 11, .solaris, .illumos => 19, .emscripten, .wasi => 32, else => @compileError("target libc does not have NCCS"), }; pub const termios = switch (native_os) { .linux => linux.termios, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos => extern struct { iflag: tc_iflag_t, oflag: tc_oflag_t, cflag: tc_cflag_t, lflag: tc_lflag_t, cc: [NCCS]cc_t, ispeed: speed_t align(8), ospeed: speed_t, }, .freebsd, .kfreebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly, .openbsd => extern struct { iflag: tc_iflag_t, oflag: tc_oflag_t, cflag: tc_cflag_t, lflag: tc_lflag_t, cc: [NCCS]cc_t, ispeed: speed_t, ospeed: speed_t, }, .haiku => extern struct { iflag: tc_iflag_t, oflag: tc_oflag_t, cflag: tc_cflag_t, lflag: tc_lflag_t, line: cc_t, ispeed: speed_t, ospeed: speed_t, cc: [NCCS]cc_t, }, .solaris, .illumos => extern struct { iflag: tc_iflag_t, oflag: tc_oflag_t, cflag: tc_cflag_t, lflag: tc_lflag_t, cc: [NCCS]cc_t, }, .emscripten, .wasi => extern struct { iflag: tc_iflag_t, oflag: tc_oflag_t, cflag: tc_cflag_t, lflag: tc_lflag_t, line: std.c.cc_t, cc: [NCCS]cc_t, ispeed: speed_t, ospeed: speed_t, }, else => @compileError("target libc does not have termios"), }; pub const tc_iflag_t = switch (native_os) { .linux => linux.tc_iflag_t, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos => packed struct(u64) { IGNBRK: bool = false, BRKINT: bool = false, IGNPAR: bool = false, PARMRK: bool = false, INPCK: bool = false, ISTRIP: bool = false, INLCR: bool = false, IGNCR: bool = false, ICRNL: bool = false, IXON: bool = false, IXOFF: bool = false, IXANY: bool = false, _12: u1 = 0, IMAXBEL: bool = false, IUTF8: bool = false, _: u49 = 0, }, .netbsd, .freebsd, .kfreebsd, .dragonfly => packed struct(u32) { IGNBRK: bool = false, BRKINT: bool = false, IGNPAR: bool = false, PARMRK: bool = false, INPCK: bool = false, ISTRIP: bool = false, INLCR: bool = false, IGNCR: bool = false, ICRNL: bool = false, IXON: bool = false, IXOFF: bool = false, IXANY: bool = false, _12: u1 = 0, IMAXBEL: bool = false, _: u18 = 0, }, .openbsd => packed struct(u32) { IGNBRK: bool = false, BRKINT: bool = false, IGNPAR: bool = false, PARMRK: bool = false, INPCK: bool = false, ISTRIP: bool = false, INLCR: bool = false, IGNCR: bool = false, ICRNL: bool = false, IXON: bool = false, IXOFF: bool = false, IXANY: bool = false, IUCLC: bool = false, IMAXBEL: bool = false, _: u18 = 0, }, .haiku => packed struct(u32) { IGNBRK: bool = false, BRKINT: bool = false, IGNPAR: bool = false, PARMRK: bool = false, INPCK: bool = false, ISTRIP: bool = false, INLCR: bool = false, IGNCR: bool = false, ICRNL: bool = false, IUCLC: bool = false, IXON: bool = false, IXANY: bool = false, IXOFF: bool = false, _: u19 = 0, }, .solaris, .illumos => packed struct(u32) { IGNBRK: bool = false, BRKINT: bool = false, IGNPAR: bool = false, PARMRK: bool = false, INPCK: bool = false, ISTRIP: bool = false, INLCR: bool = false, IGNCR: bool = false, ICRNL: bool = false, IUCLC: bool = false, IXON: bool = false, IXANY: bool = false, _12: u1 = 0, IMAXBEL: bool = false, _14: u1 = 0, DOSMODE: bool = false, _: u16 = 0, }, .emscripten, .wasi => packed struct(u32) { IGNBRK: bool = false, BRKINT: bool = false, IGNPAR: bool = false, PARMRK: bool = false, INPCK: bool = false, ISTRIP: bool = false, INLCR: bool = false, IGNCR: bool = false, ICRNL: bool = false, IUCLC: bool = false, IXON: bool = false, IXANY: bool = false, IXOFF: bool = false, IMAXBEL: bool = false, IUTF8: bool = false, _: u17 = 0, }, else => @compileError("target libc does not have tc_iflag_t"), }; pub const tc_oflag_t = switch (native_os) { .linux => linux.tc_oflag_t, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos => packed struct(u64) { OPOST: bool = false, ONLCR: bool = false, OXTABS: bool = false, ONOEOT: bool = false, OCRNL: bool = false, ONOCR: bool = false, ONLRET: bool = false, OFILL: bool = false, NLDLY: u2 = 0, TABDLY: u2 = 0, CRDLY: u2 = 0, FFDLY: u1 = 0, BSDLY: u1 = 0, VTDLY: u1 = 0, OFDEL: bool = false, _: u46 = 0, }, .netbsd => packed struct(u32) { OPOST: bool = false, ONLCR: bool = false, OXTABS: bool = false, ONOEOT: bool = false, OCRNL: bool = false, _5: u1 = 0, ONOCR: bool = false, ONLRET: bool = false, _: u24 = 0, }, .openbsd => packed struct(u32) { OPOST: bool = false, ONLCR: bool = false, OXTABS: bool = false, ONOEOT: bool = false, OCRNL: bool = false, OLCUC: bool = false, ONOCR: bool = false, ONLRET: bool = false, _: u24 = 0, }, .freebsd, .kfreebsd, .dragonfly => packed struct(u32) { OPOST: bool = false, ONLCR: bool = false, _2: u1 = 0, ONOEOT: bool = false, OCRNL: bool = false, ONOCR: bool = false, ONLRET: bool = false, _: u25 = 0, }, .solaris, .illumos => packed struct(u32) { OPOST: bool = false, OLCUC: bool = false, ONLCR: bool = false, OCRNL: bool = false, ONOCR: bool = false, ONLRET: bool = false, OFILL: bool = false, OFDEL: bool = false, NLDLY: u1 = 0, CRDLY: u2 = 0, TABDLY: u2 = 0, BSDLY: u1 = 0, VTDLY: u1 = 0, FFDLY: u1 = 0, PAGEOUT: bool = false, WRAP: bool = false, _: u14 = 0, }, .haiku, .wasi, .emscripten => packed struct(u32) { OPOST: bool = false, OLCUC: bool = false, ONLCR: bool = false, OCRNL: bool = false, ONOCR: bool = false, ONLRET: bool = false, OFILL: bool = false, OFDEL: bool = false, NLDLY: u1 = 0, CRDLY: u2 = 0, TABDLY: u2 = 0, BSDLY: u1 = 0, VTDLY: u1 = 0, FFDLY: u1 = 0, _: u16 = 0, }, else => @compileError("target libc does not have tc_oflag_t"), }; pub const CSIZE = switch (native_os) { .linux => linux.CSIZE, .haiku => enum(u1) { CS7, CS8 }, else => enum(u2) { CS5, CS6, CS7, CS8 }, }; pub const tc_cflag_t = switch (native_os) { .linux => linux.tc_cflag_t, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos => packed struct(u64) { CIGNORE: bool = false, _1: u5 = 0, CSTOPB: bool = false, _7: u1 = 0, CSIZE: CSIZE = .CS5, _10: u1 = 0, CREAD: bool = false, PARENB: bool = false, PARODD: bool = false, HUPCL: bool = false, CLOCAL: bool = false, CCTS_OFLOW: bool = false, CRTS_IFLOW: bool = false, CDTR_IFLOW: bool = false, CDSR_OFLOW: bool = false, CCAR_OFLOW: bool = false, _: u43 = 0, }, .freebsd, .kfreebsd => packed struct(u32) { CIGNORE: bool = false, _1: u7 = 0, CSIZE: CSIZE = .CS5, CSTOPB: bool = false, CREAD: bool = false, PARENB: bool = false, PARODD: bool = false, HUPCL: bool = false, CLOCAL: bool = false, CCTS_OFLOW: bool = false, CRTS_IFLOW: bool = false, CDTR_IFLOW: bool = false, CDSR_OFLOW: bool = false, CCAR_OFLOW: bool = false, CNO_RTSDTR: bool = false, _: u10 = 0, }, .netbsd => packed struct(u32) { CIGNORE: bool = false, _1: u7 = 0, CSIZE: CSIZE = .CS5, CSTOPB: bool = false, CREAD: bool = false, PARENB: bool = false, PARODD: bool = false, HUPCL: bool = false, CLOCAL: bool = false, CRTSCTS: bool = false, CDTRCTS: bool = false, _18: u2 = 0, MDMBUF: bool = false, _: u11 = 0, }, .dragonfly => packed struct(u32) { CIGNORE: bool = false, _1: u7 = 0, CSIZE: CSIZE = .CS5, CSTOPB: bool = false, CREAD: bool = false, PARENB: bool = false, PARODD: bool = false, HUPCL: bool = false, CLOCAL: bool = false, CCTS_OFLOW: bool = false, CRTS_IFLOW: bool = false, CDTR_IFLOW: bool = false, CDSR_OFLOW: bool = false, CCAR_OFLOW: bool = false, _: u11 = 0, }, .openbsd => packed struct(u32) { CIGNORE: bool = false, _1: u7 = 0, CSIZE: CSIZE = .CS5, CSTOPB: bool = false, CREAD: bool = false, PARENB: bool = false, PARODD: bool = false, HUPCL: bool = false, CLOCAL: bool = false, CRTSCTS: bool = false, _17: u3 = 0, MDMBUF: bool = false, _: u11 = 0, }, .haiku => packed struct(u32) { _0: u5 = 0, CSIZE: CSIZE = .CS7, CSTOPB: bool = false, CREAD: bool = false, PARENB: bool = false, PARODD: bool = false, HUPCL: bool = false, CLOCAL: bool = false, XLOBLK: bool = false, CTSFLOW: bool = false, RTSFLOW: bool = false, _: u17 = 0, }, .solaris, .illumos => packed struct(u32) { _0: u4 = 0, CSIZE: CSIZE = .CS5, CSTOPB: bool = false, CREAD: bool = false, PARENB: bool = false, PARODD: bool = false, HUPCL: bool = false, CLOCAL: bool = false, RCV1EN: bool = false, XMT1EN: bool = false, LOBLK: bool = false, XCLUDE: bool = false, _16: u4 = 0, PAREXT: bool = false, CBAUDEXT: bool = false, CIBAUDEXT: bool = false, _23: u7 = 0, CRTSXOFF: bool = false, CRTSCTS: bool = false, }, .wasi, .emscripten => packed struct(u32) { _0: u4 = 0, CSIZE: CSIZE = .CS5, CSTOPB: bool = false, CREAD: bool = false, PARENB: bool = false, PARODD: bool = false, HUPCL: bool = false, CLOCAL: bool = false, _: u20 = 0, }, else => @compileError("target libc does not have tc_cflag_t"), }; pub const tc_lflag_t = switch (native_os) { .linux => linux.tc_lflag_t, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos => packed struct(u64) { ECHOKE: bool = false, ECHOE: bool = false, ECHOK: bool = false, ECHO: bool = false, ECHONL: bool = false, ECHOPRT: bool = false, ECHOCTL: bool = false, ISIG: bool = false, ICANON: bool = false, ALTWERASE: bool = false, IEXTEN: bool = false, EXTPROC: bool = false, _12: u10 = 0, TOSTOP: bool = false, FLUSHO: bool = false, _24: u1 = 0, NOKERNINFO: bool = false, _26: u3 = 0, PENDIN: bool = false, _30: u1 = 0, NOFLSH: bool = false, _: u32 = 0, }, .netbsd, .freebsd, .kfreebsd, .dragonfly => packed struct(u32) { ECHOKE: bool = false, ECHOE: bool = false, ECHOK: bool = false, ECHO: bool = false, ECHONL: bool = false, ECHOPRT: bool = false, ECHOCTL: bool = false, ISIG: bool = false, ICANON: bool = false, ALTWERASE: bool = false, IEXTEN: bool = false, EXTPROC: bool = false, _12: u10 = 0, TOSTOP: bool = false, FLUSHO: bool = false, _24: u1 = 0, NOKERNINFO: bool = false, _26: u3 = 0, PENDIN: bool = false, _30: u1 = 0, NOFLSH: bool = false, }, .openbsd => packed struct(u32) { ECHOKE: bool = false, ECHOE: bool = false, ECHOK: bool = false, ECHO: bool = false, ECHONL: bool = false, ECHOPRT: bool = false, ECHOCTL: bool = false, ISIG: bool = false, ICANON: bool = false, ALTWERASE: bool = false, IEXTEN: bool = false, EXTPROC: bool = false, _12: u10 = 0, TOSTOP: bool = false, FLUSHO: bool = false, XCASE: bool = false, NOKERNINFO: bool = false, _26: u3 = 0, PENDIN: bool = false, _30: u1 = 0, NOFLSH: bool = false, }, .haiku => packed struct(u32) { ISIG: bool = false, ICANON: bool = false, XCASE: bool = false, ECHO: bool = false, ECHOE: bool = false, ECHOK: bool = false, ECHONL: bool = false, NOFLSH: bool = false, TOSTOP: bool = false, IEXTEN: bool = false, ECHOCTL: bool = false, ECHOPRT: bool = false, ECHOKE: bool = false, FLUSHO: bool = false, PENDIN: bool = false, _: u17 = 0, }, .solaris, .illumos => packed struct(u32) { ISIG: bool = false, ICANON: bool = false, XCASE: bool = false, ECHO: bool = false, ECHOE: bool = false, ECHOK: bool = false, ECHONL: bool = false, NOFLSH: bool = false, TOSTOP: bool = false, ECHOCTL: bool = false, ECHOPRT: bool = false, ECHOKE: bool = false, DEFECHO: bool = false, FLUSHO: bool = false, PENDIN: bool = false, IEXTEN: bool = false, _: u16 = 0, }, .wasi, .emscripten => packed struct(u32) { ISIG: bool = false, ICANON: bool = false, _2: u1 = 0, ECHO: bool = false, ECHOE: bool = false, ECHOK: bool = false, ECHONL: bool = false, NOFLSH: bool = false, TOSTOP: bool = false, _9: u6 = 0, IEXTEN: bool = false, _: u16 = 0, }, else => @compileError("target libc does not have tc_lflag_t"), }; pub const speed_t = switch (native_os) { .linux => linux.speed_t, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .openbsd => enum(u64) { B0 = 0, B50 = 50, B75 = 75, B110 = 110, B134 = 134, B150 = 150, B200 = 200, B300 = 300, B600 = 600, B1200 = 1200, B1800 = 1800, B2400 = 2400, B4800 = 4800, B9600 = 9600, B19200 = 19200, B38400 = 38400, B7200 = 7200, B14400 = 14400, B28800 = 28800, B57600 = 57600, B76800 = 76800, B115200 = 115200, B230400 = 230400, }, .freebsd, .kfreebsd, .netbsd => enum(c_uint) { B0 = 0, B50 = 50, B75 = 75, B110 = 110, B134 = 134, B150 = 150, B200 = 200, B300 = 300, B600 = 600, B1200 = 1200, B1800 = 1800, B2400 = 2400, B4800 = 4800, B9600 = 9600, B19200 = 19200, B38400 = 38400, B7200 = 7200, B14400 = 14400, B28800 = 28800, B57600 = 57600, B76800 = 76800, B115200 = 115200, B230400 = 230400, B460800 = 460800, B500000 = 500000, B921600 = 921600, B1000000 = 1000000, B1500000 = 1500000, B2000000 = 2000000, B2500000 = 2500000, B3000000 = 3000000, B3500000 = 3500000, B4000000 = 4000000, }, .dragonfly => enum(c_uint) { B0 = 0, B50 = 50, B75 = 75, B110 = 110, B134 = 134, B150 = 150, B200 = 200, B300 = 300, B600 = 600, B1200 = 1200, B1800 = 1800, B2400 = 2400, B4800 = 4800, B9600 = 9600, B19200 = 19200, B38400 = 38400, B7200 = 7200, B14400 = 14400, B28800 = 28800, B57600 = 57600, B76800 = 76800, B115200 = 115200, B230400 = 230400, B460800 = 460800, B921600 = 921600, }, .haiku => enum(u8) { B0 = 0x00, B50 = 0x01, B75 = 0x02, B110 = 0x03, B134 = 0x04, B150 = 0x05, B200 = 0x06, B300 = 0x07, B600 = 0x08, B1200 = 0x09, B1800 = 0x0A, B2400 = 0x0B, B4800 = 0x0C, B9600 = 0x0D, B19200 = 0x0E, B38400 = 0x0F, B57600 = 0x10, B115200 = 0x11, B230400 = 0x12, B31250 = 0x13, }, .solaris, .illumos => enum(c_uint) { B0 = 0, B50 = 1, B75 = 2, B110 = 3, B134 = 4, B150 = 5, B200 = 6, B300 = 7, B600 = 8, B1200 = 9, B1800 = 10, B2400 = 11, B4800 = 12, B9600 = 13, B19200 = 14, B38400 = 15, B57600 = 16, B76800 = 17, B115200 = 18, B153600 = 19, B230400 = 20, B307200 = 21, B460800 = 22, B921600 = 23, B1000000 = 24, B1152000 = 25, B1500000 = 26, B2000000 = 27, B2500000 = 28, B3000000 = 29, B3500000 = 30, B4000000 = 31, }, .emscripten, .wasi => enum(u32) { B0 = 0o0000000, B50 = 0o0000001, B75 = 0o0000002, B110 = 0o0000003, B134 = 0o0000004, B150 = 0o0000005, B200 = 0o0000006, B300 = 0o0000007, B600 = 0o0000010, B1200 = 0o0000011, B1800 = 0o0000012, B2400 = 0o0000013, B4800 = 0o0000014, B9600 = 0o0000015, B19200 = 0o0000016, B38400 = 0o0000017, B57600 = 0o0010001, B115200 = 0o0010002, B230400 = 0o0010003, B460800 = 0o0010004, B500000 = 0o0010005, B576000 = 0o0010006, B921600 = 0o0010007, B1000000 = 0o0010010, B1152000 = 0o0010011, B1500000 = 0o0010012, B2000000 = 0o0010013, B2500000 = 0o0010014, B3000000 = 0o0010015, B3500000 = 0o0010016, B4000000 = 0o0010017, }, else => @compileError("target libc does not have speed_t"), }; pub const whence_t = if (native_os == .wasi) std.os.wasi.whence_t else c_int; // Unix-like systems pub const DIR = opaque {}; pub extern "c" fn opendir(pathname: [*:0]const u8) ?*DIR; pub extern "c" fn fdopendir(fd: c_int) ?*DIR; pub extern "c" fn rewinddir(dp: *DIR) void; pub extern "c" fn closedir(dp: *DIR) c_int; pub extern "c" fn telldir(dp: *DIR) c_long; pub extern "c" fn seekdir(dp: *DIR, loc: c_long) void; pub extern "c" fn sigwait(set: ?*c.sigset_t, sig: ?*c_int) c_int; pub extern "c" fn alarm(seconds: c_uint) c_uint; pub const clock_getres = switch (native_os) { .netbsd => private.__clock_getres50, else => private.clock_getres, }; pub const clock_gettime = switch (native_os) { .netbsd => private.__clock_gettime50, else => private.clock_gettime, }; pub const fstat = switch (native_os) { .macos => switch (native_arch) { .x86_64 => private.@"fstat$INODE64", else => private.fstat, }, .netbsd => private.__fstat50, else => private.fstat, }; pub const fstatat = switch (native_os) { .macos => switch (native_arch) { .x86_64 => private.@"fstatat$INODE64", else => private.fstatat, }, else => private.fstatat, }; pub const getdirentries = switch (native_os) { .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos => private.__getdirentries64, else => private.getdirentries, }; pub const getrusage = switch (native_os) { .netbsd => private.__getrusage50, else => private.getrusage, }; pub const gettimeofday = switch (native_os) { .netbsd => private.__gettimeofday50, else => private.gettimeofday, }; pub const msync = switch (native_os) { .netbsd => private.__msync13, else => private.msync, }; pub const nanosleep = switch (native_os) { .netbsd => private.__nanosleep50, else => private.nanosleep, }; pub const readdir = switch (native_os) { .macos => switch (native_arch) { .x86_64 => private.@"readdir$INODE64", else => private.readdir, }, .windows => @compileError("not available"), else => private.readdir, }; pub const realpath = switch (native_os) { .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos => private.@"realpath$DARWIN_EXTSN", else => private.realpath, }; pub const sched_yield = switch (native_os) { .netbsd => private.__libc_thr_yield, else => private.sched_yield, }; pub const sigaction = switch (native_os) { .netbsd => private.__sigaction14, else => private.sigaction, }; pub const sigfillset = switch (native_os) { .netbsd => private.__sigfillset14, else => private.sigfillset, }; pub const sigprocmask = switch (native_os) { .netbsd => private.__sigprocmask14, else => private.sigprocmask, }; pub const socket = switch (native_os) { .netbsd => private.__socket30, else => private.socket, }; pub const stat = switch (native_os) { .macos => switch (native_arch) { .x86_64 => private.@"stat$INODE64", else => private.stat, }, else => private.stat, }; pub extern "c" var environ: [*:null]?[*:0]u8; pub extern "c" fn fopen(noalias filename: [*:0]const u8, noalias modes: [*:0]const u8) ?*FILE; pub extern "c" fn fclose(stream: *FILE) c_int; pub extern "c" fn fwrite(noalias ptr: [*]const u8, size_of_type: usize, item_count: usize, noalias stream: *FILE) usize; pub extern "c" fn fread(noalias ptr: [*]u8, size_of_type: usize, item_count: usize, noalias stream: *FILE) usize; pub extern "c" fn printf(format: [*:0]const u8, ...) c_int; pub extern "c" fn abort() noreturn; pub extern "c" fn exit(code: c_int) noreturn; pub extern "c" fn _exit(code: c_int) noreturn; pub extern "c" fn isatty(fd: c.fd_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn close(fd: c.fd_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn lseek(fd: c.fd_t, offset: c.off_t, whence: whence_t) c.off_t; pub extern "c" fn open(path: [*:0]const u8, oflag: O, ...) c_int; pub extern "c" fn openat(fd: c_int, path: [*:0]const u8, oflag: O, ...) c_int; pub extern "c" fn ftruncate(fd: c_int, length: c.off_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn raise(sig: c_int) c_int; pub extern "c" fn read(fd: c.fd_t, buf: [*]u8, nbyte: usize) isize; pub extern "c" fn readv(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec, iovcnt: c_uint) isize; pub extern "c" fn pread(fd: c.fd_t, buf: [*]u8, nbyte: usize, offset: c.off_t) isize; pub extern "c" fn preadv(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec, iovcnt: c_uint, offset: c.off_t) isize; pub extern "c" fn writev(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec_const, iovcnt: c_uint) isize; pub extern "c" fn pwritev(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec_const, iovcnt: c_uint, offset: c.off_t) isize; pub extern "c" fn write(fd: c.fd_t, buf: [*]const u8, nbyte: usize) isize; pub extern "c" fn pwrite(fd: c.fd_t, buf: [*]const u8, nbyte: usize, offset: c.off_t) isize; pub extern "c" fn mmap(addr: ?*align(page_size) anyopaque, len: usize, prot: c_uint, flags: MAP, fd: c.fd_t, offset: c.off_t) *anyopaque; pub extern "c" fn munmap(addr: *align(page_size) const anyopaque, len: usize) c_int; pub extern "c" fn mprotect(addr: *align(page_size) anyopaque, len: usize, prot: c_uint) c_int; pub extern "c" fn link(oldpath: [*:0]const u8, newpath: [*:0]const u8, flags: c_int) c_int; pub extern "c" fn linkat(oldfd: c.fd_t, oldpath: [*:0]const u8, newfd: c.fd_t, newpath: [*:0]const u8, flags: c_int) c_int; pub extern "c" fn unlink(path: [*:0]const u8) c_int; pub extern "c" fn unlinkat(dirfd: c.fd_t, path: [*:0]const u8, flags: c_uint) c_int; pub extern "c" fn getcwd(buf: [*]u8, size: usize) ?[*]u8; pub extern "c" fn waitpid(pid: c.pid_t, status: ?*c_int, options: c_int) c.pid_t; pub extern "c" fn wait4(pid: c.pid_t, status: ?*c_int, options: c_int, ru: ?*c.rusage) c.pid_t; pub extern "c" fn fork() c_int; pub extern "c" fn access(path: [*:0]const u8, mode: c_uint) c_int; pub extern "c" fn faccessat(dirfd: c.fd_t, path: [*:0]const u8, mode: c_uint, flags: c_uint) c_int; pub extern "c" fn pipe(fds: *[2]c.fd_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn mkdir(path: [*:0]const u8, mode: c_uint) c_int; pub extern "c" fn mkdirat(dirfd: c.fd_t, path: [*:0]const u8, mode: u32) c_int; pub extern "c" fn symlink(existing: [*:0]const u8, new: [*:0]const u8) c_int; pub extern "c" fn symlinkat(oldpath: [*:0]const u8, newdirfd: c.fd_t, newpath: [*:0]const u8) c_int; pub extern "c" fn rename(old: [*:0]const u8, new: [*:0]const u8) c_int; pub extern "c" fn renameat(olddirfd: c.fd_t, old: [*:0]const u8, newdirfd: c.fd_t, new: [*:0]const u8) c_int; pub extern "c" fn chdir(path: [*:0]const u8) c_int; pub extern "c" fn fchdir(fd: c.fd_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn execve(path: [*:0]const u8, argv: [*:null]const ?[*:0]const u8, envp: [*:null]const ?[*:0]const u8) c_int; pub extern "c" fn dup(fd: c.fd_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn dup2(old_fd: c.fd_t, new_fd: c.fd_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn readlink(noalias path: [*:0]const u8, noalias buf: [*]u8, bufsize: usize) isize; pub extern "c" fn readlinkat(dirfd: c.fd_t, noalias path: [*:0]const u8, noalias buf: [*]u8, bufsize: usize) isize; pub extern "c" fn chmod(path: [*:0]const u8, mode: c.mode_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn fchmod(fd: c.fd_t, mode: c.mode_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn fchmodat(fd: c.fd_t, path: [*:0]const u8, mode: c.mode_t, flags: c_uint) c_int; pub extern "c" fn fchown(fd: c.fd_t, owner: c.uid_t, group: c.gid_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn umask(mode: c.mode_t) c.mode_t; pub extern "c" fn rmdir(path: [*:0]const u8) c_int; pub extern "c" fn getenv(name: [*:0]const u8) ?[*:0]u8; pub extern "c" fn sysctl(name: [*]const c_int, namelen: c_uint, oldp: ?*anyopaque, oldlenp: ?*usize, newp: ?*anyopaque, newlen: usize) c_int; pub extern "c" fn sysctlbyname(name: [*:0]const u8, oldp: ?*anyopaque, oldlenp: ?*usize, newp: ?*anyopaque, newlen: usize) c_int; pub extern "c" fn sysctlnametomib(name: [*:0]const u8, mibp: ?*c_int, sizep: ?*usize) c_int; pub extern "c" fn tcgetattr(fd: c.fd_t, termios_p: *c.termios) c_int; pub extern "c" fn tcsetattr(fd: c.fd_t, optional_action: c.TCSA, termios_p: *const c.termios) c_int; pub extern "c" fn fcntl(fd: c.fd_t, cmd: c_int, ...) c_int; pub extern "c" fn flock(fd: c.fd_t, operation: c_int) c_int; pub extern "c" fn ioctl(fd: c.fd_t, request: c_int, ...) c_int; pub extern "c" fn uname(buf: *c.utsname) c_int; pub extern "c" fn gethostname(name: [*]u8, len: usize) c_int; pub extern "c" fn shutdown(socket: c.fd_t, how: c_int) c_int; pub extern "c" fn bind(socket: c.fd_t, address: ?*const c.sockaddr, address_len: c.socklen_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn socketpair(domain: c_uint, sock_type: c_uint, protocol: c_uint, sv: *[2]c.fd_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn listen(sockfd: c.fd_t, backlog: c_uint) c_int; pub extern "c" fn getsockname(sockfd: c.fd_t, noalias addr: *c.sockaddr, noalias addrlen: *c.socklen_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn getpeername(sockfd: c.fd_t, noalias addr: *c.sockaddr, noalias addrlen: *c.socklen_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn connect(sockfd: c.fd_t, sock_addr: *const c.sockaddr, addrlen: c.socklen_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn accept(sockfd: c.fd_t, noalias addr: ?*c.sockaddr, noalias addrlen: ?*c.socklen_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn accept4(sockfd: c.fd_t, noalias addr: ?*c.sockaddr, noalias addrlen: ?*c.socklen_t, flags: c_uint) c_int; pub extern "c" fn getsockopt(sockfd: c.fd_t, level: u32, optname: u32, noalias optval: ?*anyopaque, noalias optlen: *c.socklen_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn setsockopt(sockfd: c.fd_t, level: u32, optname: u32, optval: ?*const anyopaque, optlen: c.socklen_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn send(sockfd: c.fd_t, buf: *const anyopaque, len: usize, flags: u32) isize; pub extern "c" fn sendto( sockfd: c.fd_t, buf: *const anyopaque, len: usize, flags: u32, dest_addr: ?*const c.sockaddr, addrlen: c.socklen_t, ) isize; pub extern "c" fn sendmsg(sockfd: c.fd_t, msg: *const c.msghdr_const, flags: u32) isize; pub extern "c" fn recv( sockfd: c.fd_t, arg1: ?*anyopaque, arg2: usize, arg3: c_int, ) if (native_os == .windows) c_int else isize; pub extern "c" fn recvfrom( sockfd: c.fd_t, noalias buf: *anyopaque, len: usize, flags: u32, noalias src_addr: ?*c.sockaddr, noalias addrlen: ?*c.socklen_t, ) if (native_os == .windows) c_int else isize; pub extern "c" fn recvmsg(sockfd: c.fd_t, msg: *c.msghdr, flags: u32) isize; pub extern "c" fn kill(pid: c.pid_t, sig: c_int) c_int; pub extern "c" fn setuid(uid: c.uid_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn setgid(gid: c.gid_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn seteuid(euid: c.uid_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn setegid(egid: c.gid_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn setreuid(ruid: c.uid_t, euid: c.uid_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn setregid(rgid: c.gid_t, egid: c.gid_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn setresuid(ruid: c.uid_t, euid: c.uid_t, suid: c.uid_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn setresgid(rgid: c.gid_t, egid: c.gid_t, sgid: c.gid_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn malloc(usize) ?*anyopaque; pub extern "c" fn realloc(?*anyopaque, usize) ?*anyopaque; pub extern "c" fn free(?*anyopaque) void; pub extern "c" fn futimes(fd: c.fd_t, times: *[2]c.timeval) c_int; pub extern "c" fn utimes(path: [*:0]const u8, times: *[2]c.timeval) c_int; pub extern "c" fn utimensat(dirfd: c.fd_t, pathname: [*:0]const u8, times: *[2]c.timespec, flags: u32) c_int; pub extern "c" fn futimens(fd: c.fd_t, times: *const [2]c.timespec) c_int; pub extern "c" fn pthread_create( noalias newthread: *pthread_t, noalias attr: ?*const c.pthread_attr_t, start_routine: *const fn (?*anyopaque) callconv(.C) ?*anyopaque, noalias arg: ?*anyopaque, ) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_attr_init(attr: *c.pthread_attr_t) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_attr_setstack(attr: *c.pthread_attr_t, stackaddr: *anyopaque, stacksize: usize) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_attr_setstacksize(attr: *c.pthread_attr_t, stacksize: usize) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_attr_setguardsize(attr: *c.pthread_attr_t, guardsize: usize) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_attr_destroy(attr: *c.pthread_attr_t) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_self() pthread_t; pub extern "c" fn pthread_join(thread: pthread_t, arg_return: ?*?*anyopaque) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_detach(thread: pthread_t) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_atfork( prepare: ?*const fn () callconv(.C) void, parent: ?*const fn () callconv(.C) void, child: ?*const fn () callconv(.C) void, ) c_int; pub extern "c" fn pthread_key_create( key: *c.pthread_key_t, destructor: ?*const fn (value: *anyopaque) callconv(.C) void, ) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_key_delete(key: c.pthread_key_t) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_getspecific(key: c.pthread_key_t) ?*anyopaque; pub extern "c" fn pthread_setspecific(key: c.pthread_key_t, value: ?*anyopaque) c_int; pub extern "c" fn pthread_sigmask(how: c_int, set: *const c.sigset_t, oldset: *c.sigset_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn sem_init(sem: *c.sem_t, pshared: c_int, value: c_uint) c_int; pub extern "c" fn sem_destroy(sem: *c.sem_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn sem_open(name: [*:0]const u8, flag: c_int, mode: c.mode_t, value: c_uint) *c.sem_t; pub extern "c" fn sem_close(sem: *c.sem_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn sem_post(sem: *c.sem_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn sem_wait(sem: *c.sem_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn sem_trywait(sem: *c.sem_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn sem_timedwait(sem: *c.sem_t, abs_timeout: *const c.timespec) c_int; pub extern "c" fn sem_getvalue(sem: *c.sem_t, sval: *c_int) c_int; pub extern "c" fn shm_open(name: [*:0]const u8, flag: c_int, mode: c.mode_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn shm_unlink(name: [*:0]const u8) c_int; pub extern "c" fn kqueue() c_int; pub extern "c" fn kevent( kq: c_int, changelist: [*]const c.Kevent, nchanges: c_int, eventlist: [*]c.Kevent, nevents: c_int, timeout: ?*const c.timespec, ) c_int; pub extern "c" fn port_create() c.port_t; pub extern "c" fn port_associate( port: c.port_t, source: u32, object: usize, events: u32, user_var: ?*anyopaque, ) c_int; pub extern "c" fn port_dissociate(port: c.port_t, source: u32, object: usize) c_int; pub extern "c" fn port_send(port: c.port_t, events: u32, user_var: ?*anyopaque) c_int; pub extern "c" fn port_sendn( ports: [*]c.port_t, errors: []u32, num_ports: u32, events: u32, user_var: ?*anyopaque, ) c_int; pub extern "c" fn port_get(port: c.port_t, event: *c.port_event, timeout: ?*c.timespec) c_int; pub extern "c" fn port_getn( port: c.port_t, event_list: []c.port_event, max_events: u32, events_retrieved: *u32, timeout: ?*c.timespec, ) c_int; pub extern "c" fn port_alert(port: c.port_t, flags: u32, events: u32, user_var: ?*anyopaque) c_int; pub extern "c" fn getaddrinfo( noalias node: ?[*:0]const u8, noalias service: ?[*:0]const u8, noalias hints: ?*const c.addrinfo, /// On Linux, `res` will not be modified on error and `freeaddrinfo` will /// potentially crash if you pass it an undefined pointer noalias res: *?*c.addrinfo, ) c.EAI; pub extern "c" fn freeaddrinfo(res: *c.addrinfo) void; pub extern "c" fn getnameinfo( noalias addr: *const c.sockaddr, addrlen: c.socklen_t, noalias host: [*]u8, hostlen: c.socklen_t, noalias serv: [*]u8, servlen: c.socklen_t, flags: u32, ) c.EAI; pub extern "c" fn gai_strerror(errcode: c.EAI) [*:0]const u8; pub extern "c" fn poll(fds: [*]c.pollfd, nfds: c.nfds_t, timeout: c_int) c_int; pub extern "c" fn ppoll(fds: [*]c.pollfd, nfds: c.nfds_t, timeout: ?*const c.timespec, sigmask: ?*const c.sigset_t) c_int; pub extern "c" fn dn_expand( msg: [*:0]const u8, eomorig: [*:0]const u8, comp_dn: [*:0]const u8, exp_dn: [*:0]u8, length: c_int, ) c_int; pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER = pthread_mutex_t{}; pub extern "c" fn pthread_mutex_lock(mutex: *pthread_mutex_t) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex: *pthread_mutex_t) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex: *pthread_mutex_t) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_mutex_destroy(mutex: *pthread_mutex_t) c.E; pub const PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER = pthread_cond_t{}; pub extern "c" fn pthread_cond_wait(noalias cond: *pthread_cond_t, noalias mutex: *pthread_mutex_t) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_cond_timedwait(noalias cond: *pthread_cond_t, noalias mutex: *pthread_mutex_t, noalias abstime: *const c.timespec) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_cond_signal(cond: *pthread_cond_t) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_cond_broadcast(cond: *pthread_cond_t) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_cond_destroy(cond: *pthread_cond_t) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_rwlock_destroy(rwl: *c.pthread_rwlock_t) callconv(.C) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_rwlock_rdlock(rwl: *c.pthread_rwlock_t) callconv(.C) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_rwlock_wrlock(rwl: *c.pthread_rwlock_t) callconv(.C) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(rwl: *c.pthread_rwlock_t) callconv(.C) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(rwl: *c.pthread_rwlock_t) callconv(.C) c.E; pub extern "c" fn pthread_rwlock_unlock(rwl: *c.pthread_rwlock_t) callconv(.C) c.E; pub const pthread_t = *opaque {}; pub const FILE = opaque {}; pub extern "c" fn dlopen(path: [*:0]const u8, mode: c_int) ?*anyopaque; pub extern "c" fn dlclose(handle: *anyopaque) c_int; pub extern "c" fn dlsym(handle: ?*anyopaque, symbol: [*:0]const u8) ?*anyopaque; pub extern "c" fn dlerror() ?[*:0]u8; pub extern "c" fn sync() void; pub extern "c" fn syncfs(fd: c_int) c_int; pub extern "c" fn fsync(fd: c_int) c_int; pub extern "c" fn fdatasync(fd: c_int) c_int; pub extern "c" fn prctl(option: c_int, ...) c_int; pub extern "c" fn getrlimit(resource: c.rlimit_resource, rlim: *c.rlimit) c_int; pub extern "c" fn setrlimit(resource: c.rlimit_resource, rlim: *const c.rlimit) c_int; pub extern "c" fn fmemopen(noalias buf: ?*anyopaque, size: usize, noalias mode: [*:0]const u8) ?*FILE; pub extern "c" fn syslog(priority: c_int, message: [*:0]const u8, ...) void; pub extern "c" fn openlog(ident: [*:0]const u8, logopt: c_int, facility: c_int) void; pub extern "c" fn closelog() void; pub extern "c" fn setlogmask(maskpri: c_int) c_int; pub extern "c" fn if_nametoindex([*:0]const u8) c_int; pub const getcontext = if ( @compileError("android bionic libc does not implement getcontext") else if (native_os == .linux and linux.getcontext else struct { extern fn getcontext(ucp: *std.posix.ucontext_t) c_int; }.getcontext; pub const max_align_t = if (native_abi == .msvc) f64 else if ( c_longdouble else extern struct { a: c_longlong, b: c_longdouble, }; const private = struct { extern "c" fn clock_getres(clk_id: c_int, tp: *c.timespec) c_int; extern "c" fn clock_gettime(clk_id: c_int, tp: *c.timespec) c_int; extern "c" fn fstat(fd: c.fd_t, buf: *c.Stat) c_int; extern "c" fn fstatat(dirfd: c.fd_t, path: [*:0]const u8, buf: *c.Stat, flag: u32) c_int; extern "c" fn getdirentries(fd: c.fd_t, buf_ptr: [*]u8, nbytes: usize, basep: *i64) isize; extern "c" fn getrusage(who: c_int, usage: *c.rusage) c_int; extern "c" fn gettimeofday(noalias tv: ?*c.timeval, noalias tz: ?*c.timezone) c_int; extern "c" fn msync(addr: *align(page_size) const anyopaque, len: usize, flags: c_int) c_int; extern "c" fn nanosleep(rqtp: *const c.timespec, rmtp: ?*c.timespec) c_int; extern "c" fn readdir(dir: *c.DIR) ?*c.dirent; extern "c" fn realpath(noalias file_name: [*:0]const u8, noalias resolved_name: [*]u8) ?[*:0]u8; extern "c" fn sched_yield() c_int; extern "c" fn sigaction(sig: c_int, noalias act: ?*const c.Sigaction, noalias oact: ?*c.Sigaction) c_int; extern "c" fn sigfillset(set: ?*c.sigset_t) void; extern "c" fn sigprocmask(how: c_int, noalias set: ?*const c.sigset_t, noalias oset: ?*c.sigset_t) c_int; extern "c" fn socket(domain: c_uint, sock_type: c_uint, protocol: c_uint) c_int; extern "c" fn stat(noalias path: [*:0]const u8, noalias buf: *c.Stat) c_int; /// macos modernized symbols. /// x86_64 links to $INODE64 suffix for 64-bit support. /// Note these are not necessary on aarch64. extern "c" fn @"fstat$INODE64"(fd: c.fd_t, buf: *c.Stat) c_int; extern "c" fn @"fstatat$INODE64"(dirfd: c.fd_t, path: [*:0]const u8, buf: *c.Stat, flag: u32) c_int; extern "c" fn @"readdir$INODE64"(dir: *c.DIR) ?*c.dirent; extern "c" fn @"stat$INODE64"(noalias path: [*:0]const u8, noalias buf: *c.Stat) c_int; /// macos modernized symbols. extern "c" fn @"realpath$DARWIN_EXTSN"(noalias file_name: [*:0]const u8, noalias resolved_name: [*]u8) ?[*:0]u8; extern "c" fn __getdirentries64(fd: c.fd_t, buf_ptr: [*]u8, buf_len: usize, basep: *i64) isize; /// netbsd modernized symbols. extern "c" fn __clock_getres50(clk_id: c_int, tp: *c.timespec) c_int; extern "c" fn __clock_gettime50(clk_id: c_int, tp: *c.timespec) c_int; extern "c" fn __fstat50(fd: c.fd_t, buf: *c.Stat) c_int; extern "c" fn __getrusage50(who: c_int, usage: *c.rusage) c_int; extern "c" fn __gettimeofday50(noalias tv: ?*c.timeval, noalias tz: ?*c.timezone) c_int; extern "c" fn __libc_thr_yield() c_int; extern "c" fn __msync13(addr: *align(std.mem.page_size) const anyopaque, len: usize, flags: c_int) c_int; extern "c" fn __nanosleep50(rqtp: *const c.timespec, rmtp: ?*c.timespec) c_int; extern "c" fn __sigaction14(sig: c_int, noalias act: ?*const c.Sigaction, noalias oact: ?*c.Sigaction) c_int; extern "c" fn __sigfillset14(set: ?*c.sigset_t) void; extern "c" fn __sigprocmask14(how: c_int, noalias set: ?*const c.sigset_t, noalias oset: ?*c.sigset_t) c_int; extern "c" fn __socket30(domain: c_uint, sock_type: c_uint, protocol: c_uint) c_int; extern "c" fn __stat50(path: [*:0]const u8, buf: *c.Stat) c_int; };