const std = @import("std.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const testing = std.testing; pub fn once(comptime f: fn () void) Once(f) { return Once(f){}; } /// An object that executes the function `f` just once. /// It is undefined behavior if `f` re-enters the same Once instance. pub fn Once(comptime f: fn () void) type { return struct { done: bool = false, mutex: std.Thread.Mutex = std.Thread.Mutex{}, /// Call the function `f`. /// If `call` is invoked multiple times `f` will be executed only the /// first time. /// The invocations are thread-safe. pub fn call(self: *@This()) void { if (@atomicLoad(bool, &self.done, .acquire)) return; return self.callSlow(); } fn callSlow(self: *@This()) void { @branchHint(.cold); self.mutex.lock(); defer self.mutex.unlock(); // The first thread to acquire the mutex gets to run the initializer if (!self.done) { f(); @atomicStore(bool, &self.done, true, .release); } } }; } var global_number: i32 = 0; var global_once = once(incr); fn incr() void { global_number += 1; } test "Once executes its function just once" { if (builtin.single_threaded) {;; } else { var threads: [10]std.Thread = undefined; var thread_count: usize = 0; defer for (threads[0..thread_count]) |handle| handle.join(); for (&threads) |*handle| { handle.* = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, struct { fn thread_fn(x: u8) void { _ = x;; if (global_number != 1) @panic("memory ordering bug"); } }.thread_fn, .{0}); thread_count += 1; } } try testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 1), global_number); }