const std = @import("std.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const fs = std.fs; const mem = std.mem; const math = std.math; const Allocator = mem.Allocator; const assert = std.debug.assert; const testing = std.testing; const native_os = builtin.os.tag; const posix = std.posix; const windows =; const unicode = std.unicode; pub const Child = @import("process/Child.zig"); pub const abort = posix.abort; pub const exit = posix.exit; pub const changeCurDir = posix.chdir; pub const changeCurDirC = posix.chdirC; pub const GetCwdError = posix.GetCwdError; /// The result is a slice of `out_buffer`, from index `0`. /// On Windows, the result is encoded as [WTF-8]( /// On other platforms, the result is an opaque sequence of bytes with no particular encoding. pub fn getCwd(out_buffer: []u8) ![]u8 { return posix.getcwd(out_buffer); } pub const GetCwdAllocError = Allocator.Error || posix.GetCwdError; /// Caller must free the returned memory. /// On Windows, the result is encoded as [WTF-8]( /// On other platforms, the result is an opaque sequence of bytes with no particular encoding. pub fn getCwdAlloc(allocator: Allocator) ![]u8 { // The use of max_path_bytes here is just a heuristic: most paths will fit // in stack_buf, avoiding an extra allocation in the common case. var stack_buf: [fs.max_path_bytes]u8 = undefined; var heap_buf: ?[]u8 = null; defer if (heap_buf) |buf|; var current_buf: []u8 = &stack_buf; while (true) { if (posix.getcwd(current_buf)) |slice| { return allocator.dupe(u8, slice); } else |err| switch (err) { error.NameTooLong => { // The path is too long to fit in stack_buf. Allocate geometrically // increasing buffers until we find one that works const new_capacity = current_buf.len * 2; if (heap_buf) |buf|; current_buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, new_capacity); heap_buf = current_buf; }, else => |e| return e, } } } test getCwdAlloc { if (native_os == .wasi) return error.SkipZigTest; const cwd = try getCwdAlloc(testing.allocator);; } pub const EnvMap = struct { hash_map: HashMap, const HashMap = std.HashMap( []const u8, []const u8, EnvNameHashContext, std.hash_map.default_max_load_percentage, ); pub const Size = HashMap.Size; pub const EnvNameHashContext = struct { fn upcase(c: u21) u21 { if (c <= std.math.maxInt(u16)) return windows.ntdll.RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar(@as(u16, @intCast(c))); return c; } pub fn hash(self: @This(), s: []const u8) u64 { _ = self; if (native_os == .windows) { var h = std.hash.Wyhash.init(0); var it = unicode.Wtf8View.initUnchecked(s).iterator(); while (it.nextCodepoint()) |cp| { const cp_upper = upcase(cp); h.update(&[_]u8{ @as(u8, @intCast((cp_upper >> 16) & 0xff)), @as(u8, @intCast((cp_upper >> 8) & 0xff)), @as(u8, @intCast((cp_upper >> 0) & 0xff)), }); } return; } return std.hash_map.hashString(s); } pub fn eql(self: @This(), a: []const u8, b: []const u8) bool { _ = self; if (native_os == .windows) { var it_a = unicode.Wtf8View.initUnchecked(a).iterator(); var it_b = unicode.Wtf8View.initUnchecked(b).iterator(); while (true) { const c_a = it_a.nextCodepoint() orelse break; const c_b = it_b.nextCodepoint() orelse return false; if (upcase(c_a) != upcase(c_b)) return false; } return if (it_b.nextCodepoint()) |_| false else true; } return std.hash_map.eqlString(a, b); } }; /// Create a EnvMap backed by a specific allocator. /// That allocator will be used for both backing allocations /// and string deduplication. pub fn init(allocator: Allocator) EnvMap { return EnvMap{ .hash_map = HashMap.init(allocator) }; } /// Free the backing storage of the map, as well as all /// of the stored keys and values. pub fn deinit(self: *EnvMap) void { var it = self.hash_map.iterator(); while ( |entry| {*);*); } self.hash_map.deinit(); } /// Same as `put` but the key and value become owned by the EnvMap rather /// than being copied. /// If `putMove` fails, the ownership of key and value does not transfer. /// On Windows `key` must be a valid [WTF-8]( string. pub fn putMove(self: *EnvMap, key: []u8, value: []u8) !void { assert(unicode.wtf8ValidateSlice(key)); const get_or_put = try self.hash_map.getOrPut(key); if (get_or_put.found_existing) {*);*); get_or_put.key_ptr.* = key; } get_or_put.value_ptr.* = value; } /// `key` and `value` are copied into the EnvMap. /// On Windows `key` must be a valid [WTF-8]( string. pub fn put(self: *EnvMap, key: []const u8, value: []const u8) !void { assert(unicode.wtf8ValidateSlice(key)); const value_copy = try self.copy(value); errdefer; const get_or_put = try self.hash_map.getOrPut(key); if (get_or_put.found_existing) {*); } else { get_or_put.key_ptr.* = self.copy(key) catch |err| { _ = self.hash_map.remove(key); return err; }; } get_or_put.value_ptr.* = value_copy; } /// Find the address of the value associated with a key. /// The returned pointer is invalidated if the map resizes. /// On Windows `key` must be a valid [WTF-8]( string. pub fn getPtr(self: EnvMap, key: []const u8) ?*[]const u8 { assert(unicode.wtf8ValidateSlice(key)); return self.hash_map.getPtr(key); } /// Return the map's copy of the value associated with /// a key. The returned string is invalidated if this /// key is removed from the map. /// On Windows `key` must be a valid [WTF-8]( string. pub fn get(self: EnvMap, key: []const u8) ?[]const u8 { assert(unicode.wtf8ValidateSlice(key)); return self.hash_map.get(key); } /// Removes the item from the map and frees its value. /// This invalidates the value returned by get() for this key. /// On Windows `key` must be a valid [WTF-8]( string. pub fn remove(self: *EnvMap, key: []const u8) void { assert(unicode.wtf8ValidateSlice(key)); const kv = self.hash_map.fetchRemove(key) orelse return;;; } /// Returns the number of KV pairs stored in the map. pub fn count(self: EnvMap) HashMap.Size { return self.hash_map.count(); } /// Returns an iterator over entries in the map. pub fn iterator(self: *const EnvMap) HashMap.Iterator { return self.hash_map.iterator(); } fn free(self: EnvMap, value: []const u8) void {; } fn copy(self: EnvMap, value: []const u8) ![]u8 { return self.hash_map.allocator.dupe(u8, value); } }; test EnvMap { var env = EnvMap.init(testing.allocator); defer env.deinit(); try env.put("SOMETHING_NEW", "hello"); try testing.expectEqualStrings("hello", env.get("SOMETHING_NEW").?); try testing.expectEqual(@as(EnvMap.Size, 1), env.count()); // overwrite try env.put("SOMETHING_NEW", "something"); try testing.expectEqualStrings("something", env.get("SOMETHING_NEW").?); try testing.expectEqual(@as(EnvMap.Size, 1), env.count()); // a new longer name to test the Windows-specific conversion buffer try env.put("SOMETHING_NEW_AND_LONGER", "1"); try testing.expectEqualStrings("1", env.get("SOMETHING_NEW_AND_LONGER").?); try testing.expectEqual(@as(EnvMap.Size, 2), env.count()); // case insensitivity on Windows only if (native_os == .windows) { try testing.expectEqualStrings("1", env.get("something_New_aNd_LONGER").?); } else { try testing.expect(null == env.get("something_New_aNd_LONGER")); } var it = env.iterator(); var count: EnvMap.Size = 0; while ( |entry| { const is_an_expected_name = std.mem.eql(u8, "SOMETHING_NEW", entry.key_ptr.*) or std.mem.eql(u8, "SOMETHING_NEW_AND_LONGER", entry.key_ptr.*); try testing.expect(is_an_expected_name); count += 1; } try testing.expectEqual(@as(EnvMap.Size, 2), count); env.remove("SOMETHING_NEW"); try testing.expect(env.get("SOMETHING_NEW") == null); try testing.expectEqual(@as(EnvMap.Size, 1), env.count()); if (native_os == .windows) { // test Unicode case-insensitivity on Windows try env.put("КИРиллИЦА", "something else"); try testing.expectEqualStrings("something else", env.get("кириллица").?); // and WTF-8 that's not valid UTF-8 const wtf8_with_surrogate_pair = try unicode.wtf16LeToWtf8Alloc(testing.allocator, &[_]u16{ std.mem.nativeToLittle(u16, 0xD83D), // unpaired high surrogate }); defer; try env.put(wtf8_with_surrogate_pair, wtf8_with_surrogate_pair); try testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, wtf8_with_surrogate_pair, env.get(wtf8_with_surrogate_pair).?); } } pub const GetEnvMapError = error{ OutOfMemory, /// WASI-only. `environ_sizes_get` or `environ_get` /// failed for an unexpected reason. Unexpected, }; /// Returns a snapshot of the environment variables of the current process. /// Any modifications to the resulting EnvMap will not be reflected in the environment, and /// likewise, any future modifications to the environment will not be reflected in the EnvMap. /// Caller owns resulting `EnvMap` and should call its `deinit` fn when done. pub fn getEnvMap(allocator: Allocator) GetEnvMapError!EnvMap { var result = EnvMap.init(allocator); errdefer result.deinit(); if (native_os == .windows) { const ptr = windows.peb().ProcessParameters.Environment; var i: usize = 0; while (ptr[i] != 0) { const key_start = i; // There are some special environment variables that start with =, // so we need a special case to not treat = as a key/value separator // if it's the first character. // if (ptr[key_start] == '=') i += 1; while (ptr[i] != 0 and ptr[i] != '=') : (i += 1) {} const key_w = ptr[key_start..i]; const key = try unicode.wtf16LeToWtf8Alloc(allocator, key_w); errdefer; if (ptr[i] == '=') i += 1; const value_start = i; while (ptr[i] != 0) : (i += 1) {} const value_w = ptr[value_start..i]; const value = try unicode.wtf16LeToWtf8Alloc(allocator, value_w); errdefer; i += 1; // skip over null byte try result.putMove(key, value); } return result; } else if (native_os == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) { var environ_count: usize = undefined; var environ_buf_size: usize = undefined; const environ_sizes_get_ret = std.os.wasi.environ_sizes_get(&environ_count, &environ_buf_size); if (environ_sizes_get_ret != .SUCCESS) { return posix.unexpectedErrno(environ_sizes_get_ret); } if (environ_count == 0) { return result; } const environ = try allocator.alloc([*:0]u8, environ_count); defer; const environ_buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, environ_buf_size); defer; const environ_get_ret = std.os.wasi.environ_get(environ.ptr, environ_buf.ptr); if (environ_get_ret != .SUCCESS) { return posix.unexpectedErrno(environ_get_ret); } for (environ) |env| { const pair = mem.sliceTo(env, 0); var parts = mem.splitScalar(u8, pair, '='); const key = parts.first(); const value =; try result.put(key, value); } return result; } else if (builtin.link_libc) { var ptr = std.c.environ; while (ptr[0]) |line| : (ptr += 1) { var line_i: usize = 0; while (line[line_i] != 0 and line[line_i] != '=') : (line_i += 1) {} const key = line[0..line_i]; var end_i: usize = line_i; while (line[end_i] != 0) : (end_i += 1) {} const value = line[line_i + 1 .. end_i]; try result.put(key, value); } return result; } else { for (std.os.environ) |line| { var line_i: usize = 0; while (line[line_i] != 0 and line[line_i] != '=') : (line_i += 1) {} const key = line[0..line_i]; var end_i: usize = line_i; while (line[end_i] != 0) : (end_i += 1) {} const value = line[line_i + 1 .. end_i]; try result.put(key, value); } return result; } } test getEnvMap { var env = try getEnvMap(testing.allocator); defer env.deinit(); } pub const GetEnvVarOwnedError = error{ OutOfMemory, EnvironmentVariableNotFound, /// On Windows, environment variable keys provided by the user must be valid WTF-8. /// InvalidWtf8, }; /// Caller must free returned memory. /// On Windows, if `key` is not valid [WTF-8](, /// then `error.InvalidWtf8` is returned. /// On Windows, the value is encoded as [WTF-8]( /// On other platforms, the value is an opaque sequence of bytes with no particular encoding. pub fn getEnvVarOwned(allocator: Allocator, key: []const u8) GetEnvVarOwnedError![]u8 { if (native_os == .windows) { const result_w = blk: { var stack_alloc = std.heap.stackFallback(256 * @sizeOf(u16), allocator); const stack_allocator = stack_alloc.get(); const key_w = try unicode.wtf8ToWtf16LeAllocZ(stack_allocator, key); defer; break :blk getenvW(key_w) orelse return error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound; }; // wtf16LeToWtf8Alloc can only fail with OutOfMemory return unicode.wtf16LeToWtf8Alloc(allocator, result_w); } else if (native_os == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) { var envmap = getEnvMap(allocator) catch return error.OutOfMemory; defer envmap.deinit(); const val = envmap.get(key) orelse return error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound; return allocator.dupe(u8, val); } else { const result = posix.getenv(key) orelse return error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound; return allocator.dupe(u8, result); } } /// On Windows, `key` must be valid UTF-8. pub fn hasEnvVarConstant(comptime key: []const u8) bool { if (native_os == .windows) { const key_w = comptime unicode.utf8ToUtf16LeStringLiteral(key); return getenvW(key_w) != null; } else if (native_os == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) { @compileError("hasEnvVarConstant is not supported for WASI without libc"); } else { return posix.getenv(key) != null; } } pub const ParseEnvVarIntError = std.fmt.ParseIntError || error{EnvironmentVariableNotFound}; /// Parses an environment variable as an integer. /// /// Since the key is comptime-known, no allocation is needed. /// /// On Windows, `key` must be valid UTF-8. pub fn parseEnvVarInt(comptime key: []const u8, comptime I: type, base: u8) ParseEnvVarIntError!I { if (native_os == .windows) { const key_w = comptime std.unicode.utf8ToUtf16LeStringLiteral(key); const text = getenvW(key_w) orelse return error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound; return std.fmt.parseIntWithGenericCharacter(I, u16, text, base); } else if (native_os == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) { @compileError("parseEnvVarInt is not supported for WASI without libc"); } else { const text = posix.getenv(key) orelse return error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound; return std.fmt.parseInt(I, text, base); } } pub const HasEnvVarError = error{ OutOfMemory, /// On Windows, environment variable keys provided by the user must be valid WTF-8. /// InvalidWtf8, }; /// On Windows, if `key` is not valid [WTF-8](, /// then `error.InvalidWtf8` is returned. pub fn hasEnvVar(allocator: Allocator, key: []const u8) HasEnvVarError!bool { if (native_os == .windows) { var stack_alloc = std.heap.stackFallback(256 * @sizeOf(u16), allocator); const stack_allocator = stack_alloc.get(); const key_w = try unicode.wtf8ToWtf16LeAllocZ(stack_allocator, key); defer; return getenvW(key_w) != null; } else if (native_os == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) { var envmap = getEnvMap(allocator) catch return error.OutOfMemory; defer envmap.deinit(); return envmap.getPtr(key) != null; } else { return posix.getenv(key) != null; } } /// Windows-only. Get an environment variable with a null-terminated, WTF-16 encoded name. /// /// This function performs a Unicode-aware case-insensitive lookup using RtlEqualUnicodeString. /// /// See also: /// * `std.posix.getenv` /// * `getEnvMap` /// * `getEnvVarOwned` /// * `hasEnvVarConstant` /// * `hasEnvVar` pub fn getenvW(key: [*:0]const u16) ?[:0]const u16 { if (native_os != .windows) { @compileError("Windows-only"); } const key_slice = mem.sliceTo(key, 0); const ptr = windows.peb().ProcessParameters.Environment; var i: usize = 0; while (ptr[i] != 0) { const key_start = i; // There are some special environment variables that start with =, // so we need a special case to not treat = as a key/value separator // if it's the first character. // if (ptr[key_start] == '=') i += 1; while (ptr[i] != 0 and ptr[i] != '=') : (i += 1) {} const this_key = ptr[key_start..i]; if (ptr[i] == '=') i += 1; const value_start = i; while (ptr[i] != 0) : (i += 1) {} const this_value = ptr[value_start..i :0]; if (windows.eqlIgnoreCaseWTF16(key_slice, this_key)) { return this_value; } i += 1; // skip over null byte } return null; } test getEnvVarOwned { try testing.expectError( error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound, getEnvVarOwned(std.testing.allocator, "BADENV"), ); } test hasEnvVarConstant { if (native_os == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) return error.SkipZigTest; try testing.expect(!hasEnvVarConstant("BADENV")); } test hasEnvVar { const has_env = try hasEnvVar(std.testing.allocator, "BADENV"); try testing.expect(!has_env); } pub const ArgIteratorPosix = struct { index: usize, count: usize, pub const InitError = error{}; pub fn init() ArgIteratorPosix { return ArgIteratorPosix{ .index = 0, .count = std.os.argv.len, }; } pub fn next(self: *ArgIteratorPosix) ?[:0]const u8 { if (self.index == self.count) return null; const s = std.os.argv[self.index]; self.index += 1; return mem.sliceTo(s, 0); } pub fn skip(self: *ArgIteratorPosix) bool { if (self.index == self.count) return false; self.index += 1; return true; } }; pub const ArgIteratorWasi = struct { allocator: Allocator, index: usize, args: [][:0]u8, pub const InitError = error{OutOfMemory} || posix.UnexpectedError; /// You must call deinit to free the internal buffer of the /// iterator after you are done. pub fn init(allocator: Allocator) InitError!ArgIteratorWasi { const fetched_args = try ArgIteratorWasi.internalInit(allocator); return ArgIteratorWasi{ .allocator = allocator, .index = 0, .args = fetched_args, }; } fn internalInit(allocator: Allocator) InitError![][:0]u8 { var count: usize = undefined; var buf_size: usize = undefined; switch (std.os.wasi.args_sizes_get(&count, &buf_size)) { .SUCCESS => {}, else => |err| return posix.unexpectedErrno(err), } if (count == 0) { return &[_][:0]u8{}; } const argv = try allocator.alloc([*:0]u8, count); defer; const argv_buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, buf_size); switch (std.os.wasi.args_get(argv.ptr, argv_buf.ptr)) { .SUCCESS => {}, else => |err| return posix.unexpectedErrno(err), } var result_args = try allocator.alloc([:0]u8, count); var i: usize = 0; while (i < count) : (i += 1) { result_args[i] = mem.sliceTo(argv[i], 0); } return result_args; } pub fn next(self: *ArgIteratorWasi) ?[:0]const u8 { if (self.index == self.args.len) return null; const arg = self.args[self.index]; self.index += 1; return arg; } pub fn skip(self: *ArgIteratorWasi) bool { if (self.index == self.args.len) return false; self.index += 1; return true; } /// Call to free the internal buffer of the iterator. pub fn deinit(self: *ArgIteratorWasi) void { const last_item = self.args[self.args.len - 1]; const last_byte_addr = @intFromPtr(last_item.ptr) + last_item.len + 1; // null terminated const first_item_ptr = self.args[0].ptr; const len = last_byte_addr - @intFromPtr(first_item_ptr);[0..len]);; } }; /// Iterator that implements the Windows command-line parsing algorithm. /// The implementation is intended to be compatible with the post-2008 C runtime, /// but is *not* intended to be compatible with `CommandLineToArgvW` since /// `CommandLineToArgvW` uses the pre-2008 parsing rules. /// /// This iterator faithfully implements the parsing behavior observed from the C runtime with /// one exception: if the command-line string is empty, the iterator will immediately complete /// without returning any arguments (whereas the C runtime will return a single argument /// representing the name of the current executable). /// /// The essential parts of the algorithm are described in Microsoft's documentation: /// /// - /// /// David Deley explains some additional undocumented quirks in great detail: /// /// - pub const ArgIteratorWindows = struct { allocator: Allocator, /// Encoded as WTF-16 LE. cmd_line: []const u16, index: usize = 0, /// Owned by the iterator. Long enough to hold contiguous NUL-terminated slices /// of each argument encoded as WTF-8. buffer: []u8, start: usize = 0, end: usize = 0, pub const InitError = error{OutOfMemory}; /// `cmd_line_w` *must* be a WTF16-LE-encoded string. /// /// The iterator stores and uses `cmd_line_w`, so its memory must be valid for /// at least as long as the returned ArgIteratorWindows. pub fn init(allocator: Allocator, cmd_line_w: []const u16) InitError!ArgIteratorWindows { const wtf8_len = unicode.calcWtf8Len(cmd_line_w); // This buffer must be large enough to contain contiguous NUL-terminated slices // of each argument. // - During parsing, the length of a parsed argument will always be equal to // to less than its unparsed length // - The first argument needs one extra byte of space allocated for its NUL // terminator, but for each subsequent argument the necessary whitespace // between arguments guarantees room for their NUL terminator(s). const buffer = try allocator.alloc(u8, wtf8_len + 1); errdefer; return .{ .allocator = allocator, .cmd_line = cmd_line_w, .buffer = buffer, }; } /// Returns the next argument and advances the iterator. Returns `null` if at the end of the /// command-line string. The iterator owns the returned slice. /// The result is encoded as [WTF-8]( pub fn next(self: *ArgIteratorWindows) ?[:0]const u8 { return self.nextWithStrategy(next_strategy); } /// Skips the next argument and advances the iterator. Returns `true` if an argument was /// skipped, `false` if at the end of the command-line string. pub fn skip(self: *ArgIteratorWindows) bool { return self.nextWithStrategy(skip_strategy); } const next_strategy = struct { const T = ?[:0]const u8; const eof = null; /// Returns '\' if any backslashes are emitted, otherwise returns `last_emitted_code_unit`. fn emitBackslashes(self: *ArgIteratorWindows, count: usize, last_emitted_code_unit: ?u16) ?u16 { for (0..count) |_| { self.buffer[self.end] = '\\'; self.end += 1; } return if (count != 0) '\\' else last_emitted_code_unit; } /// If `last_emitted_code_unit` and `code_unit` form a surrogate pair, then /// the previously emitted high surrogate is overwritten by the codepoint encoded /// by the surrogate pair, and `null` is returned. /// Otherwise, `code_unit` is emitted and returned. fn emitCharacter(self: *ArgIteratorWindows, code_unit: u16, last_emitted_code_unit: ?u16) ?u16 { // Because we are emitting WTF-8, we need to // check to see if we've emitted two consecutive surrogate // codepoints that form a valid surrogate pair in order // to ensure that we're always emitting well-formed WTF-8 // ( // // If we do have a valid surrogate pair, we need to emit // the UTF-8 sequence for the codepoint that they encode // instead of the WTF-8 encoding for the two surrogate pairs // separately. // // This is relevant when dealing with a WTF-16 encoded // command line like this: // "<0xD801>"<0xDC37> // which would get parsed and converted to WTF-8 as: // <0xED><0xA0><0x81><0xED><0xB0><0xB7> // but instead, we need to recognize the surrogate pair // and emit the codepoint it encodes, which in this // example is U+10437 (𐐷), which is encoded in UTF-8 as: // <0xF0><0x90><0x90><0xB7> if (last_emitted_code_unit != null and std.unicode.utf16IsLowSurrogate(code_unit) and std.unicode.utf16IsHighSurrogate(last_emitted_code_unit.?)) { const codepoint = std.unicode.utf16DecodeSurrogatePair(&.{ last_emitted_code_unit.?, code_unit }) catch unreachable; // Unpaired surrogate is 3 bytes long const dest = self.buffer[self.end - 3 ..]; const len = unicode.utf8Encode(codepoint, dest) catch unreachable; // All codepoints that require a surrogate pair (> U+FFFF) are encoded as 4 bytes assert(len == 4); self.end += 1; return null; } const wtf8_len = std.unicode.wtf8Encode(code_unit, self.buffer[self.end..]) catch unreachable; self.end += wtf8_len; return code_unit; } fn yieldArg(self: *ArgIteratorWindows) [:0]const u8 { self.buffer[self.end] = 0; const arg = self.buffer[self.start..self.end :0]; self.end += 1; self.start = self.end; return arg; } }; const skip_strategy = struct { const T = bool; const eof = false; fn emitBackslashes(_: *ArgIteratorWindows, _: usize, last_emitted_code_unit: ?u16) ?u16 { return last_emitted_code_unit; } fn emitCharacter(_: *ArgIteratorWindows, _: u16, last_emitted_code_unit: ?u16) ?u16 { return last_emitted_code_unit; } fn yieldArg(_: *ArgIteratorWindows) bool { return true; } }; fn nextWithStrategy(self: *ArgIteratorWindows, comptime strategy: type) strategy.T { var last_emitted_code_unit: ?u16 = null; // The first argument (the executable name) uses different parsing rules. if (self.index == 0) { if (self.cmd_line.len == 0 or self.cmd_line[0] == 0) { // Immediately complete the iterator. // The C runtime would return the name of the current executable here. return strategy.eof; } var inside_quotes = false; while (true) : (self.index += 1) { const char = if (self.index != self.cmd_line.len) mem.littleToNative(u16, self.cmd_line[self.index]) else 0; switch (char) { 0 => { return strategy.yieldArg(self); }, '"' => { inside_quotes = !inside_quotes; }, ' ', '\t' => { if (inside_quotes) { last_emitted_code_unit = strategy.emitCharacter(self, char, last_emitted_code_unit); } else { self.index += 1; return strategy.yieldArg(self); } }, else => { last_emitted_code_unit = strategy.emitCharacter(self, char, last_emitted_code_unit); }, } } } // Skip spaces and tabs. The iterator completes if we reach the end of the string here. while (true) : (self.index += 1) { const char = if (self.index != self.cmd_line.len) mem.littleToNative(u16, self.cmd_line[self.index]) else 0; switch (char) { 0 => return strategy.eof, ' ', '\t' => continue, else => break, } } // Parsing rules for subsequent arguments: // // - The end of the string always terminates the current argument. // - When not in 'inside_quotes' mode, a space or tab terminates the current argument. // - 2n backslashes followed by a quote emit n backslashes (note: n can be zero). // If in 'inside_quotes' and the quote is immediately followed by a second quote, // one quote is emitted and the other is skipped, otherwise, the quote is skipped // and 'inside_quotes' is toggled. // - 2n + 1 backslashes followed by a quote emit n backslashes followed by a quote. // - n backslashes not followed by a quote emit n backslashes. var backslash_count: usize = 0; var inside_quotes = false; while (true) : (self.index += 1) { const char = if (self.index != self.cmd_line.len) mem.littleToNative(u16, self.cmd_line[self.index]) else 0; switch (char) { 0 => { last_emitted_code_unit = strategy.emitBackslashes(self, backslash_count, last_emitted_code_unit); return strategy.yieldArg(self); }, ' ', '\t' => { last_emitted_code_unit = strategy.emitBackslashes(self, backslash_count, last_emitted_code_unit); backslash_count = 0; if (inside_quotes) { last_emitted_code_unit = strategy.emitCharacter(self, char, last_emitted_code_unit); } else return strategy.yieldArg(self); }, '"' => { const char_is_escaped_quote = backslash_count % 2 != 0; last_emitted_code_unit = strategy.emitBackslashes(self, backslash_count / 2, last_emitted_code_unit); backslash_count = 0; if (char_is_escaped_quote) { last_emitted_code_unit = strategy.emitCharacter(self, '"', last_emitted_code_unit); } else { if (inside_quotes and self.index + 1 != self.cmd_line.len and mem.littleToNative(u16, self.cmd_line[self.index + 1]) == '"') { last_emitted_code_unit = strategy.emitCharacter(self, '"', last_emitted_code_unit); self.index += 1; } else { inside_quotes = !inside_quotes; } } }, '\\' => { backslash_count += 1; }, else => { last_emitted_code_unit = strategy.emitBackslashes(self, backslash_count, last_emitted_code_unit); backslash_count = 0; last_emitted_code_unit = strategy.emitCharacter(self, char, last_emitted_code_unit); }, } } } /// Frees the iterator's copy of the command-line string and all previously returned /// argument slices. pub fn deinit(self: *ArgIteratorWindows) void {; } }; /// Optional parameters for `ArgIteratorGeneral` pub const ArgIteratorGeneralOptions = struct { comments: bool = false, single_quotes: bool = false, }; /// A general Iterator to parse a string into a set of arguments pub fn ArgIteratorGeneral(comptime options: ArgIteratorGeneralOptions) type { return struct { allocator: Allocator, index: usize = 0, cmd_line: []const u8, /// Should the cmd_line field be free'd (using the allocator) on deinit()? free_cmd_line_on_deinit: bool, /// buffer MUST be long enough to hold the cmd_line plus a null terminator. /// buffer will we free'd (using the allocator) on deinit() buffer: []u8, start: usize = 0, end: usize = 0, pub const Self = @This(); pub const InitError = error{OutOfMemory}; /// cmd_line_utf8 MUST remain valid and constant while using this instance pub fn init(allocator: Allocator, cmd_line_utf8: []const u8) InitError!Self { const buffer = try allocator.alloc(u8, cmd_line_utf8.len + 1); errdefer; return Self{ .allocator = allocator, .cmd_line = cmd_line_utf8, .free_cmd_line_on_deinit = false, .buffer = buffer, }; } /// cmd_line_utf8 will be free'd (with the allocator) on deinit() pub fn initTakeOwnership(allocator: Allocator, cmd_line_utf8: []const u8) InitError!Self { const buffer = try allocator.alloc(u8, cmd_line_utf8.len + 1); errdefer; return Self{ .allocator = allocator, .cmd_line = cmd_line_utf8, .free_cmd_line_on_deinit = true, .buffer = buffer, }; } // Skips over whitespace in the cmd_line. // Returns false if the terminating sentinel is reached, true otherwise. // Also skips over comments (if supported). fn skipWhitespace(self: *Self) bool { while (true) : (self.index += 1) { const character = if (self.index != self.cmd_line.len) self.cmd_line[self.index] else 0; switch (character) { 0 => return false, ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' => continue, '#' => { if (options.comments) { while (true) : (self.index += 1) { switch (self.cmd_line[self.index]) { '\n' => break, 0 => return false, else => continue, } } continue; } else { break; } }, else => break, } } return true; } pub fn skip(self: *Self) bool { if (!self.skipWhitespace()) { return false; } var backslash_count: usize = 0; var in_quote = false; while (true) : (self.index += 1) { const character = if (self.index != self.cmd_line.len) self.cmd_line[self.index] else 0; switch (character) { 0 => return true, '"', '\'' => { if (!options.single_quotes and character == '\'') { backslash_count = 0; continue; } const quote_is_real = backslash_count % 2 == 0; if (quote_is_real) { in_quote = !in_quote; } }, '\\' => { backslash_count += 1; }, ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' => { if (!in_quote) { return true; } backslash_count = 0; }, else => { backslash_count = 0; continue; }, } } } /// Returns a slice of the internal buffer that contains the next argument. /// Returns null when it reaches the end. pub fn next(self: *Self) ?[:0]const u8 { if (!self.skipWhitespace()) { return null; } var backslash_count: usize = 0; var in_quote = false; while (true) : (self.index += 1) { const character = if (self.index != self.cmd_line.len) self.cmd_line[self.index] else 0; switch (character) { 0 => { self.emitBackslashes(backslash_count); self.buffer[self.end] = 0; const token = self.buffer[self.start..self.end :0]; self.end += 1; self.start = self.end; return token; }, '"', '\'' => { if (!options.single_quotes and character == '\'') { self.emitBackslashes(backslash_count); backslash_count = 0; self.emitCharacter(character); continue; } const quote_is_real = backslash_count % 2 == 0; self.emitBackslashes(backslash_count / 2); backslash_count = 0; if (quote_is_real) { in_quote = !in_quote; } else { self.emitCharacter('"'); } }, '\\' => { backslash_count += 1; }, ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n' => { self.emitBackslashes(backslash_count); backslash_count = 0; if (in_quote) { self.emitCharacter(character); } else { self.buffer[self.end] = 0; const token = self.buffer[self.start..self.end :0]; self.end += 1; self.start = self.end; return token; } }, else => { self.emitBackslashes(backslash_count); backslash_count = 0; self.emitCharacter(character); }, } } } fn emitBackslashes(self: *Self, emit_count: usize) void { var i: usize = 0; while (i < emit_count) : (i += 1) { self.emitCharacter('\\'); } } fn emitCharacter(self: *Self, char: u8) void { self.buffer[self.end] = char; self.end += 1; } /// Call to free the internal buffer of the iterator. pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {; if (self.free_cmd_line_on_deinit) {; } } }; } /// Cross-platform command line argument iterator. pub const ArgIterator = struct { const InnerType = switch (native_os) { .windows => ArgIteratorWindows, .wasi => if (builtin.link_libc) ArgIteratorPosix else ArgIteratorWasi, else => ArgIteratorPosix, }; inner: InnerType, /// Initialize the args iterator. Consider using initWithAllocator() instead /// for cross-platform compatibility. pub fn init() ArgIterator { if (native_os == .wasi) { @compileError("In WASI, use initWithAllocator instead."); } if (native_os == .windows) { @compileError("In Windows, use initWithAllocator instead."); } return ArgIterator{ .inner = InnerType.init() }; } pub const InitError = InnerType.InitError; /// You must deinitialize iterator's internal buffers by calling `deinit` when done. pub fn initWithAllocator(allocator: Allocator) InitError!ArgIterator { if (native_os == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) { return ArgIterator{ .inner = try InnerType.init(allocator) }; } if (native_os == .windows) { const cmd_line =; const cmd_line_w = cmd_line.Buffer.?[0 .. cmd_line.Length / 2]; return ArgIterator{ .inner = try InnerType.init(allocator, cmd_line_w) }; } return ArgIterator{ .inner = InnerType.init() }; } /// Get the next argument. Returns 'null' if we are at the end. /// Returned slice is pointing to the iterator's internal buffer. /// On Windows, the result is encoded as [WTF-8]( /// On other platforms, the result is an opaque sequence of bytes with no particular encoding. pub fn next(self: *ArgIterator) ?([:0]const u8) { return; } /// Parse past 1 argument without capturing it. /// Returns `true` if skipped an arg, `false` if we are at the end. pub fn skip(self: *ArgIterator) bool { return self.inner.skip(); } /// Call this to free the iterator's internal buffer if the iterator /// was created with `initWithAllocator` function. pub fn deinit(self: *ArgIterator) void { // Unless we're targeting WASI or Windows, this is a no-op. if (native_os == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) { self.inner.deinit(); } if (native_os == .windows) { self.inner.deinit(); } } }; /// Holds the command-line arguments, with the program name as the first entry. /// Use argsWithAllocator() for cross-platform code. pub fn args() ArgIterator { return ArgIterator.init(); } /// You must deinitialize iterator's internal buffers by calling `deinit` when done. pub fn argsWithAllocator(allocator: Allocator) ArgIterator.InitError!ArgIterator { return ArgIterator.initWithAllocator(allocator); } /// Caller must call argsFree on result. /// On Windows, the result is encoded as [WTF-8]( /// On other platforms, the result is an opaque sequence of bytes with no particular encoding. pub fn argsAlloc(allocator: Allocator) ![][:0]u8 { // TODO refactor to only make 1 allocation. var it = try argsWithAllocator(allocator); defer it.deinit(); var contents = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); defer contents.deinit(); var slice_list = std.ArrayList(usize).init(allocator); defer slice_list.deinit(); while ( |arg| { try contents.appendSlice(arg[0 .. arg.len + 1]); try slice_list.append(arg.len); } const contents_slice = contents.items; const slice_sizes = slice_list.items; const slice_list_bytes = try math.mul(usize, @sizeOf([]u8), slice_sizes.len); const total_bytes = try math.add(usize, slice_list_bytes, contents_slice.len); const buf = try allocator.alignedAlloc(u8, @alignOf([]u8), total_bytes); errdefer; const result_slice_list = mem.bytesAsSlice([:0]u8, buf[0..slice_list_bytes]); const result_contents = buf[slice_list_bytes..]; @memcpy(result_contents[0..contents_slice.len], contents_slice); var contents_index: usize = 0; for (slice_sizes, 0..) |len, i| { const new_index = contents_index + len; result_slice_list[i] = result_contents[contents_index..new_index :0]; contents_index = new_index + 1; } return result_slice_list; } pub fn argsFree(allocator: Allocator, args_alloc: []const [:0]u8) void { var total_bytes: usize = 0; for (args_alloc) |arg| { total_bytes += @sizeOf([]u8) + arg.len + 1; } const unaligned_allocated_buf = @as([*]const u8, @ptrCast(args_alloc.ptr))[0..total_bytes]; const aligned_allocated_buf: []align(@alignOf([]u8)) const u8 = @alignCast(unaligned_allocated_buf); return; } test ArgIteratorWindows { const t = testArgIteratorWindows; try t( \\"C:\Program Files\zig\zig.exe" run .\src\main.zig -target x86_64-windows-gnu -O ReleaseSafe -- --emoji=🗿 --eval="new Regex(\"Dwayne \\\"The Rock\\\" Johnson\")" , &.{ \\C:\Program Files\zig\zig.exe , \\run , \\.\src\main.zig , \\-target , \\x86_64-windows-gnu , \\-O , \\ReleaseSafe , \\-- , \\--emoji=🗿 , \\--eval=new Regex("Dwayne \"The Rock\" Johnson") , }); // Empty try t("", &.{}); // Separators try t("aa bb cc", &.{ "aa", "bb", "cc" }); try t("aa\tbb\tcc", &.{ "aa", "bb", "cc" }); try t("aa\nbb\ncc", &.{"aa\nbb\ncc"}); try t("aa\r\nbb\r\ncc", &.{"aa\r\nbb\r\ncc"}); try t("aa\rbb\rcc", &.{"aa\rbb\rcc"}); try t("aa\x07bb\x07cc", &.{"aa\x07bb\x07cc"}); try t("aa\x7Fbb\x7Fcc", &.{"aa\x7Fbb\x7Fcc"}); try t("aa🦎bb🦎cc", &.{"aa🦎bb🦎cc"}); // Leading/trailing whitespace try t(" ", &.{""}); try t(" aa bb ", &.{ "", "aa", "bb" }); try t("\t\t", &.{""}); try t("\t\taa\t\tbb\t\t", &.{ "", "aa", "bb" }); try t("\n\n", &.{"\n\n"}); try t("\n\naa\n\nbb\n\n", &.{"\n\naa\n\nbb\n\n"}); // Executable name with quotes/backslashes try t("\"aa bb\tcc\ndd\"", &.{"aa bb\tcc\ndd"}); try t("\"", &.{""}); try t("\"\"", &.{""}); try t("\"\"\"", &.{""}); try t("\"\"\"\"", &.{""}); try t("\"\"\"\"\"", &.{""}); try t("aa\"bb\"cc\"dd", &.{"aabbccdd"}); try t("aa\"bb cc\"dd", &.{"aabb ccdd"}); try t("\"aa\\\"bb\"", &.{"aa\\bb"}); try t("\"aa\\\\\"", &.{"aa\\\\"}); try t("aa\\\"bb", &.{"aa\\bb"}); try t("aa\\\\\"bb", &.{"aa\\\\bb"}); // Arguments with quotes/backslashes try t(". \"aa bb\tcc\ndd\"", &.{ ".", "aa bb\tcc\ndd" }); try t(". aa\" \"bb\"\t\"cc\"\n\"dd\"", &.{ ".", "aa bb\tcc\ndd" }); try t(". ", &.{"."}); try t(". \"", &.{ ".", "" }); try t(". \"\"", &.{ ".", "" }); try t(". \"\"\"", &.{ ".", "\"" }); try t(". \"\"\"\"", &.{ ".", "\"" }); try t(". \"\"\"\"\"", &.{ ".", "\"\"" }); try t(". \"\"\"\"\"\"", &.{ ".", "\"\"" }); try t(". \" \"", &.{ ".", " " }); try t(". \" \"\"", &.{ ".", " \"" }); try t(". \" \"\"\"", &.{ ".", " \"" }); try t(". \" \"\"\"\"", &.{ ".", " \"\"" }); try t(". \" \"\"\"\"\"", &.{ ".", " \"\"" }); try t(". \" \"\"\"\"\"\"", &.{ ".", " \"\"\"" }); try t(". \\\"", &.{ ".", "\"" }); try t(". \\\"\"", &.{ ".", "\"" }); try t(". \\\"\"\"", &.{ ".", "\"" }); try t(". \\\"\"\"\"", &.{ ".", "\"\"" }); try t(". \\\"\"\"\"\"", &.{ ".", "\"\"" }); try t(". \\\"\"\"\"\"\"", &.{ ".", "\"\"\"" }); try t(". \" \\\"", &.{ ".", " \"" }); try t(". \" \\\"\"", &.{ ".", " \"" }); try t(". \" \\\"\"\"", &.{ ".", " \"\"" }); try t(". \" \\\"\"\"\"", &.{ ".", " \"\"" }); try t(". \" \\\"\"\"\"\"", &.{ ".", " \"\"\"" }); try t(". \" \\\"\"\"\"\"\"", &.{ ".", " \"\"\"" }); try t(". aa\\bb\\\\cc\\\\\\dd", &.{ ".", "aa\\bb\\\\cc\\\\\\dd" }); try t(". \\\\\\\"aa bb\"", &.{ ".", "\\\"aa", "bb" }); try t(". \\\\\\\\\"aa bb\"", &.{ ".", "\\\\aa bb" }); // From try t( \\foo.exe "abc" d e , &.{ "foo.exe", "abc", "d", "e" }); try t( \\foo.exe a\\b d"e f"g h , &.{ "foo.exe", "a\\\\b", "de fg", "h" }); try t( \\foo.exe a\\\"b c d , &.{ "foo.exe", "a\\\"b", "c", "d" }); try t( \\foo.exe a\\\\"b c" d e , &.{ "foo.exe", "a\\\\b c", "d", "e" }); try t( \\foo.exe a"b"" c d , &.{ "foo.exe", "ab\" c d" }); // From try t("foo.exe CallMeIshmael", &.{ "foo.exe", "CallMeIshmael" }); try t("foo.exe \"Call Me Ishmael\"", &.{ "foo.exe", "Call Me Ishmael" }); try t("foo.exe Cal\"l Me I\"shmael", &.{ "foo.exe", "Call Me Ishmael" }); try t("foo.exe CallMe\\\"Ishmael", &.{ "foo.exe", "CallMe\"Ishmael" }); try t("foo.exe \"CallMe\\\"Ishmael\"", &.{ "foo.exe", "CallMe\"Ishmael" }); try t("foo.exe \"Call Me Ishmael\\\\\"", &.{ "foo.exe", "Call Me Ishmael\\" }); try t("foo.exe \"CallMe\\\\\\\"Ishmael\"", &.{ "foo.exe", "CallMe\\\"Ishmael" }); try t("foo.exe a\\\\\\b", &.{ "foo.exe", "a\\\\\\b" }); try t("foo.exe \"a\\\\\\b\"", &.{ "foo.exe", "a\\\\\\b" }); // Surrogate pair encoding of 𐐷 separated by quotes. // Encoded as WTF-16: // "<0xD801>"<0xDC37> // Encoded as WTF-8: // "<0xED><0xA0><0x81>"<0xED><0xB0><0xB7> // During parsing, the quotes drop out and the surrogate pair // should end up encoded as its normal UTF-8 representation. try t("foo.exe \"\xed\xa0\x81\"\xed\xb0\xb7", &.{ "foo.exe", "𐐷" }); } fn testArgIteratorWindows(cmd_line: []const u8, expected_args: []const []const u8) !void { const cmd_line_w = try unicode.wtf8ToWtf16LeAllocZ(testing.allocator, cmd_line); defer; // next { var it = try ArgIteratorWindows.init(testing.allocator, cmd_line_w); defer it.deinit(); for (expected_args) |expected| { if ( |actual| { try testing.expectEqualStrings(expected, actual); } else { return error.TestUnexpectedResult; } } try testing.expect( == null); } // skip { var it = try ArgIteratorWindows.init(testing.allocator, cmd_line_w); defer it.deinit(); for (0..expected_args.len) |_| { try testing.expect(it.skip()); } try testing.expect(!it.skip()); } } test "general arg parsing" { try testGeneralCmdLine("a b\tc d", &.{ "a", "b", "c", "d" }); try testGeneralCmdLine("\"abc\" d e", &.{ "abc", "d", "e" }); try testGeneralCmdLine("a\\\\\\b d\"e f\"g h", &.{ "a\\\\\\b", "de fg", "h" }); try testGeneralCmdLine("a\\\\\\\"b c d", &.{ "a\\\"b", "c", "d" }); try testGeneralCmdLine("a\\\\\\\\\"b c\" d e", &.{ "a\\\\b c", "d", "e" }); try testGeneralCmdLine("a b\tc \"d f", &.{ "a", "b", "c", "d f" }); try testGeneralCmdLine("j k l\\", &.{ "j", "k", "l\\" }); try testGeneralCmdLine("\"\" x y z\\\\", &.{ "", "x", "y", "z\\\\" }); try testGeneralCmdLine("\".\\..\\zig-cache\\build\" \"bin\\zig.exe\" \".\\..\" \".\\..\\zig-cache\" \"--help\"", &.{ ".\\..\\zig-cache\\build", "bin\\zig.exe", ".\\..", ".\\..\\zig-cache", "--help", }); try testGeneralCmdLine( \\ 'foo' "bar" , &.{ "'foo'", "bar" }); } fn testGeneralCmdLine(input_cmd_line: []const u8, expected_args: []const []const u8) !void { var it = try ArgIteratorGeneral(.{}).init(std.testing.allocator, input_cmd_line); defer it.deinit(); for (expected_args) |expected_arg| { const arg =; try testing.expectEqualStrings(expected_arg, arg); } try testing.expect( == null); } test "response file arg parsing" { try testResponseFileCmdLine( \\a b \\c d\ , &.{ "a", "b", "c", "d\\" }); try testResponseFileCmdLine("a b c d\\", &.{ "a", "b", "c", "d\\" }); try testResponseFileCmdLine( \\j \\ k l # this is a comment \\ \\\ \\\\ "none" "\\" "\\\" \\ "m" #another comment \\ , &.{ "j", "k", "l", "m" }); try testResponseFileCmdLine( \\ "" q "" \\ "r s # t" "u\" v" #another comment \\ , &.{ "", "q", "", "r s # t", "u\" v" }); try testResponseFileCmdLine( \\ -l"advapi32" a# b#c d# \\e\\\ , &.{ "-ladvapi32", "a#", "b#c", "d#", "e\\\\\\" }); try testResponseFileCmdLine( \\ 'foo' "bar" , &.{ "foo", "bar" }); } fn testResponseFileCmdLine(input_cmd_line: []const u8, expected_args: []const []const u8) !void { var it = try ArgIteratorGeneral(.{ .comments = true, .single_quotes = true }) .init(std.testing.allocator, input_cmd_line); defer it.deinit(); for (expected_args) |expected_arg| { const arg =; try testing.expectEqualStrings(expected_arg, arg); } try testing.expect( == null); } pub const UserInfo = struct { uid: posix.uid_t, gid: posix.gid_t, }; /// POSIX function which gets a uid from username. pub fn getUserInfo(name: []const u8) !UserInfo { return switch (native_os) { .linux, .macos, .watchos, .visionos, .tvos, .ios, .freebsd, .netbsd, .openbsd, .haiku, .solaris, .illumos, => posixGetUserInfo(name), else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), }; } /// TODO this reads /etc/passwd. But sometimes the user/id mapping is in something else /// like NIS, AD, etc. See `man nss` or look at an strace for `id myuser`. pub fn posixGetUserInfo(name: []const u8) !UserInfo { const file = try std.fs.openFileAbsolute("/etc/passwd", .{}); defer file.close(); const reader = file.reader(); const State = enum { Start, WaitForNextLine, SkipPassword, ReadUserId, ReadGroupId, }; var buf: [std.mem.page_size]u8 = undefined; var name_index: usize = 0; var state = State.Start; var uid: posix.uid_t = 0; var gid: posix.gid_t = 0; while (true) { const amt_read = try[0..]); for (buf[0..amt_read]) |byte| { switch (state) { .Start => switch (byte) { ':' => { state = if (name_index == name.len) State.SkipPassword else State.WaitForNextLine; }, '\n' => return error.CorruptPasswordFile, else => { if (name_index == name.len or name[name_index] != byte) { state = .WaitForNextLine; } name_index += 1; }, }, .WaitForNextLine => switch (byte) { '\n' => { name_index = 0; state = .Start; }, else => continue, }, .SkipPassword => switch (byte) { '\n' => return error.CorruptPasswordFile, ':' => { state = .ReadUserId; }, else => continue, }, .ReadUserId => switch (byte) { ':' => { state = .ReadGroupId; }, '\n' => return error.CorruptPasswordFile, else => { const digit = switch (byte) { '0'...'9' => byte - '0', else => return error.CorruptPasswordFile, }; { const ov = @mulWithOverflow(uid, 10); if (ov[1] != 0) return error.CorruptPasswordFile; uid = ov[0]; } { const ov = @addWithOverflow(uid, digit); if (ov[1] != 0) return error.CorruptPasswordFile; uid = ov[0]; } }, }, .ReadGroupId => switch (byte) { '\n', ':' => { return UserInfo{ .uid = uid, .gid = gid, }; }, else => { const digit = switch (byte) { '0'...'9' => byte - '0', else => return error.CorruptPasswordFile, }; { const ov = @mulWithOverflow(gid, 10); if (ov[1] != 0) return error.CorruptPasswordFile; gid = ov[0]; } { const ov = @addWithOverflow(gid, digit); if (ov[1] != 0) return error.CorruptPasswordFile; gid = ov[0]; } }, }, } } if (amt_read < buf.len) return error.UserNotFound; } } pub fn getBaseAddress() usize { switch (native_os) { .linux => { const base = std.os.linux.getauxval(std.elf.AT_BASE); if (base != 0) { return base; } const phdr = std.os.linux.getauxval(std.elf.AT_PHDR); return phdr - @sizeOf(std.elf.Ehdr); }, .macos, .freebsd, .netbsd => { return @intFromPtr(&std.c._mh_execute_header); }, .windows => return @intFromPtr(windows.kernel32.GetModuleHandleW(null)), else => @compileError("Unsupported OS"), } } /// Tells whether calling the `execv` or `execve` functions will be a compile error. pub const can_execv = switch (native_os) { .windows, .haiku, .wasi => false, else => true, }; /// Tells whether spawning child processes is supported (e.g. via Child) pub const can_spawn = switch (native_os) { .wasi, .watchos, .tvos, .visionos => false, else => true, }; pub const ExecvError = std.posix.ExecveError || error{OutOfMemory}; /// Replaces the current process image with the executed process. /// This function must allocate memory to add a null terminating bytes on path and each arg. /// It must also convert to KEY=VALUE\0 format for environment variables, and include null /// pointers after the args and after the environment variables. /// `argv[0]` is the executable path. /// This function also uses the PATH environment variable to get the full path to the executable. /// Due to the heap-allocation, it is illegal to call this function in a fork() child. /// For that use case, use the `std.posix` functions directly. pub fn execv(allocator: Allocator, argv: []const []const u8) ExecvError { return execve(allocator, argv, null); } /// Replaces the current process image with the executed process. /// This function must allocate memory to add a null terminating bytes on path and each arg. /// It must also convert to KEY=VALUE\0 format for environment variables, and include null /// pointers after the args and after the environment variables. /// `argv[0]` is the executable path. /// This function also uses the PATH environment variable to get the full path to the executable. /// Due to the heap-allocation, it is illegal to call this function in a fork() child. /// For that use case, use the `std.posix` functions directly. pub fn execve( allocator: Allocator, argv: []const []const u8, env_map: ?*const EnvMap, ) ExecvError { if (!can_execv) @compileError("The target OS does not support execv"); var arena_allocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator); defer arena_allocator.deinit(); const arena = arena_allocator.allocator(); const argv_buf = try arena.allocSentinel(?[*:0]const u8, argv.len, null); for (argv, 0..) |arg, i| argv_buf[i] = (try arena.dupeZ(u8, arg)).ptr; const envp = m: { if (env_map) |m| { const envp_buf = try createNullDelimitedEnvMap(arena, m); break :m envp_buf.ptr; } else if (builtin.link_libc) { break :m std.c.environ; } else if (builtin.output_mode == .Exe) { // Then we have Zig start code and this works. // TODO type-safety for null-termination of `os.environ`. break :m @as([*:null]const ?[*:0]const u8, @ptrCast(std.os.environ.ptr)); } else { // TODO come up with a solution for this. @compileError("missing std lib enhancement: std.process.execv implementation has no way to collect the environment variables to forward to the child process"); } }; return posix.execvpeZ_expandArg0(.no_expand, argv_buf.ptr[0].?, argv_buf.ptr, envp); } pub const TotalSystemMemoryError = error{ UnknownTotalSystemMemory, }; /// Returns the total system memory, in bytes as a u64. /// We return a u64 instead of usize due to PAE on ARM /// and Linux's /proc/meminfo reporting more memory when /// using QEMU user mode emulation. pub fn totalSystemMemory() TotalSystemMemoryError!u64 { switch (native_os) { .linux => { return totalSystemMemoryLinux() catch return error.UnknownTotalSystemMemory; }, .freebsd => { var physmem: c_ulong = undefined; var len: usize = @sizeOf(c_ulong); posix.sysctlbynameZ("hw.physmem", &physmem, &len, null, 0) catch |err| switch (err) { error.NameTooLong, error.UnknownName => unreachable, else => return error.UnknownTotalSystemMemory, }; return @as(usize, @intCast(physmem)); }, .openbsd => { const mib: [2]c_int = [_]c_int{ posix.CTL.HW, posix.HW.PHYSMEM64, }; var physmem: i64 = undefined; var len: usize = @sizeOf(@TypeOf(physmem)); posix.sysctl(&mib, &physmem, &len, null, 0) catch |err| switch (err) { error.NameTooLong => unreachable, // constant, known good value error.PermissionDenied => unreachable, // only when setting values, error.SystemResources => unreachable, // memory already on the stack error.UnknownName => unreachable, // constant, known good value else => return error.UnknownTotalSystemMemory, }; assert(physmem >= 0); return @as(u64, @bitCast(physmem)); }, .windows => { var sbi: windows.SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION = undefined; const rc = windows.ntdll.NtQuerySystemInformation( .SystemBasicInformation, &sbi, @sizeOf(windows.SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION), null, ); if (rc != .SUCCESS) { return error.UnknownTotalSystemMemory; } return @as(u64, sbi.NumberOfPhysicalPages) * sbi.PageSize; }, else => return error.UnknownTotalSystemMemory, } } fn totalSystemMemoryLinux() !u64 { var file = try std.fs.openFileAbsoluteZ("/proc/meminfo", .{}); defer file.close(); var buf: [50]u8 = undefined; const amt = try; if (amt != 50) return error.Unexpected; var it = std.mem.tokenizeAny(u8, buf[0..amt], " \n"); const label =; if (!std.mem.eql(u8, label, "MemTotal:")) return error.Unexpected; const int_text = orelse return error.Unexpected; const units = orelse return error.Unexpected; if (!std.mem.eql(u8, units, "kB")) return error.Unexpected; const kilobytes = try std.fmt.parseInt(u64, int_text, 10); return kilobytes * 1024; } /// Indicate that we are now terminating with a successful exit code. /// In debug builds, this is a no-op, so that the calling code's /// cleanup mechanisms are tested and so that external tools that /// check for resource leaks can be accurate. In release builds, this /// calls exit(0), and does not return. pub fn cleanExit() void { if (builtin.mode == .Debug) { return; } else { std.debug.lockStdErr(); exit(0); } } /// Raise the open file descriptor limit. /// /// On some systems, this raises the limit before seeing ProcessFdQuotaExceeded /// errors. On other systems, this does nothing. pub fn raiseFileDescriptorLimit() void { const have_rlimit = posix.rlimit_resource != void; if (!have_rlimit) return; var lim = posix.getrlimit(.NOFILE) catch return; // Oh well; we tried. if (native_os.isDarwin()) { // On Darwin, `NOFILE` is bounded by a hardcoded value `OPEN_MAX`. // According to the man pages for setrlimit(): // setrlimit() now returns with errno set to EINVAL in places that historically succeeded. // It no longer accepts "rlim_cur = RLIM.INFINITY" for RLIM.NOFILE. // Use "rlim_cur = min(OPEN_MAX, rlim_max)". lim.max = @min(std.c.OPEN_MAX, lim.max); } if (lim.cur == lim.max) return; // Do a binary search for the limit. var min: posix.rlim_t = lim.cur; var max: posix.rlim_t = 1 << 20; // But if there's a defined upper bound, don't search, just set it. if (lim.max != posix.RLIM.INFINITY) { min = lim.max; max = lim.max; } while (true) { lim.cur = min + @divTrunc(max - min, 2); // on freebsd rlim_t is signed if (posix.setrlimit(.NOFILE, lim)) |_| { min = lim.cur; } else |_| { max = lim.cur; } if (min + 1 >= max) break; } } test raiseFileDescriptorLimit { raiseFileDescriptorLimit(); } pub const CreateEnvironOptions = struct { /// `null` means to leave the `ZIG_PROGRESS` environment variable unmodified. /// If non-null, negative means to remove the environment variable, and >= 0 /// means to provide it with the given integer. zig_progress_fd: ?i32 = null, }; /// Creates a null-delimited environment variable block in the format /// expected by POSIX, from a hash map plus options. pub fn createEnvironFromMap( arena: Allocator, map: *const EnvMap, options: CreateEnvironOptions, ) Allocator.Error![:null]?[*:0]u8 { const ZigProgressAction = enum { nothing, edit, delete, add }; const zig_progress_action: ZigProgressAction = a: { const fd = options.zig_progress_fd orelse break :a .nothing; const contains = map.get("ZIG_PROGRESS") != null; if (fd >= 0) { break :a if (contains) .edit else .add; } else { if (contains) break :a .delete; } break :a .nothing; }; const envp_count: usize = c: { var count: usize = map.count(); switch (zig_progress_action) { .add => count += 1, .delete => count -= 1, .nothing, .edit => {}, } break :c count; }; const envp_buf = try arena.allocSentinel(?[*:0]u8, envp_count, null); var i: usize = 0; if (zig_progress_action == .add) { envp_buf[i] = try std.fmt.allocPrintZ(arena, "ZIG_PROGRESS={d}", .{options.zig_progress_fd.?}); i += 1; } { var it = map.iterator(); while ( |pair| { if (mem.eql(u8, pair.key_ptr.*, "ZIG_PROGRESS")) switch (zig_progress_action) { .add => unreachable, .delete => continue, .edit => { envp_buf[i] = try std.fmt.allocPrintZ(arena, "{s}={d}", .{ pair.key_ptr.*, options.zig_progress_fd.?, }); i += 1; continue; }, .nothing => {}, }; envp_buf[i] = try std.fmt.allocPrintZ(arena, "{s}={s}", .{ pair.key_ptr.*, pair.value_ptr.* }); i += 1; } } assert(i == envp_count); return envp_buf; } /// Creates a null-delimited environment variable block in the format /// expected by POSIX, from a hash map plus options. pub fn createEnvironFromExisting( arena: Allocator, existing: [*:null]const ?[*:0]const u8, options: CreateEnvironOptions, ) Allocator.Error![:null]?[*:0]u8 { const existing_count, const contains_zig_progress = c: { var count: usize = 0; var contains = false; while (existing[count]) |line| : (count += 1) { contains = contains or mem.eql(u8, mem.sliceTo(line, '='), "ZIG_PROGRESS"); } break :c .{ count, contains }; }; const ZigProgressAction = enum { nothing, edit, delete, add }; const zig_progress_action: ZigProgressAction = a: { const fd = options.zig_progress_fd orelse break :a .nothing; if (fd >= 0) { break :a if (contains_zig_progress) .edit else .add; } else { if (contains_zig_progress) break :a .delete; } break :a .nothing; }; const envp_count: usize = c: { var count: usize = existing_count; switch (zig_progress_action) { .add => count += 1, .delete => count -= 1, .nothing, .edit => {}, } break :c count; }; const envp_buf = try arena.allocSentinel(?[*:0]u8, envp_count, null); var i: usize = 0; var existing_index: usize = 0; if (zig_progress_action == .add) { envp_buf[i] = try std.fmt.allocPrintZ(arena, "ZIG_PROGRESS={d}", .{options.zig_progress_fd.?}); i += 1; } while (existing[existing_index]) |line| : (existing_index += 1) { if (mem.eql(u8, mem.sliceTo(line, '='), "ZIG_PROGRESS")) switch (zig_progress_action) { .add => unreachable, .delete => continue, .edit => { envp_buf[i] = try std.fmt.allocPrintZ(arena, "ZIG_PROGRESS={d}", .{options.zig_progress_fd.?}); i += 1; continue; }, .nothing => {}, }; envp_buf[i] = try arena.dupeZ(u8, mem.span(line)); i += 1; } assert(i == envp_count); return envp_buf; } pub fn createNullDelimitedEnvMap(arena: mem.Allocator, env_map: *const EnvMap) Allocator.Error![:null]?[*:0]u8 { return createEnvironFromMap(arena, env_map, .{}); } test createNullDelimitedEnvMap { const allocator = testing.allocator; var envmap = EnvMap.init(allocator); defer envmap.deinit(); try envmap.put("HOME", "/home/ifreund"); try envmap.put("WAYLAND_DISPLAY", "wayland-1"); try envmap.put("DISPLAY", ":1"); try envmap.put("DEBUGINFOD_URLS", " "); try envmap.put("XCURSOR_SIZE", "24"); var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator); defer arena.deinit(); const environ = try createNullDelimitedEnvMap(arena.allocator(), &envmap); try testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 5), environ.len); inline for (.{ "HOME=/home/ifreund", "WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1", "DISPLAY=:1", "DEBUGINFOD_URLS= ", "XCURSOR_SIZE=24", }) |target| { for (environ) |variable| { if (mem.eql(u8, mem.span(variable orelse continue), target)) break; } else { try testing.expect(false); // Environment variable not found } } } /// Caller must free result. pub fn createWindowsEnvBlock(allocator: mem.Allocator, env_map: *const EnvMap) ![]u16 { // count bytes needed const max_chars_needed = x: { var max_chars_needed: usize = 4; // 4 for the final 4 null bytes var it = env_map.iterator(); while ( |pair| { // +1 for '=' // +1 for null byte max_chars_needed += pair.key_ptr.len + pair.value_ptr.len + 2; } break :x max_chars_needed; }; const result = try allocator.alloc(u16, max_chars_needed); errdefer; var it = env_map.iterator(); var i: usize = 0; while ( |pair| { i += try unicode.wtf8ToWtf16Le(result[i..], pair.key_ptr.*); result[i] = '='; i += 1; i += try unicode.wtf8ToWtf16Le(result[i..], pair.value_ptr.*); result[i] = 0; i += 1; } result[i] = 0; i += 1; result[i] = 0; i += 1; result[i] = 0; i += 1; result[i] = 0; i += 1; return try allocator.realloc(result, i); } /// Logs an error and then terminates the process with exit code 1. pub fn fatal(comptime format: []const u8, format_arguments: anytype) noreturn { std.log.err(format, format_arguments); exit(1); }