const std = @import("../std.zig"); /// A protocol is an interface identified by a GUID. pub const protocol = @import("uefi/protocol.zig"); pub const DevicePath = @import("uefi/device_path.zig").DevicePath; pub const hii = @import("uefi/hii.zig"); /// Status codes returned by EFI interfaces pub const Status = @import("uefi/status.zig").Status; pub const tables = @import("uefi/tables.zig"); /// The memory type to allocate when using the pool /// Defaults to .LoaderData, the default data allocation type /// used by UEFI applications to allocate pool memory. pub var efi_pool_memory_type: tables.MemoryType = .LoaderData; pub const pool_allocator = @import("uefi/pool_allocator.zig").pool_allocator; pub const raw_pool_allocator = @import("uefi/pool_allocator.zig").raw_pool_allocator; /// The EFI image's handle that is passed to its entry point. pub var handle: Handle = undefined; /// A pointer to the EFI System Table that is passed to the EFI image's entry point. pub var system_table: *tables.SystemTable = undefined; /// A handle to an event structure. pub const Event = *opaque {}; /// The calling convention used for all external functions part of the UEFI API. pub const cc = switch (@import("builtin").target.cpu.arch) { .x86_64 => .Win64, else => .C, }; pub const MacAddress = extern struct { address: [32]u8, }; pub const Ipv4Address = extern struct { address: [4]u8, }; pub const Ipv6Address = extern struct { address: [16]u8, }; /// GUIDs are align(8) unless otherwise specified. pub const Guid = extern struct { time_low: u32, time_mid: u16, time_high_and_version: u16, clock_seq_high_and_reserved: u8, clock_seq_low: u8, node: [6]u8, /// Format GUID into hexadecimal lowercase xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx format pub fn format( self: @This(), comptime f: []const u8, options: std.fmt.FormatOptions, writer: anytype, ) !void { _ = options; if (f.len == 0) { const fmt = std.fmt.fmtSliceHexLower; const time_low = @byteSwap(self.time_low); const time_mid = @byteSwap(self.time_mid); const time_high_and_version = @byteSwap(self.time_high_and_version); return std.fmt.format(writer, "{:0>8}-{:0>4}-{:0>4}-{:0>2}{:0>2}-{:0>12}", .{ fmt(std.mem.asBytes(&time_low)), fmt(std.mem.asBytes(&time_mid)), fmt(std.mem.asBytes(&time_high_and_version)), fmt(std.mem.asBytes(&self.clock_seq_high_and_reserved)), fmt(std.mem.asBytes(&self.clock_seq_low)), fmt(std.mem.asBytes(&self.node)), }); } else { std.fmt.invalidFmtError(f, self); } } pub fn eql(a: std.os.uefi.Guid, b: std.os.uefi.Guid) bool { return a.time_low == b.time_low and a.time_mid == b.time_mid and a.time_high_and_version == b.time_high_and_version and a.clock_seq_high_and_reserved == b.clock_seq_high_and_reserved and a.clock_seq_low == b.clock_seq_low and std.mem.eql(u8, &a.node, &b.node); } }; /// An EFI Handle represents a collection of related interfaces. pub const Handle = *opaque {}; /// This structure represents time information. pub const Time = extern struct { /// 1900 - 9999 year: u16, /// 1 - 12 month: u8, /// 1 - 31 day: u8, /// 0 - 23 hour: u8, /// 0 - 59 minute: u8, /// 0 - 59 second: u8, /// 0 - 999999999 nanosecond: u32, /// The time's offset in minutes from UTC. /// Allowed values are -1440 to 1440 or unspecified_timezone timezone: i16, daylight: packed struct { _pad1: u6, /// If true, the time has been adjusted for daylight savings time. in_daylight: bool, /// If true, the time is affected by daylight savings time. adjust_daylight: bool, }, /// Time is to be interpreted as local time pub const unspecified_timezone: i16 = 0x7ff; fn daysInYear(year: u16, maxMonth: u4) u32 { const leapYear: std.time.epoch.YearLeapKind = if (std.time.epoch.isLeapYear(year)) .leap else .not_leap; var days: u32 = 0; var month: u4 = 0; while (month < maxMonth) : (month += 1) { days += std.time.epoch.getDaysInMonth(leapYear, @enumFromInt(month + 1)); } return days; } pub fn toEpoch(self: std.os.uefi.Time) u64 { var year: u16 = 0; var days: u32 = 0; while (year < (self.year - 1971)) : (year += 1) { days += daysInYear(year + 1970, 12); } days += daysInYear(self.year, @as(u4, @intCast(self.month)) - 1) +; const hours = self.hour + (days * 24); const minutes = self.minute + (hours * 60); const seconds = self.second + (minutes * std.time.s_per_min); return self.nanosecond + (seconds * std.time.ns_per_s); } }; /// Capabilities of the clock device pub const TimeCapabilities = extern struct { /// Resolution in Hz resolution: u32, /// Accuracy in an error rate of 1e-6 parts per million. accuracy: u32, /// If true, a time set operation clears the device's time below the resolution level. sets_to_zero: bool, }; /// File Handle as specified in the EFI Shell Spec pub const FileHandle = *opaque {}; test "GUID formatting" { const bytes = [_]u8{ 137, 60, 203, 50, 128, 128, 124, 66, 186, 19, 80, 73, 135, 59, 194, 135 }; const guid: Guid = @bitCast(bytes); const str = try std.fmt.allocPrint(std.testing.allocator, "{}", .{guid}); defer; try std.testing.expect(std.mem.eql(u8, str, "32cb3c89-8080-427c-ba13-5049873bc287")); } pub const FileInfo = extern struct { size: u64, file_size: u64, physical_size: u64, create_time: Time, last_access_time: Time, modification_time: Time, attribute: u64, pub fn getFileName(self: *const FileInfo) [*:0]const u16 { return @ptrCast(@alignCast(@as([*]const u8, @ptrCast(self)) + @sizeOf(FileInfo))); } pub const efi_file_read_only: u64 = 0x0000000000000001; pub const efi_file_hidden: u64 = 0x0000000000000002; pub const efi_file_system: u64 = 0x0000000000000004; pub const efi_file_reserved: u64 = 0x0000000000000008; pub const efi_file_directory: u64 = 0x0000000000000010; pub const efi_file_archive: u64 = 0x0000000000000020; pub const efi_file_valid_attr: u64 = 0x0000000000000037; pub const guid align(8) = Guid{ .time_low = 0x09576e92, .time_mid = 0x6d3f, .time_high_and_version = 0x11d2, .clock_seq_high_and_reserved = 0x8e, .clock_seq_low = 0x39, .node = [_]u8{ 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b }, }; }; pub const FileSystemInfo = extern struct { size: u64, read_only: bool, volume_size: u64, free_space: u64, block_size: u32, _volume_label: u16, pub fn getVolumeLabel(self: *const FileSystemInfo) [*:0]const u16 { return @as([*:0]const u16, @ptrCast(&self._volume_label)); } pub const guid align(8) = Guid{ .time_low = 0x09576e93, .time_mid = 0x6d3f, .time_high_and_version = 0x11d2, .clock_seq_high_and_reserved = 0x8e, .clock_seq_low = 0x39, .node = [_]u8{ 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b }, }; }; test { _ = tables; _ = protocol; }