std/crypto/aes: add AES hardware acceleration on aarch64

This commit is contained in:
Frank Denis 2020-10-08 14:41:06 +02:00
parent 83eda21488
commit f39dc00ed4
2 changed files with 499 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -10,7 +10,15 @@ const builtin = std.builtin;
const has_aesni = comptime std.Target.x86.featureSetHas(std.Target.current.cpu.features, .aes);
const has_avx = comptime std.Target.x86.featureSetHas(std.Target.current.cpu.features, .avx);
const impl = if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .x86_64 and has_aesni and has_avx) @import("aes/aesni.zig") else @import("aes/soft.zig");
const has_armaes = comptime std.Target.aarch64.featureSetHas(std.Target.current.cpu.features, .aes);
const impl = if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .x86_64 and has_aesni and has_avx) impl: {
break :impl @import("aes/aesni.zig");
} else if (std.Target.current.cpu.arch == .aarch64 and has_armaes)
impl: {
break :impl @import("aes/armcrypto.zig");
} else impl: {
break :impl @import("aes/soft.zig");
pub const Block = impl.Block;
pub const AESEncryptCtx = impl.AESEncryptCtx;

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@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Zig Contributors
// This file is part of [zig](, which is MIT licensed.
// The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be included in all copies
// and substantial portions of the software.
const std = @import("../../std.zig");
const mem = std.mem;
const debug = std.debug;
const Vector = std.meta.Vector;
const BlockVec = Vector(2, u64);
/// A single AES block.
pub const Block = struct {
pub const block_size: usize = 16;
/// Internal representation of a block.
repr: BlockVec,
/// Convert a byte sequence into an internal representation.
pub inline fn fromBytes(bytes: *const [16]u8) Block {
const repr = mem.bytesToValue(BlockVec, bytes);
return Block{ .repr = repr };
/// Convert the internal representation of a block into a byte sequence.
pub inline fn toBytes(block: Block) [16]u8 {
return mem.toBytes(block.repr);
/// XOR the block with a byte sequence.
pub inline fn xorBytes(block: Block, bytes: *const [16]u8) [16]u8 {
const x = block.repr ^ fromBytes(bytes).repr;
return mem.toBytes(x);
const zero = Vector(2, u64){ 0, 0 };
/// Encrypt a block with a round key.
pub inline fn encrypt(block: Block, round_key: Block) Block {
return Block{
.repr = asm (
\\ mov %[out].16b, %[in].16b
\\ aese %[out].16b, %[zero].16b
\\ aesmc %[out].16b, %[out].16b
\\ eor %[out].16b, %[out].16b, %[rk].16b
: [out] "=&x" (-> BlockVec)
: [in] "x" (block.repr),
[rk] "x" (round_key.repr),
[zero] "x" (zero)
/// Encrypt a block with the last round key.
pub inline fn encryptLast(block: Block, round_key: Block) Block {
return Block{
.repr = asm (
\\ mov %[out].16b, %[in].16b
\\ aese %[out].16b, %[zero].16b
\\ eor %[out].16b, %[out].16b, %[rk].16b
: [out] "=&x" (-> BlockVec)
: [in] "x" (block.repr),
[rk] "x" (round_key.repr),
[zero] "x" (zero)
/// Decrypt a block with a round key.
pub inline fn decrypt(block: Block, inv_round_key: Block) Block {
return Block{
.repr = asm (
\\ mov %[out].16b, %[in].16b
\\ aesd %[out].16b, %[zero].16b
\\ aesimc %[out].16b, %[out].16b
\\ eor %[out].16b, %[out].16b, %[rk].16b
: [out] "=&x" (-> BlockVec)
: [in] "x" (block.repr),
[rk] "x" (inv_round_key.repr),
[zero] "x" (zero)
/// Decrypt a block with the last round key.
pub inline fn decryptLast(block: Block, inv_round_key: Block) Block {
return Block{
.repr = asm (
\\ mov %[out].16b, %[in].16b
\\ aesd %[out].16b, %[zero].16b
\\ eor %[out].16b, %[out].16b, %[rk].16b
: [out] "=&x" (-> BlockVec)
: [in] "x" (block.repr),
[rk] "x" (inv_round_key.repr),
[zero] "x" (zero)
/// Apply the bitwise XOR operation to the content of two blocks.
pub inline fn xorBlocks(block1: Block, block2: Block) Block {
return Block{ .repr = block1.repr ^ block2.repr };
/// Apply the bitwise AND operation to the content of two blocks.
pub inline fn andBlocks(block1: Block, block2: Block) Block {
return Block{ .repr = block1.repr & block2.repr };
/// Apply the bitwise OR operation to the content of two blocks.
pub inline fn orBlocks(block1: Block, block2: Block) Block {
return Block{ .repr = block1.repr | block2.repr };
/// Perform operations on multiple blocks in parallel.
pub const parallel = struct {
/// The recommended number of AES encryption/decryption to perform in parallel for the chosen implementation.
pub const optimal_parallel_blocks = 8;
/// Encrypt multiple blocks in parallel, each their own round key.
pub inline fn encryptParallel(comptime count: usize, blocks: [count]Block, round_keys: [count]Block) [count]Block {
comptime var i = 0;
var out: [count]Block = undefined;
inline while (i < count) : (i += 1) {
out[i] = blocks[i].encrypt(round_keys[i]);
return out;
/// Decrypt multiple blocks in parallel, each their own round key.
pub inline fn decryptParallel(comptime count: usize, blocks: [count]Block, round_keys: [count]Block) [count]Block {
comptime var i = 0;
var out: [count]Block = undefined;
inline while (i < count) : (i += 1) {
out[i] = blocks[i].decrypt(round_keys[i]);
return out;
/// Encrypt multple blocks in parallel with the same round key.
pub inline fn encryptWide(comptime count: usize, blocks: [count]Block, round_key: Block) [count]Block {
comptime var i = 0;
var out: [count]Block = undefined;
inline while (i < count) : (i += 1) {
out[i] = blocks[i].encrypt(round_key);
return out;
/// Decrypt multple blocks in parallel with the same round key.
pub inline fn decryptWide(comptime count: usize, blocks: [count]Block, round_key: Block) [count]Block {
comptime var i = 0;
var out: [count]Block = undefined;
inline while (i < count) : (i += 1) {
out[i] = blocks[i].decrypt(round_key);
return out;
/// Encrypt multple blocks in parallel with the same last round key.
pub inline fn encryptLastWide(comptime count: usize, blocks: [count]Block, round_key: Block) [count]Block {
comptime var i = 0;
var out: [count]Block = undefined;
inline while (i < count) : (i += 1) {
out[i] = blocks[i].encryptLast(round_key);
return out;
/// Decrypt multple blocks in parallel with the same last round key.
pub inline fn decryptLastWide(comptime count: usize, blocks: [count]Block, round_key: Block) [count]Block {
comptime var i = 0;
var out: [count]Block = undefined;
inline while (i < count) : (i += 1) {
out[i] = blocks[i].decryptLast(round_key);
return out;
fn KeySchedule(comptime AES: type) type {
std.debug.assert(AES.rounds == 10 or AES.rounds == 14);
const rounds = AES.rounds;
return struct {
const Self = @This();
const zero = Vector(2, u64){ 0, 0 };
const mask1 = @Vector(16, u8){ 13, 14, 15, 12, 13, 14, 15, 12, 13, 14, 15, 12, 13, 14, 15, 12 };
const mask2 = @Vector(16, u8){ 12, 13, 14, 15, 12, 13, 14, 15, 12, 13, 14, 15, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
round_keys: [rounds + 1]Block,
fn drc128(comptime rc: u8, t: BlockVec) BlockVec {
var v1: BlockVec = undefined;
var v2: BlockVec = undefined;
var v3: BlockVec = undefined;
var v4: BlockVec = undefined;
return asm (
\\ movi %[v2].4s, %[rc]
\\ tbl %[v4].16b, {%[t].16b}, %[mask].16b
\\ ext %[r].16b, %[zero].16b, %[t].16b, #12
\\ aese %[v4].16b, %[zero].16b
\\ eor %[v2].16b, %[r].16b, %[v2].16b
\\ ext %[r].16b, %[zero].16b, %[r].16b, #12
\\ eor %[v1].16b, %[v2].16b, %[t].16b
\\ ext %[v3].16b, %[zero].16b, %[r].16b, #12
\\ eor %[v1].16b, %[v1].16b, %[r].16b
\\ eor %[r].16b, %[v1].16b, %[v3].16b
\\ eor %[r].16b, %[r].16b, %[v4].16b
: [r] "=&x" (-> BlockVec),
[v1] "=&x" (v1),
[v2] "=&x" (v2),
[v3] "=&x" (v3),
[v4] "=&x" (v4)
: [rc] "N" (rc),
[t] "x" (t),
[zero] "x" (zero),
[mask] "x" (mask1)
fn drc256(comptime second: bool, comptime rc: u8, t: BlockVec, tx: BlockVec) BlockVec {
var v1: BlockVec = undefined;
var v2: BlockVec = undefined;
var v3: BlockVec = undefined;
var v4: BlockVec = undefined;
return asm (
\\ movi %[v2].4s, %[rc]
\\ tbl %[v4].16b, {%[t].16b}, %[mask].16b
\\ ext %[r].16b, %[zero].16b, %[tx].16b, #12
\\ aese %[v4].16b, %[zero].16b
\\ eor %[v1].16b, %[tx].16b, %[r].16b
\\ ext %[r].16b, %[zero].16b, %[r].16b, #12
\\ eor %[v1].16b, %[v1].16b, %[r].16b
\\ ext %[v3].16b, %[zero].16b, %[r].16b, #12
\\ eor %[v1].16b, %[v1].16b, %[v2].16b
\\ eor %[v1].16b, %[v1].16b, %[v3].16b
\\ eor %[r].16b, %[v1].16b, %[v4].16b
: [r] "=&x" (-> BlockVec),
[v1] "=&x" (v1),
[v2] "=&x" (v2),
[v3] "=&x" (v3),
[v4] "=&x" (v4)
: [rc] "N" (if (second) @as(u8, 0) else rc),
[t] "x" (t),
[tx] "x" (tx),
[zero] "x" (zero),
[mask] "x" (if (second) mask2 else mask1)
fn expand128(t1: *Block) Self {
var round_keys: [11]Block = undefined;
const rcs = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54 };
inline for (rcs) |rc, round| {
round_keys[round] = t1.*;
t1.repr = drc128(rc, t1.repr);
round_keys[rcs.len] = t1.*;
return Self{ .round_keys = round_keys };
fn expand256(t1: *Block, t2: *Block) Self {
var round_keys: [15]Block = undefined;
const rcs = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 };
round_keys[0] = t1.*;
inline for (rcs) |rc, round| {
round_keys[round * 2 + 1] = t2.*;
t1.repr = drc256(false, rc, t2.repr, t1.repr);
round_keys[round * 2 + 2] = t1.*;
t2.repr = drc256(true, rc, t1.repr, t2.repr);
round_keys[rcs.len * 2 + 1] = t2.*;
t1.repr = drc256(false, 64, t2.repr, t1.repr);
round_keys[rcs.len * 2 + 2] = t1.*;
return Self{ .round_keys = round_keys };
/// Invert the key schedule.
pub fn invert(key_schedule: Self) Self {
const round_keys = &key_schedule.round_keys;
var inv_round_keys: [rounds + 1]Block = undefined;
inv_round_keys[0] = round_keys[rounds];
comptime var i = 1;
inline while (i < rounds) : (i += 1) {
inv_round_keys[i] = Block{
.repr = asm (
\\ aesimc %[inv_rk].16b, %[rk].16b
: [inv_rk] "=x" (-> BlockVec)
: [rk] "x" (round_keys[rounds - i].repr)
inv_round_keys[rounds] = round_keys[0];
return Self{ .round_keys = inv_round_keys };
/// A context to perform encryption using the standard AES key schedule.
pub fn AESEncryptCtx(comptime AES: type) type {
std.debug.assert(AES.key_bits == 128 or AES.key_bits == 256);
const rounds = AES.rounds;
return struct {
const Self = @This();
pub const block = AES.block;
pub const block_size = block.block_size;
key_schedule: KeySchedule(AES),
/// Create a new encryption context with the given key.
pub fn init(key: [AES.key_bits / 8]u8) Self {
var t1 = Block.fromBytes(key[0..16]);
const key_schedule = if (AES.key_bits == 128) ks: {
break :ks KeySchedule(AES).expand128(&t1);
} else ks: {
var t2 = Block.fromBytes(key[16..32]);
break :ks KeySchedule(AES).expand256(&t1, &t2);
return Self{
.key_schedule = key_schedule,
/// Encrypt a single block.
pub fn encrypt(ctx: Self, dst: *[16]u8, src: *const [16]u8) void {
const round_keys = ctx.key_schedule.round_keys;
var t = Block.fromBytes(src).xorBlocks(round_keys[0]);
comptime var i = 1;
inline while (i < rounds) : (i += 1) {
t = t.encrypt(round_keys[i]);
t = t.encryptLast(round_keys[rounds]);
dst.* = t.toBytes();
/// Encrypt+XOR a single block.
pub fn xor(ctx: Self, dst: *[16]u8, src: *const [16]u8, counter: [16]u8) void {
const round_keys = ctx.key_schedule.round_keys;
var t = Block.fromBytes(&counter).xorBlocks(round_keys[0]);
comptime var i = 1;
inline while (i < rounds) : (i += 1) {
t = t.encrypt(round_keys[i]);
t = t.encryptLast(round_keys[rounds]);
dst.* = t.xorBytes(src);
/// Encrypt multiple blocks, possibly leveraging parallelization.
pub fn encryptWide(ctx: Self, comptime count: usize, dst: *[16 * count]u8, src: *const [16 * count]u8) void {
const round_keys = ctx.key_schedule.round_keys;
var ts: [count]Block = undefined;
comptime var j = 0;
inline while (j < count) : (j += 1) {
ts[j] = Block.fromBytes(src[j * 16 .. j * 16 + 16][0..16]).xorBlocks(round_keys[0]);
comptime var i = 1;
inline while (i < rounds) : (i += 1) {
ts = Block.parallel.encryptWide(count, ts, round_keys[i]);
i = 1;
inline while (i < count) : (i += 1) {
ts = Block.parallel.encryptLastWide(count, ts, round_keys[i]);
j = 0;
inline while (j < count) : (j += 1) {
dst[16 * j .. 16 * j + 16].* = ts[j].toBytes();
/// Encrypt+XOR multiple blocks, possibly leveraging parallelization.
pub fn xorWide(ctx: Self, comptime count: usize, dst: *[16 * count]u8, src: *const [16 * count]u8, counters: [16 * count]u8) void {
const round_keys = ctx.key_schedule.round_keys;
var ts: [count]Block = undefined;
comptime var j = 0;
inline while (j < count) : (j += 1) {
ts[j] = Block.fromBytes(counters[j * 16 .. j * 16 + 16][0..16]).xorBlocks(round_keys[0]);
comptime var i = 1;
inline while (i < rounds) : (i += 1) {
ts = Block.parallel.encryptWide(count, ts, round_keys[i]);
ts = Block.parallel.encryptLastWide(count, ts, round_keys[i]);
j = 0;
inline while (j < count) : (j += 1) {
dst[16 * j .. 16 * j + 16].* = ts[j].xorBytes(src[16 * j .. 16 * j + 16]);
/// A context to perform decryption using the standard AES key schedule.
pub fn AESDecryptCtx(comptime AES: type) type {
std.debug.assert(AES.key_bits == 128 or AES.key_bits == 256);
const rounds = AES.rounds;
return struct {
const Self = @This();
pub const block = AES.block;
pub const block_size = block.block_size;
key_schedule: KeySchedule(AES),
/// Create a decryption context from an existing encryption context.
pub fn initFromEnc(ctx: AESEncryptCtx(AES)) Self {
return Self{
.key_schedule = ctx.key_schedule.invert(),
/// Create a new decryption context with the given key.
pub fn init(key: [AES.key_bits / 8]u8) Self {
const enc_ctx = AESEncryptCtx(AES).init(key);
return initFromEnc(enc_ctx);
/// Decrypt a single block.
pub fn decrypt(ctx: Self, dst: *[16]u8, src: *const [16]u8) void {
const inv_round_keys = ctx.key_schedule.round_keys;
var t = Block.fromBytes(src).xorBlocks(inv_round_keys[0]);
comptime var i = 1;
inline while (i < rounds) : (i += 1) {
t = t.decrypt(inv_round_keys[i]);
t = t.decryptLast(inv_round_keys[rounds]);
dst.* = t.toBytes();
/// Decrypt multiple blocks, possibly leveraging parallelization.
pub fn decryptWide(ctx: Self, comptime count: usize, dst: *[16 * count]u8, src: *const [16 * count]u8) void {
const inv_round_keys = ctx.key_schedule.round_keys;
var ts: [count]Block = undefined;
comptime var j = 0;
inline while (j < count) : (j += 1) {
ts[j] = Block.fromBytes(src[j * 16 .. j * 16 + 16][0..16]).xorBlocks(inv_round_keys[0]);
comptime var i = 1;
inline while (i < rounds) : (i += 1) {
ts = Block.parallel.decryptWide(count, ts, inv_round_keys[i]);
i = 1;
inline while (i < count) : (i += 1) {
ts = Block.parallel.decryptLastWide(count, ts, inv_round_keys[i]);
j = 0;
inline while (j < count) : (j += 1) {
dst[16 * j .. 16 * j + 16].* = ts[j].toBytes();
/// AES-128 with the standard key schedule.
pub const AES128 = struct {
pub const key_bits: usize = 128;
pub const rounds = ((key_bits - 64) / 32 + 8);
pub const block = Block;
/// Create a new context for encryption.
pub fn initEnc(key: [key_bits / 8]u8) AESEncryptCtx(AES128) {
return AESEncryptCtx(AES128).init(key);
/// Create a new context for decryption.
pub fn initDec(key: [key_bits / 8]u8) AESDecryptCtx(AES128) {
return AESDecryptCtx(AES128).init(key);
/// AES-256 with the standard key schedule.
pub const AES256 = struct {
pub const key_bits: usize = 256;
pub const rounds = ((key_bits - 64) / 32 + 8);
pub const block = Block;
/// Create a new context for encryption.
pub fn initEnc(key: [key_bits / 8]u8) AESEncryptCtx(AES256) {
return AESEncryptCtx(AES256).init(key);
/// Create a new context for decryption.
pub fn initDec(key: [key_bits / 8]u8) AESDecryptCtx(AES256) {
return AESDecryptCtx(AES256).init(key);