add compile error tests for error sets

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Kelley 2018-02-08 23:44:21 -05:00
parent 4b16874f04
commit 916d24cd21

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@ -1,6 +1,157 @@
const tests = @import("tests.zig");
pub fn addCases(cases: &tests.CompileErrorContext) void {
cases.add("inferred error set with no returned error",
\\export fn entry() void {
\\ foo() catch unreachable;
\\fn foo() !void {
".tmp_source.zig:4:11: error: function with inferred error set must return at least one possible error");
cases.add("error not handled in switch",
\\export fn entry() void {
\\ foo(452) catch |err| switch (err) {
\\ error.Foo => {},
\\ };
\\fn foo(x: i32) !void {
\\ switch (x) {
\\ 0 ... 10 => return error.Foo,
\\ 11 ... 20 => return error.Bar,
\\ 21 ... 30 => return error.Baz,
\\ else => {},
\\ }
".tmp_source.zig:2:26: error: error.Baz not handled in switch",
".tmp_source.zig:2:26: error: error.Bar not handled in switch");
cases.add("duplicate error in switch",
\\export fn entry() void {
\\ foo(452) catch |err| switch (err) {
\\ error.Foo => {},
\\ error.Bar => {},
\\ error.Foo => {},
\\ else => {},
\\ };
\\fn foo(x: i32) !void {
\\ switch (x) {
\\ 0 ... 10 => return error.Foo,
\\ 11 ... 20 => return error.Bar,
\\ else => {},
\\ }
".tmp_source.zig:5:14: error: duplicate switch value: '@typeOf(foo).ReturnType.ErrorSet.Foo'",
".tmp_source.zig:3:14: note: other value is here");
cases.add("range operator in switch used on error set",
\\export fn entry() void {
\\ try foo(452) catch |err| switch (err) {
\\ error.A ... error.B => {},
\\ else => {},
\\ };
\\fn foo(x: i32) !void {
\\ switch (x) {
\\ 0 ... 10 => return error.Foo,
\\ 11 ... 20 => return error.Bar,
\\ else => {},
\\ }
".tmp_source.zig:3:17: error: operator not allowed for errors");
cases.add("inferring error set of function pointer",
\\comptime {
\\ const z: ?fn()!void = null;
".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: inferring error set of return type valid only for function definitions");
cases.add("access non-existent member of error set",
\\const Foo = error{A};
\\comptime {
\\ const z = Foo.Bar;
".tmp_source.zig:3:18: error: no error named 'Bar' in 'Foo'");
cases.add("error union operator with non error set LHS",
\\comptime {
\\ const z = i32!i32;
".tmp_source.zig:2:15: error: expected error set type, found type 'i32'");
cases.add("error equality but sets have no common members",
\\const Set1 = error{A, C};
\\const Set2 = error{B, D};
\\export fn entry() void {
\\ foo(Set1.A);
\\fn foo(x: Set1) void {
\\ if (x == Set2.B) {
\\ }
".tmp_source.zig:7:11: error: error sets 'Set1' and 'Set2' have no common errors");
cases.add("only equality binary operator allowed for error sets",
\\comptime {
\\ const z = error.A > error.B;
".tmp_source.zig:2:23: error: operator not allowed for errors");
cases.add("explicit error set cast known at comptime violates error sets",
\\const Set1 = error {A, B};
\\const Set2 = error {A, C};
\\comptime {
\\ var x = Set1.B;
\\ var y = Set2(x);
".tmp_source.zig:5:17: error: error.B not a member of error set 'Set2'");
cases.add("cast error union of global error set to error union of smaller error set",
\\const SmallErrorSet = error{A};
\\export fn entry() void {
\\ var x: SmallErrorSet!i32 = foo();
\\fn foo() error!i32 {
\\ return error.B;
".tmp_source.zig:3:35: error: expected 'SmallErrorSet!i32', found 'error!i32'",
".tmp_source.zig:3:35: note: unable to cast global error set into smaller set");
cases.add("cast global error set to error set",
\\const SmallErrorSet = error{A};
\\export fn entry() void {
\\ var x: SmallErrorSet = foo();
\\fn foo() error {
\\ return error.B;
".tmp_source.zig:3:31: error: expected 'SmallErrorSet', found 'error'",
".tmp_source.zig:3:31: note: unable to cast global error set into smaller set");
cases.add("recursive inferred error set",
\\export fn entry() void {
\\ foo() catch unreachable;
\\fn foo() !void {
\\ try foo();
".tmp_source.zig:5:5: error: cannot resolve inferred error set '@typeOf(foo).ReturnType.ErrorSet': function 'foo' not fully analyzed yet");
cases.add("implicit cast of error set not a subset",
\\const Set1 = error{A, B};
\\const Set2 = error{A, C};