mirror of
synced 2024-11-14 16:13:24 +00:00
Fixes parsing integers as floats
This commit is contained in:
@ -252,7 +252,8 @@ fn parseExpr(self: LowerZon, node: Ast.Node.Index, res_ty: Type) CompileError!In
switch (Type.zigTypeTag(res_ty, self.sema.pt.zcu)) {
.void => return self.parseVoid(node),
.bool => return self.parseBool(node),
.int, .comptime_int, .float, .comptime_float => return self.parseNumber(node, res_ty),
.int, .comptime_int => return self.parseInt(node, res_ty),
.float, .comptime_float => return self.parseFloat(node, res_ty),
.optional => return self.parseOptional(node, res_ty),
.null => return self.parseNull(node),
.@"enum" => return self.parseEnum(node, res_ty),
@ -544,7 +545,7 @@ fn parseBool(self: LowerZon, node: Ast.Node.Index) !InternPool.Index {
return self.fail(.{ .node_abs = node }, "expected bool", .{});
fn parseNumber(
fn parseInt(
self: LowerZon,
node: Ast.Node.Index,
res_ty: Type,
@ -693,64 +694,126 @@ fn parseNumber(
const float = if (is_negative == null) unsigned_float else -unsigned_float;
switch (Type.zigTypeTag(res_ty, self.sema.pt.zcu)) {
.float, .comptime_float => return self.sema.pt.intern(.{ .float = .{
.ty = res_ty.toIntern(),
.storage = switch (res_ty.floatBits(self.sema.pt.zcu.getTarget())) {
16 => .{ .f16 = @floatCast(float) },
32 => .{ .f32 = @floatCast(float) },
64 => .{ .f64 = @floatCast(float) },
80 => .{ .f80 = @floatCast(float) },
128 => .{ .f128 = float },
else => unreachable,
} }),
.int, .comptime_int => {
// Check for fractional components
if (@rem(float, 1) != 0) {
return self.fail(
.{ .node_abs = num_lit_node },
"fractional component prevents float value '{}' from coercion to type '{}'",
.{ float, res_ty.fmt(self.sema.pt) },
// Create a rational representation of the float
var rational = try std.math.big.Rational.init(gpa);
defer rational.deinit();
rational.setFloat(f128, float) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NonFiniteFloat => unreachable,
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
// The float is reduced in rational.setFloat, so we assert that denominator is equal to one
const big_one = std.math.big.int.Const{ .limbs = &.{1}, .positive = true };
if (is_negative != null) rational.negate();
// Check that the result is in range of the result type
const int_info = res_ty.intInfo(self.sema.pt.zcu);
if (!rational.p.fitsInTwosComp(int_info.signedness, int_info.bits)) {
return self.fail(
.{ .node_abs = num_lit_node },
"float value '{}' cannot be stored in integer type '{}'",
.{ float, res_ty.fmt(self.sema.pt) },
return self.sema.pt.zcu.intern_pool.get(gpa, self.sema.pt.tid, .{
.int = .{
.ty = res_ty.toIntern(),
.storage = .{ .big_int = rational.p.toConst() },
else => unreachable,
// Check for fractional components
if (@rem(float, 1) != 0) {
return self.fail(
.{ .node_abs = num_lit_node },
"fractional component prevents float value '{}' from coercion to type '{}'",
.{ float, res_ty.fmt(self.sema.pt) },
// Create a rational representation of the float
var rational = try std.math.big.Rational.init(gpa);
defer rational.deinit();
rational.setFloat(f128, float) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NonFiniteFloat => unreachable,
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
// The float is reduced in rational.setFloat, so we assert that denominator is equal to one
const big_one = std.math.big.int.Const{ .limbs = &.{1}, .positive = true };
if (is_negative != null) rational.negate();
// Check that the result is in range of the result type
const int_info = res_ty.intInfo(self.sema.pt.zcu);
if (!rational.p.fitsInTwosComp(int_info.signedness, int_info.bits)) {
return self.fail(
.{ .node_abs = num_lit_node },
"float value '{}' cannot be stored in integer type '{}'",
.{ float, res_ty.fmt(self.sema.pt) },
return self.sema.pt.zcu.intern_pool.get(gpa, self.sema.pt.tid, .{
.int = .{
.ty = res_ty.toIntern(),
.storage = .{ .big_int = rational.p.toConst() },
.failure => |err| return self.failWithNumberError(token, err),
.identifier => {
unreachable; // Decide what error to give here
else => return self.fail(.{ .node_abs = num_lit_node }, "invalid ZON value", .{}),
fn parseFloat(
self: LowerZon,
node: Ast.Node.Index,
res_ty: Type,
) !InternPool.Index {
const tags = self.file.tree.nodes.items(.tag);
const main_tokens = self.file.tree.nodes.items(.main_token);
const num_lit_node, const is_negative = if (tags[node] == .negation) b: {
const data = self.file.tree.nodes.items(.data);
break :b .{
} else .{
switch (tags[num_lit_node]) {
.char_literal => {
const token = main_tokens[num_lit_node];
const token_bytes = self.file.tree.tokenSlice(token);
var char: i64 = switch (std.zig.string_literal.parseCharLiteral(token_bytes)) {
.success => |char| char,
.failure => |err| {
const offset = self.file.tree.tokens.items(.start)[token];
return self.fail(
.{ .byte_abs = offset + @as(u32, @intCast(err.offset())) },
if (is_negative != null) char = -char;
return self.sema.pt.intern(.{ .float = .{
.ty = res_ty.toIntern(),
.storage = switch (res_ty.toIntern()) {
.f16_type => .{ .f16 = @floatFromInt(char) },
.f32_type => .{ .f32 = @floatFromInt(char) },
.f64_type => .{ .f64 = @floatFromInt(char) },
.f80_type => .{ .f80 = @floatFromInt(char) },
.f128_type, .comptime_float_type => .{ .f128 = @floatFromInt(char) },
else => unreachable,
} });
.number_literal => {
const token = main_tokens[num_lit_node];
const token_bytes = self.file.tree.tokenSlice(token);
var float = std.fmt.parseFloat(f128, token_bytes) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.InvalidCharacter => return self.fail(.{ .node_abs = num_lit_node }, "invalid character", .{}),
if (is_negative != null) float = -float;
return self.sema.pt.intern(.{
.float = .{
.ty = res_ty.toIntern(),
.storage = switch (res_ty.toIntern()) {
.f16_type => .{ .f16 = @floatCast(float) },
.f32_type => .{ .f32 = @floatCast(float) },
.f64_type => .{ .f64 = @floatCast(float) },
.f80_type => .{ .f80 = @floatCast(float) },
.f128_type, .comptime_float_type => .{ .f128 = float },
else => unreachable,
.identifier => {
switch (Type.zigTypeTag(res_ty, self.sema.pt.zcu)) {
.float, .comptime_float => {},
@ -765,28 +828,32 @@ fn parseNumber(
if (values.get(bytes)) |value| {
return switch (value) {
.nan => self.sema.pt.intern(.{ .float = .{
.ty = res_ty.toIntern(),
.storage = switch (res_ty.floatBits(self.sema.pt.zcu.getTarget())) {
16 => .{ .f16 = std.math.nan(f16) },
32 => .{ .f32 = std.math.nan(f32) },
64 => .{ .f64 = std.math.nan(f64) },
80 => .{ .f80 = std.math.nan(f80) },
128 => .{ .f128 = std.math.nan(f128) },
else => unreachable,
.nan => self.sema.pt.intern(.{
.float = .{
.ty = res_ty.toIntern(),
.storage = switch (res_ty.toIntern()) {
.f16_type => .{ .f16 = std.math.nan(f16) },
.f32_type => .{ .f32 = std.math.nan(f32) },
.f64_type => .{ .f64 = std.math.nan(f64) },
.f80_type => .{ .f80 = std.math.nan(f80) },
.f128_type, .comptime_float_type => .{ .f128 = std.math.nan(f128) },
else => unreachable,
} }),
.inf => self.sema.pt.intern(.{ .float = .{
.ty = res_ty.toIntern(),
.storage = switch (res_ty.floatBits(self.sema.pt.zcu.getTarget())) {
16 => .{ .f16 = if (is_negative == null) std.math.inf(f16) else -std.math.inf(f16) },
32 => .{ .f32 = if (is_negative == null) std.math.inf(f32) else -std.math.inf(f32) },
64 => .{ .f64 = if (is_negative == null) std.math.inf(f64) else -std.math.inf(f64) },
80 => .{ .f80 = if (is_negative == null) std.math.inf(f80) else -std.math.inf(f80) },
128 => .{ .f128 = if (is_negative == null) std.math.inf(f128) else -std.math.inf(f128) },
else => unreachable,
.inf => self.sema.pt.intern(.{
.float = .{
.ty = res_ty.toIntern(),
.storage = switch (res_ty.toIntern()) {
.f16_type => .{ .f16 = if (is_negative == null) std.math.inf(f16) else -std.math.inf(f16) },
.f32_type => .{ .f32 = if (is_negative == null) std.math.inf(f32) else -std.math.inf(f32) },
.f64_type => .{ .f64 = if (is_negative == null) std.math.inf(f64) else -std.math.inf(f64) },
.f80_type => .{ .f80 = if (is_negative == null) std.math.inf(f80) else -std.math.inf(f80) },
.f128_type, .comptime_float_type => .{ .f128 = if (is_negative == null) std.math.inf(f128) else -std.math.inf(f128) },
else => unreachable,
} }),
return self.fail(.{ .node_abs = num_lit_node }, "use of unknown identifier '{s}'", .{bytes});
@ -91,30 +91,23 @@ test "union" {
test "struct" {
const Vec0 = struct {};
const Vec1 = struct { x: f32 };
// const Vec2 = struct { x: f32, y: f32 };
// const Escaped = struct { @"0": f32, foo: f32 };
const Vec2 = struct { x: f32, y: f32 };
const Escaped = struct { @"0": f32, foo: f32 };
try expectEqual(Vec0{}, @as(Vec0, @import("zon/vec0.zon")));
try expectEqual(Vec1{ .x = 1.5 }, @as(Vec1, @import("zon/vec1.zon")));
// try expectEqual(Vec2{ .x = 1.5, .y = 2 }, @as(Vec2, @import("zon/vec2.zon")));
// try expectEqual(Escaped{ .@"0" = 1.5, .foo = 2 }, @as(Escaped, @import("zon/escaped_struct.zon")));
// The skipped parts are failing because we need to resolve an issue where we intern whole number
// floats incorrectly (they get parsed as integers and then we try to store them that way, they
// should just be parsed as floats)
return error.SkipZigTest;
try expectEqual(Vec2{ .x = 1.5, .y = 2 }, @as(Vec2, @import("zon/vec2.zon")));
try expectEqual(Escaped{ .@"0" = 1.5, .foo = 2 }, @as(Escaped, @import("zon/escaped_struct.zon")));
test "struct default fields" {
// We're skipping this for the same reason we skip some of the other struct tests
return error.SkipZigTest;
// const Vec3 = struct {
// x: f32,
// y: f32,
// z: f32 = 123.4,
// };
// try expectEqual(Vec3{ .x = 1.5, .y = 2.0, .z = 123.4 }, @as(Vec3, @import("zon/vec2.zon")));
// const ascribed: Vec3 = @import("zon/vec2.zon");
// try expectEqual(Vec3{ .x = 1.5, .y = 2.0, .z = 123.4 }, ascribed);
const Vec3 = struct {
x: f32,
y: f32,
z: f32 = 123.4,
try expectEqual(Vec3{ .x = 1.5, .y = 2.0, .z = 123.4 }, @as(Vec3, @import("zon/vec2.zon")));
const ascribed: Vec3 = @import("zon/vec2.zon");
try expectEqual(Vec3{ .x = 1.5, .y = 2.0, .z = 123.4 }, ascribed);
test "struct enum field" {
@ -272,42 +265,40 @@ test "int" {
test "floats" {
// See issue on disabled struct tests
return error.SkipZigTest;
// const expected = .{
// // Test decimals
// @as(f16, 0.5),
// @as(f32, 123.456),
// @as(f64, -123.456),
// @as(f128, 42.5),
const expected = .{
// Test decimals
@as(f16, 0.5),
@as(f32, 123.456),
@as(f64, -123.456),
@as(f128, 42.5),
// // Test whole numbers with and without decimals
// @as(f16, 5.0),
// @as(f16, 5.0),
// @as(f32, -102),
// @as(f32, -102),
// Test whole numbers with and without decimals
@as(f16, 5.0),
@as(f16, 5.0),
@as(f32, -102),
@as(f32, -102),
// // Test characters and negated characters
// @as(f32, 'a'),
// @as(f32, 'z'),
// @as(f32, -'z'),
// Test characters and negated characters
@as(f32, 'a'),
@as(f32, 'z'),
@as(f32, -'z'),
// // Test big integers
// @as(f32, 36893488147419103231),
// @as(f32, -36893488147419103231),
// @as(f128, 0x1ffffffffffffffff),
// @as(f32, 0x1ffffffffffffffff),
// Test big integers
@as(f32, 36893488147419103231),
@as(f32, -36893488147419103231),
@as(f128, 0x1ffffffffffffffff),
@as(f32, 0x1ffffffffffffffff),
// // Exponents, underscores
// @as(f32, 123.0E+77),
// Exponents, underscores
@as(f32, 123.0E+77),
// // Hexadecimal
// @as(f32, 0x103.70p-5),
// @as(f32, -0x103.70),
// @as(f32, 0x1234_5678.9ABC_CDEFp-10),
// };
// const actual: @TypeOf(expected) = @import("zon/floats.zon");
// try expectEqual(actual, expected);
// Hexadecimal
@as(f32, 0x103.70p-5),
@as(f32, -0x103.70),
@as(f32, 0x1234_5678.9ABC_CDEFp-10),
const actual: @TypeOf(expected) = @import("zon/floats.zon");
try expectEqual(actual, expected);
test "inf and nan" {
Reference in New Issue
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