mirror of
synced 2024-11-15 08:33:06 +00:00
Merge pull request #12477 from der-teufel-programming/master
Autodoc: HTML files generation
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ var zigAnalysis;
const domHdrName = document.getElementById("hdrName");
const domHelpModal = document.getElementById("helpModal");
const domSearchPlaceholder = document.getElementById("searchPlaceholder");
const sourceFileUrlTemplate = "/src-viewer/{{file}}#L{{line}}"
const sourceFileUrlTemplate = "src/{{file}}#L{{line}}"
const domLangRefLink = document.getElementById("langRefLink");
let lineCounter = 1;
@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ var zigAnalysis;
"switch(" +
cond +
") {" +
'<a href="/src-viewer/' +
'<a href="/src/' +
file_name +
"#L" +
line +
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ const Package = @import("Package.zig");
const Zir = @import("Zir.zig");
const Ref = Zir.Inst.Ref;
const log = std.log.scoped(.autodoc);
const Docgen = @import("autodoc/render_source.zig");
module: *Module,
doc_location: Compilation.EmitLoc,
@ -242,6 +243,7 @@ pub fn generateZirData(self: *Autodoc) !void {
try d.handle.openDir(self.doc_location.basename, .{})
try self.module.zig_cache_artifact_directory.handle.openDir(self.doc_location.basename, .{});
const data_js_f = try output_dir.createFile("data.js", .{});
defer data_js_f.close();
@ -266,6 +268,29 @@ pub fn generateZirData(self: *Autodoc) !void {
try buffer.flush();
output_dir.makeDir("src") catch |e| switch (e) {
error.PathAlreadyExists => {},
else => |err| return err,
const html_dir = try output_dir.openDir("src", .{});
var files_iterator = self.files.iterator();
while (files_iterator.next()) |entry| {
const new_html_path = entry.key_ptr.*.sub_file_path;
const html_file = try createFromPath(html_dir, new_html_path);
defer html_file.close();
var buffer = std.io.bufferedWriter(html_file.writer());
const out = buffer.writer();
try Docgen.genHtml(self.module.gpa, entry.key_ptr.*, out);
try buffer.flush();
// copy main.js, index.html
var docs_dir = try self.module.comp.zig_lib_directory.handle.openDir("docs", .{});
defer docs_dir.close();
@ -273,6 +298,26 @@ pub fn generateZirData(self: *Autodoc) !void {
try docs_dir.copyFile("index.html", output_dir, "index.html", .{});
fn createFromPath(base_dir: std.fs.Dir, path: []const u8) !std.fs.File {
var path_tokens = std.mem.tokenize(u8, path, std.fs.path.sep_str);
var dir = base_dir;
while (path_tokens.next()) |toc| {
if (path_tokens.peek() != null) {
dir.makeDir(toc) catch |e| switch (e) {
error.PathAlreadyExists => {},
else => |err| return err,
dir = try dir.openDir(toc, .{});
} else {
return dir.createFile(toc, .{}) catch |e| switch (e) {
error.PathAlreadyExists => try dir.openFile(toc, .{}),
else => |err| return err,
return error.EmptyPath;
/// Represents a chain of scopes, used to resolve decl references to the
/// corresponding entry in `self.decls`.
const Scope = struct {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const io = std.io;
const fs = std.fs;
const process = std.process;
const ChildProcess = std.ChildProcess;
const Progress = std.Progress;
const print = std.debug.print;
const mem = std.mem;
const testing = std.testing;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Module = @import("../Module.zig");
pub fn genHtml(
allocator: Allocator,
src: *Module.File,
out: anytype,
) !void {
try out.writeAll(
\\<!doctype html>
\\<html lang="en">
\\ <meta charset="utf-8">
\\ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
try out.print(" <title>{s} - source view</title>\n", .{src.sub_file_path});
try out.writeAll(
\\ <link rel="icon" href=""/>
\\ <style>
\\ body{
\\ font-family: system-ui, -apple-system, Roboto, "Segoe UI", sans-serif;
\\ margin: 0;
\\ line-height: 1.5;
\\ }
\\ pre > code {
\\ display: block;
\\ overflow: auto;
\\ line-height: normal;
\\ margin: 0em;
\\ }
\\ .tok-kw {
\\ color: #333;
\\ font-weight: bold;
\\ }
\\ .tok-str {
\\ color: #d14;
\\ }
\\ .tok-builtin {
\\ color: #005C7A;
\\ }
\\ .tok-comment {
\\ color: #545454;
\\ font-style: italic;
\\ }
\\ .tok-fn {
\\ color: #900;
\\ font-weight: bold;
\\ }
\\ .tok-null {
\\ color: #005C5C;
\\ }
\\ .tok-number {
\\ color: #005C5C;
\\ }
\\ .tok-type {
\\ color: #458;
\\ font-weight: bold;
\\ }
\\ pre {
\\ counter-reset: line;
\\ }
\\ pre .line:before {
\\ counter-increment: line;
\\ content: counter(line);
\\ display: inline-block;
\\ padding-right: 1em;
\\ width: 2em;
\\ text-align: right;
\\ color: #999;
\\ }
\\ @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
\\ body{
\\ background:#222;
\\ color: #ccc;
\\ }
\\ pre > code {
\\ color: #ccc;
\\ background: #222;
\\ border: unset;
\\ }
\\ .tok-kw {
\\ color: #eee;
\\ }
\\ .tok-str {
\\ color: #2e5;
\\ }
\\ .tok-builtin {
\\ color: #ff894c;
\\ }
\\ .tok-comment {
\\ color: #aa7;
\\ }
\\ .tok-fn {
\\ color: #B1A0F8;
\\ }
\\ .tok-null {
\\ color: #ff8080;
\\ }
\\ .tok-number {
\\ color: #ff8080;
\\ }
\\ .tok-type {
\\ color: #68f;
\\ }
\\ }
\\ </style>
const source = try src.getSource(allocator);
try tokenizeAndPrintRaw(allocator, out, source.bytes);
try out.writeAll(
const start_line = "<span class=\"line\" id=\"L{d}\">";
const end_line = "</span>\n";
var line_counter: usize = 1;
pub fn tokenizeAndPrintRaw(
allocator: Allocator,
out: anytype,
raw_src: [:0]const u8,
) !void {
const src = try allocator.dupeZ(u8, raw_src);
defer allocator.free(src);
line_counter = 1;
try out.print("<pre><code>" ++ start_line, .{line_counter});
var tokenizer = std.zig.Tokenizer.init(src);
var index: usize = 0;
var next_tok_is_fn = false;
while (true) {
const prev_tok_was_fn = next_tok_is_fn;
next_tok_is_fn = false;
const token = tokenizer.next();
if (mem.indexOf(u8, src[index..token.loc.start], "//")) |comment_start_off| {
// render one comment
const comment_start = index + comment_start_off;
const comment_end_off = mem.indexOf(u8, src[comment_start..token.loc.start], "\n");
const comment_end = if (comment_end_off) |o| comment_start + o else token.loc.start;
try writeEscapedLines(out, src[index..comment_start]);
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-comment\">");
try writeEscaped(out, src[comment_start..comment_end]);
try out.writeAll("</span>\n");
index = comment_end;
tokenizer.index = index;
try writeEscapedLines(out, src[index..token.loc.start]);
switch (token.tag) {
.eof => break,
=> {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-kw\">");
try writeEscaped(out, src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end]);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
.keyword_fn => {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-kw\">");
try writeEscaped(out, src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end]);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
next_tok_is_fn = true;
=> {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-str\">");
try writeEscaped(out, src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end]);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
.multiline_string_literal_line => {
if (src[token.loc.end - 1] == '\n') {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-str\">");
try writeEscaped(out, src[token.loc.start .. token.loc.end - 1]);
line_counter += 1;
try out.print("</span>" ++ end_line ++ "\n" ++ start_line, .{line_counter});
} else {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-str\">");
try writeEscaped(out, src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end]);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
.builtin => {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-builtin\">");
try writeEscaped(out, src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end]);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
=> {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-comment\">");
try writeEscaped(out, src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end]);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
.identifier => {
const tok_bytes = src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end];
if (mem.eql(u8, tok_bytes, "undefined") or
mem.eql(u8, tok_bytes, "null") or
mem.eql(u8, tok_bytes, "true") or
mem.eql(u8, tok_bytes, "false"))
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-null\">");
try writeEscaped(out, tok_bytes);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
} else if (prev_tok_was_fn) {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-fn\">");
try writeEscaped(out, tok_bytes);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
} else {
const is_int = blk: {
if (src[token.loc.start] != 'i' and src[token.loc.start] != 'u')
break :blk false;
var i = token.loc.start + 1;
if (i == token.loc.end)
break :blk false;
while (i != token.loc.end) : (i += 1) {
if (src[i] < '0' or src[i] > '9')
break :blk false;
break :blk true;
if (is_int or isType(tok_bytes)) {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-type\">");
try writeEscaped(out, tok_bytes);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
} else {
try writeEscaped(out, tok_bytes);
=> {
try out.writeAll("<span class=\"tok-number\">");
try writeEscaped(out, src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end]);
try out.writeAll("</span>");
=> try writeEscaped(out, src[token.loc.start..token.loc.end]),
.invalid, .invalid_periodasterisks => return error.ParseError,
index = token.loc.end;
try out.writeAll(end_line ++ "</code></pre>");
fn writeEscapedLines(out: anytype, text: []const u8) !void {
for (text) |char| {
if (char == '\n') {
try out.writeAll(end_line);
line_counter += 1;
try out.print(start_line, .{line_counter});
} else {
try writeEscaped(out, &[_]u8{char});
fn writeEscaped(out: anytype, input: []const u8) !void {
for (input) |c| {
try switch (c) {
'&' => out.writeAll("&"),
'<' => out.writeAll("<"),
'>' => out.writeAll(">"),
'"' => out.writeAll("""),
else => out.writeByte(c),
const builtin_types = [_][]const u8{
"f16", "f32", "f64", "f128", "c_longdouble", "c_short",
"c_ushort", "c_int", "c_uint", "c_long", "c_ulong", "c_longlong",
"c_ulonglong", "c_char", "anyopaque", "void", "bool", "isize",
"usize", "noreturn", "type", "anyerror", "comptime_int", "comptime_float",
fn isType(name: []const u8) bool {
for (builtin_types) |t| {
if (mem.eql(u8, t, name))
return true;
return false;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user