GP-3824: Including Ghidra jars and descriptions in SBOM

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Kurtz 2023-09-11 09:41:27 -04:00
parent 1efa660703
commit a5fa3f5db9

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@ -48,49 +48,88 @@ def generateHash(File file, String alg) {
* Gets the group, name, and version of the given jar from its pom.xml file, if it exists.
* Empty strings are returned for the group, name, and version if they could not be found
* in a pom.xml file.
* Gets the group, name, description, and version of the given jar from its pom.xml file, if
* it exists. Empty strings are returned for the group, name, description, and version if
* they could not be found in a pom.xml file.
* Note that some jars have more than one pom.xml for one reason or another, so we validate
* against the jar filename to ensure we'll get the right one.
def extractPomGroupNameVersion(File jarFile, FileTree jarFileTree) {
def extractFromPom(File jarFile, FileTree jarFileTree) {
def group = ""
def name = ""
def description = ""
def version = ""
jarFileTree.matching { include "**/pom.xml" }.each { pomFile ->
def pomProject = new XmlSlurper().parse(pomFile)
def artifactId = pomProject.artifactId.toString()
if ( {
name = artifactId
description = pomProject.description.toString()
group = pomProject.groupId.toString() ?: pomProject.parent.groupId.toString()
version = pomProject.version.toString() ?: pomProject.parent.version.toString()
return [group, name, version]
return [group ?: "", name ?: "", description ?: "", version ?: ""]
* Returns the name and version of the given jar file, which we expect to be of the form
* <name>-<version>.jar. Beware that both the name and version parts can contain dashes of
* their own. We will assume that the first dash with a digit that directly follows begins
* the version substring.
* Returns the name and version of the given jar file, which we expect to be of the form
* <name>-<version>.jar. Beware that both the name and version parts can contain dashes of
* their own. We will assume that the first dash with a digit that directly follows begins
* the version substring. An empty string is returned for the version if it could not be
* found.
def extractNameAndVersion(File jarFile) {
def name =[0..-5] // remove ".jar" extension
def extractFromFilename(File jarFile) {
def name =[0..<-4] // remove ".jar" extension
def version = ""
def matcher = name =~ ~/(?<name>.+?)-(?<version>\d.*)/
if (matcher.matches()) {
name ="name")
version ="version")
return [name, version]
return [name, version ?: ""]
* Gets the group, description and version of the given jar from its MANIFEST.MF file, if it
* exists. Empty strings are returned for the group, description, and version if they could
* not be found in a MANIFEST.MF file.
def extractFromManifest(File jarFile) {
def group = ""
def description = ""
def version = ""
def manifest = new JarFile(jarFile).manifest
if (manifest) {
version = manifest.mainAttributes.getValue("Bundle-Version")
if (!version) {
version = manifest.mainAttributes.getValue("Specification-Version")
if (!version) {
version = manifest.mainAttributes.getValue("Implementation-Version")
if (manifest.mainAttributes.getValue("Specification-Vendor") == "Ghidra") {
def name = jarFile.getName()[0..<-4] // remove ".jar" extension
description = "Ghidra ${name} module"
group = "ghidra"
if (!description) {
description = manifest.mainAttributes.getValue("Bundle-Description")
if (!description) {
description = manifest.mainAttributes.getValue("Specification-Title")
return [group ?: "", description ?: "", version ?: ""]
* Returns a mostly empty but initialized CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) map.
@ -109,13 +148,15 @@ def initializeSoftwareBillOfMaterials() {
* dependency arguments.
def getSoftwareBillOfMaterialsComponent(File distroDir, File jarFile, String group, String name, String version, String license) {
def getSoftwareBillOfMaterialsComponent(File distroDir, File jarFile, String group, String name,
String description, String version, String license) {
def component = [:]
component.type = "library" = group ?: "" = name ?: ""
component.description = description ?: ""
component.version = version ?: ""
if (group && name && version) {
if (group && name && version && !group.equals("ghidra")) {
component.purl = "pkg:maven/${group}/${name}@${version}"
component.hashes = []
@ -135,8 +176,6 @@ def getSoftwareBillOfMaterialsComponent(File distroDir, File jarFile, String gro
* Generates a CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for the given distibution
* directory and writes it to the given SBOM file.
* Note that the SBOM will only contain entries for non-Ghidra jars.
ext.writeSoftwareBillOfMaterials = { distroDir, sbomFile ->
def sbom = initializeSoftwareBillOfMaterials()
@ -144,21 +183,37 @@ ext.writeSoftwareBillOfMaterials = { distroDir, sbomFile ->
fileTree(distroDir).matching { include "**/*.jar" }.each { jarFile ->
def jarFileTree = zipTree(jarFile)
if (!isGhidraJar(jarFile)) {
// First try to get the group, name, and version from a pom.xml (if it exists)
def (group, name, version) = extractPomGroupNameVersion(jarFile, jarFileTree)
// If that didn't work, get the name and version from the filename. We are out of luck
// with the group for now.
if (!name) {
(name, version) = extractNameAndVersion(jarFile)
// Add our jar to the SBOM
sbom.components << getSoftwareBillOfMaterialsComponent(distroDir, jarFile, group, name, version, "")
// First try to get the group, name, description, and version from a pom.xml (if it exists)
def (group, name, description, version) = extractFromPom(jarFile, jarFileTree)
// If that didn't work, get the name and version from the filename. We are out of luck
// with the group for now.
if (!name) {
(name, version) = extractFromFilename(jarFile)
// Now try to get the description from a MANIFEST.MF file (if it exists). If we were unable
// to get the group and/or version from prior lookups, try to get them from the MANIFEST.MF
// file.
if (!description) {
def manifestGroup
def manifestVersion
(manifestGroup, description, manifestVersion) = extractFromManifest(jarFile)
if (!group) {
group = manifestGroup
if (!version) {
version = manifestVersion
// Normalize the whitespace in the description
if (description) {
description = description.trim().replaceAll("\\s+", " ")
// Add our jar to the SBOM
sbom.components << getSoftwareBillOfMaterialsComponent(distroDir, jarFile, group, name, description, version, "")
// Write the SBOM to a new file