GT-2897: More improvements.

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Kurtz 2019-06-25 15:20:25 -04:00
parent f866b0f5e7
commit 5f388e6bbc
4 changed files with 69 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -173,30 +173,29 @@ cp csframework.jar hfsx_dmglib.jar hfsx.jar iharder-base64.jar ~/flatRepo/
#### Get Dependencies for GhidraServer
Building the GhidraServer requires "Yet another Java service wrapper" (yajsw) version 12.12.
Download `` from their project on, and place it in a directory named:
`ghidra.bin/Ghidra/Features/GhidraServer/`. Note that `ghidra.bin` must be a sibling of `ghidra`:
Download `` from their project on, and place it in:
cd ~/Downloads # Or wherever
curl -OL
mkdir -p ~/git/ghidra/Ghidra/Features/GhidraServer/build/data/
cp ~/Downloads/ ~/git/ghidra/Ghidra/Features/GhidraServer/build/data/
mkdir -p ~/git/ghidra/Ghidra/Features/GhidraServer/build/
cp ~/Downloads/ ~/git/ghidra/Ghidra/Features/GhidraServer/build/
#### Get Dependencies for GhidraDev
Building the GhidraDev plugin for Eclipse requires the CDT and PyDev plugins for Eclipse.
Download `` from The Eclipse Foundation, and place it in a directory named:
`ghidra.bin/GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/buildDependencies/`. Note that
`ghidra.bin` must be a sibling of `ghidra`.
Download `` from The Eclipse Foundation, and place it in:
cd ~/Downloads # Or wherever
curl -OL ''
curl -o '' -L --retry 3 ''
sha512sum -c ''
mkdir -p ~/git/ghidra.bin/GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/buildDependencies/
cp ~/Downloads/ ~/git/ghidra.bin/GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/buildDependencies/
shasum -a 512 -c ''
mkdir -p ~/git/ghidra.bin/GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/GhidraDevPlugin/build/
cp ~/Downloads/ ~/git/ghidra/GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/GhidraDevPlugin/build/
Download `PyDev` from, and place it in the same directory:
@ -204,7 +203,7 @@ Download `PyDev` from, and place it in the same director
cd ~/Downloads # Or wherever
curl -OL
cp ~/Downloads/'PyDev' ~/git/ghidra.bin/GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/buildDependencies/
cp ~/Downloads/'PyDev ~/git/ghidra/GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/GhidraDevPlugin/build/
## Building Ghidra

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ addExports([
CopySpec yajswCopySpec = copySpec {
File localFile = file("build/data/${yajswRelease}.zip")
File localFile = file("build/${yajswRelease}.zip")
File binFile = file("${BIN_REPO}/Ghidra/Features/GhidraServer/${yajswRelease}.zip")
// First check if the file was downloaded and dropped in locally. If not, check in the bin

View File

@ -42,22 +42,14 @@ dependencies {
compileJava.enabled = false
jar.enabled = false
File libraryJarDestDir = file("build/data")
File pyDevSourceZipFile = file("${BIN_REPO}/GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/buildDependencies/PyDev")
File cdtSourceZipFile = file("${BIN_REPO}/GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/buildDependencies/")
File pyDevDestDir = file("build/data/buildDependencies/pydev")
File cdtDestDir = file("build/data/buildDependencies/cdt")
task utilityJar(type:Copy) {
destinationDir libraryJarDestDir
destinationDir file("build/data")
from { project(':Utility').jar } // using closure to delay until all projects evaluated
task launchSupportJar(type:Copy) {
destinationDir libraryJarDestDir
destinationDir file("build/data")
from { project(':LaunchSupport').jar } // using closure to delay until all projects evaluated
@ -65,13 +57,22 @@ task launchSupportJar(type:Copy) {
task pyDevUnpack(type:Copy) {
description "Unpack PyDev plugin archive for development use"
group "Development Preparation"
File pyDevDestDir = file("build/data/buildDependencies/pydev")
// Without this, the copyTask will unzip the file to check for "up to date"
onlyIf {
File localFile = file("build/PyDev")
File binFile = file("${BIN_REPO}/GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/buildDependencies/PyDev")
from zipTree(pyDevSourceZipFile)
// First check if the file was downloaded and dropped in locally. If not, check in the bin
// repo.
def pyDevZipTree = localFile.exists() ? zipTree(localFile) : zipTree(binFile)
from pyDevZipTree
exclude "**/.project", "**/.pydevproject"
destinationDir pyDevDestDir
@ -80,13 +81,22 @@ task pyDevUnpack(type:Copy) {
task cdtUnpack(type:Copy) {
description "Unpack CDT plugin archive for development use"
group "Development Preparation"
File cdtDestDir = file("build/data/buildDependencies/cdt")
// Without this, the copyTask will unzip the file to check for "up to date"
onlyIf {
File localFile = file("build/")
File binFile = file("${BIN_REPO}/GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/buildDependencies/")
from zipTree(cdtSourceZipFile)
// First check if the file was downloaded and dropped in locally. If not, check in the bin
// repo.
def cdtZipTree = localFile.exists() ? zipTree(localFile) : zipTree(binFile)
from cdtZipTree
destinationDir cdtDestDir

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ ext.AXML_MD5 = '55d70be9862c2b456cc91a933c197934'
ext.HFS_MD5 = 'cc1713d634d2cd1fd7f21e18ae4d5d5c'
ext.YAJSW_MD5 = 'e490ea92554f0238d74d4ef6161cb2c7'
ext.PYDEV_MD5 = '06263bdef4917c49d8d977d12c2d5073'
ext.CDT_MD5 = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
ext.CDT_MD5 = '8e9438a6e3947d614af98e1b58e945a2'
// Number of times to try and establish a connection when downloading files before
// failing
@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ def createConfigFile() {
repoConfigFile.write("ext.HOME = System.getProperty('user.home')")
repoConfigFile.append("\nallprojects {")
repoConfigFile.append("\nrepositories {")
repoConfigFile.append('\nflatDir name: "flat", dirs:["$HOME/flatRepo"]')
repoConfigFile.append("\n\trepositories {")
repoConfigFile.append('\n\t\tflatDir name: "flat", dirs:["$HOME/flatRepo"]')
@ -237,46 +237,40 @@ def populateFlatRepo() {
// 1. Download all the dependencies and verify their checksums. If the dependency has already
// been download, do NOT download again.
File file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR.path, '/')
def checksum = generateChecksum(file)
if (!(file.exists() && (checksum.equals(DEX_MD5)))) {
File file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, '')
if (!DEX_MD5.equals(generateChecksum(file))) {
download (DEX_ZIP, file.path)
validateChecksum(checksum, DEX_MD5);
validateChecksum(generateChecksum(file), DEX_MD5);
file = new File(FLAT_REPO_DIR.path + '/AXMLPrinter2.jar')
checksum = generateChecksum(file)
if (!(file.exists() && (checksum.equals(AXML_MD5)))) {
file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, 'AXMLPrinter2.jar')
if (!AXML_MD5.equals(generateChecksum(file))) {
download (AXML_ZIP, file.path)
validateChecksum(checksum, AXML_MD5);
validateChecksum(generateChecksum(file), AXML_MD5);
file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR.path + '/')
checksum = generateChecksum(file)
if (!(file.exists() && (checksum.equals(HFS_MD5)))) {
file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, '')
if (!HFS_MD5.equals(generateChecksum(file))) {
download (HFS_ZIP, file.path)
validateChecksum(checksum, HFS_MD5);
validateChecksum(generateChecksum(file), HFS_MD5);
file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR.path + '/')
checksum = generateChecksum(file)
if (!(file.exists() && (checksum.equals(YAJSW_MD5)))) {
file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, '')
if (!YAJSW_MD5.equals(generateChecksum(file))) {
download (YAJSW_ZIP, file.path)
validateChecksum(checksum, YAJSW_MD5);
validateChecksum(generateChecksum(file), YAJSW_MD5);
file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR.path + "/PyDev")
checksum = generateChecksum(file)
if (!(file.exists() && (checksum.equals(PYDEV_MD5)))) {
file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, 'PyDev')
if (!PYDEV_MD5.equals(generateChecksum(file))) {
download (PYDEV_ZIP, file.path)
validateChecksum(checksum, PYDEV_MD5);
validateChecksum(generateChecksum(file), PYDEV_MD5);
file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR.path + '/')
checksum = generateChecksum(file)
if (!(file.exists() && (checksum.equals(CDT_MD5)))) {
file = new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, '')
if (!CDT_MD5.equals(generateChecksum(file))) {
download (CDT_ZIP, file.path)
validateChecksum(checksum, CDT_MD5);
validateChecksum(generateChecksum(file), CDT_MD5);
// 2. Unzip the dependencies
@ -286,6 +280,7 @@ def populateFlatRepo() {
// 3. Copy the necessary jars to the flatRepo directory. Yajsw, CDT, and PyDev go directly into
// the source repository.
@ -300,7 +295,7 @@ def populateFlatRepo() {
def generateChecksum(file) {
if (!file.exists()) {
return null
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
@ -340,6 +335,13 @@ def copyDexTools() {
FileUtils.copyDirectory(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, 'dex2jar-2.0/lib/'), FLAT_REPO_DIR, new WildcardFileFilter("dex-*"));
* Copies the AXMLPrinter2 jar to the flat repository
def copyAXML() {
FileUtils.copyFile(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, 'AXMLPrinter2.jar'), new File(FLAT_REPO_DIR, "AXMLPrinter2.jar"));
* Copies the necessary hfsx jars to the flat repository
@ -354,21 +356,21 @@ def copyHfsx() {
* Copies the yajswdir zip to its location in the GhidraServer project.
def copyYajsw() {
FileUtils.copyFile(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, ""), new File(REPO_DIR, "Ghidra/Features/GhidraServer/build/data/"));
FileUtils.copyFile(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, ""), new File(REPO_DIR, "Ghidra/Features/GhidraServer/build/"));
* Copies the pydev zip to its bin repository location
def copyPyDev() {
FileUtils.copyFile(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, 'PyDev'), new File(REPO_DIR, "GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/GhidraDevPlugin/build/data/buildDependencies/PyDev"));
FileUtils.copyFile(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, 'PyDev'), new File(REPO_DIR, "GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/GhidraDevPlugin/build/PyDev"));
* Copies the cdt zip to its bin repository location
def copyCdt() {
FileUtils.copyFile(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, ''), new File(REPO_DIR, "GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/GhidraDevPlugin/build/data/buildDependencies/"));
FileUtils.copyFile(new File(DOWNLOADS_DIR, ''), new File(REPO_DIR, "GhidraBuild/EclipsePlugins/GhidraDev/GhidraDevPlugin/build/"));