#!/bin/bash # Remote Multimedia playback script for users with low bandwidth internet. # Written by Minki in 2023. Feel free to share and modify. # Client Dependencies: ffmpeg (with ffplay), ssh # Server Dependencies: sshd, ffmpeg, yt-dlp # PROCESSING SETTINGS: # Video stream parameters vStream="-vf scale=320:240 -r 8 -f matroska -c:v wmv1 -acodec libmp3lame -ac 1 -ar 44100" # Audio stream parameters aStream="-f mp3 -acodec libmp3lame -ac 1 -ar 44100" # SSH Server login details (user@server.top) sshLogin="mueller@muellers-software.org" # Youtube-dl installation path ytDlCmd="yt-dlp" # Initial Values: searchTerm="" inputUrl="" vBit="24" aBit="24" # FUNCTIONS: setInputType () { clear echo "1 URL" echo "2 YouTube URL" echo "3 YouTube Search" echo "4 Exit" read -n 1 inputType } setMode () { clear echo "1 Play Audio" echo "2 Play Video" echo "3 Download Audio" echo "4 Download Video" echo "5 Exit" read -n 1 mode } setAudioBitrate () { clear echo "Enter Audio Bitrate (in kbps)" read aBit } setVideoBitrate () { clear echo "Enter Video Bitrate (in kbps)" read vBit } setInputUrl () { echo "Enter URL" read inputUrl } setSearchTerm () { echo "Enter search term" read searchTerm } setSaveName () { echo "Save file as?" read saveName } setQuery () { echo "Enter a search term" read query } setFfArguments () { case $mode in 1) setAudioBitrate ffArguments="$aStream -b:a $aBit " ;; 2) setAudioBitrate setVideoBitrate ffArguments="$vStream -b:a $aBit -b:v $vBit" ;; 3) setAudioBitrate ffArguments="$aStream -b:a $aBit " ;; 4) setAudioBitrate setVideoBitrate ffArguments="$vStream -b:a $aBit -b:v $vBit" ;; 5) normalExit ;; *) abnormalExit ;; esac } normalExit () { echo "Interrupted by user." exit 0 } abnormalExit () { echo "Exiting abnormally..." exit 127 } # MAIN LOOP: # Intro screen: echo ' ___ _ __ __ _ _ ___ _ | _ \___ _ __ ___| |_ ___| \/ |___ __| (_)__ _| _ \___ __(_)______ | / -_) " \/ _ \ _/ -_) |\/| / -_) _` | / _` | / -_|_-< |_ / -_) |_|_\___|_|_|_\___/\__\___|_| |_\___\__,_|_\__,_|_|_\___/__/_/__\___| Written by mueller_minki in 2023. Feel free to share and modify!' sleep 1 clear echo 'IMPORTANT! If you do not have SSH keys set up, you will have to enter your password on every rempote operation. If you are using the search feature, this might get annoying.' sleep 1 setInputType # Query the user for what type of input they want to provide case $inputType in 1) # URL setInputUrl urlInputType="URL" setMode setFfArguments ;; 2) # YouTube URL setInputUrl urlInputType="YT" setMode setFfArguments ;; 3) # YouTube Search setSearchTerm urlInputType="YT" setMode setFfArguments ;; 4) normalExit ;; *) abnormalExit ;; esac if [ $mode -gt 2 ] then # Mode 3 or 4 aka Download setSaveName if [ $urlInputType == "URL" ] then ssh $sshLogin "ffmpeg -re -i \"$inputUrl\" $ffArguments pipe:1" > $saveName elif [ $urlInputType == "YT" ] then if [ $inputType == "3" ] then ssh $sshLogin "ffmpeg -re -i \$($ytDlCmd -q -f b -g \"ytsearch1:$inputUrl\" ) $ffArguments pipe:1" > $saveName else ssh $sshLogin "ffmpeg -re -i \$($ytDlCmd -q -f b -g \"$inputUrl\" ) $ffArguments pipe:1" > $saveName fi else abnormalExit fi else # Mode 1 or 2 aka Play if [ $urlInputType == "URL" ] then ssh $sshLogin "ffmpeg -re -i \"$inputUrl\" $ffArguments pipe:1" | ffplay -hide_banner -loglevel error -stats - elif [ $urlInputType == "YT" ] then if [ $inputType == "3" ] then ssh $sshLogin "ffmpeg -re -i \$($ytDlCmd -q -f b -g ytsearch1:\"$searchTerm\" ) $ffArguments pipe:1" | ffplay -hide_banner -loglevel error -stats - else ssh $sshLogin "ffmpeg -re -i \$($ytDlCmd -q -f b -g \"$inputUrl\" ) $ffArguments pipe:1" | ffplay -hide_banner -loglevel error -stats - fi else abnormalExit fi fi dialo