Yang Jihong aa172a5ad3 perf kwork top: Add -C/--cpu -i/--input -n/--name -s/--sort --time options
Provide the following options for perf kwork top:

1. -C, --cpu <cpu>		list of cpus to profile
2. -i, --input <file>		input file name
3. -n, --name <name>		event name to profile
4. -s, --sort <key[,key2...]>	sort by key(s): rate, runtime, tid
5. --time <str>		Time span for analysis (start,stop)

Example usage:

  # perf kwork top -h

   Usage: perf kwork top [<options>]

      -C, --cpu <cpu>       list of cpus to profile
      -i, --input <file>    input file name
      -n, --name <name>     event name to profile
      -s, --sort <key[,key2...]>
                            sort by key(s): rate, runtime, tid
          --time <str>      Time span for analysis (start,stop)

  # perf kwork top -C 2,4,5

  Total  :  51226.940 ms, 3 cpus
  %Cpu(s):  92.59% id,   0.00% hi,   0.09% si
  %Cpu2   [|                                4.61%]
  %Cpu4   [                                 0.01%]
  %Cpu5   [|||||                           17.31%]

        PID    %CPU           RUNTIME  COMMMAND
          0   99.98      17073.515 ms  swapper/4
          0   95.17      16250.874 ms  swapper/2
          0   82.62      14108.577 ms  swapper/5
       4342   21.70       3708.358 ms  perf
         16    0.13         22.296 ms  rcu_preempt
         75    0.02          4.261 ms  kworker/2:1
         98    0.01          2.540 ms  jbd2/sda-8
         61    0.01          3.404 ms  kcompactd0
         87    0.00          0.145 ms  kworker/5:1H
         73    0.00          0.596 ms  kworker/5:1
         41    0.00          0.041 ms  ksoftirqd/5
         40    0.00          0.718 ms  migration/5
         64    0.00          0.115 ms  kworker/4:1
         35    0.00          0.556 ms  migration/4
        353    0.00          1.143 ms  sshd
         26    0.00          1.665 ms  ksoftirqd/2
         25    0.00          0.662 ms  migration/2

  # perf kwork top -i

  Total  : 136601.588 ms, 8 cpus
  %Cpu(s):  95.66% id,   0.04% hi,   0.05% si
  %Cpu0   [                                 0.02%]
  %Cpu1   [                                 0.01%]
  %Cpu2   [|                                4.61%]
  %Cpu3   [                                 0.04%]
  %Cpu4   [                                 0.01%]
  %Cpu5   [|||||                           17.31%]
  %Cpu6   [                                 0.51%]
  %Cpu7   [|||                             11.42%]

        PID    %CPU           RUNTIME  COMMMAND
          0   99.98      17073.515 ms  swapper/4
          0   99.98      17072.173 ms  swapper/1
          0   99.93      17064.229 ms  swapper/3
          0   99.62      17011.013 ms  swapper/0
          0   99.47      16985.180 ms  swapper/6
          0   95.17      16250.874 ms  swapper/2
          0   88.51      15111.684 ms  swapper/7
          0   82.62      14108.577 ms  swapper/5
       4342   33.00       5644.045 ms  perf
       4344    0.43         74.351 ms  perf
         16    0.13         22.296 ms  rcu_preempt
       4345    0.05         10.093 ms  perf
       4343    0.05          8.769 ms  perf
       4341    0.02          4.882 ms  perf
       4095    0.02          4.605 ms  kworker/7:1
         75    0.02          4.261 ms  kworker/2:1
        120    0.01          1.909 ms  systemd-journal
         98    0.01          2.540 ms  jbd2/sda-8
         61    0.01          3.404 ms  kcompactd0
        667    0.01          2.542 ms  kworker/u16:2
       4340    0.00          1.052 ms  kworker/7:2
         97    0.00          0.489 ms  kworker/7:1H
         51    0.00          0.209 ms  ksoftirqd/7
         50    0.00          0.646 ms  migration/7
         76    0.00          0.753 ms  kworker/6:1
         45    0.00          0.572 ms  migration/6
         87    0.00          0.145 ms  kworker/5:1H
         73    0.00          0.596 ms  kworker/5:1
         41    0.00          0.041 ms  ksoftirqd/5
         40    0.00          0.718 ms  migration/5
         64    0.00          0.115 ms  kworker/4:1
         35    0.00          0.556 ms  migration/4
        353    0.00          2.600 ms  sshd
         74    0.00          0.205 ms  kworker/3:1
         33    0.00          1.576 ms  kworker/3:0H
         30    0.00          0.996 ms  migration/3
         26    0.00          1.665 ms  ksoftirqd/2
         25    0.00          0.662 ms  migration/2
        397    0.00          0.057 ms  kworker/1:1
         20    0.00          1.005 ms  migration/1
       2909    0.00          1.053 ms  kworker/0:2
         17    0.00          0.720 ms  migration/0
         15    0.00          0.039 ms  ksoftirqd/0

  # perf kwork top -n perf

  Total  : 136601.588 ms, 8 cpus
  %Cpu(s):  95.66% id,   0.04% hi,   0.05% si
  %Cpu0   [                                 0.01%]
  %Cpu1   [                                 0.00%]
  %Cpu2   [|                                4.44%]
  %Cpu3   [                                 0.00%]
  %Cpu4   [                                 0.00%]
  %Cpu5   [                                 0.00%]
  %Cpu6   [                                 0.49%]
  %Cpu7   [|||                             11.38%]

        PID    %CPU           RUNTIME  COMMMAND
       4342   15.74       2695.516 ms  perf
       4344    0.43         74.351 ms  perf
       4345    0.05         10.093 ms  perf
       4343    0.05          8.769 ms  perf
       4341    0.02          4.882 ms  perf

  # perf kwork top -s tid

  Total  : 136601.588 ms, 8 cpus
  %Cpu(s):  95.66% id,   0.04% hi,   0.05% si
  %Cpu0   [                                 0.02%]
  %Cpu1   [                                 0.01%]
  %Cpu2   [|                                4.61%]
  %Cpu3   [                                 0.04%]
  %Cpu4   [                                 0.01%]
  %Cpu5   [|||||                           17.31%]
  %Cpu6   [                                 0.51%]
  %Cpu7   [|||                             11.42%]

        PID    %CPU           RUNTIME  COMMMAND
          0   99.62      17011.013 ms  swapper/0
          0   99.98      17072.173 ms  swapper/1
          0   95.17      16250.874 ms  swapper/2
          0   99.93      17064.229 ms  swapper/3
          0   99.98      17073.515 ms  swapper/4
          0   82.62      14108.577 ms  swapper/5
          0   99.47      16985.180 ms  swapper/6
          0   88.51      15111.684 ms  swapper/7
         15    0.00          0.039 ms  ksoftirqd/0
         16    0.13         22.296 ms  rcu_preempt
         17    0.00          0.720 ms  migration/0
         20    0.00          1.005 ms  migration/1
         25    0.00          0.662 ms  migration/2
         26    0.00          1.665 ms  ksoftirqd/2
         30    0.00          0.996 ms  migration/3
         33    0.00          1.576 ms  kworker/3:0H
         35    0.00          0.556 ms  migration/4
         40    0.00          0.718 ms  migration/5
         41    0.00          0.041 ms  ksoftirqd/5
         45    0.00          0.572 ms  migration/6
         50    0.00          0.646 ms  migration/7
         51    0.00          0.209 ms  ksoftirqd/7
         61    0.01          3.404 ms  kcompactd0
         64    0.00          0.115 ms  kworker/4:1
         73    0.00          0.596 ms  kworker/5:1
         74    0.00          0.205 ms  kworker/3:1
         75    0.02          4.261 ms  kworker/2:1
         76    0.00          0.753 ms  kworker/6:1
         87    0.00          0.145 ms  kworker/5:1H
         97    0.00          0.489 ms  kworker/7:1H
         98    0.01          2.540 ms  jbd2/sda-8
        120    0.01          1.909 ms  systemd-journal
        353    0.00          2.600 ms  sshd
        397    0.00          0.057 ms  kworker/1:1
        667    0.01          2.542 ms  kworker/u16:2
       2909    0.00          1.053 ms  kworker/0:2
       4095    0.02          4.605 ms  kworker/7:1
       4340    0.00          1.052 ms  kworker/7:2
       4341    0.02          4.882 ms  perf
       4342   33.00       5644.045 ms  perf
       4343    0.05          8.769 ms  perf
       4344    0.43         74.351 ms  perf
       4345    0.05         10.093 ms  perf

  # perf kwork top --time 128800,

  Total  :  53495.122 ms, 8 cpus
  %Cpu(s):  94.71% id,   0.09% hi,   0.09% si
  %Cpu0   [                                 0.07%]
  %Cpu1   [                                 0.04%]
  %Cpu2   [||                               8.49%]
  %Cpu3   [                                 0.09%]
  %Cpu4   [                                 0.02%]
  %Cpu5   [                                 0.06%]
  %Cpu6   [                                 0.12%]
  %Cpu7   [||||||                          21.24%]

        PID    %CPU           RUNTIME  COMMMAND
          0   99.96       3981.363 ms  swapper/4
          0   99.94       3978.955 ms  swapper/1
          0   99.91       9329.375 ms  swapper/5
          0   99.87       4906.829 ms  swapper/3
          0   99.86       9028.064 ms  swapper/6
          0   98.67       3928.161 ms  swapper/0
          0   91.17       8388.432 ms  swapper/2
          0   78.65       7125.602 ms  swapper/7
       4342   29.42       2675.198 ms  perf
         16    0.18         16.817 ms  rcu_preempt
       4345    0.09          8.183 ms  perf
       4344    0.04          4.290 ms  perf
       4343    0.03          2.844 ms  perf
        353    0.03          2.600 ms  sshd
       4095    0.02          2.702 ms  kworker/7:1
        120    0.02          1.909 ms  systemd-journal
         98    0.02          2.540 ms  jbd2/sda-8
         61    0.02          1.886 ms  kcompactd0
        667    0.02          1.011 ms  kworker/u16:2
         75    0.02          2.693 ms  kworker/2:1
       4341    0.01          1.838 ms  perf
         30    0.01          0.788 ms  migration/3
         26    0.01          1.665 ms  ksoftirqd/2
         20    0.01          0.752 ms  migration/1
       2909    0.01          0.604 ms  kworker/0:2
       4340    0.00          0.635 ms  kworker/7:2
         97    0.00          0.214 ms  kworker/7:1H
         51    0.00          0.209 ms  ksoftirqd/7
         50    0.00          0.646 ms  migration/7
         76    0.00          0.602 ms  kworker/6:1
         45    0.00          0.366 ms  migration/6
         87    0.00          0.145 ms  kworker/5:1H
         40    0.00          0.446 ms  migration/5
         35    0.00          0.318 ms  migration/4
         74    0.00          0.205 ms  kworker/3:1
         33    0.00          0.080 ms  kworker/3:0H
         25    0.00          0.448 ms  migration/2
        397    0.00          0.057 ms  kworker/1:1
         17    0.00          0.365 ms  migration/0

Reviewed-by: Ian Rogers <>
Signed-off-by: Yang Jihong <>
Cc: Adrian Hunter <>
Cc: Alexander Shishkin <>
Cc: Ingo Molnar <>
Cc: Jiri Olsa <>
Cc: Kan Liang <>
Cc: Mark Rutland <>
Cc: Namhyung Kim <>
Cc: Peter Zijlstra <>
Cc: Ravi Bangoria <>
Cc: Sandipan Das <>
Signed-off-by: Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <>
2023-09-12 17:31:59 -03:00
android.txt perf tools: Update android build documentation 2016-07-04 20:27:27 -03:00
arm-coresight.txt perf docs: Fix man page build wrt perf-arm-coresight.txt 2022-10-25 17:40:48 -03:00
asciidoc.conf perf docs: Allow man page date to be specified 2019-09-27 09:26:14 -03:00
asciidoctor-extensions.rb perf Documentation: Support for asciidoctor 2018-04-26 13:47:10 -03:00
build-docdep.perl perf doc: Fix doc.dep 2021-08-02 09:56:17 -03:00
build-xed.txt perf script: Add --insn-trace for instruction decoding 2018-10-24 15:29:50 -03:00
Build.txt perf tools: Add doc about how to build perf with Asan and UBSan 2019-03-19 16:52:04 -03:00
callchain-overhead-calculation.txt perf tools: Document --children option in more detail 2015-04-29 10:38:06 -03:00
cat-texi.perl perf doc: Fix build 2021-08-02 09:56:17 -03:00
db-export.txt perf db-export: Add brief documentation 2019-06-05 09:47:57 -03:00
examples.txt perf tools: Replace links with lore 2021-02-11 12:54:27 -03:00
guest-files.txt perf tools: Tidy guest option documentation 2022-08-11 18:50:17 -03:00
guestmount.txt perf tools: Tidy guest option documentation 2022-08-11 18:50:17 -03:00
intel-bts.txt perf tools: Add Intel BTS support 2015-08-21 11:34:10 -03:00
intel-hybrid.txt perf record: Fix manpage formatting of description of support to hybrid systems 2022-08-27 11:55:17 -03:00
intel-pt.txt perf intel-pt: Update intel-pt.txt file with new location of the documentation 2020-03-11 11:00:33 -03:00
itrace.txt perf intel-pt: Synthesize cycle events 2023-02-17 11:02:44 -03:00
jitdump-specification.txt perf doc: Fix typos all over the place 2021-09-27 09:32:28 -03:00
Makefile perf doc: Add support for KBUILD_BUILD_TIMESTAMP 2023-05-15 17:49:01 -03:00
perf-annotate.txt perf symbol: Add command line support for addr2line path 2023-04-04 09:39:56 -03:00
perf-arm-spe.txt perf docs: Add man page entry for Arm SPE 2022-04-14 08:54:03 -03:00
perf-bench.txt perf bench uprobe: Add benchmark to test uprobe overhead 2023-07-20 11:31:19 -03:00
perf-buildid-cache.txt perf record: Disable debuginfod by default 2022-01-15 17:41:25 -03:00
perf-buildid-list.txt perf buildid-list: Add a "-m" option to show kernel and modules build-ids 2022-07-18 16:35:34 -03:00
perf-c2c.txt perf c2c: Add report option to show false sharing in adjacent cachelines 2023-02-16 09:33:45 -03:00
perf-config.txt perf parse-events: Remove BPF event support 2023-08-15 16:41:48 -03:00
perf-daemon.txt perf daemon: Add examples to man page 2021-02-11 10:19:52 -03:00
perf-data.txt perf data: Add JSON export 2021-04-29 10:30:58 -03:00
perf-diff.txt perf tools: Make quiet mode consistent between tools 2022-10-27 16:37:26 -03:00
perf-dlfilter.txt perf dlfilter: Add al_cleanup() 2023-08-15 16:41:49 -03:00
perf-evlist.txt perf tools: Fix documentation of verbose options 2021-03-06 16:54:26 -03:00
perf-ftrace.txt perf docs: Fix format of unordered lists 2023-08-16 08:37:49 -03:00
perf-inject.txt perf inject: Clarify build-id options a little bit 2022-10-04 08:55:22 -03:00
perf-intel-pt.txt perf intel-pt: Synthesize cycle events 2023-02-17 11:02:44 -03:00
perf-iostat.txt perf docs: Fix accidental em-dashes 2021-08-10 11:05:21 -03:00
perf-kallsyms.txt perf tools: Fix documentation of verbose options 2021-03-06 16:54:26 -03:00
perf-kmem.txt perf kmem: Improve man page for record options 2021-10-08 16:10:02 -03:00
perf-kvm.txt perf kvm: Update documentation to reflect new changes 2023-03-15 16:53:43 -03:00
perf-kwork.txt perf kwork top: Add -C/--cpu -i/--input -n/--name -s/--sort --time options 2023-09-12 17:31:59 -03:00
perf-list.txt perf tools docs: Use canonical ftrace path 2023-02-02 16:32:19 -03:00
perf-lock.txt perf lock contention: Add --output option 2023-07-01 10:48:48 -07:00
perf-mem.txt perf mem/c2c: Document that SPE is used for mem and c2c on ARM 2023-01-27 15:00:34 -03:00
perf-probe.txt perf docs: Fix a typo in 'perf probe' man page: l20th -> 120th 2023-01-19 09:49:59 -03:00
perf-record.txt perf record: Track sideband events for all CPUs when tracing selected CPUs 2023-09-12 17:31:43 -03:00
perf-report.txt perf symbol: Add command line support for addr2line path 2023-04-04 09:39:56 -03:00
perf-sched.txt perf sched timehist: Add support for filtering on CPU 2020-01-06 11:46:09 -03:00
perf-script-perl.txt perf tools docs: Use canonical ftrace path 2023-02-02 16:32:19 -03:00
perf-script-python.txt perf tools docs: Use canonical ftrace path 2023-02-02 16:32:19 -03:00
perf-script.txt perf script: Add new output field 'dsoff' to print dso offset 2023-05-12 15:21:49 -03:00
perf-stat.txt perf stat: Document --metric-no-threshold and threshold colors 2023-06-05 16:04:14 -03:00
perf-test.txt perf test: Add Symbols test 2023-01-22 18:09:56 -03:00
perf-timechart.txt perf timechart: Document missing --force option 2017-11-16 14:50:06 -03:00
perf-top.txt perf top: Add --branch-history option 2023-04-04 09:39:56 -03:00
perf-trace.txt perf tools: Fix documentation of verbose options 2021-03-06 16:54:26 -03:00
perf-version.txt perf version: Add man page 2018-04-02 13:52:23 -03:00 perf record: Put a copy of kcore into the directory 2019-11-06 15:43:05 -03:00 perf doc: Fix typo in 2023-07-28 19:01:16 -03:00
perf.txt perf docs: Add man page entry for Arm SPE 2022-04-14 08:54:03 -03:00
perfconfig.example perf config: Show default report configuration in example and docs 2016-09-01 09:44:13 -03:00
security.txt perf docs: Introduce security.txt file to document related issues 2020-05-28 10:03:26 -03:00
tips.txt perf tools: Fix typos / broken sentences 2019-07-02 16:08:16 -03:00
topdown.txt perf doc: Refresh topdown documentation 2023-02-19 08:10:15 -03:00