make links clickable

This commit is contained in:
ouwou 2020-10-09 23:14:57 -04:00
parent 2798bf96d5
commit a93230e692
2 changed files with 81 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -171,6 +171,7 @@ void ChatMessageItemContainer::UpdateTextComponent(Gtk::TextView *tv) {
switch (data->Type) {
case MessageType::DEFAULT:
b->insert_markup(s, ParseMessageContent(Glib::Markup::escape_text(data->Content)));
case MessageType::GUILD_MEMBER_JOIN:
b->insert_markup(s, "<span color='#999999'><i>[user joined]</i></span>");
@ -388,6 +389,82 @@ std::string ChatMessageItemContainer::ParseMentions(std::string content) {
void ChatMessageItemContainer::HandleLinks(Gtk::TextView *tv) {
constexpr static const auto links_regex = R"(\bhttps?:\/\/[^\s]+\.[^\s]+\b)";
std::regex rgx(links_regex, std::regex_constants::ECMAScript);
tv->signal_button_press_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ChatMessageItemContainer::OnLinkClick), false);
auto buf = tv->get_buffer();
std::string text = buf->get_text();
std::string::const_iterator sstart(text.begin());
std::smatch match;
bool any = false;
// i'd like to let this be done thru css like .message-link { color: #bitch; } but idk how
auto &settings = Abaddon::Get().GetSettings();
auto link_color = settings.GetSettingString("misc", "linkcolor", "rgba(40, 200, 180, 255)");
while (std::regex_search(sstart, text.cend(), match, rgx)) {
any = true;
Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator start, end;
buf->get_bounds(start, end);
std::string pre = match.prefix().str();
std::string link = match.str();
auto tag = buf->create_tag();
m_linkmap[tag] = link;
tag->property_foreground_rgba() = Gdk::RGBA(link_color);
buf->get_bounds(start, end);
end = buf->insert(end, pre);
end = buf->insert_with_tag(end, link, tag);
sstart = match.suffix().first;
Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator start, end;
buf->get_bounds(start, end);
if (any) {
buf->insert(end, match.suffix().str());
} else {
buf->insert(end, text);
bool ChatMessageItemContainer::OnLinkClick(GdkEventButton *ev) {
if (m_text_component == nullptr) return false;
if (ev->type != Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS) return false;
if (ev->button != GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY) return false;
auto buf = m_text_component->get_buffer();
Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator start, end;
buf->get_selection_bounds(start, end); // no open if selection
if (start.get_offset() != end.get_offset())
return false;
int x, y;
m_text_component->window_to_buffer_coords(Gtk::TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET, ev->x, ev->y, x, y);
Gtk::TextBuffer::iterator iter;
m_text_component->get_iter_at_location(iter, x, y);
const auto tags = iter.get_tags();
for (auto tag : tags) {
const auto it = m_linkmap.find(tag);
if (it != m_linkmap.end()) {
return true;
return false;
void ChatMessageItemContainer::ShowMenu(GdkEvent *event) {
const auto &client = Abaddon::Get().GetDiscordClient();
const auto *data = client.GetMessage(ID);

View File

@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ protected:
std::string ParseMessageContent(std::string content);
std::string ParseMentions(std::string content);
void HandleLinks(Gtk::TextView *tv);
bool OnLinkClick(GdkEventButton *ev);
std::map<Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TextTag>, std::string> m_linkmap; // sue me
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<Gtk::Image *, AttachmentData>> m_img_loadmap;
void AttachMenuHandler(Gtk::Widget *widget);