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OffiTracker as a python library

The OffiTracker program is designed in a way that allows it to be integrated in other projects by importing it.

A reference design for this use case can be found in the file.


The OffiTracker library can be imported by putting the line

import offitracker

in the head of your python project. For this to work, you need to place the file in your projects directory as well as the drums folder.

The stop signal

Before we start playing anything, it would be useful to know how to stop the playback again.

For that, OffiTracker has a stop_signal variable which we can change from outside.


import offitracker as oftr

# Set stop signal to False to allow for playback
oftr.stop_signal = False

# Set stop signal to True to stop playback
oftr.stop_signal = True

Playing a csv file

Playing a csv file in the OffiTracker format can be done using the play_csv_file function.


import offitracker as oftr

# Set stop signal to False to allow for playback
oftr.stop_signal = False
# Start playing back a file

Playback position, threading

The play_csv_file function has an optional playback_row_index variable that stores the currently playing row. If the variable is not initialized, the function will print a status message to stdout. Initializing it will disable that message and instead store the value which is useful when writing more complex software around the library.


import offitracker as oftr
import threading
import time

def playback_thread(csv_file_path):
    # Set stop signal to False to allow for playback
    oftr.stop_signal = False
    # Initialise playback row index
    oftr.playback_row_index = 0
    # Start playing back the file

# Example CSV file path
csv_file_path = "example.csv"

# Create a thread for playback
playback_thread = threading.Thread(target=playback_thread, args=(csv_file_path,))

    # Start the playback thread

    while not oftr.stop_signal:
        # Read the current row index
        current_row_index = oftr.playback_row_index
        print(f"Current Row Index: {current_row_index}")
        time.sleep(1)  # Adjust the sleep duration as needed

except KeyboardInterrupt:
    # Set stop signal to True to stop playback when Ctrl+C is pressed
    oftr.stop_signal = True
    playback_thread.join()  # Wait for the playback thread to finish

print("Playback stopped.")