################################################################ INSTALLATION: Dependencies: --- If you are planning on installing Minecraft: Playable Edition, you will need to have one of the following launchers: - Prism Launcher (https://prismlauncher.org/) [RECOMMENDED] - PollyMC (https://github.com/fn2006/PollyMC) [OFFLINE ONLY] The stock launcher or other jar-based launchers will not work as support for jar patching is lacking. You also need to have a working install of Java 8 and 17. You can download compatible versions of Java here: (https://adoptium.net/en-GB/marketplace/) Simply choose your OS and architecture, select JRE as the Package Type and Version 8 or 17. Then click download on the Temurin labled version (for Windows users I recommend using the MSI file download option). Installing the pack: --- So, as you now have Java and the launcher installed, it is time to install the actual modpack. This process is pretty straight forward. Step 1: Open the launcher. If this is the first time you are running the launcher you might need to complete a first time setup. If you don't know how to do that, refer to the FAQ/Troubleshooting section of this document. Step 2: Click on Add Instance. A window should pop up. Step 3: Click on Import from zip in the list menu on the left of the window. Step 4: Click into the text field with the hint "http://" and paste the desired versions url. 1.20: http://muellers-software.org/prjcts/1.20.playable.zip 1.19: http://muellers-software.org/prjcts/1.19.playable.zip 1.12.2: http://muellers-software.org/prjcts/1.12.playable.zip Step 5: After the instance downloaded, click onto Edit Instance, Settings, Java Autodetect and select the right one. If everything went according to plan, you should now be able to launch PLE by pressing the Launch button underneath the instances icon. If the game doesn't start, skip down to the FAQ/Troubleshooting section. ################################################################ FAQ/TROUBLESHOOTING: Q: Skins don't render, help! A: This is a known issue with how our skin servers work when there are a lot of request. We are working on resolving this in a future update. For now, simply leave your world/server and join again. This should make the skins load again. Q: Player models aren't showing up, how to fix? A: You most likely have model loading disabled in your safety settings. Press G while in-game to open the CPM menu. Select Safety Settings and select a profile. Q: How do I get past the "Quick Setup" of my launcher? A: On the first screen select the launchers language. We usually go with British English as its ideal for reviewing error messages. Press "Next". On the second screen, select your version of Java. If you followed the tutorial, you should have installed Java 8 earlier. Select it. (Version should be 1.8.0_something). In the Memory section below, click into the "Maximum memory allocation" field below, enter 2048. Now you can finish the first time setup by pressing "Finish". If you jumped here from the Installation section, continue with step 2 now. Q: The game crashes with "[ARGUMENT] is not supported by [JAVAVERSION]" or "[ARGUMENT] is deprecated", how do I fix that? A: You most likely have multipe Java versions installed on your PC. To bypass this issue, click "Edit Instance -> Settings -> Java installation -> Auto-detect...". A window should open up that lets you select a different version of Java. If using 1.12.2, Select a version of Java 8 or on 1.19 Java 17 (jre or jdk). Q: I am running an outdated build of Java. Some arguments are not supported. Can I just disable them? A: You can disable incompatible Java arguments in the Settings and the game will still work. Just keep in mind that these are optimised to increase performance and disabling them will make the game slower. Q: The game ran out of memory, how do I fix this? A: Make sure that your PC has at least 256 MB of RAM and you are using a Java version that matches your devices architecture. Once that is done, go into "Edit Instance -> Settings -> Memory -> Maximum memory allocation" and enter a number higher than 256. Q: I am running Windows 10/11 and only have 4 GB RAM. The operating system is using up too much memory for the game to launch. How can I make Windows use less RAM? A: Install Mem Reduct (shorturl.at/abNS4). Run the program as Administrator and configure it to clean RAM every 5 minutes. Q: My game randomly crashes after some time with "Process crashed with exitcode -1073740940.", how can I fix that? A: This error is known and not related to Minecraft or the JRE. It is a problem with some american versions of Windows 10/11. To fix it, Go to Controlpanel > Region > Administrative, and on Languages for non-unicode programs, change regional configuration, check 'Use UTF-8 to language support worldwide' then restart the computer. ################################################################ Addition from 2024-04-01: WE DID IT! We have made the ultimative Playstation 1 Minecraft experience! PLESX v1 is the game no one wanted but everyone got anyways! More info here: http://muellers-software.org/mueltube/watch/?user=minki&file=0024.mp4 Edit: This was the april fools update from 2024. Download: http://muellers-software.org/prjcts/PLESX-v1.zip