_ _ _ | |__ _ _ ____ _| |__ _____ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ __| |___ | '_ \ || (_-< || | '_ \/ _ \ \ / | || | '_ \/ _` | '_/ _` / _` / -_) |_.__/\_,_/__/\_, |_.__/\___/_\_\ \_,_| .__/\__, |_| \__,_\__,_\___| |__/ |_| |___/ Modern Busybox build for MCL. Supports MCL versions 1.0 or higher. No additional dependencies required. Busybox is basically a swiss army knife for linux, providing a large amount of common unix commands out of one small single static binary. Busybox can be used as an init system too in case you don't want to use MCLs default init. Commands provided by this package: - [ - [[ - addgroup - adduser - ar - awk - basename - bbconfig - bunzip2 - busybox - bzcat - cal - cat - chgrp - chmod - chown - chroot - chvt - clear - cmp - cp - cpio - cut - date - dc - dd - delgroup - deluser - df - dirname - dmesg - dos2unix - du - e2fsck - echo - egrep - env - expr - false - fbset - fdformat - fdisk - fgrep - find - fold - free - fsck.ext2 - fsck.ext3 - ftpget - ftpput - getty - grep - gunzip - gzip - halt - hdparm - head - hostname - httpd - id - ifconfig - init - insmod - kill - killall - length - less - ln - login - losetup - ls - lsmod - makedevs - md5sum - mkdir - mke2fs - mkfs.ext2 - mkfs.ext3 - mknod - mkswap - modprobe - more - mount - mv - nc - netstat - nslookup - passwd - patch - pidof - ping - poweroff - printf - ps - pwd - reboot - renice - reset - rm - rmdir - rmmod - route - rpm - run-parts - sed - seq - sleep - sort - strings - stty - su - swapoff - swapon - sync - syslogd - tail - tar - tee - telnet - test - time - top - touch - tr - traceroute - true - tty - udhcpc - umount - uname - uniq - unix2dos - unzip - uudecode - vi - watch - wc - wget - which - whoami - xargs - yes - zcat